I don't get it

I don't get it

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Other urls found in this thread:

darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Ringed City Hollow

>playing dark souls for lore

What escaped that egg user

who layed that egg? what came out of the egg? who is she? and how did she get that egg?


Watch Angel’s Egg

>the egg of time
How could Fromsoft rip off Skyrim like that and get away with it?

Just a dank reference bro don't think too much

>ywn travel back and time and hold Filianores hand while she presses that egg out of her asshole

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Filianore sleeps. Her sleep is enchanted and keeps TRC in a pocket dimension that's frozen in time. When you wake her up the enchantment breaks and time floods back in, yanking the place into the future. It's been a while since I played DaS3, though, I might be misremembering it.

The Dark Soul of Man™

That's all up to interpretation, because it's obvious that TRC was falling apart before the player character ever showed up. She was probably holding it back, though. People also said it was just an illusion, but looking into Dark Souls lore when it goes out of its way to be retarded with plot points such as "time and space are convoluted" is pointless.

Sneeds feed and seed, formerly chucks

The egg is a transposing kiln

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>"time and space are convoluted"
People refer to this a lot but Solaire said this only in reference to how co-op is supposed to work in-universe

I thought it was one of these buggers?

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user don't be stupid, this mechanic is used to summon Dusk

Do you see crab pincers in the OP pic, user? Plus the thing isn't solid.

thats ok. miyazaki doesnt either.

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There's a reason why the Untended Graves exists as it does in Dark Souls 3. It's a legitimate plot point in the game series. How else are you going to explain crap like the Graves or Ringed City?

>but looking into Dark Souls lore when it goes out of its way to be retarded with plot points such as "time and space are convoluted" is pointless.
This is a very low IQ argument

The fuck is this

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Then why can you just bonfire back to the other place again?

Underrated as hell.

Yeah TRC was falling apart before the player showed up because everyone's fucking dead. There's a difference between urban neglect and the whole place being literally turned to dust like the dreg heap, though. The butthurt pygmy guy at the start of the DLC zone basically tells you exactly what I posted, though.

Why can you just bonfire back and forth out of Oolacile?

Crab that drops rare shit. I do t remember how it works but it's somehow tied to online shit.

dropping items/humanity causes them to be sent to other players' worlds at random. If you kill the crab thing the loot it drops corresponds to something another player dropped in their world while online.

Except that the place was clearly getting corrupted. Did you forget the fucking swamp? Midir was also losing its mind to boot. Even if the Ashen One never showed up, Ringed City would have fallen at some point. The fact that the egg was cracking and disintegrating gives evidence to this.

You have to be so bad the game literally starts telling you to git gud. That's how they work

But the Dark Soul was distributed among humans before Gwyn got wind of it and made trc to contain it.

I have played the game for over 200 hours and I've never encountered these things

Not distributed evenly. The Pygmy gave the lion's share of it to the Pygmy Lords who were like royalty and shit to humans and who lived in TRC, they got cancelled by Gwyn while the plebs who had little itty bitty pieces were left free to roam around.

>when your little campfire burns the world to ashes countless millennia later

FUCK swamps

My question was sincere. I dont know this shit, and its not my fault. Its because miyazaki-sama intentionally creates a confusing af ''lore'', and cum guzzling lorefags chase to complete the puzzle, but theres no completing it. Not only because of a lack of pieces, but because the great miyazaki-same never even had a complete picture to begin with. And yet said cum guzzling lorefags will keep insisting that Dark Souls lore is deep. But nah, its just pretentiousness.

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>There's a reason why the Untended Graves exists as it does in Dark Souls 3

Yeah, it's called messy game development.

The answer is the bonfire warping lets you time travel, user. That's always how it worked. After Filianore wakes up, TRC is thrown into the future where it should have always been. You can always bonfire back into the past to go back to before she woke up.

This is such a stupid excuse, literally every game goes through like 10 edits on the way to the final version, the only reason soulsfags make such a big deal about the rough drafts of the game is because autistic lorefags datamine every byte of memory on the disc and then try to pretend that cut content is canon.

>If it is the dark soul thou desirest...
>Then seek Filianore's church, at the base of the cliff.
>There wilt thou the sleeping Princess awaken.
>... Her slumber is a deceit ...
>A lid covering an overgrown privy: a prop to keep thee from the dark soul of thine desire.

How did Gael reach the real Ringed City without waking up princess?

It was always going to be the way it was, only the bosses were going to be different.

>the bonfire let's you time travel
>time is convoluted

This was pretty novel in Ds1 but who knew it would become such tiresome shit after just 2 games. Boring fucking "plot-hole-b-gone" that's never utilized in an interesting or engaging way.

I mean, it's not like you woke up the princess when you took the demon express to show up. Don't you see his message right before them as well, after killing the Demon Prince? I think he arrived the same way you did.

This post sounds like you're just mad that what you thought was a plot hole actually wasn't and now you don't have a reason to complain anymore.

The egg is Midir's.

I could see it being one of two ways. When the Ashen One touched the egg and broke it, he got stuck in time and traveled to the end of the world, while everything else kept on going, so Gael just walked past him at some point. Or Gael just found another way there, who knows. Who cares? The former makes some sense, though. I guess? It could explain why Gale says "what? Still here?" during his intro cutscene.

Dark Souls 3's storyline is extremely obtuse. You can sort of make sense of it on a surface level but good fucking luck trying to make sense of any kind of timeline of events. I don't know if too much stuff got cut and shuffled around or if they really wanted to be like a nightmare that makes no sense

then why isn't she there after i wake her up?

if time is so convoluted it allows shit like this why cant i have 1000 versions of me travel to the same time and gangrape everything?

You have to eat all the eggs

Maybe watch some based lore videos then

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Not that guy but what exactly do you think summoning is, user?

what's up with his neck?

What exactly is obtuse about it?
You've got the twin princes who were supposed to link the fire but they bailed on the job so now everything is fucked. Past linkers of the flame got resurrected to deal with the problem and you got resurrected to help hunt them down. Meanwhile Sillyman is busy fucking shit up because he's got beef with Anor Londo and everyone in it.

Fate Stay Night is more appropriate. Angel's Egg do not deal with World Eggs.

The best part is that unless you use binoculars to peek inside, you won't spot WHY its important.
Inside the egg is the sealed future: Collapse, ruin and crumble.
The egg is cracking because the place IS falling apart, because of the Humanity that is bottled up.

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It's literally an Angel's Egg reference, don't look too deep into it.

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Someone dies with a shitload of souls/ humanity then you see one of these in your world.

I've seen two near Kiln.

I saw a lot when farming chunks in New Londo

such is your curse
such is your curse
such is your curse
such is your curse
such is your curse
such is your curse

Why couldn't you join him?

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Is Gwyn the worst dad in vidya?


The "real world" in Dark Souls 3 is the ashen wasteland that you see the pilgrims traversing at the beginning as well as the wasteland you fight Gael inside. Everything is so far into the future and so fucked that the world is just ash desert with scattered ruins. Londor exists out there somewhere and seems to be the only kingdom that's still alive, and it's a kingdom of Hollows/Darkwraiths worshipping Kaathe.

Lothric and the Ringed City are effectively ""bubbles"" where time, space and continuity has been folded and jammed together like six different jigsaws into a single puzzle. From what we can gather, Lothric is tied together by the Kiln/the First Flame and The Ringed City is tied together by the egg. Lothric is a land made up of slices and chunks taken from countless kingdoms from different parts of time and space, that's why characters from kingdoms long long long gone that should be dead are alive and well in Lothric.

The best evidence towards this is the Dragonslayer Armor and the existence of two Patches. The first Patches is the one inside Lothric that's clearly Lordran/DS1 era wearing the same clothes and showing no signs of Hollowing. The second one is the Patches we find in the Ringed City who has managed to survive the entire fucking time but is basically about to go Hollow until we help him.

When the egg is cracked, whatever was preserving the Ringed City in it's little bubble of time/space is popped and The Ringed City is connected with the "real" outside world and reduced to ashes just like everything else.

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How do you go between bubbles?

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Big if true

Assuming that Lothric behaves the same as as TRC just raises more questions than answers. Who bubbled Lothric? Everyone in charge of Lothric just wants the place to die off. I always thought that you just waited for like a million years for the Kiln to arrive at Lothric when the world collapsed in on itself.

paint the fucking picture you whore

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The insight on this guy.

time is le convoluted

Hopefully ds4 is good

I dropped Dark Souls 3 because it was too similar to the other ones just way too similar especially blood-borne I don't want blood-borne and Dark Souls fused together so convince me to pick Dark Souls 3 back up

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based tanned hand poster

This You don't get it. The egg is an egg. There is nothing in the egg. What matters is filianore's faith in the egg, and her believe that something important is in it, which is why her spell, or more accurately her miracle, of keeping the ringed city, and potentially the world, in a time suspension fades when she awakes and why she then dies. Its because she realizes that she was duped by Gwyn, who used her as just another puzzle piece to keep his reign over the world going.

It's bubble only in the sense that the immediate region is affected/special. I used the world bubble because its just a shorthand. As shown by the Pilgrims and the fact that I'm pretty sure Lothric castle appears as ruins in the distance of the Ashen wasteland, you can literally walk into Lothric from the outside world. It's secluded from the rest of the world in a similar fashion to how Lordran was, as in it wasn't literally a seperate entity from the rest of the world but it is hard to reach and on its own terms in terms of time and space.

>Who bubbled Lothric? Everyone in charge of Lothric just wants the place to die off

Who or whatever made Lothric into a "transitory land" that mashes up kingdoms and began the ritual of linking the fire that we see in DS3 with the tolling bell, Firelink Shrine et cetera. The best answer we're given is that it's the First Flame itself. The vibe I got was that it was some sort of strange universal mechanism or reaction by the First Flame, not the decision of a single being like the isolation of the Ringed City. It's not answered clearly but I think who or what started the ball rolling on the nightmare realm of Lothric doesn't really matter.

Ds2 lore is the worst
>Go to Drangleic to cure your curse, fair enough
>Emerald Herald tells you to usurp the king for some reason
I had no idea what I was doing in that game.

Transitory lands is not a spell. It's a simple consequence of the fact that the first flame is fading. Remember: disparity is born of fire, not the other way around. As the fires begin fading, so too does the disparity that upholds existence. This includes things like:

Life vs death (undeath)
Past vs present vs future (time is convoluted)
World A and world B (summoning)
Location A and location B (transitory lands)

Nobody needs to cast a spell to make space start folding itself into a pretzel.

Gael was a terrible final note to end the series on, and the ringed city was a complete letdown

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>dude by like why wasn't the final boss some epic reference???

Stop posting this retarded fanfiction. The bottom part is completely made up.

it's the classic "deep" japanese story telling. Just random cool things with no particular meaning behind them but retarded plotfags can't appreciate that so they try hard to find a meaning and connect the dots

She literally tells you why, though

Gael probably did what Ganondorf did in OoT, waited until someone stepped on a time trap and grabbed the price by himself.

>Me watch anime/read manga
>Me like what I see
>Me take elements and insert them into my generic fantasy game
>Me am smart.
>Buy game

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>Me watch hollywood movies/tv shows
>Me like what I see
>Me take elements and insert them into my generic action game
>Me am smart.
>Buy game

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You are only told "to break the curse you must seek the king, that is the only way..." for the first 4/5th of the game. And then after you get to Drangleic Castle and meet Nashandra/Vendrick they stop telling you to "break the curse" and just tell you to go to the throne of want. What even is the throne of want and why should I care about it?


I was so hoping that the orginal Pygmy dude just split the Dark Soul into many pieces and basically created humanity that way just to take it all back once the individual pieces have grown stronger and multiplied so what he would get back is a much stronger Dark Soul and the process of the Pygmy taking it back is what is known as hollowing. Or maybe I can still make it my headcanon somehow.

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>Egg literally holds "the dark soul"
>Princess is holding the "curse" back.
>Ashen one makes the curse run free
>Gael takes the dark soul so blood can be liquid and be used to make an immortal painting
>Gael does this because he believes that you, the Ashen one, will come and slay him AND return the blood to his lady to paint a world that isn't shit.

Pretty much everything past Vendrick boils down to "why am I even doing this?".

>the process of the Pygmy taking back the Dark Soul is hollowing
What? Hollowing is just you dying and then being resurrected by undeath but now you don't have a soul. Did you think that the Pygmy somehow teleports to your location to steal humanity off your corpse every time you die to shit like the Anor Londo archers, or something?

you can pretend the FP was gael and that he played the really REALLY long game to get the painting made

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why do you put your fat hand in every pic you post?

But this guy is the Furtive Pygmy, though

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Why did you steal some poor guy's Souls collection?

Being a hollow is the original state of man. When they get a piece of the Dark Soul they become what is known as a human.

isn't Hollowing just a state of the mind?, that's why Patches starts hollowing, he's losing his will to live.

The game's only criterion for deciding if you are hollow or not is whether or not you are a jerky man. Bullshit about "dude you're not REALLY a hollow unless you've gone crazy" is just hollows trying to cope.

Hollowing is a return to the pre-fire human-things. You see them discovering the First Flame beneath a tree in the opening of DS1.

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>and that he played the really REALLY long game to get the painting made
But what does that make Ariamis, the original painter? Also how many guys did Ariamis kill to make that painting?

This doesn't change what I said. How do you "return to pre-fire things?" You die and lose your humanity. That's it.

Yes, but once you start becoming a Demigod you have a stronger mind.
Which is why its important to have souls: It could make you more resistant, godly and less hollow. But only by proxy.

Its a bit different from Demon Souls where I don't even WTF they hoarded souls for.
Especially since you needed assistance to transform yourself.

Thats a good point, But its quite a bit different from being sane.
You can be sane and hollow. Its just not a long term bet.

You aren't truly hollow if you die in Dark Souls and look like beef jerky. Look at the merchants in undead burg for example, they look hollow as fuck but they aren't quite over the edge yet, they are still holding on to their souls. Crestfallen also comments on it when he sees you hollowing, he doesn't outright refer to you as a hollow but that you are damn close to it

but in dark souls 1 the "pessimist" guy did go hollow went he lost his purpose. that purpose was laugh at everyone's misfortune or something like that. Same happened to Siegmeyer. Going crazy is related to the hollowing proccess somehow.

Humans without Humanity is a Hollow.
A hollow is the true, original form of humans, before pygmy shared the dark soul.

He didn't. Gael was fighting the whole time.

>He literally just vanished if you didn't kill him
He is still around I tell you

And yet the game makes no difference. Die and then try using a soapstone. It will tell you "hollows cannot conduct summons." It's right in the description.
You are PHYSICALLY hollowed from the moment you die. Undead culture, in which basically everyone is a hollow, only considers someone "hollowed' if they're also braindead on top of it -- which is tied into keeping your motivation alive.

It's not all fanfiction if a lot of it is true and has hidden files to prove it.

So that's mean the "humanity" of man is his "consciousness".
You lose this "consciousness" by dying or going crazy.

Your soul is what makes you "you." It contains your thoughts, memories, personality, etc. This is literally why making boss weapons out of their souls even works. When you die and lose your soul, you normally turn into a zombie because everything that would usually keep the lights on upstairs has suddenly vanished. Undead can stave this off through sheer force of will (determination/motivation/bullshit/etc) which is why if you've got a cause to fight for you won't immediately go insane.

by this logic, was gael really in hollow state when we encounter him?.

Attached: bloodofthedarksoul.png (304x573, 100K)

You look.... comfortable.

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Gael goes hollow during phase 3 of the boss fight because that is the one and only phase where the hollow slayer sword (+damage against hollows) starts working on him
>Not watching limit breakers

Something something a dragon something something bla bla hahaha... Hehe.. Heh.

Thats dark souls writing for you

Gael's will power was probably god like or even beyond that considering all gods are death by that time.

Not really.
"There's a darkness within man..."
The theme is humanity is inherently related to dark/darkness and the undead curse is just bringing that nature to surface. The item Humanity are fragments of the Dark Soul, and without it you are a Hollow, the true form humans came from and what lies underneath: rotting meat without purpose.
This is also related to darkwraiths hunt for Humanity. By taking it from humans, they spread the hollowing.

Oh, time to watch the video. Thanks mate

The "basic" nature of LITERALLY everything in the Dark Souls universe is a hollow. Humans are not unique. Rats hollow. Dogs hollow. Gods hollow.

>isn't Hollowing just a state of the mind?

To be hollow is to be without a soul, that soul is made of fire that comes from the first flame. This is why you always hear the adages like "the fire fades" "vessel for souls" and "the soul and the curse are one and the same", it's like everyone loses their minds when they become self aware of the inevitable rot and lack of purpose everything is.

you can lose your humanity when you lose your reason to live or go crazy, by that point you are no longer "man" but "hollow".
Dying takes some humanity from the undead one, but an undead doesn't neccesarily need to die to go hollow.

Thats besides the point. The game is about the Dark Soul and the lie of humanity. You always see this recurring theme of lies, illusion and the nature of man. That's the narrative thread of the games. What we call humanity, is a lie that you can embrace or fight against.

undead in specific, can be reborn, essentialy making them immortal. is the undead curse for a reason.

A good analogy would be people with low energy, that the fire inside of you burns low.

what about londor, a civilization of hollows? If everyone were brain dead, the couldnt send agents to fuck with the fire constantly

They are non exclusives processes. Losing will and "focus"; and losing fragments of the dark souls. They are related and all end up with you going hollow. Apparently you can hold on to your dark soul by will alone but that doesnt mean a dark hand cant come and strip it from you.

Correct, by that logic dying also makes you lose those "fragments".

Yes but humans aren't unique in their ability to turn undead, either. As I recall, the giant rats that you fight everywhere are called "undead rats" in the official guides and shit.



What about patches? He literally scammed people until the death of the universe, now that's willpower

The Elden Egg

What is the dark souls storyline even supposedly saying about the human condition, life, philosophy or anything else of value?
It seems to me that it is a puzzle which isn't saying much of anything, I mean who gives a fuck how the fantasy science of this world works in regards to zombies

He's pretty good too, but can't be compared to gael.
Patches was destined to go hollow until the ashen one helped him, gael wasn't hollow UNTIL the ashen one beat the humanity out of him.

Nothing lasts forever

This part completely made me lose interest in the lore of the dark souls universe. Nothing about it is explained or makes sense.

What is it? An egg? Why is it cracked? Why is the cunt asleep? Was she guarding it? Why does it shatter? Why does the object shattering transport you to the end of time, or maybe it dispells an illusion? Why is there a single dickwraith between you and Gael at the end of time?

Fucking Memezaki.


Wow that's deep gotta go invest in nothing then

>speaking the truth
Oh boy. Good luck making people admit that 99% of DS "official lore" is actual just fan constructions based on fan constructions based on fan constructions.

>When the egg is cracked, whatever was preserving the Ringed City in it's little bubble of time/space is popped and The Ringed City is connected with the "real" outside world and reduced to ashes just like everything else.
Then explain why you can go back

The flow of time and space is convoluted.

>ummm DUDE u only know what u know there could be more xD
Literally any philosophical statement can be made to sound shallow

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The NPC you meet at the beginning of the zone literally explains it to you, brainlet

What does he say

darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Ringed City Hollow

Bullshit, he doesn't explain anything of importance.

He tells you that (a) the Dark Soul is in TRC, (b) that it's hidden, and (c) that the Princess being asleep is keeping it hidden, that everything you see is a trick meant to suppress what's really going on. Then you go and wake the princess up, whatever spell she casts is broken, and you expose the objective just like he said.

It's a reference to the anime film "Angel's Egg."

Attached: Angels Egg.jpg (1016x1014, 314K)

the boss arena its probably more than an illusion, it may as well be "another" dimension since you can use the bonfire to teleport to the boss area, this boss area is probably where every pigmy is located and that also maybe the reason why we don't see these pigmies on ring city.

There was no "real" Ringed City, TRC was simply suspended in time thanks to Filianore's magic. Once you wake her up, only you don't experience the passage of time that's been halted while she slumbered as the timeline "catches up" with the rest of the world. During this entire time, Gael was slaying pygmies and gathering up the dark soul.

Headcanon like this is why no one takes Souls lore seriously. You pass through several time periods in DS3, but they're not all stuck in a "bubble" aside from TRC. There's the Age of Dark in Untended Graves, the entire main game (the "present"), the Kiln and the Dreg Heap (the "near future"), the TRC bubble (the future bust stuck in the "past"), and the ashen wasteland (the "far future" at the end of the world). There is nothing left in existence at the end of TRC; cycles are meaningless, and the world's returned to an Age of Grey. There's a very evident timeskip in the end of the main game though, when you use the bonfire in Firelink and warp forward to a much emptier much darker Firelink with the entire world converging in on the First Flame, which also happens to be the Dreg Heap.

this would explain why TRC looked so good despite it's age. it literally didn't exist or was a next level illusion where it replicated the original TRC.

>and the world's returned to an Age of Grey
Bold of you to say this, given that you witness the lights turning off at the end of Gael's bossfight. It's like how Anor Londo turns nighttime in DaS1. You're like t-minus 0 seconds to the onset of the age of dark. Somewhere in the distance you and the firekeeper are watching the flame die out in the kiln.

To teach him to git gud.

Hollowing in the sense of losing your mind is a result of the first flame eating a little bit of you every time you die. This isn't supposed to happen and was entirely a result of Gwyn linking the First Flame to humanity.

Dark Souls 2 may have been a terrible souls game but Aldia lore is fantastic.

Is it even possible for the world to go back to how it was in the age of ancients? Say the first flame goes out. What replaces it? Darkness. But darkness is defined as not-Fire. Disparity is obviously still alive, in some trivially weak form. Then it's not like darkness rolls back to expose new grey. The Fire Keeper says that new flames will be born amidst the darkness and reinvigorate the world. So the cycle will now go -light -> dark -> light -> dark ->. No more grey, ever.

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The Age of Dark isn't just the lack of fire, it's an age where Dark will actively usher. After you defeat Gael, you're essentially the last being in the world, and you hold the Dark Soul. The world's state can't even be considered an age of "dark" anymore where pygmies will rule, it's simply returning to its natural state of grey and stagnancy.

tl;dr darkness =/= age of Dark. Age of Dark is specifically identified as the antithesis to the Age of Fire where the Dark Soul rules

grey sucks and fucks the world, the fire was meant to fade.

I dunno about that one, chief. At the end of the game when you're with the Firekeeper, her words are "the first flame quickly fades. Darkness will shortly settle." She doesn't say "the first flame quickly fades. Soon the world will be unformed, shrouded in fog. A land of grey crags, archtrees, and everlasting dragons."

The only difference with the world's new state is that there are no archtrees or dragons present anymore, just the ashes of the past worlds. In a sense, you could call it the Age of Ash. It's also questionable as to whether or not the flames would ever even come back anymore, although it's a possibility. The main game Age of Dark ending does hint at the nature of the cycle being Fire > Dark > (embers) > Fire etc., and the existence of Untended Graves hints at this heavily, but there is a certain sense of finality to the scene painted at the end of TRC, and I just have a hard time believing that anything's coming back from that.

How does dark souls expand on the theme then? Because it seems to me most of the "plot" that people spend hours piecing together has absolutely nothing to do with the theme of holding on to something which is destined to fade, and it's more about the godawful convoluted plot mechanics on how exactly a zombie plague happened, except we can't call it a zombie plague because it wouldn't sound profound
Gwyn is pretty much the only character with any relation to the theme you mentioned, and the depth of its connection to it is 'gwyn did bad things in order to hold on to an age of prosperity' and that's where it ends, because the rest of his story is about the bad things he did and how fucking convoluted they are (he gifted the pigmy lords who inherited the dark soul from their progenitor and whom also happen to be the ancestors of humanity his daughter who sleeps and dreams and in her dreams she keeps them sealed in an illusion so that they never realized gwyn fucked over their successors by doing even more convoluted magic on the humans so that their dark soul never overtakes the light) when thematically and character wise, there is absolutely no reason for things to be this convoluted
Dark Souls isn't really about shit and piecing together the lore is a waste of time

>people unironically want another "I CLAPPED WHEN THEY REFERENCED THE THING" dark souls game.

fucking why.

That's exactly what I'm saying, when you snuff out the First Flame, there's still a thousand other pygmies around that will usher in the new age of Dark (Londor being one), as well as an active "population". The world will still "exist", albeit in complete darkness. The ending to TRC is vastly different; every living thing has been destroyed in some way or another, the Dark Soul is in your hands and on its way to the painting, and once you defeat Gael and leave, the world's finally returned to its natural state of stagnancy: no souls, no fire, just gray.

I've heard plenty of theories but one of them is that the Age of Dark will naturally lead the grey as its defined by Fire and during the Age of Ancients everyone was a hollow to begin with and the First Flame awoke them.

The cycle seems to be Grey -> Fire -> Dark -> Grey but due to fuckery it kept going Fire -> Dark over and over again which it isn't supposed to do. In a way going Dark to grey makes a lot of sense because the "Ancient Dragons" are just the people on the Path of the Dragon who succeeded and more Primordial Serpents are created by the people who failed to become Dragons as the Pus of Man looks strangely like them and they seem to be associated with Dragons.

Though the meme theory is of course that everything goes still and the painting is how life continues.

>I don't want sequels!

The presence of the light -> dark -> light cycle doesn't mean that the ending to TRC is not a finality. What TRC makes clear is that in the age of dark, there is LITERALLY nothing. The world has been obliterated. If you were to wave a magic wand to make the inky void of the Untended Graves transparent, there wouldn't be anything behind the darkness, just a sea of ashes and some random rocky outcrops scattered here and there. Even if a new world is destined to be born at some point, it won't be THIS world. Nothing is left. It's over.

The world in DS3 was in the process of reverting. The world itself was going hollow, with the darksign sun being the symbol of that. Did you notice humans turning into trees? And how the pilgrim butterflies look like dragons? And how the pus of man is draconic? The world before was just fog, trees, and dragons.

>I've heard plenty of theories but one of them is that the Age of Dark will naturally lead the grey as its defined by Fire and during the Age of Ancients everyone was a hollow to begin with and the First Flame awoke them.
But this is contradicted by the Firekeeper's words at the end of the game, which imply a straight jump from darkness back to light without any "fading" darkness in between.

>There is a girl with a painting that contains both Fire and the Dark Soul
>One day it will eventually combust to form a new world which she has painted

Hang on a sec, how does anything in TRC support anything you just said? In fact, I'd say that the existence of the Lord of Hollows ending, the Age of Dark ending, and the Untended Graves hint at the complete opposite. It's not unrealistic to believe that Untended Graves takes place in the far past, in a previous actual Age of Dark. And it's not unrealistic to believe that at some point, what the Firekeeper said would happen did (embers came back). There is nothing that would suggest that an Age of Dark "deletes" everything.

But when you hand the dark soul over to the painter, she isn't going to delete it from existence. It gets put into the painting. Just because it's now smeared on a canvas doesn't stop it from being present in the world. The Dark Soul is still there, being darkness and shit.

Firekeepers aren't omniscient. They can see the future at least some but nothing would imply she knows for sure.

>Hang on a sec, how does anything in TRC support anything you just said?
Because the sky doesn't turn un-dark after Gael dies. The world is fading into darkness, not into greyness.

Pus of Man have more in common with serpents than with Dragons

Yes, but it's no longer in the same timeline. You effectively travel to another world entirely (Painted World) to deliver the Dark Soul to the painter. Not only does it not belong in the same world anymore, it's safe to assume it's not even the same era anymore, since the Painted World seems to have its own timeline.

The Souls games' biggest theme is fatality, but you're obviously too sheltered in your safe opinion to want to have a discussion about it.

>Because it seems to me most of the "plot" that people spend hours piecing together has absolutely nothing to do with the theme of holding on to something which is destined to fade
Gwyn's plotting and sacrifice to extend his age of fire.
Gwyndolin's illusions and scheming with Frampt to keep his father's kingdom going.
The entirety of DS3 with the world coming apart at the seams from people extending Gwyn's plan for way too long.
Friede's obsession with holding onto Ariandel while it rots around her.
The ultimate conclusion of DS2 and DS3's DLCs are finding something new, beyond the cycle, rather than prolonging it.

I always interpreted the sky changing colors as the First Flame giving its final breath. If you notice, despite the presence of light in the sky before the fight, there is no sun.

>you're essentially the last being in the world
Wait, I thought that after illusion is broken you just return to the present youtu.be/_zDZYrIUgKE?t=11

>You effectively travel to another world entirely (Painted World) to deliver the Dark Soul to the painter.
user, you are aware that she's going to have to exit the painting to keep the new one safe, right? The painting she's currently in is burning down around her.

The pus of man was coming out of the bridge drakes too though. Remember how the serpent ring says that serpents are failed dragons? The serpents also have very human faces. If humanity is involved in the origin of dragons, maybe the serpents are literally failed dragons that didn't complete their transformation, left over from some previous cycle.

Well yeah, it's cloudy. Come on, user, you're in the timeframe where you know for a fact that the first flame is dying, and then the world starts shitting it's pants (see: lightning everywhere that hurts both you and Gael), then the sky turns permanently night. That was the first flame going out, but it's not greyness that happens, it's darkness.


>Did you notice humans turning into trees? And how the pilgrim butterflies look like dragons? And how the pus of man is draconic?
All of this is Abyss corruption, though. You'll also notice that Chaos monsters look like trees. It's not that souls naturally turn into trees, it's that when you fuck with souls and mutate the shit out of them they turn into trees.

there is not actual real lore
they give you small things that all could potentially be put together in any way
because thats what keeps people talking about the game
same way silent hill is also still loved to this day
you can keep speculating on a bunch of things in that game
there is no answer

What is it that you define as "present" in DS3? That's probably the more important question. The "present" is simply a chronological point of reference compared to other events and whatnot. When you're fighting Gael, the end of the world is effectively the "present". But when you're in TRC, or even playing through the main game, it's in the "future". Time moves in a generally linear direction in Souls games, although there is a lot of room for fuckery through bonfires/magic, like what happens with Filianore.

>user, you are aware that she's going to have to exit the painting to keep the new one safe, right? The painting she's currently in is burning down around her.
Why do you seem to think that it's necessary for the integrity of the painting to be preserved in order for the world inside of it to exist? You enter Ariamis through a literal scrap of paper from the actual painting. It's safe to assume that the painting itself merely acts as a portal back and forth between the dimensions, and she doesn't seem too hard pressed to leave.

You keep using semantics to drive your point, but you're completely misunderstanding mine. Yes, it is "darkness" settling in when the fight with Gael is over; in the most literal sense of the word. I'm making a distinction between darkness and the Age of Dark.They're not strictly reciprocal.

What does dark souls have to say about fatality?
This other guy
Just posted some plot shit which again, is convoluted for the sake or being a puzzle which is ultimately meaningless
Don't get me wrong most videogames aren't about anything either, but souls is talked about as if it were this high art and I'm calling bullshit on it because while the theme is mentioned, it doesen't really say much about it
My point being, that all the convoluted plot mechanics are just there as bait to make a very simple game story sound that much deeper than it actually is
If the plot were much simpler, say gwyn unleashed a zombie curse to make sure civilization never gets to the point where they can challenge the gods but it eventually fucks up the world without all the fucking bullshit about dark souls, fragments, manus, eggs, pygmies, a million different armies that marched and occupied the same lands, it would have expressed the same exact thought but nobody would give a fuck about it because it would be presented in a straightforward way

I would agree with this statement if we were talking about doing something like ripping up the painting scrap while she was still in it, but burning the place down is the one thing that everyone in AoA says will absolutely destroy it. Painting girl's gonna have to pack up and gtfo at some point otherwise the painting she's currently working on will get btfo and all that effort will be wasted.

I'm telling you that trying to make this distinction is pointless because in the Age of Ancients the very conceptual idea of "darkness" (in any form) does not exist in the first place.

Well yes. Serpents being failed dragons is perfectly fine as there is an entire path for the people who would actually become stone dragons and succeed. Dark Souls 3 contains all the parts for a new AoA.
>Pilgrims become Arch-Trees
>Pus of Man becomes new Serpents
>Dragon Path results in new Stone Dragons
>A bunch of immortal neither alive nor dead hollows with no minds doing absolutely nothing

>Just posted some plot shit which again, is convoluted for the sake or being a puzzle which is ultimately meaningless
It's not convoluted just to create a puzzle. It's that way because Miyazaki used to read fantasy novels in English as a kid even though he could barely read English. So he wanted Dark Souls to have that same mysterious, half-understood feeling for the sake of atmosphere. The lore is actually not convoluted at all, it's just a shitload of small fragments scattered among item descriptions with a lot of spaces for you to fill in with your imagination.

>literal lore of the game is that the world is going to shit no matter what
>most simply lay down their arms and accept their fate with an eager anxiousness
>some choose to struggle in vain against their fate by any means
>at one point, they go so far that you start wondering if the world they created is even worth preserving
I mean, there's so much more to it but if you can't see it, I'd recommend finding a Smash thread to post in. Those seem more fit for your particular attention span.

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Responded to the wrong guy, meant for And to respond to you, it's burning the painting from WITHIN that destroys it. Regardless, even assuming she was to go back outside the painting, there's nothing to suggest that she would somehow end up in the ashen wastes.

The idea of darkness didn't exist in the Age of Ancients simply because there was no antagonizing concept to contrast it with. If everything is black, then nothing is: if there is no flame to create disparity between Light and Dark, then there IS no Light and Dark.

the important stuff is already explained, at this point everyone wants everything explained, but some things don't have an explanation.

>If everything is black, then nothing is: if there is no flame to create disparity between Light and Dark, then there IS no Light and Dark.
This is where you're wrong, though, in the world after the fire dies there are tiny flames dancing around in the distance within the darkness, it's just that they're small and feeble and can't keep the lights on. The firekeeper says this. Hell in the Untended Graves (a legit age of dark by everyone's admission) you can still find the Coiled Sword Fragment which has a visible ember on it.

Disparity is simply not a Pandora's Box that can be shut.

>Disparity is not a Pandora's box that cannot be shut
I'm not the guy you are arguing with but that isn't true. Disparity requires two things and if the age of fire ended then so too will the age of dark. The First Flame may be gone by the end of Dark Souls 3 but Dark still remains. Eventually it will fade too.

Again, you're misunderstanding the point. The "cycle" that the Firekeeper defines is going back and forth between the Age of Fire and the Age of Dark. The thing is, there is still a certain amount of disparity within the Age of Dark. We know that "souls" can still exist (albeit surely at a much weaker intensity) from the Untended Graves, and the continuing existence of the Firekeeper after she snuffs out the First Flame (despite her existence being tethered to Fire). My point being, the end of TRC is exceptional for its finality. At last, there is no longer any semblance of disparity once you leave after defeating Gael; just an endless barren gray ashen waste and the empty ruins of past civilization: no fire, no soul.

Just like all the hollows that came to the kingdom, you lost yer way and purpose and let yerself be manipulated by the Herald. You actually can cure the curse by way of DLC questing and teaming with Aldia

>Disparity requires two things
Wrong, it only requires one thing. The idea of any one concept sparking disparity is a basic cornerstone of occult thinking. You can't think of Light without your brain automatically conceiving of an opposite thing, and vice-a-versa. Identifying any concept also creates an opposite concept.

Both true

Except by definition that's not how it works because if you have an age of (not-fire) then there is still a disparite opposite to the not-fire that you're using to define the state of the world (aka fire) which means that disparity isn't dead.

Yeah that was really weird, I wonder where he went

tT's too bad you can't use the bonfire to warp into a good game.

Not him, but you're jumping on a very time-consuming and rhetorical metaphysical argument that doesn't really apply here, and that I'm not really willing to follow you through. From a strictly logical perspective, if only one thing exists, then there is no disparity.

>the end of TRC is exceptional for its finality. At last, there is no longer any semblance of disparity once you leave after defeating Gael; just an endless barren gray ashen waste and the empty ruins of past civilization: no fire, no soul.
>just an endless barren gray ashen waste
You keep saying this but it isn't true. Before Gael dies, the sun is out. After Gael dies, it's night time. Neither is gray. When the sun turns off in DaS1 after killing Gwyndolin, is that described as "gray?" No. It's described as "dark anor londo." There is still disparity around.

>plaid pants
Nigga what's wrong with you?

>From a strictly logical perspective, if only one thing exists, then there is no disparity.
No, because if Dark exists then there has to be a Not-Dark. The age of fog is grey because there is no Light or Dark, it simply is. The existence of Darkness at all creates disparity.

Have you seen the intro to DS1? Notice how the sky is completely dark and there is no light anywhere as the world's being shown. This still defined as a grey Age of Ancients, instead of an Age of Dark. You're doing that thing again where you're arguing semantics vs in-lore explanation.

I know why it is the way it is. What I'm trying to say, is that it's a gimmick. This is not the shining, where the theme of native american genocide is mostly hidden in the background because the director wanted to express how the history of the united states was being ignored by the wide population.
Hell it's not even Killer7, if you want a videogame example, in which the background of the events going on is unknown to the main character because he's a victim of state funded propaganda and manipulation, to the point where character transitions are handled through televisions and security cameras and even the loading screens are television statics.
Dark Souls is similar to Stephen King's the dark tower (a series which eventually goes to shit, but brought up some very interesting ideas along the way) in that it is set in a dying world and it portrays a desperate struggle for that world to go on, while the characters come across disparate fragments of a world that once was. The difference being that the dark tower actually deals with the way the characters relate to their setting, and how the main character especially finds strenght in tradition and stoicism to face a universe that does not make any sense.
The theme in dark souls, is expressed through dialogue by the two serpents in the first fucking game. It's not hidden, nor is it encoded. It boils down to, gwyn created a cycle of sacrifice to keep his kingdom going for a little while longer, and I either agree or disagree with it. I guess ds3 eventually shows that gwyn was wrong all along since life is shit for everyone even in the age of fire at that point.

user there is a difference between misty clouds and the night sky.
>you're arguing semantics
I'm telling you that what you are trying to argue does not line up with what the game shows you is happening.

Who was the Dark Soul?

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Hopefully, this settles this entire sideline. The Age of Dark or even "Darkness" is shown as being completely distinct from the AoA or the ending to TRC

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Once that theme is expressed through text, all the subtext is actually just useless fluff. Look at the discussion going on in this thread, about what the fuck an egg is or arguing semantics about what 'age of darkness' actually means. What does it fucking matter? Does analyzing the nature of a fantasy construct that doesen't actually exist contribute to the overall theme of decadence, or the character of Gwyn? Does timetravelling through three different eras in DS3 make a point about what it means to cling on to something?
It doesen't, it's just there to confuse the audience because the director was confused while reading foreign novels and thought it was neat.
It's a cool concept and it's a fun puzzle to figure out I guess but it's ultimately meaningless; the same themes could have been expressed without having to resort to time travel or retarded soul mechanics that only make sense within the specific world this series is set in. Hence my example about the dark soul not even being part of the plot, and the whole conflict being about Gwyn unleashing a zombie plague on the population so civilization would never advance beyond the dark ages and actually challenge the gods.
It is expressing the same thought as the game as it is, without bringing in curses, time travel, souls mechanics, hollows, ashen ones, all that shit that after a three hour conversation where everyone is blue in the face actually amounts to nothing

>i like my big titty low iq weeb bidyagames.

> just an endless barren gray ashen waste and the empty ruins of past civilization
But that's how most of the world looks like in the main game timeline, isn't it? In the intro you see pilgrims traversing ashen desert and landscape looks exactly the same, with Lothric castle in the background and all.


Does watching the fire die with the Fire Keeper take place before, after, or concurrently with the fight against Gael?
The friends that we made along the way.

If you think mentioning a theme is the same thing as having a theme I don't really have an interest in having a conversation with you
I did not say dark souls was not about fatality, I asked you what does it have to say about fatality
To which the answer is nothing because it has nothing to say about the human condition and how it relates to the fatality of life
If just namedropping a theme and then having a convoluted plot for no reason equates as depth, then hideo kojima is the greatest writer who ever lived

Light Body

Before you insult the use of a wiki and the inaccuracy of them, i was wondering on a sentence on the Pygmy's page.
> "It is known that at some point before the arrival of either the Ashen One or Gael, that the Pygmy Kings discovered the truth as to why the Ringed City exists, and, what the Gods were truly doing to humanity. "
What did they mean by this?

I think this relentless willpower is what defines humanity in DS. While all the other beings rely on a magical soul to keep running, humans are able to perservere in spite of having nothing left. While souls grant raw power, human will is incredibly resilient, this is why the Gods fear man.

It's completely irrelevant. The ending that you take during the end of the main game in DS3 is completely irrelevant, and it's made abundantly clear by the Firekeeper. Link the Fire? You've extended the Age of Fire an extra 100 years and it's gonna die out sometime in the future. Snuff out the Fire? The Age of Dark takes place, and at some point in the future, embers will come back as will the Age of Fire. Become the Lord of Hollows? Whether it's an Age of Dark of Fire, again, it won't last very long.

The point that the TRC ending makes is, again, that fatality is almighty. Nothing you do will ever affect the long term; the world will end in a whimper, and that's exactly what we witness in the end of TRC.

But to answer your question, if you kill off the Flame, it happens long, long before the fight with Gael. The fight with Gael is essentially the very last event that will occur in the "normal" world, for lack of a better term.

>generic action game
nah m8

If I remember it right, it's the part of first flame that doesn't fade or diminish when the other lords souls do. Something about it being the identity of man yadda yadda "it's what makes human 'human'." etc. etc. The painting girl wants to build a world made out of the stuff despite the world she's building it in is rotting away and burning. It's dark souls what do you expect?

she was using the dark soul to hold back the end of the world until gwyn or someone could link the fire and restart the cycle, it was pretty much gwyns final contingency plan to hold back the age of dark.

when you wake her up you pretty much end the entire world and the cycle of fire thats why the chick with the mad king crucifix fights you she was the main guardian.

gael and the painter chick were trying to create a new painted world to live out the apocalypse but they needed fire and dark as painting material, they use friede and ariandels souls as fire because they were unkindled lord souls or whatever, then gael leads you to the ringed city and gets you to break the illusion so he could get into the age of dark and take dark soul from the pygmies

the dlc are all really just sequel/spinoff/speculation bait imo especially the painter girl, who knows what she painted. could have been yharnam

How the fuck did you deduce that from seeing a wasteland?
Like what about it strikes you as the very final end of the world outside of it sounding cool?

>enemy AI taunts you like a normal player

Attached: shira has autism.webm (1280x720, 2.3M)

>next cycle is water because it's opposite of fire

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Probably a SOTFS reference which is actually the most relevant thing to the discussion.

Basically the First Sin being referenced was that Gwyn did something that utterly fucked over humanity. He linked the First Flame to the Dark Soul and created the Curse which was known as "Hollowing" and I don't mean turning into jerky I mean losing your mind. The First Flame started using the Dark Soul as fuel and created the cycle of linking the fire which is why all of this bullshit happened. What was supposed to happen was First Flame dies and then an Age of Dark and then back to Age of Ancients.

By linking the First Flame to the Dark Soul it became a cycle as the two were now connected and Ages of Fire lead into Ages of Dark and Vice versa with each Age of Fire making the Dark Soul weaker as it is required to both start and keep it going. The only ending to really avert this is the Hollow Lord ending in which you do "Something" to the First Flame which might have actually ended the cycle.

>civilizations have come and gone, we know that civilizations are built atop each other as they go, with lothric being the last major civilization
>ruins of lothric seen in the distance, almost completely collapsed
>gael has killed any being with any ounce of humanity in them, pretty much everyone
>state of existence of the world: fire is not present and yet there is no true dark
>thematic coherence with the entire series' themes for every event leading up to it, ending with two nobodies fighting for a meaningless thing in the middle of nowhere as the last thing that happens

>>gael has killed any being with any ounce of humanity in them, pretty much everyone
How did the nigga do it

>He linked the First Flame to the Dark Soul
This is false. People like to say this because Humanity kindles bonfires. They like to forget that the other 3 lord souls are also just as capable of kindling bonfires as Humanity is. You see this happen when you dump lord souls into the lordvessel in DaS1. Furthermore, Gwyn, being a God, had no humanity to offer the First Flame to begin with.

>civilizations have come and gone, but the end of this one specific civilization means it's the very last event on earth
yeah ok
>gael has the entirety of the dark soul
literally no indication of this, he's only seen slaughtering the pigmy lords, the original owners of the dark soul
most of your post is just commonly accepted fanon

>ds3 ending.
The 'true ending' to the base game of Dark Souls 3 is suppose to be the "Usurpation of Fire". Hints were scattered all over the place in the game that this should be the ending you should do. The Dark Souls world is bleak and barren and after the last dlc you are left with nothing but the promise of a new world which the child would paint, a world that would be painted essentially in your 'image', a world that you'd be able make sure it be a more livable place then the ones you currently inhabited. Every other ending would lead to disaster.

Attached: 1231451532456.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

Lots of time on his hands. Plus he really wanted to get swole so get could get his oneitis

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

>gael has killed any being with any ounce of humanity in them, pretty much everyone
So how many people did Ariamis kill to make his painting?

Was Filianore the only good original design in Dark Souls 3?

Attached: Filianore_Concept_Art.png (540x650, 865K)

>literally no indication of this

*begins slowly walking toward you*
*choir starts singing quietly in the background*

Attached: sulyvahn concept art.jpg (2714x1920, 764K)

People say that because of Aldia. Did you play SOTFS or at least read the notes?

>civilizations built atop each other
>see last civilization we know in ruins with nothing but ash surrounding it after the ENTIRE WORLD just finished converging towards it
>"oh well you don't know what you're talking about"

>has had literally an almost infinite amount of time to gather up the dark soul
>has traveled the world far and through to get every bit
>drops an item that is literally called the BLOOD OF THE DARK SOUL, and which the description of states explicitly that Gael consumed THE DARK SOUL
>"oh well you're just coming up with random headcanon haha"

We're done with this conversation. You've ran out of arguments 5 posts ago, I don't know why I kept entertaining you.

Yeah that item description says that gael consumed the dark soul from the pigmy lords. Where does it say that he killed every last being on earth in a quest to gather the entirety of humanity?
Nowhere, because it's just fanon
the ds lore community might as well be the fnaf lore community

Aldia never says the sentence "Gwyn linked the first flame to the dark soul."

>you just return to the present
no user, everything in Ringed City is taking place in the same time frame, it's just paused until you break the egg and the illusion is undone.
time just resumes and everything goes poof, as opposed to the comparison between the main game and dreg heap, which in this case it indeed is a time travel to the future, or when you go fight Soul of Cinder which is the end of everything

>Dark Souls 2

Attached: perplexedAnimegirl.png (482x651, 137K)

I liked the spooky bog monster

Attached: dark_souls_3_boss_how_to_beat_aldrich_devourer_of_gods.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

Considering his wasn't painted with either Fire or the Dark Soul, I'd say none.

Not to mention that the protagonist is wearing firelink set, and firelink set and it would only fit a hollow. But a lot of the game's lore was cut, so firelink set is unexplained

Attached: 58a5dba208e01c43b5523445dda19c92.jpg (900x1250, 141K)

Because the Pygmy Lords didn't have the ENTIRETY of the Dark Soul you dumb cunt, since every other living human on the planet also had a piece of it. The only way to get the ENTIRE Dark Soul is to kill every single last person ever and steal their humanity.

>Unless something is Dark Souls is directly stated and laid out as explicitly as possible then it can be disregarded and replaced with whatever this user thinks
Oh thank you for the heads up.

she's barren

Soul of Cinder looks ballin

Attached: Soul_of_Cinder_-_02.png (612x792, 1.04M)

Can someone give me a quick lorepill on pic related?

Attached: Charge_manus.jpg (1280x720, 138K)

>giant tree at firelink in DS3
>n-nooo! not canon!

Someone post the Gael/painter loli comic

You know the one

show proof of everything you just stated is/written in the game. oh you can't fuck off Vaati nobody gives a shit

he's a Yea Forums poster

always thought it was the pygmy, really.
a longterm consequence of his heritage over the dark soul.

Dark Souls 2 and 3 are both reddit-tier fan fiction, at best, and should not be treated as canon.

You're applying autistic mathematical logic to a fantasy world in which the undead walk the earth side by side with gods and use magic and conjuring up a plot that is not even hinted at in the game following that logic
Nowhere does it say that the Gael fight happens at the very end of the world (ds' world is always on the brink of apocalypse anyway), nowhere does it say that Gael killed every last being on earth
If anything it would make more sense that the pigmy lords gathered the remnants of the dark soul over the ages and Gael stole it from them, but even that is conjecture. Unfortunately it doesen't sound as cool and epic as your fanon wiki

>Considering his wasn't painted with either Fire or the Dark Soul
>Ariandel, being the restorer of the Painted World, knew that it was painted with blood -- Rose of Ariandel
>...my thanks, Ashen One. I can almost see the flame... Soon, uncle Gael will bring me the pigment. I wonder if he has found it. The dark soul of man... [Painter dialogue]
>The red-hooded, wandering slave knight Gael sought the blood of the dark soul as pigment for the Painted World -- Soul of Slave Knight Gael
The paint used to make a Painted World is blood, human blood, because the pigment (the dissolved compound within the paint -- blood, in this case -- that gives it it's color) is Humanity.

anus :D

Attached: 1566926512485.gif (500x281, 639K)

Angel's Egg, I love that movie

cinder for me is just the Elite Knight set from the first game's cover art but now he's LV99

>Use definitions of words to arrive at a conclusion based on knowing what words mean
>"n-no that doesn't count"
shut the fuck up, dumbass

More like it's an amalgam of every knight's set from the series, including DaS3 knight, for some reason

This game is a fucking nightmare. Nothing is consistent
>Cathedral filled with sludge
>kek fight clerics :DDDD
>Anor Londor
>fight sludge monster that's not in the intro and ate chracter from last game for no reason :DDD
>You are ashen but every culture is still hollow shit from DaS1 and DaS2


>nowhere does it say that Gael killed every last being on earth
But he's already told you that he had the WHOLE dark soul

I don't know about you but the thought of Gael personally traveling around the world murdering every last human just so his daughterfu could paint something is as creepy as it is cool

this thread got a bit shit when people started bickering

You're just talking out of your ass bro, stop spouting your stupid head-canons.

>Cathedral filled with sludge
what's the problem? you're fighting a slime who managed to take over Anal Rondo. it was easy since you emptied it out in the first game
>>fight sludge monster that's not in the intro and ate chracter from last game for no reason :DDD
yes it is, it literally spills out of a hole in a scene between the parts showing Yhorm and the Abyss Watchers, so you know that it's one of the bosses alongside them

>WHOLE dark soul
wait, how can he have whole dark soul if Ashen One still exists?

>Thread makes me want to play some Souls
>Played 1 and 3 recently along with BB
>Have not played 2 since the DLCs came out
>Think about playing it and remember the animations, weightless combat and everything looking like plastic
I have it on the PS3 and the Scholar version of the PC. Are there any mods that address these issues?

He doesn't

That's why he tries to kill you

all that's implied at that point is that he is easting the pygmies at TRC, nothing else.
that dude you meet before fighting Gael even says he's come to eat them

>n-no my headcanon is still correct despite the game telling me the exact opposite
Here is what Aldia considers to be "the first sin:"
>Once, the Lord of Light banished Dark, and all that stemmed from humanity. And men assumed a fleeting form.
>These are the roots of our world. Men are props on the stage of life, and no matter how tender, how exquisite… A lie will remain a lie.
The First Sin relates to Gwyn establishing the Age of Fire and banishing Darkness. This established a life which is "an exquisite lie" in which men assumed a fleeting form.
>Peace grants men the illusion of life. Shackled by falsehoods, they yearn for love, unaware of its grand illusion. Until, the curse touches their flesh. We are bound by this yoke. As true as the Dark that churns within men.
The "exquisite lie" of life that Gwyn established with the First Sin is BROKEN by the Curse (turning undead). It is NOT the Curse itself.
>All men trust fully the illusion of life. But is this so wrong? A construction, a facade, and yet… A world full of warmth and resplendence. Young Hollow, are you intent on shattering the yoke, spoiling this wonderful falsehood?
The First Sin that Gwyn imposed on Men is the exact opposite of being Undead. It is, in fact, all of the things humans value in life. Rather than being the source of all their problems, humans are faced with a bitter choice: Accept the yoke foisted on them by Gwyn, or rebel and in doing so fuck their own shit up.

I swear to god anytime someone tries bringing up Aldia in an argument about Gwyn I feel like they automatically drop 10 IQ points because they draw the exact opposite conclusion from what the game tells you is going on.

What's the definition of a dark soul? Do you think it's a real thing that exists in the real world and follows real world logic?
At least you admit it just sounds cool, because there's no evidence to it.
Let's forget that it does not say 'whole' anywhere, and let's also forget that the english translation for these games is so botched the meaning of most descriptions is actually clearer and/or different in japanese, what exactly points at Gael killing everything on the planet rather than say, the dark soul fragments finding their way to the pigmy lords over time? Or every piece of the dark soul but the pigmy lords' being burned into bonfires over time until they were the only ones who had any of it left?
I can't find anything that favours one interpretation among these three or countless other ones that could be inferred and I don't give a shit what youtubers say

When he was little, Miyazaki read western fantasy books that he didn't understand because ESL, and now he thinks not understanding the basic plot is what fantasy should be all about because he is autistic.

just play Scholar, it has a lot more fragrant branches so you can open up a lot of pathways earlier.
look up a tutorial video on how to get an easy +10 weapon and the rest is cruise control. I beat it all the time with a Tseldora set (killing an NPC in the beginning) and a +10 rapier.
and once you reach Drangleic Castle, look up how to get the ice rapier because that shit outright breaks the game.

>What's the definition of a dark soul?
The Lord Soul found by the Furtive Pygmy within the First Flame and distributed in order to found the race of man.
>b-but does it exist IRL? if not I get to pretend that logic doesn't exist in order to stick my head in the sand and keep shouting about how it doesn't count
pathetic, stop posting

hollowing is a state of madness brought on by being reborn without humanity or souls. Only those afflicted by the undead curse go hollow. The beef jerky pygmy body is the natural state of 'man', but hollowing is not that.

>The beef jerky pygmy body is the natural state of 'man', but hollowing is not that.
It's called hollowing by the game.

Literally nothing you have said has said that Gwyn did not Link the First Flame to the Dark Soul. Your evidence is supporting the point.

Except that "Linking the First Flame to the Dark Soul" implies that Gwyn is responsible for humans turning undead, which Aldia's testimony directly refutes.

I'm not looking for shit to break the game or how to beat it. I'm looking for a way for it to not look and feel terrible to play.

I always thought it went like
>Ashen onen touches egg and gets flung into the future
>Gael is going around eating pygmies until the end of time
>Gael finally finds the pygmy lords at the end of time and you, with the last piece of the dark soul

Dark Souls 2 is not canon.


>what exactly points at Gael killing everything on the planet rather than say, the dark soul fragments finding their way to the pigmy lords over time? Or every piece of the dark soul but the pigmy lords' being burned into bonfires over time until they were the only ones who had any of it left?
I'd say the fact that he goes from being a scrawny dude with assless chaps to a 8 foot powerhouse with more lethal gadgets than batman might indicate that he's gone around killing people and stealing their souls

But I get what you mean, in either case all of humanity is dead so you're just contesting as to whether Gael is behind or if it just naturally came to be

>Attempts to say Aldia is who confirms Gwyn did this
>Now tries to say DaS2 isn't canon after this lie is exposed
no, user

It's the Lord Soul found by the Furtive Pygmy, which was then fragmented to create Humanity.

>yes it is, it literally spills out of a hole in a scene between the parts showing Yhorm and the Abyss Watchers
Not the same model
>you're fighting a slime who managed to take over Anal Rondo
but not the cathedral and only 3 rooms are covered in sludge in Anal

That is not what it implies. It implies that by linking the First Flame to the Dark Soul he is eating away at the souls of humans themselves and making them lose their minds and go crazy. Undead is the natural state of humanity. Going insane and losing your sense of self is however not a normal thing and is directly because of Gwyn

that's impossible user, that game's ugliness is hardcoded
the best you can do is this

>Undead is the natural state of humanity
>turning hollow isn't
First time I've heard this

>The Lord Soul found by the Furtive Pygmy within the First Flame and distributed in order to found the race of man.
How does this definition indicate that Gael killed every other living creature on earth rather than:
- other pieces of the dark soul being lost over time due to being burned in bonfires
- the dark soul eventually making their way to the pigmy lords through the ages, and then Gael stealing it from them
- the pigmy lords pillaging humanity through the ages, and then Gael stealing it from them
- the dark soul mentioned in that one description not being the whole dark soul, especially considering it's a translation and souls translations are historically shit
This is just four theories I can come up with off the top of my head because what you're claiming happened is never shown nor mentioned, and the fact that you're so defensive of it just because you think it sounds cool or because your favourite youtuber said it is just sad, I'm having a conversation with you and you keep evading questions and making fun of me like a child, if you're too fragile to discuss fucking videogame plots maybe you're not ready for the internet holy shit

It is because there is nothing to "get", it is just pretentiousness.

>Not the same model
of course, that's because it's sucking off Gwyndolin when you find it. but from the waist below it's the slime alright.
>but not the cathedral
that's because it was the slime's home before it went there


It's amusing seeing people try to explore it as if it were some intentionally vague thing and not typical shitty Fromsoft writing that has been around since Armored Core. Yeah bitches *takes drag*, I'm that hardcore.

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>souls translations are historically shit

but is good even if its incompleted.
i just described dark souls as a whole, damn.

>Going insane and losing your sense of self is however not a normal thing and is directly because of Gwyn
Bullshit, see This headcanon is out of control

Here is what Gwyn actually did

In TRC you see knights with Darksigns on their armor:
>The armor of early men was forged in the Abyss, and betrays a smidgen of life. For this reason the gods cast a seal of fire upon such armor, and those who possessed them. -- Ringed Knight Set
However from the first sentence of this description we infer that the seal of fire cast on the armor has FAILED. After all, the armor still retains its ability to think, which is characteristic of Abyss possession, something the seal should prevent.

Seal of fire BROKEN = Darksign

Similarly, consider pic related. We've known since DaS1 that the Sun is a construct of fire. And when the flame fades this construct fades and the sun goes. When the flame fades in DaS3, what happens? the Sun grows a darksign

Construct of fire SEALED = Darksign

What does this infer about the Darksign on your flesh, which appears when you turn undead?
>Gravelord Nito administers the death of all manner of beings. The power of his soul is so great that it satiates the Lordvessel, despite the fact that much of its energy has already been offered to death.
The very idea of dying requires spending Fire's power. When Fire fades, death stops working properly. And when (you) stop being able to die, what happens? A darksign appears on your flesh.

Seal of fire FAILED = Darksign

Conclusion: Men are NOT supposed to be able to die. They are meant to be immortal, like the Lords. Gwyn and Nito forced mortality on them to limit their power. This is the "fleeting form" that Aldia references -- men who die of old age. It isn't natural.

Attached: dark souls 3 sun.jpg (1133x715, 59K)

>when Gael fucked Vicar Amelia

I just described your mom's brain after I rocked her world last night.

because YOU are undead and the other people you see are also undead. When you die and are ressurected you have lost your humanity. Without humanity giving you a human form you're left with your original pygmy body.desiccated beef jerky. Hollowing is very explicitly the process of losing ones sense of self and ones memories until all that is left is a hollow husk of a person, driven mad by the endless cycle of death and rebirth. The only way anyone can resurrect after death is if they are branded by the dark sign and cursed with being undead. Hollowing can only happen to undead, not every human is undead, therefore hollowing is not the natural state of man.

I'm more convinced that the story writers had no clue what they are doing and that's why the story is so fucked.

Yeah that's what they say but it doesn't make sense when you play. There are traces of sludge everywhere in the cathedral but not any on the way to or in Anor. What I'm saying is that it would have made more sense to have the sludge in the cathedral. Which is how it was in the original concept.

Being "hollow" is nothing more and nothing less than existing without your humanity. Any further distinction is a product of undead coping with the inevitable loss of self that such a state of existence will bring to them.
>N-no, I'm not a REAL hollow because I haven't lost my mind yet t. hollow who will one day lose his mind

Dark Souls 1 had even goofier shit with the god of war being expunged from the annals but also having lost the annals in two different descriptions

Amelia was a human for 99.98% of her life.

>Gael killed every other living creature on earth
I also never really understood why people think that he killed every human
>the dark soul mentioned in that one description not being the whole dark soul
That makes most sense because he didn't have your dark soul, and as long as you have it he doesn't have THE dark soul
It's true, m8 gist.github.com/Atvaark/96f145e769faaf4cca6099bab42c5dc2

damn how will i ever recover?

By joining us next time qt

considering how many of those clerics are walking around in Anal Rondo thanks to Sulyvahn's invasion, it's not hard to figure out they transported the slime and dropped it inside the castle instead of having it crawl all the way up there by itself. just look how dirty the room before the boss is, compared to everywhere else around it.

Vendrick also says this
"One day, fire will fade, and Dark will become a curse.
Men will be free from death, left to wander eternally.
Dark will again be ours, and in our true shape…
We can bury the false legends of yore… Only…
Is this our only choice?
Seeker of fire, coveter of the throne.
Seek strength.
The rest will follow…"

You are spending so much effort to agree with me. Your other bits of head canon are a bit much though.

Men are supposed to be immortal as I said. Going crazy is not however what is supposed to happen. The Dark Sign is there because it what feeds the First Flame and Bonfires little bits of Undead Dark Soul which leads to them eventually losing their minds as hollowing.

Its that simple. The Dark Sign isn't a limiter it exist to feed the fire using the Dark Soul in every human.

Gael is a patient furfag

>The Dark Sign is there because it what feeds the First Flame and Bonfires little bits of Undead Dark Soul which leads to them eventually losing their minds as hollowing.
This is stupid, if the First Flame was being fed humanity passively just by having undead exist then there would be no need for kindling.

Furthermore, the Darksign is not the sign of Gwyn's curse working properly. It means that Gwyn's curse on (you) has broken. It means the exact opposite of what you're trying to say it means.

Is there a more devoted waifufag?

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>The very idea of dying requires spending Fire's power.
explains how fire chucking necromancers are able to bring skeletons to life with nito's stolen power, just use it to not administer death and you get undying skeletal guards.

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You see the problem here is you are using your own headcanon as the basis for how things must work and then judging based on that.

Being fed passively is in small amounts enough to prolong an Age but it isn't enough to restart it. It isn't the same as being fed by a being as powerful as the Lords. And again using your own head canon as a judge is a no-no.

I'm fine, I don't like grandmas

The dark sign is what happens when darkness is seeping from the seal of fire basically
It's just confusing because a proper seal of fire is invisible, or at least it has never been shown
The seal of fire is meant to keep darkness from spreading, and at the same time it allows you to keep your humanity within yourself so you never go mad, though it also makes you mortal as fire is what creates the disparity between life and death; as fire fades, you become unable to die and at the same time the strenght of the seal of fire fades as well so humanity starts seeping through it
I agree with you it's really not that difficult to explain, it's just told in a confusing and messy way

The dark souls is in every man/pigmy, there isnt just "one" dark soul.
Gael probably ate alot of dark souls though.

user there are multiple examples that show that the darksign is meant to represent fire's power being broken. If your theory is founded on the darksign signifying the strength of fire exerting it's will on you then you are not in a good way. Like, if you wanted to argue that the first flame is passively drawing humanity away from mortal men instead of undeads that would be one thing, but trying to say that the Gwyn's curse kicks in when the darksign appears is flat-out wrong.

>Dark Souls 2 utterly guts Faith by accident in a patch
>Never fixes it
I want to do a Str/Faith build but Lightning Spears are fucking useless.

I hear this a lot, but no one ever explains why there is still that random Ringed Knight who would undoubtedly have part of the Dark Soul. It's more likely that Gael just ate the Pygmy Lords instead of all the humans in the world.

>there isnt just "one" dark soul.

Attached: Dark_Soul.jpg (1000x563, 41K)

There are multiple examples that in your mind mean this and that. Which is the definition of head canon. You aren't an authority on anything despite your belief otherwise. Its still head canon.

I thought that the ringed knights were just living suits of armor at this point.

>continues to aggressively shove head in sand and ignore the DLC/endgame content of DaS3 because it's inconvenient
this is not good coping

>friede chose rot over fire
>has an effigy of mytha who let herself rot out of devotion to fire (old iron king)

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There is nothing to suggest that. Even if that was the case, there is still Shira.

I'm not ignoring anything. You are coping by being unable to accept that your interpretations of things are still as much head canon as the guy who thinks that Hats are symbolic of angels. You are not an authority. Understand and accept that this is just your head canon.

>Angel's Egg

Attached: AngelsEgg1985.jpg (220x290, 21K)

all the nerf that affected FTH was transferred to INT
that's why people spam dark orbs so much

>tfw I'll have forgotten all this riveting lore discussion and interesting lore tidbits by the time another dark souls lore thread gets made

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>ahh yes these horrible suffering monstrosities and in unspeakable pain and pus everywhere really reminds me of home hm yes also fuck fire LMAO a hollow need not be mad -- Friede
And people still wonder why everyone hates londor

He and his big tiddy witch waifu reunited in the Abyss, r-right?

Shira is clearly already hollow

Friede explicitly rejected Londor, though. She was more like Gwyn - content in living in a continuously rotting state of stagnation.

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I thought she got kicked out of Londor, it's not like she left voluntarily

It's souls lore. I ain't gotta explain shit

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What the actual FUCK was her problem?

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Were we actually time travelling in Dark Souls 2 or was it all a hallucination?

they aren't you though, idiot, if all this timeline bullshit is happening then why don't we see more of it?

BECAUSE THEY JUST FUCKING STATE IT AND NEVER USE IT, the DLC for dark souls takes place in the PAST but it doesn't fucking matter because 'YOU' don't change anything anyways, fuck you all for saying that teleporting between bonfires is timetraveling, the game is fucking stupid and literally can't handle its own lore.

>there are literally just humans without the brand in the world but no one ever talks about them or there countries, only HOLLOWS and shit

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Dusk invokes the time is convoluted stuff to sell you shit, you have to touch her summon sign to speak with her. And she's dead in the present, you find her corpse and steal her shit.
>no one ever talks about the irrelevant background countries that are like 1000 km away from the happenings of the game
whoa check out the 500 IQ user over here

I'd argue with you if I had the time to look up Souls item descriptions, but I don't right now. Have this busty Yuria instead.

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She didn't suck my dick

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I highly doubt he killed every human, rather I believe the pygmy lords had the largest portions of the dark soul, on par with the lord souls in DS1. When you beat Gael you don't receive "the dark soul", you only receive the pigment; enough for the girl to make her painting.

Thats bullshit but I believe it

This is something I've wondered about too, how did any of the other painted worlds get made if they would have needed the entire dark soul as ink?

And if DaS2 loving autists are to be believed the Bearer is still alive and he has part of it.

the fuck is wrong with her feet yo

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>play the whole game as a nobody who does nothing of significance.
>game ends with literally the 2 last nobodies on earth fighting to the death for no reason.


What are they doing now?

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So what is the canon ending?
I thought it was the one where you chose not to link the fire and chill in the darkness with the QT

But I just want to hit enemies with big weapons while throwing the occasional bolt of lightning. Why was Dark Souls 1 the only game in the series to actually balance them well? In 2 on launch they were bullshit overpowered before being nerfed into doing both shit damage and having 2 or 3 casts. In 3 they do fuck-all damage outside of point blank range when they were used to hunt dragons in the sky.

There is no canon ending but the Link the Fire ending is for unironic cucks and the Usurpation of Fire ending is for teenagers.

All the endings lead to the same outcome.

None or all of them. Who knows as there really isn't one. More likely they will just do another series based on the painting with little hints that it is the world she painted and we never find out as the world is irrelevant now.

>so you go back into the past to save her only to find out you can't and nothing changes
wow, thanks
>only hollows doing hollow things in our hollow timeline with wibbly wobbly dimensions
>literal WHO's doing nothing in the middle of nowhere because the rest of the world literally doesn't care

bad game,

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Doing your duty even after all else has deceased to be. Your home, your family, your people. All gone, never to return, but you carry on, unyielding as you stand, you must stand, you must always stand.

>not understanding the basic plot
>the most straight forward part of the story that's plainly told you throughout the game

The lore of dark souls is written with an idea in mind, and parts of it are left out and obscured. There's a difference between having an idea and leaving it up to the audience to understand and interpret it, and writing an incomplete series of disconnected concepts. Dark souls is the former.

The Dark Soul (TM) was the friends we made along the way

But if I kill Dusk after I defeat Manus, how can she be alive and remember me? Or if I just burn myself by linking the first flame without going to the DLC?
This whole time traveling stuff is annoying

Laughing at the plebs who aren't truly immortal while having extremely kinky half-dragon sex. Truly the best ending.

I think he at least killed a significant amount of people, otherwise I don't see how he could have gone from being a wimp with bare-asscheeks-armor to the absolute unit he is in TRC complete with a sword that's been reforged (?) to three times its original size and the world's first fully automatic crossbow

>mfw people trying to make sense out of dark souls 3 lore
You people are dumb, there is no lore in ds3, things happen only because Miyadzaki though the thing X was cool or to "pay tribute" to ds1
Ds1 was first game in trilogy and because there was no time limit lore was polished and had some sense
Ds2 was made by B team and had lore to not drop the plank ds1 has set an not dissapoint Miyazaki. Also they were wise enough to make it happen in parall universe or whatever
Ds3 is lazy unfinished game that has half its lore from ds1, quarter from ds2 and remaining quarter does not make sense because it is referecing removed or remade content.
Basiclly, Miyazaki thought people will buy ds3 anyway and was washed up, so he made some placeholder lore and people ate it

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That's probably just gameplay stuff. I mean, where did he get a 1/1 replica of his armour?

>they will just do another series based on the painting
Yharnam was the world that the girl painted.

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>But if I kill Dusk after I defeat Manus, how can she be alive and remember me?
Because she's undead, hence why she can be summoned in the first place. She got back up after you killed her. She "dies" and you find her corpse because undead take increasingly long amounts of time to respawn as they hollow out, like how it's explained in DaS3.

It seriously is, not to mention that they don't really use it for anything besides 'timetravel makes it okay!' excuse.

Demon Souls, is actually the best designed because the npcs fit in that world, in all the new ones the NPCs might as well not be there(except for the vendors, you'll still need those!)

>everyones a cunt and stays that way for 1000 years and time shenanigans


That's what I'm getting at-- as he killed more people and consumed more souls he got bigger and stronger to the point of needing to refurbish his gear (since the set he's wearing during his final fight and the one you get from ashes of ariandel have a few differences)

It's reaching, I know, but I find it hard to believe AoA Gael managed to go through TRC on his own without getting juiced up

>"Dark Souls has no lore, this doesn't make sense lol"
>yes it does if you just talk to the NPC
>"what NPC?"
why does this keep happening

you're stretching the games own mechanics, she doesn't respawn, she's only a summon and even then shes just a fucking VENDOR, she's also already fucking dead in both universes

>hollows taking time to revive, but every bonfire makes them revive instantly because game mechanics

i have never ever played ds3

Which is fine as an idea but they will likely do an actual series and reference it rather than it being fans guessing. This does actually give me a very funny idea though. If that world in the painting is Yharnam then what if the Great Ones are just being from outside of the painting? The Cosmos being everywhere is because it is a canvas and is flat. It's a fun idea like Demons Souls leading into DaS and Bloodborne leading into DeS.

is good, a lot better than many AAA games. not like is saying alot.

And the FURTIVE secondary

So EASILY forgotten

>undeads don't respawn
kek, shut up Mr. Dunning-Kruger Effect

>but they will likely do an actual series and reference it
There are no more Dark Souls games.

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1:1 I meant
But she never respawns, does she? Also, what about not even starting DLC, who saves her then? Another version of me or something?



fuck dark souls 3, literally said we need bloodborne bosses in our slow clunky combat game

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There isn't. The furtive pygmy split the dark soul to father humans. Every human inherits a small piece of the dark soul.

Fuck off, reddit.

>but she never respawns, does she?
why would she respawn in the bottom of the abyss cave?
>who saves her if I never did the DLC
someone else, like if you don't link the fire someone else does it eventually

>hurrrr you have to link the fire or the age of darkness comes
yes ok why though? nothing in this game makes any sense. all the details and lore are nice but the actual plot and setting is just hacky and nonsensical.

Never said there would be. Referencing the concept or the series doesn't make it a Dark Souls game.

>yes ok why though?
because fires die out eventually you stupid fucking cunt, and when fires fade away there is only darkness. literally talk to the NPCs.

>you loot her stuff, because shes fucking dead
>you can buy her stuff because timetravel
>you can kill her but she doesn't respawn
what are you on about, summoning someone for a split second while they were alive compared to the overwhelming amount of time they would be FUCKING DEAD AND NOT SPAWNING LIKE EVERYONE ELSE

But how does she remember me If I never went to the Abyss and fought Manus?

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fuck off. fire don't magically light back up because there's a repeating circle of lighting fires. and why is a fire going out "the age of man"? none of this makes any sense

One of my problems with 3 is that there are a few enemies that were clearly just BB enemies that they ported in 3. Like the big motherfuckers in the swamp that fire the glowing heads or the goat fuckers who are also in the swamp. Those are BB enemies in the sense that they look like they were clearly designed for that game and not this one.

What the fuck were they thinking?

Attached: Corvian Knight.png (865x773, 536K)

>and the world's first fully automatic crossbow
what is miyazaki's obsession with making all the latest final bosses of his games have fully automatic firearms

She doesn't have special dialogue about killing Manus unless you killed Manus

>jumps up and does a fucking dive attack grabbing you out of your roll, because thats what you do when someone attacks you in this game
>you roll
>the goatman with no weapon being a fucking retard or mlg 420 murderer
what the absolute fuck


>puts a TOXIC swamp later on
i know it wasn't much but i still got triggered

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You can loot Lautrec's shit too and he's undead you stupid faggot

Yes, user, we all know Dark Souls 3 is garbage.

I remember getting one shot by their knives and being immensely disappointed when I finally got them

I was mostly just talking about visuals but yes another annoying thing is highly mobile and quick enemies but the player lacks that freedom of mobility which would make fighting them fun.

he also doesn't respawn, like the rest of the NPC's

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>enemy punishes you for rollspam

at least you can stagger and riposte them if you hit them with enough poise

>dude fuck lore just read descriptions lmao

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Those dive goats are absolute cancer because their grabs have such a huge area and they just spam them. They also have a fucking ton of HP for some reason and don't stagger when you hit them and because of their jump spamming fighting them can take a few moments because they aren't on the goddamned ground to be hit. They aren't even difficult they are just tedious.

shes p cute, not gonna lie

>Hello… I don't think we've met.
>I am Knight Lautrec of Carim.
>We are both Undead. Perhaps we can help one another.
>Keh heh heh heh…

it's not fucking roll spam, you try to time it and he will just grab you because dark souls grab hitboxes are fucking nuts

>in a game where everyone is spinning you're not supposed to roll
>proceeds to force you to stand 10 meters from the boss or 'ROLL' through everything until there combo is done
yeah bro PANIC ROLLS

What the fuck was his problem?

Attached: Assassinated.webm (1280x720, 2.21M)

>'YOU' don't change anything anyways
You're the one who defeats Manus, but everyone attributes his defeat to Artorias, who everyone, besides his compatriots, doesn't know he was consumed by the abyss. If you save Sif he remembers you when you fight him in the present. Dusk says Artorias was the one who saved her, even though she admits she wasn't even lucid at the time, and even describes his presence as being 'perfectly resembling' yours; because it was you.

That doesn't mean he respawns, like i said in an earlier post, NPC's don't spawn but all those random hollows will instantly spawn every time you rest there

because fucking game mechanics
>bad lore

that's hilarious

fuck the red phantom who chameleon's near that chest though

>nothing you do matters except this one moment where you get a cutscene difference and NOTHING ELSE YOU STILL HAVE TO KILL DOG EVEN THOUGH HE KNOWS YOU CAN BEAT THE ABYSS

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It's a reference to an anime.

please stop posting on this website until after you turn 18

He's right, you know?

Best worst NPC. He's like everything good and bad about DaS2 NPCs in one package.



i wonder if miyazaki read any isaac asimov

So you literally said in you're own post that everyone attributes it to Artorias, and that someone else will do it if you don't.(might not have been you) So in the end, nothing changes except you get a vendor and a small cutscene change. Wow, almost nothing, considering magic is fucking lame in dark souls, and I wouldn't use the spells she sells.

How do I get Dusk's outfit?

They don't, the girl only wants to paint a world that reflects the dark soul; a dark, cold, gentle world.

Obviously the Pygmy

she does. It's named after you.

You're name? Yharnum

Note: The Antiquated Set is NOT dropped through killing her - it will appear as dropped treasure at the end of the cave where she was in crystal golem form. You must summon her at least once before it will appear, but you do not need to kill her. You may need to reload the area using a bonfire or quitting and reloading your file.

Well, that's dumb.

>the dog recognizes you and shit but still won't let you grab the abyss ring to fight someone weaker than manus
what a troll dog

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No, my name is Kn*ght Artorias

And this makes it bad, why?

>k***ht dude has invaded!
fuck censorship lmao

Why would the Furtive Pygmy be in Oolacile, when they were given their own city and it's heavily implied that the Furtive Pygmy was the first ruler of the Ringed City?

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>"give me the ring you dumb fucking dog I need to get the whole red eye orb and shit"
yeah I'm thinking Sif was based

>ashen one is such a dumbass he responds to "your name?" with "your name"
TRC traded him to oolacile for halflight and company

I miss how unique DaS2's NPC invaders were

The whole game, hell, the whole series, is centered around people desperately clinging to a dying age refusing to let it end, DS3 is all about how the age of fire can't even keep itself going anymore after all the linkings and even the lords meant to link the fire are fed up about refuse to do it. Kaathe made it plainly clear in the first game, the age of fire needs to end and trying to prolong it was messed up the world on the first place.

But Frampt was right.

I don't, that shit was fucking annoying
>*unzips infinite stamina*
>*unzips infinite casts*
>*unzips input reading*
>*unzips animation cancelling*
>"wow this is such a fun fight!"

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so wait as long I don't touch the egg I can do what ever I want to her as she wont wake up?

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I said how unique they were, user. DaS3's NPC invaders were so forgettable

Are you assuming Gael got new armor?

No, this man's dark than black.


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How can it be Yharnam when Chester was around since DS1

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I just watched the last like 15 minutes of this, why did the dude be a dick and break her egg? It seemed like what would’ve hatched was gonna be a good thing

Kaathe tells you that humans are born from the dark soul, and the furtive pygmy planned to wait for fire to subside so that humanity would inherit the world when the old gods die. Stop being willfully ignorant

Because Kaathe certainly doesn't have an agenda to push.

Kaathe's agenda is allowing the fire to die out. He admits that the 4 king went off script by devouring people's humanity and going crazy.

>wanting proof for everything in dark souls in current year
Miyazaki has said before that he likes to have a general overarching story and let the players own imagination and puzzle solving fill in the details. What i said is simply my version of the most plausible story.
What do we know about Fillianore? We know that
>she Is a daughter of Gwyn, who is a scheming asshole who only cares about prolonging his reign
>she is very gentle and most likely the youngest of Gwyn's children
>she was left in the ringed city, which was just a giant prison and another one of Gwyn's plots
>Gwyn promised to one day come back for her
>she holds an egg with nothing in it which is most likely a reference to angel's egg, a story in which a girl safeguards an empty egg, believing that there is a bird inside, only for a strange christ like figure to come and break it
>her "slumber is a deceit" which keeps others from the dark soul
>once she awakes and takes in her surroundings she dies
>once she dies we see a flash of light (important) and suddenly the world is suddenly thrown forward in time to its end
>up until this point time has been "convoluted" for no reason
>the repair description explain that light is time, and bending light can bend time
>miracles are powered by faith
To me, the most logical conclusion is that Gwyn used her as a guarantee that the humans and the dark would never rise up again. To put it simply, he put her in the ringed city and said "i will come back for you one day, as long as you hold this important egg and keep faith" and then he put her to sleep. Naive as she was she believed him and her faith caused not just the ringed city, but maybe also the world itself to be suspended in time. This is why time is "convoluted". Once she wakes up, she realizes she was duped, her miracle breaks down in a flash of light, and with time no longer convoluted the world returns to its natural state, i.e. one where shit hit the fan hard

>TRC traded him to oolacile for halflight and company
sounds feasible, but source? where would you have learned this?

It's in farron keep.
There's a chest hidden in a really bullshit spot that's easy to overlook.

>All those pictures of Friede before and after you kill her.
Honestly that was a nice touch.

They didn't trade anybody. Halflight and co. came from Oolacile to TRC as missionaries. It's right in his outfit description.

Post underrated characters.

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So you not understand what a closed time loop is?
You were ALWAYS the one who defeating Manus, but you don't realise this until you go back and do it. You don't CHANGE the past on this instance. Saving Sif is optional so it remains consistent whether he recognizes you or not.

>Not telling her you have no name and letting her name it Ash

The one where you take fire waifu and take a piece of the flame is the most likely one to be canon. Lighting the fire is pretty kino though, the way it ends with you sitting down next to the barely lit flame is really well done.

It's a good shot but I never do it because it seems like the bad ending.

>it's fine because shitty timetravel tropes
yeah, dude and since i went into the past to defeat him, he'll never grab me to defeat him.

fucking retard

In the end, what did the Painter deserve?

not living in the dark souls universe

I'm guessing your first contact with one of those is with the remaster.

>fucking retard
this is a highly ironic post

this, it's pretty mediocre and not written, but there are people who built their fortune talking about it

>The abyss and the dark are the same thing

>Yes goy, the gods are your friends. Ignore the zombie curse that's spreaded because of us. Revisionist history? What revisionist history? Have a city far far far far far faaaaaaar away from us. It's for your own good. Don't mind the seal of fire on your armor and very souls, it's for your own good. Your dark soul needs to be controlled goy, it's for your own good.

>tells someone that it's a closed timeloop
>doesn't understand the conundrum of timeloops in the first place
i know english is hard

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Even 10 years later after watching I still have dreams about it

Realistically could the chosen undead take on the 4 Lords in their prime? Keep in mind that the chosen undead has defeated some impressive enemies himself like pinwheel, Manus, Kalameet, and Seath the Scaleless.

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With enough time, yes

Only reason you beat them is because they're all old and decrepit and most of them have gone mad


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The Chosen Undead defeats entire legions of hollows, monsters, and demons. By the time he faces Gwyn, he has slain The Four Kings (who carry a piece of a gods soul), The Bed of Chaos (mother of all demons), and Seath the Scaless/Gravelord Nito, who have been around since when the world was essentially Limbo. It's even better if you've beaten the DLC, because you've (almost) beaten Kalameet singlehandedly, and all of Anor Londo didn't want to screw with him, and you've also defeated Manus who may or may not be the Pygmy. Perhaps you've also slain Gwyndolin, the only god we face who has not grown weaker over time.

Think of how ridiculously powerful you are by this point. Nothing in this world can stand against you any longer.

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allow me to help you, user

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Seath is a blind cripple and Nito has had all his powerlevel stolen by necromancers, Witch of Izalith is being restrained by the glowing orb things who people like to say are her daughters. 4kings are the only ones who could realistically be described as in "their prime"

>Tfw no Prime Nito fight where you are completely suffocated by skeletons while Nito REEEEEEEEEEEE's in the back

I wouldn't want to screw with a dragon with telekinetic powers either

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i know and it makes zero sense thematically.
if anything humans should be dependent on fire since that's how real humans learned to survive by harnessing fire
dark souls is nonsense.

But we already know that Gough is more than capable of dealing with Kalameet.

Attached: Gough shoots down Kalameet.webm (640x360, 2.8M)

Can he defeat prime 4 kings?

>if anything humans should be dependent on fire since that's how real humans learned to survive by harnessing fire
This is Aldia's exact message. Humans are creatures of darkness but everything they value in life is due to fire. So they are faced with a choice: subservience to the gods, or claim their "birthright" that is actually bullshit and miserable?

>one of the four knights of anor londo is capable of shooting down Kalameet while blind and after not having moved for years
Yeah you know what why did Anor Londo ever even fear Kalameet to begin with?

he got you clean there lol

Because now he's fucking pissed.

Not for nothing, but the power of most of these bosses comes from the first flame. Guys like Seath and Nito would likely be untouchable in there prime. Kalameet and Manus are legit though. Gwyndolin's a scrub

It's the same as when you're stuck on a boss so you put the game down for a bit, and when you come back after a while you beat it first try.

>Or just steal the fucking fire and become the lord of hollows solving all the problems
Aldia is a fucking nerd who thought and died like a nerd fucking around with crowns. MUH GWYN, MUH CURSE, MUH FIRE.

>Fantasy world with fantasy rules don't follow real life logic and that's nonsense.

Such pleasures are a lie, user

Imagine how terrifying peak Gough would've been. This nigga has been dormant atop his tower for years doing nothing but fletching and still yeets Kalameet out of the sky with a single shot.

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It is a lie, but is it so wrong?

I haven't seen anything on how the 4 kings originally looked other then that fan comic.

>Guys like Seath and Nito would likely be untouchable in there prime
seath was flat out indestructible until you smash his family jewels
if it weren't for the dumb snakeman chilling by your cell the CU would still be there while seath ushers the age of crystals or something

>main weapon is a bow
I equip DWGR and laugh at him

>Humans are creatures of darkness but everything they value in life is due to fire.
The same is true for the gods. That's what disparity means. One cannot exist without the other.

>their "birthright" that is actually bullshit and miserable?
>t. Gwyn and his propagandists that benefit from remaining in power

Imagine how impressive little human Pharis was to be ranked alongside Gough.

The difference being that the Lords are all made with light souls. Their power is drawn from fire. Humans are creatures made with dark souls. Fire leads to nice comfy lives but for so long as it is strong, they are weak. The gods do not have to choose between comfort and power. Humans do.

Imagine how crazy of a fight it would be to take on gwyn's 4 Knights at the same time

The gods' power wanes when the fire fades. Why do you think Gwyn was so deathly terrified of the dark and the humans? When the age of fire ends the humans would inherit the world and enter an age of man.

Ciaran is the only who could put up an actual fight.

But the age of man is bullshit. Have you seen the untended graves? There's nothing there except a void of blackness, some hollows, and that's fucking it. Woo. The world filled with warmth, life, and resplendence that is the Age of Fire is gone.

Fuck of, Gwyndolin.

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It's not my fault that the game actually shows you what an Age of Dark looks like, and it sucks. You're being delusional at this point.

if you knew anything about japanese (you know, the language the lore and the game was written in) you would know there can be multiple words for the same english word that can represent completely different meanings
this makes translation in any form difficult and often leads to misunderstanding if the writers intentions are not clear or they are not adapted to convey the original intention
example: youtu.be/7FZiAi9LDIs?t=22

the reason why the english lore seems so extremely vague and sometimes nonsensical is because of bad translation (word for word translations can fall into the category of "bad translations" if the original intention or meaning is lost in the new language)
this leads to true loremongers doing their own translations from the original japanese descriptions and dialogues as to discern what was originally being conveyed in its original context

Somehow 4chanX ate my reply for Fuck off, Frampt. Don't you have a prophecy to invent or something? Meanwhile, the Abyss has been granting undead closure and inner peace.

You can thank Gwyn for that, stunting the power of humans, preventing them from ever realizing their true potential by linking their souls to the first flame.

The Age of Dark is one of peace and rest, which has been consistent throughout the Souls series. Even Manus was supposedly more peaceful until the inhabitants of Oolacile drove him crazy.

How exactly was Gwyn supposed to have linked human souls to the first flame, given that he the soul he burned (his own) had no humanity in it, being a soul of light?

>The Age of Dark is one of peace and rest
I believe the phrase used over and over again in DaS2 is "a sleep/peace akin to DEATH"
The Age of Dark is the world going into a coma/going into hibernation while it waits for a new fire to pop up somewhere.

The Ringed City shows that Gwyn placed the Dark Sign upon humanity because he feared its growth

>comfy blackness
>friendly hollows who just wanna be left alone
>get to have a friendly wrestle with the CHAMP every now and then
age of man doesn't sound so bad

He branded the humans with the seal of fire. That's what the darksign is.

This is bullshit. Gwyn linked the flame by burning himself. Undead were present in Anor Londo prior to Gwyn linking the flame. See: Purple Coward's Crysal, which shows that Undead gladiator matches were a spectator sport back in the heyday of Anor Londo.

The darksign means that the seal of fire isn't working anymore. It isn't the seal itself. And that completely dodges the question of "how did Gwyn tie humanity to the first flame when he burned his soul when his soul had no humanity to burn"

This is a total non-answer.

I don't see how those actions are exclusive, user. He could tie humanity to the first flame and sacrifice himself

Nito is meant to be an ally of man, since he is their complimentary Lord of death.
Witch of Iizalith and Gwyn represent Life and Light
Nito and Furtive Pygmy represent Death and Dark
They're two sides of the same coin

How exactly does "tying humanity to the first flame" even work? When Gwyn went to the first flame, he tossed himself in it. He didn't have any humanity to burn, so how could this action result in linking the fire to humans? SHit makes no sense.

>they're two sides of the same coin
This doesn't change the fact that the "human" side of the coin (dark/death) is misery and nihilism, whereas the Gwyn side of the coin (light/life) means fun and comfot.

>When Gwyn went to the first flame, he tossed himself in it.
When was this ever said?

the story of DS3 is that the series was never meant to go on this long and the world itself wants to die, the egg is the dark souls franchise and she, like the playerbase, does not want to let it go


They're separate actions. He linked humanity to the first flame so that their dark souls would feed the fire, then he went to the kiln to kindle the first flame