Jesse is a VERY cute and sweet girl

Jesse is a VERY cute and sweet girl.

Attached: 1565974524845.jpg (1000x667, 97K)

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I'd let her directorially override me if you know what I mean

Attached: Austin Powers.jpg (480x415, 77K)

She's dynamite.


There he goes. He posted it again!


no she isnt. but her game is pretty good

based manface poster


Attached: 1080full-courtney-hope.jpg (1080x1078, 96K)

She has a similar tough bitch face as pic related.

Attached: forbes.jpg (320x240, 18K)

>Remedy game
>Uses a good face model for their character
>Makes a nice promotional poster
>Incompetent modelers make ingame character look like dogshit
Are people only now realizing this trend because for the first time they have a female main character?

Attached: resize.jpg (1130x660, 54K)

yes. Remedy never makes good looking faces

Why is her chin so fucking big in the actual game?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 42K)

She keeps talking to me. This is very unusual and I'm not sure I like it.

imagine jesse's chin smashed against your groin

That's not that big. That's a shapely jawline for a handsome lady with good genetics.


Attached: Control 2019.08.29 - (832x1026, 2.93M)

God I wish she was talking to me instead of plants

I wish I could hold her hand

not her telekinesis hand

>plant hears her voice
>instantly gets erect


I've seen how Remedy has created their character models in previous games. I would suspect that their photo reference studio is still too small a space for accurate face modeling. They need to use wider angle lenses which distorts their references in the z-axis when they should use more zoomed-in capture. When the modelers start working on the mesh the geometry closer to the camera ends up amplified due to the perspective distortion but they figure out the base dimensions ortographically. When the ortographically morphed face uses perspective distorted reference, things like chin, nose and eyes might get slightly incorrect proportions.
However they probably use photogrammetrical capture these days. So the base model ends up geometrically identical to the person. Once they apply the expression deformers though, if their deformers are bad the face only ever looks good when completely expressionless, the default appearance that was initially scanned.

It's the "I only date Asian women crew"

She's scandinavian.

Attached: f1f775f4f23c7153d5dca196321a745e-imagejpeg.jpg (1080x1080, 175K)

Ro Laren pleases old men for credits