Ok this is getting ridiculous.
Come on. Are people really obsessed so much with Nintendo that they have to review bomb their games?
It's not even like it will manage something since people will still buy them.
Ok this is getting ridiculous
Other urls found in this thread:
This feels pretty fair desu. A lot of people on the board who own the game have been saying it sucks at the beginning
I think it is amazing, I'm enjoying it even more than Bayo or DMC.
ok now review bombing is problematic
who cares about user score. the only way to shitpost is with the metascore
The few screens I've seen of it look really good and remind me a lot of Xenoblade 2. I want to buy it so badly, but mass beat-em-up combo games and silent protagonists are so boring to me.
Combat are great, but people tend to not mess with the options.
And this is why some retards say that the camera has problems.
You just have to activate the options that fit the most with you and you're done. You can set it to always look at the enemy, the character or whatever. It makes a LOT of difference in enjoying the battle system.
This is what happens when your console gets 1 "good" exclusive every 3 years.
review bombing is ok when the game or devs have done something to reward it
like fallout 76 or Metro exodus
in this case please give me a reason why people should be mad about astral chain, give me 1 reason besides "its bad because its exclusive to switch"
the game isn't even censored to begin with
Xcucks have no shame.
you get extra mad at other companies and bomb their games?
Shit, poor snoyboys.
>18 mixed reviews of 2362
It's almost like review scores are retarded in general
Don't drag xbros in this.
You know who's responsible.
It's not even the holiday season and the Switch has had at least 3 this year, the fuck are you on about.
I hate this mentality of "Games are either good or bad, no in between".
reminder to just use their api to filter out all the 10s from fanboys and all the 0s from autists to get the real score
For metacritic, you should have to show proof that you own the product to be able to leave a user score.
The horrible, harsh reality:
While Nintenbros enjoy games, Sony fanboys have NOTHING to play so they spend all their gaming time on shitposting on Yea Forums and review bombing Nintendo games.
Nintendogaf is real. Why isn't this courtesy extended to developers having critical opinions of zion don?
>18 mixed reviews
So is this game a masterpiece ?
i think rotten tomatoes has the same deal with movie reviews, you need to provide the movie ticket in order to leave a review
Nintendo fags still assblasted by ChadrenGamer25.
Yeah we do, you falseflagging Xcuck cockroach.
If a game manages to trigger Yea Forums so much it only means one thing: GOTY.
I mean, it already happened.
funny enough i say the opposite. if u dont care about zelda or mario theres hardly any first parties worth a dam
>another paid review exposed
Why is gaming journalism so corrupt? As Yea Forums has always said, the user score is the real score, and so often you find out how fucked the industry is behind the scenes. How many examples are there of critic and user score over 10 point difference?
They are not sending their best.
>muh persecution complex
its funny you say that when Yea Forums is been nothing but golden face shitposting and anal vore.webm since 2014
>believing anything in there
do you have any idea how enraged Yea Forums became when that was announced
Metacritic should just remove user reviews.
based revisionism poster
Projecting hard, i see.
i think they will never do something like that because that'd drop the page traffic, and they need that sweet sweet ad revenue
>30fps for 2019
at what framerate was days gone running again?
how ironic the best ps4 game in existence is also locked at 30 very inconsistent fps
exclusive games dont deserve higher than 1, you either make it for everyone or fuck off with your greed
Is Astral Chains the new BoTW?
This is pretty pathetic even for sony
Think im gonna skip the ps5
they're still salty over bayo2 even tho bayo1 on ps3 was a rushed port, the actual collaboration started with microsoft and platinum asked sony many times for funding bayo2, nintendo was literally the last company they asked for funding
>ppl reviewbomb a game
>ppl counter it
Actual score is off ~2/3 points
yes, just check
You're not fooling anyone, snoytranny.
It's a 30 fps action game. If this was on any other console, it would be 60 and then actually be playable.
I've seen people saying it isn't that good though. Not to mention the framerate problems, which definently shouldn't be happening on a platinum game.
>metacritic still didn't fix the weird review bombs on every single SMT games
This is the motherfucker of a future we live in user. Every game that's ever gonna have any bit of mainstream interest is gonna be handled that way.
Still no posts about Jirengamer25?
Go slap up a few more user reviews, Xcuck.
how hard did you have to dig to find one?
I am talking about the Playstation you dumb fuck.
>Over 700 additional ratings since yesterday
"General opinion" never had any value, and it isn't what you'll find in these pages anyway...
>means: I'm always right
Terrone confirmed
BASED fuck tendies.
>it's a weeb tranny
lmao looks almost like a falseflag
I wish I could go back in time and make Metacritic a thing when Genesis vs Nintendo was still going on.
this happens to every game and always because of retard fanboys of all systems.
What's funny is that the Tendie reviewbombers actually take themselves seriously when they type stuff like "Nintendo are the only ones who do DLC right." "They deliver quality above all others"
>This damage control for his fellow cultists
How much do you want to bet that some of them are the fags who are butthurt about it portraying police in a positive light.
it's microsoft paid shills and bots as revenge for scalebound
I like that the only one they can find is giving 10s to fucking Wii U games
maybe the game isn't that good
Probably don't even have to do that, just add a verified review system like Amazon, which in this case would make it possible to filter out snoybaby tears and would encourage more honest reviews.
>just add a verified review system like Amazon,
How in the hell would you even do that? Nobody buys games from metacritic. Metacritic doesn't have access to your purchase history in whatever external platform you got the game on. There's no logistical way to make this work at all. One does not "just" add a verified review system.
alright, serious questions/critique/whatever from someone who doesn't have any console
is there any in-battle indicator of how well you are doing? it's a staple of the genre and i don't seem to have seen one
getting hit seems to be lenient as fuck as far as ranking is concerned, what's up with that
i saw that video of a S+ rank on max difficulty, and while the enemies were tanky and dealt a lot of damage you could get hit plenty and still have lots of style
why does this game needs potions? it makes it look like an arpg which it shouldn't be
where are the fucking combos? all i've seen for now from the main character are the canned combos which not only don't look stylish at all, but looks like something straight out of a chinese game
too many particle effects on top of switch resolution make the gameplay almost unreadable, i don't seem to get the fuck is going on during the battle
It's also got 500 more user scores than Smash Ultimate, meaning it's got relatively more sales then that game, right?
oy vey! don't expose the nintendy shills, the mods will be very upset!!!
That's it, I'm review bombing the next sony exclusive
I was mostly just responding to the person saying that user reviews should only be allowed with proof of purchase, to which I was saying you could allow both types. Obviously there's probably no way to provide a foulproof verified reviewer system, but anything (receipt/picture of game/some other sort of registration proof) would be an added barrier that would improve the quality of user reviews. How well this is policed/implemented would ultimately be on metacritic.
>Are people really obsessed so much with Nintendo that they have to review bomb their games?
i know, right? it's sad that people keep reviewbombing nintendo's mediocre exclusives with phony positive reviews to inflate their scores.
i'm not denying the fact that people are review bombing the game, but i'm also 100% sure that other people are doing the complete opposite, giving the game 10s
what' i'm getting at is that maybe the game is actually a 7/7.5/8 game.
these things only happen because the mexicans down under are just looking for a way to put a meal on the table, when I look at it that way I understand.
Also, who cares? Nobody believes in gaming reviews nowadays no?
Also, it probably wouldn't be incredibly difficult to create a system that could just go through a user's review history to allow filtering of obvious biased reviewers, which might be a better solution
The funny thing is, they are responsible for giving the game more attention than it would have got.
Literally marketing a game for free because they hate nintendo
This, there is no reason the game shouldn't be available on the N-Gage
fuck you with your shitty handheld graphics, this game could look so much better if it was on Dendy
Doesn't Iceborne come out in like 4 days?
Also don't shitpost with my wife, you cunt
Even if they were that bad there's not enough of em to review bomb a game, at most they'd just shitpost
Personally I find it hard to believe that there's some kind of conspiracy to review bomb Astral Chain. As far as I can tell, nobody even knows it exists. I mean, I sure didn't. I would've forgotten about it completely if not for the shitposting on Yea Forums and Nintendo sometimes mentioning it on the home screen when I'm trying to play 3H.
Maybe people just don't like it you fucking cultist
Can people stop pretending metacritic matters now?
The Persona games don't deserve it, but mainline SMT is shit. Fucking rng skull bull man getting smirked because I can't control my "Ally". Persona 4 is the best SMT game.
it looks like dogshit, the combat looks extremely simple for over half the game, the sidequests are literally picking up trash, and the characters are flat. oh wait, all those things are acceptable in a nintendo game, never mind
Regardless of your trash opinion, you cannot deny that there are autists out there who set up bots to spam games they don't like.
you think people are setting up bots to give trash reviews to a trash series? how old are you?
I don't actually care either way. Maybe it's because my favorite game ever is Metroid Prime 2, but I do not give a shit what other people think about the games I like.
Where have you been? Consolechildren have been reviewbombing each others' exclusives for years.
7-8.5 is honestely pretty good if you use all of the scale for evaluation, professional game reviewers seem to not use anything lower than a 6/10 though regardless of the game.
>tfw own all the consoles
>tfw enjoyed Astral Chain and come back to Yea Forums to see it getting shitpost and review bombed
Do you guys even play games?
Who even 1 console only these days? I'm from a fucking third world and i can buy them, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Git gud you shitty casual, your opinion is irrelevant.
You need to work with your legion to really get combos going, just your own moveset is not intended to be very powerful.
You think that it's just normal that every game that carries the SMT title just so happened to get hundreds of negative reviews?
Giving a bad review because it sucks at the beginning is one thing
But most of the negative reviews are scores of 0 and 1
>Sony fan Boys have nothing to play
Sweetie Playstation has a lot better exclusives than Nintendie
That's because 50 million dollar games made by giant companies full of professionals are rarely less than a 6.
A 5/10 is just barely a failing grade, not the average.
That's not how video games work, you cunt. Everything is absolute extremes. Pick a side
Why do brand loyalists take turns playing the victim card? Every fucking new release gets review bombed and yet every time all of you fags act like its some brand new thing that only happens to your brand. You are literally almost as bad s Jews.
>1000 10/10 reviews
>1000 0/10 reviews
>EIGHTEEN (18) mixed reviews
both sides represent everything wrong with blind fanaticism
hey if were lucky metacritic will remove user reviews entirely and then snoygroids will lose another method of shitposting
luckily for them, metacritic is run by nintendo cultists so that won't happen. sorry you can't just delete everything you don't like, like this board and this thread
metacritic isn't* run by nintendo cultists
It’s always been problematic you dunce, consolewarring is always bad. Point me in the direction of another game that’s getting review bombed, I’ll call it stupid, too
If were lucky?
there are more positive reviews, you mentally ill toddler
>rent free
>1000 10/10 reviews
1000 positive reviews, so people thought it was serviceable to memorable. Negative could also be 4 or below, we don’t know how many people just played the game and didn’t enjoy it.
Who the fuck gives a shit about some gay user score. Most people are retarded why are you relying on them to tell you what's good?
Heh not for long, Sonyarmy will see to that
This. There is no difference between Nintendo and Sony fag autism aside from the company names they worship.
Such as ?
Guess i gotta do it. Remember, snoytrannies are extremely upset right now.
There should be a "filter out 10s an 0s" option on every reviewing site to see a game's true score, extremist scores are 9 out of 10 times biased or fake.
Love this
>hey a bunch of people who obviously didn’t play the game are reviewbombing this game
>no one cares
>it happens to Nintendo
>oh okay now it’s bad
It's a user voting site, everyone votes 0-1 or 9-10
enjoying it a million times more than Bayo1. The combat is way more fun than Nier Automata's, but Nier Automata excels in everything else: world-building, story, themes and music. Astral Chain is really fun and has amazing graphics, using that Jojo stand is so so cool and creative.
If you have a Switch, play it, that's it. Play it.
Yikes. That's a long time to go without games. I understand why you shitpost now, Snoy.
So if you don't like the gay dating sim, it must be because it's not gay enough. Got it.
The better question is why the fuck are you obsessing so much over arbitrary scores? Why do you care what the score is? Do you enjoy the game? Then why the fuck do you need a number decided by other peoples actions to confirm your own opinion? Metacritic scores are literally youtube comment tier, but you are indicating that you take that shit serious. You are equally as pathetic as those people.
>Nintendo fags falseflag and give bad user reviews to their own game so they can yell at Snoy
Yikes. Thats some seething dilation they are coping with.
Anthem is great though
Indeed, he should have went Snoy if he wanted faggotry
Shit bait user. Obsidian should die soon.
I meant Bioware, not Obsidian, fuck me.
Both people I know who have it said it blows for like the first couple of chapters until the system opens up and it does the usual Platinum thing of leaving some fun stuff unexplained so you have to stumble onto it yourself
Tons of people will shit and run on a game like that
Why would PCfags be mad when they created the roll-to-win generic copy paste that is Bloodborne?
Man, you must have sifted through a shit ton of hilarious 10s to find all these. Strange you don't share any of those, though.
Why is some random Nintendo first party game getting review bombed?
nobody cares about random nobodies on Metacritic giving games 0s and 10s, guys
Why do all these fags say "PS2 Graphics" when PS2 was perfection? Graphics had finally hit a point where things could look like what you wanted to portray while the gameplay was still fully invested in fun.
I just clicked on negative review and picked the most juicy snoynegro tears i could find. There are dozens more who are obviously retard snoykiddies mad at nintendo giving a single 0, but i aim to show the true cream of the crop of snoyfaggotry.
Halo 5 alone mops the floor with snoy exclusives
Hey, I gave that 3H review a helpful tag. I'm one of the 14 people who tagged it when you made the screenshot.
He's spot on!
I gave it a 6 I think but its metacritic so nobody of importance cares anyway and people only write to affect the overall userscore when they think its too high/low
It's called bait, user
Snoynegores sure care a lot.
Guess they don't have anything better to do currently
>consolewars are just ironic shitposting, I swear, Yea Forums has always done it!
You invited these people into your home, fed them dinner and let them stay the night, and now they're freeloading.
What even is point of modern reviews in general when 8-10 means anything from "meh" to "excellent" and all under 7 means unplayable dogshit?
They don't care as much as you do posting all these lmao
>persona 5
-you, an user that doesn't care, for real i swear m8
I wonder what he has against Sonic, but I'm too lazy to copypaste that to translator.
You know how there are a whole lot of words in those reviews?
You're meant to read those.
That's just metacritic for you.
Its literally all people do on that site: positive/negative bomb games to affect the overall user score.
Fire Emblem's subreddit literally had a post asking for people to leave 10 reviews to counter Smash player 0 reviews(even though I still don't get why Smash players would leave 0's on a FE game, I'm not up to date with Smash happenings).
And then remember when Zelda fans literally organized to reviewbomb HZD because some reviewer compared the latter favorable to Zelda, which started the whole but thankfully shortlived BOTW/HZD feud.
Point is: Metacritic is a battleground of literal autism and if you absolutely have to use it, then at least just look at the aggravavated critics score.
Even though all the autism in the user score might actually cancel itself out and what you'r eleft with is actually a proper representation of user score after all, who knows.
Sudden surge in praises for Astral Chain (including on Yea Forums), paid exclusive (remember Bayonetta), created a backlash.
People complaining about the review-bombing make it more visible, it snowballs.
Reminder that sonyfags have also been recently targetting Fire Emblem: Three House!
Apparently they care enough to make fake accounts
But goku won in the end and would've solo'd jiren too if he hadn't cowardly tried to attack the stands
Based because 3H is literally the worst FE in years, and I'm glad the honeymoon phase is over.
ITs broken beyond belief and literally NOTHING in this game is balanced and everything is broken in favor of the player, and the whole first half is nothing but padding with stupid shit for the actual game that starts in the second half.
Then add the nonsense with the fetch quests in a fucking strategy game and you've got yourself a stinker.
Calm down, snoyim trash. Nobody care about your opinion
why would a sony fanboy even play fire emblem you retard? why are nintendo cultists like this?
Big surprise, this thread is swarming with sick in the head, hateful, pure evil microsoft and Nintendo sacks of fanboy waste spreading LIES and HATE. You are deranged, mentally ill, and full of horrifying evil and hatred because they are angry Sony has made multiple 90+ metacritic games
You can clearly see how Nintendo and microsoft fanboys lie and distort the truth to reinforce their delusions and fanboy hate. Or they're just dumb and ignorant after so many 60 rated metacritic games and bing bing wahoo rehashes.
You Microsoft and Nintendo fanboys constantly LIE and make things up to fuel your mentally ill hatred of classic games like Bloodborne, God Of War, Horizon Zero Dawn and Days Gone. Sad.
You are sick in the head and need help.
Deranged, malicious, delusional, worthless, constantly wrong microsoft and Nintendo fanboy having a meltdown because his favorite plastic toy is overpriced, underpowered, not favored by developers and has no games.
Demented, delusional, constantly WRONG, dumb, hypocritical, worthless, conspiracy theorist, dumb as rocks Microsoft and Nintendo fanboy is angry that PS4 is significantly more powerful, has more developer support, and outselling Xbox almost 2:1 globally. Keep crying and having meltdowns over the facts while leeching off each other and playing your shitty party fighter game while Sony makes Next Generation Artistic Experiences
Friendly reminder to Microsoft and Nintendo fanboys that you pioneered cancer on all platforms and you earned all the hate you get. Sony has been the only positive consumer force in the industry and will continue to be while you lie and seethe
Microsoft and Nintendo fanboys will continually make disgusting lies like the evil, worthless, malicious pestilence they are the minute the PS5 is announced
Okay based Nintendochads, how do we fight back?
>and I'm glad the honeymoon phase is over.
we've been criticing the game since release though. only waifufags and redditors praised it as a 9-10 game.
its literally just a 72/100 at best.
(and pc mustards)
An actual good game would have no problem with people defending it and giving it 10/10 tho
>Microsoft game gets reviewbombed by nintentards
>*crickets chirping*
>Sony game gets reviewbombed by nintentards
>*crickets chirping*
>PC game gets reviewbombed by nintentards
*crickets chirping
>Nintendo game gets reviewbombed
>the internet stops
I didn't know the Nintendobonus was a cultural phenomenon. How many manchildren are out there?
So metacritic is basically Yea Forums voting on games?
>game gets reviewbombed by nintentards
>proved wrong
Lolwhat. People talked about this when it happened to bloodborne and horizon zero dawn
t. Idort
Nintendo lives rent free in the minds of snoytrangies.
>reddit spacing
>snoyfag tries to call everyone else evil while praising sony as the last savior
>shows off E3 fallacy and no actual facts
>doesn't show off the numbers to prove his claim
>broken record and keeps saying the same thing each sentence
Seethe, xniggie
>Microsoft game gets reviewbombed by nintentards
Literally never happened.
>Sony game gets reviewbombed by nintentards
Literally never happened.
>PC game gets reviewbombed by nintentards
Literally never happened.
>Nintendo game gets reviewbombed
Now this is something that happens. Snoys always reviewbombs Nintendo games.
This shows why user scores are shit. Everyone gives a 10 (delusional fanboys) or a 0 (trolls/mindless haters). Only 18 mixed reviews out of ~2300.
console war children of both sides are subhuman
>proving the image right
holy shit my sides
Filthy snoys.
Xbones went extinct already, following fate of biodrones.
Top kek!
So this is really happening because it's a Switch exclusive? Can we confirm that?
The only Mario release this year was Mario Maker and the only Zelda is Link’s Awakening remake (which hasn’t released yet). Most of the exclusives this year aren’t either of those.
>consolewars in 2019
Poorfags are so sad.
lmao this image sums things up nicely
>had to go all they way back to 2015 to try to prove a point
lol seeeeeeeethe
Why the fuck are they reviewbombing Astral Chain of all games?
>constantly tell everyone that metacritic isn't a good metric for game quality
>called a contrarian faggot
>these same people will still defend metacritic despite review bombs being one of the big red flags I warned about
i don't even like Astral Chain, but I bet you metacritic shills feel awful silly right now.
because it's fun and not on their platform
>But goku won in the end
Exactly. At the end of the day, Nintendo fans gets a good game to play while Snoybeaners can only seethe-spam the user reviews section of Metacritic. Goku wins in the end.
It's a problematic misogynist pro-cop game
>96 posters
>almost 2 hundred posts
I know this thread was only made for flame wars but why?
This makes me want it more since I know snoy fanboys are afraid.
before: just some action game
now: seething fanboys fear the game, it must be good
Because its a mediocre game
So Nintendofans give it 10s and people who don't like it give it 0s, because we cant have a mediocre game in these times due to consolewars. So it either needs to be the greatest thing or outright shit.
Anyone who think 7 and below is a shit rating is likely still in school thinking you need a C or above to pass the class. In the real world a 5 on a 0-10 scale is literally "average", the equivalent of a passing grade. 7 is above average and 8 is very good. 9 is for those once in a while gems and 10 is paid shills because no game is perfect.
But a C is dogshit though. Anything under a B is dogshit and in college a B+ is the minimum to pass.
>Nintendo fans gets a good game to play
sure, if by "good" you mean "mediocre" and by "game" you mean "qte movie."
But this isn't school, kiddo. It's the real world, and in the real world things are different.
It's okay. Above average but is held back with some bullshit like camera issues, underdeveloped slice of life parts and your typical Platinum fuckery where combat from the start is designed around mechanics which are actually given to you only hours in the game.
And by post you meant to COPE hard
>caring about user scores
>or metacritic
Apparently not, because it's the entire industry vs. your cum-drenched idol Jim Sterling.
why is it always spanish speaking people? read most of the negative reviews on these games and it's always mexicans.
>implying that people opinions don't matter and accepting them when there is no proof they even used the product like metacritic.
This is viral marketing right?
We have constant threads about the game, and about the people voting on the game.
You literally cannot go one page on Yea Forums without a single AC thread or AC score thread.
And nine out of ten of them dont even discuss the game but just go
>muh sony
>muh nintendo
>muh blablabla
Snoyfags are spics
TotallyNotAnAssmadSonyFanboy would have been a more convincing name
then why are you using a grade analogy dipshit? When each game is 60 dollars, people can't afford to buy every game that gets a "C" (like astral chain)
Good thing it didn't get a C, unless you count sonyfags SEETHING
Then it is an A+
>87 is now a C
we're hitting cope levels that shouldn't even be possible
it's just staged shitposting by nintendofags to fuel their victim complex.
the game itself is very mediocre, which is why nobody actually discusses gameplay.
COPE harder, snoyfag
>snoyfags COPING so hard they literally pretend 1100 bot accounts they made are all falseflags
LOL, sonyfags really are retarded
Dude 87 is a B-B+ depending on where you live.
Why the fuck are sonyfags always like this?
>it's just staged shitposting by nintendofags to fuel their victim complex.
These are false flagging snoys.
They have no games or the ability to buy multiple consoles so they cope hard.
They cope harder than fucking trannies.
>implying nintendo fanboys will make 1000 bot accounts to bomb review their exclusive game, all of this only to put the blame on snoys
Sure thing mate.
I average the two to make up for idiot journalists and user trolls. I don't just pick one or the other whenever it suits me.
>reviewing other games with bad ratings if they're bad is okay
>reviewing other games that push own agendas with bad ratings even if they're are bad makes a bigot, racist and incel
don't forget buy your season pass and dlc
>Tendie games are so shit they would rather discuss reviews than gameplay
>sonyfags so SEETHING they make 1000 bot accounts to have any hope of COPING
Back to Fifa, BR. Sopa de macaco, uma delicia.
Because both GOTY contenders are ninty exclusive and it's causing butthurt kids who can't afford more than 1 gaming device to implode
>user reviews are more reliable
i always laughed at the people who thought this.
>I'm dead fucking serious
Press X to doubt
So much effort in one post just to spite nintenbros and xchads... Sad!
I genuinely hope this was pasta and you didn't actually type that out from scratch.
>First complaints are slow combat, it's not DMC5, clunky camera controls, and "annoying side cop work".
>All complaints were countered by dismissing non-issues and actually playing the game to unlock new moves, and option settings
>Today is a hard switch to blame Sony just because of a few Brazilian twitter posters who would fuck a Sony console if it meant having a CPU and fan singe and cut them up for the sake of Sony.
Can I ask an honest question and get an answer as to how many of you bothered to even skim through the negative reviews instead of contributing to the console war?
I know Epic Games has all you riled up about exclusives, but don't you think you shouldn't be posting in an obvious bait thread just because you align yourself with a company?
That, and >ever believing metacritic
Constantly whinging over the opinions of Reddit and Resetera when you read up on a heavy percentage of people who go to those very sites. It's you, the same ones who cringe and complain about those same things, who harbor the most empty hatred towards something as minuscule as a percentage on a video game when you could be playing it instead and having fun.
>nintendoshits bought the media that gives garbage like SS 9/10
>but it can't buy us fellow gamers
Sonychad here, should I make an metacritic account and downvote shitendo games?
game sucks man let it go already stop being so retard
There is almost a 100% chance this guy is a spic, nigger, or slav.
>false flag as a nintenbro false flagging as a sonybro false flagging as a xbro falseflagging as a nintenbro false flagging as a sonybro
>but actually don't even care about the game
might as well, since that's who they think is doing it anyways
Pick one.
A true Chad picks both.
He says that Sega are a bunch of lazy bastards that can't achieve anything better than PS2 era graphics.
Probably because it's Switch exclusive
I don't see the problem here, he clearly owns a Switch and played the game, he wouldn't lie on the internet, right?