Star Citizen

Any day now!

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is there any way to show its an alien world without neon colors?

Any day until CIG goes bankrupt and SC is cancelled? I agree.

Star citizen? More like SCAM citizen LMAO

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didnt the devs buy 13k worth of coffeemaker

Nah, it will take two years at least for the backers to wisen up, and only then can the money train truly come to a stop.
Even now, morons eat up the shit like candy. Just look at the top post on the reddit page right now, the one with silver and gold. Look at it, and be amazed by the blindness and stupidity of the followers.
And I should know, because I was one.
It will take time for it to die, but I'll be glad when it does, so I can truly put this behind me, and laugh at those who were as stupid as me but didn't learn from their ignorance and following a hyped up dream. It can take time for people to be objective about a dream, it's just the way some of us are (and I do feel ashamed for it).

This game is fucking retarded. All that money and they haven't even bothered simulating in-atmosphere flight.

Your big dumb ship just floats around 20 meters above the ground with no obvious means of propulsion or lift. It looks fucking stupid, I thought they would be developing these fundamentals first before implementing all the other dumb shit they're working on now like FPS combat etc

Except they have retard
They are completely idiotic but that doesn't mean you can be too

Imagine Star citizen if it had a sensible scale and no feature creep

Post yfw you didn't fall for Scam Citizen

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Faggotery aside, when will i be able to buy something there that they call a finished product? I really think it could be some of the best games ever made and im willing to buy more after that.

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no because most devs are creatively bankrupt and have not even the slightest hint of originality

>when will i be able to buy something there that they call a finished product?

Imagine existing as you.

All that's left now is to put in Van Valkenburg cruiser for $50 000 with optional $1000 for purple paint.

Absolutely not. Plus everyone loves Fortnite. Now let me breed this tapir with a giraffe.

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I gained a lot of respect for Chris when I found out that he's selling them digital fuel for those megabux cruiser jpgs. I think they need to spend like hundred bucks just to get a liftoff.

Here's to a one billion dollar stretch goal in 2022.

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Sadly, they refuse to sell anything bigger than destroyer class ships.

And what do you do in that massive, empty expanse?

take screenshots for reddoit

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Wait these people dropped their kids college funds on not even the end game ship?

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They are waiting until people forget about No Man's Sky

The same stuff you do in rdr2

>there's a ton more shit to do in NMS than there is currently in SC despite Chris promising infinitely more

damn.... so this is the power of tea and noms....

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Will that game have single player? I'm not considering buying it haha

I just asked my friend and he told me the single player got delayed another six months. I wonder if it is even coming out haha

But they could make that game f2p right? They already got a lot of money out of it haha

that isnt real

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Why make it free to play when people are willing to drop $1000 on something that isn't even ready to play? haha

you mean squadron 42?

I don't have to because I can play that game RIGHT NOW.

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My only idea is having multiple stars, or visible moons/rings


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so freelancer/everspace 2?

Yeah instead of feature creep you just don't any features LMAO

has there ever been a open world space game where the planets aren't just grass lands or rock desserts but actually have stuff like beaches, forests and overall diverse environments?

Some of the progress with planets looks cool but the most telling warning sign is that 8 years in you can't find footage of star citizen that doesn't look like the engine is on the verge of falling apart and crashing every few minutes.

Just think about what you're asking. You're asking if someone in a game has modeled more than one planet with comparable biodiversity to Earth. There isn't even a game that can fully model all of earth, let alone a space game that can model all of them.

>no features
It was billed to me as euro truck in space. I like it.

It's because they're still in the pre-alpha stage and they've made it clear they will do absolute zero bug-fixing, optimisation or over-all stability work until they've put as much content as they feel is necessary to leave the ALPHA stage.

That's right, they only plan to make the game actually playable in it's BETA stage and we haven't even left pre-alpha yet! Astounding

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>Bannerlord will come out earlier than Scam Citizen
What a bizarre time to live in.

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>best game ever
truly a pc revolution

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Compared to SC, there's more to do even in Elite Dangerous, go figure.

What I imagine a terraformed and colonized planet to look like would be with fields of grain that stretches as far as the eye can see, the horizon broke up by a megalithic antenna tower, most if not all of the population living in a few mega-cities, occasionally huge strip mines and oxygen farms
I don't see why would it be any other way

I haven't played nms since launch. Is it worth trying again?

It's the same 'core' gameplay but with fuck tons more content. 1.0 felt like an empty sandbox with barely anything to do in it but the current iteration has more than enough shit to keep you occupied for around 30-50 at the very least. I'm not big on base-building or the multiplayer personally but I do enjoy exploring, there are always some worlds that will catch you off-guard.

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In it's current state, the subcapital escorter armed to the teeth gets wrecked by starter ships by equal number of players

There's more variety in everything but overall the concept of the game hasn't changed at all.

It's still randomly generated crap to explore. Nothing really stands out.

>all these weebfag discord tranny reaction images posts like this conjure

Go back to retardera
Yea Forums loves SC

If Derek Smart had been smart, he would've taken the original Kickstarter design features of the game, made that game and then released it for free as the ultimate snub to CIG.

"Hey, CIG, I made the original game that you proposed and I'm giving it away. How's your $400m bloated behemoth doing?"

DS can't make a half decent game even if his life depended on it.

He's also a greedy kike so he wouldn't give anything away for free.

Nice try silly man

So the door or espresso machine hasn't been posted yet?

Alright Yea Forums let's play a betting game.

Give your guess on when the next delay is going to happen and what date it will push the game onto next!

Here's mine:
>July 2020
>To October 2020

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Meme harder, shillizen.

Drk Smrt pls.
You had your chance, and fantasies about what you might have done had you been able to catch the crowdfund meme will never ever erase the mark from your existence.
DEREK SMART'S DESKTOP COMMANDER will haunt you to your grave.

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This game is never coming out.
I remember watching the reveal livestream in what, 2012? It was so long ago.
I was in college then.
Seeing all the people who have sunk thousands or hundreds of thousands on this game trying to cope and rationalize this scam is hilarious.
I still joke with my bro about how he said he would buy a gaming PC when Star Citizen came out.
He still hasn't got one.

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>ship is literally just a big "fuck you" gun with thrusters strapped on.

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How can Advent and Vasari cucks even compete?

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They dont.

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>Brining out the big guns
>TEC niggers crying about muh Guardians

Seething alien scum.

The Unity embraces all!

Gay space alien commies, OUT.

Leaving the gravity well was never an option. I'll just wail of the sacrifice you.

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played this game in like '03 can't believe the sequel still isnt out yet

Their financials have to be tight.

They had spent close to $175 million by the end of 2017. Since then they took on more staff, so close to $50 million more gone for 2018 and 2019.

~$275 million spent at the close of 2019?

They have $46 million from outside investors plus what, ~$240 million from man children?

this is actually very true. A lot of devs in the 90s/early 2000s were already in their late 30s, spent most of their childhoods reading the greatest sci-fi and fantasy novels, history, philosophy and other nerd stuff. These days new devs have literally no references that big and you see it in their products. All designs are uninspired, unoriginal and just derivative of something that came before in recent games.

based and redpilled Sins of a Solar empire posters

They would need over $4 million per month to sustain based on their 2017 expenses

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It'll never not be funny

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im pretty sure my gender studies degree is going to make for some inspiring games

Xenoblade X?

The thing I don't understand about this game, is they focus too much on all the graphics and shit.

Why not work on creating the underlying game first and then worry about adding all this novelty crap like the face over IP shit and the super detailed space ships that will only be dated in a number of years.

cuz people only really care about graphcis. Watch any trailer for any modern game, 80% of the marketing is about graphics and epic hyper-realistic explosions.

SWG has about 2-3 biomes per planet. whilst it does use procedural generation, there's a ton more artistry involved than the programmer art of SC

This year's funding is the best so far.
Most of their revenue comes during their anniversary sale and convention in Q4.

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It's important to understand SC doesn't have a normal 'fanbase'. SC's money comes directly from this fanbase of 30-50 year old men with lots of disposable income that are willing to sponsor the project for as long as it needs. CIG are in no rush to finish it because these stupid forum-dads are fine with the quarterly updates of """content""" as long as they get a new luxury liner spaceship they sunk $1000 into.

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Their expenditures seem to be out running their funding?

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Anyone else think this looks kind of like a hand giving the middle finger?

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Yes they are.At this rate they still have 9 years before they run out of cash ($46 million private investment).

Besides,crowdfunding isn't their main business model.It's only a means to an end.Their end game is to sell finished products like any other game studio.

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this is the plan, all these reports have done in preparation of the following statement:

>we deeply regret that monthly revenue has fallen below the monthly expenditure required to realise the vision both the Chris and the community share for the project. therefore it is with a heavy heart we have stopped production. to make it up to you, everyone will now receive free ships to try out in the limited tech demo we made, which will host online for as long as possible.

chris will be refocusing his effort to realize an even better project in the future, so stay tuned.

thanks to all the citizens in the 'verse

Why does it take this idiots an entire year to do something every other dev studio can do in a week to a month?

paid to exist, not create.

hired to show they exist, not create.

use your noggin, or one day, you might get scammed

This is what will happen

Probably never since they've seemingly given up on creating an actual game.

can i play this on switch?

>9 years

Scam Citizen is pretty much a gacha game now.
Better get in debt so you can buy that shiny .jepg

No you can't run Star Citizen on your leapfrog tablet.

Ok this isn't funny anymore. This is a fucking cult.

Does he post on Yea Forums?

i think what user is trying to say worst case scenario they are losing 5 mil every year and have atleast 46 mil in the bank

>yfw SQ42 was just delayed yet again

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Did anyone see the new Yacht? That thing looks dope

>yfw you didnt buy into this scam

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>real life spacecraft are being developed faster than scam citizen
Let that sink in.

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looks cool what is it

for u

>that draw distance

Development for webm related (although now outdated with a new design)

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so this is what a 300iq porno looks like

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Anyone have that pic of some guy booting up Star Citizen and saying "Finally it's out!" and then it zooms out to show that he's in an actual space ship?

unironically comfy pic

Just wish I could recruit npc companions and get into big dogfights, those two features alone would bring me back


this. it’s pathetic
t. 34 year old boomer who took one look at sc and noped out