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Other urls found in this thread:


Cyberpunk 2077 is an open-world, action-adventure story set in Night City, a megalopolis
obsessed with power, glamour and body modification. You play as V, a mercenary outlaw going after a one-of-a-kind implant that is the key to immortality. You can customize your character’s cyberware, skillset and playstyle, and explore a vast city where the choices you make shape the story and the world around you.

Don't worry driving is third person you can take your waifu /vg/ shots on your bike

They did this to save time and money. Laziness finally settling in since their massive success with Witcher 3.

Even sex scenes? Oh my.

Yea Forums is already furiously buying VR sets

Three threads in rapid succession two of which get no bumps.

THREE when staying in firstperson does nothing but maintain immersion rather than ripping you out of your character's perspective periodically. sage.

"Fallout 4 is an open-world, action-adventure story set in The Commonwealth, a lawless nuclear wasteland of New England region.
You play as Nate, a former US Infantry soldier in search for his kidnapped son, or Nora, a law-school graduate in search for her kidnapped son. You can customize your character’s perks, weapons and armor, and explore a vast wasteland where the choice we give you determines the binary ending."

...Now that's how you sell your role playing game

First person character immersion should be irrelevant in a role playing game because you're not supposed to be playing as yourself but managing the campaign of a character. Immersion in a game like that should come from the atmosphere and worldbuilding, not self-insertion.
Who am I kidding. This game gave up on the concept it's named after years ago.

Gods who cares. The same happened in Fallout 3 and Oblivion

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We could play these games in third person and see our characters.

They literally just said this isn't true though, hell there's another thread here exactly about that.

>Trusting CDPR

Why do these clowns prioritize getting keanu into the game over basic gameplay elements?

oh wow, I can see my character 0.001% of the game

there is no fucking point in this shit when you can't see your character in the first place

>Laziness finally settling in since their massive success with Witcher 3.
It's not even that. 99% of the original Polish developers who worked on Witcher 1, 2 and 3 don't work at CDPR anymore.
The current 150+ people working on CyberJunk 2077 are mostly western shitter devs and even a massive amount of ex-Bioware devs after ME: Andromeda tanked were able to find a job there. Aka incompetent amateur hacks who clearly lack the skill or are only good enough in their field of work.
This entire project is a mismanaged shitshow. They have mediocre or even outright skill lacking, underqualified people working on this.

Have sex

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>99% of the original Polish developers who worked on Witcher 1, 2 and 3 don't work at CDPR anymore.
Then where did they go?

>The current 150+ people working on CyberJunk 2077 are mostly western shitter devs and even a massive amount of ex-Bioware devs after ME: Andromeda tanked were able to find a job there.
Did they move to Poland or is Cybermeme actually admitted by CDPR to be developed in the west?

The npcs get the benefit of your sweet look and good looking features


>trusting Yea Forums

>trusting anybody but yourself

>I can't see my dress-up-doll, mommy I don't want to play

I'm tired of this pleb complaint on Yea Forums. First person RPGs have existed for decades now, and the best ones are some of the coolest games ever made.

they named the main character after this board and you guys are still upset.
Neither does *insert most rpgs here*

>Illusion of choices

I prefer this. Overall I prefer no cutscenes at all.


>Trusting yourself

>alt-right fagnuts still crying about CP2077
kek. die mad!

>What's the point of personal grooming if I can't see myself?
OP outed himself as a stinkyfag

It's just a step in the direction to take away character creation completely and you'll have to pick between 2-3 presets
mark my words

You know what they look like so why do you need to see it 3rd person


Literall autism.

>in a role playing game because you're not supposed to be playing as yourself but managing the campaign of a character
No, you're literally supposed to be pretending to be that character. There's no more authentic roleplay experience than being in first person 100% of the time.

What do you mean? Are you implying that there is not point in making a character in Wizardry 8 since you can't see yourself and can't see all those armors and weapons you're equipping?
Also this

you already know the answer, marketing and memes(which is also marketing related).

the whole characreation is just to appease people that don't play videogames

What year is this again?
Have you never before played first person RPG?

He means the cutscenes\ when you speak to npc s.

>fade to black

Wizardry isnt a cinematic game.

This "game" gets worse and worse by the gecko

Why is everyone asking for cdpr to remove character customization just because the game is fpp? It doesnt detract from anything? If you dont care you can just do whatever option and move on.

It's become a joke at this point. They are SEETHING.

If it doesnt add anything it should be removed. It being there implies it has a purpose.


You see yourself at times.

kys already you obsessed faggot

console fags BTFO

Doesn't seem like a huge issue. Not like your character is extremely customizable like Black Desert.

More interested in RPG aspect of a custom character and decision making having an impact on the game world.

>The current 150+ people working on CyberJunk 2077 are mostly western shitter devs and even a massive amount of ex-Bioware devs after ME: Andromeda tanked were able to find a job there. Aka incompetent amateur hacks who clearly lack the skill or are only good enough in their field of work.
Was skeptical but it's true lmao:

>90% of the original Polish developers who worked on Witcher 1, 2 and 3 don't work at CDPR anymore.
>Then where did they go?
that user is full of shit like a lot of people who post in CP77 threads however CDPR is known in poland for being a kinda shit workplace and having a big turnover of locals who put up with the bullshit for a few years and then fuck-off to smaller studios or go indies but the main heads (lead design, CEO, composer and so on) are still here.
As for the andromeda claim it's just gaslighting because there was no massive lay-off after that and Bioware is working on Dragon age with a full studio
(it's going to be shit because this time the lead designer did leave the ship one or two month ago and because bioware is a shit studio with terrible ideas about what is a RPG and how you make videogame stories.)

As for cyberpunk there is reasons to be cautious, the gunplay isn't exactly looking great, CDPR did downgrade TW3 and could very much do the same here, V isn't as much of a blank slate for the player as a character whose writting might not be as good as Geralt was, but those threads are full of idiots who just want to piss of those who are hypped by making up bullshit about the game, don't trust anybody on Yea Forums about this game

>ex-Bioware devs

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You're only supposed to pretend you're a character when actually playing a RPG with people. A computer RPG doesn't acknowledge the way you act.
But I don't really care about first person / third person either way as long as there's some way to still view my character. I just don't think first person benefits the game in any way other than making the game cheaper and easier to produce. Now if only they abandoned voice acting so there could be 1000x more lines of dialogue and 50x the quests. Hell if they took the concept of Bethesda's "radiant quests" and actually put literally any effort whatsoever into it unlike Bethesda, there could be a thousand times the quest content.

So what? They are cutting on animating?


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Yes user, make people hate it so they will buy my microtransactions filled games instead.

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>Haha I’d totally want to see my female Yea Forums sucking dicks in first person because it’s immersive haha. Totally not homo though lol

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>female pov

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Now you get to see your character sucking tranny cock in POV mode
looks like another item gets scratched of the resetera wishlist.

/vg/ incels mad they can't shit up the board with their shitty girl character

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they better have working mirrors and/or reflective surfaces at least

HAHAHAHA They are doing this because they cant make 3rd person look good.
jsame reason why they wont show night gameplay.. because it looks like shit and they cant fix it.
oh boy the launch threads are gonna be fun.

You can still see your character in the menus though.

Who the hell cares about sex scenes. I just want to watch the art of destruction i can cause with enforcer build.

That makes me hard

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I think this is a good thing. I prefer first person to third person in my rpg.

>I just don't think first person benefits the game in any way other than making the game cheaper and easier to produce.
Dishonored is one of the best series out there, and it certainly doesn't feel cheapened by the lack of third-person.

Good. Fuck waifufags.

Exactly. I fucking HATE the fisrt person perspective meme.

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There is no point, this is literally Witcher 3 with guns.

No, the rpg mechanics in this has much more depth.

We already knew that the game was played in first person, and Dishonored is a great example of how a game is made better by being played in first person. You can prioritize control and tell animation to fuck off. Control is the root of immersion. No graphics or animations. The less the game needs to animate, the more responsive your character is, and the more it feels like you're playing the character. Funnily enough if you add body awareness and character shadow to that it might actually make the game less immersive because you could see how the animations of the shadow try to keep up with your fluid controls without quite managing it due to it being literally impossible.
But if the cutscenes are in first person too, that cuts away at least one character's animation and that makes it cheaper by that measure. I don't know if absolutely every cinematic should be in first person though. One of the most common symptoms of moving to first person exclusivity in everything is the inability to skip cutscenes. "Lol if you want immersion by only having first person even in cutscenes, why would you want to break that immersion by being able to skip things your character is experiencing" -yeah, that's literally the worst aspect of Resident Evil 7 right there. But that's just a side effect. Some parts of a story would be better off being told by classic cutscenes, but I don't know about how far C2077 will go down the cinematic route. If the game was closer to C2020 there would be no need for cutscenes at all. All you see and all you hear should be just what your character is capable of perceiving.

Doing 'walky cutscenes' Half-Life style is fine by me if the game's designed for them. But it isn't now, is it? Making the change late in development was a retarded move and it's going to be implemented horribly, I have no doubt.

all the fan boys defending this
Cdpr could remove cars and these fags would rush in screaming
>you can take taxis!
fucking lol

Cutscenes are basically little movie scenes and there's a good reason why movies are never filmed in first person.

Hardcore Henry

>steadicam operator
If that's supposed to be some sort of jab, whoever made this picture apparently doesn't understand what the vestibular system is. The camera of a first person character should be steady. You are looking at a screen moving, not actually experiencing movement. The g-forces your character experiences do not translate to the real world and do not reach your inner ear, meaning that your brain cannot use that feedback to filter out the excess movement that it normally does whenever you move in the real world and it can't prevent your vision from being blurred. So when an ingame camera shakes a bit, it's actually less realistic than it not shaking at all. A steadicam is the only cam that makes sense unless your character is literally missing their balance organs.

Christchurch was filmed in first person.

good choice

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I can't wait to play my fat rasta hacker giving my bbc to all the cyber sluts.

Lazy hacks. Just goes to show how shitty the development for this game really was

Cyberpunk 2077 is an open-world, LGBT-friendly game set in Night City, a megalopolis
obsessed with who the fuck cares. You play as V, a fucking character you are assigned. You can customize your character’s gender, cock size, and have sex on a horse like in the Witcher 3 cause it's "cool looking" and "immersive" but will actually mostly be a walking simulator with you doing repeated tasks constantly

>the choices you make shape the story and the world around you

hey, look.
its that promise again.

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CDPR really knows what they're doing, booty fags seething

And that would be?

I think this is due to some kind of technical issue they are having, there is no reason to remove your character from cut-scenes unless of that.

this game could have been amazing, instead it's generic

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That's not even true. Plenty of people play tabletop games and don't speak in character or anything. You can still roleplay without that. You roleplay by creating a character who isn't yourself, and then thinking "what would my character do?" instead of just "what do I want to do?". You don't need to have a first person camera to do that

I'm beginning to see the shitheap for what it is, but they had even me fooled and I went through the W3 debacle in real time. I can't wait to see how bad this game is compared to expectations.

> Oh noes how can I play barbie dress up.
CDRejekts are the worst.

That's still irrelevant when actual gameplay could be played in third person.


Why would you want to stare at a guy's butt through the entire story, isn't that kind of gay?

>Include Barbie dress-up
>Create fuck knows how many hats, shirts, jackets, pants and shoes
>All of this taking weeks upon weeks of time from a specific group of modellers and artists
>Proceed to make the Barbie dress-up worthless
>Why are people bothered by this?

sex scenes it seems will fade away
turning half of slash vee gay
getting lost in shit-post hell
no sex says cd project red
simps have lost the will to live
while I have no fucks left to give
there is no sex there for me
maybe try cyberpunk 2020

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>Then where did they go?
some scattered around, some created their own companies and are making games like seven: the days long gone
i think there was another one "former witcher devs" game but cant remember the title

That's what I tried to say. Roleplaying is pretty much never about what you'd do but what your character would do. It's reasonable to take the ransom money to the mob boss so you can free a person of interest from their custody. That's what you'd probably do when someone provides you the ransom money. But if your character is a gambling addict, you need to ask that character "Do you want to take the money to the mobster or do you want to double it in the casin- DAMN RIGHT I WANNA DOUBLE IT IN THE CASINO LET'S GO"

what the fuck
this is an absolute trainwreck
fuck this game
i'm done
I was willing to give it some leeway because it's cdpr and I had faith in them
but holy fuck not anymore.

They should have just stuck to the two characters they used in promotions instead of ability to customize.

yea pretty much this. if they could make compeling in witcher they could make them in cyberpunk.
this shit is just whatever

Bullshit artist.

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So they already made all the cut scenes in third and now they changed them to first person.
Why not leave the third person cameras in and give the player the choice of which one to use?

Greek, Roman, Norse, or Egyptian?

Budget cuts, plus probably don't have the time to properly animate and frame cutscenes in third-person.

>So they already made all the cut scenes in third and now they changed them to first person.
That's not how that shit works you retard

fuck user don't bait them to remove it

I love how reddit has been doing some heavy damage control in the past few weeks

This is a legitimate result of escalated SJW presence in the video game scene. I mean, you can follow the timeline easily. When the game was in earlier development, it was intended to have 3rd party cut-scenes. Then as "times changed" and SJW culture ramped up and became more powerful (or just louder, whichever) they altered character creation to include chicks-with-dicks, all the sudden 3rd-person-perspective got axed. You can only see things like this clearly in games with long development cycles. But now we have a clear example of SJW-culture have a negative impact on modern games.

The question is
>"What else has gotten or will get axed to accomidate SJW-culture that we don't know about?"

After all those Senran Kagura censorship threads where people said things like "Not my game, not my problem", I'm pretty happy to be able to say "Fuck you, what now? We TOLD you this would happen." And it's only the beginning. The true burn is all the changes we DON'T hear about.


le false-flag post xD

I think people in this thread drastically under-estimate how many people enjoy playing barbie-dressup. Call it what you want, but character creation, clothing shops, and stuff of the sort has been a staple in action/adventure/rpg/porn games since the mid-90s. People love being able to customize their character (or other characters, like companions) and bring them to life on the screen. Especially in the genres that 2077 falls under. This is a huge blow to the quality of the game.

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There's a reason CBBE, body texture, and clothing mods are the #1 mod downloads for Bethesda shit. CDPR really dropped the ball on this.

>it's real
Fuck this shit, cancelled my preorder. What is the point of character customization if you will only be able to see them in mirrors? Wasn't expecting to be let down this hard by cdpr.

Are you one of those people that play Morrowind in first person?

elder scrolls has done this since forever. i actually like it that way.

Mind = blown
Not in a good way.

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Remember when shills were saying "at least there's a selfie mode"

Only taking a mild interest in this game, and it seems like every time there's news, everyone gets pissed, so can someone fill me in on all the changes/announcements that you guys feel have been for the worse?


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>Hype up game to unimaginative levels
>Shit out a GTA V clone
>"What, you don't like it?"

Even gta 5 lets you switch from TPP to FPP anytime (atleast outside of cutscenes).

absolutely BASED. Imagine caring so much about playing dress up that this upsets you.

people are bothered because they want to play barbie dress up, obviously. And they're pathetic.


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Can I look down in first person and see my huge breasts and futa dic- I mean legs?

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I hate namefags so godamn much

>getting sniped straight from the stratosphere
that seems kinda unfair

Working mirrors? In a post-2005 game?


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How long will they delay the release, is what i wonder, i say 3 years.

>don't trust anyone but me
You're so full of shit

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Unironically fantastic. TP cutscenes in first person games suck dick. If I was CDProject Red, I'd also remove third person for vehicles.

>in denial about the pyramid

GTAV have cutscenes with the characters in 3rd person so no.

No, they obviously only had a handfull of test cut scenes and realized it would be impossible for them to animate all the body type variants within the release time window promised.

Animation is a fucking hard and time consuming job. So they probably decided it would be easier/cheaper for consistency sake to eliminate that altogether. On the ones they have animated already they can switch to first person, the rest they are not even going to make.

I know what you are thinking, that´s riddiculous, they have to have the models in there anyway for the menues and reflections and whatnot, right? right, but they are cutting the workload by eliminating specific animations. They can use cycles on both menues and gameplay after all.

I don´t really care, they lost me when they decided to make a FPS instead of an RPG. There are other cyberpunk games coming out anyways. This one is just not for those of us for which the first person is a deal breaker. Nothing wrong about it.

fuck 3rd person

If they were going to delay it they wouldn't have made this announcement.

Something being a tps doesn't make it more an rpg.

We are 7 months from launch, if at this point they are removing this type of things it shows the project been majorly mismanaged.

Also animations can be outsourced and often are.

Remember when the founder of CDPR said that rockstar is the best videogame producer in the world and GTA V was the best game ever made?

Some scenes will be shown in tpp.

Attached: 1567447231036.png (1080x795, 171K)

what a trainwreck

Imagine getting hyped for a video game in this day and age based off pre-release media and word of mouth To the bright-eyed underages here: this happens with all video games, especially huge AAA titles like this. People on the team will have cool ideas, work on them, maybe even finish them, only for it to be realized in retrospect they were detracting from the work as a whole and were nothing more than a colossal waste of precious time and resources. Everybody complaining about features getting cut formed their own imaginary Cyberpunk 2077's in their heads based purely off what was in truth nothing more than speculation and proof-of-concept tests and will now never, ever be satisfied with the finished product, regardless of whether it is a good game in its own right or not. Just be glad they're being upfront about the development process instead of the outright illegal shit that fuckup Todd Howard gets up to.


As if the devs spending a shitload of money getting a celeb in their game while removing features wasn't a dead giveaway at a bad game with pretty graphics.

>The Canadian partner studio will closely cooperate with CD PROJEKT RED on creating and optimizing technological solutions for use in the development of Cyberpunk 2077.
So they aren't working on the design at all, this isn't nearly as bad as people think it is.

>Believing anything Momot says ever
He's literally a mouthpiece for investors

Involvement at all is a massive fucking red flag. Leaf devs are some of the greediest and laziest there are.

Not sure if you're aware but the game already only lets you use preset faces.

Dumb zoomer.

Why is she speaking as if she's a developer on the game.



It shows they changed course mid-development to cater to trannies. And what you're seeing now is the chain of dominos falling down after that initial decision. They're having to gut and re-design the game around the 0.001% of people that are mentally broken enough to want to hack off their dicks and wouldn't buy the game in the first place. Because they're more important than paying customers.

adult men who like dress up are mentally ill

I assume the first person only thing is merely because all of the super cool awesome cyber haxorz elite moves are just interface options. It's all HUD trickery while ignoring all of the elaborate animations necessary for showing off a players ultra nodded body doing things. Sort of a jip.

It's possible they either had a budget cut, or decided to trim down the product, after seeing RDR2's lukewarm reception.

So you customize your Yea Forums username, but never change your shirt in a video game? Fuck off. You're not fooling anyone.

Die in a fire nanefagging shit for brains

Good one

Maybe because the models are fucking ugly in the vanilla game.

Which was a shit movie, user...

wait it's not an RPG anymore?

They changed it because RPG doesn't sell well. The game itself an't changed, they just relabeled it an "Action game". It's up to you if you think it was a RPG in the first place

Cyberpunk 2020 is a RPG
Cyberpunk 2021 is a RPG
Cyberpunk 2022 is a RPG
Cyberpunk 2075 is a RPG
Cyberpunk 2076 is a RPG
Cyberpunk 2077 is an action adventure game

Attached: confusion.gif (332x332, 1.68M)

>sunposters finally have legit ammo
There is no way to defend this shit. Its a downgrade.

Attached: 15600125292250.png (481x429, 141K)

>sunposters didn't have legit ammo
>the 2018 reveal was exactly what they said it was going to be

>it's real

Attached: anime.png (632x631, 407K)

>complain about game
>they change it
>complain about it again
>they dont change it

haha based


Attached: based cdpr.gif (1280x714, 1.09M)


Welp, that's it then lads. Say goodbye to cyberpunk and hello to andromeda 2.0
I mean yeah, the first trailer and gamepaly looked off, but I still had hope that it was really just the "work in progress" and nothing else, but no, it was never to be.

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that's just as bad, bioware were terribly incompetent on a technical level as well.

>The current 150+ people working on CyberJunk 2077 are mostly western shitter devs and even a massive amount of ex-Bioware devs after ME: Andromeda tanked were able to find a job there. Aka incompetent amateur hacks who clearly lack the skill or are only good enough in their field of work.
>Bioware devs


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The fuck were they thinking?
JUST how much polish coke did they snort to think this was a good idea?

I didn't even pirate andromeda...

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Im gonna have the scanner on the whole time

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>tfw was ready to give cdpr the benefit of the doubt for the whole tranny thing and everything surrounding it

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>also leafs
well my hopes and dreams for Cyberpunk are fucking dead

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>Can make a hot futa with a massive dick in the character creator
>Cant admire my bulge in any TPP cutscenes

Why even fucking play?

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>what's the point of dressing myself IRL if I can't see myself
This is how retarded you sound.

thats a camara hack you are not suppose to see it like that

This, we need to round them up and ship them into the actual Andromeda.

What was the point in creating a character in MGSV?


Attached: eddie.png (114x129, 31K)


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I call this the "yakuza" effect

>"I played as female character because I want to see female ass"
>can't even see the ass
What now faggot?

Attached: 5a6c7cbab3856.png (238x258, 75K)

You can played as your character in endgame content and multiplayer. And last I check, MGSV isn't an RPG game

the real reason is because I like to pretend I'm a female and imagine how nice I must smell

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you can see the tits in first person :^)

They're creating a Borderlands 2 clone, and the same audience will buy it.

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Imagine being such a pleb that you can't appreciate a 100+ hour long immersive sim based on a GOAT pen&paper RPG

What the fuck. Did W3 really go up in their heads so fucking hard that they think they are the new EA and can afford to pull this shit off?

Or did they think that the good press that they would get from gamers (since we all know we REALLY loved ME:A so much) would be worth it?

Don't believe the fake news, CDPR already confirmed that third person cutscenes exists and nothing has been changed.

Attached: epicjews.jpg (751x448, 27K)


Sorry user, but we kinda lost that technology somewhere around 2005...

It just can't be done in this day and age...

not him but I can confirm
not gonna scour my browsing history to link it though

>it's real

Attached: 1542816990194.jpg (550x512, 31K)

dUdE jUSt TrUsTMe


here. This whole mess was just facebook PR guy being a retard

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first dead rising now this..

He's right though. In a true immersive sim the only time you should ever see your character is within a mirror view or inventory screen

Not like CDPR are any better
True. I'm still confident the game is gonna be good but I doubt having Western involvement will make it any better.

>can't look at my dickgirl V's bulge in cutscenes
not even worth pirating anymore

Fucking Yea Forums and it's priorities...

I have seen nothing but relatively pointless shitposting thread for god knows how long about literally who cares tier topics like dickgirls in posters ect...


First time I saw this and I think this would have been far more deserving attention that anything else. Having those fucks anywhere near ANY game should be ringing all the fucking alarms

Make thread about things like this and not whatever the fuck OP is about.

Attached: OP_is_a_fag_simpsons.png (120x92, 16K)

It's true though. For example, you decide to shoot someone (someone that doesn't matter to the plot or your quests) and so now he's dead. Or you decide to not shoot him, and now you are dead instead.
See how your choices affect the world?!?

Sorry dude we need to fit in our daily smash quotas

>Why are people only talking about the Effect and not the Cause
Who gives a fuck, CDPR died when they went corporate

Attached: 1523730242892.jpg (616x699, 36K)

Friendly reminder that CDPR did this to themselves when they forced their team to grind out Witcher 3 and all its DLCs forcing their people to leave even though they were constantly talking about how dogshit the witcher 3 engine was and saying what the wanted was impossible

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so why allow 3rd person while driving? not very "100% first person"

>It begins

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Wait, does the ex-bioware devs mean the ones who worked on Andromeda or the actual main bioware team?

I imagine it's because of vehicular combat. You need to be able to see behind you and position yourself without driving into things by mistake.

I give up with modern vidya.

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I thought it was stupid when they did this in Far Cry also

Holy shit fuck off Canada

Delet this shit right now

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>Gods who cares. The same happened in Fallout 3 and Oblivion
Except in those games you can switch to third person at any time you fucking idiot

Marcin Chady: Managing director
>Dying light studio head
>Prototype programmer
Peter Donnelly: Senior Animator
>Worked on a dogshit resident evil spinoff
>Senior animator of Mass effect 1
Michael Bidart: Animator
>made animation for dogshit stargate game
>did some animating for destiny
George Tatoulis: Game designer
>Dying light
>Indie dev
Roger Irwin: Senior designer
>Worked on prototype

So I really don't know where all these "Bioware" employees are. Looks like they just absorbed dying light and prototype runaways.

Who the fuck plays Bethesda games in third person fuck those janky ass animations

third person is for retards anyway

choosing a sex probably wouldn't have any impact on gameplay. what the fuck is the point of choosing that? they should just make it a pre-defined character.

Thank god, first person is much more immersive.

doesn't sound very immersive, if you want to shoot while driving you should take that risk into account

And Yea Forums will still buy the game and enjoy it.
You retards will cry fake tears at the slightest drop of the hat.

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>leaf cucks

Attached: 1558127550858.jpg (640x499, 57K)

Probably too annoying in practice to be worth it. First person shooting however is more comfortable for most people.

Oh boy, they're just cutting features like crazy. The game is clearly being rushed.

With every bit of news I hear or read about this game, the more soulless it becomes. I really was hoping it wouldn't turn out this way. This fucking sucks man

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>DPS readouts on all the guns

Holy fuck when will these leftist traitors stop poisoning fucking EVERYTHING?

It never was

WHY? How the fuck did they think would turn out?

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The Witcher 3 sold well

it was, but not anymore.

But it's not a downgrade, it's just optimization.

Attached: based cdpr dabbing on them gaymers.png (720x992, 598K)

Its sales are around 30% overstated. You have to wonder if they count piracy as a sale.

whats the point of wearing clothes irl lmao you cant even see all of it at all times

Attached: , how.jpg (437x431, 23K)

wow, watch this piece of shit win awards as well, what a joke

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epic argument


I'm having a feeling that this game is going to be a over hyped piece of shit. If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong, but anyone else feeling the same?

The hype's already gone lol

There are a lot of good leaf devs, but obviously fucking none of them were working on EA mobile studio where Andromeda was made.

not if you're a complete faggot and can see your sleeves when you type sitting on the computer all day

This is an utter disaster, I loved this game. Now I just idk... video games aren't for me anymore :C

Yeah, instead they were making clash of clans

Of all the things you first worlders could export, you had to export the gay.

>We want skilled and accomplished employees
>hires the andromeda fags

Attached: 1517774525651.webm (480x360, 3M)

Someones prolly gonna make a third person mod

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>that moment of hesitation from the car coming to the parking lot stops and sees this shit.
>goes in anyways

Fucking mad lad.

Skyrims vanilla models look fine unless your a foot fag. The real ugly shit is the hair.

I bet this is about on tier with the auto-driving abilities of R.O.A.C.H.

>Zoomers THIS triggered by a 1st-person RPG

Holy fucking kek

we knew it was shit long ago the redditors and phoneposters of this board are just now catching up


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I sometimes forget I share this board with console players. Can you imagine playing on a console? With a controller? How pathetic lmao.


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>not downgraded

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>Haha epic pyramid!
Mods, do your fucking job

Not buying this SJWInfested shit.
I expected better from you CPR, So sad that you had to bow before people that don't even play you're game. I loved you ones......... but.............................................................. ..

Like C L O C W O R K S !


I can see my entire body when I look down retard

Life is also not a video game

Attached: EF1B32F7-0F9E-498C-8FCF-F031BD54B7C5.jpg (640x960, 78K)

>muh essjaydubya
off the internet, gramps


Where are we now?

I'm canceling my pre-order this is probably the red flag for me, for a moment I was thinking of upgrading my PC for this fucking game

I don't know what you call the thing happening with her blouse but I need more of it

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Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Nhung

Im 27 Faggot. If you don't have constructive things to say fuck off grow oups are talking. Appoliges for my bad english......................................................

She used to work for Project Red

>giving a fuck about a game made by the developers of the shitcher 3 to begin with

>cyberpunk game
>could literally add in a mod where you can launch a mini drone from your shoulder that follows behind you and uses thermo-optic camouflage to hide itself while switching your camera into third person

It's so easy, they'll never do it.

>Shazam poster was right

Fucking asshole I wish he was wrong

Attached: SHAZAM FAGGOTS.jpg (577x974, 170K)

Post your face when you didn't preorder cyberpunk

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>the gunplay isn't exactly looking great
It actually looks fine to be blunt. We've seen guys die quickly, you can perform dodges, shoot from cover and the only bullet sponges are the bosses so far which makes sense.

Do you think it needs to look like Doom or something?

>hires women

Attached: Blackman.png (1001x1001, 721K)

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>"""butt"""fags will still play as women

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>this is a licensed driver
Jesus Christ.

a mentally ill blue checkmark said it, must be true

>Outright trying to use trans people as an insult
That's pretty weird for someone that supports them

They're just trolling, they suddenly knew how to drive as soon as people came out

People, we're gonna keep talking about and enjoying the information coming out about the game. Just block out the one autist spamming the same images every thread. Don't even engage the dude, he's mentally-ill, he feeds on the attention. Just ignore him and let him rant in to the void. We're gonna keep talking about the game. The game will be good, the game will be fun, it will be a GOTY contender, there is nothing to worry about. Just ignore the autist, guys, alright?

So elucidate. Why will you be playing as a woman in a 1st-person game if it's not to have a woman's life experience?

im glad everyone is finally seeing CDPR has the talentless hacks they always have been. Go play Deus Ex and the pnprpg Cyberpunk 2020 and be glad that this polack hacks are finally getting brought into the light.

Sometimes I play female, sometimes I play male. Guess you could say I'm "gender fluid" ;)

this stupidity was the last nail for me, what a fucking disappointment

Why does the character matter at all in first person only? Might as well be some nameless fps protagonist

So that just the post was right to begin with. Why are contesting me and being needlessly combative, user

yeah ramming that car was such a troll

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>sure, the raid on the Institute was shit, the final dialogue with Shaun was a embarrassing, and the ending cutscene was pathetic, but now I can see how the Brotherhood of Steel will rule the Commonwealth!
>just flag, patrols, and BoS shopkeepers.

Attached: can barley contain anger.jpg (159x231, 13K)

hahahaahahahaah fucking unbelievable, I feel like fucking betrayed

nice fanfic roastie tranny

>being mad you can't play dress-up and instead the game only offers gameplay

Kill yourself namefag

>customization isn't gameplay
dumb namefag shill

no it's literally not gameplay, little girl
stay mad mentally ill fag

Kill yourself namefag

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Missions are literally locked behind your street cred and clothes give you those. It literally IS gameplay, namehomo

i knew lara croft players were trannies all along

Bet you defend this too you cuck

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Hopefully after this game people stop pretending that CDPR is a great dev and get the cock out of their mouth.

Witcher 3 was an average action game at best. "BUT BUT BUT IT WON GAME OF THE YEAR" lets look at its competition

Bloodborne: console exclusive, buggy and ran like shit for the first year
Fallout 4: lol
MGS 5: Boring and repetitive, Kojima is washed up, Death Stranding will be shit
Super Mario Maker: Would of won if it wasnt chained to the bottom of the ocean to a Wii U.

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>First person games have no animations
Your character is going to be animated out the wazoo.

What's the point of creating character then retard?
>Can't even see your face
>Can't choose voices or silence
Might as well make a default character like Witcher fucking hell.
I love Witcher 3 but if you gonna ditch everything in a ROLE PLAYING GAME then don't advertise as one.

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it effects the romance in the game.

You fuck dudes either way though.

yes but the types of dudes change with what sex you are.

>It's real

Attached: 1466943817133.png (500x322, 42K)

Dishonored is junk.
Dying light and that heroes of might and magic game are good examples of fp done well.

yeah. This game isn't the Sims.

what was their first complaint?

Games that are to long in development never turn out good. It's It's a law of nature.

Not really immersive, it's definitely ruin the game

shit damage control. This is gonna be an FPS far-cry clone tranny simulator, imagine thinking it's a genuine RPG experience.

Nuke California and Toronto you bugman. Or have a political escalation that takes care of them.

shitty photoshop. Not surprised that CDPR shills are compulsive liars.

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This game is looking more and more like a fallout ripoff

At it's current state, Fallout 4 was more of a Role Playing Experience, since that actually had way more customisation, open-endedness, explorable indoor locations, building settlments etc. Cybertranny is however looking like a far cry clone.

It's more or less a conglomeration of a bunch of shitty games. Dying light, destiny, mass effect, andromeda it has all these ex devs and more working on it.

Oh fuck

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Because Keanu is desperate to revive his career (like most people in hollywood), and at least one person CDPR with decision making power, is a fucking idiot.

No wonder it looks like complete garbage

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It's not even fps 100% of the time, you can see your character in the fucking cutscenes.

Will I ever fucking escape the curse of fucking Bioware? It follows me wherever I fucking go.

Free me from this nightmare! Stop hiring these people! Fuck!

Attached: Don't believe Bioware's lies.jpg (2000x2894, 1.21M)

*cough cough*

Deus Ex

*cough cough"

>voiced protagonist
it was all downhill from there

they claim it's for this progressive shit but it's actually because they're too lazy to fix cybernetic parts from clipping. wait until pc mods in third person so you can see I'm right.


Is it fair to say this game has been thoroughly ruined?

>pick woman
>the spic fuck your ass
>pick dude
>your spic bff fuck your ass and also dies

Attached: 1546982017319.png (836x543, 189K)

>you can see your character in the fucking cutscenes
Nope, they're first person now. Read the thread.

yep. the minute they moved to cali it was over

Read the tweet
>in some of the cut-scenes

Oh, the ex-employee twitter whore's walk back, we're going to believe that over an interview now?

Yes, this game's launch is going to be a shitstorm. Everyone sees CDPR as some savior of gaming due to the Witcher 3, but once this game makes people throw CDPR under the bus, more devs are going to give even less of a shit about consuners. Expect tons of Twitter fags rushing to defend CDPR, the new Bioware of representation being attacked by entitled gamers. Nobody will ever trust a developer this much ever again, which is good, fuck game developers, they do not care about you or gaming. You are their paycheck at the end of the day, nothing more.


Really should have just been a static character from the start.

Women were a mistake.

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so they cut the other holograms and you have only keanu or they're keeping it hidden in case of need boost hype?

Wow the character creator isn't a total waste if I can see my character in a few of the cutscenes, amazing.

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>life is in first person

If real life is a videogame then it's the worst simulationist piece of shit imaginable.

Attracting mates. Does the game simulate attraction based on attire?

>you can't see yourself irl
>life is in first person
Yet in life your appearance has an effect on others perception of you.
NPC's don't do that of course, unless you mean dressing in a factions clothes to blend in with them, which is about as immersive as Agent 47 disguising himself with the outfit of a black guy with an afro, and nobody notices.

I’m confused, when did anyone think this wasn’t going to be a new deus ex?
And why are people upset?

Based. Fuck thirdperson jumps.

Even the original Deus Ex had third person during dialog. CDPR already has this awesome dialog system from The Witcher series, and they don't use it

No need for cutscenes when your character doesn't even have a VA. And for good reason, Take 4 for example, The VA and conversation "cutscenes" is a literal waste of time and feels linear out the ass. That shitty game has too many problems, It was made by the fucking interns, I guarantee it.

Their community manager said it was going to be like the first Deus ex and not the new ones.

you mean just like in Cyberpunk 2077?

>its not a rpg

The amount of cut features and content so far in this game is actually fucking amazing.

I honestly thing they scrapped a lot of their work and started over. And then they tired to cram 8 years of development into 4 and we're seeing the fallout now.

>announce a game with an amazing per-rendered trailer way too soon
>promise all this insane impossible shit
>game comes close to release
>uh oh all that shit we promised just forget we said anything


You lads should of known better.

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I thought Yea Forums hated having third-person shit in a first-person game?


i mean like in real life, not everything is a video game you fucking virgin, have sex

No, he said it was successful, which is true. It's literally the most successful single piece of media in human existence.

No one every used the drone in Deus Ex.

>this post was sponsored by Tencent

If these cucks don't have any creative freedom, and are just production monkeys I don't see a problem.

IF though, IF.

But why would he bring that up in the context of cyberpunk?

Because he was asked about it in an interview.

I can' believe Yea Forums eat this kind of shit without any proof, give names for your claims or fuck off subhuman.

sounds like bullshit since we've already seen 3rd person cutscenes.


Aren't all games technically Role Playing Games, as you Play a Role in a Game?

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>Fucked it up

Maybe I should ask if cdpr wants to hire me also...

>night city
>all footage is in daytime

Why are catfags absolute cucks?

and it's inconceivable that this was changed

There, slightly better version.
I guess I'm now overqualified for CDPR tho.

Attached: Untitled.png (328x463, 256K)

>cinematic story trailer

Attached: 1567354536130.png (366x370, 214K)

> hello to andromeda 2.0
where does it say andromeda devs? It says veterans from bioware not interns who did andromeda

Keep taking the tablets.

>tfw my friends were actually pissed that the game wasn't in third person and said they just wanted and expected a Cyberpunk GTA

Attached: 1567253892691.png (879x545, 565K)

List it. Because thus far, I'm not seeing any.

Why do you think Yea Forums is pissed?

Yeah, not sure about is one guys.
Gonna pirate it. Don't want to spend 60$ just to have the game shit itself now that i learned Bioware team is working on it

he might be referring to the cutscenes in the 48min gameplay demo where you wake up as a whore or talk to the mexican in the elevator

First it was GTA clone now Boderlands clone

Dilaters are funny
>"gender/sex is non binary"
>"you're not supermasculine af? you're a tranny chop chop"

CDRP still use other companies for physical releases for the US?

Can you CDPROJ shills keep your damn tranny simulator shilling to one thread? You don't need six.

>you wake up as a whore
Damn, I forgot that I wanted to play as some cheap whore or slut on my first walkthrough. Thanks for reminding

It looks to be nothing like the first deus ex besides the aesthetic.

So here's the thing, they are working on the multiplayer part of the game which won't be available at games launch.But I wonder if they are also working on other parts of the game, god I hope not.

Did you not play the first Deus Ex?

The only way to become immortal is to find a way to overcome ageing. Making yourself fully cyber or making it so your cells don't wear down over time, a perfect cell.

thats pretty based desu

>Yea Forums
>playing vidya

Attached: 12423454f.png (600x600, 87K)

I honestly thought they were fucking with me when they told me that. I haven't been keeping up with the game and I'm not getting my hopes up but saying it's ruined and CDPR is dead because it's first person is the dumbest shit.

Oh baby, you have missed nearly a year of autistic screaming over EVERYTHING.

That shazam fag lists it every time.Just look at his posts.

what if the character doesn't have their 'balance organs' in the games lore

I wanna play as a girl but they won't let me play as some meek little hacker. They'll make me be a dude with tits. Just going to play a dude.

Someone post the article crying about how the game is ruined because haircuts

Yeah man the character creator is still valuable even if you never see it, it's a spiritual thing.

The blatantly incorrect one that is proven wrong just by looking at the gameplay reveals?

This is actually a deal-breaker for me, not even shitposting. If I can't see my character in a character-driven RPG what's the fucking point? Skyrim you could excuse it, you don't talk, but this is where you're voiced and everything. Even Deus-fucking-Ex had this.

Neither of those had cutscenes, nor voiced protagonists who had any actual identities. Plus, they're games with text box dialogue options you fucking omega-retard.

>Skyrim you could excuse it, you don't talk
or the fact that you can go third person


Skyrim barely even has cutscenes

>Be me
>Be December 2019+57
>Cyberbunk 2077 us finally released
>Open a door
>Walk in
>Attempt to open another door
>Game freezes for 3 seconds
>A loading screen
>You have now entered a gender neutral bathroom and can see a real time gif of your character in the mirror.

Pure kino

neither does the sextape your mom and i recorded :)

kek its dead



why are Canadian dev teams so poisonous to vidya fuck

>walking across the room changes the game world in that you are now on the complete opposite side of the room

>Digital Scapes team members worked on blockbuster game series like Company of Heroes, Warhammer 40,000, Dying Light, Prototype, and more.

>Digital Scapes recently made some waves through their work on Dying Light‘s surprisingly entertaining asymmetrical PvP mode while Techland focused on the single-player side of the game.

>As well as their work on Dying Light’s multiplayer, Digital Scapes are notable for their work on R&D, telemetry and analytics, according to an older version of their now-updated company blurb – stuff that would undoubtedly be useful for a game as complex as Cyberpunk 2077. Internal testing will only tell you so much through reports but good telemetry can tell you an enormous amount about players – this video from excellent YouTube channel “AI And Games” goes into the process of gathering and deciphering player information.

Sounds great for cp.

Attached: big tank.png (524x876, 463K)

>Waited two decades for a sequel to VtM:B
>Waited almost two decades for this game
>It's nothing but people REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE'ing as well

Attached: 1565067448093.jpg (637x946, 57K)

honestly sounds p good to me

so? It's not like the original CDPR devs will just disappear

maybe you should actually try the games yourself and form an opinion of your own instead of just going along with the hi/v/emind

Yes, he should most definitely buy the game and ignore whatever anyone says about it. Then if he doesn't like it, he should just keep his opinion to himself. As long as the devs get paid it doesn't matter.

Which parts are proven wrong?

>ever still thinking about buying the game after firing someone for a joke
You absolute morons are your own worst enemy.

Attached: 1565211672489.png (500x593, 64K)


so you can attach a femdick.

pretty sure they mean the cinematics. the ingame cutscenes will show your character like witcher 3

I'm very quickly losing interest in this shitshow of a game.

I've never seen weapons feel so weightless, check the part where the strong independent woman rips a machine gun out of its turret and starts firing it:


Becuase first person view is 1000 times more immersive than the lazy-ass fortnite view
It's a good change and I hope they went all in with the tech
like proper in-head camera with our own body visible when looking down and casting actual shadows

Can this fucking company please stop telling us more and more about the game? It feels like I already know 90% of the game and it's not even fucking out.

proper in-head camera with our own body visible when looking down and casting actual shadows

already confirmed to not be in the final build.

Hey, but mirrors will be!

man that sucks
melee in this game is going to be really shitty if that's the case
I really miss original Starbreeze, they were the only devs who knew what they were doing

if you want to be a qt meek little hacker then I guess just wait for watch dogs 3

I'm cancelled my preorder and i'll be buying Death Stranding instead.

>POV Sex Scenes

Attached: 664CEBE7-C302-4A57-B7BF-4227B72AE23C.jpg (528x403, 57K)

You'll get a fade to black and you'll like it

SOURCE 1: youtube.com/redirect?v=wYk0FkxEr6c&redir_token=rOZM-8cMoXbYpLteNAmMtkV-_sF8MTU2NzU4MzAwNEAxNTY3NDk2NjA0&event=video_description&q=https://www.pcgamer.com/cyberpunk-2077s-cutscenes-will-apparently-be-first-person/

SOURCE 2: youtube.com/redirect?v=wYk0FkxEr6c&redir_token=rOZM-8cMoXbYpLteNAmMtkV-_sF8MTU2NzU4MzAwNEAxNTY3NDk2NjA0&event=video_description&q=https://gamerant.com/cyberpunk-2077-cutscene-first-person-sex/

SOURCE 3: youtube.com/redirect?v=wYk0FkxEr6c&redir_token=rOZM-8cMoXbYpLteNAmMtkV-_sF8MTU2NzU4MzAwNEAxNTY3NDk2NjA0&event=video_description&q=https://forums.cdprojektred.com/index.php?threads/e3-2019-post-e3-2019-media-news-previews.11007793/page-48

SOURCE 4: youtube.com/redirect?v=wYk0FkxEr6c&redir_token=rOZM-8cMoXbYpLteNAmMtkV-_sF8MTU2NzU4MzAwNEAxNTY3NDk2NjA0&event=video_description&q=https://forums.cdprojektred.com/index.php?attachments/hhkhkh-jpg.11013884/

SOURCE 5: youtube.com/redirect?v=wYk0FkxEr6c&redir_token=rOZM-8cMoXbYpLteNAmMtkV-_sF8MTU2NzU4MzAwNEAxNTY3NDk2NjA0&event=video_description&q=https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/cyd0bd/all_cutscenes_in_cyberpunk_2077_are_now_first/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

SOURCE6: youtube.com/redirect?v=wYk0FkxEr6c&redir_token=rOZM-8cMoXbYpLteNAmMtkV-_sF8MTU2NzU4MzAwNEAxNTY3NDk2NjA0&event=video_description&q=https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/cyeh4p/first_person_only_cutscenes_not_confirmed/

SOURCE 7: youtube.com/redirect?v=wYk0FkxEr6c&redir_token=rOZM-8cMoXbYpLteNAmMtkV-_sF8MTU2NzU4MzAwNEAxNTY3NDk2NjA0&event=video_description&q=https://forums.cdprojektred.com/index.php?attachments/cyb1-png.11013644/

SOURCE8: youtube.com/redirect?v=wYk0FkxEr6c&redir_token=rOZM-8cMoXbYpLteNAmMtkV-_sF8MTU2NzU4MzAwNEAxNTY3NDk2NjA0&event=video_description&q=https://i.imgur.com/6LkLeAK.png

>after firing someone for a joke


They fired someone from "transphobic" tweets if I remember rightly.

There doesnt always have to be a point, nazincel.

imagine thinking the creators of the witcher wouldnt go full SJW once they thought they had the money locked down

Really? damn. Got a source?

Nah devs said you'll be able to see it, though it'll likely be a montage of positions as it was in Witcher 3

The game is still the fucking same. They haven't changed the camera perspective. We knew about this shit when they first revealed the gameplay. Stop going apeshit over a year old information like it's a new thing.
Why the fuck does this game has so many fake news around it. The camera is still the same, you're not forced to play as a tranny, you can play as a straight male

The Bioware cancer spreads.

>no one replies
man it really is just addiction to shitposting.
no amount of facts will change it. sunposting was a mistake

Being a FUCKING white male is rough in hollowood nowadays.

>implying that they were ever first person
keep lying to yourself user

Attached: 1556934754991.png (223x226, 5K)

2080ti I'll just pirate the game and look at myself in the mirror checkmate rtx off faggots

I still don’t get why you fags thought this was going to be some elaborate pnp crpg, it was always going to be a deus ex game

>only PC mods can save this dumpster now
Sorry I was really looking forward to this but everyday it's nothing but "sorry but this happened... also this... also this is removed... also we need to suck X or Y demo's tranny cock..."
desu fuck cdproject, I'm sticking to FromSoftChad.

What a retarded thread.

What a shame

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It's called night city after the founder Richard Night little zombie.

When the cgi trailer came out and CDPR made vague promises so people assumed it would be their dream game. Why you'd expect anything of that scale in a game that only really started development after witcher 3 by CDPR of all people, a company who have not once made a good game.

Yep. Its over.

That's every cyberpunk thread. It's shills and shitposters just calling each other trannies the entire time.

Why has everything single piece of infomation since the gameplay reveal sounded awful?

Nice projection but ok

That’s majorly disappointing. The character creator was a big motivator for me buying the game but now that it’s basically meaningless. I might not even bother

>they won't add the choice to purchase a puppy that welcomes you when you come back home and have Johnny Silverhand giving the doggo head pats.
>they'll use the time and money that could be used for this so you can be sure to be able to play a tranny with a 12 inch long cock

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Because you thought it was going to be your dream game and then reality fucked you in the ass.

Isn’t that gonna be insanely awkward? What if you play as the male V and hook up with another dude? Are you just gonna get a montage of different shots of your apartment?

>cuckrunnerfag still thinks cyberpunk as a whole isn't SJW bullshit

Johnny Silverhand is literally the main villain.

Yeah but Keanu is another shit Hollywood actor who gets memed as good by redditors, like Gosling. Only difference one is a ""really nice guy"" and the other is ""literally me"".

>wtf why can't I have a shitty gimmick in my vidya 0/10
Get a real dog faggot.

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>E3 trailer showed off cute Slav twink V
>you’ll never actually get to see him beyond the mirror in the apartment
>let alone see him smile
This is the worst

>no argument as to why the game is good

Now I don't buy the game. Check mate.


>getting assblasted over a poorly made picture
Ok Tranny.

How do i make a GOOD cyberpunk RPG bros?


Attached: Sipping CDPdRones Tears.jpg (400x510, 34K)

Hire competent staff
Budget according the actual market for that product
Have a clear vision before starting development

There's literally no reason to play a woman if you can't see her ass when she bends over. I was so hard fantasising about some kuu-dere corpo assassin in a skin tight suit fucking strangling chicks with her thighs, but now all my hype for this piece of shit is out the window.

Don't fuck me and whisper sweet promises, if you're going to fucking fuck me anyway, fuck me hard and just get rid of characters entirely and be the shitty FPS shooter action game you want to be and release tomorrow.

shut the fuck up you literal retard

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Is there a slight chance that they might add tpp post release if people still continue to complain?

This desu, why even continue the facade

Why would they? This is a FPP action game. They've given up even pretending this a RPG with customization and choices that matter.

the point of CAC is for the people that can't relate to a story unless their face is literally on screen very self centered types


Video games crash 2.0 fucking when?

Don't go I expecting to make bannerlord: Cyberpunk edition unless you've got a big enough and skilled team + big enough budget to actually accomplish it, realise you can't and slowly but surely turn it into a action adventure game.

You know a game has to be developed with 3rd person in mind right?

>this game's launch is going to be a shitstorm.
Not in a million years. Normalfags will love it. Yea Forums has been the only place I've seen that has hated this game with a passion since day 1.

this, normalfags eatup all the shit by big aaa companies. Yea Forums despite being contrarian faggot bulshit is actualy only place on interwebz where you can actualy critisize the fucking game without being shoved into oblivion by fanbois.

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Of course they will love it, it has a massive marketing budget.
Also anons in America should realise spics are the most important market. They are the best consumers by far

To be fair I have seen some link to reddit where they were saying similar shit about the point of the character creator, although obviously more "politely". Still then I saw a thread there were someone was saying shit about the Corp chick that even if she betrayed them he'd still want her to fuck him or some shit like a fucking beta, so maybe not the best place to get a opinion on it. At this rate I'm expecting a 6-7/10 but Yea Forums is so mad about the game and with so many shilling it you wont be able to objectively discuss it, only praise it as the 2nd coming of christ or shitpost it into oblivion, like witcher 3.

That explain so much!
The bad graphics, lame gameplay, the extreme sjw pandering, the fact that it doesn’t look like cyberpunk at all, etc

Then why are you going on about how the game will make people throw CDPR under the bus if you're also admitting normalfags will love it?

Reminder you are a tard for ever trusting cdpr after witcher 3's downgrade and expected anything from 2077

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When has anyone said that?


See >but once this game makes people throw CDPR under the bus

Well he's retarded and way to optimistic about society