What is the video game equivalent of this?

What is the video game equivalent of this?

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Tribes Ascend Reddit vs Yea Forums

>KARA BOGA on Yea Forums
you really don't want this board to start using it

Don't tell me what to do whyte boy

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Easy kenshi

Mount and blade mods

Any Civ game

Sounds like some gook shit

Ape Escape.

Cyberpunk 2077

dark souls as a purple or red phantom
make a nigger and invade nude with a club and kill everyone and point down
no better feeling

I don't play shit games

tw napoleon/empire with mods

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>crescent moon on a Zulu shield

If the Arabs tried to conquer the Zulu they'd get Isandlwana'd harder than the British.

Zululand is like Afghanistan except with agriculture other than just opium.



/int/ has the most fucking meta posting
the fucking levels of irony on that board is stunning
still better than Yea Forums

Gonna make a cybernetically enhanced black BULL and fuck whitey and chink women

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youre retarded

>he wouldn't enjoy the spam which would make jannies collectively blow their brains out and bring """"""""""whit*"""""""""" nationalist d*gs to their knees where they belong

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>the name sounds eastern-like
>the game's gotta be SHIT! SHIIIITT!!!
you haven't even tried it why do you think it's shit?

Shut yo whit*oid ass up

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Probably this.

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>/vint/ will never come back
>/can/ will never come back
why are we still here? just to suffer?

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Any games for this feel?

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Cause it sounds like a gook game and gooks are retarded

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again, why do you judge a game when you haven't even played it?
also what's so gook about the name? it sounds more nip than gook, but i'm not good with languages so i'd appreciate if you shared your wisdom

Shut yo Anglo ass up and suck on this dick

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Im bout tired of people shilling that terrible game

Like there's any difference between nips and gooks it all sounds like retarded babby babble

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oh so you're a retard


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>i choose to ignore the difference between the japs, the koreans, the chinese and the other shades of yellow
good for you. doesn't make you not retarded, but at least you're honest about it

I don't understand why Islam was coopted by black supremacists. Why not traditional African deities? Arabs literally view blacks as nothing more than chattel.

Orcs defeating humans


Ignore my sinple-minded friend. He perfers games with words he can comprehend.

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Why is there a turkish flag shittily pasted over a zulu dude

Shut up hapas

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Mount and Blade NW: Anglo Zulu Wars is the mod you're looking for. It's still populated.

reminds me of that webm with a boxer fighting off some turks

/int/ has the best shit

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Mashallah, Islam is the final solution

you thought it was nigger... but surprise surprise, it was white man all along.

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Fake video try better whyte boi

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Int is literally pol but smaller, if you think otherwise youre delusional

>That nigger behind the white guy sucker punching him at the end

>that wh*toid killing people in stores for no reason

The imperialist white devils were the invaders. Based KANGZ defending their sovereignty


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