Ok, despite the fact that i was definitely not very young when Vanilla WoW was a thing...

Ok, despite the fact that i was definitely not very young when Vanilla WoW was a thing, i still was not allowed by my parents to play it.
Big deal, i started playing wow with TBC one year later.
Give me a reason on why i should play WoW Classic instead of just playing retail.
I understand and respect the classic 1:1 experience that everyone wanted and is now having, but sure you must give me something in return for losing:
>10 years of progress with my characters
>flying mounts
>class evolution
>death knights
>allied races
Like yes, Battle for Azeroth was and still is a mediocre expansion.
But i see no reasons for me to play Classic WoW instead of farming more free tokens to keep playing retail for free.
So what's the deal?

Attached: WoW-Classic-Ad-ons-mods.jpg (1600x900, 343K)

Try it yourself, what are you asking here? It shares same sub with retail so just jump in and make your own conclusion.

I still think you are a kid if you need other people to make a decision for you faggot. Play it or don't. It's fun to me and maybe not fun for you.

i was thinking the same as you before trying out pservers, to put it into simplest terms its just a better/more fun game

Do what you want

Things matter in the old game. Retail is a treadmill on a four month cycle.

>Things matter in the old game.
Nah not really.

The fact Vanilla doesnt have LFG is the reason why I want to play.

Cross Server queuing ruined the community, and killed MMOs in general.

If you play and defend BFA and can still only call it mediocre, that's a pretty good sign it went to shit. Classic has hope and is a more rewarding experience in general. Make your own opinion by playing the game.

How do things matter more in the old game?

I have around 14 level 110 to 120 characters, thousands of transmog pieces, and over 350 mounts.

I dropped it all and don't give a shit if it's not in classic. If those features make you want to stay with the game you play it due to sunk cost fallacy and not enjoyment. You are probably an addict to wow and one of those people that will never let go regardless of how bad it gets.
I am hoping classic adds new content after the last wave as I don't care to go to BC. BC already started to shrink the world and become worse from it. It again focused on end Game and ignored the leveling process. BC is the actual you think you do but you don't.

Also most BC raids suck ass
Trash the raid with shitty easy bosses
Boring as shit
There were memes back when it was current content of how brainless it was
NO one ran hyjall EVER
Class stacking the raid and bullshit design. This was the worst of the worst

That leaves 3 good raids. Not even great raids. 75% of black temple was dog shit easy but at least it was fun. Kael is maybe one of the best bosses ever made, but not like you or any of your guilds downed him hahaha

And Kara speaks for itself. Amazing raid design and perfect difficulty.

You think you want BC but you honestly really don't.

>You think you want BC but you honestly really don't.
I want almost all specs to be viable instead of having one or two remotely useful specs per class.

reminder that the last patch of bc made every raid a fucking joke even more so than 1.12 give them bc so they see how shit it was.

If you enjoy retail then there is nothing wrong with playing that.
Most of us however don't like all the changes that happened to retail, and we feel that the game no longer is the game it used to be. I could go over every single thing that ruined the game, but i'd rather not write an essay.

The game was designed with Vanilla wow in mind. Its slow paced, its difficult, you have to group up and talk with other players, and all the tedious aspects makes it feel more rewarding. I spent 2 hours yesterday doing the Warlock succubus quest on the alliance side, and i had to travel all across the world through horde zones to complete it. I had hordes attacking me all the time, and i've never had so much fun with world pvp. The entire journey made getting the succusbus and soul bag feel so rewarding.

Seeing a level 40 riding around on a 60% mount also gives off way more badassery than anything retail has to offer.

classic is shit too

>The fact Vanilla doesnt have LFG is the reason why I want to play.
>Cross Server queuing ruined the community, and killed MMOs in general.
This post is literally the reason I prefer Vanilla/BC/Wrath(WoW Pre-LFG).

tbc does suck for long stretches, there's a reason no tbc server lasts

Fine. Classic adds a content patch after naxx and gives specs a quest for more training. You earn a new ability for your class that makes a spec more viable.

>ret pally quest
>you have proven your worth protecting this world, the silver hand wants to teach you secret techniques to better your skills
>have to do a hard encounter with 4 other members
>get crusader strike

There you go. No reason to add BC.

Is retail wow better for a newbie than classic?

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People rolled fresh servers all the time in the private scene. At least with this case it SHOULD stay around a long time. The appeal of going back is to see how the communities grow and all that. You will start from 0 but 0 to 60 is a bigger journey than 110 to 120. If not just do it for the level boost goym

>So what's the deal?

It's basically a completely different game and it lacks a lot of retail's downsides.
>Tons of items with unique stats and effects, no homogenized i-level stat sticks
>Dungeons require more coordination, players have to manage their own threat and CC is essential
>Talent tree which gives you more control over how you want your character to function
>Rotations aren't handpicked by Blizzard's development team
>Cross-realming doesn't exist, which means that your interactions with other people actually matter
>Only two continents, which means the playerbase is a lot more concentrated and you're more likely to run into people wherever you go

I'm not saying that it's the best MMO ever or it doesn't have flaws, but there is a lot that classic did right, especially when it came to player interaction.

Fucking this. TBC servers are the least popular and no one ever cares for them. It's always vanilla or wrath. BC classic will fail BADLY.

Retail is very confusing for a new player. Its a nightmare to introduce someone to the game, as it only caters to max levels and existing players trying to skip through the leveling phase as quickly as possible.

Classic is very straight forward.

I don't know why Wrath is popular anyway. I was a Wrath babby and even I can admit that everything after Ulduar made the game less fun.

NO. Classic is better for a newbie. Retail is so insanely overwhelming for a new player with all the shit systems in it. Classic keeps it simple with a CLEAR PROGRESSION.

Want to progress in retail? There is a long list of to do things that are not obvious to a new player

Says you.


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>you must give me something in return for losing
Nobody owes you anything. It's a different game play it or don't, nobody will care.

Retail has too many mechanics and the items you earn are not as impactful in the grander scheme so it might feel meaningless. However retail does offer a lot of good things that classic doesn't.
I have a lvl 17 undead that i'm slowly leveling in classic whenever i don't have anything to do in retail and it's fun, but i wouldn't completely switch over to it.
Moreover it seems to me that classic has syphoned away all the boomers in their thirties on the edge of a midlife crisis and retail honestly is better of for it.


>grander scheme

Attached: 1594722034583.png (1159x767, 169K)

>the classic 1:1 experience that everyone wanted and is now having
good joke