Interesting tidbit about Hideki Kamiya and PlayStation/Sony

>A Japanese Twitter user, who really wanted the game to come to PlayStation 4, tried their luck by asking none other than PlatinumGames director Hideki Kamiya himself. This is how he responded:

> “Why… would be great to have Mario, Zelda, and Metroid (on PS4) too but…
As for do I hate PlayStation… I’m just a developer fulfilling my contractual obligations so I don’t know, maybe you can try asking my publisher and investor Nintendo?”

Typical port begging and "ask owner of the IP" thing aside, is this the first time we had explicit confirmation that he's not a fan of the PlayStation brand and Sony? Mind you this isn't about the Astral Chain port begging per-se, but rather the general feeling about the game director regarding Sony since the first Bayonetta port.

I'm a big fan of the director and I hope he'll someday make something cool for us Playstation players as well.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Stupid insect question. Blocked.


>twitter news

I hate neo-Yea Forums

I thought Sony users were happy with all the million GOTYs cinematic masterpieces they got.

That reads to me like "I don't hate them, I'm just fulfilling my contract". And I doubt he cares too much about platforms, he just care about who has the fattest wallet (Nintendo)

Really though why isn't there a Bayonetta 1 port for PS4? You can play it on every other platform right now except PS4.

Do you have brain damage OP? Where did he say he hates Sony?

Blocked. ;)

Maybe when Sony pays up

Only a stupid fanboy would see this as Kamiya hating Playstation. He is fulfilling a contract, he is a developer, he is NOT the IP holder of anything. SEGA/Nintendo decide where the games go.

Mikami is the one who absolutely fucking hated Sony.


No, dude has professed his visceral hate for Sony for at least the last decade, he literally thought Sony was the devil of the gaming industry because of some shit that happened to him during the PS2 gen that might have depended from whatever shitty Sony exec was there at the time. What makes it sad is that he thought only SONY was a soulless husk of a company, and not based Sega successor Microsoft, that's why he agreed to doing an exclusive for them, and look how that fucking turned out, instead of taking a huge hint by staring at the fucking mess that was the Xbone release and Microsoft continuous statements on the kind of gaming experience they wanted. Kamiya likes to tell you shit about how being a fanboy console warrior is childish and he's above it all, but the truth is he is still the kid he was back then, concentrated pettiness. Since now he has no horse to ride on (and he kinda hates his PC fanbase so by extension the platform itself) except Nintendo, you can only hear him praise Nintendo and provide PR level statements like being "fun" working for them.

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this mother fucker, no shit he hates playstation, after hitting jackpot with both RE2 and DmC1, he started having the trend to ride the cock of his own success.
Examples such as his twitter and other of his works show that he has bad blood between Sony and him. Especially when people told him time and time again that his and Capcom choice to give up on Playstation at his peak (ps2) in favor for GC costed some franchise almost their life, (Resident evil viewtiful joe and megaman ) since the sales were abysmal, meanwhile houses like Konamy were making bank solely on Silent Hill 2 and 3. Making titles like God Hand need to be made from scratch since it was supposed to be for the gamecube, and Monster Hunter 1&2 be set back since it had to have internet capabilities ala Phantasy Star Online, but gamecube didn't provide for online play at a decent level. So in conclusion Kamiya had to eat shit and leave capcom after bitching that his projects were too "ambitious and difficult for coders to provide on Playstation", which bit him in the ass when scalebound did the exact same shit and died in his arms when the xbox one couldn't handle that shit show.
I'll never not be mad for what Resident evil would have been if 0 or remake and 4 weren't developed for N64-Gamecube

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>"It would be great to have Mario and Zelda on PS4 too."
>This means he hates Sony

Nintendo bankrolled Platinum's latest games. Therefore they are available on Nintendo's platform exclusively.
What Platinum would want is for the most amount of people to play it, they don't hold brand loyalty. What they want more than that, though, is for the game to fucking exist. That's the long and short of it.

Isn't the reason Sony is generally hated by Devs is Ken whats his fuck who completely ruined all Sony hardware for years and led to someone on the RE staff throwing a punch at him

>would be great to have Mario, Zelda, and Metroid (on PS4) too
>is this the first time we had explicit confirmation that he's not a fan of the PlayStation brand and Sony

To be fair nobody really likes Sony unless they are getting free rimjobs like squeenix.



>STILL caring about Japanese Phil Fish

Ken Kutaragi? He definitely had a sun-sized ego, but you can't say PS1 and PS2 weren't marvels of technology in their own way or that PS1 wasn't at least the most coder friendly console of the 5th gen, or that you couldn't achieve mind-boggling shit on PS2 if you played the strengths of the system. PS3 is a fucking rushed mess though, nobody is going to ever deny that.

Kamiya hates console wars.

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He has a history of showing negative bias towards Sony and Playstation
>The Bayonetta 1 PS3 port drama (apparently the game wasn't even supposed to come out for PS3 and the port happened just because SEGA asked for it);
>The PSABR tweets (which I actually agree with);
>Scalebound avoiding PS4 for whatever reasons (probably more because MS paid for the exclusive, but still a weird coincidence)
Which is weird considering his most famous titles became huge sellers with the PS brand, like RE2 and DMC1.

>the first Bayonetta port.
I may be wrong but from what i remember Bayonetta was going to be a 360 exclusive because of a deal with Microsoft, when Sega stepped in they had to rush to port Bayonetta to the PS3, and that is why the PS3 version of Bayonetta is the worst one

The PS3 port wasn't even made by PlatinumGames, turns out.

None of that points to a dislike towards Sony at all, do you even understand how business works?

>but still a weird coincidence
It wasn't coming to Nintendo platforms either.
Microsoft doesn't care about PC competition, they've completely given up on pushing their storefront there.

Kamiya hated the Bayonetta PS3 port because it was done by SEGA and it was infamously fucking horrible.

And really, are you really trying to imply Kamiya signed a contract with MS to spite Sony? Could you possibly reach even harder?


>And really, are you really trying to imply Kamiya signed a contract with MS to spite Sony?
Never said that.

The PS2 hardware is basically the jumping off point for every major event related to Capcom during that era funnily enough.
Shinji Mikami thought it was a fucking mess and hated Ken Kutaragi and it led to him convincing Capcom to find another partner during the gen leading to the Capcom 5 and all the drama around that, which later led to the post drama and half of their talent leaving meaning Keiji Inafune to run free and the dark era of Capcom

He definetely means that he doesn't have any sort of bias against PlayStation and is just fulfilling the Nintendo contract.

every game he's directed other than w101 has been on a sony platform, how the fuck is he biased against them?

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Bayo 1 PS3 port got fixed eventually, i played it years after it cane out and it was fine.

>The PSABR tweets (which I actually agree with)
His opinions were born out of subpar knowledge of that game's history which is a shitshow and one of the most mishandled projects in Sony's history. And what did Kamiya complain about? That it looked/played too much like Smash so whichever involved party had no integrity, implying only Nintendo should be allowed to make Smash games because they came up with the idea. What a mature concept.

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You are heavily implying it. Platinum is a indie dev that takes contracts for games. Do you seriously believe they'd refuse a contract from a big company like MS for an exclusive game? You are actively listing Platinum taking a contract from MS as a "negative bias towards Sony", that is off the wall retarded.

If you want someone who actually hated Sony look for Shinji "I'll cut my fucking head off if you port RE4" Mikami

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>"As for do I hate PlayStation.. I'm just a developer


No still run like ass. And playing on PS3 at this point is moot.

Sony is the only company so far that hasn't paid him for an exclusive while they have done so to their back then niche rival From Software that skyrocketed into popularity while they where left in the dust developing crappy licensed western cartoon games.


I didn't see them but he likely complained Sony "All Stars" used Donte instead of Dante. Which is not a slight against Sony, it's against Capcom. Capcom are the ones who wanted Donte.

That's more on SEGA, I think, which seeing how stupid they are is not surprising.

And mikami was the one that built his game (vanquish) with PS3 as the base system...

>Hackmiya got relegated by being a twatter writer after almost ruining his company after Scalebound

>I'm a big fan of the director
shit taste

It’s hilarious because every single RE on PS1 sold gangbusters yet he still went with Nintendo were his games flopped so hard they got ported to PS2 were they sold well.

He complained because Raiden was leaked or whatever.

No, he never mentioned the use of Donte instead of Dante. His complaints were more about the game being a Smash ripoff.

Based Kamiya dabbing on Snoys

RE4 on GC actually sold damn well, but it could had sold even better if capcom did had announced PS2 version like a month before release.

Who cares what Japanese Phil Fish thinks? He's utterly irrelevant. Hasn't released a game in 6 years & a good game in over a decade

The same Shinji Mikami who wanted the PS3 version of Vanquish to be the base one for development, and that ran terrible on 360, am I right? The same PS3 which had Valve, Factor 5 and other developers come out and say it was an absolute nightmare to work with, am I correct?

I dunno bro it ran at 30 fps with some drops when i played it the port is fine.

The PS3 version of Bayo 1 is the best selling Bayonetta SKU to this day so Sega was right.

Mikami didn't care about sales. He wanted a job. He wanted out of Capcom and working for Nintendo.

>his games flopped
Only REmake, RE4 was a system seller and sold a ton.

He's a developer, not a salesman. PS2 wasn't exactly liked to develop with.

name one bad game he's directed

Nintendo are publishing their games because nobody else did, not only that but allowing creative freedom as opposed to censorship or specific cultural values.
There was a big thing about this with bayo 2 where nobody would fund it, nintendo was a last resort and they gave them everything. When they asked about adding characters skins they even encouraged the skimpy designs.
This isn't a console war thing, its one company offering the funding where others didn't.


He based the core development on the PS3 version EXACTLY because he knew that the PS3 was a bitch ass hardware to develop with. so in order to avoid another Bayonetta thing he decided to focus on PS3 hardware this time around.

>I dunno bro it ran at 30 fps with some drops when i played it the port is fine
The game targets 60 though. Anybody who plays the PS3 port shouldn't legitimately think that's how the game is supposed to play like. And I say this as an unpatched PS3 Bayo owner.

>ps4 has no games = lets not actually put some games on it

>turned their back on Japan, moved to Commiefornia and strictly focuses on Western cinematic experiences

Why would Japanese people like them anymore?

meanwhile nier automata sales on ps4 saved the company

but i really don't think he dislikes sony, he just wants to get funded and nintendo is the only one to do so.

>Do you seriously believe they'd refuse a contract from a big company like MS for an exclusive game?
Not that user, but in current day i don't doubt that Platinum would refuse to work with Microsoft after Scalebound, it defintely feels like the bridges between the two were burned

Did you even read your own post? He says nothing about hating Sony. He obviously doesn't give a fuck about console wars.

>That's more on SEGA, I think, which seeing how stupid they are is not surprising.

Sega doubts there's demand for more ports. Anyone willing to buy Bayonetta again so it preforms better will just get it on steam.

It's more that you can do so many new things with your IPs and you as a company decide to ride on the Smash appeal.


The PS2 version only sold a few hundred thousand more than the GC release. Capcom were retards and announced the PS2 port before RE4 even released, so GC babbies ignored it out of fanboy principle while word of mouth on the PS2 port's awful performance killed its chance to sell to the tens of millions of owners it had at that point.

That was in the beginning, by mid gen it was par with xbox. There's a reason gabe came on stage to announce orange box and say sony was working hard to fix there mistakes and deserved some respect for it.

No he did because the linker was faster and core optimizations for ps3 yielded improvements on 360 as well.

Resident Evil 2 PS1 sold 5 million copies
Resident Evil 4 on the Gamecube sold 1.6 million

If Yea Forums knows anything about him it's that he will not put up with cali commies dictating how his games can play and look. He will never work with them.

Dragged for too long, maybe, but far from being bad.


Just a few days ago Sony was at an Atlus event or whatever saying that Persona is as important to them as to Atlus and Sega themselves causing shitposting non-stop for days.

user, it's a 40h long tutorial.

Yes they were burned, however we are talking about the initial pitch from MS.

Non-meme reply right here.

Sony only has movies. Bayonetta's not a movie.

Nintendo was the only one, they funded bayo 2.

Take your meds tranny

I stand my case.

>t.HD Collectionfag who probably got filtered by Nightmare

Pretty much all of them.

>i don't doubt that Platinum would refuse to work with Microsoft after Scalebound
In response to someone asking on twitter if he'd be willing to work with Microsoft again Kamiya said "Our door is always open." For all his bluster on the internet I don't think Kamiya is THAT stupid a developer he'd turn down money and a contract. They know their current financial security is only a couple of sales failures away from being over and they have a history of sales failures. And people seem to be under the impression Microsoft never paid Platinum games. That's not true. They were paid for work rendered, they just didn't get all the financial rewards of a released game. Who knows? Maybe even Kamiya agrees the game was in development hell.

Why can't sonybros and pcronies do a 2 minute google search to realize Astral Chain is a Nintendo IP like Mario or Splatoon?

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because you have to come to the realization and accept most people are fucking stupid

I haven't heard that anecdote, but yeah, Mikami picked up his ball and went to the Nintendo/MS court. Basically, MS fumbled the meeting so hard Nintendo was going to be the exclusive home of mainline Resident Evil until PS2 numbers just got too large to ignore and Capcom ported RE4.

He always made it sound like the issues were from both sides rather than a typical "publisher fucked up development of our game" kind of drama. Game was also running really bad when it was being showcased during conferences and playable booths, and I doubt MS was at fault for that.


Shitposting aside, we're never getting a Bayo 2 adaptation are we?

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Okami. It's pretty, but it's a slog

Yes user, why would based MS ever fuck anything up, I rightfully ask.

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Ok, that's a new for me. I don't know moonrunes so I missed that.

>probably a faggot from those terrible DMC generals where they jerk each other off while complaining about Kamiya

OK, so it really was Microsoft's fault for whatever happened with Scalebound.

>Funky ... Microsoft's fucking idiot ...

So basically Nintendo was once again I the only one who would fund their stuff.

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He was angry at MS because of something with a downloadable game not being able to be downloaded for whatever reason. I believe it was Forza?

>OK, so it really was Microsoft's fault for whatever happened with Scalebound.
>believing Hackmiya's lies
I'm sure it's Platinum's fault, taking on multiple project at once.

Sega's a PC publisher now, they don't care about Sony, their bread and butter are strategy games.
Hence why their big new AAA announcement at Gamescom was yet another strategy game.

>they don't care about Sony
Isn't their next Sakura Wars a PS4 exclusive?

Timed, possibly not even that.

Yakuza games and Yakuza 7
Sakura Wars

You're retarded

All timed
Sorry m8, didn't you get the memo? Sega's a PC dev now.
They'll take Sony's money for that sweet timed exclusivity, but that's about it. :^)

Every Jap third party release their games on PC

It doesn't matter if it's timed

SEGA Is biggest Sony supporters

You know where the bulk of Persona 5's sales came from?

>>To be fair nobody really likes Sony
sounds about right

remember lik sang, or bleem, or "our shitty psp design that has shitty square buttons was made like that on purpose"? sony's a horribly arrogant company

he's a fucking cuck
imagine making action games at 30fps
worse than dirt

Imagine getting out-englished by a fucking japanese balding midget. Get your shit together OP and learn how to fucking read.

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Kek, no, Sega just wants that quick Sony money.
Then they invest it in SoE and their strategy games, since they're Sega's biggest market at the moment.

No one bought Killer7 on ps2.

And Sony benefits from Sega support

That's why Persona mainline games are PS only

Well I do know "bro" and bayonetta runs at 60fps on literally every other platform.

Persona isn't even that popular, the most popular game in the series has sold, what, 2 million units?
That's modern indie game levels of sales.

>Indie games selling 2 million

Ok, now you're being retarded

The most successful Indies barely sell 1 million and they're very few

Risk of Rain 2 and Mordhau are both indie games and both sold over 1 million units on PC alone in a month.
With console sales, RoR 2 will easily hit 2, maybe 3 million units sold by the end of the year.

Get back under your rock, bud

It doesn't change the fact that Sony is getting tremendous support from SEGA

Starde Valley has sold almost 10 million copies in like 3 years.
Have you been living under a rock?
It's not 2008 anymore.

Basement budget games to make a quick buck on japs release on PS4. PC is where they make the real money though.

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In the form of unpopular side projects that no one cares about while they use the profits to invest in their main platform; PC.

He played RE2make on PS4 though.

For the last few years every Sega's investors report talks about acquiring more EU and NA developers for PC games. They acquired Amplitude a while back, Two Point very recently and Total War is making more money in one week than 3 Yakuza games in their lifetime.

Even if he did hate playstation his best games were all done on sony platforms anyway.

Bayonetta 1 for ps3 was shit. They aren’t gonna put out a port of a shit port but at the same time they aren’t gonna re-port a game that already has a port. Halo mcc uses the shit gearbox pc ports of halo 1 and 2 but that’s because mcc was built off whatever scraps Microsoft left 343 with after halo 5 underperformed.


Not denying PC is important now for SEGA but Sony will always be a priority for em

>someday make something cool for us Playstation players as well
Were DMC and Okami not good enough for you?

Maybe a 2nd tier priority, but their main priority is PC, hence why they admitted as much back in ~2013.

Illiterate retard.


Sony is their main priority since they release their games first on PS consoles and the leftovers are for PC

The most talentless pathetic man alive and Yea Forums still sucks his dick, no one played bayonetta 2 and no one played this piece of shit weeb game, stick to real consoles shorty.

True Bayo 2 was pretty shit but hey the first one was great!

Nope, all their biggest games nowadays are PC games, their PS4 games are games no one cares about.
Plus, y'know, they've already admitted that PC is their focus.

>is this the first time we had explicit confirmation that he's not a fan of the PlayStation brand and Sony?

That must be why Persona 5 was ported to PC.

Bayonetta 2 wasn't directed by him.

Nah, it's more because no one outside of a few autists cares about Persona.



The article only says that total war sells good on PC you really think one IP can sustain their whole company, what more TW isn't even made by sega but by a recently bought western dev.

Yes, but can I have more?


That's literally not what he said at all, retard. He just says he does his job how his contracts states so he doesn't get in trouble.

Sega's only been expanding their PC developer library in recent years, and will continue to do so.

>is this the first time we had explicit confirmation that he's not a fan of the PlayStation brand and Sony?

what the fuck is wrong with you people, he gave a completely bland response saying he's not the one who makes decisions about ports, and you of course interpret it as "HOLY SHIT HE SAID HE HATES SONY!!"

What PS3 port drama? Kamiya was sad the game ran so badly on PS3, he didn't hate Sony he hated the fact it turned out so bad on PS3
Dunno why this is being used to fuel console wars, Nintendo paid P* to make the game. Therefore its up to Nintendo what consoles the game ends up on

>op posts topic about him hating Sony
>directly quoted him saying he doesn't
what did op mean by this

>and will continue to do so.
You know sega is know for the worst business decisions in the industry. It won't be the first time they try to bank on something only to face near bankruptcy.

Ask your corporate overlord to sponsor Platinum stuff if it's a priority for you.

You're thinking of Sega of Japan.
AKA the ones making PS4 games.
So in a way, yea, you're right.

>Nintendo paid P* to make the game
they paid for 2 and are paying for 3. the first one can come to any platform Sega wants it to come to. but the fact is that bayonetta 1 was quite popular and ended up on wii u and switch before PS4

>You're thinking of Sega of Japan.
Yeah because sega of america is known for being so much better lol

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He's right, Sony is a soulless shitty company run by devils. Microsoft's game division was only soulless when the corporation took over in 2009, they regained their souls in 2017. If you look at the shit Sony is doing today, hey are pretty soulless, but I forgot, you're a dicksucking Sonyfag.

Sega of America hasn't been relevant since the Genesis, when they were making top tier games like Comix Zone and Toejam and Earl.
Their one actual release this generation has been Sonic Mania.

The truth is you call sony soulless because they went their own way and make what their audience buys blindly disregarding the fact nintendo does the same but to a even more extreme degree pumping out soulless kirby and yoshi games faster then you can finish them.

Isn't Mikami unemployed? His Venture with his new studio failed getting any traction

>is this the first time we had explicit confirmation that he's not a fan of the PlayStation brand and Sony?
wat? "As for do I hate PlayStation" is the response to people accusing him of that. To which he literally states that he's just fullfilling his contractual obligations. Which is a clear
>no I dont hate them, but my publishers and investors are making contracts with Nintendo for exclusives

>I'm a big fan of the director and I hope he'll someday make something cool for us Playstation players as well.
Oh so its bait....

They suck too, but it's SoE that makes the big bucks and they've been doing great. Their own IPs make a lot of money, especiallyTotal War and Football Manager, while PC ports of SoJ games mean free revenue from repeat sales. Sega Sammy even increased amortization period for PC games from 9 to 21 months since sales remain strong over time unlike on consoles where they explode on launch but then fade to obscurity.

He's working a cozy job for bethesda irc even now he's working on a new game for them.

He literally said “I don’t hate them, I’m just fulfilling my contract”

Do you retards know how to read?

First of all Total War and Football Manager are part of Sega of Europe so stop appropriating you mutt

>but Nintendo
Nintendo makes fun video games, Sony doesn't.

>Reading comprehension

He just wants money, that's all he/they/Platinum care about. They'll make half-ass licensed trash if someone cuts them a check.
Not saying that's a bad thing because that money allows them to make other cool stuff. But still, if Sony gave him money like they did say Kojima or Square he would eat their ass.
I don't think he has any real allegiances, he just goes to whoever will pay.

Fun for you, but not to the millions that buy sony games. So stop being a brainless drone.

Did you even read my post?

Platinum is a soulless version of Grasshopper i.e a studio that has to churn out low budget games between their own projects to sustain themselves.

This is what inbreeding does to bloodlines.

Nintendo is run by Japanese, Sony and Microsoft by baka gaijin.

Sega did the port

>Phil Fish
He made one game and quit Twitter when people said mean things to him. How are the two comparable at all?

Should have replied: my game is not a tranny walking sim.

Because Nintendo paid for those ports. If Nintendo go to Konami and pay for a MGR port to Switch, it's not Konami hating PS4 or whatever. Do you want Nintendo to pay for PS4 games or something?

I doub it. Grown ups generally aren't as interested in retarded brand loyalty shitposting as you are.

>, is this the first time we had explicit confirmation that he's not a fan of the PlayStation brand and Sony?
It's referring to the quest, retard.

I'm surprised he didn't.

>is this the first time we had explicit confirmation that he's not a fan of the PlayStation brand and Sony?
It's not a confirmation of anything, you literally can't fucking read.

He's saying that it's poor business to talk shit about a former partner because current and potential future partners will take that into account. It's not the riddle of the sphinx.

>were these playstation fucking 2 games not enough
Are you pretending to be retarded?

It's literally just one delusional autist that goes into every Platinum Thread to hate on Kamiya.

Platinum worked on the PC port, safe to assume they worked on the PS3 one too.

You want to play action games get a pc. You want to play a fun game get a switch. You want to "play" a movie get a ps4

There's no need to assume anything, it's a fact that Sega did the port and Platinum didn't touch it. It's the reason that Platinum decided to personally handle all future ports of their games.

i actually asked him to put astral chain on pc and got blocked

He blocks anyone that doesn't ask him questions in Japanese, retard. Also you can't ask Kamiya to do shit since he doesn't own Platinum.

he owns platinum

Consolewars are barely even a thing anymore.

You don't see xbox fans shitting on nintendo or viceversa, you do sometimes see people talking about consoles vs PC.

For the most part consolewars have perished and what we have now is just sony fanboys shitting the place up

>It's the reason that Platinum decided to personally handle all future ports of their games.
>proceeds to make Shitmata pc port almost as bad as Bayo ps3 port

says the nintendie

Nintendo paid for the Bayo port, they even paid to get Japanese voice overs for it, which they let Sega use in the PC port

He's literally said before that he likes games, not consoles. He also said to get a job to afford other consoles if you want the exclusives on them.

The Bayonetta PS3 drama was the fact that Sega got young, inexperienced devs to do the port rather than letting Platinum do it themselves, which led to a terrible, buggy mess. The fact it was Sony was irrelevant. PSABR is just a shit game. Scalebound was paid for by Microsoft, Microsoft are not going to pay for a game to be made for their competition (shit, in Scalebound's case they weren't willing to pay for a game for themselves). Kamiya has nothing against PS, they just aren't paying him for anything right now and Ninty is. That's all there is to it. He's always been quite open about his opinion on console wars.

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Nah, he's 100% correct.
t. PCfag
I might shit talk consoles, but most of my gripes are with Sonyfags, mainly because there aren't really any Xbox fans on Yea Forums aside from that one insane shitposter.

But getting a job is hard for someone with no experience whatsoever and if I get it I won't have time for videogames.

Also, apparently, Microsoft developed tools for devs to easily convert PS3 assets to 360 which works rather well, but the tools to convert 360 to PS3 don't work that great, hence performance issues.


t.samefag nintendie

>Can talk about the switch and Nintendo games just fine
>Go into a sony thread

>Nintendo makes fun video games
the ds was discontinued years ago, user. you mean they USED TO make fun video games.

The only fun Switch games have been ported to PC.

Yes you will. Shit's an excuse. I work at an animal hospital from 8am-6pm and leaving at 6 isn't even guaranteed because I leave when the last client leaves and I still find time. It also helps when we close at 1pm on Saturdays and are off Sundays. Maybe you should have studied something in school or went to trade school.

>Can talk about the switch and Nintendo games just fine
>Go into a sony thread

Didn't Kamiya hated everything and everyone? Like a Alan Moore but of videogames?

everyone spam if u block u big gay, he will have no choice but to listen to our demands

Hideki Kamiya is undoubtedly the most based man in human history.

No. That's just his persona. He's very laidback IRL if you've ever seen literally any interview with him. He just hates getting asked repeat questions because who the fuck wouldn't hate being asked the same question by 50 different people in one day. He puts on a dick persona to avoid stupidity. But if you ask to get unblocked, he'll unblock you. Although right now, I think he'll ban you for speaking English because of idiots spamming him. I don't know if he lifted that yet.


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Hideki Kamiya said Hideo Kojima is the greatest gamedev in the business.
That's enough for me to discredit everything this bald chink says.

are you the type who still wait for *gasp*

magazine interviews?

tfw that guy later got blocked

That's objectively true.

PS4 has GBF

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Oh man, I'm really expecting that game
>gameplay core mechanics of Platinum but without their dull way to make worlds
I really think Cygames can achieve something big with this game

>causing shitposting non-stop for days.
Huh? When did this shitposting happen?

kek, based. mutts btfo

yeah... do te Same for Dragalia Lost later

>Go into a sony thread
When does this ever happen?


Microsoft canned on of his passion projects and Sony is censoring their games so I can see him preferring Nintendo especially when they funded bayonetta 2

he's referring in a sense that Astral Chain is a nintendo IP, since it is a first party Nintendo game. Nintendo went to platinum and told them to make this game, it's literally Nintendo's property, so asking Platinum to port it would be like saying "GIVE US MARIO, ZELDA, AND METROID!!!!!!" and that's why he's saying this.

No, he is working on Tango gameworks for Bethesda


Not everybody likes children's games Ninten drone.

When you cease your inferiority complex and realize every fanbase is bad.

Okay? How is that proving it happens?
Also that will never be true and Astral Chain is proof of that.

Kamiya is fucking based.


Switch is selling well so apparently people do, Sonyfag.

Put on your trip, Kamiya
I wish he'd visit again

the dude gets paid more by nintendo, he's indifferent towards sony/playstation.

Astral Chain is getting review bombed with 0s and 1s as we speak.

>even the developers themselves are faggot console war supporters today

Boy I'm glad I hack everything. How do you like nintendo now that I'm playing your games for free you retarded nip?

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>Snoys actually believe this

> Ugly bald shittendo jerking manlet hates based Sony
Who would’ve thought. The real insect is he.

Fuck off with your overrated e-celeb
>But h-hes Japanese and made meme games so he based
No he's a retarded fuck stop excusing their behaviour, you'd treat him like any soicuck western developer if he wasnt a jap.

Not to mention that God Hand was a PS2 exclusive.


Are there any xbox fans anywhere? The Xbox One seriously looks like the most lackluster console since the Dreamcast (which at least did have some good games on it), I've debated buying an Xbox before but I really can't justify it because it just has nothing.

Any xbros in this thread? Do you feel let down by Microsoft?

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It's not fair Sony bros

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That's funny, Yea Forums told me only PC and Switch users beg for ports.

>is this the first time we had explicit confirmation that he's not a fan of the PlayStation brand and Sony?
he doesn't say that at all. what are you smoking?

Cause it's not like Nintendo fans don'tr port beg all the time user?

if you're going to shit on sega of america's decision making in the past don't use a former sony exec as your example. they were doing great before he became coo.

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Thing is smashfags are niggers irl

That doesn't change the fact that SEGA develops first and foremost games for Sony consoles

Sega Games Japan does. Sega Games Europe is PC first and they make Sega the most money.

You are a faggot console war whore as well fatfuck

That in no way reads he dislikes the platform.

Inaba even stated that they consider the Bayonetta PS3 port to be "the company's biggest failure" so far.

Posts like these make me happy i stopped being a Nincel autist.

PS4 has the best game platinum has done since Metal Gear Rising, you're getting Grandblue Fantasy, you also have Fromsoft, you got Monster Hunter World first and DQXI also. But god forbbids the switch gets one good game because you end seething like autistic children.

What fuck is wrong with sonyncels. Is almost as if their happiness depends on Nintendo lel.

>is this the first time we had explicit confirmation that he's not a fan of the PlayStation brand and Sony?
How exactly did you extrapolate that from the very straightforward response of "I’m just a developer fulfilling my contractual obligations"?

Mikami generally does whatever he wants
except retire evidently, he keeps saying he'll retire then shows up again a year or so later with a new game.

So, what if I don't to study or get a job? What's he gonna do? Huh? HUH?? Block me??

Is there anything more tragic than a Kamiya fan?

He literally hates you, wants you to fucking die, and you suck his dick and worship him like a god, pathetic.

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Remember how Kamiya's two actually good games Resident Evil 2 and Devil May Cry sold most of their copies on PlayStation. Yeah, i bet he just hates them so much reeeee etc...

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Nice reading comprehension, OP. His statement implied that he has no issue with Sony, and that he's just under contract at Nintendo.


Shoo phoneposter, shoo.

>17398+ people blocked
A man can only dream of having his power.

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That's what i thought bitch.

When does this and Babylon fall come out??

did he?