Other urls found in this thread:
>why aren't you buying our forced lgqbtowzpbbbp,racemixing, anti white narrative?
>my game isn't shit, gamers are nazis
nazis dindu nuffin wrong
Anyone else sick of (((Kotaku))) promoting fags, satanism, and jewry?
Fighting nazis isn't problematic. Calling wide swathes of the human race nazis with no provocation into doing so is problematic. The marketing shit with "LOL PUNCH A NAZI" was silly, but responding to the bait people threw at them by saying "Well maybe whites shouldn't all be nazis then" instead of fucking ignoring it started off a chain reaction that could only lead here.
The game's not that good anyway. Neither was TNO. 6/10 at best. Not horrible buggy, not super crash prone, but not really great either, just a generic story based fps.
>make shit game banking on Social Justice marketing angle to be your selling point
>turns out nobody wants to shell out $60 + Season Pass tip to play a 4 hour long, soullessly cobbled together game just because you get to roleplay as an antifa thug sisters punching nazis
>Well we're sad that fighting and killing obvious bad guys, the nazis, is now apparently considered a bad thing by a small yet vocal crowd
Why are you upset about nazis being killed in a game series about killing nazis?
I don't know - I wouldn't call it problematic, but it's weird how hard they lean into the "kill Nazis" thing, as if the sheer act of simulating killing Nazis is in and of itself worthy of interest regardless of how well the game plays, what the level design is like, etc.
Like at a certain level it gets to this point where it feels like the devs just really want to fantasze about killing people, and are only using Nazis as a way to try and do it and not sound psychotic because it's more socially acceptable. Like when I play Doom I don't think "wow, can't wait to kill demons!", I think "wow, this game is fun!"
Maybe if you didn't call everyone you disagreed with a nazi people wouldn't care.
I've never enjoyed killing "Nazis" in video games
fight me
me too, I just feel bad about it, I see myself in them
I feel you, i always want to be on the nazis side
Who likes fast paced non-realistic shooting games? Boomers and boomers at heart. Boomers are old. Old people are conservative. Killing nazis in the context of WWII is fine with them, but when you start insinuating that being a nazi encompasses milder and more modern aspects of conservatism while also espousing "kill all nazis!", you're saying that you want to kill a large portion of your core audience. No wonder that they don't like it.
The proper genre for liberal politics are weird experimental earthbound-esque rpgs. Not boomer shooters.
I'm sick of this fucking stupid board endlessly advertising Kotaku more than anything.
how many times are you gonna make this thread?
The world will be a better place when white people are a minority. Christ, not even black people complain this much.
I don't have that much of a problem with villifying nazis, but man, I've eaten this dish too many times. How many times do I have to watch a nazi villain die in a movie, a video game, a book etc to be tired?
I think nowadays, nazis are just THE enemy to use when yo have no ideas.
If your game is a giant fetish about killing a certain group, then it should flop.
they would if they become the majority
i would be intrested in the next wolfenstein if we actually play nazis and kills trannies and liberals. Would be pretty kino
Not if, user. When.
>keep calling everybody who doesn't agree with them a Nazi
>make a game that revels in killing all of these "Nazis"
wowee, it's like your actions have consequences
They already are. They make up like 15% of the global population.
>2013: Stop looking at Kotaku and these fucking websites to give them clicks, it's shit journalism helmed by morons.
>Me: Works for me!
Slam your head on a knife you fucking cunt
They spend the majority of the first game establishing Naziism as the world's status quo, show that there are regular joes who are enlisted in the Wehrmacht, humanize both the adversarial and regular citizen Nazis, set the second game IN AMERICA, kill BJ's dad in cold blood because he didn't fight enough, set the third game IN FUCKING FRANCE, and they're wondering why people are getting a little weary over fighting their Nazis?
Yup. From what I've heard the game is pretty bad.
>super buggy whether AI even notices you
>enemies won't walk around cover to get you as you shoot them
>AI ally will let you die without a revive while 3 feet away from you
>enemies are nothing new, and repeated without enough variation
>no interesting additions to gameplay besides co-op
>co-op is bugged
Shooting nazis is fun but it isn't fun in a shit game.
Zoomers treat this place like a news aggregate site. Haven't you noticed how many threads lately are literally just a fucking article headline? It's fucking sickening. Start fighting back and force these niggers to lurk.
And here I thought it was the badly designed co-op and unlikable characters.
How silly of me
>Make shooting nazis not fun in your game.
They must be secretly nazis themselves.
die crackers
That game was shit, I pirated it, played it up until the first boss, deleted it and gave away my free code I got with my video card. I didn't want to own the game until I knew it wasn't a shit show.
If the game was just shooting Nazis it'd be fine but it's not. It's leftist faggotry masquerading as a shooter.
Useless cannon fodder with no personality?
I wanna see the twins become nazi cum dumpster
Sorry, I wanna shoot communists instead.
I want to see them give a BJ to B.J
Nazis are just an excuse for devs to be lazy. Even the demons in nudoom have had more effort put into their backstory than the nazis in newest wolfenstein.
wow cant wait for another quality thread on Yea Forums about video games with no politics involved
He said "nazis", not "allies".
>Create the same game forever.
>Same enemies.
>Same mechanics.
>Same story that never ends.
>people get bored of it and stop playing.
>say that trump supports and people with conservative views in general are all nazis who's poltical opinion need to be crushed with violence
>openly support a leftwing terrorist organisation like antifa
>wtf why are you guys not buying our message?!?!
>but responding to the bait people threw at them by saying "Well maybe whites shouldn't all be nazis then"
Too far
This is jsut an attempt to direct the critisim to somewhere else and make people feel guilt
nazi as enemies is just fucking played out. it has to be mediocre at most like that fucking dumb cliche "zombie" trash.
westacuck devs like these are just fucking creatively bankrupt. hilarious that none of them can admit it.
I'm bored killing 20th century SJW's, I want to kill 21st century SJW's.
Video of the first gamer pride parade, circa 2020.
Antisemitism isn't just limited to a few people anymore, even some blacks and asians are starting to support Nazism
too bad most western games are political now
I hope Hitlers paining carrer goes well ...
yurocuck devs are too obsessed with american politics/identity politics and ignoring every other country/region that doesnt give a damn about american faggotly.
blame youselves being such fucking cucks and pathetic ameriboos.
>small yet vocal crowd
they seem to be blaming it for poor sales, which means a big crowd
Weird how no one review bombed Post-Scriptum or Dunkirk over Nazi-killing.
That are kinda right. I mean, you kill just as much any Nazis in Return to Castle Wolfenstein as you do in The New Colossus, yet for some reason everybody wants to pretend it's some sort of political statement now.
The mindset of people who are offended by a game where you kill Nazis is pretty unsettling
>"We’ve seen an increase of right-wing extremism in the Western world. We see that online to a great degree. Right-wing extremists are great at affecting the debate online. And of course, maybe they abused us to whip up some anger when we were making Wolfenstein II ... We make games that we think are fun, meaningful, and immersive for a mature audience.”
I don't see which part of youngblood is " fun, meaningful, and immersive for a mature audience". All I can see is they dropped the balls and tried to half-ass their franchise by going SJW, and failed miserably as they lost their last fan base.
Wolfeinstein kills it's whole "anti-nazi" message with how fucking racist and stereotypical the way they portray what they call "nazis"
Nazi in these games means just the German people in general, portrayed as the most stereotypical despicable villains, and caricaturing Germany as a whole and German culture in general, not just fascist inventions of the era. In a game that some minimal jokes aside takes itself dead serious with tragedy and all, trying to push it's political and moral views.
They clearly believe that slipping in some literal exceptions for Germans means that now their portrayal doesn't count as stereotyping.
we are at a point where most people literally use german ww soldiers as a synonym to nazi soldiers without backlash youtube.com
Ofc, their mentality is that this isn't problematic because it doesn't affect modern day germans since people don't have much grievances against them, which might be true, but you can't do this shit when the whole fucking message of your game is supposed to be how wrong nazism is, which is caused exactly by blatant stereotyping and propaganda.
National Socialism was pretty cool, the Third Reich had greater legitimacy to most of the nations it attacked, and the "holocaust" was a hyperbole since many who died were enemy partisans and commies.
Wow people with IQs over 100 post here
>Once chance at life
>born with poop skin
Many such cases. SAD!
Fighting Nazis wasn't a problem 2 decades ago, what changed?
it's just Sweden
they are the ones doing this shit with Battlefield, they are the ones doing this shit with Wolfeinstein
When writing an alternate reality story about nazis, I'd avoid direct references to current politicians.
People might think you're indeed comparing them to nazis, and their voters are likely to feel targeted as well.
Japanese strictly and it's largely to due with new extremists group that wish for the good old days of Japan before the Nukes. And even then they're not so much Nazi's but rather just their own party brand that allies with them.
No. Yes, some black people loath Jews but that hardly makes Nazi's unless you're the type of fag that thinks
>Anything bad or I don't lie=Nazi
Which is retarded.
This comment is the equivalence of saying fascism and communism are the same thing because both have totalitarian governments.
Not to mention a story about an alternate history set in the 80s would show the regime in its dying gasps, not opulent and healthy. They aren't nazis, they're stock bad people wearing Nazi iconography. The very idea that the KKK would collude instead of being wiped off the face of the earth is ridiculous.
top kek
Wow. Who would have thought that no one would want to buy a game about killing Nazis? Just ignore the microtransations, the season pass, the lackluster enemy roster, the main characters whose dialogue will make you want a second holocaust, the utter gutting of all the content that made the last two games fun in the first place and an overwhelming misunderstanding of what the Nazis were in the first place. Clearly, gamers are evil and must be purged.
So, useless cannon fodder with no personality?
the narrative where everyone who don't like the degeneracy and leftists bullshit is now called nazi
Good luck living in a world dominated by soulless inhumane chinks and street shitting Indians
I'm not a /pol/fag but there is just something wrong and very hypocrite with the way nu-wolfeinstein is trying to push their so called anti-nazi message
it feels like the most blatant unironic propaganda that tries to warn you how wrong propaganda is
>implying nazis in wolfenstein haven't always had tons of personality
are you brane damage haver
the white population in the world is like 8% i find amusing that you believe that people did not kill each other before the white men did come around ..
Nigga, did you seriously forget China exits?
This. Nazis aren't fun when they're the establishment, at that point you're better off making the enemy the real establishment. Nazis are fun when they're the encroaching apocalypse/someone to take revenge on and return things swiftly to normal.
No. I refuse to buy a game directed by Trump. Fuck Trump.
I just wanted to play video games
Way to prove a point, shit heads
>Wolfenstein games have had one thing at their core: Killing Nazis without being bogged down with a compelling narrative and cinematic interruptions
>The evidently delusional developers have been disheartened that adding a compelling narrative and cinematic interruptions along with their patronizing moral injection - as if you'd need a justification for killing the most cliché unmistakably-evil video game enemy - has become a source of contention
wolfenstein devs are being highly disingenuous while they did obvious politics baiting during the height of american societal divide and they now hide behind the shield of killing fictional nazis (like being nazi is a good reason to kill someone immediately, it's a fucking videogame - they shoot you, you shoot back, even if your attacker is cutest anime girl ever)
yeah i remember when every gamer that said "i don't like this game" also threw a SIEG HEIL after
good times...
I know, bro, I know. They made us do this.
>We’ve seen an increase of right-wing extremism in the Western world.
we've also seen an increase of muslim extremism, don't see them making a fuss about it for some reason
I loved the other games and ignored their politics as long as I could but having his daughters as the new protags was clearly a manifestation of the stronk wymin protag meme. They already did that with the racist depiction of that black chick. Fuck these devs
They quietly file it under "right-wing" and scream whenever anyone notices.
>Japanese strictly and it's largely to due with new extremists group that wish for the good old days of Japan
these are dying off, you fucking anglo chink. update your western faggy old info.
Because to you and to them anyone's a nazi
I don't care for blacks in my media? NAZI
It's Sweden. They didn't even fight the nazis.
Other WW2 games sell themselves by "fighting the greatest battles of WW2", "stop German war machine", "fight for liberation" and here's the Swedes, objectively the worst savages in Europe, literally worse than Nazi Germany, go all about "murder the nazis, what's better than murdering the nazis, they're worse than cockroaches", they're literally obsessed about murdering anything that moves through their entire history and it shows.
But its SJW the ones against having nazis on media...
Fighting nazis isn't the problem
The problem is you're normalizing communists when in reality they were just as bad if not even worse
Why base your entire game around fighting the bad guy as an even worse guy?
I love how developers can't handle with criticism and poor sales and instead of listening to the fans and learning a lesson they always act like they dindu nuffin and the players are at fault
I don't give a fuck if the enemies are nazis or communists, stop ramming idpol shit into everything. Also the game is fucking garbage, so there's that.
>Why base your entire game around fighting the bad guy as an even worse guy?
Enough D-day
>your mom is a pedo
>WTF? my mom ain't a pedo?!?!?
the good old kindergarten method
>call everyone who isnt a mentally ill alt-leftist a nazi
WW2 ended 80 years ago and you think there are nazis hiding behind every corner you fucking nutcase
>makes shit game
>doesn't sell
well color me surprised
The rest of the non white world barring Asians are sustained by the white man,the fall of the white man of legend will bring down the nogs
That's racist
Nazis did nothing wrong and it's time to stop demonizing them. Jews are actively harming western civilization.
>Nazi are irredeemable demon that genocide the jew, the gays and the non-white.
>The "resistance" that you recruited in TNC are actual communist.
Naiz occupied America looks rather nice, and the nazis are using technology to colonize Venus and other planets. What's the problem?
They call out the communists too, though.
You have to remember, in the mind of the """""progressive""""" only black and white people exist.
Do they? Please post sauce.
All I know is that you side with communists in the game because I've seen one cutscene from the game somewhere
>Do they? Please post sauce
Why the flying fuck do you complain about the game you didn't even play when it's bloody piratable?
who was in the wrong here?
What part of "some" do you not understand? There are indeed some blacks who support Nazism, though maybe not the neo-nazis that are against them as well. Also, Tila Tequila is not Japanese
And here, around 2:30
>W-we weren't actually offended at the idea of punching Nazis, we were just baiting you guys stupid libcucks!
Because I have a job user. I'm not playing games that look uninteresting.
Alt-left is not a real term. It's a made up term to try to try to distract from the fact that the alt-right is a real accepted group within the right wing, who do things like this youtube.com
But on the filp side you have time to post about the game you had no interest in?
Uhhhhhhh, dont wolfenstein devs realize capitalism is problematic?
They need to apologize and release the game for free
Literally "if you don't like our game you're a nazi."
This is where we are now.
>first game takes the time to show that one Nazi’s perspective on why he’s fighting and reminds you that you are killing humans
>new game makes nazis out to be subhuman creatures that are fun to kill
>this game wasn't that good
>neither was TNO
no longer a post worth reading
No thanks.
Nazis just means Trump supporters according to their own PR.
Also the devs are a bunch of Swedecucks: youtube.com
Its to the point that id rather side with actually nazi's instead of the left.
Yes, shitposting on Yea Forums takes significantly less time than playing a game. Also even bad games can spark quality game design discussion (actually they're more likely to do so than good games) which I am a huge sucker for
>makes a shitty borderlands rip off with 2 of the most unlikable cunts ever created in a video game
>>why is my game flopping?
Next time dont hire retards. Half the reason why TNO and new blood worked was because the nazis werent a joke and BJ was a good protagonist.
>All the people trying to pretend their sloganing and wording being aimed at right wingers was just tin foil conspiracies will completely ignore this post.
Saved for future disingenuous "B-b-but do you have a written statement with photo ID that says the devs want to kill Trump?!?! Well then I can't believe them using his campaign phrase had any nuance to it!"
No, I want to be the guy in cool uniform for once.
That is hardly calling them out at all.
Why can't these people find any other villain to demonize. Like hell CoD did go pretty generic with the evil Russians and Ultranationalist but that was a lot more original
History has tons of evil groups of people. I can think of one Big Nose cunning villains who don't kill with guns or gas but with smut and subversion
What's worse. Few work camps or 50 years of pushing opioids. Porn. And self hating propaganda to young boys and girls
(((They))) have caused more deaths than Nazis have. You just dont think it because they make it seem like an open choice.
>give your son these drugs
>teach your son he is a POS and a rapist
>Tell your daughter to be a whore AsAp. Sell her body.
>Tell your white kids they cause all problems and need to shut up and take the abuse
>watch this porn
>dont have families and abort your babies
>that middle pic where the white guy in the red shirt is getting tackled by a feral nigra
lmao it's perfect. The fucking scene, that speed blur. It's like some National Geographic screencap. America is one glorious fucking joke.
When will Bethesda shut them down? Last 2 games bombed.
How long will they keep losing money
Yeah it genuinely looks like a scene from a zombie apocalypse movie
>Developer hides from the game being an inferior title by playing the racism trope up
Bet ya their next game will be even more dogshit with even more signs of the era it came from that ages like milk on a summer day.
Actually B.J.'s day was a Southern racist anti-semite (who married a Jew for some reason), who was abusive to his son. So killing him is supposed to be cathartic by turning him into a caricature who was going to execute his own son in cold blood while gloating how he sent his wife to the death camps.
Being low key anti white to them is worth more than money. Make no mistake. They hate whites. "Nazi" has become so broad of a term you would have to be retarded to not know this
Nazi today means anything from actual national socialist. To any white person who doesn't want degenerate shit in their homeland.
Basically the left is easing into just making anti german games then anti Europeon games. They can't just yet but they will in time
Same concept with the left and pedophilia. They wont openly say they support pedos but they will low key support it
>"age has no number "
>kids belong and learn at gay pride parades
>drag queen story time
>smaller outlets giving pedos a voice to call you the monster
Slow steps
Maybe they should have tried making a game that was fun instead of phoning it in and hoping that people would blindly buy it because of [buzzwords]
Why don't they let us play Nazi's in the sequel, surely it would be like spec ops the line and gamers would be horrified and be de-radicalised after forced to commit the atrocities themselves first hand?
I mean who would want to live in the third reich it looks so terrible compared to our progressive modern society
That's because modern leftism is more of a fascist system akin to actual nazis than the modern opposition they choose to brand as nazis in place of having a solid argument since defamation works just as well in a mob mentality reactionary culture.
Why dont they make a game that gets carried by gameplay rather than virtue signalling through shitty cutscenes and lol random XD humor that does not fit the game and comes off as a tryhard knockoff Quentin Tarantino script without feet.
>Western developers
Let's be realistic here
Fighting nazis is fine if the game is fine
Fighting nazis , as framed by communists becuse orange bad man is shit and will always be shit.
This but unironically.
Do you not reminder that "alt-right" is a made up term? Literally all political descriptors are "made up"
Why should I buy a game that calls me something I am not, while still casting moral judgement on me?
I think you're confused by enough identity-driven people on the left taking labels so seriously you've deluded yourself into thinking the very kind of people you brand 'alt-right' consider themselves to fall under that label. If they were leftists, they might pay more mind to titles and namecalling rather than sticking to beliefs unshaken as what their position is claimed to be keeps changing on behalf of their opposition, but their core ideology remains the same regardless.
Now we're talking.
Then why does my mother, who votes Republican, hate Richard Spencer?
>you can't call us alt-left because we want to kill you!
>but we can call you alt-right and nazis because you won't sell your house to pay for my sex change!
Legit hope you die Reset Era scum
I like that only one side of the political spectrum has an "alt-" aspect, but the other does not.
Really convenient, that is.
Sorry nzai gamers. Vidya belongs to us now. You mad? My sister is trans and I'm a communist so basically it means IM GONNA CRUSH YOUR SKULL IF YOU TALK SHIT ok Hitler drumfpy?
Found the ResetEra scum.
Tranny and a commie, ayy LMAO.
>get mad bc game lets you buttfuck useless nazi fodder
>post on chinese gardening forum how mad you are bc of ''essjaydoubleyuhs''
>repeat how much you hate idpol and ''woke capitalism'' while typing on your korean keyboard and white lettered red cap (un) ironically
truly a joke of a human being.
>Haha fuck Nazis, amrite?
When do we get a game to kill ameri/brit/gopnik
aka the jewish puppets in ww2?
Then quit acting like Nazis.
They made a game people hate and now try to hide it by naming everyone a nazi.
I'm indifferent about it.
An otherwise good FPS will be good regardless of whether or not you kill nazis in it. That said, nazis do provide a good template for a faceless, evil enemy, and this was utilized perfectly in The New Order: the enemy was a scary and mighty threat.
But ridiculous marketing of the latter Wolfenstein titles which implied that killing nazis is supposed to provide some intense pleasure was fucking nonsensical and probably doesn't connect with anyone who plays videogames.
Is there anything more reddit Normie cringe than celebrating killing Nazis?
I guess we can't play videogames anymore, guess I'll go outside
nazi zombies
Not even /pol/ or a gaymurgator but Wolfenstein II's narrative is literally "America is so racist they would have willingly rolled over and accepted nazi rule so they could subjugate black ppl and LGBT"
which I and many people find incredibly disingenuous when America was instrumental in the defeat of Nazism. Yes, there were Nazi sympathizers within America, but those existed in every country - people don't say all of Britain was secretly supporting the Nazis because of Oswald Mosley.
Actually there's this scene in Youngblood where two Nazis are talking about killing subhumans, and one of the Nazis is like, "No, no, we still need to treat them humanely." You still shoot that Nazi, which makes you wonder why that bit of dialogue is in there.
Yeah they just rob and rape you and talk loudly in the movies
I think they secretly wish they had the courage and social backing to straight up shout "kill Trump supporters, conservatives, cis white men" etc., but they resort to calling death for an abstract idea of ever-present "nazis" as a safe middle-road.
This isn't real life, this is a video game. This is a theoretical America where the country did, in fact, willingly roll over and accept Nazi rule just to fuck over minorities. And as much as /pol/ would like to deny it, the whole "FUCK MINORITIES" attitude still exists in America. Hell, we even DO have literal neo-nazis in our country (see: Charlottesville).
>when America was instrumental in the defeat of Nazism
Whoa there, burger, lets not get ahead of ourselves.
You need to go back.
>America would have rolled over
New York got nuked, the military was decimated, and they were facing robots with death rays. While this is a fictitious universe and we couldn't really imagine how the US would respond, I don't think it'd be too far off the mark that they'd willingly surrender. Even the game's narrative isn't proposing that the decision was so that blacks and gays could be subjugated.
not an argument. go back to /pol/ buddy
Driver going 55 in a residential zone. That's beyond reckless.
Shouldn't have thrown around the term so much, then.
Literally retarded. You must be a darky.
Not trying to have an argument. You need to go back.