Why do these retards think they are qualified to comment on video games and how they are not "Inclusive" when they dont...

Why do these retards think they are qualified to comment on video games and how they are not "Inclusive" when they dont even play

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Other urls found in this thread:


nuke in america when?

Kim-Jong un can have his way with California, thats the main problem

you do realize you posted this on Yea Forums right?

>they don't even play
>what are the speedrunning trannies

add me up losers

Tomoko seme, Meowie uke

I want a trans gf so badly bros..

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You need to be cured, friend.

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trannies are nasty and mentally ill that spout the worse type of sjw rhetoric, stick with traps whom atleast know theyre just dudes

checks out

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>hey i play candy crush and zelda is my favorite game alright, stop gatekeeping, we are all gamers here,

we have 20 trap/tranny threads daily, for what purpose?

good reason no face pics

Not soon enough, pal

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Listen, dicks, when you contribute 1/100th of the amount that @trannydegenerates have to gaming culture, then you can talk.

soon brother


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Why do leftists always ruin videogames?

>Not pictured: Beard

Because they are mentally ill in most cases.

This x10, I used to try and not generalize all trannies but they really are all fucking crazy.

Stop bumping this thread.

have sex

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stop making threads about my mental illness on Yea Forums and

stop making assumptions

You answered your own question, they're retards

stop having sex

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What is dialation

loli is superior to freakish trannies

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all the ones i've known turned out to be bugfuck crazy even if they were cool before or seemed like they were handling it well
first you see the signs of bullshit sjw speech patterns and then it all tips the fuck over in one big retarded mess


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rent free

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yee seethe degenerate

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dark ritual

Hmmmm sweetie, posting that is not a good look for you.
>Links to several bullshit studies on how trannies are the best
Btw donate to my Patreon so I can buy meds that won't fix my problems.

Make me bitch tits

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Dialation is rent free?

Do you want to be my internet girlfriend


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someone post the titty skittles one

Based porn dumper making the thread worth visiting

yes, theres a massive overlap between the two

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I mean, you are on Yea Forums, where retards who don't even play video games think they are qualified to comment on video games.

Because people are more lonely than ever and are desperate for vaildation and want to be apart of any group.

cope seething tranny dilate

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straight guy here, should i date trannies or traps?


Not him but all the trannies I've met have been conservative.


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God I wish that was me

sure they have lmao

keep seething

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The same reason you feel like you're qualified to talk about anything other than being an ugly loser who's mad about everything all the time

why would user do that go online and tell lies


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Had one, it’s not that great besides the blowjobs.

I'm not. I've worked with 3, not a large sample size, but one I've experienced. They all think they're special too. "Oh I'm not like the other transgenders who let their gender determine their political party".

Can't we all just get along?

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have sex

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no, we can't
this is Yea Forums

Just jump on /mtfg/ and look at how many trannies are pro trump. Trannies feed off hate and will do odd things just to make themselves feel hated.

I highly doubt this, leftists literally pander to trannies 24/7. Everyone knows this and you have to be pretty disingenuous to say trannies arent dominately lefty. I dont blame them, the other side arent exactly fond of them so thats just how it is.


Removed the inclusive part and you described Yea Forums


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>implying identity politics are an issue when everyone is anonymous
We could get along just fine if you assholes would stop bringing it up and instead actually talked about video games

The newer a poster is to imageboards the more he believes that any replies are good. Doubly so for electionfags because they were spawned into this world by outrage culture, which they happily perpetuate whenever they can.


Isn't there a massive tornado ravaging Florida now?


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>giving a fuck about a tornado in the year 2006+13

If only it could arrive in Commiefornia.


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thanks for anime tiddies

>no miku tattoo
you had ONE job, one

uh oh! gamer thread!

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The vast majority of America’s food comes from CA wanting it destroyed seem like a bad idea.

I'm not trans but a trap, can i b ur gf?

rent free

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Some men just want to watch the world getting ravaged by a tornado.


thats an even better reason

It's the California circlejerk finding them to be convenient tools for its bullshit, as always.
That and there's people transitioning just because of a need for attention.

nope, be my gf instead

Do you give good bjs,

Why Yea Forums hate california?

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I'd rather nuke a random country in europe

If trannies are like 3% of the population and even a smaller percentage of gamers. Why are they so many of them?

i give great bjs, foot jobs, thigh jobs and armpit jobs

It's actually not uncommon for this to occur across all mental Illnesses. Humans naturally crave conflict, but we were born into a peaceful-ish era, so we seek it out. Creating arguments in our head, going to purposefully toxic sites, etc... Hell it might be the reason you post daily. Regular people have the same urges, but in an atypical brain the desire gets more pronounced to create stimuli and dopamine.

have sex

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It’s a good boogieman state

Why are you pretending to hate them when this board has constant trap threads that get left up on purpose?


So when do leftists and righties switch places and have rights start censoring violent vidya

because traps arent trannies retard

I just hate the Silicon Valley types.

Everyone hates california. Even God.

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They do play games user, if you're mentally retarded enough to consider Visual Novels as games

And then, one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power

Sona is just a shitty discount ripoff Miku clone.

dilate tranny

90% of all traps are HSTS trannies

We need to cancel trannies. Stop enabling mental illness.

dilate tranny


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The left doesn’t want to censor violence they just want introspective looks at violence. Righties have always been the ones that wanna censor violence.

I'd suggest Rome. It wipes out the Vatican, removes a good chunk of the italian governament and forces Italy to change the capital to a more fitting city like Turin, Milan or Florence.

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Only trannies think this, sorry traps wont cave to your mental illness

There's no trans in Europe though

>the only reason this thread is still up is becuase of the anime poster


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You'll never be a real woman

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lefties censor tiddies and righties want to censor violence, but they never actually move on it. I wonder if that whole thing is a cover for the NRA? HMMM.

Nice video games
I see Yea Forums's obsession with trannies is still going strong.

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I stopped being a tranny ally because I’m tired they don’t stop mocking cis people. Why I should defend someone that insult me? Fuck that

have sex

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What's up with America and having this many men turning trans in the last ten years?

He’s right tho

Yea Forums has and will always be gay
>the last 5 April fools celebrations

>hates boring people
But why?

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dilate, have sex and go back to your discord

90% of traps are HSTS trannies or HSTS trannies in the making, this is a fact


Copious cope


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The righty president just tweeted that video games should be censored after a massacre happened. Wanna show me a powerful lefty that has recently?

Yea Forums isn't gay, we just like passing trannies and traps

/fit/ and Yea Forums are gay

because theyre at the center of a lot of issues concerning anime tiddy censoring, they invite massive corporations to move in for low taxes and then these corps adopt californias puritan behavior. See sony

most of the obsession is over anime traps which rarely have any desire to be trans

>Yea Forums is gay


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virtually every game journalist and anti-GG types. dont get me wrong Trump is a retard but these trannies will lead to downfall of Western civilization

im a gamer

Are you a virgin?

trans people are only ok when they make their peepee big. literal cumbrians

traps = good
trans = ugly psychopaths preying on weak minded men

Yea I know. Yea Forums used to be this gay, but it also just used to call you a faggot and then move on with whatever topic was going on. Now its a tranny and the whole thread starts to derail.
Its been certainly getting more vocal recently, maybe since 2017-18, then took off like wildfire.
I fucking hate anything 3D.

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>he thinks trump is even right leaning
he got in because he's funny. he was a lifetime democrat.

Wanna backup your claim. Post a powerful lefty that wants to censor video game violence

I'm 'bout to do it guys, don't stop me


He spouts the usual retarded boomer shit that leads to nothing, when I actually see violent games being censored ill care. Till then I can point to 10x more censorship cases regarding lefty outrage and sony internal censorsihp policy regarding #metoo doing far worse.

>America last year: Ey trans aren’t bad now
>Trans: Ok maybe i will stop being ashamed of myself and I will show the world how i am
isn’t that hard

Yea Forums wants to fuck traps, Yea Forums wants to be traps



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the weak minded men I don't care about so much. it's when they go after children that boils my blood.

they are failed men who just want the world to burn, and the best way is to ruin the next generation. they are evil.

because the gays got all the special treatment and it's not fair

Don't dilate, kill yourself instead.

Jason Schirer,Antia Sarkessian,Zoe Quinn,just look on twitter dude.



Trump has jumped parties many many times over the years, he is a grifter.

Shut your whore mouth faggot


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Why do tr*nnies generally hate cute&funny so much
It's like their cryptonite

you will have to find out!

Yea Forums is tsundere for Yea Forums
>Yea Forums is tsundere for Yea Forums
Yea Forums is tsundere for Yea Forums
>Yea Forums is tsundere for Yea Forums
>Yea Forums is tsundere for Yea Forums

>he hates traps

Lol. Polniggers are newfags

Your ass has jumped lots of parties too Candy ass

because they're pedo

you dont need to point to a specific lefty, just the climate they created regarding anime tiddies and similar and how devs self censor now due to it.


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Can we have a porn thread without political bullshit?


Listing names isn’t proof user.

Try a fucking porn board maybe.

nah, the only backlash to traps is from leftytube moving against the term but ok

Now do Twitter, fucking dipshit


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shhhh he is sleeping

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We are talking about violence not anime tittles

because trannies see something pure and then look into the mirror and see something entirely different

What group of faggots does this flag represent im legitimately out of the loop

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Nigger, don't get me started

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There's a lot of people who suppressed it because society thought of them as freaks.
It still gives them weird looks, but they're starting to get support for their problems until people figure out how you're actually supposed to deal with dysphoria and the AGPs in a way that doesn't lead to attempted suicide.

>he doesn’t know about r9cute
>calls other newfags

rent free

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It's not that bad desu.

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The eternal anglo needs to be eradicated, the serpent of this world and a plight upon mankind.
Isn'treal and Amuttigoy are his sons, the latter houses a city built on gambling and whores and the dedicated tranny movement birthplace francisco bay,
the former is literally the only nation openly owned by jews.

Because men can't be cute and funny?

Better question: why do they think they are qualified to comment on videogames when they can't even tell a boy from a girl?

It's unironically a trend shitty people exploit to get some sort of support and attention.

thats how i imagine all animefags look like

Slit your fucking wrists

No, it's worse.

Is this really the case though, it's hard to imagine people take HRT and shit just for attention.

>America:hurr durr I'm retarded
>Trannies:hurr durr i'm mentally ill
>America:durr lets shake hand

There, that's the reason

Honestly guys if you are a gay or bi and you can choose between a cute boy or trans which one would you pick? I just cant see myself respecting someone who took their fetish to a next level and is trying to change their gender entirely. Not just that majority of the world will look down on them too.

>inb4 hurrr feminine penis

It reminds them of what they will never be: a cute little girl

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MtF do play. On account of being men. They're especially fond of speed running, because transexualism is just another symptom of autism. The ones who do bitch a lot, but don't actually play are the normal, female feminists.

What makes a guy and what makes a girl?

How you know?

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Nuke Isreal out too to stop the infection from further spreading

>what is hypochondria
its called mental illness for a reason

They're obsessed with having the moral high ground so they will immediately label it pedoshit. This is despite the fact that a lot of legitimate pedophiles actually dislike it themselves and will use it as a scapegoat to keep the heat off of themselves.

The most obnoxious faggot will still be 100x more tolerable then any tranny, just be gay. Dont deal with tranny drama.

Wow, add a bulge between her legs and she is literally me *giggles*

>trannies hate cute&funny
>Yea Forums trannies are all anime-obsessed weebs who love to avatarfag with lolis

When you have weeds in your garden you pull them from the root. The United States as a whole needs to go.

I'll take the cute boy only if they are 2D

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t. faggot. You're probably also a furry. Fuck off.

nice projection

Abnormal, LGBT whatever fags and their lackeys are nothing but a virus. They're not human and never will be. Their only legacy will be the ruining of things that were once objectively good.

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Hehe xd, congratulations you insulted (presumed) my lack of sex and love life with your extremely unoriginal comeback insult. Well done. :)
When you were having sex, what did you feel? Love? Intimacy? Connection? Who was your partner? Some disgusting hookup who only tolerated you for what your body could offer? Did they have any respect for you or what goes inside your head? After you climaxed, were you satisfied? Truly satisfied and happy? What about after the dopamine rush subsided, what about then?

Just because you shells of human beings get to fulfill your out of whack libido without any precaution or after thought doesn't make you clever or successful. On the contrary it makes you a slave to your desires, nothing more than an animal. I'd feel sorry for you, since you clearly need help, but at this point I can't muster enough care to.


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The speed of your comeback is evidence to me that I am correct in my assessment. You cannot convince me otherwise. I'm onto you.

traps and c*nnies are at the forefront of the war with trannies

America promotes attention seeking behavior. There's certainly MtFs with actual issues, but there's enough of the attention whores for it to be concerning. They're usually the trannies that fuck everything up too.

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Actually seething








>based user asked why trannies are mentally ill and ruin everything
>response from tranny retards always proves his point

Why is this the case?


obviously the tranny

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Even the based anime titty poster gave up on you losers

>trannies are mentally ill and ruin everything

Dysphoria is real, now as to the causes, we can discuss. But it'd feel good to be able to put the burden down.
Also very seriously endocrine disruptors. I believe the s0i/oni0ns meme is a false flag to ridicule the idea.

no u

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everyone in this thread will never pass

why are they so common in Japanese games?

You think this is a problem exclusive to video games?
SJW and lefty types look at all facets of society, and if they see an absence or minority of a cerain special type of people who they pretend to care about, they will make a deal out of it.
If there is a sex imbalance in a certain profession, they will claim that this is a problem.
In reality, when everyone is left to pursue whatever profession/hobby they want, different sexes with naturally gravitate towards different things. They can't comprehend this. They think there are evil forces at work. Well, there are, but they wouldn't care about the real problems of society even if it kills them. Well, it literally is killing them.
thanks for reading

girl > trap > tranny > cute boy > boy

this is the rank

save hex

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based though


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Nice fuuma

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OP here, wrong picture.

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traps aren't trannies

taftaj1 on twitter

Is this meant to be a flag?
Are trannies trying to start a nation or something?

Have another one.

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cute boy sexually hardcore penetrating cute girls>>>>>>>>>>boy>>>>>>>>>>girlz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>trash>>>>>>>>>>lgbt trannies

Funny how you can talk about love and connection, and then shit on people you don't even know.
It's funny because if the dreaded SJW did evil, it's demonizing male desire.

No. Just incredibly sad that the few passions I have in life are slowly being rotted because of the current state of the world, because of this clown world.

Oh well, nothing lasts forever I guess; unlucky.

This timeline is a fucking meme, just laugh at it and it's absurdity.

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>most players are straight males
>straight males like traps

pretty simple

don't kid yourself kid, traps are just highly idealized trannies

Theyre trannies in training
Gay boys would just wear speedos


Grab a dictionary, any dictionary.

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Cheers user.
May Fuuma be as cute as he is a good star generator and support. Extremely useful for Billy.

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Le timeline brainlet

Not when trannies wanna ruin bideogamms

mutants aren’t human

keep trannies away from cute boys

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Bros that user was posting quality smut now that's hes gone the threads worthless

No, the problem is deeply embedded in American culture. The problem might be worse in California, but it is far from isolated. You're just scapegoating them because it's easier to think that way.

Imagine being born after 9/11 and thinking your opinion matters.

>want a trans gf based on thigh high pics
>majority of trannies are manly abominations

you're deluded.


because you should be inclusive enough to let outsiders comment on shit they dont know about

Same to you, may Billy's crits be as big as his butt.

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cali is pushing forward a bill that would pay tranny surgery with state tax, I think its a fair bit worse there honestly.

>whom atleast know theyre just dudes
Ouch, that grammar.

>newfag thinks trans and trap are different
Fyi newfriend trap and trans were synonymous, the original famous traps on the chans are trannies. Until faggot twinks hijacked the word trap, so now everyone thinks traps are crossdressers.

also implying you pass for a girl.

majority of cute boys are gay, majority of trannies are "lesbian"

trannies have no interest in cute boys


Girls (male) > boys > boys (female) >>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>> girls > trannies

Subtle lmfao

Remember to stretch your legs Yea Forums

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I just did before taking a 30 min jog.

>Until faggot twinks hijacked the word trap

they didn't hijack anything, traps are twinks with girly boy faces, they're distinctly male (twink) beneath the clothes

Lio from Promare has typical trap aesthetics

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Things were fine until those asshole started spamming social media with their bullshit for years on end.
Now we don't have many games worth playing and the games that we do have are censored to hell. IT'S ALL THEIR FAULT.


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Stop paying attention tothese weirdos. There must be like 100 within the gaming industy and all you culture warrior dopes are obsessed.
Millenials need to stop breathing. Youve ruined/ing everything. An entire generation proving retards shouldnt pay attention to politics. Stick to your super hero movies.

cope about what? I'm a tranny myself, and tfw not a manly abomination. stay mad though.

the original trap(bailey jay) considers the term transphobic now, so who gives a shit about those old trannies.


>Stop paying attention tothese weirdos

>If I ignore it, maybe it will go away.
No, it won't.

>games tend to focus on interesting stories that the majority of players like and identify with for mass appeal and lots of sales
>it's not fair, they should focus on the tiny minority that I'm a part of above of everyone else, even though this will appeal to less people and they won't know much about my lifestyle to write about it
>i have a bad life, it should be about me, im so vulnerable i need games to make me feel good. if you don't give my group special treatment over other minorities because were vulnerable you're a bigot
>wait no don't make a game with mass appeal to help vulnerable people, I want it about me, MEEEE
>i want a strong character that's like me but with no flaws, who goes through a journey like mine but not making mistakes like me
>if a character is actually like me or similar to me but with strong flaws then that's hateful and I'll chew you out for trying to appeal to me but making a mistake
>oh look I like this normal male or female character that has mass appeal, it's so like how i identify! i will buy this game - if i buy games even, but it's too bad the character isn't trans, even though i imagine myself as just being the gender i want to be and not being trans at all
Because trans activists are often stupid delusional radicals. All too often they are not worth taking seriously or appealing too.

traps do NOT "pass", because it's not the point, they're twinks

futas pass because they're "girls" with dicks

Who this qt?

>one of the original and well known traps line trap and other well known oldfag traps are all trannies.
>normie closet homos who like twinks think they're traps
>clearly doesn't grasp the concept of a trap being something that passes for a woman but has a dick

Fucking hell kid, lurk more. Making yourself look retarded.

Billy the Kid, American hero.

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Whatever, trap and tranny will always be synonymous for passing preop tranies for me.

I've been there twice on business and it was awful.

Please report this thread

>Lists trannies at the top and bottom
>Forgets tomboys are god tier

trannies are symptom of capitalism

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>never getting surgery

You ok user?

>Stop paying attention tothese weirdos
I don't. Problem is that corporations still do.

>traps do NOT "pass", because it's not the point, they're twinks

"traps" these days dont yeah, cause twinks and faggots hijacked traps. Traps are passable chicks with dick. Also futa is basically herm.

And moaning on some shitty imageboard does? Maybe the hobby isnt for you. I havent bought a modern game in years.Play retro or pick and choose. This perpetual outrage does nothing. I hate the fact you millenial keyboard warriors keep failing to see that. Hopefully zoomers will see how pathetic you are and move away from it, I highly doubt it though.

We've had turbo capitalism in the 1920s to 1950s and it still isn't as degenerate as today.


nah, it's lefties pushing this stuff more then anything. Lets not be dishonest

I didn't mind trannies before they became this insufferable authoritarian pro-censorship politicized nightmare, I even used to defend them against charges of degeneracy and said they just want to be left alone and live normally as the gender they identify as, nowadays I can't stand them, they are probably the people I hate the most.

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Because even small children know that whining brings attention and attention gets you stuff.


modern lefties and communists are products of capitalism. theyd be the first to die in the purges in case a real soviet regime rises up.

Oh fucking hell, you centrist really are supreme retards, your post actually proved his fucking point. You rather play old games rather than new ones precisely because the current game and its industries are rife with this sort of political shit. Complaining in forums but playing old vidya ain't going to change and fix anything.

traps were always different from trans though also i pass

Sadly it's the vocal majority that make them look bad, most i've met are rather conservative and dont really care for lgbt stuff and all the degeneracy.


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who's the nig

don't expect much from the most popular anonymous imageboard on the internet, user.

Got to be patient. It's a vocal group of trannies that is slowly losing its allies among the rest of them.

>line trap - tranny
>other well known old "traps" - trannies

They literally were, until a few years ago when people started thinking crossdressing anime twinks were traps. Lol who said you pass? Yourself? Cause i've seen alot of self proclaimed "passing" people who in reality cant pass for shit.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to fuck furry girls

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it’s only getting worse that’s the bad part

The word "trap" originated from Japanese culture "Otokonoko" from early 90's way before all of these internet people even came to be you uncultured swine.
>Lol who said you pass? Yourself?
Everyone that i've been with


You've probably just met HSTS, who are really different from AGP degenerates

Linetrap went by Bailey Jay once he stopped being a trap and started being an ugly tranny

I'm a centrist for point out millenial culture warriors for being perpetually outraged faggots? Sure. You want to change things, get off your arse and get a job in the industry. Until then, stop consuming this shite or stop moaning because youre doing nothing of value.

>lurk more
lmao newnigger pls

>uncultured swine
>probably wasn't around when traps started gaining traction on Yea Forums and other sites
>thinks he can speak cause he read about otokonoko online.

Fuck off newfag, go shave your neckbeard.

Can I get a cooking advice?

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hormones make you go bald and fat

fucking retard. because of cucks like you trannies can ruin lives or molest kids. kill yourself and take trannies with you


>bringing up hsts and agps
>actually think hsts are a thing

Most degenerate trannies are agp though, i'll give you that.

>just keep dilating
based doctor

>B-but you're wrong!
Nigger boys dressing up as women has been a thing since forever especially in Edo Japan


ok wise user how old are you and how long have you been on image boards?


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Parents are the cause of pedophilia. If people didn't force others to exist there would be no child rape.

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but trannies arent human, checkmate

thanks doc

>Parents are the cause of pedophilia.
except when a tranny pedo kidnaps them or molests them in a locker room. kill yourself tranny

hsts are the oldschool trannies, they are just faggots who decide to become feminine in order to attract men.
agp are mentally ill straight men who internalise their attraction to women. that's why most of them call themselves "lesbian"

Forever tarnished.

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are you dense user?

crossdressing and otokonoko doesn't correlate to trap, they're literally just crossdressers. A trap is something that passes for female but has a dick. How is this so hard for you niggers to grasp, it's literally the most simple shit.

>passes for a girl
>has a dick
>crossdressing twink


They wouldn't have anyone to rape if they weren't created ("they" meaning both the tranny and the child being abused).

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nice tranny logic retard.

i know what hsts are. but i personally have never met anyone that's actually like that.

Know that feel

It could have been British crumpet merchants for all I care and the annoyance would have been just the same.
I don't care who or what it is that's doing it, i'm just tired of gaming being restricted because of some vocal "outraged" idiot.

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Why is this thread still up

Gaze upon this and tell me there's nothing wrong with white boys these days.

>trannies bad
>traps good
>they're not the same
both are degenerate faggotry, and you're also a faggot if you're of the aforementioned opinion. stop pretending otherwise


What's wrong with the logic then? Use words please.

>implying kim would EVER do anything
Kim knows he would be wiped off the face of the earth if he EVER used his nukes. He threatens to use them, that's all.

gentrifiers must be removed user

There isn't because that's a woman

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Because this is Yea Forums - Gender Politics

>A trap is something that passes for female but has a dick.
Way back in the 1400's China had an assassin unit of men that dressed up as women and fooled high ranking officials and generals and won wars by persuasion. All of them passed as female to the point that they could infiltrate kingdoms to do these acts and they had a dick. Of course the word "trap" didnt exists at the time since this is a thing that originated in Japan during the 90s.

mods must be off for labor day.
this isn't video games.

On the computer!!!!!

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Be my gf(male)

appreciated doctor

Pretty sure the word "trap" existed, retard

trannies like you literally censor games and attack video game industry. it is videogames

Yea Forums - Twitter Screencaps and Culture Warriors

I wanna be your friend anyon!~

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Well it probably had another word but since he's stingy, he probably wanted to play around the word trap.

it's when a tranny has to hold open their wound with a large stick or else it will permanently close. Their own bodies think it's a wound.


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video games

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If 5 everyone in this thread gets a GF that breaks up with them for a black guy

i hope muslims do conquer the world and all sodomites get thrown off rooftops desu


>trannies like you
I'm a white cis male. I'm just tired of literally everything being about trannies. The more you talk about them, the more you fuel the fire.
This thread belongs on

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if 5 it only happens to you and op

>trying to argue traps aren't passing trannies by using history of crossdressing
>the word trap didn't exist back then

You seem very special, lost your tard wrangler?

I can only pity any of them who feel the need to go that far.

just dont post in the thread then retard

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They wouldn't be trannies if they had self-awareness.

Did this desperate faggot actually screenshot his own post after he got some positive feedback? There's one sentence that explains his "theory" and the rest is just autistic ranting. Next time at least edit out the (you)s faggot and dont try to be so desperate for attention

If 5 your mother dies in her sleep and there's nothing you can do to stop it

check dis 2

there's this thing called 'sage' that allows you to post in a thread without bumping it :)

Perfectly summarized user

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What the fuck are the mods even doing?

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it's an abstract kind of 7

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are you ok, buddy? you're already my girlfriend

Give lewds

can i find out instead since he's given up

We trans women demand respect from you, Yea Forums

it most likely had a different yet similar word but it definitely wasn't specifically "trap"

I am? Do you treat me nice?

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Attached: HEHE DILATE HEHE COPE!.jpg (960x492, 56K)

>rhyming slang
>in this year of our lord CURRENT YEAR +5


I love you Yea Forums

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Please respond

Cooking advice, please?

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jannies where are you

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hey mr. garrison

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Attached: JEB!.gif (480x270, 3.77M)

yes, you are. did you hit your head?

i treat you like a princess, but in bed you're my concubine


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I'm on bed rn, all I can show you are legs or feet.. or both
I'm pure

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