Here are you final 2

Here are you final 2.

Nakorurufags need no apply.

Attached: final 2.jpg (1755x1755, 281K)

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No, also the SNK rep is a metal slug character, change my mind, o yeah you can’t (also pic related is in for sure in the next game)

Attached: 0CB25B90-54B0-4CDD-95FD-DAC2E078C8C6.jpg (300x168, 13K)

Reimu deserves it, not some homosexual in a hat.

Terry has 2 (TWO) girls gunning for him. How does that make you feel you lonely brat?

>Implying they're not both deserving

Blue Mary and...?

Gunning for him being a keyword. He's not interested in pussy. He only wants cock.

Reimu is the chad of 2hu and can have any monster girl you can imagine. And they would accept, because if they didn't, they would die

What about sans understale

so she's a rapist?

>I want my loli to play as to make everyone whom I play with uncomfortable while I comment on how hot she is compaired to 3dpd

You trashly fags will just latch on to any loli huh?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

>Ashleyfags trying to use Reimu as a shield again
Nice try faggot, you're not fooling anyone lol

Terry's already a guest in FEXL, it's probably Nako to coincide with Samsho being released on Switch, or a Metal Slugger to remind people those characters still exist.

You DID pick a side, right, Yea Forums?

Yeah and people still love her.


Attached: Alice KoF.jpg (190x500, 21K)

She has the power to be a rapist I guess, but think of her as the drunk, grumpy sheriff of the town.

Who's the guy on the left?


Attached: 1536829689233.png (633x423, 342K)

it's your next fighter user

Attached: Garou Terry Victory.jpg (511x320, 52K)

The SNK rep should be a Metal Slug character because adding characters from other fighters is lame.

Terry Bogard from Fatal Fury, an SNK fighting game
His fighting style is probably unique and is a mix of karate, kung fu and other martial arts. If you look gameplay of him in King of Fighters 15 though he looks like Ken Masters using Goku's moves

>Geese in Tekken 7
>Iori in Million Arthur
>Kula and Mai in DOA6
>Terry in FEXL
>Haohmaru in SC6

These niggas are everywhere.

>A fighter can never be in more than one crossover fighting game
Shut up with these stupid ass rules

Attached: MvC2 Megaman fighting Ironman.jpg (1280x720, 809K)

Prepare to be disappointed then. It's not going to be him.

It still boggles me how people don't know who SNK are, even though they're having guest characters in fighting games left and right

Attached: 1567369719875.png (813x1289, 1.72M)

>it's not going to be one of SNK's most recognizable mascots
Are you okay?



Attached: 2AB0D213-5958-46F6-8626-19C22E385CEF.png (1429x1036, 276K)

Seething Conkerfag, Nakoruru is based as hell, better than your squirrell with a hoodie.

Attached: Shanty77.png (500x740, 411K)

Holy fucking shit how much of a cuck can a man be COPE

Attached: based reimu.jpg (2289x2289, 864K)

It was just a copy/paste error, go home.

Attached: 1562101753248.jpg (2730x3640, 1.7M)

Not according to Sabi.

Let it go m8. She can try again in the next game.

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>implying trashly fags and remiutards are not one in the same

I'll give you that there are like 3 real remiu fans but most are just lolifags with huge crossover with trashly fags because they are roster fagging for the exact same reason. To be able to play as a loli so they can casually slip in they want to fuck who they are playing as.

I get what you are trying to do there but it's pretty pointless. Reimu got deconfirmed. It's over. There is no point on attempting to link her to Ashley at this point, not even for a giggle. Your best chance is aiming at the SamSho girl since there is some internal conflict going on with SNKfags since the cute waifu is getting over hat Ryu.

reminder that SNK will not get a rep in Smash, the leaked copyright was just on the wrong page, it was supposed to be for the actual SNK Heroines game's DLC

>Reimufag sperging over me
How sweet, but that won't change the fact that Nakoruru is (probably) in and Reimu isn't.

Attached: Shanty223.jpg (1843x2048, 328K)

>lolifags pushing a character that's not even close to being a loli

Sorry, meant to say Marco and Chosen Undead.

Attached: 019098DC-7248-4A47-9D22-A5F883CCB897.jpg (293x581, 54K)

>Nakoruru is (probably) in
>he actually expects meme bird girl to get in over Terry
Fucking end me.

I dunno man, I am getting "brave" vibes from this last leak. It would make sense for SNK to be the next third party at the top of Nintendo/Sakurai's priority list.

Reimu isn't in.

Attached: Shanty65.png (500x500, 69K)

So he’s just Ryu? Uh, cool i guess...?

>I didn't read the post

Most remiutards don't care if it remiu or some other loli, they just want to play as a loli. Whoever is the front running loli is who they rosterfag for. First is was Ashley, then remiu, and next fighter pass/game it will be that fotm loli who looks like she has a chance.

user, are you disabled?

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Well see about that after pack 5 is revealed. Unlike your own shit picks that are already out.

>is blind to the op's own character art


Why is everyone obsessed with Reimu? Smash has already way more than enough jap culture in it to need mikos, Marisa would be a way better pick.

Attached: master spark.png (1024x768, 951K)

Low effort trolling, just don't bother.

I hope you realize that doesn't this bode well for indies and Shantae's chances in the next Smash, for a tertiary fighting game to get in over the most important indie game in Japan.

>Reimu got deconfirmed


>Having a Mario spin off character is impossible.
>Have a Microsoft character instead.

Attached: shad.png (600x769, 943K)

Literally every character seems young with ZUN's art style, read the official mangas retard, Reimu is at least over 20

And that extends to his backstory too unfortunately
>Got adopted as a child with his bro
>His adoptive father got killed by Geese Howard
>Readies himself for 10 years along with his bro, learns all kinds of fighting techniques from all arts creating a unique, acrobatic way of fighting that mixed with the survival instincts of living on the streets make quite the strong guy
>Proceeds to kick Geese's ass more than twice

Difference here is that while Akuma killed his mentor Geese killed his father

the guy who fought the god of war and won.
Watch the fatal fury trilogy Ova's, its campy but fun as fuck, and its Bari at his peak until Angel blade


can I get a refund if reimu isn't in?

For the last time, Bubble Bobble isn't ingame you fucking autist.

>she is 12000 years old!

This is the level of awarness of lolifags.

Because Reimu is the main character and Touhoufags aren't retarded like Underfags and Samshofags

not true, reimu is way more iconic than those random lolis despite what zoomers may think.

I am putting my coins on this last leak, not that I really expected Reimu to be on this DLC to begin with.

How the fuck does either Terry or Ryu deconfirm Reimu?

terry is still based though

Attached: 1453827166941.jpg (256x197, 9K)

Talking about the SamSho boomerang girl taking the obligatory female slot. Ironically Reimu got killed by another miko.

It’s happening

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Plus the Metal Slug character covers a genre not yet covered by Smash, the 2D run and gun

>inb4 megaman

>He believes some random twitterfag who claims to have seen a model of a character that wouldn't have been worked on yet
>When Sabi literally said the SNK rep was Terry if there's one
Actual retard

are you blind
that looks nothing like them

Attached: bubbig.gif (600x269, 10K)

I dunno, seems more reasonable than hat Ryu. Maybe you are right but I am gonna keep expecting it.

muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah FOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLL

Sorry I'm in a Snatcher mood


>Nakoruru is more reasonable than Terry
I swear to god if this is not a bait you're literally fucking retarded.
You do realize Nakoruru is only a meme pick on this site because people are using her to bait reimufags, right?

Unless Haohmaru is the canon MC in SamSho she is as reasonable as Terry. I am apathetic about both but at least Nakoruru looks like she can bring something new to the table. Terry looks as boring as his games.

Haohmaru is the canon MC of SamSho.