>muh terry
>muh mai
>muh nakoruru
step aside, kyokuchad reporting in, shotofags need not apply
>muh terry
>muh mai
>muh nakoruru
step aside, kyokuchad reporting in, shotofags need not apply
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The people that want Nakoruru in don't even know who those are because they've never played a king of fighters game in their lives. They're just pedophiles wanting another generic anime girl in.
No man who rides his motorcycle in uniform has the respect for what it stands for.
and yes we're getting the chad mr karate ii not that wuss ryo sakazaki
>gatekeeping motorcycles
What are you, some hell's angels fag?
I meant respect for the gi.
I want Athena
Friendly reminder he was originally four years younger than Geese and if KoF didn't have silly timeline issues he would be a 40-year old virgin that still can't figure out King wants them to "spar" in bed.
>shotofags need not apply
all the Kyokugenryu Karate practitioners are literally the text book definition of shotos though.
nah he's not dense, he knows it, he just needs time. it's hard when your sister keeps pushing her to be an in-law and your dad is screaming GIMME GRANDKIDS
Yuri is the shoto, but not Robert (who's more Guile-like depending on the incarnation) or Ryo (who is actually pretty upclose)
I'm kinda surprise Mai and Andy finally got to be an official couple by now yet King has yet to even declare to Ryo.
both Ryo and Robert are still pretty much shotos
just because they have charge moves in some games doesn't make them any less shotos, they have still have the basic kit, a projectile, a DP and a tatsu esque move.
neither have tatsu, and the projectile game varies
Getting officially together in a romantic relationship is a very slow process in Japanese games, some characters that started with girlfriends even had them mysteriously disappear so the guy could remain pure for fans.
Ryo's Hien Shippuukyaku is a tasu, just with a charge input instead of motion
i forgot the name of RObert's move but in most games he has an aerial equivalent of the Hien Shippuukyaku.
An other additional moves don't make them any less shoto like, that's like saying third strike Ryu is not a shoto because he got the donkey kick beside his other moves
nah, hienshippukyaku is less of a tatsu because it has more momentum, tatsu feels more like a clearing move. basically a flying kick vs a spink kick. both of them can do aerial hienshippu too iirc
and was talking about projectiles, like YOULL EAT KEN is always close ranged save for that one time where it became a sonic boom, and Ryo's kououken is always close ranged (except in that one time where it became a projectile AND an akuma aerial projectile for some odd reason). And then there's zanretsuken.
I feel Yuri is a true shoto in part because she likes to rip off Ryu's moves.
I give you that their shotoness is lesser compared to Yuri but they still fall within the category, under your logic that would make Sean and Dan non shotos since they either lack one move of the kit or their versions of certain moves work differently.
or Hell even Sakura since she has no full length projectiles either.
The term Shoto is used for anyone within that archetype.
Funny enough, Ryo is the ORIGINAL guest character and the main reason why KOF exists.
I thought it was more of an easter egg since the game was called FF: KoF
I mean the fact SNK decided to have a big crossover in the first place.
It was on SNES hes possible
it was the only version that lets you play as the other characters too right
IIRC, yep. Also had that bitching version of Mr. Big's theme.
I want K'
not kay four nine?
Only if it's the OG '98 version and the Tenchi Haou Ken does a shitload of damage/knockback on counterhit.
Robert moveset ranges from Ryo clone to some bullshit.
Only thing set in stone is kick based moves.
Only if Angel is included.
Based as fuck. Even his idle stance taunts you.
Scruffy Ryo is best Ryo.
Ryo, King, Yuri, Terry, and Kyo are the only characters since 94 that didn't miss a year right?
For me it's Kyo
King wasn't in 2002. Not until 2002UM at least, I think.
oh shit I forgot about Athena
If not K' then KYO
I don't care how 15-year old it makes me sound, but K' is probably the coolest fighting game character ever to me.
Benimaru, Ralf, Clark, and Kim haven't apparently.
was added to the consoles
Yeah, K''s up there. Basic as he may be, I still have a soft spot for Rock too.
KOF XV, I can feel it in my bones.
> ichigeki hissats!
> ora ora
> osshyaaaa!
K' just has IT. His design just clicks.
Trips out for Rock.
protagonist woes, andy and mai aren't "main characters" so to say, compared to terry and ryo
post the video
Pic related is the only Chad in the franchise.
It seems you don't know what you are talking about either, Nakoruru is one of SNK's three mascots along with Terry and Athena, SNK made those three characters a brand of themselves in the past, exclusive games and merchandise for each.
Ryo was at least a badass virgin in the original timeline though, if KOF followed it then Ryo would have been stronger than Geese as he is as Mr. Karate II.
That's why Fatal Fury Wild Ambition is so underrated, the real final boss isn't Geese, but Mr. Karate II, beautifully making Terry meet this 10 years older dude that made Geese kiss the floor long ago as the final match.
It's amazing how if you ignore the KoF timeline, you still get a coherent Fatal Fury one. Also does it imply SamSho and TLB take place in the same timeline too?
>be a fighter
>travel the world
>be barefoot
Just because Ryu does it doesn't mean everyone else should.
see he also has a living, running a dojo and doing part-time mechanic work
I think Last Blade is not part of the continuity.
Ryo isn't a hobo like Ryu, he is only barefoot for fights, he is an actual normal citizen with a life out of tournaments.
I thought it featured one of Kim's ancestors?
that's practically why SNK characters are great for the most part, they're more well-rounded. even Iori has a hobby and leads a band.
They have one of Eiji's ancestors.
After saving energy for 20+ years they're using all of their wishing energy to get into Smash above all other SNK reps.
I think the timeline goes from Last Blade 1 & 2 to Art of Fighting to Fatal Fury(1, 2, 3, RB1 & MotW) to Savage Reign & Kizuna Encounter(due to Kim's Descendant).
Only if he gets a Mr. Karate alt.
Hey dude,
My city's only got 3 Karate dojos and they're all Shotokan, maybe a Wado. Probably all cherry-tapping sports karate. Would you still recommend it for an adult beginner? (barely 5 months "experience").
Fuck, not the thread for that kinda question. Nevermind!