Unironically what is the development path for Classic WoW Yea Forums...

Unironically what is the development path for Classic WoW Yea Forums? Like what expansions do they add and when do they stop? same with patch shit. If they add any of this stuff Blizz is basically going to have to admit when things went to went shit.

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Depends on the popularity after 2 years.
$15 per month to play a 15 years old game is already an achievement.

Classic will follow it's own line of development. It will diverge from what retail has been (i.e there will be totally original expansions no tbc->wotlk->cata, etc)

blizzard understands that the less they do the better and the only good thing about their current year content is the art and sound
they don't have a clue how to make good games anymore and they barely know how to market classic wow
blizzard is going to announce tbc just after the hype of naxx dies down and try to do as little as possible to change it and if that makes money they'll release wotlk too
by that time everyone in blizzard right now would have jumped ship just as they have been doing
this is the end for blizzard on the pc as they are a china mobile company now

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Good joke, user.

We all know we are getting fucking TBC servers. Fuck Belftards and their fucking garbage raids and content that isn't Karazhan.

Wrong fucko. Classic + will NEVER happen. The only option is to go to TBC then the God of all expansions Wrath of the Lich King. That's when I'll truly be Home. That was when the game was at its very best.

If they announced a patch progression to TBC and beyond, but released faster than the original I would drop retail 100% and only play classic.

Is it a bait?

You are only saying that because you didn't play during vanilla or TBC.

Surely it stops being 'classic' as soon as they re-introduce content

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if they do this I quit. I don't want to the Burning Shit expac.

I hope you do. I don't need your shit tastes polluting the best expansion.

Classic is defined as anything pre-dating retail. Retail - 1 patch would be considered classic

no classic = the original.

Free fall, dead by xmas.

They’ll do what the chads on the Old School Rubescape team are doing. Add new content that is more in line with vanilla and won’t ruin the game like they did with retail.

"Classic" release of a popular mmo is nothing new. Look at Old Runescape and Lineage 2 to see what sort of model Classic WoW might emulate.

And you won't be able to enjoy it because, unlike last time, you'll KNOW that the game has peaked and that dogshit is coming up next.

>holding on to the past


So we are getting TBC next


Classic+ should happen, but we'd better pray it doesn't because the current devs cannot replicate the content. Imagine them trying to write and design quests that aren't pop culture references.

This. Were coming home fellow Death Knights.