What makes 60,000 people want to watch another person play a shitty MMORPG?

What makes 60,000 people want to watch another person play a shitty MMORPG?

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zoomers have no soul

Marketing on sites like this. There's threads about that weird looking guy every hour. I bet half of those watchers are from Yea Forums

Literally the only excuse for watching streams that I hear from people I ask is

>I dunno man it just feels like I'm hanging out with someone, like I'm not alone

Fucking pathetic.

same thing it makes 60k people post here everyday


zoomers literally only know how to consume, it is quite worrying

allowing teenagers to do anything besides school.

Bad parenting.

waiting for another outrage or reaction video worthy content?

Also true but no one ever admits that, let alone everyone.

Dont usually watch wow streams but decided to watch it on classic launch to see what all the hype was about
>Asmongold constantly doing something, constantly cracking jokes, has people in discord with him also making jokes, he’s watching videos during downtime
>watch all the other high views streamers
>they sit in silence and only talk about the game
I don’t watch wow but I can see why he gets more viewers than the rest

Reminder, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with watching a Classic stream on one monitor whilst watching mommy JOI on another

I generally put on Twitch to check out some games/gameplay. I want to see what the hubbub is about a game to decide if I want to give it a go. I pirate all the games and if they're good I'll buy them. I don't tune in to watch anyone specific no matter what they play though. I can see people having it open though as background noise on another monitor or TV. Nobody really watches Cable/OTA TV anymore as you have Youtube and sites like Twitch.

What makes 6 million people want to watch another person play a shitty sport?
Some people think it's entertaining. It may not be your cup of tea, but neither is the shit you watch to someone else

I thought millenials were the most lonely and detached from society generation.Are you telling me that zoomers will be even worse?

Haha remember machinima and Runescape or Naruto music videos? Now that was entertainment!

>ass mongoloid
You have to be mentally retarded to watch this ugly motherfucker in front of his fucking computer playing shitty games.

hey he walked into wendys last week

what's pathetic is seething over what other people are doing on the internet.

Seriously who fucking cares mind your own business fucking autist

He's barely playing, the guy talks non-stop on the stream. It's more like listening to NPR or some one man podcast.

he can talk non stop about nothing
i listen to him when i grind in tranny14

Same reason people post here

End stage societal breakdown combined with "Parasocial Relationship Syndrome". The streamer doesn't know these people, they are a number, yet the drone believes they are close friends in some way.

Its a marketing bonanza of sociopathic complexes.

I can't wait for us to go extinct.

Maybe they'd rather play themselves but can't get past the queue.

It's mainly because the guy is so anti-social and fails at so much basic shit like Hygiene that he's just the living embodiment of the "basement dweller" meme. His audience though is mainly like him and treat him as some sorta god from what I could see. He can even sleep on stream and go afk for hours and not be banned or punished for it even when twitch staff is watching. The only reason why me and my buds watch him though is because of how much of a failure they are at life and it's amusing to watch their basement dweller antics.

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No one has ever said this you nusoi cuck. Don't fucking reply to me you dumb motherfucker

those are millenials tho
you think zoomers give a shit about some mmo from literally 13 years ago ?

I fucking hate zoomers. This doesnt make it any less shit. You're literally watching a psycho eyed faggot play a video game, objectively the most boring shit ever.

For me it's like having the tv on in the background. Sometimes i get tired of music, and streams offer some mindless fun.

What I don't understand is all the people actually writing in chat. It moves so fast, literally nobody is reading what you wrote. You could open up a blank notead and type to your hearts content with the same effect.

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Asmongold is a moderate guy and most people are pretty moderate.

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Plenty of people have said it and you are obviously assblasted by it.

Now that's a genuine cope post, if I have ever seen one.

At least 30k are viewbots

how much money does this nigger make?

it's always crazy to see unremarkable people with no skills walk into wealth.

>22% of young adults say they have no friends

LMAO I took this screenshot like years ago and only now realised the thot on the left is his girlfriend. wew lad.

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And you're bitching about him on Yea Forums. You sure are better aren't you?

>*tips $200* hey man haha just thought I'd give you half my paycheck to make your day
>*tips $20* bro you missed my tip haha
zoomers are fucking pathetic.

Honestly, I have no fucking clue what drives people to watch some dorkass loser play an MMO of all things

Is she wearing groucho glasses?

kill yourself. not all opinions are equal, especially yours which is garbage

you think he's tapping it raw?

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I don't know man I play video games n shit.

Ooooh damn you got me with that hot take their chief. Did I strike a nerve?

Imagine having no hobbies, no job, no friends

looks like a man

never stops going big dik in bagene,

why is her face so funny?

Because he's my friend and he says my name when I subscribe or make a donation after I make my paycheck. It gives me validation.

that's a freudian slip if I eve saw one

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Is it really any worse than shitposting on Yea Forums(nel) with a bunch of strangers under the guise of anonymity?

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>BRUH you're no better because you're talking about him on Yea Forums
>seriously trying to do use tu quoque
you argue like a teenager you stupid underaged faggot.

>lilzoom donates 5$
>s-sorry asmon I didn't have much this month I'll make more next month I promise!
>meanwhile streamer calls him fucking trash for donating 5$ only

who gives a fuck about her face

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good goy

Zoomies are brain dead

looks like a man

she looks like she sucks and fucks black guys like pic related

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What's wrong with her face? She just looks a little derpy.


Blizzard is pouring asstons of marketing $$$ into Classic. It's up to you if you want to fall for it.

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Have you seen the chat in streams with more than ~1000 viewers or so?
It's just a torrent of memes and aids and at best you are adding a stream of piss to it that nobody will notice.

Background noise for me while cooking or cleaning kinda like podcasts. Some dudes are really calm to listen to.

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plastic surgery

>Have you seen the chat in streams with more than ~1000 viewers or so?
I never actually do live streams because of that specific reason. Stream highlights on youtube is more my boomer speed. What is the point of streams if the chat is to fast to participate with?

that's not thicc that's chonk

if you zoom into her hips you can see where it's been shooped to look like she has curves.

Pc faggots are in a 10 year long game drought. Thats what makes them watch pc all day


Not meant for small dick energy.

Why does this faggot and his soi guzzling face keep appearing in my reccomended videos despite never even watching him or any WoW youtuber for that matter?

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I've got no problem with watching streamers, but holy shit, this "tipping" thing is crazy. Like I get subscribing to their channels. If you watch some bro 8 hours a day, every day, you might want to give him a steady stream of income to keep doing it. Fine. I"m not doing that, but fine. But these people who are like, "HEY ASMON! I just got off work, it's pay day! Here's $100," they're just fucking crazy.

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Dude this is like watching some fifth division team losing against an eight division team. I get watching streams of extremely skilled players to see all they can do. But assgoblin is a loser (in WoW, in life he’s set) I can’t even begin to think how retarded the assmondrones can be if they look up to this guy

Kek, this is off another stream. Guess we watch the same garbage. Ha ha ha T_T


Name one good mmorpg in the most recent 10 yearsprotip:you can't

asmongold is my friend you fucker.

take it back.

I have no interest in watching a "skilled player." I just want someone entertaining to talk. The video game is ancillary, it's just something to build the show on.

Also, Asmongold doesn't even try to be good at the game. On retail he's just about collecting shit.

the (((algorithm)))

nah brah her thighs are not supple at all it's merely water in her thighs no substance like forreal.

Click on the 3 dots, select "Not Interested".
Click on "Feedback" that appears over the video's thumbnail and then select don't recommend me videos from this channel again.
Don't even need any addons to get rid of them.

Can anyone fucking explain why I keep getting recommended "asmongold reacts to..." shit? I don't play wow I don't watch reaction videos.

this board loves this guy, it's just reddit 2 now. don't bother

The only streams I like to watch are where the streamer is pretty fucking skilled at what he does himself, but those are rare as fuck.

I've watched a bit of this dudes stream since classic became a thing.

he comes off as pretty humble, and doesn't take himself seriously.

I bet you think the twitch thots that you throw money at as well will eventually give up their pussies to you because your natural instinct compels you to support attractive women because you think it'll have some kind of reward.

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Lonely children.

did we watch the same assmonbald? all he does is spout his opinions as the end all be all and he's extremely serious about himself. genuinely the complete opposite of humble, are you baiting?


I only watched an hour or so and this was shortly after launch. he's just a huge fucking nerd who lives in his parents attic. I think his love for the game is genuine, and it comes across in his stream.

fuck off shill

Not being a redditor, try it sometimes you seething faggot

He's just a wow autist, you get what you see. If you like the game and you're bored it makes sense to have him on rambling about his thoughts on say classic.

>zoomers unironically think playing games instead of watching streams makes you reddit

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>high viewer count
>person on cam
That's an instant nope.

YouTube knows you like vidya, and reaction vids are popular (apparently).

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>What is the point of streams if the chat is to fast to participate with?
Then you donate $5 and he reads your shitty youtube tier comment, and it's like you have a real friend.

>It's just a torrent of memes and aids and at best you are adding a stream of piss to it that nobody will notice.
Okay but enough about Yea Forums, we're talking about twitch here.

Try getting a (You) in a 60k viewers stream without paying money for it.
Pro tip: you can't

you can get noticed by and replies from other people easily
just ask a dumb question and enjoy the @s

Imagine being so tech illiterate and such a mouth breathing retard that you blame the fucking Jews and YouTube for that. They literally give you a tool to not get videos from whatever channels you don’t like in your recommendations. All you have to do is use it. But not, it the Jews amirite guise (he says, proudly wearing his MIGA hat)

>But these people who are like, "HEY ASMON! I just got off work, it's pay day! Here's $100," they're just fucking crazy.
That's the worst yeah. When someone really young donates and says it's their birthday you know they're throwing birthday money from family at the fucking streamer, that kills me too.


>It moves so fast, literally nobody is reading what you wrote. You could open up a blank notead and type to your hearts content with the same effect.
sounds like Yea Forums

>we've actually hit a point where zoomer retards are actually discussing Twitch shit
jesus fuck this site is dead

man his viewers fell off a cliff

other guy who got world first had 300k+

I'm 30 and have watched video game streams since WC3 where you had to download some plugin and run a virtual LAN environment to spectace live matches as real-time replays.

Baby sitting fee, pretty expensive desu

I can understand watching a speedrun or competitive play but a random lets play seems pretty suspect unless you know the guy or revere the game.

fucking zoomers

Why does this man make both Yea Forums and reddit seethe? Seems pretty based to me.

for me it's
>im a fucking poorfag with shit hardware
I still wouldn't watch mmoshit though

Asmongold is a pedophile too.

They are giving donations to people that are at least 100x richer than them.


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Because he already had a huge base of viewers.

You know it's over when even people here talk about him and watch his stream

Kek, nice cope. What's better is you're genuinely mad too.

You sound like a nigger

what i don't get is the chat, everyone spamming the same emoji, like, what's the point?

Looks like a femcel coping by spending all her dosh trying to look like kim kardashian

At the end of the day he's only one person and it doesn't matter in the long run, but as a person who has watched him for a long time and has even give him my twitch prime, He has failed classic wow.
Asmongold spent years ( as did a lot of people ) begging blizzard to release classic wow servers, For many reasons..


the leveling experience..

the RPG elements that disappeared throughout the years..


the old zones..

Grouping up with other players all the time...

There's a million reasons we all wanted classic wow but I think it's really sad that he and many streamers shit talked BFA forever and said they would play classic differently only to go around begging for gold and items.

.. Only to beg for gold and items from other players after saying they strictly wouldn't.

...Only to spam Scarlet Monastery to level.

...Only to beg for gold for your first mount when you said you wouldn't

...Only to say " CAN I GET THAT? " whenever an item drops.

...Only to say " I don't want to do that quest it doesn't give good enough loot "

...Only to do the same exact things and behave the same way you do on retail
You had a second chance to re live classic wow and you threw it all away.

You can't use the excuse " but I decided to roll on a pvp server sooooo I don't want to be behind..." Because we know that's an excuse. Don't even try to justify your lie.
You asked for legacy servers for years but when they came around you just weren't strong enough to do it without begging for gold and items.

At the end of the day, Who cares he's just one person. But as a top WoW streamer it's sad.
You failed classic, you failed your fans, but most of all, You failed yourself.

We thought more highly of you.
You're disappointing.

I've always disliked birthday donations.

It's like, it's YOUR birthday and you're giving someone else money to acknowledge it? Why?

I can understand donating because you enjoy the person, or whatever, but the birthday ones always confuse me -- and the "I'm depressed" ones. As if streamers are therapists.

wow players are the only group of people I've seen that are retarded enough to make a post like this

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>Systems made by jews are not jewish

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who the fuck is this nigga?
I barely use twitch/yt other than my sikrit club dks1 try hard pvp and that nigga is always there, I never even watched a single second of any video/stream of his
wtf is this bullshit

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English please
I don’t speak nigger

If you couldn't decipher that, you might be the one with language issues

>watched him for a long time and has even give him my twitch prime,
why do you zoomers talk about this like you gave him your virginity
jesus christ mate, are you insane?

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Holy shit you're a faggot

Loads of people say that you posterior-perturbed autismo.

if you can't understand my post what the fuck are you doing on Yea Forums?

then spoon feed me on whatever a >sikrit club< is

It's a meme you summer cock sucking faggot, lurk more

fucking zoomers

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more like...AssMold


Community. "We are all doing the same thing therefor we belong together".

It's fucking stupid. I have Twitch chat disabled.

Watch it in the background to save yourself 15$ and playing a shitty game.


>too thicc
No. Such. Thing.

There's nothing pathetic about that though? I mean if you have no friends and/or are one of those :POGGERS: posting retards on twitch then yeah maybe but-
>not having friends and watching what you like

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