Why are gamers like this?
Why are gamers like this?
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>fearing women
Uhhhh, wasn't the reason gamers hated "bros" because they were jocks who got all the women?
how do bros fear women? what is this pajeet talking about
Reminder that only cucks and women attribute ignoring women to fear.
it actually feels great being friends with jock brodudes that liek fnatasy football and titanfall fuck women
>Netflix covering both extremes and making everybody mad for publicity.
So apparently we fear women but also rape them while also being incels?
>Paying netflix to insult you
>fearing women
Just DON'T hang out with feminists.
It's what Yoda said: Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate and hate leads to reape.
For a second I thought you said titanfuck women
One of the most bro people I hung out with ended up nearly getting kicked out of school for a rape accusation that ended up being a lie perpetuated by an insane chick who was just upset he fucked her friend one time.
You have to be 31 to post on Yea Forums
It was because they had shitty taste in games and put garbage like sports games and Halo on a pedestal.
why are mutts this stupid.
Almost the exact same shit happened here. Really makes you want to grab a firearm and teach these socjus faggots about how power is doled out in the real world.
Bros have the fear of being #MeToo'ed by women.
when did netflix get in the h1b game
That's like 13 years ago. Nowadays they're afraid they'll get accused of something either today or 20 years from now.
that's a suicide bomber
Don't you just love how modern feminism is going to just discourage men even more from interacting with women in public spaces? Or even at all?
Artificial wombs can't come soon enough.
>fearing women
Watch Contrapoints new video she's unironically right, there is a serious crisis of masculinity on both the left and the right
>Gamers as a group are distinct from women
Is he saying women can't be gamers? I feel raped.
Yeah, keep telling yourselves that. Men are really intimidated.
No one FEARS women. They either hate or have contempt, but no one fears women.
>listening to a tranny drug addict for your news on how to defeat the 4chins incels
She hit the nail on the head. The left is in hardcore need of a Gordon Pearson-like figure.
It's like not wanting to get near a rabbid Chihuahua.
tell me theyre wrong
Uh-oh friend, it looks like you've posted about someone who actually tries to make fleshed out arguments instead of hiding behind a thin veneer of irony, memes, green text, and reaction images. If you were looking for an actual discussion, i'm afraid you're in the wrong place.
Contrapoints isn't even trans he's just a faggot. He realized becoming trans would be beneficial for his brand and he was right, now he gets shilled by new york Times and shit
Contrapoints literally said "Only nazis say they're not nazis.
>able to successfully discern that there is a crisis of masculinity
>isn't able to see any relation between that and the uptick of trannies like himself
>Research finds that 55% of gamers are women.
>Also, gamers HATE women.
>Also, despite video games being as widely consumed as television, books, movies or music, somehow only people I don't like happen to be gamers.
Bill O'Reilley got metoo'd by registered republican women who worked at fox news
is this the dude that put on the blonde wig and did the
>uuuuhhh whatdya want to me say?
Holes fear the chad/incel alliance
I love how modern feminism will make less men of the future actually care about what women want to say.
Since when feminism is strictly bound to politics? I know, internet makes it seem like it but that's not the case.
WTF? I dont hate women
>posted about someone
>an actual discussion
yeah why won't someone take up his argument, go watch that video, and make a detailed post addressing all the points raised by it? why don't people just exhaustively rebut a proxy argument alluded to by an anonymous imageboard post?
That and don't fuck anyone in your workplace if you're in a position of power.
It sucks but women seem hell-bent on publicly decrying their natural desire to fuck their boss.
>fox news
They tried to jail a woman for having a miscarriage lmao
Wtf is the dude in the op talking about?
Fucking leave faggot, trannies will never be women
>fear of women
speak for yourself, pajeet
Ignoring women with their urges to reproduce and make me pay for raising a kid I didn't even want isn't "childish". I'm just living my adult life intelligently. I'm debt-free, and only spend money on myself. And there's nothing wrong with that. Maybe when I'm 40 and bored with tons of savings, I'll settle down and raise one or two, but until then, this ride is closed.
>fear of women
Right, like how I fear faggots and trannies and niggers, right? I just don't like or respect them, you fucking pajeet.
I remember high school in the 2007 and every single fucking man save maybe the theatrefags being hype for Halo 3 release. Even in the fucking 90s I am pretty sure jocks were going to play the Playstation or Mortal Kombat or whatever.
They are wrong because they, like most other studies/accounts, place the responsibility entirely on the man. Man exists for the consumption of woman, man exists as an inert object for women. There is no question, indeed there is guaranteed ostracism and loss of job, if one raises the question "What are women doing wrong to turn men off from them?" The question of "Why are men not interested in women as much anymore" never considers the variable of "What are women doing wrong?"
What you need to understand is that white people are extreme solipsistic individuals who hate everyone who is not them. This extends even to their parents and children.
>just go watch a video
post what you want to say or don't post at all
no one is going to watch a video about anything, ever.
Nobody is gonna read a blog either.
If your point can't be made in a single Yea Forums post, don't bother posting on Yea Forums about it.
If minorities are so full of love for everybody then why can't they stop killing each other?
be humble
Ironic too cause the guy is built like a truck.
Why are American whites so fucking evil? I say this as a pole.
dam that's a sick frame
shut the fuck up you pipe
I guarantee you this guy date raped a woman.
Aren't women the ones whoring around until they're 30 and realize their biological clock is ticking?
there's no crisis of masculinity, however there's a crisis of harpies crying over it.
>Gets tatted up.
>Pierces face.
>Shaves sides of head.
>Adopts fringe ideologies.
>Has 10 partners before 21.
>Becomes overweight.
>Graduates with a useless degree
>Gets into debt
>Can't cook
>Won't clean
>Blames men for why they're unhappy.
what the fuck
>women slut around until their late 30s
>why won't men marry me?!
>Watching contrapoints
I don’t want to be talked down to by political dipshits who use at least two compound neologisms a sentence and act as if they know me because of what’s between my legs on a good day, im not going to watch one that does it while dressing up like they’re in a fucking stage play
And just fucking say it yourself dipshit, why can’t you just articulate your own points? Do you not have an opinion until someone makes a video about it?
That totally straight pussy-slayer in the black is actually really good at that dancing.
>dyes hair a bright and obnoxious color
Modern feminism is going to destroy mankind.
Men will not want to have children with all the psycho bitches and then no more babies.
Thanks feminism.
They're just mad chad never nutted in them and now they have to settle for some beta after they hit the wall
manking will be fine,just uh,less diverse
>why won't women have sex or children with me
Because i don't let them
fbi crime statistics tell you who actually hates who, and it's not who you're saying.
Pretty sure the article in question complains about the opposite.
>i have judged and condemned millions of people based on a single advertisement
>but they are the evil ones.
I left that out, because when I was growing up, the girl that showed up with dyed pink hair at school was truly unique. No one else did it, everyone thought she would get in trouble, the teachers kept harassing her for it, and it was cute.
But this is before the hair dye was combined with the dyke cut.
That is George Washington
have sex incel
american society is objectively evil
That’s every race.
Modern feminism has already tied the rope around its own neck with their bizarre and inexplicable support for islam.
>see guys us muslims can be really silly and lighthearted too! Haha don’t worry about that whole thing going on in Europe right now
>there is a serious crisis of masculinity on both the left and the right
he should know
Well, why won't they have sex with you?