Damn, Nintendo exclusives used to look like THAT?

Damn, Nintendo exclusives used to look like THAT?

Attached: 82711.jpg (7008x3280, 2.61M)

Other urls found in this thread:


I want Xenoblade X2 Yea Forumsros. Astral Chain kinda feels the void in terms of style and atmosphere when considering just the town and Daemon X Machina looks like it will in terms of mech combat, but I still need the real thing.

Is this an emulator screen? Xenoblade X looked like an early PS3 game
also good riddance to it, the music was fucking horrible and made the game basically unplayable

>still repeating this shit 4 years later

not an argument

>Is this an emulator screen?
Yes. Keep in mind the emulator is only used to increase native resolution and anisotropic filtering. In other words, all the assets and even the draw distance are still the same as the Wii U version. Here's a screenie of native Wii U res for your viewing pleasure.

Attached: Wii U vs. Switch.jpg (1280x1440, 486K)

To be fair, Xenoblade 2 was really rushed and understaffed. I'm sure a Xenoblade X2 with a relaxed development cycle would look much better.

Used to look like shit? Xenoblade X had an awful artstyle and even worse music. I can’t believe people think that garbage is anything like Astral Chain.


Absolutely boiling 2cucks

2 being shit doesn’t change the fact that X is steaming garbage.

And now you've thrown 2/3rds of the games under the bus and the entire thread can safely disregard your temper tantrum ;^)


>being this mad someone doesn’t like your shitty game

>The music was horrible
this is how you can tell someone has objectively shit taste

Sylvalum is to this day my absolute favourite area in any game

I played both X and 2 for 200+hours a piece. 2 feels like a second-rate Tales spinoff as opposed to a flagship release. If the devs are willing to put actual effort into 3, I'm all for it. Hopefully they will learn from the shortcomings of 2, get their "A" team to work on it, and trash the God-awful anime tropes for something a little more complex and nuanced this time around. The one thing I can say 2 had over X was how they handled censorship and sexual portrayal of female characters. I hope they drop the weebshit, but keep in the "fanservice" if I'm being 100% honest.

What a horrible opinion

Xenoblade 2 is still kino. I only wish switch was more powerful

Attached: IMG_20180520_145916.jpg (1280x720, 163K)


>2 feels like a second-rate Tales spinoff as opposed to a flagship release.
Yes, I agree, the level design especially went to shit and I shudder to think that basic bitch areas like Temperantia, the lower level of Genbu and all the corridors from chapter 7 on are part of the same franchise as 1 and X. As for censorship, I can't hold it for or against either game since it was up to shifting company-wide politics within Nintendo itself. It would be cool to get an uncensored Switch port of X.

>not liking Sawano garbage
>objectively shit taste

>weebshit is kino

Was XC1 a fluke?

>the music was fucking horrible and made the game basically unplayable

Compare X's Battle music: youtube.com/watch?v=ePypW6n1egQ&frags=pl,wn

To 2's Battle music: youtube.com/watch?v=-ohxjSV7mhw&frags=pl,wn

I'll let you be the judge.

Attached: hmm.png (480x480, 101K)

2 was made by core A team, since nintendofucks took away lot of employees to shitty botw

Attached: IMG_20180819_085440.jpg (1280x720, 143K)

The only piece of music i can understand not liking were the city themes and the skell override
But even those were enjoyable for how cheesy and cringy they were
then you have the ost for the different continents, which are almost all masterpieces
I don't know what to tell you if yo didn't enjoy Sylvalum, Noctilium, or Oblivia
I just have to wonder what kid of ost would you prefer and to list some examples

Honestly both are good
Tough i have a soft spot for Black Tar's cheesy vocals

As much as I hated XC2, I have to admit Fonsa Myma was a really nice map. Wish I could fly around it in a Skell/Doll or at least sprint through it on foot, but unfortunately, the only movement progression you can get is a marginal increase to your default jogging speed via contract hoarding.

You’ve got to be baiting me. For X they should have done something more akin to Phantasy Star or Xenosaga. In fact, there is so much good vidya music out there that I can only come to the conclusion that you have awful taste for eating up Sawano’s shit. Or maybe it was the first time you heard his music and you think it’s exotic or some shit.

Don't worry, neither can the creators!

Attached: car.jpg (210x240, 17K)

>2 was made by core A team
How? It felt like completely different staff made it

now you're the one baiting
Xenoaga has a more "fantasy" sound to it, which doesn't pair well with a futuristic setting

X is really unique in everything except MMO combat.
someone made a game like this but with good combat

works on my machine

Is that a screenshort of Rage from PS3 or X360?

Attached: CBED9EDF463A1B61A1AD2585794D781643CB989E.jpg (1512x1760, 976K)

I'm glad Monolith Soft has turned to shit. I've moved on and accepted the fact that they will never make another ambitious title that pushes the hardware to it's limits.Iwata was the only reason XCX was greenlighted.

They found their audience, and I'm not one of them anymore.

Imagine Dragon's Dogma's combat & class progression systems in a XCX sequel.

I can't
Too glorious for this timeline

>not to sound cliche but this world sucks
I forgot how good this was

Attached: 1527830262970.jpg (1280x960, 290K)

Is this even playable on Cemu

Finished it last year

Don't ever post again

>tfw Eric was right about XC2 all along

We were too caught up in the hype of a new Xeno game to see the red flags but it was true, all of it. Monolith sold out to the Otaku audience and we'll never see a XCX tier game from them again

I played through the entire thing at 1080p with very little frame skips or crashes, on an i5 and a 1060.

Still waiting for a Switch port.

It was an open world game in an era where open world was everything, with the latest hip meme composer of the time. None of its design was interesting or unique apart from piloting robots in an open world, which played like trash anyway.

MonolithSoft lost their ambitions after Xenosaga.

>We were too caught up in the hype of a new Xeno game
speak for yourself, 2 looked like shit from the word go

Attached: 7489.png (547x423, 385K)

Attached: Capture.png (2017x1014, 2.25M)

Every Xeno game is "weebshit", including XC1.
There is no fluke. There's never been a bad Xeno game except for Xenosaga 2 but that's because Bamco gave it to a completely different and inexperienced team and forced Takahashi to work on something else.

>and all the corridors from Chapter 7 on are part of the same franchise as 1 and X
To be fair, 1 is the most guilty of corridors in the entire franchise when you consider Eryth Sea and nearly everything on the Mechonis which is over a third of the entire game.

>We were too caught up in the hype of a new Xeno game

It was a red flag the moment I saw the recycled XC enemy models

>Monolith sold out to the Otaku audience
The only game in Xeno that didn't sell out to otaku is XB1, let's be honest here.

Attached: 006.jpg (830x1217, 378K)

>MonolithSoft lost their ambitions after Xenosaga.
Ambition in storytelling at the cost of gameplay is not worth pursuing in videogames.

Takahashi sold out, now he just makes fotm garbage that rides on whatever bandwagon that looks like it might sell. It explains why X and 2 are so shit and soulless

It’s a shame that there is nothing ambitious about the game part of X.

Thats like your opinion man
Xenosaga is eternal
Xenoblade is...eh ok

Mechonis areas still felt big and sprawling and weren't a straight line in terms of exploration. Compare Agniratha to the Land of Morytha, the former has a multi-level, circular design that branches off and criss-crosses in multiple ways with freedom given in the order you complete objectives in, Morytha is a tiny trek through a couple streets, one non-descript building and a tunnel. It was so disappointing.

>Was XC1 a fluke?
XC1 is cringy garbage with low res muddy characters but STILL HAD MUH BOOB JIGGLE. XC2 is kino and by far the best in the series.

On the contrary, XC1 lacks a lot of standard Takahashi "soul" and a lot of his humor and common themes that were found in pre-Xenoblade Xeno games are absent, or at least very minimal in Xenoblade 1 but surface again in Xenoblade X (Takahashi's humor and love of sci-fi anime) and Xenoblade 2 (Takahashi's humor and a lot of his gnostic themes).
I still love Xenoblade 1, don't get me wrong, but Takahashi treats it more like a world experiment than anything else. It's a great game but you'd never know it was a Takahashi game if you went in oblivious and if it had a different name than Xeno.
Xenoblade 1's also almost strictly serious in all of its main story while every other Xeno game takes moments to have fun and reference things or tell a joke in the main story.

Attached: elma cute.jpg (624x876, 156K)

Weak bait

>It explains why X and 2 are so shit and soulless
You're just nostalgic and don't want to look at XC1 with adult eyes. It's cringier and worse in every aspect compared to X and 2.

i still cant beat the final boss of X. Im a brainlet and the worst strategist. I cant grind to get a lvl50 skell. Im poor as fuck. why did things have to be like this?!

I wish Sawano died
at least it looks like he's out of the spotlight now so maybe he can just retire and never ruin anything ever again

X had a fantastic soundtrack

The fact that he made music for Promare still worries me

XCX final boss is pretty tough unless you have already broken the game.
Vita makes great use of Ether attacks, so you might want to have armor resisting that.
With a LV.50 Skell, the 10 Chimeras will go down in one or two arts with Phoenix weapon.
Finally, the first phase of Lao is better dealt quickly with Skells, but you must fight on ground in the last phase, so upgrade your arts and gear. Your main defense here will be Ghost Factory from Elma and Shield Wall from Lin, make sure those stay alive to recast when necessary. The boss might summon other Chimeras, take them down quickly before they stack.

>worries me

Because he might ruin more anime/games

>Xenoblade X looked like an early PS3 game

Attached: Mira planet.jpg (4000x3930, 3.51M)

It sounds fine to me.

>Bright and flashy equals good graphics
You're a LITERAL toddler if you think this.
Fuck off manchild, the game looks like shit.

What are some early PS3 games that look like XCX?

Looks like generic ps360 era scifishit.

how do you mean broken the game? I cant get any better ground gear and i dont understand resistances on the skells. The armor sets dont show any res, though ive been stuck on this for weeks so ive forgotten exactly.
im legitimately retarded so its extremely difficult.


>generic ps360 era scifishit
Post 5 examples.

Attached: XCX-Zu-Pharg-Concept-Artwork-01.png (1280x800, 1.38M)

art direction>graphics

No the game is in 720p

A Xenoblade X with good combat is basically my dream game, maybe add more visual customization to dolls so I can go full /m/ and I'm set.


Attached: Hello.png (464x502, 546K)

>Xenoblade 1's also almost strictly serious in all of its main story while every other Xeno game takes moments to have fun and reference things or tell a joke in the main story.
It's one of the things I like about the rest of the series that was severely missing from Xenoblade 1 because it took itself too seriously
Xenoblade 1 would never have scenes like these


I think that's why I liked XC1 and couldn't get through XC2. The random humor really just pulls me out of the narrative.

Uraya is the area. Fonsa Myma is the city

What Gnostic themes are in xb2? Names are not themes.

Eternally shit and unfinished, maybe.

Kosmos sounded like that?

Every time I see this image I'm saddened that Zu-Pharg could have been the coolest boss in the game but ended up being a janky, awkward damage sponge that required skells, and came and went like it was nothing.
Jumping from an NLA skyscraper onto it's leg, fighting through the inside to get to the top, maybe seeing glimpses of the destruction outside, having a showdown at the top with the humanoid body would have been fantastic.

It's even more annoying that the last part was in XC2, just on a minuscule scale and in a barren canyon, and didn't feel nearly as interesting.

Amalthus - Eve and snake combined
World Tree - Tree of life
Aegises - Forbidden fruit

Trinity Processor (Logos/Pneuma/Ontos) connected to Klaus - Holy Trinity (Father/Son/Holy Spirit) connected to God
Pneuma - Breath, Soul, or Spirit (Holy spirit)
Logos can be considered Klaus's son (Son)
Ontos could be interpreted as the Father in the God sense since he actually has god-like powers (Father)

Pyra's core crystal is green, green in Gnosticism is associated with life. Pneuma can mean breath, and breath of life is a phrase used in the Bible. Pyra can be associated with life because she's able to bring back Rex from the dead.

Logos's core crystal is purple. Purple itself represents wealth and royalty in Gnosticism which doesn't describe him, but the colours that make up purple (red and blue) perfectly describe him. Blood and loyalty. Blood could represent the people Malos is destroying. Malos is loyal to his allies and does everything he does because he truly believes its why Klaus designed him.

Klaus is also obviously a demiurge, but moreso in the Platonic sense over Gnostic sense.

Post is way too long so I don't know if I should continue.

Meant to respond to

... So names AND colors. Wow.

Well yeah. That's what Gnostic themes are. A lot of the characters behave the way they do because of Gnostic themes and parallels. The entire game is a back and forth between Platonism and Gnosticism.

>super excited to get a skell
>they passed up making an actual unique combat system for a shittier version of ground combat
At least they look cool and make exploration less of a chore

There's quite a few ways to create builds that turn you pretty much invincible, the most popular one is Ether Blossom Dance.
Also you have attribute resistance on the armor parts of the Skell, check Skell Gear and you should see them in the same place as ground gear resistance.

What is this? Promo art for a cancelled Wii title?

you'll realize its nintendo after you see the 4ft draw distance for monsters and npcs

An in-game shot of Oblivia from XCX on Wii U

I played the Xenoblade games back to back beginning a few months ago. I thought by the time I got to XC2 I'd hate the tonal shift too much but I don't mind it in comparison to have two different character designers.

I never thought I'd see the day I'd praise Nomura's designs. The Torna cast look brilliant



Attached: uiharu rave.gif (450x253, 300K)

Who says you can't be ambitious without being unique? Xenoblade X stood out despite chasing popular trends, and on an unpopular console no less. Why do you think that was if not ambition? Even the meme composer put out one of the best soundtracks he ever has for this game.

How come in XC2 they completely took away all the exploration the other games had for a much more linear system? The areas are way too small. They won’t do that again right

XC1 is the worst Xenoblade game


Sadly it got the censors dick wiped over it in the west, I get covering up the 13 year old but why did they have to take the tit slider away? it's a pain in the ass having to cheatengine my characters tits and finangle the uncensor patch.

Attached: notallowedinthewest.png (418x215, 229K)

i have been summoned
but yeah xc2 was a fucking dogshit meme game and x was fine

I wanna teach and perform various human mating strategies like the mating press on Elma.

Attached: 76444218_p0.jpg (700x1000, 726K)

>The entire game is a back and forth between Platonism and Gnosticism.
XB2 has the most gnosticism out of any of the XBs but it's baby-tier compared to XS and XG
XB2 shines by delving into Plato deeper than other Xeno games

>playing as anime female
Unironically consider suicide.

Was it upscaled? It looks like it was doctored in some way.

Game's like 3 times bigger than Xenoblade 1 and 5 times smaller than Xenoblade X IIRC

>playing as an anime "male"
all your doing is playing a flat woman.

Attached: current year humor.webm (800x450, 2.97M)

>but why did they have to take the tit slider away?

This is what pissed me off too and made me only play as the male character. Give me all the features of the original design or fuck off.

If X has good combat that wasn't this unbalanced mmo garbage made for toddlers, had a actual good story, and there were things to actually explore in the world like dungeons it would be the perfect game

Attached: 1429504431322.png (397x408, 291K)

Its promo-shot in higher resolution.

Attached: XenobladeChroniclesX_2_1920x1080.jpg (1920x1080, 1.51M)

Could be a screenshot from CEMU, but if there are any changes they are minimal, since the game has always looked pretty good.

It's a promoshot. X wishs it was that vibrant and beautiful

>wishs it was that vibrant and beautiful
It was.

Nomura always has good designs

What if I told y'all we're getting an XCX port to Switch next year that's slated to revamp online and the UI.

I may know a network engineer working for a porting studio.

i'd actually buy a switch

Does it revamp the abysmal draw distance and annoying music?

Its not. It's one of the worst looking games ever made. Shit lightning, awful textures, doesn't use a full rbg output, disgusting looking foliage, zero draw distance. It's bad, only ironic weebs thinks it looks good.

Attached: 1535934817642.jpg (800x450, 87K)

Don't give me hope user
because then i'll have to postpone my current playthrough so I don't get burnt out

X is garbage

>annoying music

Attached: you didnt try.gif (256x192, 1.43M)

How about remove the shit online and fix problems the game needs like a non-garbage battle system. Nah that requires work

You're perfectly aware which tracks I'm referring to don't try to deny they aren't annoying as hell.

Hypothetically my friend would be unaware of finer details such as that.

He might have overheard that 1080p at 30fps was the target performance though, and know that the original studio isn't involved beyond oversight meaning there's no new content planned however.

>press r to fly
>extremely annoying music plays whenever you press r now

i think you need to go and get stuck on a whole different planet

I can get CEMU to work but literally the only game that I can get stable is Monster Hunter 3U. I downloaded Xenoblade Chronicles X and its supposed to be a working game for the emulator, but the game runs at 15 fps.

Breath of the Wild is even worse because it can't get past 5 fps

Attached: $1000 maple dollars.png (459x417, 19K)

Sawano and Monolith needs to be lynched for creating garbage like this.

No, no. noooooooo

The worst part is you can no longer jump without entering flight, so even to just get over a small bump in the landscape you have to reset the music

did you build or download shader caches

theres like 3 good tracks in the game. most are mediocre and forgettable. then theres the bunch that are god awful to hear

>Xenosaga has a more "fantasy" sound to it.

cemu has a cheat for that

I would say the only bad tracks are NLA's day and night themes, and even then it's just the vocals that ruin it, the songs behind them are still good.

Forgettable my ass, each continent's theme is memorable along with Uncontrollable and Theme X.

No not a single theme is memorable. All of them are garbage and taken from some generic anime

Attached: ((you)).webm (852x480, 2.84M)

Nope, I never saw a tutorial/guide on it

never played XB2, but there cant be more gnositicism than the whole of xenosaga. Xenosaga was built around gnosticism.

Look up how to do it or ask /emug/ and do it

>fotm anime
Wow Xfags really are shit eating ironic weebs who like garbage

sorry here's something more up to your higher standards

Attached: eat your dinner.png (296x130, 12K)

Read the post again, I said that the gnosticism in XB2 is baby-tier compared to XS.
XB2 is mostly Platonism with a flavor of Gnosticism, not Gnosticism.

Thanks, you should get some standards though

i see your syvalum and raise you a noctilum.

each overworld theme is fitting to its environment. except cauldros

XCX has a bad soundtrack and half the memorable songs (of which there are maybe a dozen) are only memorable because they're shit.

thats because cauldros is fucking awful

This shit makes your ears bleed. Retards actually think this is good?

my mistake. My reading comprehension is terrible.

it reminds me of a jungle. It sounds better ingame than on youtube.


>why yes, i just can't stop sucking cock. how can you tell?


I don't pretend bad games like X is good so how can I suck cocks?

Sawano is currently the most soulless, unoriginal, arr sound same composer from Japan.

SLIDING SLI-Nice, move in and keep the rhythm going

>no combat limbo
>magnum edge

Give it to me straight Yea Forumsros, what are the chances of this ever making it to Switch? I want to go through the Xeno franchise starting with Saga and work my way back up to 2, but this is holding me back. I want it to be uncensored with a breast slider.

>I want Xenoblade X2 Yea Forumsros.
you think you want it, but you don't.

Attached: wii u vs switch.png (1200x1350, 2.85M)

I dont get what youre trying to say here. He said he wants x2, not chronicles 2. Besides, chronicles 2 was a terrific game.

>4 characters on screen vs 24 characters

Hopefully never. It's a dead forgotten game

emulation can later fix the graphics but the cringy anime characters and """""humor""""" can't be undone.

XC2's visual quality really dropped off a cliff in the final third of the game, sadly. They clearly ran out of money since Uraya shows us what they're actually capable of.

I'd say a low to moderate chance. The gameplay is heavily tied to the Wii U gamepad so they have to rework the entire system into being even more clunky than before and implement all the MMO-esque features again for the switch or make all of that content into single player content. On the other hand it's fairly popular and since 2 did so well it might get a port. Though you're 100% better off playing the Wii-U version at that point even if it's nigh impossible to get super weapons and skells without the MMO shit.

>the music was fucking horrible
I love how Sawano music filters shitters like this.

Attached: 1386712712083.png (500x500, 381K)

>The gameplay is heavily tied to the Wii U gamepad
Lol no it fucking isn't. All the gamepad is ever used for is as a map display for fast travel and probe placement, this can easily be put into its own submenu.

WiiU didn't do 4K&FXAA so no, Nintendo exclusive NEVER looked like that.

>little more complex and nuanced this time


let it go already

Attached: monolith-soft-tetsuya-takahashi.jpg (1300x507, 121K)

Am I the only one who likes both games?

I don't want to have to pick up a Wii U for 1 game, but I also don't want to miss out on super weapons and other autist shit.

There's always emulation, you're not missing out on much anyway.

so this is the power of the pc master race

>make an x thread
>its just whining about XC2

Attached: D_m_fuUU8AABCgx.png (900x900, 282K)


Attached: waiting-skeleton.jpg (630x399, 53K)

Not pictured: The comically large amount of pop-in, FPS drops, and the shittastic UI.

XCX was good but you fags overrate it.

Attached: XCX character.jpg (1280x720, 227K)

Not to sound cliche but this world sucks

Yes, the presence of a couple low poly townspeople is why Xc2 looks worse even though X also has low poly townspeople and looks way better.

how does the cheat engine part even work, it never has a value to edit. all the other stuff works.

The pop in was abysmal but I've been spoiled playing PC games for so long. The 3 months I spent playing the Xenoblade games made me wish they prioritised framerate,view distance, and popin. over graphics.

gotta find the right table buddy, the tiddy value isn't terribly easy to find by hand, and you gotta save and reload to actually see the changes.

dunno if i have the newest table or not but everything else has worked. how do you reload without closing cemu or am i supposed to restart it and reattach the new process?

I.. what? save and reload as in save the game, and then load the save, why would you even close cemu to do that.

i haven't seen an option to load a save while in-game already

Seething: The Post

That looks fucking awful.

>The comically large amount of pop-in
The pop-in was crazy, but thankfully only applied to the npcs, enemies, and so on. The environmental pop-in was far less severe and frankly impressive as fuck considering the insane draw distances and seamless open world.
>FPS drops
FPS drops were very uncommon during actual gameplay while playing in Offline Mode. It's kinda a pain in the ass that the game automatically connects you to the server every time you turn it on, so you need to delete your internet connection setup in order to get the best frame rate (which is astonishingly stable at 30). Yes, this even applies to Noctilum.
>the shittastic UI
The UI was very teensy-tiny, but other than that, it looked great. Very sleek and modern without any obnoxious bloat like Xenoblade 2. The only real issue was the size of the text, especially when playing on the Gamepad. That being said, I managed perfectly fine during my initial playthrough wherein I played the game with no guide and exclusively on the Gamepad due to the lack of a good tv in my school dorm.

Attached: SCAGYK8.jpg (1280x720, 500K)

What in the fuck are you smoking?

Attached: 1559662220693.jpg (1024x576, 127K)

Small text aside, it's fine

Despite finishing the game two times I still chuckle at the UI as it always reminds me of pic related.

Attached: c848da_1137577.jpg (1024x768, 270K)

More like it turned into a general Xenoblade thread where people are discussing the three games without really complaining about them.

>The UI was very teensy-tiny,
You fucking WHAT

Attached: what the fuck am I looking at.jpg (1280x720, 508K)

>The UI was very teensy-tiny, but other than that, it looked great.
fuck you

Attached: pNzafoA.jpg (1600x900, 197K)

Jesus christ is that ui real?

It is, but actually looks much better in-game.

Yeah except usually there's a giant circle with a B in the middle smack dab in the middle of the screen:
Such as here. This shit happens every minute so you'll be stopping what you're doing to smash B very often and it's a huge pain in the fucking ass.

whats confusing about this image?

>he doesn't know about soul voice trigger conditions

I never said it was confusing retard. I never even insinuated it was, what the fuck?
The problem is it's huge, claustrophobic and obscures the screen unnecessarily. I want to see what I'm fighting, not a bunch of boxes with numbers.

My dad's cousin's friend works at Nintendo
>Takes place hundreds of years after the first game, so it's not a direct sequel.
>Main city is called Second Jerusalem. It will be divided into several sectors and the player will not be able to explore everything.
>First game's continents are back, with 3 more added: Miragia, Stellium and Asyre.
>The original continents are all industrialized and populated now
>Most characters from the first game return. I've only seen only Elma, Lin and Lao though.
>Lao is the head of, or a higher-up in a criminal (terrorist?) organization who's logo looks like the Zohar/Lifehold, the black knight's helmet is on his desk
>New characters revealed so far are: Alice Sakuraba (the protagonist) and Sezz (blue-haired swordsman, Alice's childhood friend). There's also a green-haired young girl.
>Alice fights a sword that she summons, kinda like the characters from Nier Automata. She likes to spin the sword around in her idle animation, it's pretty cool desu
>The battle system stays the same, though with several improvements.
>You can now explore underwater with the Skells, ocean exploration is the main focus
>Release date projected to be 2023

Attached: Xenoblade Chronicles X Episode II.png (894x670, 734K)

I do know them and you can't deactivate them entirely so the game is going to shove them in your face whether you want it or not. You can't escape the QTEs. Ever. They're always there. A mandatory part of every single fucking battle in the game.
Fuck you for defending this bullshit.

I can see just fine.

cemu has a cheat for it

You are talking about about a single button prompt that appears for like 3 seconds or less

Are you forgetting that you can disable the vast majority of all that clutter user? The game has an extremely robust options selection that allows you to disable and enable whatever you are most comfortable with. I've marked everything wit a red "X" that I personally have disabled during my playthroughs. I think you can also disable the health bars, but I'm not 100% sure on that.

Attached: customizable UI.png (1654x927, 2.15M)

isn't the ui only that bad if you play on a ridiculously small screen? i don't remember it being THAT obnoxious

By default health bars will automatically disappear after battle unless you are taking field damage or still recovering from the last battle

It isn't, ignore the shitposters who have clearly never played the game.

The biggest problem by far is the obnoxious as fuck soul voice prompt which just gets even more obnoxious as time goes on, triggering several times every second.

Only thing I hated was the small font

this is what you see most of the time, it does get cluttered in battles though

Attached: 4.jpg (2560x1440, 1.09M)

Shut the fuck up you turbo nigger faggot piece of SHIT. Why the fuck do you plague this board with your lies? Constant "nu-uh games I like have no flaws and if you point one out you NEVER PLAYED THE GAME" every SINGLE fucking time with you cunts.

Attached: angery elf.png (1072x885, 1.15M)

>this is what you see most of the time
So you spend your time just wandering around instead of fighting anything for most of the game?


Because most of the complaints clearly show those Anons have no idea how the UI actually looks like in-game.

This is probably the only one who played it so far

Ah yes, one-word reddit buzzword post. You retards are destroying this website.

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that is unironically more than half of xbx's gameplay

it seems like there's a lot more lately

Don't know about you but I fought everything within my level range every chance I got for the loot. That's what the enemies were there for.

This is actually a feature, the more successful soul voices you get, the more chance there is to trigger next ones, it depends on the "Morale level", gets pretty crazy and faster on 3 bars.

You choose that since there are enemies almost everywhere, but you can decide to not engage them unless attacked by the aggressive ones.


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I am just saying that it depends on the player, you can spend most time just fighting every single enemy you come across if you want or instead avoid detection and just explore the area.

the bar is way too low if 2 is a terrific game. that might have been the most mediocre JRPG on the switch if Ys VIII didnt release there too

Didn't they say porting X would be as much as making a whole new game? They might as well remake it.

X port is a never ever, but Monolith's actually said that they do want to do a sequel to Xenoblade X and another mainline Xenoblade too.

I'm gonna have to go with black tar on this one. don't get me wrong the other one's fine too but black tar actually gave me a tingling feeling in my gut at the start, like as if something was wrong and I had to fix it.

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The game actively rewards you for exploring. Kinda like BotW. Not surprising considering the majority of devs that worked on XCX also worked on BotW.

this game had too much soul for a modern game

Funny because the world is a empty soulless wasteland with nothing to do it has all the faults of BotW with non of the good gameplay aspects.