Is there ever been a game that has caused this much asshurt on Yea Forums?
Is there ever been a game that has caused this much asshurt on Yea Forums?
If you don't understand what a massive red flag completely overhauling every single cutscene 8 months before release is, then I don't know what to tell you.
How new are you?
Breath of the wild still has the belt
Smash tried to get it but BoTW will never be topped in anal devastation
It's just 1 guy doing all the shitposting
mods confirmed, he does it for different games every year
>This is a red flag
>That cutscenes are first person now
Lmao tell yourself that.
A red flag would be not showing any gameplay like Fallout 76 and a history of shitty unfinsihed and literally unplayable games like Bethesda.
Literally who fucking cares, stop acting like you actually give a shit about these things
You still going to pretend as if only one person shitposts against games on this website? That image you keep spamming doesn't even support your own claim, and it predated Cyberpunk 2077.
It's one guy. Cope.
You can keep telling yourself that all day, but that isn't going ot make it true.
The only one coping here is the person trying to delude themselves into thinking one person out of 100+ ip's in a thread is shitting on your dumb looking game. 24 hours a day. Go ahead and post the image that you're referencing, and read it very carefully next time.
Every single shitpost you've seen on Yea Forums about witcher 3 or cyberpunk has been made by one person
>not giving you two options
Now that sounds like cope.
Hey, I'm just giving you the facts
take it or leave it
>witcher 3
year is 2019, some people are still butthurt about witcher 3
based CDPR, i hope butthurt about cp2077 will last to at least 2077
>one person out of 100+ ip's in a thread is shitting on your dumb looking game. 24 hours a day.
That’s exactly what’s happening.
>just render 20 hours of cutscenes twice, bro!
That was never going to happen.
Okay, can you prove it then?
meant for
Same filenames, posting patterns, posting hours, same guy. Everyone on Yea Forums knows it's one person except you.
Imagine the asshurt when it's actaully released
I said I want proof. One shitposter shitting on your game with the same filename doesn't mean that everyone shitting on the game is the same person you deluded CDPR cocksucker.
We have demonstrated it. This individual hops on relevant titles and new releases and shits on them endlessly with the intent to absolutely throttle discussion. They did this with Cyberpunk last year, they did it with DMC5 as well, Zelda, and the Witcher before it. I think they also attempted this with RDR2 but there was a deluge of mango posting already ruining discussion outside of sheer contrarianism.
What's funny is that people do this all the time, for just about everything, and that post of your from the mods predates any of those games, yet you think it just started with BotW and Cyberpunk. you are fucking delusional and are clearly just trying to find someone to pin all the shitposting on because it's making you mad.
You sound agitated.. I seriously hope you're not the person in question. I doubt it, but who knows.
Every single OP you see shitting on Cyberpunk 2077 is created by the same person. It's happens with different games every year--basically most major releases. This is common knowledge. I suggest you move on.
see:it already happened with the Witcher, it's the same guy
Yes, yes. Everyone who doesn't like your favorite game is one shitposter. Sure thing. Go take your medication.
It's fucking hilarious, as in hilariously stupid. The game isn't even out yet, but so far everything we've seen is pretty good and promising. And knowing the devs behind this game: their work ethic, their methods, their promises about the game and their tendancy to fulfill said promises. People still shit on it so much it's beyond retarded.
>"Muh subpar gameplay"
>"Muh not cyberpunk-y enough setting"
>"Muh diversity or not enough diversity"
>"Muh not enough info on the project"
>"Muh X, Y and Z mongoloid reasons and bullshit excuses"
Seriously. The shills, the trash devs, the retards, the (((videogame journalists and critics))) are out on full force. You tried this shit with Doom and Kingdom Come: Deliverance, it didn't work then and it won't work now. Then you proceed to REEEEE since your own garbage won't ever be successful, because you are fucking trash at anything and everything vidya related. Know this... Once the game comes out and BTFOs your dogshit yet again. I will be playing it and I will take massive satisfaction from your failed attempts at smearing, seething, shilling and overall getting triggered; your tears coupled with your failure makes my smug wider and my cock harder.
Stay mad and stay bad, subhumans.
I don't do drugs, but I accept your concession
bloodborne and Persona 5: the royal
I'm not going to read your wall of text but I still can't get over how journalists were dick sucking the 2018 demo as revolutionary when it was bog standard shit and looked boring as all hell.
>literally every other RPG gives you this option
>>too much work for based CDPR!
Nah, fuck you.
>yet you think it just started with BotW and Cyberpunk
I said in my post that you didn't read that it happened with this game, Zelda, and Witcher before it. I'm certain there are probably even earlier incidents involving this boogie man, you moron.
It's the same guy who was doing the RE2 demake threads a few months ago it's what he does the mods know it's one guy
Fortunately now discussion of Remake 2 is ruined by Claire mods being the only thing you thirsty fucks talk about.
sad sad faggot
he meant 3rd person and first person option like fucking fallout 3 dumbass
ive wanted the game to succeed from day one but it has a very small chance considering how limited the rpg elements are and how linear the story. Dont want to get started on the 3rd person, no apartment customization or llimited open world, etc
That pic you posted is the same shitposter creating every single thread.
I mean, RE2 was pretty obvious it had the majority of just one guy with the same writing style and shit. Cyberpunk has that literal aspie complaining about straight male V too
>the mods know it's one guy
The mod reply in the image you keep referencing specifically states that it isn't all one person. They specifically state that it isn't one person, but the guy goes go around shitposting. You're just trying to cope with the massive shitpost fest surrounding this game now.
To be fair it's not ALL one autist. He's just leading the charge while a bunch of impressionable idiots follow him.
It's been like this since TORtanic. Whatever the highly anticipated game is of the time, it's going to be a big catastrophe and the world as we know it will come to an end.
Then the game comes out, it's fine, and there's a short period where they desperately try to stop anyone from enjoying it. Then they chase the dragon again with whatever's next.
Yes, they mentioned he has copycats because he incessantly shitposts like it's his job and people catch onto it and think it's funny to take his nonsense and go "OH NO NO NO NO NO"
You're the same guy in this screenshot
>43 replies
>22 people
Yeah, definitely not the same guy. Not at all.
idk what the fuck is going on
>someone saved an image and continues to posting it in every relevant Cyberpunk thread
fuck off this board retard, I haven't created a single thread on Yea Forums. Game will be shit when it drops, until then look forward to seeing you crying per thread
its almost like games don't live up to expectations and people read in between the lines early on then try to convince others and discuss.
You also just made this post 1 minute ago
He keeps to a schedule so it's pretty obvious.
Not in recent memory.
Nu-Yea Forums really wants its new TORtanic drama, I suppose.
Meanwhile there are at least 5 Smash threads all the time, consistently hitting 300+ posts.
Fucking pathetic.
you're an actual fucking dumbass for thinking its one guy, I took a screenshot what I thought was the OG pasta back in May
this. it's just one schizo shitting up the board all day long about whatever popular game has him ASSBLASTED at the time
It's almost like you're obsessed and have spent the last 7 years chasing the high of watching an MMO experience a rocky launch.
third person option in first person games always plays like ass
they made the right choice cutting it
nigga, do you realize they changed the perspective of cutscenes this late into development?
>samefagging this hard
congratulations on playing yourself
>ive wanted the game to succeed from day one but it has a very small chance
Mass Effect 3's ending. Fuck Bioware I'm still mad. Never bought a Bioware game again.
It's not asshurt simply to point out all the downgrades and flaws in the design and implementation of the video game.
>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesn't need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesn't need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>it doesn't need you to be able to customise your cars or apartment
>it doesn't need Cyberpsychosis to be part of the game
>it doesn't need VR support
>it doesn't matter that it's cinematic garbage
>it doesn't need good AI
>it doesn't need good vehicle handling
>it doesn't matter that it has a shit visual style
>it doesn't need to have genders
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't matter that there's less customisation options than in the e3 demo
>it doesn't matter that you can't see your character in cutscenes
>it doesn't matter that customisation is useless
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to have substance
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077
>it will not be downgraded
those are understandable because they were exclusive, but this is literally a multiplat.
probably it's just trannies circlejerking because m-m-muh poster
>the same 20 people peddling a non-controversy now constitutes asshurt
It's literally one guy who fucking snapped when they first said that the game is in first person.
meant for OP
you forgot about sunfags who started this shitshow
I will buy it
>10 IPs
Remember when we didn't have 20 threads about smash on a daily base ? Me neither.
You are actually insane.
Yeah. Witcher 3.
Witcher 2/Dragon Age 2 wars were brutal
Witcher 2? Really?
How could you tell?
IF it actually were a game, star citizen
success breeds jealousy
>CDPR shills are literal schizos now that think any negative criticism is one person
if you look at the gameplay video there are cutscenes from third person perspective if they decided that they will remade everything 8 months before release something did horribly wrong
either cyberpunk is game for like 30 hours with low amout of cutscenes or they are wizards
No one is butthurt by it though. CDPRdrones just can't handle criticism
I don't think anything can surpass ME3 in this regard
I mean fuck, I will never be not mad about it
About like, a thousand
Every year