Post them

How many mods you running?

Attached: Screenshot_6.png (1915x1030, 2.37M)

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that's disgusting
why would you ruin the main menu

over 9000

screw you

0, because there are no good mods up to date

you ruined the fucking game before you even started it

I've been playing minecraft since 2011 faggot


talking about that ugly ass main menu

0. The game fails to launch.

I haven't played mc in such a long time but did a playthrough recently and I have to say that villagers broke the game
You can get full diamond gear from just trading papers

usually just optifine, sometimes a minimap, but if im building redstone in survival then schematica + tweakero

OptiFine, if that even classifies as a mod. I like vanilla

Effortless Building, Little Tiles, Hooks, and other shit. When there are this mods in a modpack, it's good

Attached: asdqwerqwerqfds.png (870x518, 329K)

Over 280.

Attached: 2019-08-30_18.27.43.png (2560x1413, 3.2M)

give me all the best mods for 1.14 right now

Downgrading to 1.12 or 1.7.1

Anyone building walls around their settlement? Mine is pretty kino.

My whole big home is going to house a small city through the Tektopia mod. I'd say it does for villages what I wish the game did originally by giving me even more of a benefit and reason to grow attached to villages by giving them useful jobs, a modicum of automation, needs and the ability to use literally any structure as homes/places of work if you mark doorways.

Two old jap boomers play minucraftu