Any game like Project IGI?

Maybe the boomers on here can help me.

Here are few characteristics of the game:
>huge maps
>multiple objectives that can be fulfilled in any order
>Moderate stealth
>Limited health. Use only Medpacks for health regeneration
>No checkpoints, You start the mission from beginning on dying
>is somewhat of a military sim
>fps(I can do with a tps too)

Stalker SOC felt a tiny bit similiar, but it is it's own thing. Any recommendation Yea Forumsros?

Attached: igi2.jpg (417x500, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: igi.jpg (597x361, 25K)

You might enjoy Thief Gold, although no shootan

any1 got a torrent? I feel like tormenting myself like 20 years ago yet i'm lazy as fuck.


I remember old Delta Force games where similar too

Delta Force 1 to 3
Fuck the newer games.

Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis

Attached: 163695-operation-flashpoint-cold-war-crisis-windows-screenshot-that.jpg (1024x768, 110K)

You MIGHT enjoy Far Cry 1 on the last difficulty (AI adapt off), but it's built around checkpoints, and doesn't have much in terms of goals other than getting to the next checkpoint alive using WHATEVER MEANS NECESSARY (which includes cheesing, in fact, FC1 IS pretty much "Cheesefest: The Game", the better you are at basically playtesting the game and unearthing semi-exploits (and then spinning them for your benefit), the more chances you have to actually get to its ending.

Oh, by the way, did I mention IT'S THE MOST FUCKING NERVE-WRECKING PTSD-INDUCING SINGLEPLAYER FPS I HAVE EVER FUCKING PLAYED OR SEEN IN MY LIFE?! Because it is. You be sweating bullets, mark my words.

blessed user, thx for giving me a good afternoon.

FC isn't a cheesefest, it's just made for the people with really sickhouse aim and good movement. Also you die. A lot.

Also the trigens are fun enemies and good casul filters.

Attached: the suffering.jpg (1600x1200, 1.16M)

no thanks

No, it requires you to be a playtester. To have a knack for going with the LETTER of the ingame rules, not their SPIRIT. You try to roleplay anything in this game, you are dead. Hell, Rebellion (that nighttime map, middle of the game, with a lot of driving) could be shortcutted in two different, not excluding each other, EXTREMELY major ways, both of which are explicitly acknowledged and legitimized by the game (sort of "Iiiiii see, what you did there, not the intended way, but power to you regardless").

are you retarded?

Chrome 2003
Far Cry

You won't find any working torrents for this old a game. It doesn't exist on GOG or Steam either. At best you will find blogs from third world countries where the game got popular(and still is, due to low system requirements). The site I linked is one such blog. Whether you want to play or not is upto you.
Anyway, found another link on igg-

The levels feel empty. Still good games tho

You talk like someone who hasn't got superior aim. To me it's only fair the enemies shoot (nearly) as good as I do.


thanks fren. Gives similar vibes

thx user, took ages though

I talk like someone, who, at level 1, started lying prone middle of the road and headshotting enemies running towards me with basic assault rifle, slaughtering a squad, while suffering only like a scratch. And at level 3 shot upon enemies on the beach, while kneeling on a boat, from a distance a notch closer than the distance at which enemies stopped being drawn on the screen (you still hit them even then though), assault rifling their heads, 1 pixel wide, and whatching whether the crosshair turned red after each shot of mine. Assault rifle bullets were 1) cheap 2) hitscan,; however much I spent, provided I didn't start shooting the sky, I would be more then reimbursed by looting their corpses after killing them from afar. They didn't even return fire.

And that. Was only. The beginning.

bet the 2nd 'boat' level made things really hard for our little sniper boi

You mean the one with the lotsa small islands, and with the helicopter bossfight at the end? Like level 16 or something? Nah, that one was a non-issue, found a really cool way to complete that heli bossfight though.

Or you mean literal level 2? That one is literally about teaching you to lean outta corners. And maybe using P50, or however the fuck it was called, which I didn't.


Once you get to grips with the awkward controls, it's the best SP campaign in a milsim ever.
Set the crosshair deadzone to 0 to have it play more like a traditional F/TPS. Don't fall for the Arma 2 remake mod.

Attached: (1024x768, 85K)

That sounds kind of awesome? How the fuck do you get that running on a modern computer? Preferably with non-stretched widescreen if possible.

We need more games with low time-to-kill and silenced Mp5s

To be honest, MGSV did scratch this itch for me. Sure it's third person, but it has the same kinda tacticool feeling.

Don't listen to the haters, it's a fun game and you can play it un-stealthy if you want.

Come to think of it, why are there so few tactical/stealth shooters?

The first half of Crysis, but it kinda sucks.
I can't put my finger on it, but killing gooks or sneaking past gooks just isn't any fun and feels like a chore in this game.

Hidden & Dangerous, maybe. But it sqad based.

Said that I replayed it recently and it kinda sucked.

> can't put my finger on it, but killing gooks or sneaking past gooks just isn't any fun and feels like a chore in this game.

it's because the game makes you feel OP.

They have x-ray vision to counterbalance that.

Hell yeah IGI! I loved the BtP 'Bite the Pillow' expansion pack.

you may need an AI fix, because last official patch fucked up vision blocking by soft objects like grass, so they'll never lose track of you once they spot you