what's your opinion on the First and Last ever Fire Emblem character to be added in Ultimate?
What's your opinion on the First and Last ever Fire Emblem character to be added in Ultimate?
he cucked me
it should've been Lyn bros...
Fire Emblem didn't deserve any newcomers at all. Hes just a Roy Clone with some more Marth like characteristics. Roy is better.
>Roy is better
Roy is objectively the worst smash pick.
>game is japan exclusive
>game is genuinely fucking shit
>Roy has no personality in his game
>Debuted in fucking smash bros just to shill his shit game
>Buggy hitboxes in melee just to make him look more worthless compared to Marth
As much as I hate Awakening, Chrom deserves it more than Roy. The fact that Roy was actually added as tr4sh DLC is even more retarded
It'll be Camilla, because her alts can not be contained to just FEH any more.
If they were going to add a third Awakening character, it should have been Grima.
>game is genuinely fucking shit
Check your taste, buddy. FE6 is great, miles better than FE7 and Awakening, for that matter.
Here is something to believe in, user
>Carrying an autistic child to thrones and REINFORCEMENTS: the game
FE6 fucked up on their final boss and i will never forgive them for that
also i want to make Idoun happy with human penis
What an absolutely hideous design! What the fuck? What the fuck were they thinking with Awakening?
awakening/fates in general has some shitty designs
>Last ever Fire Emblem character to be added in Ultimate
Fate wasn't as much of a mess as Awakening from an artistic standpoint.
In awakening everyone was an ugly snowflake, it had no homogeneity whatsoever.
But in the end, peak design still is Echoes and it'll probably never be topped.
Redundant and indulgent on Sakurai's end.
>Gushes over Lucina and Awakening in general
>Looks to the ballot instead of his own picks
>Finds a way to appease his tastes through a loophole
Any other echo fighter from any other series would have been better.
as much i love sensei, but he's the sole reason why another FE rep is unlikely.
because people are going to say "why did they add Marth/Lucina again?" on sight and wouldn't do much interesting shit with his whipsword.
is Samurai a footfag?
Incredibly unnecessary and his mouth looks kind of weird
I like him when he makes dad jokes though
>2 characters in a roster of 80
No you stupid faggot.
He's a waste even as an echo
don't listen to anybody else
Ridley's feet smells the best
Handsome daddy who's become my favorite FE character to use in Ultimate.
They could literally never add a new FE character ever again, and smashfags will never stop obsessing and seething over the possibility of one.
God 3H was fucking kino.
>Asked imouto wich character she liked in FEH, she picks Chrom, told me: Chrom'd.
He us a Chad
Not a smash fan but still vomit knowing they gave Chrom an actual character slot. Sometimes, in the middle of an average day, I'll remember this. I'll think of the roster with Chrom's ugly ass face just sitting there. Ruins my day 10/10 times.
Genealogyfag here, unrealistic dream but if they added Arvis i'd buy the fuck out of ultimate
I think he's got the same problem as rex and at most will probably get a mii costume
You say that as if FE fans aren't seething over the fact that the only leak having edelguard was completely debunked yesterday.
I'm not though
>he think we really wanted Edelgard
remind me who overhyped the idea of an FE reveal at a fucking expo again?
They are?
Ike is the worse
>Game sold worse as a worldwide release than most of the Jap exclusives
>Game is genuinely fucking shit
>Ike has no personality in his game
>Debuted in fucking smash bros just to shill his shit sequel after his first game bombed
Roy is shit as well and should've been a Jugdral character which was actually a proven success in Japan but Ike is worse by far. Remove them both so Edelgard and Byleth can get in.
Ike's games sold like shit due to Mario Galaxy
He's alright, but I went back to Roy after a couple days. His recovery is too inflexible even if it is a better out of sheild option than Roy's. He gets gimped harder than Roy because of that.
And he's still a character with a unique fighting style and stats, things that only apply to 4/8 of the FE reps in Smash.
He's alright. Should've got in before his retarded daughter did.
Cool. Give his moveset to someone else.
Insanely good framedata, good edgeguarding, great kill options and good voice acting.
Just won another online tourney with him last night, he's based.
i bet you were one of those retards that kept saying some AW character will adopt Snake's moveset too
Mix up your recovery options with airdodging. Roy is even easier to gimp over Chrom, which is why you never see him played in tournaments.
Radiant Dawn was LITERALLY released prior to Mario Galaxy 2 , you retard
ONLY in the West. It was released nearly a year from Galaxy in Japan. It bombed in both regions. Warriors was released against Odyssey in BOTH Japan and the West and still sold a million. And Ike had 2 chances to sell and combined still sold like than Roy. Retard
>crossover Fateswakening game doing better than every fucking game before Awakening
what did you expect retard?
also Tharcia 776 is still the worse selling FE game, so kys judgralnigger
Why? Because you shit your diaper over him?
i like roy better
Just shows if you're actually popular no matter how shit the game is it will still sell. Can't say the same for Ike. And Tellius is the worse selling FE world. IS tried milking the successful Jugdral series with a spin-off, didn't work. But still better than giving a fucking failure two major budget console games and bombing nearly killing the series.
Projecting grandpa? Should I call your nurse? Do the world a favour and euthanise yourself.
Breasts are too big to be added to Smash.
i wanna sniff his bootyhole
I'm not the one throwing a screaming shitfartfit over a Fire Emblem character in Smash Bros.
Unironically want him in. Make his down-B change his weapon between a sword, axe, or bow, and give him a 'grading' gimmick where favouring a certain weapon makes its attacks output more damage. That alone will make him more unique than the other swordies (Robin and Corrin excluded)
It's two sentences. Take your meds
There is no reason as to why Chrom and Lucina aren’t alts how the other DQ heroes are.
>Just shows if you're actually popular no matter how shit the game is it will still sell.
no, its literally comparing some Mega Man game and some Vs. Capcom game together
crossovers will sell better no matter what
>But still better than giving a fucking failure two major budget console games and bombing nearly killing the series.
except it was Shadow Dragon and Mystery that nearly killed the series you dipshit
and both those games sold worse than Tellius series games worldwide
Thracia didn't work because it was released in 1999 on the fucking SNES lmao
Chrom is the worst character in Smash Bros.
>actual, literal nothing protagonist somehow less interesting than the fucking self insert
>has nothing going on personality wise to the point where Project X Zone just made him a dad jokes dispenser because he's so fucking bland
>ingame he's braindead as fuck and gets easy kills spamming ftilt on the ledge or killing people at 0% for trying to edgeguard him
>even more proof of Sakurai's overwhelming FE bias that gave us the 4th Marth
>FEfags are so fucking greedy that they continue to demand more characters who will look and play the exact fucking same as the droves of characters they already have
Really should have just been an alt skin like Hero, all the FE protags have the same 'personality' anyways.
Thinking some cheap DS games were the cause of FE's downfall. The Marth remakes revilalised the series in Japan selling better than even the GBA games. Setting the series up for Awakening. Pandering to Americans with Tellius was a mistake. There's a reason Awakening is pretty much a sequel to Archanea.
>FEfags are so fucking greedy that they continue to demand more characters who will look and play the exact fucking same as the droves of characters they already have
I have not seen anyone actually asking for more FE chars except ironically to trigger Smash autists.
His ability to spike at the ledge while doing recovery is absolute bullshit
Meanwhile Radiant Dawn which was released on the fucking Wii during peak Nintendo. Tellius was such a mistake and if it wasn't for shilling Ike in Smash the backlash against Sakurai's rewarding FE's success in recent years wouldn't be as bad.
People were asking for Ike even during Brawl, it's true his game didn't sell super well but Ike was so unanimously well received by the people who actually played his game that he's still one of the most popular lords in the franchise and has been since his debut, people were asking for him for Brawl and a lot were disappointed he was slow and didn't have his sword lasers.
>you're mean to me, stop talking, go away
And that's like what? Less than 200k? More people will be asking for each of the 4 Three House protags. Are we gonna pander to them too? They actually deserve it compared to Ike.
No he wasn't everyone hated him and his shit games stop being such a fucking fanboy.
Tell us which unimportant side character from FE you'd have in Ike's place.
Any of the side characters from Awakening, Fates and Three Houses would have more recognition than Ike without Smash. Tiki, Caeda, fucking Lyn. Anyone and everyone.
This seems like an incredibly deep-seated hatred for this character, like he cucked your father and raped you in your sleep while eating your Frosted Flakes.
Yeah Ike is pretty shit
Literally the most boring soulless character in smash
It's unfortunate that the guy who became a franchise face was caught in between two blue haired swordsmen and a clone of a blue haired swordsman. I completely agree with the decision to add Robin instead, even if they could have given Chrom different weapons or a pair up mechanic down special where he can switch partners. Just for the sake of visual variety.
It's kind of nice to have him now, even if he's the fourth variation of a move set already present.
I'm always going to have mixed feelings about Roy, since he's no doubt one of the weakest additions to Smash on paper. However, he's just so damn satisfying to play with those sound effects, and Ray Chase actually kills it in his Smash voice clips.
Among my normie coworkers Roy is one of the most popular characters, FE hate and "muh deserves" is limited pretty much exclusively to online autists.
In your opinion. Also try to not be so autistic about him, you look silly.
>Thinking some cheap DS games were the cause of FE's downfall. The Marth remakes revilalised the series in Japan selling better than even the GBA games.
is selling 10k more with worse first week sales is selling better than GBA games?
if so, why did they pull a F-Zero Climax on Mystery DS and stated that Awakening was their last chance to sell an FE game in this pic ?
>Pandering to Americans with Tellius was a mistake.
yet the otaku pandering title had the most sales made overseas
you keep posting japanese sales yet never post worldwide sales either, so why your bitch ass bitching in the corner over that?
Should've been Donnel.
I dont care about FE reps on smash, but its always funny see people seething about them
>No he wasn't everyone hated him
>one of them most requested FE characters with Ridley, Diddy, fucking Geno, and Dedede
the fuck is wrong with you
That's the point. Pandering to otakus and the Japanese market should always be the main target. The people who buy these types of games are weebs or at the very least not turned off by Japanese weirdness. Castrating your series like Tellius did basically removes any uniqueness that a FE game would have over Xcom or someshit. Also weebs and otakus are the kind of people who buy merch which are mostly Japan exclusive. Japan are the safe and reliable sales that a series can rely on, lose them like FE did over the GBA years and a Tellius scenario may be just around the corner.