So this game is $4 right now. Is it worth it?
I haven't played System Shock, but I didn't really care for BioShock.
So this game is $4 right now. Is it worth it?
I haven't played System Shock, but I didn't really care for BioShock.
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes it's a great game
It's a steal. Grab it. Great game. The DLC is pretty fun too.
>is it worth it?
Listen, if a bloody frozen pizza is worth two dollars then a 20+ hour game is more than worth it. Food is vastly overrated, just look at all the fatasses around.
How does it compare to dishonored in terms of killing shit in really well designed levels with fun superpowers
Obviously what the fuck
it is a much better game than any of the bioshocks, but since you like bioshock, you probably wont like prey.
> I didn't really care for BioShock.
sorry I misread there, yeah, if you didnt like bioshock, it might be worth a spin.
its not a shooter, and more of a environmental exploration game.
most important thing is to play it at least on hard.
In terms of killing shit it's not really an assassination game like Dishonored were, so it has smaller arsenal of weapons and gadgets. But it also has some super powers too, both offensive, like various energy projection type attacks, as well as utility, like mimicking game world objects (this one is the most fun of the bunch).
You should really be comparing this game to System Shock rather than Dishonored.
>its not a shooter, and more of a environmental exploration game.
How hard is it to say "first person RPG"?
It's more about exploring really well designed locations, zero-g sections are Ludo tier shit better be evaded.
Immersive sim
I will pirate it
where is it $4? mind sharing asswipe?
Fuck off with this forced meme. The very phrase is a semantic abomination.
its dishonored trying to be bioshock
imo its worth to give it a try for $4
Also play System Shocks, they are great.
too old sorry I want to try big sexy graphic games on my new computer
immersive sim
The original is better.
It's pretty solid yes. It was worth it at full price and literally a steal at 4 bux.
dishonored is braindead because how easy it is
Prey is a fantastic game. It has some ballancing issues (like all Arkane games), and I strongly recommend playing on Nightmare, but it's great - the environment and level design is fantastic, core gameplay very rich and complex, and genuinely rewarding players creativity, and the pacing is absolutely spot on. It could do with little more challenge - less resources would make it even better, but as it is, it stands proudly next to System Shock 2 and right behind Deus Ex.
Prey not really about the combat. In fact your combat options are fairly limited. It's more about creative solutions and slower exploration, with an environment that has more metroidvania qualities than being set of self-contained individual levels.
That said, I'd say the enviromental design is better than in Dishonored, and the core gameplay loop ultimately more rewarding.
You mean the original Prey, the 2006?
Or the original System Shock 1/2, which it actually takes after?
It's more interesting as a concept than as an actual game.
It's cool how the majority of the weapons you use are primarily scientific tools / maintenance stuff which you have to adapt to fighting and the intro is really good, but it quickly devolves into a backtracking slog and the story gives up about 25% of the way in.
You have to make your own challenge in Dishonored. Stealing everything while never being spotted if it's a non-lethal run or killing everyone like you're playing Dark Messiah. It'd be nice if it was harder though
Your no saves no powers ghost run proofs?
I want to replay it on nightmare because I feel like most of the enemies would be more fun that way. Unfortunately I don't want some of the zero G stuff to be harder. I thought that was frustrating enough
There was pretty much only a one zero-G segment I ever had a problem with (taking pictures of the three Coral Nodes - and even that wasn't so bad). And you can just decrease the difficulty for the zero-G segments, and then crank it up to Nightmare again after. It has fully adjustable difficulty.
Long range shooting is the problem with zero-g imo.
Gamepads are problem, not long-range shooting.
Now this is a food analogy I can get behind.
Unironically better than System Shock 2.
Unless you specifically hate the genre, it's a must play.
It's better to think of it as a first person Resident Evil with multiple solutions to every obstacle.
>Unironically better than System Shock 2.
In what ways? Except zero-g and personnel tracking system, those are improvements. Listen, I loved new Prey, but there is hard AAA stain on it.
System Shock 2 was a great game for its time, and had a rich atmosphere, but when it comes down to gamepaly, the weapons in Prey are more varied and fun to use, and enemies engage you in more unique ways, even though there's not as many different visual designs. And level design in Prey is actually specifically constructed with a multiple approach design in mind and more non-linear.
I did not have a problem with long-range shooting in the slightest. I had a problem with the enemy design. While in zero-G, you encounter almost exclusively Weavers, very rarely (and thankfully mostly avoidable) Telepaths and Technopath. And with the Cysts being such an INCREDIBLE pain in the ass in zero-g due to their limitless manuverability, that makes the already somewhat frustrating enemies an insane pain in the ass. Especially in the node quest, where you'll quickly learn Weavers and their cysts have longer aggro range than the range of your Q-beam - and in the open space and cysts coming from any potential angle, it makes the combat incredibly frustrating: as you have little cover to employ, and you can't really get close enough to hit them with the Q-beam without getting a face full of cysts. And on Nightmare, two or three cysts hits kill you no matter what.
If the enemies used more easily avoidable projectiles or had lower aggro range, it would be a breeze.
Where can you get it so cheap?
Yep, dropped it the first time around but came around trying it and actually caring about the events going on.
I got it for freeā¢ but $4 is a steal for this game.
If you've played lots of games like it before, it's a lot more underwhelming than the majority of reviewers would have you believe. The story and characters in it are poorly written and it will leave you with an empty feeling when you are done. It had its moments, but I felt it was about 10 hours too long. YMMV.
>core gameplay loop
Just say gameplay
The combat, leveling, puzzling, looting and feeling of power are all better than in bioshock
It's System Shock 2 with boring enemies.
You're supposed to disabled enemies before fighting them. Psy blast them or throw a disruptor at them before engaging, then use combat focus, etc. It's only hard if you're doing a no needles run.
The irony of this post is no doubt loss on shitposters like you who haven't actually played either game.
play it, but also play system shock
I'll give you GLOO gun, great concept, but the game isn't about weapons and enemies. Prey is empowering, System Shock is survivalist. Just compare how you use basic pistol in both games. Compare impact of one bullet in SS and in Prey. Sure, engagements are more varied in Prey, but anticipation of said engagement is more important, IMO, and System Shock's monkey screeches and robobutlers polite barks pack more personaity. Upgrades are too watered down. Inventory system and itemisation are soulless now, you have less ways to use items, and gone are PDA games. Level design is squary, it is made out of assets, and assets are designen to fit to each other, like in LEGO construction set. SS2 levels have more of that "handmade" feel. Also gamebalance is fucked, SS fucks you in ass till the end, but in Prey you can easily overpower yourself.
Game is honestly worth 20 bucks. Great deal for 4 dollarydoos.
Gameplay has multiple level, you moron. Not all of it is great in Prey. If you disect it into individual elements, you'll find that some are fairly weak: such as the combat, which is as bare-bones as it gets on it's own. But it is not actually part of the core gameplay loop, in fact its largely entirely optional.
Prey, like many of it's siblings, is a game that where the sum of it's parts is greater than the individual parts each on its own. The core of exploration and exploitation of the environment is fantastic, but the combat, stealth or hacking each on their own aren't that great.
Psy blast has even shorter range than Q-beam, and disruptor is literally useless in zero-G.
Again, the problem is not in the enemies themselves - in normal environments none of this is an issue because you always have cover to advance behind, or the landscapes are just small enough that by the time they spot you, you are always ready to retaliate.
In the zero-g however, there is literally NOTHING you can put between yourself and the enemy before you get into engage distance, while they are already bombarding you with projectiles that literally swarm you from all sides.
The cysts are zero problem on their own, even in zero-G, but it's almost impossible to engage both them AND another enemy at the same time. And since Weavers spawn them infinitely, you can fend off the cysts, but the sucker will just send more of them and high-tail it to a distant corner of the base again.
Again, the Nodes. That is where my problem is. In tighter quarters, even in zero-G, they cease to be a problem since you can psy-blast them and then dissolve them with Q-b instantly.
> Fighting cysts with Q-beam
> My tactic doesn't work, so it have to be BAD DESIGN
> Frustating as a criticism
Just adamt, my man.
Just say gameplay
*adapt, fuck me.
>Prey is empowering, System Shock is survivalist.
Dunno what you're talking about, we must have played different games. Because by the end of both I easily plowed through the enemies. You only get more powerful as you learn more skills and find more items, but the enemies don't. Same is true for both games.
>Upgrades are too watered down. Inventory system and itemisation are soulless now
They're literally the same
At this point you're basically admitting to shitposting.
>Level design is squary
That sentence doesn't even make sense.
I'm fighting Weavers with a Q-beam you cretin. You know, the weapon that is by far most effective against them of any in the game?
Cysts alone are most easily dealt with using the foam bolts.
Are you mentally damaged?
The range is only a factor AFTER you engage in combat. I know it can be really hard to see, given the typhon look like formless blobs, but they do actually have "faces", and you can sneak up on them when they're facing away from you.
If you don't want to sound like a tool that wasted his money on a "game design" course, just say gameplay.
Psyblast ABSOLUTELY, COMPLETELY SNAPS the game in half.
It's such a laughably riddiculously over-powered ability.
Also, fair warning. Don't get the Moon Crash DLC before you read throughly on it. Because while it may not be bad (I honestly can't tell), it's DEFINITELY not more of the base game. If you expect just more tightly designed exploration like in base Prey, you'll be MASSIVELY dissapointed.
Mooncrash is a weird, sorta-rogue-lite-ish weird thing that I honestly fucking hate. It may be decent for people who are into that sort of gameplay, but I sure as fuck can't stand it.
Have you even played the damn game? Or do you just not read what the fuck am I writing?
Are you serious with this shit? What the fuck is wrong with you?
I have played through the game four times, including a Nightmare survival run, I know what I'm talking about. I also understand that you're frustrated and need to calm down.
I could ask you the same question.
i didn't really like bioshock all that much either and i loved it
You are an idiot then, or willfully playing dumb. There is no way to sneak into the node segment of the base: It's 400x400x40 meter-ish COMPLETELY open space with entrances on four sides, with three Weavers that constantly cicrle around and will get you in their line of sight as soon as you enter, and are always close enough to each other to alert each other once even one of them spots you or gets attacked.
Stealth is not an option. There is nothing to hide behind, enemies patrol in such a way that they have an eye on the whole environment pretty much constantly, and even if you get really lucky and don't alert them instantly, at best you get one hit off before all three of them are bombarding you with Cysts.
I have no fucking clue what the fuck do you think you'll achieve by denying this.
How insecure do you have to be to get angry becouse someone uses slightly more precise terminology than you would use? How fucking pathetic do you have to be to beg and demand they stop intimidating you by use of perfectly normal and fit vocabulary - one that in fact even you seem to be able to understand?
Again: What is wrong with you?
What the fuck was his problem?
Nothing, really. As bad as he looks at the beginning of the story, I gradually learned to kinda like him. Not that I would agree with his solution (I'm not an utopistic person), in the end his motivation did make sense to me.
Shame the game has not one, but two massive cop-out ending twists.
Where do you see it is $4?
I checked steam, and the price is still $30.
it was good but goes on for far too long and the endgame is really shitty. arkane still has no idea how to pace games
Sorry if my ESL ramblings are disorganised, but I stand on it: itemisation is soulless now. What are types of items in Prey? Weapons, ammunition, some plain healing items, occasional weapon upgrade module and everything else, which is automatically in "junk" category. But you process said lackluster variety like a vacuum-cleaner, you pick up everything without a thought.
In SS you have much more flavour, more edge. THere are more weapon types, but you can't use and carry them all. There are armor suits and upgrade thingies, that often have downsides. Hypos have different uses, and they have more downsides that you need to consider. There are research chemicals that you can't properly carry with you, there are PDA games, previously junk items became important as game goes on, and considering all that, there are less items overall in SS, that making them even more unique.
As for level design, it is my pet-peeve with modern games in general. Graphical fidelity increases with time, sure, but actual geometrical complexity isn't as complex as it were before. (I will continue in new post.)
You seem to be projecting your own anger and insecurities on me. Unironically calm down and stop using words that you think make you look like you know what you're talking about, when in reality you just look like a tool.
yeah, really fun after 2 hours
Yes. I love this game. Its got flaws, probably objectively 8/10, but its got some of my favorite things in games in it, so its a 9.5/10 for me.
I've played through half this game without getting any typhon abilities. Did I make a mistake?
It was $4 on Gamesplanet but the sale is over. It's still $4 on cdkeys though.
I keep putting off playing System Shock 2. Should I mod it or play vanilla?
Depends how offputting you find mediocre gunplay. Everything else in the game is great, but the weapons are a bit unsatisfying.
Pretty much everything you say is rubbish. Just the incredible over-reliance on words like "flavor" "edge" "soul" betrays how much you are driven by vapid sentiments and bullshit nostalgia, rather than any degree of critical thought.
Level design in System Shock 2 was garbage. There was NOTHING about it that would be better than in Prey. The only advantage that it had was that it's relative simplicity forced you to rely on your imagination more than on what is actually presented, which being most likely a kid at the time, you could easily do.
In reality, level design in Prey uses more assets, has far greater geometrical complexity, far more routes, far more variety, and much better flow.
As for items, that would be for longer explanation of why you are mostly full of absolute shit, but I think the above already illustrates how delusional you are.
System Shock 2 had some elements that were better than Prey. More complexity to build-options, and greater resource scarcity, as well as less painful hacking minigames, but Prey also surpasess it in other regions: level design, pacing, tone and art direction, enemy behavior and variety, flow.
Both are good, both for slightly different reasons, but the bottom line is:
Learn to distinguish between usesless subjective sentiments and actual fucking reason. You are not a child, you are expected to do better than this.
the high res texture mod makes everything look really good
Very convincing argument. I'd have thought that someone with your massive vocabulary would manage something better.
If you're too stubborn to take some good advice, you can just continue making a fool of yourself.
So, level design. Before you sculpted every room from scratch, nowadays you are restricted by assets provided. How often you get shit like slopes, walls that aren't chest-high, turns that aren't 90 degree and stuff like that? Modern games returned to paper-grid planning in a way, but now reason for that isn't techical, but economical - they can provide only so much assets of acceptable fidelity, so they have to be stacked like a LEGO DUPLO set.
Pic related is an example of what I'm trying to convey. Bookshelf in itself looks awesome, but bookshels next to it is exactly the same, with same book placement, and that is the only book arrangement that you will enconter in a game, every other bookshelf is exactly the same. (I don't recommend even trying to encounter it, new Call of Chtulhu is crap).
I don't know in what universe you exist, but where I live, core gameplay loop is an absolutely common term, no more or less well understood than "gameplay".
You on the other hand had to invent a fucking backstory about how I must have just taken a game development course (which I had not) and how I'm trying to impress people (while in reality, in ten years in which I have been using this term fairly commonly, you are in fact the FIRST PERSON that has ever expressed any kind of suprise or discomfort with this term. I would never, NEVER even for a fucking second ever consider the option that this term would make someone as much as raise an eyebrow until now - if it wasn't for your broken insecure ass, I would never even entertain the possibility that the term "core gameplay loop" would ever impress anyone any more than the terms like "gameplay" or "gunplay" or "platforming").
Again: it takes a SPECIAL level of insecurity to screech about a use of what is a common basic term in the medium. I don't know what happend to you, but you are broken. Get help.
You are a retard, aren't you?
This is one of the best games of the gen. For $4 it's a steal.
Hell no, you wannaby game-academic. My level-design rambles are in other post, if you are interested.
I'll try to put it that way: if Prey got Bioshoked and inherited it's "inventory system" (i.e. lack of inventory whatsoever), we almost would't notice it. Prey itemisation is one or two steps above your general shooter, but in SS you get proper RPG inventory.
> Surpasess in tone
Tone is subjective
> Surpasses in pacing
Top kek, good luck defending Prey's pacing, you are making it too easy for me.
> enemy variety
Is there even one person on V who shares this delusion?
> flow
yeah, tell me about buzzwords.
sometimes i wonder if i've been teleported to a dimension where everyone has shit taste
arkane studios stuff is top notch but it sells poorly
You aren't trained TO SEE it, mate.
Just say gameplay
It worth 60$
one of the best games in this generation
I'm really not interested in debating game design with someone who UNIRONICALLY claims that games like System Shock or Deus Ex did not use pre-made assets, for fuck sake.
You are a retard, beyond any belief. Please don't pester other people.
He did nothing wrong
I honestly don't understand why this keeps happening. Dishonored 2, Bioshock 2, and Prey are all phenomenal games in terms of content volume and gameplay, yet Arkane keeps getting assfucked by sales. Is marketing the issue here?
They do use assets, but they did't used them while making walls and floors.
Why can't we have more games like that?
too difficult for casuals and bethesda wants to pander to casuals
Because as it turns out, there is not that much of an audience for them. They bombed pretty hard. Now - in part this was due to various unrelated missteps of major publishers (DX:MD being rushed, relying on cheap sequel-baiting and god awful business practices, Prey being harmed by idiotic decision to impose an unrelated IP on the title and lack of marketing, and Dishonored 2 being harmed mainly by again publishers decision to force the studio to use IDengine despite the studio not being familiar with it - and giving them no extra time to adjust): but these bad publisher decisions are only in part to blame: it turned out that the audience of these kinds of games is ultimately just too small and too fickle to make them profitable.
>make bad game
Not even worth it for free. It's just really bland in every aspect.
i mean, possibly?
i'm basically allergic to ads, but i don't remember them showing all the cool powers and interactions you could do.
it was always basically sneaking around, scenery and dialogue
that, and maybe people don't find the artstyle appealing
You're a fag