People hating epic games are the socialists of gaming industry, they love high taxes. And just like in real life...

People hating epic games are the socialists of gaming industry, they love high taxes. And just like in real life, they need to be purged for the sake of the future

Attached: 980zkhg1476.png (492x226, 16K)

Other urls found in this thread:

GOG or pirate. No alternative. No ifs, no buts, no excuses. GOG or pirate.

only gutter oil chinazi use epic store
go ching chong your governments dick, little dick man

Gamers ain't the ones being charged 30% we don't care

You are even talking like socialist.

>Not paying extra to be forced to have a drm platform open at all times while playing

whatsup faggots

>Steam was killing PC gaming
>before Steam came along Publishers where massively dropping PC in favor of consoles
>stores didnt want to refund or resell PC games even before Steam
>Piracy was more rampant than ever
man this guy sure outed himself as a massive underage retar

All taxes ends up being put on consumers, user. All of them.

60$ game on Steam is still 60$ on EGS.

But I pay more if I buy a game on Epic than if I do on Steam.

>Epic is fixing this for all gamers

Damn right, now I can pirate guiltfree

this. based epic paying devs so i don't have to.

Remember when PC games were $50 USD because all you had to do was download a game and it didn't require transport, packaging, etc.?
Thanks Valve!

Oh yes.

Attached: 1567150283843.gif (210x244, 3.58M)

When it started out it was great. But now that everybody and their mom has a digital storefront, there's competition.

30% is the standard in most industries.

>people hating chinese spyware are socialists

Attached: 1559701243594.gif (483x556, 3.77M)

The shift is already beginning

30% is ridiculous for right now, it's not easy to push because the industry of selling software is one big oligopoly.

Why do these guys always ignore GOG

I'll nab the free games but no way in fuck am I giving you a cent, Tim, especially after you fucked over Linux gaming for no reason.

Its his job.
t. paid shill

Devs are douchebags. Fuck them and their greed.

What you're pointing out with Steam would be considered a monopoly; which is a market failure of capitalism. The 30% (if it is 30%), is to use the largest and essential only digital marketplace for gaming, that's just the service of the company.

Socialism is dumb, but to go around throwing around the word 'socialist' to describe capitalist market failure is pretty retarded.

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I'll support this 18% bullshit when it starts mattering for the consumer (never).
>also ignores that revenue share on steam has already gone as low as 20% for years

>killed physical distribution
>did such bad business the government needed to step in
>lied about episode 3 repeatedly then canned it
>got rid of everyone significant that gave HL2 SOUL
>fired a dota 2 artist responsible for the best character designs for asking for a raise only to hire shitty third world freelancers instead going forward
>ruined tf2 with adding hats
>made dota 2 about hats after saying they wouldn't
>made non-lore related hats for dota 2 after saying lore is important to them (lmao)
>added hats to cs go as well because why the hell not
>tried to ruin TES by adding fucking paid mods to steam
>constantly change item rarity and trading rules to fuck with traders
>flooded the steam store with absolute garbage people shouldn't even play for free
>turned a whole generation of males into housewife tier consumerists buying trash
>added gimmicks like badges and levels to get idiots to buy meaningless shit
>in general, they turned their entire attention into making cash passively from market sales
>tried to make artifact into a game that quite literally revolved around market sails
>'long haul'
>failed to capitalize on autochess, only to get outdone by riot yet again, another failure
>gaben only plays dota 2 all day, and the international is the only relevant thing to him (sold it to china recently)
>company is a mess and people just do what they want whenever they want, like letting trannies ban games and shit up tf2
>didn't celebrate half life's release last year, refused to appear in documentaries and videos about it
>probably won't ever make a real game ever again
>every tech project so far has been a failure, and controller and VR are going the way of the steam machine

>poor gayben he needs his 30% because of reasons
>rich indie dev chooses the 12% cut and help from epic
steam drones are mentally ill

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Leave it to someone called (((geldreich))) to kvetch about not receiving enough money.

>because of reasons

Attached: gabe.jpg (519x386, 70K)


>lurks Yea Forums for most of his waking hours so he can repost the same stale copypasta at every chance he gets
>calls others mentally ill
Dial down on the projecting, friendo. :^)

20% is a thing for less than a year, and only after 50 000 000 lol. Everything below that is either 30% or 25%.
But capitalism is working here. And mental socialists are mad about this.That's the point

>Being this deranged over a company that sells licensees
Seek help for your mental illnesses

>its a steam tranny
everytime :)

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>no y-you

Attached: hmmm.jpg (240x240, 14K)

>20% is a thing for less than a year
No, it's not. Valve has always been open to negotiating the share and there's no way big publishers ever paid 30%.
The Domestic Dog dev posted on here how he got 25% for his next game, so all it took was making one game that isn't a complete failure.

>Everything is a conspiracy to get me
Please user, we care about you. There's affordable mental healthcare in every country on earth

Yeah, instead of rising price of basic game they add dlcs and micros to meet their revenue goals. We are getting taxed either way, but you're too stupid to realize that

>a game that epic couldn't even pay enough for to stay exclusive to EGS for longer than 6 months

SJWs and socialists are the ones cheering for Epic.

Yet 30% is ok when Sony and Nintendo do it.

Bullshit, based on amount of china hate it's mainly alt-rights incels and trannies

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>endgame stuff releases this year according to randy
>means everyone will play through 99% of the game
>expect steamcells

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>'You consumers who are choosing freely are a bunch of socialists!!!!!!!!'

People hating epic games are the faggots of gaming industry. There are few things in this world more disgusting than brand loyalty.

Dude are you retarded?

>epic has worse service quality than uplay
Yeah, looks like she's right there.

paid by chink money

Who said it's okay? It's not like you can do anything about it, other than making pc games more profitable.

literally who Zhang

Apple, Google, and most other marketplaces take a 30% cut as well, but I never heard anybody complain about them. Even Epic has admitted that their 12% cut is not sustainable if they weren't making all their Fortnite bucks.

C O P E and falseflaggingpilled, tim will purge the faggotry created by steam facebook shit, tick tock

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>fixing it for gamers
so games aren't 60 dollars on the epic store?

>you can't pirate my game
Go away, Randy.

cringe and steamtrannypilled

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>People hating epic games are the socialists of gaming industry,

nice try china

>instead of rising price of basic game they add dlcs and micros to meet their revenue goals
They were doing this before steam and they were going to do this anyways.

Ah, didn't know that games released on EGS had free dlc.

>getting btfo
>b-but pirate
whoops :)))

Attached: Denuvo_logo.png (620x320, 23K)

Isnt 30% the starndard cut in both retail and digital distribution..?

We both know Boderlands is a DLC vehicle so "endgame" doesn't mean shit.

>Epic approaches a developer for an exclusive deal
>Developer declines, but says they are more than willing to publish on their store, just not exclusively
>Epic declines


Dude if your going to spam a new word to try and get it to catch on then I suggest you make it not so long

What is it witg Yea Forumss obsession over having things crammed up their ass?

>company charging for a service is a tax
This is not left or right wing thinking.
This is retarded thinking.

the standard cut is now 12%, epic is taking over :)

They are snoyfags that stir shit as a sport because they don't have any videogames to play.


Attached: best_platform.webm (600x694, 2.95M)

>wah wah wah
>I deliberately joined an industry based solely upon entertainment and was therefore never guaranteed to make profit in exchange for my hours of work
>give me money so I can keep following my dream

>Our 12% cut is completely unsustainable for a company.
Where were you when even Epic says they're going to go back to a 30% cut after trying to fuck over valve?

30% is the industry standard. If Epic genuinely cared about that, they'd kill console ports of their exclusives too. But they don't care, it's just a stupid talking point to trick the laughably ignorant into thinking Epic has good intentions.

I'd argue that you could get any bottom of the barrel crap to become a spammed meme on Yea Forums, but I'm pretty sure we're already there.

>fixing the industry by replacing Steam with a competitor that is similarly-priced, but has less features

Steam should lower the cut to 12%, and charge % for any additional feature

It's a sales tax, the worst of them all. And since there pretty muchonly one distributor of third party products on ps/xbox/apple/google/pc(not anymore)/nintendo capitalism does not work here. At least in case of pc it's fixable, because it's an open platform

30% is the standard due to physical retailers.
There was even a point where Steam and PSN publishers had to RAISE the price of games because retailers threatened to pull their physical stock from shelves.

If you wanna blame someone, blame shit like Walmart and Gamestop

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How do you charge for community forums for a game that doesn't even have a Steam release?

The better question is, in which reality that happened because it wasn't this one you massive faggot

Epic is a tranny platform.

Attached: e73ft4g85uj31.jpg (828x352, 42K)

Steam forums don't even take 0,1% of the 30% cut. They don't even have people to moderate these shits, it's pretty much free


Gaben tab back

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This one faggot, that's a direct quote from Tim Sweeney you cucklord.

No more free forums

so what? Steam
* starts with your computer
* doesn't waste resources
* one password for all your games
* can share with your buddies
Rando store #436
* may still be there in a year or two, may not
* complicated and annoying software to download
* probably wastes cpu for no reason
* new passwords
* can't share games

okay aslofo

Attached: 1564843748393.png (731x767, 261K)

Oh yes, becaue steam is always working. At least epic does not have any sort of their own drm that would force you to launch games from their launcher

It's a tranny platform. Tim is a tranny.


>Supporting slavs instead of chinks make a huge difference
lmao GoG takes a 30% cut too

i love beijing tiananmen

well 95% of the games are drm free, means you dont need to launch egs, when steam dies on the other side (not rare) rip

GoG is a small service that does not have economy of scale at the level of valve. If anything, it shows how greedy valve is here

>reading lvl
>elementary school

>that's a direct quote from Tim Sweeney you cucklord.

Post proofs then, oh wait there is no proof because that's a lie created by will of the steamdrones network

Epic is the one giving handouts. They're the socialists.

>based shizo thinking he can identify posters on Yea Forums because trannies took over his brain

i can still launch my games just fine you chink and never had a problem in 10+ years.

epic is just shit and the shilling of it reeks of corporate backed posters.

Just go into any steam profile sharing thread on Yea Forums, you will see for yourself

I wonder who's behind this post...

>steam drones are either sjw faggots or real faggots

Attached: 1564414938187.png (320x320, 28K)

Literally who

Maybe you should read the article? Steam servers are very often dead you faggot.

>we're doing it for you!
sure, I totally believe you

how is epic fixing it?
what about gog, origin,, windows store,, etc, etc

with fortnite dying in popularity how much time does epic have before they run out of spending money

Someone need to be first in saving the industry as a whole.

hmmmmmm uhm :)

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True, as anyone that ever read marx knows creators don't deserve the fruits of their labour and it should instead go to a middleman.

Sweeney likes to imply that he is doing this for some sort of change in the industry, but he literally does not accept publishing deals that are not exclusive. That means his primary goal is to deny competitors products, rather than cause an upset in market behavior.

Attached: kot.jpg (1596x1600, 84K)

>Trickle down economics works for the consumers, trust me dude! You'll be seeing a lot more savings when the publishers get a bigger cut!
Meanwhile, 90% of EGS games still cost 60$. Yeah, I'm thinking I don't give a fuck what the faceless multimillion corporations make. If the experience of buying a game from a service is inferior to pirating it, then the choice is clear.

Reminder EGS is promoted by SJWs.


Maybe you should try not be a lemon face fetus and admit that epig is shit and i never had a problem lauching games on steam.

Tim gave me metro and control for free. He's ok despite being a creepy wanker.

Pirate shit nigger, Bethesda's store front was such a shit show they ran back to steam. They force accounts for online and pre-order bonus access as they're blantly prepping people for Starfield to be exclusive to their launcher but you can pirate that when it happens.

Stop replying to me corporate bootlicker.

well literally 0 euro

Attached: 0dollar.jpg (1514x1341, 168K)


And EGS users are all paid shills or chinks, I can use your logic too.

theyre gonna moneyhat huge IPs like borderlands with revenue from a bunch of unknown indie games?

I never had any problems launching games on egs, because i don't even need to use egs to launch my games. Meanwhile steam servers are down pretty much every few months.
In terms of that, epic is way better than steam. And they are not afraid to inform their players that there are problems unlike valve who just act like not being ableto log into steam is a feature

>Unreal Tournament
Fuck Tim and FUCK Epic.

>0 evidence
>no y-you
try again :)

Attached: chinkiysteami.jpg (1279x679, 62K)

No one is taxing customers here. People are crying about lowering the tax for companies. You know, your regular socialist thing

whatever you say chink enabler, just remember you're next on the list of genocide.

There were no EGS vs Steam threads on the 4th of June and that's all the evidence I need. :^)

Look how quickly you lost the second you were trying to argue. Stick to
>shopping cart

In the future, at least you won't end up looking like a moron

This is pocket change compared to all the money they made off fortnite, Sony fanboy-kun.

Ritz dich weg, Schwuchtel.

>And they are not afraid to inform their players that there are problems
That’s because they automate their problems to consumers, dipshit. Oh boy, Epic, thank you for informing me AGAIN for the 20th time today that some little zoomer or Chinese hacker is trying to brute force his way into my Epic account that I literally only signed up for to use Unreal Engine’s tools! I’m sure glad Fortnite exists to give hackers a reason to try and compromise as many accounts as they can!

Is that a chink no work day?

huge ips like borderlands are made in unreal too based retardo
>gayben makes a money laundering pyramid scheme named artifact
>abandons it
>still sells it

>fortnite gets popular
>nobody is playing ut
>tim says the development will take time because of that
>epic bad

So, your credentials were leaked somewhere yet epic is still managing to protect your account even tho you refuse to change your shit.
Clearly, epic bad. Faggot

>it's ok when Ebin does it
Ok, chang.

ask gayben
fortnite makes like 1 billion each quarter, currently unreal makes more with the 5% cut

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>socialism is when the government does things
ok kid

>he literally does not accept publishing deals that are not exclusive. That means his primary goal is to deny competitors products

Timed exclusives. He's not denying Steam any games. Everything on EGS can go on Steam when the exclusivity is up and as far as I know they all will. I think taking exclusivity for games that have a promised release date on Steam is real shitty, but you're ultimately not being forced to have multiple launchers if you don't really want them.

you know that ut was free and you can still download it based retard

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>Fixing it for the gamers
I don't see Epic charging less in prices to make up for devs gaining more profit.

Look how smart you think you are, sorry but i don't argue with marketers, i just spit on you.

well what percentage do devs of console games get? they lose from their sale
-brick and morter fees
-royalties to microsoft/sony/nintendo
-sales tax
and whatever else I can't think of.

Valve used to practically owned the whole third party games market on pc. They were essentialy the government in that sphere. Thank god pc is an open platform and epic can save it. Too bad sony fags and xbox fags are not fortunate enough

well sony is slowly hoping in

Attached: blocksyourpath.jpg (599x706, 58K)

>N-no, random insult

Dilate tranny and don't (you) me again

alright big brain explain how their 5% cut on unreal games is gonna work when steam has been taking 30% from indies and AAA for years and still cant buy exclusives

>all Tim does is keeping sane players away from buying broken/incomplete games that need at least two or three patches and DLCs to be worthwhile
Pretty based to be honest.

Go away, China.

Replying to this guy to get noticed.

Attached: 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.jpg (600x600, 32K)

Nah it does not Sony-kun.

A timed exclusive is still exclusive. He is essentially trying to create an artificial (timed) drought of content everywhere except EGS, in a bid to get people to use it. He seems to be completely unaware of the reasons why people use steam in the first place.

You don't compete against a feature-packed product by releasing a similar, but feature-stripped product and then try to take over the market by not letting anyone else sell merchandise. That'll only make consumers dislike you, just as it has.

>People hating epic games are the socialists of gaming industry
Except Epic Games is the socialist in this scenario you fucking retard. Did you not read the tweet in your own fucking image?

>still cant buy exclusives
they can, gayben is a greedy jew is also okay.

These are some odd fucking shills.

>He seems to be completely unaware of the reasons why people use steam in the first place.

Because we had no other choice for 95% of games in the past 10 years?

Is Epic actually spying on our computers through EGS, can someone post some actual proof that EGS is actually invasive?

>April 5
Get new material.

You again? Fuck off chink shill.

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There's also the long term viability of his strategy. PC gamers are generally more into older games because emulation, steam sales, and mods to fix stupid shit. His strategy won't work next year because anyone not willing to pirate will just play all of this year's exclusives instead. I mean Borderlands is only 6 months and by the time it comes to steam, it will be a complete product.

These are some insane mental gymnastics. You literally don't know what socialist means or this is some sort of weird troll. Epic is for taking away from the profiting on the work of others and giving compensation to the actual workers. That's socialism.

Well, in this retarded ass scale you've created. It's still capitalism, but if anyone is socialist here it's Epic.

no not really, some people still believing debunked reddit memes, that is it

Gamer here. I hope everyone at epic dies in one of those chink chemical factory explosions.


That's where you are wrong kiddo, i'm from africa

Attached: chink.png (240x948, 149K)

Yeah, I'm calling it now. Game of the fucking year.


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They went through some steam files to get your friends lost(using the dedicated api wasn't an option somehow). These files also included a bunch of other stuff like play time,what your friend were playing and more. But don't worry, they only used the friend list data and ignored the rest.

>Because we had no other choice for 95% of games in the past 10 years?

Piracy was always a choice, Gabe explained a decade ago that out preforming pirated copies is how you win. Even when buying shit regularly, I pirated Ubisoft games when I still gave a shit about them because fuck UPlay.

Epic: Fortnite, Memelands, Indie sellouts

Steam: Team Fortress 2, Master Chief Collection, based companies like Capcom

The choice is clear

I'm going to enjoy when the quality of the PC games market is going to turn to mobile-tier because people will have figured out you just need to spend your entire dev time into advertisement to get Epic's attention and free money.

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This is actually 100% true. Imagine buy BL3 before the GOTY edition comes out. What kind of bitch would have actually buy 3 season passes from gearbox.

>Starting later this year, consumer applications (not including games)

Attached: It's a Mori.png (3276x2160, 1.45M)

>he fears the black BULL

Attached: 1554448897566.png (639x864, 114K)

I dont like steam either, but that doesnt mean Epic is doing anything better.

>giving randy money

Epic spies on steam wishlists to decide what to snipe.

>we're "fixing" someone else's bad business practices by adopting even worse, more anti-consumer, ones

Attached: file.png (218x231, 27K)

>Epic is fixing this
Too bad it isn't fixing it as well as GOG was.

You can't talk Borderlands fags out of not buying them, at best there's pointing out they should wait for the steam version.

If that was true, people would have no problem with EGS. The truth is that Steam simply offers so much more than just games. It's a feature-complete digital platform that allows you to chat with people, both text and voice, create communities and organize events for said communities and discuss and troubleshoot products on their own forums where developers can directly interact with the consumers. It can also double as a music player, and offers software for animation/modelling, audio production, design & illustration and much more.

Simply put, Steam offers much more than EGS does.

>it was unsustainable
yeah all those indies starting from literally nothing really couldnt sustain their literal nothing

*out of buying them

I wish you guys would just shut up and compete if thats what you fags keep saying your doing.

Constant articles and threads isnt competing in the market place, its just fucking crying like a bitch
Compete and shut the fuck up already.

>Good store, good place to shop, browse, see reviews and popular trends, etc
>Best place to sell your PC games for 15 years
>Horrible store nobody wants to use
>Nobody wants to sell there unless convinced with a sack of cash so that their bad business choice doesnt tank their profit
>Activwly attempts to control the source of games and choke steam by pulling them away

I have liked every game in the franchise.
I am mentally deficient, please understand.

Are you trying to reason with the shitposters?

After seeing bee simulator, I dont doubt it
Cant wait for other masterpieces to end up there. Lets be honest NiTW was definitely egs exclusive before all this happened

>Who said it's okay?
Where are all the articles about PSN, eShop, and Xbox Live Marketplace? Where are the shit posting threads on Yea Forums for it? Where are the GOG threads and articles? They take 30% too. By not mentioning it, they are saying it is ok. They are specifically targeting Steam, so to them it is a Steam problem, not a general storefront problem.

Attached: yUmecr9.png (627x1360, 201K)

>China is forcing Valve to finally count to 3
Jesus fucking Christ, it's all so tiresome.

They sniped Untitled Goose game as well and that went under the radar until the launch trailer. I was actually looking forward to that one. It raises the number of games Epic sniped I have even marginal interest in up to 2.


Daily Reminder that DARQ flopped because of MUH EPIC BAD bullshit.

A solo indie dev, the literal Golden calf of Yea Forums stood up to Epic and got burned because of it due to the sheer lack of Values Steamdrones possess.

Attached: damngoob.png (291x260, 121K)


Attached: STEAMGAME.png (765x471, 175K)

Because the game would have sold so well on EGS, right?

>At least he would have had that sweet Sweeney money!

or perhaps the game wasn't all that great

>Killed physical distribution
>Closed pc gaming with their api
>Do nothing almost nothing even tho they earn 30% of revenue from industry
>Refused to give refunds for years
>Invented lootboxes
>Valve time
>Lied about hf3
>Charged for anti-consumer practices

>Saving pc gaming by lowering the tax
>Providing open api for any platform to use
>Pro-consumer, they lowered the prices so much publishers needed to step in to stop them durning their sale.
>Free games out of their own pockets.

>falling for the steam drone meme

Attached: hefellforthesteamdronememe.jpg (742x396, 32K)

>Fuck you! Fucking cunt! My paypal is _____
I laugh every time.

>Can't make a shopping cart and bans you for buying games

>chinkshill still mad daddy Tim got dabbed on in public

Attached: now THIS is epic.jpg (800x588, 67K)

>Trusting steam shitposters with his future

Well, good thing he's a rich jew and couldn't care less anyway

literally this
>getting btfo
>another reddit meme I need

the 'rich' pay like 90% of total taxes already. Stop drinking the socialist coolaid.

pick one and only one

Attached: 1351975496906.jpg (239x238, 16K)

well this is a big cope user

>lower tax and nobody wants unless paid to take it
>free games that were released ten years ago and now can be bought for chump change
>Pro-competitive by trying to control the supply away from competition
>Pro-consumer by deciding where consumers should go to buy a game for them
Top lel
and you still wonder why you are losing to piracy


Attached: twitter threads.jpg (784x349, 34K)

Any sales numbers yet?

t. bootlicker

>Think that Yea Forums could not become any worse than have sex spammers
>Cope, dilate, seethe, tranny, and everything else

Attached: giphy.gif (400x225, 3.6M)


30% is what all console manufacturers take, it's how they can afford to sell systems at close to cost or below and still be massively profitable. Fuck, you guys are dumb.

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Based GoG nigga

GoG is garbage tho

do these fucking retards not understand what a taxi s?

>presumably have tons of money from fortnite and games using UE4
>don't spend any of it making your digital storefront not an embarrassing joke

Attached: myntquestion.gif (800x600, 11K)

Tim literally said publishers determine who will win the store front wars, consumers are just meant to shut up and consume whatever they put out.

Wait a minute....
30% is not sustainable but somehow 12% is?

This. Before Steam, studios like Sir-Tech went under due the bad circumstances in the PC sector and especially due deals that big publishers made with big retailers. The choices were growing big enough to sustain yourself, going to a large publisher that would slowly poison your games with terrible ideas or closing shop.

I welcome all competition, but so far Steam and GOG have been the only two stores that are adequate.

Attached: iu.jpg (765x1068, 136K)

>Richard Richmoney
Something tells me that he has hidden motives

it would be a lot easier to consume their crap if there was a shopping cart

>don't finish ut4
>don't make unreal 3 or jazz jackrabbit 3
>instead spend it on bribing retards like randy and 10 tons of rice for chink shills

Xbox Gamepass App turns off whenever I run games. I really like this.

Tim literally makes EA's CEO look like a charitable saint.

dude what

Attached: 1567366156285.webm (654x485, 2.08M)

They are spending money on it, how do you think that work? You throw money and bang, software ready? Kys faggot

ITT: Literally who's newest hot take about something they don't understand makes Yea Forums seethe until it reaches bump limit

>Steam was killing PC gaming

PC gaming is a multi-billion dollar industry, it makes more than all the consoles fucking combined. PC games have gone from making millions to literal billions for their companies and he thinks Steam is killing it? How are these retards devs when they know absolutely nothing about the industry they're supposedly part of?

He is a saint, he's not only saving gaming industry but world as a whole as well

Good idea:
>Spend millions of dollars getting exclusivity deals for rando games like Shenmue 3 (when your store doesn't even have the first two games)
Bad idea:
>Spend any money improving your store


>How are these retards devs when they know absolutely nothing about the industry they're supposed part of
it's called PROPAGANDA. They're lying on purpose. If you haven't realized over the course of the last five years worth of events, there's an alarming number of evil people in the games industry.