What is the vidya equivalent of this scene?
What is the vidya equivalent of this scene?
Why does Yea Forums make much better memes than Yea Forums?
That scene was absurd in a subtle way.
Yea Forums is pozzed by constant tranny discord invasionsa and ReseteERA refugees
because Yea Forums is an insular board and Yea Forums does not stay in Yea Forums
>Yea Forums is an insular board
Because Yea Forums is busy being obsessed with other peoples' sexual orientation and identity.
What is the vidya equivalent of this scene?
Because being on Yea Forums is embarrassing
idi nazad na Yea Forums
I counted four cases of prominent female feet in the movie, did I miss any?
Yea Forums did have good memes but they sure as shit weren't any of these terrible baneposting ripoffs.
What is it with Tarantino and feet
Because movies and TV shows are much better than video games.
The scene in UC4 where the stronk, stunning, and brave woman beats the shit out of Nathan Drake
Baneposting is best Yea Forums meme of the decade
rdr 2 vs any weeb game
The amount of butthurt this scene caused among chinks is amazing
damn straight
sure was, but it destroyed Yea Forums and all they've done since is try and replicate it and fail spectacularly every time.
Not this thread again
Gee, it's a mystery user.
everywhere makes better memes than Yea Forums. the board culture here was funny once upon a time but the jannies have been suppressing that for years. most Yea Forums memes now are "game bad" or "tranny bad." Yea Forums and Yea Forums and /int/ and /k/ all deal in topics that have some real cultural currency and mass appeal and understanding. thats why theyre better. also the posters there are less autistic and from more diverse backgrounds
what's the context and why is it being posted everywhere
Yea Forums literally has sneedposting and maskposting
On that alone Yea Forums has the worst memes
wtf was her problem?
Reminder that Bruce Lee was a massive hack that never saw any real combat in his entire life.
Because Yea Forums is full of retards and autistic bottom feeders
>implying Raimiposting, Vinceposting, Pestposting and Sheevposting weren't kino
Being a hippie cultist
Better than wojak and pepe edit #382
She was a hippie influenced by manson.. do you think they gave much of a shit about rules concerning anything?
Try thinking a little, next time
Yea Forums is where the remnants of the Yea Forums outlaws reside.
Only oldfags will remember when every meme came from them
Yea Forums has that too
I don't get the complaints about this scene cus the movie is clearly not based on reality, no one complains about the Manson family scene.
What the hell is that meme anyway
hippies are 80s' equivalent of twitter SJWs
Seems like racial politics. It was meant to be a silly scene. The whole build up and aftermath was comical.
Wait, which scene was that?
How the fuck could he get away with that. Lucky son of a bitch
Jesus who is autistic enough to spam these
True. Jannies butt fucked Yea Forums so hard its a euro divegrass and generals board.
Uh oh, did you talk about a commerical that came on during your game? See you in 3 days!
What's the vidya equivalent of this scene?
it’s yet another throwaway “fuck asian men” power fantasy scene in a media already full of that but this time it’s a legendary icon being mocked to stand out/“make more of a point” about the main character, tarantino’s damage control response to the scene’s reception is even just him trying to blame bruce lee, a literal dead man, while misdirecting attention to some fake narrative involving muhammad ali which is what people do when they know they fucked up but don’t want to admit
What movie?
I can tell you only arrived on Yea Forums after baneposting, it's okay you don't know any better.
Watch this gif
Sup, AsianMasculinity. How's your sister?
Remember the Six Gorrillion by Steven Shekelberg
cope harder please
It's not like Bruce got his ass absolutely destroyed either, it was a pretty even fight until whatsherface from Death Proof interupted them.
Both of you should be gassed to death but Yea Forums doesn't come close to being as hilarious as Yea Forums can sometimes be.
Dude never seen schindler's list
>“fuck asian men”
If only! If this happened then the asian "men" wouldn't seethe so hard 24/7 about being the most cucked race on the planet.
"Have sex" is literally what would solve the azn masculinity movement, and the sole reason it exists.
You keep a playlist of this shit, don't you?
Yea Forums has less moderation
Ironic considering all the pedo threads there
Yea Forums is actually more cucked than Yea Forums by a large margin
Nah, nigguh. Yea Forums's fucking brigaded with it.
>If only!
reddit as fuck, get back to pretending you’re an asian girl on r/datingadvice
How is this even allowed what the fuck
Sneed has surpassed Bane
No Yea Forums is worse. Trap threads are left up artifically by janny, and if I ask why, I get banned. It's a sickness.
Why does Yea Forums hate this scene?
Looks like it might be a double. The pan shot for when the foot is in his mouth doesn't show her face.
>My face when watching that entire scene
I've never seen a movie feel so lifeless and forced.
Yea Forums is fucking garbage when it comes to finding decent content. Most of the time its consolewar faggotry (falseflagging, sales, OHNONONO etc), tranny sjw garbage, e-celeb shit or Smash thread #9660. Only 4-5 threads at any given time is worthwhile.
Sneedposting is good because it started to counteract the hugbox, circlejerks that simpsons threads were.
It's like, imagine if every time there was an elder scrolls thread it was just filled with faggots talking about how good morrowind was, patting each other on the back as they all talk about how happy they were the first time they did X in morrowind.
Someone who literally deserves death.
Because among the SFW Big 3 boards (Yea Forums, Yea Forums and Yea Forums) only Yea Forums has lost its identity for the most part. This board had become Shitposting Central, with no originality and autistic faggots that often seem to care about more for politics than video games.
>"Yea Forums doesn't play video games"
and all, remember?
This board has became a chaotic mix of Yea Forums (the bad, porn-ridden Yea Forums) and /pol/. And it will become worse.
I find myself transitioning more and more in /vg/. At least there you can talk about vidya and anons are usually helpful. Its board culture is intact.
I still don't know why the fuck smash hasn't been banished to /vg/. It eats up the whole board and lasts forever whenever there's a new direct
Wouldnt that burn his arm at the end?
Well, the funny thing is, smash threads are only like that during the early months of the game, when speculation and rosterfaggotry is at an all time high. You think those people actually discuss the gameplay let alone play it? Rosterfags dont play the games at all. Its all been a circlejerk for """"""leakers"""""" to wave their dicks around seeking for validation. Once the final dlc for ultimate is out, the game's discussion literally dies out.
This place is great for shitposting.
Yea Forums is easily the worst board
Yea Forums has always been the most underage board, and the tranny/reddit/resetera invasion is real. The jannies are goons/trannyera actively hostile to anything resembling Yea Forums's actual board culture, delete actual videogame threads constantly while leaving blacked-shit up for hours. Yea Forums is fucking dead, and g00k killed it. Can't wait for Chodemonkey to fix the servers so i can actually discuss videogames again.
You mean /fit/
seethe faggot
reminder every single shitpost you ever see is being made by asian incel virgins from reddit
Shinobi vs Spider-Man & Batman
Except Yea Forums has been absorbing memes from other major boards for a decade. It was when Yea Forums overcame Yea Forums in the big three (and /pol/ became equal in size) that Shit got way worse. Baneposting is the One exception, maybe Bogposting if that's /pol/.
Probably something from Nioh, never played it
There is no discernible difference between v and tv.
This place is (was) mostly great for freely talking about video game discussion.
If you are here for the shitposting, there are more suitable places like Yea Forums or /bant/.
But of course we both know that you will not go there to shitposts but will instead keep on doing it here. And it's not really your fault. It's the useless jannies and mods that are the fucktards in this case and have allowed Yea Forums to become as chaotic as it is today.
except they’re actually made from whites not confident enough to shoot up public spaces so they lurk Yea Forums and /bleached/ while trying to learn japanese
Sup Tenda?
You're thinking of /pol/, user.
Sneedposters literally make Simpsons threads bud. They call them “crypto-sneed threads.” Go onto Yea Forums andyou will see a dozen Simpsons threads, all of them just random quotes. Inside is all sneedposting.
Never mind that sneedposters sneedpost in practically every thread on Yea Forums regardless of the topic. This “sneedposting is solely for driving out Simpsons threads” narrative is so archaic I felt like I traveled back to 2017.
Yea Forums is insular in that someone can come to 4channel and exclusively use Yea Forums. But at least half of the people on other boards also use Yea Forums, so they bring a lot of stuff here. Yea Forums is basically the melting pot of the site.
Yea Forums is the only board that makes good memes now.
back to /trash/ baldtard
>Yea Forums
>good memes
It's just Yea Forums with wrestling lingo and waifu generals. I feel bad for anybody there for something other than wrestling, and I say that as a wrestling fan.
Well , yeah. I come here in search of a good discussion because the geneal board is a massive cesspit of people either jacking off or telling me to join a fucking discord.
I'd take this board seriously but I was banned, no joke, for talking about videogames. I will never not shitpost on Yea Forums. It made me so mad.
Yeah, because Raimiposting is so much worse then WHEN I DURN TO YA.
t. got raped in 94
can’t have yellow fever as a white without being mentally unstable!
Yea Forums is the new Yea Forums
Now whats the vidya equivalent of THIS
>people think this actually happened
Fresh Yea Forums meme coming through.
Family guy did the same scene, exactly
Hello there
General Kenobi
Yea Forums has the worst, most autistic memes. Anyone who disagrees is just trying to fit in.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood fucking sucked.
It was like an hour too long, there was so so much fluff that should have been cut. Also Leo's accent sounded weird, and none of the characters even mattered except for Brad Pitt and Leo, like there was no need to have all those Sharon Tate scenes since nothing happens to her anyway. There was so much pointless shit.
Tarantino has become obnoxious in directing as he gets older, like someone needs to slap him and tell him to stop with inserting his masturbatory shit and get on with the movie at a decent pace. We don't need two 5 minute scenes of Cliff feeding his dog, or a 5 minute driving scene every time any character is driving anywhere. Or a 10 minute flashback scene every time any character mentions the slightest story
Jesus christ Salma had the fucking body
What would've stopped it from happening?
Yea Forums is just pure shitposting, it's not worse than Yea Forums but still.
How many times you think he has masturbated to that scene?
It was great, but you're right, it was too long.
He is good
are you a chink?
He's not that good anymore. His last two movies have been his worst. I never thought Django Unchained was all that good either. His last great scene was the one in the Nazi bar in Inglorious Basterds
Dude identity politics
are you kidding? these Yea Forums memes are the most forced unfunny shit there is. The only thing more obnoxious is those wojak edits from /int/
>what's Di Caprio niggerskulls' scene?
zoom zoom
>millions of people are murdered
>b-but they exaggerated some stories!
fuck off /pol/
I wish it did.
Yes you're trying to imply that person is young, but HOLY SHIT can you think of something more intelligent to say than "zoom zoom"? How can you so confidentantly keep posting something that makes you look like a literal retard got hold of a keyboard?
I'm actually Vietnamese you amerimutt
Yea Forums fights the cute fight much harder than Yea Forums
So are you chinese or japanese
z o o m
Yea Forums users tend to have a better grasp of editing software.
>like there was no need to have all those Sharon Tate scenes since nothing happens to her anyway.
Way to miss the fucking point you idiot
>I watch movies for plot only
You could have just called yourself a pleb and be done with it but instead you had to write that whole fucking rant?
maybe its good that your hobby is video games and not film
I think you have a limited and shallow understanding of what makes his movies good.
World First lvl 60 in WoW Classic
All of the movie? Most notably, the last 15 minutes.
Was the point to waste my time? I get it, the old switcheroo, we thought something was going to happen to Sharon but it DIDN'T! Too bad the actual climax was boring meme shit with at best minor touches of Tarentino's mediocre fight-scene style like Kill Bill
Yeah I kinda do watch movies for the plot. Movies with shitty plots are not good just because you like watching 100 of the the director's self indulgent scenes that he should have cut but he couldn't because he loooooved that shot too much
I heard this same shit from retards who defended Three Billboards, "You just don't get it, it's actually GOOD for all the reasons you said it was bad". Fuck off
Some people are retarded and don't understand that Cliff Booth is meant to be a badass movie character thrown in a real life situation. He has a mysterious backstory,he's a war hero, he's stronger than Bruce Lee, he has a cool dog, he acts cocky all the time, the girl gets wet when she sees him. It's not even trying to be subtle. Every other character acts realistic, he's the only one who acts like a movie hero
Did you ever stop to consider that you might be the retard here?
PC in real combat being a god, but jobbing instantly during a cutscene
only thing the comes close is sam fisher interrogating gooks in chaos theory
Of course, but then I remembered all the arguments I had for why I thought the movies sucked, and how nobody had ever actually refuted them - only posted useless dismissive shit like your "retard" post and claims that I just didn't get it
This. Absolutely this.
Yea Forums is a fucking rodeo at this point. The only difference is that nobody finds it enjoyable and funny except for shitposters aka people who don't give a shit about anything and have learned to solely treat Yea Forums "4dalulz".
it's a meme you screeching sperg. It's from the beginning of an old Mazda commercial
lmao you understand that posts like this are why the meme persists right?
Is this his new movie?
>it's a meme because that same thing was also said in this irrelevant video that only I have seen
this guys is hilarious
Bogposting is /biz/.
It originally WAS a way to repel the original Simpsons threads, but those died out and Sneedposters decided to make those threads themselves to keep the meme relevant.
Sauce on the webm??
if you don't remember the Mazda Zoom-Zoom commercials you're either an actual zoomer or a third worlder
This. Hell, the "Have Sex" meme originated there before, surprise surprise, Yea Forums stole it and spammed it to death.