Why so many franchises were revived (and the immediately killed) on the Wii?

Punch out, Sin & punishment, A boy and his Blob, Contra, Gradius, Nights, House of the dead, among others, were all brought back and then disappeared

Attached: 256px-Punch-Out!!.jpg (256x359, 40K)

Because the Wii audience was incredibly fickle and refused to give them the time of day.

Because right after the Wii came the Wii U.

But why devs thought about bringing all these series back specifically for the wii era? Did they think they could cash in with the casuals?

There should be a Punch-Out!! Switch game with all bosses from the Wii version being playable
You know I'm right

I wonder if the reason why we haven't seen a new Punch-Out game is because it's a series filled with stereotypes.

yes, plus motion controls gave them an excuse to give most franchises another chance with the new gimmick

Probably, yeah. 100 million people had a Wii and making a Wii game costs less than making a 360/PS3 game.

Bad, Good and deserved better, good, bad, bad, good, bad.

I mean I think it's more about how they were never brought back again than anything

Punch Out for the Wii was the first Punch Out game in like 15 years or something and it just... never got another game after that.

Not really. Street Fighter is filled with them still and no one bats an eye

Yeah, but the stereotypes aren't the focus like they are on Punch Out

They are, but Nintendo is afraid.

House of the Dead got a new game recently, Contra has a new game in development.

Games like Punch-Out, and Gradius can't do much with sequels without changing all that much, so I wasn't really expecting direct sequels 2-3 years later.

No Tyson no buy

I just want a fragile dreams rmeaster or sequel 2bhfam

Reminder that Little Mac is the most powerful Nintendo character because he defeated a real person and there's actual confirmation for it.

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Sin & Punishment 3 when?

I predict that the plot will go down that Achi will use Isa to get rid of the Creators, only for Isa to fight back at the last moment since he learns that she was the one that used his parents back then.

Not getting a sequel every other year /=/ dead franchise.

A lot of them were of pretty good quality too. I'm still upset we didn't see more HotD:Overkill

Maybe they'll pull another timeskip and you play as Isa's kid or something.

I never did play that one. I really fucking hope they port it to the Switch. Yeah, I know, port begging and all. In hindsight, should've bought that instead of The Conduit when I was a kid.