Ask the RNG any question and it will answer you.
Ask the RNG any question and it will answer you
RNG, what is the meaning of life?
It said something about evil.
What is 2+2?
It said 5.
How old are Yea Forums users nowadays, in average?
Even RNG knows the truth!
It also said 5.
Will i go to japan and /black/ a jap girl?
It quickly said yes.
yeeee HAW!
How do I resolve an internal problem?
should I buy astral chain
It says, with intelligent thought and straying from evil.
It says yes.
Who will win the Super Bowl this year?
Thanks for the timestamp 4.
Thanks for the timestamp 4.
Thanks for the 21.
Thanks for the 4.
Thanks for the timestamp 4.
Thanks for the 79.
Thanks for the 21.
It says the Colts.
How many times will I cum to cunny today?
It says either 0 or 1.
Thanks for the 21.
how many times should I fap today?
It says don't at all.
well, ok.
Thanks for the 4.
How many years will it take for me to finally die?
the moment you grow balls.
Who is the 4th and 5th DLC characters in Smash?
Should I play XCX again? I am at the 5th run now.