Duke Nukem 3D is the build engine game from the 90's

Duke Nukem 3D is the build engine game from the 90's
prove me wrong
pro tip: blow it out your ass

Attached: Duke_Nukem_3D_DOS_001.png (640x400, 42K)

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>Duke Nukem 3D is the build engine game from the 90's
Can't argue with that. But the question is - is it the best one?

>BLOOD exists

>Duke Nukem 3D is the build engine game from the 90's
>prove me wrong
well yes user you are correct, it is game on build engine from the 90s
>tfw dn3d is older than you
weird feel

Duke 3d is better than doom in
>enemy design
>amazing map design
>better weapons "shrink Ray, freeze gun"
>best shotgun on any shooter ever created
>an actual storyline
>a better character
>better bosses and presentation
>better sound design and music

Only reason doom is loved more is because it was first. While I love both, Duke takes it by the balls.

>best shotgun on any shooter ever created
people will defend SSG and they're probably right but everything else you said is tight, user

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Does he molest the babes when you press "E" ?

>Duke Nukem 3D is the build engine game from the 90's
Uh, yeah?

*imp screams in your path*

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>better bosses and presentation
Come on. How is something like the Cycloid Emperor any better than a Cyberdemon. They're the same thing

Hey, you know that Bill Clinton, well hill killed a guy.

Attached: norm macdonald.jpg (1296x730, 130K)

>People born after 1996 are now allowed to post on Yea Forums

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>mfw still didn't play Duke nukem but I'm planning to start it after I'm done with blood

Excellent times ahead

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The presidents a murderer didnt you know?

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Duke is nowhere near as hard. You'll stomp that shit if you're used to Blood difficulty

I'm not playing blood in extra crispy or anything tho

Even Well Done's cultists will fuck you up hard. Get used to tossing dynamite around every corner to kill hitscan enemies that have bullshit high reaction times.

That's what I'm doing, I even walk instead of running to not trigger 10 cultists at the same time and so far acting with caution is good enough to survive, I'm not sprinting around like a mad lad like I do in doom.

that shining mod was my fucking shit back in the day. havent been able to find a working link for years best mod i've ever played

Attached: download (1).jpg (259x194, 9K)

I don't know, or care about the controversy around it, but is Ion Fury any good?

Attached: Philcollins.jpg (390x400, 20K)


It is very good, if you can accept some of its shortcomings like lack of a huge arsenal (comparable to DOOM) and some small enemy annoyance. It's also getting multiplayer down the line.

You're not supposed to play Extra Crispy. That's the "fuck you difficulty". That shit is borderline trolling on the devs' part. Well Done is "extremely hard" by any other game's standards.

>ome small enemy annoyance
What do you mean by this? Are there enemies that are just outright annoying, or or are you saying you're annoyed by a small variety of enemies?

There's a bunch of small enemies that are really annoying


SLIGHTLY LESS SHORT ANSWER: Yes. Play it. Pirate it though.

LONGER ANSWER: Yes. It's probably at least on par with PowerSlave when it comes to other Build Engine games. Solid shooter and arguably one of the top 10 or so games of the year. Weapons are disappointing if you compare them directly to the Build Trinity, but by most metrics they're actually pretty fun. Level design is STRONG early on, but goes downhill especially in the later half with all the tunnels and shit. This game does wide open outdoor areas better than almost any classic FPS. Those types of levels were almost always the weakest of any 90s FPS (Doom being one of the most notable examples), but in Ion Fury they're an absolute joy and where the game shines the brightest. The shopping plaza with the first boss fight and the city in the clouds that you start out in both work as set pieces and in terms of just having really well arranged gameplay flow and layouts. It's also surprisingly low on bullshit given the kinds of games it is so openly imitating. If you like secret hunting then that's a major bonus because there are a few hundred here (estimating) and a lot of them are REALLY well hidden. The most surprising thing about it of all is how accurate it is to the feel of the old school FPSes from the 90s. Dusk and Amid Evil (and other modern "retro" FPSes) usually come up a bit short in that regard and always feel a little "off" in some ways. This is not the case AT ALL in Ion Fury. If not for the fact that it's clearly doing source-port-only shit that 90s tech would never have been able to even imagine doing, it could have been a game made 20 years ago.

The spiders are not that bad. One whack from the baton and they're dead.

What do I win?

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Yeah, spiders are just slightly annoying with their sound effect, but not too hard.
I don't like the green drones. And red drones are pretty much game over in tight space if you don't notice them immediately

Yeah, dude should have said "flying enemies" instead of "small enemies". The REAL pains in the ass are the flying dudes. Not to say the spiders aren't annoying, but they're not THAT annoying.

This is a fucking weird question but I don't know of any other place to ask:
So I'm a poorfag, like really fucking poor to the point of being forced to play build engine games on my phone with a Bluetooth mouse and everything.
So far everything works great, but lately I found a port of blood working with doom 2 (blood: bloody hell ) and even in software mode when I kill any cultist or monster there's too much blood pooping and it kills my frame rate.

Any way to disable the blood in (sic) blood: bloody hell edition? Any console commands?

Here's a picture of voxel food.

Attached: IMG_20190816_000453.jpg (937x688, 50K)

thanks but i tried that one a few years ago, cant remember what the issue was exactly but couldn't get it working

Is there a mouselock mode for ion fury so I can manage with the flying garbage without having to directly fire at it?

Just use the alt fire for the pistol.

>Ion Fury any good?
Pirate it and see for yourself, but imho they forgot the most important thing when it comes to fps.
Satisfying weapons.

>but lately I found a port of blood working with doom 2 (blood: bloody hell )
That's not a port of Blood.

I just finished both over the last two weeks.
>enemy design
Duke's enemies are fucking boring. Pigs and floaty brains.
>amazing map design
Duke has some absolute shitfests like the canyon. Doom has a handful of mediocre maps at worst.
>better weapons "shrink Ray, freeze gun"
The novelty wears off fast when you just want to efficiently kill things
>best shotgun on any shooter ever created
>an actual storyline
Duke is a cringy parody of a B movie. I'd take Doom's minimal plot.
>a better character
Duke himself is also cringe, reminds me of Gex.
>better bosses and presentation
Bosses yes, presentation doesn't mean anything.
>better sound design and music
Not at all

>Ion Fury didn't have any satisfying weapo-

Attached: Ion_bow.jpg (1024x576, 80K)

That one is just a poor man's railgun.
Also no rocket launcher is a fucking no go.

Yeah a complete remaking of blood using the doom 2 engine with new level design and placement alright sorry.

So any help?

There's a grenade launcher, though.

Weapons are fine, but admittedly disappointing when compared to the Build Trinity's weapons (which it's fair to compare them to since this is obviously directly imitating those games).

And to be totally fair, some of them are better than others. The pistol/revolver, the "Loverboy", is actually pretty fucking great. The polar opposite would be the dual wielded uzis (I can't remember what that shit's called).

For an "ultimate weapon" it's a little disappointing. When you compare it to something like the BFG it seems lackluster by comparison. Plus it's a CROSSBOW. That's an odd pick for the game's "ultimate weapon".

I only watched some video of it but from what I've seen the first gun is amazing. I like that kind of slightly muffled bang.

Fuck rocket launcher, I'll pick the grenade launcher any day in any game. RL are fucking boring unless they're used for rocket jumping.

>best shotgun on any shooter ever created
eight barreled shotgun from Guncaster

The handgun you start with has an alternate fire that will lock on to however many targets you can mouseover in the second or so that it'll let you lock, and then fire two shots at each. Usually it'll drop the flying green guys in one burst of two shots, other times it'll take upwards of six, and I can't seem to find any consistent reason as to why. My guess is either that the lock isn't perfect, and it can miss a fast moving target, or that headshots are counting for the bulk of the kills. This game does have headshot multiplier damage, and those flying guys appear to be like 60% head. I can't really make out what they are supposed to look like though.

Blood had a voodoo doll that could damage any enemy as long as you had them in your sights.
Shadow Warrior had the severed head of an enemy that shot fireballs.
Duke had a weapon that let you shrink enemies and then step on them.

What the FUCK does Ion Fury have?

Gay shampoo

>Shadow Warrior had the severed head of an enemy that shot fireballs.


>For an "ultimate weapon" it's a little disappointing. When you compare it to something like the BFG it seems lackluster by comparison.
Did you try overcharging the altfire?

I've only beat the first chapter, and the bonus missions, but I find the loverboy, and the bowling bombs satisfying. The shotgun isn't bad, though it isn't anything special aside from having a grenade launcher as its secondary, but I almost view that as two seperate guns in the same weapon slot since you have to fully reload to switch firing types.
I like the look of the smgs, but using them is rather lackluster, and they are pretty much out of ammo the moment you first pull the trigger.
I picked up the crossbow, but beat the chapter before using it, so can't say one way or the other.
Didn't really care for the minigun. It serves its purpose, but I don't like the look of it, or the way the bullets look when you fire it while strafing. Only used it in the queen of the hill mode, which gives you infinite ammo, so I can't chip in about that.
Side note: I really would have much rathered the king of the hill mode to be more like the Serious Sam survival mode where they plop you in an arena with dick all, and slowly give you weapons as you progress. As is it is basically a hold left click simulator.

>other times it'll take upwards of six

nigga, what the fuck? if you're close enough to lock on it shouldn't be doing this from that range. if you're really far away or if some of your shots aren't actually hitting (they CAN be missed even with the lock-on if they're in motion) then maybe it'll take more than 2, but if it's taking you 6 then you're doing something wrong. are you moving the gun around rapidly or running around a lot while doing this? maybe that's fucking up the aim.

Oh, sure. That's powerful and not at all unfun to use, but it really does lack "oomph" compared to A LOT of "ultimate weapons" from 90s FPSes. Aside from the BFG and the various weapons from the Build Trinity, there's also stuff like the Cerebral Bore from Turok.

That is to say six shots total, so three locks. They are the rarer exception though, and are almost always when I'm trying to pick those guys off during a heated firefight, so usually I am moving quite fast, they are moving around, and I'll be swinging my weapon at them.

A sexy babe as protagonist

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Shadow Warrior's weapons are way better than anything in Duke3D.

Is ion maiden easily modable? Can we expect a few wads in the near future or is it more complicated?

The more I'm playing this game, the more I get the feeling that she is the child of Judge Dredd, and Joanna Dark.

Attached: joanna dark.jpg (640x480, 42K)

Is this the best FPS shotgun?

Attached: 600px-Sw_riot_gun_equipped.jpg (600x450, 120K)

Going from Blood back to Douk really shows how simplistic and basic it is compared to Blood, albeit every FPS in existence is a step down from Blood

Postal 2's twin-barreled shotgun will always be the best in my mind, but in terms of Build games, yes.

uh how is that even up for debate

do you think someone will say Duke 3d was a Doom engine game

Doom's is better. Blood's as well. The Build Engine games basically all have great shotguns. Even Redneck Rampage's was reasonably well done.

There's so much subtle depth to Blood that it's astonishing. The fucking dynamite even has its own physics system.

How in the fuck do you get that thing?

I'm starting to think that it might be the best game of all time.

Attached: Blood dynamite.webm (960x540, 2.69M)

In the mall on one of the days, forget which one. Or you could just cheat it in.