Epic provides a rare stabiilty for devs, in a volatile industry

Why do we hate Epic again? Competition is good.

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Other urls found in this thread:


dumb twitter screencap poster

>Epig is literally indie dev welfare

Competition is good.
Buying the entire market off with Chinese launder money is not good.
Probably triad money.

if their shitty pixel indie shit can't even break even, then its safe to say its a shitty game.

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pee pee poo poo sage

Wait. So funding mediocrity is good now?

Why the fuck should I care about some faggot in San Francisco being able to afford their lattes?

those gamers eh??

Where's the shopping cart Tim? Well?

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Safety nets allow for more risk and innovation.

Reminds me of that indie dev that could only exist because Germany was giving them government money to stay alive. Or maybe it was it French government? I forget. In any case they were a shitty dev with shitty games that never sold copies.

> Epic provides stabiilty for devs
unless they do it for all of them it is not stability, it is cronyism and still the same struggle for the spotlight they have on steam, but instead dancing for the audience and actual recipient of the game, they dance to the tune of sweeney who has the ulterior motive of becoming the de facto monopoly through underhanded means and with devs as ammo.
steam is uncaring and random, but ultimately fair, epic is malicious and scheming.

I don't hate Epic, they're giving devs free money and a legitimate reason for players to not pay for their games. Hopefully the developers will make a better, non-exclusive game with the money they receive from Tim Sweety

Because you should not support chinks putting their foot in your software industry, simple as.
Any sane man would sooner have even Russians spying on him thank chinksects.

It's really the opposite. Art from adversity. If you know you can't fail then why bother trying harder?

>Why do we hate epic

Only retards who are more afraid of change than actual security for devs who they pretend to care for hate epic.

Except the fact these people lack the talent and place to make what's considered a risk or innovative

Rolling for Juri.

No you fucking idiot.

Competition allows risk and innovation.
Welfare allows complacency.

Or it just means people will put in the bare minimum of effort because they won't not make money.

tencent bad valve corporation good


What the fuck is his problem? He said /ourguy/ already paid for the games, so why should I? The devs are already successful.

stop replying to this retard spammer and don't forget to sage.

rolling for a loli

So essentially epic encourages mediocre games being made

Fuck does that do to me as a consumer.
I don't gain anything and in some places the game becomes more expensive or not aviable.

what's the point of improving one side at the cost of worsening the other.

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I don't see why I should support a company simply because they give free money to some other company
Imagine if this shit happened outside of the gaming industry, it would be like people saying I should buy apple products because they subsidize some part manufacturer down the chain

This shit is no concern of mine, in any industry most new businesses will fail, it's how capitalism works.

>no matter how much you sell you break even
that's not how the market works

It's not the consumer's responsibility to choose to buy something based on how good of a deal the people associated with a company get.

You're supposed to buy based on what you as a consumer want.
Features are part of that.
It's not a charity, it's supposed to be a company selling products.
Why do video game journalists hate consumers so much?


>implying the consumer should care
Just be better than the competition and you will be fine. Fucking jew wants handouts instead of competition surprise surprise

if devs are just gonna have a set stack of cash put out for them why would they ever attempt to do anything above utter mediocrity

there's no risk/reward factor involved in any of this and as a result no soul, which makes EGS and games that flock to it quite literally SOULLESS

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Reminder this entire operation is being rushed out the door so Tencent can launch it in China before Steam china launches in 2020. That's why holding out titles over your head is being prioritized over improving the experience.

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Anything but Yoshi

This. Epic is paying loads of money to force consumers to use a less consumer-friendly service.
To support this is just illogical


What is wrong with this fucking moron? Why does he think welfare is good for the games industry? He thinks people should be paid for making a shit product no matter what?

lmao Epic is literally saying that it's okay to be shit because all these devs are willingly pulling themselves out of the "trial by fire" competition that exists in Steam. Peak irony. They all say that Epic is good because it's competition for Steam but they themselves don't want to innovate and make good products because they're scared of competition.

Fucking explain to me why we should feel bad for indieshitters? There are hundreds if not thousands of them out there who'll be more than happy to see competition bite the dust.


>gamers dont give a fuck about how much a game sells because they don't work for the shit company that made the game
no way
why nobody told me?!

>Competition allows risk and innovation.
>Welfare allows complacency.


the reason every AAA dev has been making uninspired battle royale games is because it's a safe bet in a highly competitive industry

you dumbass

>Wow all these great indie games being supported by Epic! I want to buy them all at once!
>Just let me add them all to my shopping cart- oh right

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new video game journalists aren't even gamers for the most part, at best they can pass as casuals but at no point in their life have they ever had passion for video games
these kinds of faggots make me miss EGM so much


Epic's ''stability'' runs on Fortnite bucks, once it dries, it won't be stable anymore.

I can't wait to see how all these shitty devs will do if/when Epic stop throwing money around and they ditch the cut the devs get too.

But at what price?
You are accepting chinese murder money



>no retail packaging costs
>less money taken by publishing fees
>games still cost the same as a retail game to final user
stunning and brave

And if you give people welfare they'll just make shit games for free money, how hard is that to understand?

based, keeps seething steamcells, daily reminder source vs unreal OHONONON HAHAHAHAHAH
/thread and now kys steamdrones and buy more h-games shovelware gacha

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Can you imagine if everyone in the world bought things based on how they felt about the producers of that product instead of the quality of the product itself?

Only two big AAA publishers have successful battle royales right now, EA and Activision
Epic is big thanks to Fortnite but they're not exactly what comes to mind when you think big AAA games


give it to me

what proof do you have of that?


Reddit told me Epic is evil so they are.

Of course, because stores spending money on games that are unlikely to pay off are super viable in the long run, and Epic certainly does so because it's nice and not because it's using an aggressive strategy.

If common sense isn't enough
Also, the USSR

>make shit games for free money,
but they dont make it for free money, you need a concept before you get the money from tim and btw not every indie game is on egs most of them getting denied

I suppose this has some source or are they just random succubi?


I don't save wojak images or i'd absolutely be posting the excited onions wojak right now

the whole point is steam helps so few indie devs, and they do help the occasional indie dev

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Is that elf Darkness and elf Yun Yun? [spoilers]71-72.[/spoilers]

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Looks like the succubus from KonoSuba


Get the fuck outta here with your buzzwords.

>a fucking capitalist company invest in your company
>is now communism
kill yourself subhuman 80iq trash


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Just talking about the concept in general, the idiot in the OP implies it's a good thing to make money whether your game is a failure or a success. It's a terrible idea, because then nobody will care about making a good product because it's easier to be a welfare leech than put in the effort

Why would it be welfare if it's post-production guarantee of sales? Sure, there's early access, but there aren't that many of them on Epic so far, and even early access games need to run and have content.
It's like you toddlers don't even know what words you're using.

Fuck off shill

If your game isn't good enough to break even it's either shit or you're shit at budgeting. Bailing these fuckers out isn't helpful, it just ensures more shit floods the market.

>me me me
Devs are entitled

the USSR was a communist country

>AAA companies chase trends
You don't say
Those are the last companies you should be expecting innovation from. You think EA or activision or ubisoft or bethesda have it in them to put out a game that spawns a genre or sub genre like dark souls or battle royales? That will never happen, that kind of innovation will always come from modders or small studios who don't have the burden of giant AAA companies demanding they sell 5 million copies.


68. Now.

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Sure you can use your first game as a safety net but if your second game doesn't sell then you're back to square one really


I'm fucking tired of this shit





You dumb ass, this capitalist company is investing money because it wants to build a library of exclusives as a way to compete with a better positioned company in the market.
Are the Indies so desperate that they now want to cling to a short-term strategy as a "solution" to their problems?
The indies are fucked today because anyone can acess professiona engines for free and the competition is too fierce for pretentious junk to stand out.

Why does steam have to help them? When you make a game you are supposed to market it, you are supposed to make it good enough and unique enough to appeal to people. You can't just make some indie jank, throw it on steam and then sit on your thumbs.

That's accurate 2bh

>tfw 2 more weeks until fun.exe

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If they break even if no one buys their game, why is it so bad that gamers™ don't buy the game?

So even if they sell zero copies they break even? Doesnt sound like a very good strategy for Epic and promotes sustaining companies/dev's that cant cut the mustard.


i should have put the "safe" in quotations because it isn't actually a good idea to make one, it has just seemed like that to boomer businessmen. regardless the reason why people just want to mimic fortnite is because the games industry is out to make money and will endeavor to do it in the easiest way possible. saying that competition encourages risk and innovation is just simply false and makes no sense. basically all the good indie devs are in the business because they like making good games, not because they want to make money, so they would likely STILL be making good games even if there was no incentive to make money.

Tim is wasting all his Fortnite money trying to compete with Steam but it'll never work

Exclusivity shouldn't exist within PC gaming.


When are the 99% of indies going to realise there is no epic cheque in the post for them and they aren't even getting on the store? They shouldn't be supporting this.

They just need to fluff up their library regardless of quality

I'm not buying ANY title on epic games store and will wait 1 year for every game that I want and buy them just to make sure epic fails

Fuck exclusivity bullshit

>indie devs want to be big boys and be the owner of their own business/games
>don't want to take the risks, unlike business and company owners from any other industry, and goes for Epic
>the consumer should look for the devs' interests instead of his own, unlike the devs, which are also little bitches that don't want to be employees but don't want to take risks either

Absolute brain damage.

You do know that not everyone should profit right?

They should all send their games to EGS, get that exclusivity money and suck EGS dry.
Reminds me of when I had free healthcare in my little country, a bunch of immigrants came along and exploited the fuck out of it until it became nonviable so now you have to pay.


Can somebody explain me who are these retards that reply seriously to this? How is it possible that they're still discussing this shit? Is it tourists that come here once a week and never see this thread or is it bots? I don't get it.

The simple " my team good, other team bad " mentality.

just dont grant it to immigrants

>everyone sperged out when steam greenlight allowed trash games on the storefront with no quality control
>now epic are literally paying up front to put 3-4/10 quality games on their store front, exclusively
>this is supposed to be a good thing

lol no

I bet you like yang you fucking retard


>Chinese launder money is not good.
>Probably triad money.

As if you really cared.

oh I'm sorry, did your smash thread get archived?

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I will pirate every Epic exclusive I'm interested in.

You cannot stop me, epiCucks.

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>"And fuck whatever this might mean for the consumer"
Rewarding game developers with guaranteed money no matter what they do in their game can't be good longterm.

What is bit about epic shills that make them shill so hard? Even valve drones will complain about valve's lootboxes and lack of actual games. Do these people love the taste of the boot that much?

If Schreier likes it, it's verified cancer.


>lmao Epic is funding trash games xDD
No they're not you fucking steam drones. Go look at Epic's catalog right now and they're all good games. Above average at worst. Excellent at best.

Seems to me Epic is giving safety nets to games that actually deserve to sell who wouldn't otherwise if they were left to be abused by Steam.

Why are game devs such little bitches?
A restaurant goes under, no one bats an eye. A game fails to profit, "ugh this industry..."

>platform not even 3 years old
The shit people get paid to say holy shit.

Epictards keep getting assraped, yet they still try and shill their shit. Why? Are they getting that much Fortnite bux?

Literally not how it works. People take risk because they feel pressured to get ahead. If you tell someone "I'm going to pay you well no matter how good you perform" is not going to motivate someone into working harder.

The thinking of 21st century western man, basically.

Epic is turning vidya creation into a gig job.

Doing this with no name indies is actually good.
Doing this with renowed indies, already funded and hyped kickstarter projects, and already released and already successful series is a massive dick move.

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i literally never get one that i actually want

>things that never happened.txt

Tencent has deep pockets and is willing to let people name their price for their dignity.

Because game journos and indiedevs are in bed with each other. It's a horrific incestuous relationship that will never get fixed unless you fully reform the system.

>Why do we hate Epic again?
I don't even need to state any other reasons because bl*e ch*ckmark shilling for them is more than enough.

I wouldnt invest in a business that uses this model. If course they expected to take losses, but to just give people money regardless of performance seems to be a stretch. If I was the dev I would just inflate my costs and provide a shit product. Break even on paper with money in the bank.

A. It's Epic that chooses you. Exclusively.
B. If your game doesn't sell well and once you've burned all your Sweeney dollars, you've got to wait for a whole year to be able to sell your game elsewhere.
C. You'll get EPIC SHILL carved on your forehead for the rest of your life.

>needing 6+ months
>for features literal webdev students do in a weekend alongside a complete state of the art interface as a homework

jason "the sorceress is loli" schreier

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these things happen because governments change

>David Cage trash

>but, oh no, gamers have to use a store with fewer features!!!
do the other entertainment industries shit on their consumer base as much as video games? how is this fucking medium even profitable?

>how dare those gamers choose what to buy with their money!

Shopping cart > 6 months. What?

How is this a viable system? How long will this last for before the Fortnite money runs out and Epic can't just pay devs to make their games exclusive anymore? Players will continue to not use Epic due to their shitty practices as a company and devs will just go back to Steam because they get no sales on Epic. This is what baffles me about Epic's entire approach to trying to be competition to Steam, either they think Fortnite will be a huge moneymaker for the rest of time or they don't understand what a long-term plan is

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In this case, only if Epic guaranteed money to absolutely everyone. But that's not the case, if you have a wild game idea with zero market appeal, Epic won't pay you.
So that doesn't help with innovation.


Well, developer breaks even, Winnie the Pooh takes some loss.
>Be chankoro
>Work sweatshop 16 hours per day
>Think Glorious Leader uses value you produce for the betterment of China
>He actually gives those money to some ugly faggot who in turn gives them to shitty indie devs so that they can make more shit games for gweilo to pirate with clear conscience
If only chankoro knew.

Why make a game to make money? almost anyone in the industry could switch career and make more money, it's very over saturated. I'm working on a game and don't plan to sell it at all because I want people to actually play it.


> Just accept our shit pls.

So I, the person who gives the industry capital in exchange for entertainment, should sacrifice my enjoyment or comfort for sake of the seller.
That’s not how this shit works fucktard, if I’m not getting the best treatment I’ll take my money and time elsewhere.

Consumers, not soulless mega corps with their own political agenda and ties to the Chinese government should decide which game dev is successful and which not.


>competition is important
>removing competition allows for more innovation
I'm not even going to bother reading any more of the thread. It's shit. Sage and reported for off topic garbage.

>permanent exclusive
What did they mean by this?
Airborne kingdom btw

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That's outdated now, they removed the dates because they couldn't stick to the deadlines, they've missed almost everything by months.

I hope people learn from this what a promise from epic means

Their long term plan is that 40% of their userbase don't have steam installed. They intend to over the long haul, convert that userbase into permanent EPIC store users by eventually making steam unnecessary. While building up a base of people who use it for the exclusives now.

It is trying to kill the market by removing all risk from game development. When there is not chance of failure, devs no longer will listen to their customers.


because kickstarter turned out so well didn't it?

>Epic gives money to bad games
Wrong again drones.

Metro Exodus - Best Metro game so far
Ashen - Best soulslike game
Hades - Supergiant. Nuff said
Satisfactory - Better Factorio
WWZ - Better L4D
Dauntless - Better MHW
Outer Wilds - Dark Horse of the Year
Control - Remedy's best game so far
Ancestor - Most ambitious game these past few years
Outer Worlds - GOTY potential candidate
Borderlands 3 - GOTY candidate UNDOUBTEDLY
Fortnite - Most popular game since Minecraft
Tetris Effect - 2018 GOTY
David Cage games - The best movie games in the market
Oh and amazing indie games every week for FREE
Not to mention this youtube.com/watch?v=PPpAg6IePGU

So tell me again that Epic is wasting their money on mediocrity because from the looks of it their catalog is already exponentially better than the thousands of shovelware trash on Steam.

Why make a car for money? So many cars already exist. I make cars for free so people will actually use them. Now that my belly is full of bait I'm going to bed.

nu-jannies so dumb that they delete rolling posts instead of deleting this joke of a thread spammed everyday since half a year.

The difference in current videogames is that devs can shuffle around with the product AFTER you purchased it.
With movies, books and music, when its done its done.
Games can roll with revisionism after release, which makes it a perfect target with too much free time.
Also this allows to target different demographics by stabbing the original supporters on the back (like making a pay to play game free to play)

All this makes videoganes hard to take seriously, because noone involved in the industry knows what the words vision and commitment means.

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Fuck off troll.

>Outer Worlds - GOTY potential candidate
>Borderlands 3 - GOTY candidate UNDOUBTEDLY
scat goes to Yea Forums

Oh boy here we go.

zoomzoom doesn't know how to use filters or hide threads

Why don't you apply for the job if you're so haughty? Applications are up right now?

I pirated all those games just so I could seed them?


fuck off idiot. there's good money to be made in making cars, and unlike games I can't make one car and allow millions of people to drive it. I say you shouldn't try to make a career out of games because I like making them and have looked into this

It means it'll be exclusive to Epic permanently.

no it was not subhuman socialism is not communism
>getting btfo
>moving the goal post
kys, steam killed pc gaming with fucking up indies with the 30% monopoly now its time to bounce back

Even the goddamned Wii had gifts.

I don't blame indie devs for taking up Epic's offer.

That still doesn't mean I like EGS or will support them in any way.

>Jason Schreier
>Slimiest poster child of kotaku caught having "business dealings" several times over
>Having an anti-consumer pro-business opinion
Imagine my surprise

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>Indie game is a team effort from former members of Visceral
You would assume a company that got majorly fucked over would realize that willing putting the chain around their necks isn't going to work out for them.


>David cage
Begone bugman

>no it was not subhuman socialism is not communism
I don't care enough to differentiate the two


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why is epicchad oc so good ? based

Devs are the _______ of gaming.

that's how you spot a retarded leftist


Indies killed indies. The only thing these devs have to blame are their fellow devs.

>steam killed pc gaming with fucking up indies with the 30% monopoly
steam CREATED the indie market you fucking mongoloid

I wouldnt pirate your game even if it was free.

The rat kike goes all in on his Epic shilling, 'games journalism' in a nutshell.

Tale of Tales?


I really do wonder what's hiding behind all those NDA's

The shitposters will samefag both sides to try and bait more people in

the chinese are the worst people on earth, even worse than (god forbid my for uttering their name) the j*ws, and afr*cans

>Better l4d
Don't care since Killing Floor and Vermintide are still on steam, lmao.

of course you wouldn't, you'd have no reason to, if something is free nobody would pirate it regardless of how good it is


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>b-but that wasn't real communism!
Every time

>steam CREATED the indie market
zooom zooom

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god forgive*

l4d is more fun than all of those gay games


>they're all good games
if you like shit , sure

because they have zero security against Russian hackers, even with Two factor auth enabled

and a non-existent """""customer service"""""" that only replies your tickets with predefined messages

but hey at least they give indie shit for free, right?

>Metro Exodus
>Best Metro game
Stopped reading there. Last time you said it was better than Stalker (utter bullshit) and it’s not even the best Metro game, that goes to OG 2033.

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Jill yourself


That's exactly what Tencent is doing. It's going to hurt really bad when it crashes.


>zooom zooom
I was an indie developer before Steam even existed. The market was tiny. 1% the size. Steam and Unity blew it wide open

some large proportion of western politics/journalism can be modelled accurately as
>party A should support party B because party B is doing things for party C
people hate more the marketing/journalism two-facing than they do epic. for devs and epic only cold hard cash is good enough, but everyone else should go along because something something abstract principles.

imagine instead if there was a game storefront that was cheaper than steam and better in any number of ways, but less of a cut for devs, and devs were publicly shamed to join because
>Competition Is Good
wouldn't that be interesting?

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>implyingi will instar another launcher to buy some shitty indie games

>But, oh no, gamers have to use a store with fewer features!

I know I'm preaching to the choir here but maaan Jason Schreier at it again with this weird ass mindset that the consumers are basically an afterthought and developing games should really be a thing that devs get paid for for shits and giggles. How can you even say shit like that with a straight face. I'll use the store that's best for me, and you can use that store or use the store that's shit for me and not reach me I guess. Like I have a fucking obligation to eat up shit to fund your project.

literally 70% of valve ips are indie based, now back off zoom zoom and suck some daddy jewben dick

If have to bet it all to even try, why bother?


Part of me wishes Steam just started doing exclusivity deals just to fuck Epic over.

>try to actually talk about the subject
>it's just anxiety-riddled rollfags and brainlets latching onto the easiest of baits
no wonder people moved to discord

(you) didnt even try to hide your bait

>literally 70% of valve ips are indie based
what does that have to do with anything?


We would lose the monopoly argument tho, let Epic be and we'll see in a year how it goes

gl hf gayben

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Probably because they're the 1 in 1000 indies that's actually good
>escalator fearing

>Competition is good.
Exclusivity is not competition, it's the complete opposite.
Where's the competition when you own a game? A launcher should be a preference and optional.

What kind of fucked up industry is it where customers are expected to choose the retail base the provider prefers?
Fuck you, if you want my money, sell on GoG or Steam.

he's not using his personal money, you dumbfuck. he's using chinese money, which is probably even way more


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I actually don't hate Epic. Nor do I hate the EGS. I somehow still think it is just a vocal minority.


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Yeah this bothers me the most - why do people scream "muh steam monopoly" when Gog exists?

All the nice things that Epic is doing for devs will go away the second they get a strong foothold in the market. Fortnite money won't last forever.

use your fucking brain, he makes more than gayben with epic and steam gets chink money too

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>competition is good
>add a safety net that rewards mediocrity

As a consumer, do you want a mile-deep well or an inch-deep ocean?


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For some reason most people do not want to use GOG either. Even when it proovides a better a better service and has a better moral compass than Valve ever had.

I can see why Epic has gone to such lengths. Being better will not help when fighting Steam.

Pointless post, didn't mean to mention the whole vee, but i'm not surprised by the lack of reading comprehension of a shill


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they used fake ids to get access and the dispensaries weren't equip to guard against that especially since we were used to having that kind of immigration boom

it did but I don't want to go too far off topic

I wish they'd just add something to the agreement for adding to their Steam to make it so if a person adds their game to steam they HAVE to put it on Steam now. They could still release on any store though as long as it's also on Steam.

no fuck you china

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>first part of the tweet
>actual information
>But oh no, gamers have to use a store with fewer features!!!
the fuck? Why act like a baby all of a sudden?

Not surprising from a guy who admits to post clickbait to "pay the bills". Apparently anything goes as long as the money flows huh


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i'd rather go buy keys from some shady key reseller, at least they've got a fucking cart.

Yeah, that Metro Exodus debacle was such a piece of shit move on the publishers part.


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Doesn't this sound like a moneywashing scam?

Doesn't this simply mean that they aren't indie?

>volatile industy
fuck off you big fucking faggot literally every industry can be called volatile is this is how you describe it.


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It's money laundering, and no, it doesn't. Digital goods are shit for that kind of thing.

Are you talking about Uwe fucking Boll and his shitty films?

You again?
Fuck off chink.

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is this 40% people who have egs installed or people who just have an egs account? because if you play fortnite on mobile or console you need an egs account and you would never have a reason to use steam since there's not much or any native functionality to steam on mobile or console

As consumer, I want free 10/10 games every single day.

The guy behind steamspy probably has no fucking idea how to do anything


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I don't hate Epic or EGS and I'd absolutely buy Control if it wasn't so expensive

>commies want job security, no scrutiny, no effort, no quality control etc.

talk about being entitled shits, all Yea Forums wants is a good game something that only Japanese can do in this day and age.


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JS is such a cunt, maybe he should join a real paper like he clearly wants to.

>"Fuck you gamers! Buy my friends Powerpoint presentation!"
Not the wisest plan to advertise Epic by blaming its potential customers.

Fuck you__


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loli pls

it won't crash as there's no bubble to crash. It will just stop offering these retarded ass monetary incentives when and if they start to lose money, a lot of money. First for small indies, then for bigger ones, then they won't offer any money at all

>kys, steam killed pc gaming with fucking up indies with the 30% monopoly now its time to bounce back
You have no idea what you're talking about. The golden age of indies ended in Steam precisely because it was so easy for indies to publish on the platform. It's virtually impossible to stand out in the midst of so many new games that flood the store every day, so the old advantage of publishing in the most famous and used store no longer exists.


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Actually if the game is Epic Exclusive I just pirate, after all the dev is going to break even anyway :)

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Reminder that last year he said he liked to make fun of people defending billionaire corporations and then a few months later proceeded to defend Blizzard and their travesty of a convention.


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gimme good wife

>Actually if the game is Epic Exclusive I just pirate, after all the dev is going to break even anyway :)
This is exactly what I do.
I refuse to install extra launchers unless it's a multiplayer game.


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Let's see what wife I'll get.

You mean 2 weeks and one day, because you'll spend your entire day downloading 50 GBs thanks to no pre-loading.


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I can see it now
>instead of indie devs flooding steam they flood epic
>naturally epic won't let them all in and for some they won't even get any exclusivity money
>they will scream and ree about EGS picking favorites, keeping indie devs down and playing god with the entire indie scene - "why does my walking sim about gay rights not get in but that guy's white male wankfest get in, or vice versa"
>users complain because with no forums, reviews or streamlined refund system they end up buying shitty horrible games

This whole thing will be hilarious if EGS doesn't change course. Look at how cluttered the front page of EGS is already too, who's going to scroll through all those games to see which ones are new?

>steam is uncaring and random, but ultimately fair, epic is malicious and scheming.

This is the best way to describe all of this.

fuck the devs
make good games god damn it

Why is this board full of easily baitable retards
You faggots make /pol/keks look like rocket scientists

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Yep and japanese companies aren't even thinking of EGS. Sega and namco won't touch, pretty sure Capcom won't either.

You contradicted yourself in the same sentence


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The attitude bothers me the most. There's no other industry where critics reprimand costumers for not choosing a service they hate.
Shitty analogy incoming, but imagine if Top Gear told you you're an asshole if you don't buy from a certain dealership because his niece works there and she needs the money for her student loans.


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*dabs on Stalinist cryptos*

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If indie studios made good games they wouldn't need welfare.


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Nip company value trust a lot and frankly speaking EPIC have none to offer


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>Why do we hate Epic again? Competition is good.
Simple, paid third party exclusives are bad. It's not competition if no one else is allowed to sell the game (for X months, anyway, which is almost the same thing as never in today's gaming market).

If my friends are getting Borderlands 3 for PC, and I want to play with them, then I have to buy / redeem through Epic. Even if I try to get a physical copy, it's just a box with a code in it for digital redemption. If I wait until Steam and others can sell the game, then my friends will already have moved on by the time I start playing. So either way, I get less value. That's the harm of paid exclusives.

Compare that to a game like Cyberpunk 2077. I could buy it from Steam, GOG, or Epic. Same release date for each (give or take a day), so now each storefront has to compete. I can pick based on which set of features I prefer. That's proper competition.

Nips are too autistic when it comes to their MUH HONORABU hardheadedness.


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Remember when consoles used to do this shit?
I think the most recent one was tomb raider where one console had it months before the other, luckily that game was pretty sure but imagine if that was more common, consolefags would hate it (or love it depending how much they can use it to shitpost)

All good art comes from rich places.

And that's a good thing

Call of Duty still gets one month exclusivity on DLC.


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Well at least that is how Uwe was able to keep making movies.

READ: piracy doesn't matter now because Epic paid for your copy before you downloaded it.

Competition is good because it makes companies improve their products. Tell me what exactly steam and epic games have improved on their product?
>inb4 exclusives
Exclusives arent an improvement, monopolizing something only takes it away from your competitors making theirs worse and not your own better.

I don't trust the way Epic is aggressively using exclusivity to their storefront as a way of carving themselves a slice of the PC game storefront market, particularly the fact that they're opting to try and buy out games that are already most of the way through development (I don't mind so much for games they've funded the development of or made themselves being exclusive).
Wasn't there that indie dev where they refused to put his game on EGS unless he took their exclusivity deal?

I don't know, I think I just don't trust it that they're relying on forcing you to use their service to buy certain games by artificially limiting the choice, as opposed to getting you to choose their storefront through more attractive pricing or other features.

Not just GoG, Uplay, Battlenet and Origin are literally what Epic is claiming is desperately needed right now.

I use to read egm cover to cover, still kicking myself for tossing my copies away.

Reminder that the story DLC of Tomb Raider Underworld were and still are Xbox Marketplace exclusives.

Tell that to the Cuphead devs

If they break even no matter what, why should I use the store with less features?

>Wasn't there that indie dev where they refused to put his game on EGS unless he took their exclusivity deal?
That was the creator of darq, he probably wasn't the only one either

Borderlands 3 will have cross platform play!*

*Not available at launch, ETA expected between eventually and never

>Wasn't there that indie dev where they refused to put his game on EGS unless he took their exclusivity deal?
The dev of DARQ.

Why are game journos like this?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure the vast majority of hoodlums, spics, niggers and white trash living off welfare and autism bux are simply biding their time to risk and innovate and not exploit their safety net to pursue dumb shit with zero contribution to society or even turn to criminal activities so they could sustain themselves

fuck your retarded logic, we see in practive how safety nets fuck with a functioning society

Just pirate the games. They apparently don't need sales anymore.

Indie game devs just made one of their own suicide. Their entire toxic radioactive shitpile community should burn to the ground

>jewman in a suit who probably never played a game off EGS telling the masses what should be good for them

Yeah, I'll stick with Steam because at least it lets me play local coop with my GF

BASED Tim paying for more copies of games for me.
Cheers, bro.

Not everyone is a jaded cuckold like you, user.

This is such an amazing bait image I love it. And modern Yea Forums is too stupid to recognize the bait.

focus grouping a game to death before starting development is no incentive for risktaking user

Nuke China

Jason Schekelberg is right, goyim. Enjoy your free games and stop asking stupid questions.

Australian detected

But that's actually putting effort into a game and making an effort in competing with other games in a market that's highly competitive because of its low barrier of entry, how dare you impose these troubles on indie developers!

I'd rather have my tax dollars spent on corporate welfare like the Trump tax cut, or prison camps on the southern border, or one of dozens of endless wars we're waging, or fuck it give all the money to isreal not like we're not giving them enough. Plenty of good things to do with tax dollars besides take care of our own citizens and infrastructure which fuck with a functioning society unlike corporate welfare.

Doesn't this mean that devs can rest on their laurels, even if the game is half finished or, dare I say it, bad? They already got their break even.

>create retarded game with 0 substance
>still get paid

But players are bad, stupid goyims

I'm not a dev so I don't give two shits.
Also snatching up games that were to release on other platforms and forcing them to say that they are only releasing on Epic is hard gay.
They've also denied having indie games on their store because they didn't want to go exclusive.

>and btw not every indie game is on egs most of them getting denied
>pic related got in
No, fuck off
All steam has to do is randomize its wishlist count and EGS would kill itself within a week

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I just want a cute brunette gf. Roll lucky for daddy

He's right, it's just another launcher. Sure it's a little inconvenience but there is no other option to save industry and valve. Yes, valve need saving from themselves

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For every indie game like Cuphead who took the 1 in a chance and 'won', you will finds literally millions that went down somewhere along the way. Most people aren't willing to risk their life saving over such a low chance.

Too many games are being made for the market to support, now epic are propping up companies making games people don't want.

The crash is closer than ever.

Good for small devs.
No reason for large publishers to take the deal.

If a supermarket brand opened up shop in a town and then tried to get customers in by signing exclusivity deals with all of the local farmers so that they only sold their milk through that market, people would call them out on their bullshit and you'd likely have legislation regarding unfair competition used against them.

The same principle applies to EGS and their attempts to buy out every exclusive they can. Either make / fund development of your own fucking games or compete on better prices and features.

Goat simulator sold like what, 3 million? You may not like it, but people like this shitty games

>Epic is actually better for devs!
What journalists and epic shills can't seem to wrap their heads around is that as the consumer, I don't give a shit what's best for the devs. It's the devs job to make a product I'm willing to spend money on, and yes, that includes letting me purchase it on my platform of choice.
It's hilarious how the devs and journalists are whining about how the devs are just looking out for their own best interest, and then turn right around and shame people who don't want to use epic store because it's not in their best interest

>Most people aren't willing to risk their life saving over such a low chance
And the ones that are make good games.
When devs have something at stake, they have a motivation to make a product they know will sell in big numbers. Most hack devs will simply use the same pixelshit nostalgiabait rpgmaker trash because games like that actually fucking sell. In pathetic amounts, but they sell nonetheless.
Now if you give them welfare, they can literally release a broken framework and walk away with full pockets even when they dont deserve it

Yes, and since shitty games like this are now eligible for EGS exclusivitybucks, devs now have a new lowest common denominator to aim for to break even with the help of EGS. Thus resulting in shittier games than this one trying to get in
Good job on making my point for me

>they can literally release a broken framework and walk away with full pockets even when they dont deserve it

health of gaming industry is very important to consumers for obvious reasons, but you're too stupid to realize that.

>what epic could do
make games cheaper by undercutting steam thanks to the revenue split
>what epic actually does
buys exclusivity

everyone who supports epic because MUH COMPETITION is blatantly ignoring the fact that competition is positive if and only if it delivers a better service to customers. Competition isn't a goal in and of itself, just a mechanism for attaining the goal of satisfying consumers.

>no man's sky

>things that never happened
seeNeck yourself faggot

Name 3 that were as good or better than Cuphead.
Keep in mind Epic isn't funding production of games, they are just offering "minimum sales guarantees" to both Indies and publishers towards the end of production or after the game is finished just before or immediately after the game is announced for Steam.

If the game is trash as you say, only retards will buy it and epic will lose money. How is not a win-win situation?


What do you mean fucking health of the gaming industry?

There are more game devs than ever making more game than ever. I welcome seeing these indieshitters fight in the thunderdome.

>make games cheaper by undercutting steam thanks to the revenue split

Uplay did this, and they were forcing people to use their launcher anyway. This does not work, not only it don't work then there would be no point to go with epic from publishers/developers.

Actually Jason, I don't have to use the Epic Game Store.
Me: 1
Video game publisher propaganda arm: 0

>But, oh no, gamers have to use a store with fewer features!
>And the devs will roll the dice on whether this gives them far more or less recognition in the long run, basically gambling their future.
>And it's a short term solution to a long term problem.
>And it reinforces the idea that content locking digital distribution services not tied to a device is okay in the wake of television's 100+ subscription service waking nightmare.

>Grrrr, gamers!
Jason's such a fucking chode.


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if you blame any single developer for taking money from epic you're a retard, especially if they're a small dev

If people like those shitty games and are already willing to buy them there's no risk involvement and Epic isn't actually covering for the devs. You can't have it both ways, especially since Epic isn't helping to market their 3rd party exclusives.

Serving China's needs.

Better returns means more investments which is something we want.

Uplay was ubionly.

>Epic provides a rare stabiilty for devs, in a volatile industry
No one here talks like that, marketer-san

Investment in what? More shitty games because these devs are too scared to actually compete outside their little EGS bubble?

I don't blame indie devs for taking the money. I do blame Epic for offering it and publishers like 2K and Deep Silver for taking it, anyone who thinks there's no fault here is a retard.

...why not just add more features?

I swear epic is run by actual fucking retards

*only if they sign exclusivity.

Else they don't give a shit about your game or your well being, they won't even put your game on the store.

>more investments
You're an actual retard if you believe this. The business is about maximizing profit margins for maximum returns, Epic has invested jack shit into their storefront.

I don't blame them for being scared pussies. Fair play. Even I'd take the deal if I was a poor sorry fuck wasting my time in California.

However, I do blame all these pieces of shit who specifically exploit Steam's wishlist system and then immediately jumping ship once Epic comes along even weeks before their actual release on Steam. And even more so I blame trash like the Ooblets' dev who pretty much asked for the fire they got.

They're working on it, but last I saw their roadmap was a complete joke, and projects were already getting delayed and postponed

if Epic was so concerned about the "stability" of these indie devs (most of them are actually big names in the indie scene...) they could offer them a favourable publishing deal upfront and not swoop in 1/3 months before the release date when the product is almost ready and the initial risk of development is approaching 0

Tim said on twitter recently that establishing exclusives was more important than updating the store front. They're months behind on their 'plans' to incorporate modern store features.

Yes it was, and it was not working. People couldn't care less if game is 5$ cheaper. Exclusive games are required no matter what.

>modern store features.

Unless you're a big developer like CD projekt. They only bully the little guy.

>Epic is ba---

What now steamdrones?
I hate IGN but they're right.

Isnt he the current year cuck?

>its just another icon
How intellectually dishonest

A while back I had to troubleshoot my PC, so I installed the same games on both of my PCs and ran them one after the other after switching the GPUs around, since I had cloud saves it kept my settings and my game save files on both so I could test identical areas and settings without having to manually set everything up
I did this with origin and steam, with EGS I wouldn't have been able to do that


Epic has all the money in the world to steal devs, but not enough to hire a couple of code monkeys to implement features that every modern digital storefront should have

>People couldn't care less if game is 5$ cheaper.
What do we need another launcher for then?

>Epic has invested jack shit into their storefront.
Do you think you can simply throw money at a software and it will magically be done in a day or something? It's a problem of HR not money.

Anyway, i was not talking about epic specifically. I was talking about industry as a whole

>Exclusive games are required no matter what.
If you genuinely believe this then you are enabling a future where Valve also pays for exclusivity. That's the logical conclusion of your stance, not increased revenue share.

What makes indie game devs so privileged they are entitled to breaking even on their business ventures? Are there similar funds for indie movie makers or musicians?

Cloud saves are already on egs user, but true. You wouldn't be able to do that a month ago

There are store fronts with missing features of other, bigger ones, but that's no excuse for Epic who should be fucking on top of that shit.

They don't care to bother because they have 'so much money'.

Hi epic shill, how much do you get paid and how often?

Better than Trump.

>People couldn't care less if game is 5$ cheaper.
When it's just Ubisoft games, that's correct. You get them for $5 a year later on consoles.

Do you think I could get papa Tim to pay for my gamemaking degree if I promise EGS exclusivity to my future titles?

Clearly if someone's risking their life savings on a venture, they're entitled to get that money back if said venture fails
Cause that's how economies work

If i need to choose either steam or epic to work with i will choose steam anyday solely because i don't like EPIC reputation

>video doesn't mention any reasons for people to use EGS other than "free games"

The title of the video can be answered simply with "make a storefront that's functional and not a pile of shit to use"

Yes, here's how.

1. Start developing something.
2. Make a crowdfunding page listing Steam as a platform
3. ???
4. Profit

it's called market saturation you talentless hack

It doesn't have to, indies will realize on their own and will work extra hard to fit into the EGS portfolio.

They don't care about literally who's, they only want to poach titles that are late in development and have a hype train behind them.

i haven't pirated anything in years. epic gave me a reason to start again.

i mean, before i was buying games as a show of support. even if i didn't love the game, id still buy it to give my own little push to a developer i saw potential and promise in.

now, epic is guaranteeing indie devs at least break even. so i can pirate 100% guilt free, and if the game is worth keeping, ill buy it when its on steam. if not, its still a win-win. i didn't spend any money, and the dev still isnt bankrupt from pinching off turds on people's plates.

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>Hi epic shill, how much do you get paid and how often?

Are you fucking stupid or something? I said they can't develop their shitty store not because they don't want to throw a couple of buck on it but because they don't have HR to do that.

both fair points

Exclusive games are required to break into the market, i don't think valve is going out of being the behemot of it any time soon.

Why do you say that? Are you sure you're not projecting?

That's exactly what happens in the real world kiddo. Time to close Yea Forums, reddit and Steam and take a walk outside.

Wait, you think owners don't have the rights to freely redistribute their products? What kind of orwell shit is that

>Do you think you can simply throw money at a software and it will magically be done in a day or something?
The Epic launcher launched 5 years ago, which has become WORSE since they opened the store, and they've had plenty of time to prepare the storefront months if not years in advanced. Not to mention the decade and a half Epic slept on PC distribution because they were chasing after the console market, while Valve and other companies were actually investing in their own platforms on PC. Last I checked Epic hasn't even filled their lead QA position which has been open for months.

If you really wanna get pissed, did you know that Metro Exodus still has its Steam store page?
Did you know that they still post patch, general and DLC announcements on said store page?
Did you know that you can fucking buy the season pass for Metro Exodus on Steam, except its worth jack shit because the base game isn't on the platform?

>owner signs contract with epic
>owner no longer has right to freely distribute their product

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you can't dictate exclusives are only useful up until it's no longer convenient for your argument.

If you believe exclusives are required to break into the market then you are conceding they are necessary to compete in it. Valve has no incentive to improve their services or offer a better share for sales, beyond just paying them upfront for exclusivity. That's the logical conclusion of your argument.

Hilarious how the video game industry is one of the few industries that is actively and openly anti-consumer.

Because it has the worst, most toxic consumers, that are incapable of understanding which games are worth buying and must be shepherded by their journalist, who at least care about their well-being, in spite of being viciously attacked and belittled all the time.

Yes, you also have freedom to agree to any contract that does not break the law. Why freedom is such a hard thing for incels to understand?

Because freedom is the last thing they'd want for the pleasure slaves they desire, use your brain user.

>we hate you but please buy our shit
fuck off

>t. toxic gamer

Can't this be exploited to hell and back?
>Give all your employees (not to mention yourself) a huge pay increase, the game's gonna be at least break even anyway.

who cares dude higher returns means higher investments lmao

Go fuck yourself Jason you rat.

How much does Epic pay him?

Daily reminder that these threads are made by a mentally ill racist chink faggot who is likely to infest a western country with his presence

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>Buying the entire market off
lol, you mean like less than 1 fucking percent?

sweeney even said that they will stop with the exclusivity deals if Steam lowers it's stupidly high taxation on games. That's literally all he wants to archive with this whole crap, lowering the taxation on digital distribution in general. He talked about how fucking jewish the current digital distribution is years before EGS was a thing.

EGS is a huge money dump for Epic with the amount money they spend on it and with the low cuts they take. It's clear that his priority with EGS isn't just making as much money as possible, but just forcing the industry into a better shape for the long run.

>Jason "Gamergate is literally the second coming of 9/11 and Pearl Harbor" Schrieir

Keep the drawthread faggotry to yourself, you mega autist.

Is this real? Jason is normally speaking a pretty level headed guy. This seems out of character.

>their journalist, who at least care about their well-being
Game journalist detected

Fucking kek, why doesn't he attack Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft then? They take the industry standard 30% too.

>t. incapable of reading comprehension

>sweeney even said that they will stop with the exclusivity deals if Steam lowers it's stupidly high taxation on games
do you honestly believe this lying rat?

>t. retard

Because they have monopoly on their own platforms. You can't compete with them, but you can at least save pc from valve

>We'll become less competitive if Valve becomes more competitive.
>We're totally blowing hundreds of millions to a billion on exclusivity deals because we want to help the game industry.

To be fair, this is essentially what most any other deal with a publisher is like. It's just that indie devs don't usually have a publisher, hence the term "indie".

I wish my industry worked like that though- projects I design for thousands earn their developers millions.

>Jason is normally speaking a pretty level headed guy. This seems out of character.
He publicly slandered a person for sharing the same father as a person he doesn't like.

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>lol, you mean like less than 1 fucking percent?
>sweeney even said that they will stop with the exclusivity deals if Steam lowers it's stupidly high taxation on games. That's literally all he wants to archive with this whole crap, lowering the taxation on digital distribution in general. Hey read this:

>jason "big tits appeal to pedos" schreier is normally pretty level headed

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>save PC
>by killing cloud saves, built-in mod managers and a mod workshop, shopping carts, global regional pricing and more
Nigger what? I'm boycotting Phoenix Point because all modding has to be done manually. I can load 20 mods on a clean install of X-Com 2 with a single click on Steam.

>It's just another little bit of hard drive space that could be used for actual media
>It's just another little bit of system resource not being used for your programs
>It's just another potential system vulnerability
>It's just your library becoming a little bit more fragmented
>It's just a little bit harder to keep track of which friends are where
>It's just a little bit more auto-generated messages in your Inbox
>It's just another password to remember
>It's just another place to entrust your payment information
>It's just for a little bit more inconvenience for you, the paying customer, to put up with

The concern is if this works out for Epic it's going to encourage more and more companies to pull this shit. Look at the video streaming service how just a few years ago it was mainly just Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime: now fucking look at it as it's quickly becoming just as bad if not worse than Cable TV.

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fuck off retarded dumb chink. You have no idea what monopoly is

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Thanks for the (you)s

The problem is that devs think they're more important than consumers. They're not. They serve me. They could all go out of business for all I care, there's been enough video games released over the years already to last a lifetime. They need me more than I need them, but their arrogance won't allow them to see that.

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How does turning PC into an exclusive riddled platform save it from Valve. How exactly is Epic preventing Valve from doing by buying exclusives? If you say the 30% tax, Valve is more likely to start paying for exclusivity than lowering their share.

based and consumerpilled

Competition is good. I don't like the indie dev deal anymore because it's the fucking douchiest indie devs taking it. I love that they complain that their 'innocent child in a cruel world platformer' and walking sim games don't sell because steam doesn't promote them, but in reality it's because there's a million of you fuckers.

honestly fuck modern indie devs. Most are fart huffers who think their shitty little gimmicky games are high art and that they deserve respect while shitting on the people who play games

Wow sweetie that sounds pretty pro-consumer to me, didn't you get the memo that consumer rights make you a nazi?

>The concern is if this works out for Epic it's going to encourage more and more companies to pull this shit

Which is why GoG galaxy 2.0 is here to save the day. Their provide launcher for launchers, epic is provding api that works on every launcher.

If everything will work, every developer will have their own store and it will not trouble consumers in any way. PC gaming online distribution will be competitive for the first time in 12 years

>developers break even
>customers break even
Why do we hate Epic again?

Now that is a cope

customers break even by not buying games on the epic game store and pirating them instead

We did the thing

How do customers break even when they wouldn't have before?

I made this meme for you guys, please enjoy it

Attached: creepy wanker.png (463x591, 116K)


Because they have more money than god and they made Fortnite.

>Look at the video streaming service how just a few years ago it was mainly just Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime: now fucking look at it as it's quickly becoming just as bad if not worse than Cable TV.
Stadia will fix things.

>If everything will work, every developer will have their own store

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>Stadia will fix things.

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Well Epic rejects tons of indie games from devs who could sustain themselves while giving money to AAA publishers for exclusivity. Ubisoft and Deep Silver certainly didn't need Epic's money to break even, yet Epic paid them instead of many indie devs who really could have benefitted from that cash.

It's sad to see the guy who claims to be on the side of the little devs actively reject them when he can't get exclusivity.

>literal gambling shoehorned into games for children
>big companies buying out large chunks of the market in the name of "competition"
>devs essentially being treated like slave workers
when will you accept that the government needs to regulate the games industry?

dumb fucking clueless underage chink detected

What kills me about this argument is I accept it, but it’s still meaningless.

Yes, taking The Deal with Sweeney is good for a small developer. I understand why they are tempted to do it, especially if they are unsure of their game’s ability to sell (most of them would never realistically make as much money as he’s paying them). I don’t deny that he’s helping them out by doing this.

I’m asking why I, as a consumer and player of video games, should give two smelly french fucks if a deal is good for a developer. I only care if it’s a good deal for me. I don’t have to think Sweeney’s checkbook is a bad thing for the Superliminal devs to be pissed about not being able to play Superliminal through the service I want to use. Good for them, but bad for me, why the fuck wouldn’t I complain? I’m not getting a share of that fat exclusivity check.

Epic's rejection is merely quality control

They aren't indies if they have to cater to a large company because they're receiving checks from them.

>every developer will have their own store
>Stadia will fix everything

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Agree, government really need to break up valve monopoly

>W-we didn't want DARQ a-anyway
holy shit the COPE

>EU is trying to remove regional pricing in european states
Keep your libtard licking government out of videogames

>this make steamdrones mad

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it's already been stated that DARQ was offered due to a rogue employee


And... What game are these hacks even making?

The funniest part is Ubisoft wasn't selling most of their newer games on Steam or GoG to begin with. Epic literally paid them millions to simply not sell games on Steam which is what they were already doing. Literally free money.

epic chink cope

How will a launcher for launchers help that at all? As more shit gets locked away by various exclusivity deals competition will dwindle and we'll still get basically all those inconveniences for no benefit to the customer.

That's a valid point though, why should gamers settle for less?

Not trying to go into "gamers are oppressed" meme territory, but legit, why people, particularly with blue ticks on their twitter accounts, LOVE to criticize consumers for trying to get their money's worth?

And let's not forget that it comes EXCLUSIVELY from Americans, who normalized below average wages for serving staff in cafes/restaurants.

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>Heavy Rain


>janny steam drone is mad
Watching streamdrones seeth makes my dick hard. I unironically love seeing GOG and Epic start biting at Gabes heels, Valve is fucking garbage and has been getting worse by the year, yet still has defenders because of Half Life. They treat Valve like its their best friend. Its not only a business but a shitty one, or a great one if you're looking at it with jew vision. They stopped making games the second they could sit comfortably on their 30% and income from the marketplace.
Valve is a joke, Gabe pushes whatever he can without a care about you, paid mods, shitty sales that are a joke compared to what they used to be, trash skinnerbox games like Artifact only made to sell shit on the marketplace, no creative goal behind it what so ever.
Steam is a stagnated piece of trash that has endless problems in both its design and the sheer amount of shit on the store, shit that is let through because Valve don't give a shit about quality control. 30% of an asset flip unity shitter is still 30%, and its all about the money.
When does steam improve? Only when someone bites at it. The community upgrade would have never happened without Discord, the library upgrade would have never happened the other launchers starting to make steam look like out dated trash.
Fuck Valve, and fuck the drones. I'm smiling ear to ear seeing them ironically not get to play the one game they were born for, a drone simulator.

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why would i listen to a jew?

Ubisoft realized that steam is as good as dead, no reason to sell your game on a store that is going under

Valve isn't a monopoly by any reasonable definition.

>Metro Exodus - Best Metro game so far
>Ashen - Best soulslike game
At least you could have waited until Bloodborne gets onto PC on the EGS, this is just pathetic, user.

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Why is the indie dev community filled with these weird passive aggressive white faggots that do nothing but lash out on Twitter all day? As much as I hate you faggots for screencap posting as much as you do, these literal who's constantly seem to just be yelling at the sky all the time.

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I'm a stupid consumer,
do something that benefits ME, to win me over.
Don't deliver a shitty product and then complain that noone is using it even though "it's for a good purpose".

Its like they always say stability and security are the mother of invention

Just make better games

This absolute damage control bwahahaha

>DARQ was offered due to a rogue employee
Where is the evidence

Yes, I can imagine why they would see it that way when they charge more for their games on Steam than their own store.

Imagine actually believing this

Who fires a moderator that makes chinese wheelcheer jokes ?
Who sold the international 9, the biggest valve event, to china ?
Who bans people typing tianamen square massacre and winnie the pooh?
Who bans player from attending tournements for saying ching chong?
Who is in china in flip flops trying to please the chinese as much as possible to sell cosmetics?

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how does it feel to realize that only subhuman piece of shit devs accept the bribery of this chink extension of a company? Which makes themselves and the store itself universally hated

>Chinkshill im cope overdrive that he got conned and tgat his potential customers went to uplay store instead
But yeah, you totally didnt get tricked, its all valve's fault!

It was already stated

>how does it feel to realize that only subhuman piece of shit devs accept the bribery of this chink extension of a company? Which makes themselves and the store itself universally hated
>universally hated

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Normally, devs are the lifeblood of gaming.

Politically-charged indie devs, though, are the cancer of gaming.

Why the fuck would you buy an ubishit game on Steam or EGS when it's basically just a key to use it on the Ubishit store?

Literally every thread

I just wish for the destruction of valve for all of their anti-competitive and anti-consumer practices over the year user. For all i care bethesda can be the new main storefront

Where is the evidence

Faggot, I'm not using a storefront that steals my personal information and sends it to the fucking chinese government.
And I'm certainly not giving money to a chinese money laundering company owned by the state.

If you support Epic games store, you are a traitor to your homeland. Even if you're chinese yourself.

Rolling before I leave this shitty excuse for a thread.

We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.

We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.

We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.

Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.

Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?

These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.

Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange.

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>No u

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This is so stupid lol. Why would I ever take risks making a game if my whole company could close? This deal with Epic allows risk instead of cookie cutter AAA games.

a twitter post by that lying rat who is also the fucking CEO of the company isn't evidence. But i can't even find that

now the chink moved onto spamming wojacks. I think we broke him guys

>just forcing the industry into a better shape for the long run.
this is naive as fuck
if they want to fix the industry why don't they start by getting rid of that skinner box fortnite bullshit
f2p games are the most destructive thing in this whole industry
>yes goy our game is free but you will have to grind hours and hours to keep up with paying members and you will never keep up with whales

They absolutely have the right to put their game on whatever they want. But I won't pay for it if it's inconvenient for me.

>Stupidly high taxations
You mean the EXACT SAME taxation amount that LITERALLY EVERY OTHER PLATFORM, including CONSOLES have?

>GOG and Epic are allies
Nigger what? Tim Sweeney would love nothing more than to kill GOG.

40% is not even majority ownership you idiot.

Fuck, i really need to grind for these cosmetics in fortnite. otherwise i will be behind

now the chink moved onto spamming wojacks. I think we broke him guys

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It's not my fucking job to care about developer's and voice actors and whatever other shit. I buy a game for myself and that's the end of it. Epic store is an inferior product for the consumer. I bet you fags actually have origin installed as well

An exclusive platform is not competition, its the opposite. Steam has competitors in GoG, the various company platforms like UPlay and whatnot. Epic is the exact opposite, every game that goes on it is lost for the greater public and the only people that gets it is those that are fine with supporting Tencen and the CCP.

the other 60% is owned by Tim you fucking idiot

>they aren't indies if they do it for money.
Ok, commie

It was already stated

If an indie game could barely break even with Epic's funding as well as their sales then something tells me that no one wanted their game on that platform. Something tells me that the 85 million users number Epic keeps pulling out of their ass is Fortnite kids who just have an account already because they need it.

Isn't Fortnite on the decline? What's the new meme game?

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>"Competition good, monopoly bad"
>Except Epic is unwilling to do non-exclusive deals
>"Oh shit uhhh... d-dev welfare good tho??"

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>We like competition but not when we have to actually compete in a saturated market.
Please papa sweeney give me my allowance.

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Tim loves GoG, and CDPR loves Tim. Which is why cyberpunk is on epic

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>copying my post with a random golden face image
As if you couldn't be any madder lmao

Mate it's competition for digital retailers you fucking idiot.

Console platforms have exclusives. Sony pays big money to make a game / studio exclusive to their platform, and Microsoft does the same. Are you going to claim this is anti-competitive? No, it's competition. If Microsoft wants to beat back Sony, for example, then they should get some better exclusives, as many people have said.

Fucking idiot.

>spamming lies like a drone
>every thread
get a life drone

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It is an open secret that Epig uses data such as the amount of times a game has been wishlisted to decide which game to poach next. If I were Steam, I would fuck with them by heavily promoting the most worthless asset flip and watch Timmy make them an offer.

Competition implies rivalry, GoG does not rival steam and don't even try to. They just kinda, exsist

It was stated where


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>Tim loves GoG, and CDPR loves Tim. Which is why cyberpunk is on epic
imagine being this retarded and delusional. You'll never get your yellow greasy chink hands on Cypberpunk2077

Cyberpunk is also on steam so does this mean gog is a friend of valve

your and idiot

do they feed you enough in the Shanghai sweatshop department of EPIC?

But user, i did months ago

It's the opposite, really. The Epic money removes the risk involved in game development rather than adding it. If you have no guarantee that your game will break even, you're living more on the edge than when you know you're gonna break even.

Why don't you all just decide to either buy from Epic or not?

If you want to buy games from them, do it. If you don't, then don't.

I don't see why everyone's getting so butthurt, either shop with them or don't.

Consoles also have the hardware problem why are you comparing it to this

Valve refuses to acknowledge Epic as a competitor. When pressed about it, they grouped them in a bunch of other things.

how is this possible? It's on steam as well and epic doesnt do non exclusive deals

Some people would look at it in a slightly different light. If you know you're gonna break even, you can just half ass it from then on out.

Sony doesn't go so far as outright buy up exclusives near the release date and use it as a threat to others to lower their cut.

>Something tells me that the 85 million users number Epic keeps pulling out of their ass is Fortnite kids who just have an account already because they need it.

It's probably made up of a number of people who don't even use the damned thing for buying game. Those who use UE4 would be included, as well as people like me who originally downloaded Epic's launcher years ago for the original Fortnite beta when it was still focused on base defense, and those who got Shadow Complex for free back in 2015

>It's on steam as well and epic doesnt do non exclusive deals

They do, as long as the game is big enough to waste their time on adding it manually to their storefront. They need resources to add game, which is why they refused to sell darq. No reason to sell such a small game when barely anyone will buy it here

I've said it before and I'll say it again:

Journos are defending Epic because their exclusivity payouts put money in the pockets of their faggot indie friends. Both camps already hate the gaming industry consumerbase, so of course Epic is a win/win exclusively for them, because it removes the necessity of having to appeal to people they actively loathe.

Epic and EGS do not benefit the consumer whatsoever, and journos think that's good, and that if you choose not to use it you're just 'entitled'.

Here we see Schrier literally admitting that the appeal is primarily poor people who can make indie trash for nobody and then get a big cash payout from Epic without ever needing to sell a single copy.

Explain your autistic logic then, maybe if you think about it for 3 secs you will get what's wrong with that statement.

Imagine the shit quality of your launcher if you have to manually add new games.

Didn't that also interfere with the sale they were trying to do a while ago?

Ebic is paying to remove games from steam, not just creating new ones.

GoG is owned by cd projekt, they wouldn't not sell their own game on gog

Yes. That's why Tim is keeping games away from EGS just like he does to Steam. You're forgetting that Cyberpunk is releasing on ALL PC platforms worth a damn, including Steam. CDPR doesn't play favorites, and even if they did, it's clear that Epic wouldn't be that favorite. GoG has done tons of work to diversify the game store market while EGS has done the complete opposite. It doesn't take a fucking genius to realize why CDPR would be opposed to Epic with all the shit they're pulling. But hey, Timmy Tencent is sucking up to them on twitter, it can't be all bad, could it?

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>Why don't you all just decide to either buy from Epic or not?
It's already been decided, faggot. Nobody wants to use the EGS, they'd rather pirate
>I don't see why everyone's getting so butthurt, either shop with them or don't
>says the chink so butthurt he makes a dozen threads shilling for EGS every fucking day and gets all pissy at the pirates that refuse to use his chink botnet

i meant the epic store part

>Competition implies rivalry
What? No, competition means offering a similar product or service, if you buy a game on GOG that you could have bought on Steam instead, that's competition, it doesn't even have to be exactly the same thing, because the amount of spending income people have is limited there's indirect competition, for example between different forms of entertainment.

>just make a good game bro
Is this what v has become

I belive the sale fiasco was because publisher were butthurted that epic offered their games for lower prices than they wanted to sell them. Epic was paying the diffrence, but they were still mad for epic being pro-consumer there.

>approached darq for exclusivity
>darq says no, but allows epic to share with steam if they want
>suddenly rejected
meanwhile ooblets gets let in

stop being an entitled whiny baby nazi, incel

Define "Independent" and then look at what Epic is doing to get indie devs on their platform.

>Nobody wants to use the EGS, they'd rather pirate
Why, it's just another launcher

Go back.

epic bait Zhang

Attached: epic_revives_piracy.jpg (640x640, 41K)

Too big to ignore

Are you stupid or something?

I mean from that perspective, Epic's exclusivity deals pretty much allows for "Springtime for Hitler" scenarios where somebody makes as shitty of a product as possible in the hopes that nobody will buy it, and puts it on EGS for that sweet, free exclusivity deal cash. Only thing that can go wrong is if people actually buy their piece of shit game and rat them out.

>fund shitty devs
>now these shitty devs can keep making shitty games and not fuck off after realizing their game didn't do well for a reason
>while simultaneously boning the consumer with an inferior storefront and practices (currency exchange, e-cards, etc.)
Guess consumers just need to buy some ointment after getting fucked so hard

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>The problem is that devs think they're more important than consumers. They're not. They serve me.
This 100%. Indie devs and their journo buddies already think they are 'above' us morally.

It's unnutural for market. If your game sucks ass, or the market isn't intrested you shouldn't be rewarded with so much money anyway if the game is good it'll make enough money

because people need mental excuses to be hypocritical.

Epic does not offer exclusivity for bad games tho. They are not trying to lose money

>why? It's just another launcher
Read the fucking thread, faggot. In fact, read the other posts you fucking quoted previously for your answer
Its almost impossible to differentiate between you chinks and bots these days

This post makes no sense.

>I hate Epic! Fuck them!
>game comes out that they actually want
>W-Well... [bullshit excuse why it could be okay to buy this particular EGS title]

>Epic does not offer exclusivity for bad games tho
>Bee simulator
Jam it up your ass

>>Competition: Rivalry in which every seller tries to get what other sellers are seeking at the same time: sales, profit, and market share by offering the best practicable combination of price, quality, and service. Where the market information flows freely, competition plays a regulatory function in balancing demand and supply.

It's going to sell well, so it's a good game.

>Epic does not offer exclusivity for bad games tho.

Ah yes, the definitely not bad port of a Switch game which was a port of a mobile game

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>bullshit excuse why it could be okay to buy this particular EGS title
>when every single post related to it is literally 'Thanks for paying for my copy tim!'
Oh my fucking god, how delusional are you faggoty chinks? It's almost unreal

Nobody actually buy games from Epic, you just buy a game that gets bought out from under your feet.

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... I'm really fucking confused. You said why won't people just decide firmly that they will never vbuy Epic shit and I said it's because they will find reasons their hypocrisy isn't hypocrisy in regards to flipflopping on using EGS

what are you not grasping retard

>It's a good game because EGS paid the devs for exclusivity! and so they would make a profit!>the devs made a profit so it sold well!
>It sold well because its a good game!
>It's a good game because EGS paid the devs for exclusivity! and so they would make a profit!
See a problem here?

I've seen you break down before, faggot
>I said it's because they will find reasons their hypocrisy isn't hypocrisy
What hypocrisy? They will buy off whatever store they want. They dont want to buy off EGS, so they will pirate EGS games instead because those games aren't sold anywhere else. I see no problem here

Goat simulator made a lot of money withouth exclusivity, bee simulator will do the same with it. There is no problem, it's just coping from you

Just because they don't send mean tweets to each other doesn't mean that they aren't competing, they are literally in the same market, you are retarded.

imagine being an indie dev and thinking you are successful because a big chinese-owned company bought your POS indie vomit that nobody will ever actually play or talk about.

at least they can jerk themselves off on their private discords

>goat simulator
>a meme game that blew up because of youtube
>the game where the entire gameplay was shitting on its obvious glitches and broken physics engine
>thinking that makes it a good game
>thinking bee simulator is a good game
>Actually thinking ANY simulator is a good game
Somebody needs to review your shilling material, serioiusly. The quality of the garbage you spout is almost game-journalist tier



fifth post best post

why does every game deserve to succeed?
if you make a shit game profits should rightfully reflect that

dilate chink