>10k sold in UK
>100k sold in US
>Japan begging people to order the CE
oof.....bros.....its over......
>10k sold in UK
>100k sold in US
>Japan begging people to order the CE
oof.....bros.....its over......
Other urls found in this thread:
>based bongs only buying FIFA
How it should be.
>100k sold in US
>preordered it
>Sorry not enough copies lol
Maybe Nintendo should sent out more copies if they want to sell shit.
based and norfpilled
He doesn't have one.
Not just UK. I know lots of normies who buy consoles (without any brand loyalty) just to play Fifa and NHL, and maybe CoD.
>100k sold in US Compared to Japan and the UK
And people have the audacity to say that Burgers have shit taste
his ass
Good, fuck Platinum.
literally who
t. dmcuck
Good, fuck Nintendo.
Will this finally kill Platishit once and for all? Surely they can't survive much longer releasing flop after flop while half their games get cancelled mid-development. Maybe Japanese Phil Fish will finally get a real job where he can't sperg out on twitter all day instead of working
It honestly looks shitty as fuck. I've been desperate for a new game to add to my Switch library but I simply cannot justify this one at all. Maybe I'll just "rent" it for a week and then return it or something, idk, but I'm so ambivalent towards it, I genuinely don't even feel like bothering. I loved NieR:Automata for its cohesive open world, stark atmosphere, amazing music, and overall somber tone. This Astral Chain shit just screams "Hey look, we made the game all flashy for you ADHD kiddies. Please give us your money!". Not digging that garbage at all. Also, 30fps... and not even a stable 30 at that. What the actual fuck?
>Eurofrogs being this booty blasted ITT
Don't worry, only 1 month to go until your FIFA 20 fix
How did it flop so hard, isn't it a nintendo exclusive?
that's funny cos nier felt like mental masturbation, trying to be deep, while having shallow combat.
Platinum Curse. Literally any game developed by only them bombs
They forgot to put mario hat and master sword cosmetics in the game
>It honestly looks shitty as fuck
I wouldn'T call it shitty, but personally I never understood the hype threads people made about it.
It looked really generic on all screenshots, and while the chain mechanic seemed cool, but the looks of it, it reminded me more of a generic PS2/3 action game than a must have title.
Most of my friends who own Switch consoles didn't even know this game existed.
I'm still gonna try it but Ill probably buy it used.
>Also, 30fps... and not even a stable 30 at that
But it's okay when Bloodborne does it.
Japs must really hate Platinum games.
How the fuck did Nier Automata, a game so boring and repetitive, sell 4 million? And no, character design is not an answer.
>muh dmc boogeyman
bitch I don't even play action games, they're all braindead button mashers
For the record, thats still the top selling game in the UK. Surprising to me since usually its the absolute worst kind of shite that's up there.
No advertising either.
>character design is not an answer
sex sells
A PG Nintendo exclusive bombing?
Color me surprised
Easy: not everyone has your shitty taste.
>hurr prove it lol
The 4 million sales, and extremely positive feedback.
>And no, character design is not an answer.
But it very explicitly is. And then immediately followed by word of mouth when people who weren't scared of anime tits started singing it's praises after watching OG NieR rundowns on youtube.
I mean the competion isn't big, but UK seems to have terminal shit taste if no PG game ever managed to do that much. AC is just a niche game, can't expect too much from it.
I didn't know there were that many character action games.
>No advertising either.
What about all the shilling here?
Is that what your eceleb told you to say?
> I've been desperate for a new game to add to my Switch library
No you weren't, you don't even have one, no one fucking writes shit like this. I had a fucking Wii U and never was a little bitch like you, since it had a shit ton of vidya worth playing, I never understood the mindset of kids these days, what, a system with over 1000 games and you "struggle" to find something to play? Then you're a fucking mongoloid, just sell the console instead of acting like a little bitch and writing shit like that.
Buy her game.
Yes, it is.
Because bloodborne never reaches 27.
It looks like shit, plays like trash, and is 30fps
>AC is just a niche game
How is a character action game niche?
>And no, character design is not an answer.
Keep being delusional then
AC actually involved effort to get good at. Nier was just a bunch of mini games in an empty open world.
>is 30fps
>platinum games
What the fuck.
Yeah if only it ran at an unlocked 40-45fps like Nier Automata does
The same page saying they were begging to buy the CE also posted this some days later.
>I had a fucking Wii U
No you didn't because nobody owned a Wii U.
See how I dismiss your opinion for no reason at all? Note that you do it as well, so please enjoy.
How is it not?
Pretty sure not a single one managed 3 million in sales
By being on a Nintendo console with moderate advertisement. Wonderful 101 isn't that well known either. They're not super niche, but you can't really expect a million sales from them.
It's Switch exclusive and PlatinumGames keeps pumping out the same derivative shit with a new coat of paint and people get sick of it
>three hours long first playthrough
>shallow combat with little variety
>mash one button/attack over and over
>parry the slow moving obviously telegraphed attack
>press X to awesome
>difficulty doesn't change anything except making you die in one hit and enemies have a load of health
Bayonetta sold over a million... On PS3 and Xbox
>sonyfags literally invent numbers to COPE now
Hey I can pull shit out of my ass too!
Still better than 30fps..
COPE harder
>shallow combat
Maybe shallow in comparison to straight-up action games Platinum has made in the past, but compared to this AC shit? No fucking way bro. Hell, even the Nintendo shills at Gamexplain couldn't justify how subpar the combat felt in their review last week. Couple that with the Switch's system level 100ms+ input lag and you've got a recipe for disaster. I've made a mental guideline for myself to not even bother buying an action-oriented Switch game if its not at least targeting 60fps.Smash bros. Ultimate feels laggy as fuck compared even to Sm4sh Wii U, but it's a million times more responsive than the 30 fps games I've played on Switch thus far.
I've beem seriously regretting my Switch purchase for the past several months, in all honestly (recently rebought a Wii U to help alleviate the pain). At this point I'm not sure if I should just sell it, or wait to sell it or wait to see if anything worthwhile release by the end of the year. Most consumers probably aren't interested in buying an original model Switch with all these new models on the market, so idk...
Sonybros seething like fuck and unable to cope.
>unlocked, fluctuating frame rates are better than locked ones
Get a load of this nonce
>Literally tops the chart in the UK
>d-didn't sell
Nobody will read your massive COPE blog
Happy accident.
Platinum is a strange company, it's in life support and one foot at grave most of the time despite being considered so "appreciated".
>dude trust me
Nintendo isn't about to let Platinum die.
It's a niche genre, you retard.
Nier is legit one of the worst Platinum games
Yea Forumstards told me I should play it if I like Bayonetta so I was expecting to be a straight-ahead action game like Bayonetta or W101 but it's got fucking sidequests and shit
I didn't ask to play a fucking JRPG
Why are you so focused on Sony?
Why start consolewars instead of discussing the game?
cope harder
simple as
Is this game a timed exclusive or was it funded by Nintendo? I really like Platinum and the game looks interesting but I don't buy Nintendo consoles.
>There's not a lot in it - 1500 boxed sales between first place and fourth - though Astral Chain is out on only a single format (Nintendo Switch) whereas the next three games are multiplatform. As ever, this chart does not track digital downloads.
>Racing game Wreckfest was second, ahead of The Dark Pictures Anthology's first chapter Man of Medan in third. Control was a couple of hundred copies behind in fourth.
Its literally nothing. I didnt even know the games on #2and3 existed...
The fact nobody could give a real source to that really shows how SEETHING Yea Forums is about this game
nah as soon as you get more than one other legion, the combat opens up far more than nier.
>discussing the game
You must be new here.
Maybe if it's actually a steady 30fps
I have played and 100%'ed multiple games from PlatinumGames but I never even bothered with Nier Automata and have no interest in the Fall of Babylon game because it's all the exact same soulless shit.
>I've beem seriously regretting my Switch purchase for the past several months,
I really loved Zelda but since I paused playing it for a couple of weeks I just cant get into it.
My most played game so far is Dark Souls which I own on PC and PS3 already. AC looks like mediocre stuff and nothing else seems tobe really worth it.
Unironically the thing interesting me the most is the Civ VI port to have strategy on the go.
I will openly admit the physical market is narrow in the UK, because we have fuck all for game stores. Most supermarkets, etc. don't even stock physical vidya anymore. But it can't be classed as a flop.
It is. DMCV is newest triple A installment in a classic series and it barely broke 2 million as a multiplatform game.
60 fps with dips is definitely better than 30 fps
Why not? They let go of Rare and 90s Rare was better and bigger than Platinum
Chad sports games>>>>>>>>>>Virgin anime shit
Colossal samefag
>Buying a switch when you clearly have no interest in Nintendo titles
Only Nier is nowhere near 60fps. It's
name one sony exclusive with 60fps
its not a new ip and is a multiplat
>Colossal samefag
Nah bro.
>3 million in sales
You just googled how much DMC5 sold and set the goalpost a bit further didn't you? Selling over a million already means you're not niche.
Under 1 million for a big game is not niche, it's a flop in most cases.
I don't care how reliable a person is, it really feels like you guys are reaching way out
>Not a new IP
Implying more than a dozen people ever played the first Nier
The home menu
They won me over with the reveal trailer, it looked cool, also Simone's boss trailer.
Other than that, the story was pretty good, a bunch of friends at work ended up buying it and enjoying it.
I've never played a Platinum game that I liked, I think the hype Yea Forums has for the company is unfounded and bullshit.
lol what? its literally a sequel
Man, all that made up shit, and you still didn't manage to get one correct.
The first Ratchet & Clank
Of course its a sequel. But the IP was so niche it might as well not be. The sales numbers of Gestalt and Automata are not comparable
Ok dude I deleted it.
the hatred of an obese beaner kid on his youtube account
lol i love Yea Forums just shitting on the game with assumptions. most people posting negatively about it are not even being accurate. im not sure what games people are even looking forward to on this board these days.
my wallet is fucking dry so im post-poning Astral Chain for a while till I get back on my feet
Thanks. You almost gave the Snoys ammo, that was a close one
>b-but sooooooowneeeeeee
Not an argument, sweatie.
Bloodborne isnt an full action game. Its an action rpg thats not combo based
here comes the excuse making... it's coming... I can smell it.
I meant PS4 exclusive
>Stop Sonysecute my religion it's MEAN that beany is SACRED jiren is my FATHER
Nier still managed to sell 700k lifetime and had a pretty dedicated following so I'd say it matters a lot more than you think. Plus you're still ignoring the fact it's a multiplat.
Seething traumatised snoybois can't cope that Swich has another fantastic exclusive.
Man thats embarrassing. Holy shit lol
>I really loved Zelda but since I paused playing it for a couple of weeks I just cant get into it.
That happened to me at first. I played for about 10 hours, put it down, and couldn't get back into it for quite awhile. But later on I forced myself to play it, and once I got about 30 hours in, started to really enjoy it. As of writing this, I have over 150 hours logged with every shrine completed (no guide). Koroks can go suck a dick though; ain't no way I'm farming every last one for zero reward. Already maxxed my inventory slots, so there's no reason as far as I am aware. BotW was a great fucking game. Not quite top 10-tier, but easily top 20. Personally, I enjoyed Xenoblade Chronicles X on the Wii U substantially more (Xenoblade 2 is a travesty though, so don't even bother). The reason I bring it up is because the dev team behind XCX apparently did a lot of work on BotW. At first I was surprised but it becomes pretty evident by the general open-world design and Sheikah tower unlock/ teleportation mechanics.
Only reason I'm holding on to my Switch at the moment is for pic related, btw. I know, it looks like dogshit, but I've been waiting for a remake for a decade and I desperately want it even if it does look trashy.
Will Nier 3 save platinum?
>Koroks can go suck a dick though; ain't no way I'm farming every last one for zero reward.
You aren't supposed to collect them all you autistic retard fuck.
the fuck are you talking about? i thought that video was showing how even the "mighty sony console" wasn't able to keep a fucking framerate to save its life
I was expecting sony fanboys to come out of the woodwork and try to defend that rubberbanding nonsense of a frame rate.
definitely not on sonys side (or anyones side really, I just like pissing people off)
I missed what the other video was that was linked to that, so i had no context.
>Nier 3 done in house by Square with FFXV budget levels
>PG on suicide watch
I'm glad yoko has friends now. He even went to Malaysia with Taura for some event. Hopefully that means they'll be working together in the future.
>that image
What is this expression meant to convey?
Cope, PlatinumGames makes trash, and people are finally starting to realize
>making an action game on a handheld in this time and age
>it bombs
what a surprise
is Kamiya-san an actual hack?
hey, at least you got an exclusive out of it Nintenyo
>loved NieR:Automata
shit taste confirmed. I noticed you didn't mention the gameplay because it was complete shit.
>I've beem seriously regretting my Switch purchase for the past several months, in all honestly (recently rebought a Wii U to help alleviate the pain).
there is no hope for somebody so retarded
Here's a question anons, would you rather have ROCK Solid 60fps or Silky S m o o t h 30fps?
That would be pretty sad (and hilarious)
My biggest question is just about the framerate: why 30fps? They managed to Keep Bayo 2 at 60fps on the Switch, so why take the hit for this title? Was it in exchange for graphics?
Either way, this is probably the most unique fighting system to come out of Platinum since W101, so thats pretty cool. The chain mechanics have huge potential.
Cinematic 22fps for me, baby! Nintendo won!
if you're talking about emulation enjoy your five year wait
Cinematic 18fps for me, baby! See
>30 that dips to 20
>20 that dips to 11
i thought the ps4 was more powerful than the switch?
the power of the ps4
Why is the Shitch so fucking pathetic?
Even the Wii U had better looking games that ran smoother
Why is there only sony vs nintendo battles that happen in these threads.
Did xbox bros went extinct or something?
This one game's fan base singlehandedly almost killed any chance of discussion of both the Nier series and Platinum productions in general
And mind that I'm not shitting on Automata - I'm calling the fans a bunch of bandwagoning weeb faggots
Why are sonyfags COPING so badly?
This 110%
Stop being poor you underaged retards
>Even the Wii U
Wii U is actual gaming console with tons of unique exclusives and stellar visual.
shitch is underpowered nvidia tablet for mentally ill people. I feel sorry for Platinum Games.
Daemon X Machina is a shovelware game, bro. Can't compare it to something that almost put Monolith Soft out of business due to how much time and money they suck into it. Remember, the Wii was technically superior to the Gamecube, yet 99% of the games released on it looked significantly worse. What pisses me off is that whenever Nintendo actually tries to make their consoles somewhat competitive hardware-wise, they do not fucking sell. What is wrong with their consumerbase?
Damn a least watch a YouTube video before posting and making up everything you retard
I have loans to pay off user, life is hard.
>And no, character design is not an answer.
But it literally is the answer.
literally none of these are true
This is from personal experience buying this PlatinumGames garbage and continually regretting it. I didn't purchase Nier Automata, won't purchase this, won't purchase Fall of Babylon. One of the worst developers out there.
Vanquish comes to mind
>Series gets some recognition
>I-I was an OG
Yea Forums in a nutshell
They suffered the fate of Biodrones this gen.
still mad about bayonetta 2
Kids that were born when it came out are buying it.
>Yfw a nintendo shovelware game has more content and gameplay than a PS4 exclusive
lmao consoles are a fucking joke
can I use this excuse for every game with collectibles when the reward is shit?
damn snoyboys havent been this salty in a while
Considering platinum games have historically had troubles keeping 60 fps on console, I'd rather have a 30 fps cap than something struggling to break 40.
Why are you talking to yourself Eric?
>Ok you caught me lying but I won’t admit it
Fuck off retard
Fun fact: Sony fans would be laughing and sucking one another’s dicks if this was a Sony exclusive with all the same issues and telling everyone to cope. This fanboy shit is fucking retarded.
>I don't play action games
Then what do you play user?
Its not my fault you can't understand game design.
Visit a doctor, sweety.
AssCrap Chain struggles to hit 25
It's not really argument for Switch game since it's a weak handheld console with "home console mode", but Platinum has indeed always been kinda shit technically even on powerful hardware. PS3 version of Bayonetta 1 was a struggle.
No, I want it to bomb so that hack Yoko Taro will fuck off from the industry
>sonyfags COPING this hard
He says this while being jealously obsessed of Nintendo to the point where his entire life revolves around the company.
Fucking kek. I bet you hurt small animals.
September and October are gonna be hell, a new Switch game releases almost every week from now til the end of October
Haven't seen this much ass-sting since BotW.
pole here
i bought switch last week with Astral Chain and Mario Odyseja Kosmiczna as my first games
>yet another Nintendo Foundry vid only analyzing the first mission of the game
no bias here... let's just ignore Eurogamer's front page plastered with astral chain ads
My guess would be the overflow of exclusives this year killed it. I would have bought the game if I wasn't busy with Fire Emblem and saving for Link's Awakening and Luigi's Mansion.
Why did you post a Sonyfag image though?
How the hell are DF nintendo shills?
Nintendo games have always been vastly over represented on Amazon.
whens the next sony exclusive to distract them?
>my cherry picked Screenshot is the word of God!
LOL, sonyfags are COPING hard right now
Snoybois always have a laughable conspiracy theory for everything.
kojima's game is next no?
>same people that complained DmC was 30 fps when Bayo 2 was 60 are defending Astral Chain being 30 when DMC5 was 60 fps
Almost makes it seem like what's being defended is the system Astral Chain is on
November, Death stranding is released then, but it is probably another timed exclusive. Meanwhile both Xbox and PS4 get Iceborne this week, which is the sole reason why I will boot up my PS4 at all til November.
>DOOM runs at 540p 20fps average on Switch with asset quality below that of PC low settings...
>but this is a real technical achievement and you should go out RIGHT NOW and buy it on Switch, only $59.99 plus tip, out today!!
The same people who crucified GOW4 for being 30fps and having no jump button are falling over themselves to praise Asscrap Chain for the same things
Nintendo is a cult.
>DOOM runs at 540p 20fps average on Switch
More lies. The game has been patched multiple times and runs sweet. Its a fantastic port and you just can't cope, hence you're still spamming footage from launch of the game on ultra settings to make it look bad.
You cannot cope, can you?
>context should be ignored when considering ports
This is what separates a console warrior from an actual professional.
Imagine buying a 2017 console so fucking pathetic and sad it drops frames on a Genesis game.
Well Nintencels don't have to imagine, LMFAO!
memes and proper eceleb shilling
The fact that the Switch can run games like Doom and Witcher 3 with a tenth of the power consumption of a PS4 or Xbox One just shows that console manufacturers need to get more effective with their creations.
This game's aesthetic is ugly, i'm just gonna get it over and done with rip the band aid off. Sure its platinum but visually its not strong. Bayonetta and Nier both had great visuals, sure Nier's colours were a little washed out at times but other areas and cutscenes really showed off the amount of colour and visually interesting stuff.
By comparison we have futuristic cyber cop robots with JoJo stands in a pretty underwhelming visual design, for all you Xenoblade Chronicles 2 fans, im sure you will be all over it.
Sadly Platinum you didn't get me this time.
See you guys when Bayonetta 3 comes out
>The same people who crucified GOW4 for being 30fps and having no jump button
I never did that. GoW 2018 was dope. Astral chain is too. So was DMCV.
Is Yea Forums looking for the next Tortanic again? It was 8 years ago, get over it.
There's recognition and then there's faggots bragging about how much the series should be all about robot butts now and claiming the original was shit and a game to be ignored for the future
DO you have a single source to back this up ?
I feel the need to remind you that your ass, however massive it is, doesn't count
Imagine buying a console in 2013 that lags and has framedrops over fucking Tetris.
Well snoys don't have to imagine, LMFAO!
Yea Forums just fucking hates video games.
It would have sold over a million by now if it was on PS4.
if you call that "running"
>implying you couldn’t have replied to yourself on a phone
Not our first rodeo Eric.
if it was on the PS4 it would have still been a medieval fantasy game, Nintendo wanted the cyber setting and 90s anime stuff.
I guess modern Platinum really is comparable to Ubisoft
>Sonic Mania
>Genesis game
More lies.
Whats it like being you?
Whats like spending your entire life combing the internet to any sort of Nintendo negativity?
Whats it like watching hours of gameplay analysis to find the one screenshot of a fraction of a second which shows a game in bad light?
Whats it like compiling gigabytes of memes and wojoks?
Whats it like spamming dozens of threads everyday? Trying to answer everyone laughing at you and samefagging your own posts?
Why have you chosen to live like this?
Why are you so obsessed with Nintendo?
Why have you wasted your life?
Yep. They're a one trick pony who can only shit out a soulless reskin of bayo's combat system every year
30fps, like the Xbox One and PS4 ports.
Funny enough this no longer drops frames after patches, but it doesn't matter from a shitpost perspective.
Nintenfags eternally btfo
Bragged for fucking weeks they had an amazing exclusive, now it turned out nobody even bought it.
Seriously though. Why is it Platinum cannot crack actual success unless it's NieR: Automata? Does the world hate this company or something?
Doom was 60 on PS4 and Witcher 3 didn't look like an early gamecube prototype on it either
Switch owners only talked it up because they're so desperate for games that they'll latch on to anything. The Switch library is almost nothing but ports and mobage trash. It has only a scant few worthwhile exclusives.
Then stop being poor and stupid.
Sorry to break the resetarded Snoy narrative but...
Switch has more exclusives in one month than PS4 has had in 5 years.
I feel like if you have a preorder set, that should add to the amount they ship.
>>Japan begging people to order the CE
the CE that sold out before launch?
I meant Witcher 3, but all console versions of Witcher 3 has horrid loading times, thats why you should only really play it on PC.
Also confirmed for not being alive when the Gamecube was a thing
CivSwitch is junk. Despite being downgraded significantly to even run on the Switch in the first place, it still suffers from terrible optimization. Frame drops into the 10-15 range are frequent.
Well Kamiya, was it worth it being Miyamoto's personal bitch?
they're just very derivative, their games end up blending together and only attracting the same crowd. It doesn't help that they're usually not on the best selling system either. Guess what happened to Nier? It had a focus on story unlike all other P* games and was marketed on the most successful console of this gen, not surprising it sold the most
holy shit this is actually embarrassing
Zoomers watched a stream and convinced their mommies to buy it for them hoping to end up in the same server as their favorite eceleb.
UK is a tight market.
>we churned out the same piece of shit with a new coat of paint a half dozen times but this time it will be good!!
>Disk version.
>Been out for less than a week
>100k in that time frame
The Switch struggles with absolutely anything that's above phone game quality because it uses a tablet chipset. Even the biggest titles like BotW and Smash have framerate problems and struggle to maintain 30.
>if a game doesn't sell 500k in the first day it's shit
Also funny that Snoys keep going on about muh 30 fps when their golden goose Bloodborne does the same.
shitch was a mistake. This is pretty obvious.
>Running 30fps
Nigger, the only framedrop that has been recorded is if 8 players choose Ice climbers and do a very specific attack on a specific level.
It doesn't even hit 30 tho most of the time...
>hi, I’m an individual who doesn’t even like the gameplay of the genre of the game you guys are talking about. I thought i’d Come into this thread to voice my opinion on the genre. I don’t like it much. I can not grasp why people would want to do combos. I for one much rather play moba/mmorpg/FPS than play a “action game”. Sincerely, person who hates your genre.
Why even come into this thread?
No cart license
>downgrade more to compensate for weak hardware instead of innovating and making games look better
Consoles are a fucking mistake. Especially the switch just so devs have to jump several fucking hoops just to make it run. That's why you don't see many multiplatforms games on Switch.
Why do people want this game to fail so much?
I bought this during the midnight release and I slightly regret it. I’m a few hours in and it’s not a bad game, but it’s nothing amazing. Seriously considering returning it and putting that money towards Code Vein, but I’m worried that game will just be mediocre as well.
I don't think anyone ever defended bloodborne running sub 30fps. But at least it looks good.
Astral chain on the other hand
It looks fun
>10k sold in UK
If that's the case, how hard did Control flop?
Who the fuck would want a PS4 or Xbone if they have a good gaming PC though? I get having a nintendo system since they have exclusives, but PS4 and Xbone don't have any worthwhile ones, they are just bad and sluggish outdated PC's.
this, with BB you could clearly see they prioritized graphics. What did Astral Chain prioritize? It looks AND runs bad.
It‘s also number one on amazon, but let‘s just trust the snoyfag who pulled the numbers out of his ass.
So... W101 2.0?
.... it's number 1 on UK charts though...?
>Series that have all been 60fps and now for fast paced combat suddenly dropping to 30 for no other reason then "Cus we want visuals" vs a new IP made from the Ground up for 30fps
Not really the same user.
DMCV is my GOTY as well before you start trying to shitpost harder
>these Sony exclusives are terrible! Now excuse me as I go play Mario #85 and Yoshi #23
>OP posts no sources like a faggot
>Literally nobody on Yea Forums understands sales data and that for a title like this a million copies would give a healthy profit
This is just like the retarded people who said ARMS, which sold over 2 million, flopped. For comparison sakes, Breath of the Wild needed to sell 2 million to break even. ARMS and Astral Chains did not cost nearly as much as BOTW to make. Their profits will be healthy.
>new series in a genre doesn't have to follow the standards of the genre
oh ok
I don't even play Mario spin offs or Yoshi games
And Sony aren't any better with Uncharted #16 and Wokefeministsimulator #61
>new series in a genre doesn't have to follow the standards of the genre
Yeah they don't glad you're starting to understand.
The guy who always act like someone VIP, always "hear from his sources" the can't even get good the top seller of the month?
To be SLIGHTLY fair, Nintendo are wizard at game making. Most western studio expect and need MUCH more sales to be profitable.
Oof this isnt good on tv's.
Enjoy your tearing.
T. Pc switch ps4dust collector masterrace
After finishing file 2, i can give my opinon on the game so far!
ASTRAL CHAIN is without a doubt going to be the hardest game to get perfect scores on that platinum has ever made.
I got all platinums in bayonetta, 100% vanquish,but this game well deff be harder based on how the combat works.
combat consist of maintaning your legion and your main chracter
Your legion does majority of your heavy damage so you have to pay attention to it and recall and de-summon you legion constantly to keep it safe.
Your MC is your life line and also needs to be protected at all times cause getting your MC hit or killed will lower your score.
You need your legions to dish out big damage and end battles quickly to get good times.
This is Platinums best combat by far next to Vanquish.
Im on file 3 playing on PT standard, and will continue to take my time with this awesome game play.
Its looking like astral chain and Vanquish will be my favorite 2 platinum games hands down.
Based JirenGamer25
Switch exclusive.
2B cosplay in almost every expo anime / game.
As random maid gothic girls.
How long did it take for the battles to click for you?
I just started chapter 3 and it seems like things got even more chaotic. I'm playing on casual (for now) because I can't even tell what the fucks happening on screen for the most part.
How much did w101 sell on Wii u's abysmal install base all together?
>How is a character action game niche?
How is it not? A succesful action game usually breaks 1/2 million sales. Something has widely known as DMC usually only sells around 2 to 3 million. God of War is the only exception, even before Dad of War.
I have Platinum Games fatigue but literally nothing you just puked has any iota of truth. Apply yourself.
most 3rd party games flop on nintendo consoles
nintendo fanboys only buy nintendo games
This is a bit different because Nintendo is publishing it.
Controlling the Legion and the cop at the same time is fucking annoying, The legion doesn't move fast enough for you to chain-trap enemies without getting hit
It was really hard to find a copy, yes, they wouldn't fucking let me preorder it because preorder copies were out of stock.
Now that I have it it seems very low-budget and uninspired to me
translation: game looks sick and triggers my cognitive dissonance
In most cases fps drops are because of bad optimization or devs wanting more than the console can handle. Fromsoft also has problems with their games like with Blighttown or here simply because they thought having dozens of light sources with all the fancy lighting was a good idea.
the cope and seethe from snoys is getting sad now. such lack of sportsmanship. such bad losers
>After finishing file 2, i can give my opinon on the game so far!
>ASTRAL CHAIN is without a doubt going to be the hardest game to get perfect scores on that platinum has ever made.
>I got all platinums in bayonetta, 100% vanquish,but this game well deff be harder based on how the combat works.
>combat consist of maintaning your legion and your main chracter
>Your legion does majority of your heavy damage so you have to pay attention to it and recall and de-summon you legion constantly to keep it safe.
>Your MC is your life line and also needs to be protected at all times cause getting your MC hit or killed will lower your score.
>You need your legions to dish out big damage and end battles quickly to get good times.
>This is Platinums best combat by far next to Vanquish.
>Im on file 3 playing on PT standard, and will continue to take my time with this awesome game play.
>Its looking like astral chain and Vanquish will be my favorite 2 platinum games hands down.
thats why i said you have to learn to call back or de-summon your legion for instant get aways.
the legion is slow, but summoning and de-summoning is instant and can be spammed.
Chain trap is something that is slow and isnt best to try when you are fighintg multiple enemies
snoys only trashed it because theyre desperate for games, you mean. its sony you should be mad at for abandoning you
>cohesive open world
>stark atmosphere
I know visually it was sort of stark but you had androids running around in mini-skirts
>amazing music
>overall somber tone
were we playing the same game?
honestly i think my brain just can't process the speed of the action in this game. you have to remember so much shit.
Nintendo owns the IP, it's on Switch forever
Sniper legion is best legion
this new meme needs to die. 30fps is 30fps
>Original model
As in the launch one? If you bought it before like Spring 2018 you can hack it or sell it and advertise that it can be hacked.
character design
babby's first yoko taro game
streamer culture "MAN THIS GAME IS SO HARD AND DEEP"
Based. I'd rather play footy with the lads than play this autistic weebshit.
In that case I'd say astral chain can claw it's way to one million on a console with triple the install base of the Wii u.
Why does Platinum even keep making games for Nintendo? They all bomb hard.
Their biggest success was Nier which was multiplat.
>Not having comfy football or basketball matches after watching weebstuff at midnight
Nigga u doin it wrong
Even fucking ARMS sold 2 or 3 millions on shitch.
nvidia tablet owners STARVED for games and will eat up Astral Chain too.
Shut the fuck up
COPE harder
>switch exclusive
well derserved
Ahem... FUCK Noah
The final redpill right here.
Its easy to learn,but hard to master.
Got a C rank on file 2 overall after completing it.
Manage to get 2 A ranks thru out the stage.
he's the same guy that said Control sold extremely well when it didn't
Especially weird since we know Astral Chain is outselling that game
Because it's fucking GTA, one of the most popular video game IPs of all time.
>but this is a real technical achievement and you should go out RIGHT NOW and buy it on Switch, only $59.99 plus tip, out today!!
link one (ONE) time they've done this and i'll pretend you are correct
Platinum is perpetually dying company and even success of Nier Automata doesn't seem to have secured them financial stability.
Also, Platinum games (usually) don't sell well on any platform and they have not learned a single fucking thing about marketing, so they are struggling to find publishers. Nintendo gives them money, and Platinum accepts, since nobody else does. Since Automata until Astral Chain, they've only managed to spit out mobile game World of Demons nobody talks about and haven't said a thing about Bayonetta 3 in ages.
Hell, Platinum is currently also developing another game for PS4 and PC, Babylon's Fall, that's supposed to come out this year and there is zero hype about it.
It's a small wonder Platinum even still exists.
B-But Near A tomato bro! L-Look, you can just oneshot all your enemies with your chip loadouts!
Well Nintendo funded AC for one thing. Just like how Square funded Automata. They don't have any money to actually do anything by themselves without a mega publisher backing them.
>Kamiya constantly crying about creative freedom and independence
>Has never made a game good enough to keep their company independent
Absolute pottery.
It's the juvenile console war faggotry behavior.
So that benji guy is a sony hack confirmed
>her head is larger than her entire ass
lmfao what kind of proportions are these
She is standing in the background you retard
doesn't matter faggot
she has zero ass
Are you talking about your lying?
Probably just horribly incompetent
Fun Fact: Ass is the only reason anyone cares about 2B. She is otherwise unremarkable.
>dismissing your legion and doing a perfect call is easier, more reliable, and more powerful than dodging
>you can also do it in the middle of attacking when you're unable to dodge
it's so fucking annoying to be constantly dismissing the fucking thing but the reward is SO FUCKING GOOD.
Here's joping that Nintendo just buy em and give them a new home. Monolith has been doing fantasic since they've been bought and i want to see those 2 cooperate in a big title.
Why buy when I've only finished 1 of the paths in the new Fire Emblem and there's still another 3 paths to complete?
the issue isnt framerate, it's the incredibly generic/shallow combat.
platinum honestly has gone to shit. automata combat was also basic.
I bought it and regret it honestly. I was expecting Bayonetta / DMC / an action game. Instead I got 90% thin jrpg time waste sidequests and minigames, along with awful no effort chtscenes where people stand around next to each other with no actual scene happening (jus tlike kh3), talking about worthless shit that doesn't impact anything, and wasting hours of my life. Just let me fucking play the combat instead of
>hold on bro carry these boxes for me
>hold on bro go run around for the next hour talking to nocs that all say nothing but generic dialogue for fetch quests
Just let me fucking play an action game and not some weeb shit anime jrpg* (*-with combat)
>I was expecting Bayonetta / DMC / an action game.
Entirely your fault for not looking up the hours of footage available beforehand. This was always billed as a different change of pace.
puzzle games because they actually engage your brain.
Ah, such hubris. Had they not hitched their cart to a dead horse but instead sought the fairer revenues of the Epic Game Store this may not have happened.
DarQ, Astral Chain... testaments to the hubris of "good guys"
can't wait for gameingbrit to tear this game a new asshole.
fuck off shill
Large amounts of positive word of mouth from surprisingly normie sources.
>Expecting Bayonetta
>Literally everytime they talk about the game it was about how the game was going to be a lot of SoL and exploration sidequests
This one is just a little bit on you
It was never gonna be a pure action game like those, so you shouldn't expect it to be. That's your problem. It's more akin to Nier.
I do agree that Marie/Lappy is fucking annoying though, but Japan needs their token waifu pandering character/cute mascot.
Not really. All Yea Forums did was talk about how this was switch dmc killer the last few months. Let's change the narrative now that it's out and shit and nothing like that though. How can anyone genuinely enjoy carrying boxes and larping as lappy and all of these shallow as boring characters
Nier is way better than this game though. This is like a version of Nier for 7 year olds.
They're probably betting on the voucher program to carry sales for this. Stupid of them but that's how it is.
LOL, you really got shit taste.
Nier has way more combat than this game, way better music, better characters, better dislogue, better writing overall, better bosses, better pacing, and even if they both suffer from shit fetch quests, Nier doesn't waste your time like AC feels it does to me since every quest builds the world in Nier
Nier is over by the time you fight like 3 things in Astral Chain without tutorials. This game just wastes your time.
how do I turn off these stupid commands? My legion keeps slicing through the air when I'm trying to move it
why would anyone expect anything else, nier didn't sold because of what platinum did in that game
>All Yea Forums did was talk about how this was switch dmc killer the last few months.
Why do you lie? The only reference to DMC I ever saw people make was saying it was "V: the Game".
I have no fucking idea what Yea Forums talks about and I don't know why you're bringing up Yea Forums when the literal first 2 hours of the game has been out for months before the game's launch and most of it was talking to NPCs and toilets.
As he posts on v
It’s flying off the shelves everywhere. Every gamestop around me had a copy 4 days ago and now they are all sold out.
This balding dork who wears an overwatch cap in every video must know!!
Lmao. Y’all are seriously reaching now.
It also emptied out shelves in the UK, the very place OP brought up.
So either the source numbers are complete bullshit or the game had shit all for physical stocks.
I actually had a dream that involved some guy calling and looking for a copy but they were all sold out. It must be common and I was just astral projecting or something.
Most people don't enter the shitposting threads of unreleased games user
>I had a fucking Wii U and never was a little bitch like you, since it had a shit ton of vidya worth playing
name three of them, then
Well it looks fuckin stupid what did people expect? Look at that aesthetic. Trash. Wtf were they thinking? Also they’re supposed to be police but they use chains as a weapon? What even is this shit? Even by Jap standards it’s pretty stupid and out there man.
It's game of the decade
So is the benji nigger seriously the only source?
Shit character design, no ecchi, no blood, no gore, no lolis and no sexy characters. You think I will pay money for this globalized americanized garbage? I didn't even bother to pirate it.
>no blood, no gore
>no ecchi, no blood, no gore, no lolis and no sexy characters
Shit taste all around. Let me guess, you think a girl needs to show skin to be sexy, right?
>Hermits special training
fuck this big ogre monster and fuck chimera
Can't argue with that.
Platinum games never sell well lol.
Isn't Nier Automata their only game that did well as of recent?
It’s time to give up. Everyone with half a brain knows you are full of shit.
They are not wizards. Do you know why studios go bankrupt after developing a million seller for the ps4 or similar hardware? Because it’s ridiculously expensive to create those high end graphics, and it’s literally killing the game industry. Slowly, like a lead poisoning.
>citation needed
Without Nintendo funding those exclusives, Platinum would be dead already.
I think Nier and Metal Gear Rising are the only two games that sold well, period, not just recently, and both were sequels in already established franchises.
I don't know, maybe Bayo 3 will turn things around. I'm inclined to believe so since Bayo 2 probably sold poorly due to being a Wii U exclusive, but we'll see.
See all those unsold digital codes? Seems Japan doesn't care for digital unless is a good deal (like the Nintendo's vouchers), the retail version sold out though.
Based Japan. Fuck digital unless it's piracy
Nier's combat is pretty rough and the side quests feel like more of a waste of time than in this game.
It had good music though.
>die multiple times
>use items like crazy
>perfectcall into a huge attack
>tanks right through 90% of dmg
>S+++++ for stylishly syncs and switching each wpn/legion once a battle
Man, it's weird now that i'm swimming with S+s when the first 3 files were nothing but Ds.
Honestly how do ppl struggle once you get past learning to control your legion thro muscle memory for the first couple hours?
Sure you do.
>how do ppl struggle
Alot of people can't into anything that's deeper than a kiddie pool in terms of depth
Alot of people lack the brain power to adjust their playstyle
Because fifi is one of the most fun game franchises ever made and I don't even know anything about soccer. Nothing beats having a bunch of friends over drinkin beer, eating pizza, and playing fifa.
>platinum game sells nothing like every other platinum game before it
what a fucking surprise
It didn't flop, it is top selling game in UK, top selling game in the USA, and top selling game in Japan. The retard in Twitter that wrote it was a flop even said it would sell around 1.5 million copies and said that is a flop because Nintendo exclusives usually sell around 3 million copies
Japs don't buy Westernised casual trash.
Fuck off idiots.
It did flop.
The other three games after AC on the Uk chart are some literal who racing game, some literal who whatever game, and Control.
Its a slow week and it bombed in the rest of the world
Those are action games, not cheap jrpg side quest sims though. What's your point?
Astral Chain surprised me, I wasn't planning on picking it up at all or ever but I had money to spend and nothing else on the switch intrigued me. But it turned out really good. I'm genuinely enjoying it. Combat isn't as cancerously hectic as it seems and to be real honest, none of the videos justify it at all. Had I a choice between another game and this I'd definitely pick the other game, but after playing it I am sure I'd pick Astral Chain.
>FFXV budget levels
So it gets delayed for a decade because they’ve bet too hard on it
If the combat is already shallow and repetitive in their dedicated action games, I can only imagine how bad it would be in some dedicated story-driven weebshit anime game. I couldn't imagine actually purchasing one of their games for the writing or characters lmfao
>Reaches no 1 in the UK, a historically difficult market for Nintendo outside of their first-party exclusives
>I-it bombed! Trust me!
Imagine being this delusional. AC is a success, and rightfully so.
Kill yourself my dude.
It's obvious you don't regularly follow UK charts. The position means essentially nothing in a slow week like this without numbers estimations. I don't think you realize just how front loaded sales are.
>No fucking way bro
>forced dodge counter
that alone breaks automata in half in both difficulty and combat freedom. everything else is just icing on the top
>Bayonetta sold over a million... On PS3 and Xbox
after almost a year and massive cost reduction. meanwhile first week sales were at a mere 100k+
UK is an embarrassement. Based France is where it's at.
This is what happens when 21st century Japanese developers don't sexualize their cartoon girls.
okay, now i might
I think Nier: Automata changed Platinum forever.
>changed platinum forever
>what is bayonetta
Nintendo's next quarterly report is gonna be real entertaining.
>releases in a week nothing relevant comes
>tops UK with poor sales
>implying its a good game
next week it will go down and no one will remember it kek
yea because Daemon X Machina will be releasing
wow, another 20fps "action" game
But I did
>best selling in UK, US, and Japan
>literally who says that game is flopping
>literally who says Control is selling more which it isn't
It literally doesn't mean anything if you are looking at release week sales alone with no other major releases. It sold less than 11k in UK and sold less than both Bayonetta games at launch.
omfg who the fuck cares if this shit flops? why are sony fans such cuck faggots
not surprising. it’s a far superior game.
>4 Mario games and a Zelda game
Is France the most manchild and weeb heavy nation on Earth? Outside of maybe Japan themselves I suppose.
Literally 12 years old humor.
>all these replies to the FIFA post
EA literally rigs the ball physics and your goalie AI to make you lose easier. How do you fucking dumbasses like shit like this?
He's not even saying it's flopping. He suggested a third of 3H opening, which would be better than any Bayonetta.
to trigger virgin weebcels like you lmao don't fucking care bro
They have great taste, I can tell you that.
>Hitting a ball instead of just grabbing it
>Not autistic
Oh wait... you're serious, let me laugh even harder.
Don't care chud, the lads and I speak on behalf of Yea Forums, don't like it? Back to Yea Forums
Flop is a relative term and dependent on the expectations versus budget/performance and the like.
Making 100 bucks as kid selling lemonade on the street corner when your budget was 10 bucks of water and lemonade mix is damn good. Selling 10 million bucks of something if your budget was 15 is shit.
Nintendo bankrolls these games, which means first party margins for Nintendo and pocket in cash for Platinum. Unless it 100% flops there's no real loser here and barring ridiculous spending it will likely easily recoup its budget, in line with Nintendo pacing. Remember, for how comparatively poorly the Wii U sold it still eked out a profit.
>Japan begging
Well maybe they shouldn't have made it fucking 80 bucks and it would sell. Platinum is retarded with their pricing and just how much a new IP can generate interest.
I know right, they could be off playing games on their PS4s instead of shitposting
Oh wait
>tfw Sonychad
>don't use it for games
>shitpost on Yea Forums to make Nincels seethe
Yep, I'm thinking I'm the based one here.
Have sex, dilate & cope
>when it didn't
This guy was banned from resetera for giving false sales info.
>telling me, a Gigachad to dilate and cope
And here, dear visitors, you can see a 12yo snoynigger in his environment.
aren't those good numbers for an exclusive platinum game? I don't remember madworld selling that well
Honestly mate, they seem pretty based compared to the average weebcel that peruses this board.
Like we go through this shit everytime some guy posts UK charts for new releases.
>character design doesn't count
you're right. a nice plump ass helps too
Good lad. Yea Forums needs to be cleansed of the weebcel plague once and for all.
If it's selling poorly why is it the top switch game on Amazon?
Ass and Taro getting cult popularity over the years
simple as. no messin' about. get what y' pay for. foreign shite belongs in the tip
>aren't those good numbers for an exclusive platinum game?
not really. bayonetta sold more on the first week and it was beneath expectations
>people actually playing single player games
when will you incels learn
Reminder: Anyone who complains about weebs on Yea Forums is either an idiot, new, or both.
Good lad. Fuck weebchuds.
This month hasn't really had any other major releases outside of Madden and maybe Control.
but that's even worse than plat's lifetime sales.
it really is a mystery to me, why automata sold so well. both plat nor taro's games were always niche with low sales numbers and even the sex appeal is questionable since bayonetta did that even more but sold fucking nothing
You realize those numbers are completely made up.
Nicely put. These clowns in here bitch and moan about graphics all the time, then wonder why the industry is in such a shit place. The graphical arms race will bring about the next crash.
>Platinum goes ransomware
servers them right
>that spoiler
then why haven't Nintendo ported TMS to Switch yet?
I wish we'd put optimisation over graphics, everyone talks about removing loading screens but i'm more surprised at PS2 games doing it then