Video games turned into shit
Video game industry is a joke
Video game JOUrnaLISm is retarded
Fuck everything about this shitty fuckery
Video games turned into shit
Video game industry is a joke
Video game JOUrnaLISm is retarded
Fuck everything about this shitty fuckery
Try some out and see what clicks, you'll find a good modern one eventually
I try daily new games and they go all down the shitter the very next day
they are either
boring story
casule shit
agenda driven
a copy of a copy
bad port
indie shit
half backed shittery
AAA fast food
full with dlc shit
Kill yourself, it's the only way you'll be happy
What is the reason of
man of medan
when even doing shitty choise does nothing to the story and only gives different ending?
Watching your character fails all task is more fun but retarded as hell.
What kinda games you lookin for? Any specifics?
If people like you would explode in a giant bloody mess, i would be happy.
How about some good games for once
Limiting yourself only to a specific type of game makes it even worse, user.
Just for example, if you only go with JRPG's than you have to face a shitton of TECMO artificially manufactured products from the production line with no soul, or the gayporn fantasy shit from Square penix. Inbetween you get clickbait rpgmaker jews and anime porn up to waifutards going full trany on you.
There is no Lufia anymore, user, there is no Terranigma anymore, user. No Grandia or Breath of Fire, forget it user.
Uhhh.... Shovel Knight... pokemon black and white 1&2... maybe donkey Kong tropical freeze. I mean, that's a couple really good games
>Shovel Knight
pixel shit for the speedrunner faggot
>donkey Kong tropical freeze
casual shit, did you ever played the real shit on snes?
Underrail bre
Boring as hell
can't be modded
Devil Survivor 1/2
Try Red Alert 3,Gmod and Helldivers.
2007 was the best year for vidya. Such a shame the quality was never the same
Shovel knight is cool. That's just a fun pokemon game. And I did play the SNES ones, tropical freeze was pretty much the only game I've played that felt like a SNES game in modern day. Oh and to add two to my list, I liked Wario Ware Gold and Portal 2 a lot. Just learn to have fun. There arent as many undeniable hits in modern day, but just because they are fewer and farther between doesn't mean they dont exist. I also lament the change in gaming around 2007 and I completely agree that it exists, but I'm willing to accept that some games are still good
already playing it day in and out because there is nothing else to get into, playing all day zombie survivle on a shitty ebin Yea Forums server, shitposting in the chat and never leaving the cade. After 3k+ hours it gets boring. Don't get me wrong, it is an awesome game but after a while you get burnt out of it.
>Red Alert 3
i am open to everything but this is not my type of game
>Devil Survivor 1/2
i tried, it was boring, over all this shin megami shitter is nothing i can get into it.
2007 was the best year for movies, vidya, music and culture in general.
I feel like we've headed down towards a dystopian spiral where we can't get out, and it will only get worse.
The last game i really enjoyed was Little Big Planet on PSP.
Since 2007, facebook going public, first iphone, etc... everything went down the shithole.
There will never be a LBP
>XCOM 2 and WoTC
>Nier Automata
>Demons Souls and DS1
>Divinity OS 2
>Batman Arkham Asylum
that's all the games I thoroughly enjoyed since 2007.
westacucks on suicide watch
>all the games I thoroughly enjoyed since 2007
>12 years and only 8 games
wtf happened?
good game reporting in
Mario galaxy 2, bayonetta 1 and 2, Halo reach, Just cause 2-3, Jackbox, SM4SH and ultimate, duck tales remastered, mega man 10, Minecraft Java pre 1.9, Mario kart wii/8/8 deluxe, Dmc 5, Botw, Robot 64.
Also rust I love rust
I remember that time the Digra/Darpa stuff scared the shit of one eceleb who is know known for sending rapetweets to female politicians.
The industry became too big, had board rooms and market researchers instead of passionate programmers. I guess I only listed triple A titles by companies that allow their creators freedom, like firaxis with Jake Solomon, and From, and if course Yolo Taro.
if you look at indie games that are outside the insane cult of indie devs and games journalists both of whom poison the waters generally, you get some great games imo. Banished and Minecraft, Factorio are some.
Its depressing but I think I have some kind of broken brain syndrome because I can replay most of those games and never tire of them, so I'm not too upset.
>donkey Kong country for snes with unfair difficulty spikes vs tropical freeze with 1 consistently challenging difficulty
>unfair difficulty spikes
kek, what kind of crybaby are you?
What does it matter? No matter what anyone says you're gonna call it shit, right?
I never got into Minecraft single player without quitting after a day of playing. Factions was where it was at for me. I paid about 160$ to help fuel Prestonplays Cocaine addiction but god damn were those some of the best times of my life just hanging out with friends making our own in factions. Everything changed when my friend joined the top factions and I slowly grew out of it for other games.
Imagine thinking the barrels, bees, and krool are fair
Only looking forward to bannerlord and nintendo games at this point. Cyberpunk is looking worse every time they show it
Thought the combat systems looked neat. Maybe not the story but to be honest I want a game to be what Deus Ex tried to be.
There isn't a single game made before 2007 that's still worth playing today. Some of them were good for their time, sure, but the technology and the industry itself have moved on. I suppose they have some value as historical curiosities, but there's no reason to actually play them when you have modern games.
>Before 2007
Disgaea 1
Great Game
>After 2007
Disgaea 2, 3, HD, Remake; 4; PC remasterd 4
Go to a modern site then, faggot.
>modern site
This may come as a shock, but Yea Forums is actually still in existence, and being posted on in 2019.
Mate it's an outdated site from 2003. Technology has progressed.
People are still playing the original doom you absolute mongoloid. You got no logic.
Never forget dear gamers,
that was all about their agenda to kill the gamer, remember shillverstring and digra, killing gamers.
They pushed their feminim agenda into video games, not you give whaman a fear share but to burn this stereotype down since they couldn't control it. Thank you Common core.
>People are still playing the original doom
Nostalgia junkies who can't let go. Too jaded to look for new experiences, they just keep jerking off to the same old one, trying to remember how it felt when it was new. No one who didn't play doom when it came out could actually enjoy it today.
Alec was essentially a clout martyr.
Everyone is claiming this was a random suicide, but it's clear what was actually happening: his killers were driven to take his life solely for the sake of clout. They wanted infamy of their own and found it in gunning down a 20-year old.
As Al was taking his final breath, he was surrounded by kids making rape allegations. Why? For clout. No one was taking his side, no one was calling for evidence, everyone was standing around with their twitter accounts out as his sanity was clinging to life.
The moral lesson of Alec's life story should be a cautionary tale of the horrors of social media and how it's fucked our society beyond belief.
RIP Al. See you in Heaven...
We told you not to vote for Obamer, but ya dun didn't listen
And all those people surrounding him? He surrounded himself with them. Hell, he was probably banging half of them because because who else would have sex with these losers?
He was a manipulative user who surrounded himself with other manipulative users, and he in the end, he got used up and thrown away because he was too dumb to play these scumbags against themselves by calling himself a woman and saying Quinn has white privilege or something. Bitch got exactly what he had coming.