ITT: 10/10 chairs

ITT: 10/10 chairs

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Other urls found in this thread: chair&ref=nb_sb_noss_2

I took the armrests off mine


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I just had to fix the armrest on mine, it was a refurb and they put in a dogshit A2-70 bolt that broke after a few years.

Now I've got a decent 8.8 bolt in there, at a grand cost of a dollar.

Literally the sole negative about this chair, and it's a cheap fix whenever it breaks.

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>10/10 explosive power

>not keeping an old office chair found in a skip that creaks loud enough for your mic to pick it up letting your friends know when you're back from taking a huge dump

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imagine the smell haha


My work has these, pretty fucking based.

Too bad about the price though.

I'd rather pay the price and rest assured this shit won't break for 20 years+ on me, unlike those shitty gaming chairs.

They're built like tanks, comfy as hell, and incredibly cheap because all the braindead businesses buy them then go bust, so there's a massive amount of barely used ones on the second hand market.

If a part ever managed to break, like you dropped a 300 lb weight on the seat cushion or something, you could just replace it, instead of buying a whole new chair every 5 years when the foam wears out.

Just pay 70,000 dollars for something you can do a lot better for 1/10th of the price

Wait, these are actually being sold and people are buying them? I thought these were joke/meme pictures.

>Want a Herman Miller
Lol, 600 max


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You can get them second hand for 3-400, that's how most people get them.
See , lots of businesses buy these then go bankrupt so you can easily find barely used ones for cheap.

Tick tock, Yea Forums.

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I unfortunately live on eurostan so it seems rather unlikely companies do any good for their workers like HM chairs.

Ok Yea Forums why is my chair pump always deflating if I don't sit down on it gently? It's some cheap Chinese gaming chair I got as a Christmas gift and this issue has only started happening recently. Do I have to tighten something?

That's a big drink holder

>It's some cheap Chinese gaming chair
That's basically the answer.

The dogshit hydraulic probably has a leak. Buy a new one or live with it.

>Do I have to tighten something?
your angus

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there's your problem

For me, the Ikea MARKUS

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the only true, based choice

based as fuck

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>like you dropped a 300lb weight on the seat cushion or something
Might I suggest going on a caloric deficit until you stop breaking chairs

I thought this was a good chair until I actually went to an office furniture supplier and looked at options, the difference is huge. But Markus is definitely super solid for the price.

I've seen this so often, story?

dude, it's a combined desk/lazy boy set up, if i had space I would buy the fuck out of this.

cheap chair lacking a solid cast iron base that surrounds the hydraulic bits, instead it just goes right up against plywood, with a cushion, right under your butthole.

I don't see how it would take less space than a normal desk to matter, but ok.

100% agree. I have one and it's the best chair I've sat in. Forget any of those sponsored gaming chairs or anything, the Aeron is the best.

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This is possibly the worst meme chair next to DXracer gayming chairs. If you ever stop at an Ikea, take a seat in this bad boy and laugh at all the stupid faggots who bought it.

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I'm talking hypothetically, dude. 300lbs on a single point might actually snap the mesh, but I doubt it'd break from just a lard bucket.

It's not the best, but it has by FAR the best performance to price ratio. There are better chairs, but you'll be spending 2-5 times the price for them, and that's NEW. The Aeron second-hand is priced up against absolute garbage like gaymer chairs, and in that price bracket, it absolutely cannot be touched. You'll go through 10 dogshit "office" chairs before you kill an Aeron, and even if you do manage to kill it, parts are easy to find because it's the most iconic office chair ever.

I can’t justify spending $1000+ dollars on a chair

anyone got the posturefit? I've got the lumbar support cushion but it keeps falling down and doesn't really work

Is the posturefit better?

That's true, I was able to pick up my Aeron for like $200 and it was a very good quality size B. Only issue is the left arm kind of can slide up and down but I know I can replace it with it's modular design. I told my brother to get one after he busted two shit tier chairs in under a year which had the air piston go out, but he just got a new one and I replaced it for him. Love this beast.

Why don't you guys go for max comfy?
What is wrong with you?

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Get them used like people say in the thread. I bet you could probably even just buy pieces paycheck by paycheck and make one, but I really don't know if the price is any better nor if it's a good or easy feat. I didn't have shit like a torque wrench when I worked on mine but as long as I didn't do dumb shit it seemed to work well.

Ok bud

Yeah, the old design arm rests are the one flaw, literally the arm rest is basically entirely supported by a 6mm bolt under tension, so they bend/break over time.

It's a cheap fix, but when you look at how over-designed the rest of the chair is, you really have to wonder how they didn't forsee people putting too much weight on the arm rests. On the plus side, it's a very cheap fix, I guess it's better that a generic bolt breaks over some proprietary part.

pc fags cant relate

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Tried it out and it was nice, but it lacks the "cozy/comfy" factor for me. Went with a DX Racer Boss chair (about 550€) and so far no problems, even after 12 hours of working( and sometimes even gaming). We will see how long it lasts. Every other chair was fucked after about 3 years. I weight 100 kilo tough.

because we got summer im my country, sven

I don't, remember if mine was busted when I got it but when I remember getting it I laid it on the armrest in the back seat of my car like a dumbass so that is probably when it fucked up if it hadn't been messed up already.

Imperator Works IW-R1 is like 3500~ USD in USA and import form China apparently was for about 2500~ (they are Chinese company).

Yes, they are, they also has a deal with Asus as it's nearly the same throne as Predator Thronos (just different seat)

do americans

Implying I don't have my laptop on an overbed table next to my bed at all times. When I got to game, I got to game.

Fuck this piece of shit.

A chair isn't meant to feel "comfy" the second you sit on it, that's a sign of dogshit foam. You want proper support, and your racer chair isn't going to last much longer than 3 years without a full re-upholstery job.

Make it fabric and you got a deal.

Right now the support is godlike and the foam has just the right softness to it. Feels like being strapped into a roller coaster seat or a sports car seat. Pretty comfy and cozy right now desu.

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The Aeron, or the Steelcase Leap v2?

Steelcase looks more comfy


any other chair is a mistake

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some post it.

I was reading up info about this chair online because I was on the fence for getting one, and that's why I ended up putting a but more money behind it and getting a second hand HM Aeron instead.
Couldn't be more happy with my decision.

>chinkshit dropshipped racer gaymurr-tier bullshit
Oh god I'm fuckin' dead

Are Herman Miller's just a meme?

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It costs like half a fucking car

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Can someone recommend a proper chair? Was stuck with a plastic barstool for kids for several months, and upgraded to a kitchen wooden chair with folded blankets as a makeshift cushion. I am so sore.

if you buy them new they are, used ones are abundant and half the price, they're built to last so they'll last a lifetime

It's like your bed, you spend 8+ hours a day sat in a chair, it may as well be an ergonomic one that will help your body years down the line

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Go to one of those office furniture liquidation places and try to find one that suits you.

Pic related is mine. It fucking hurts so bad

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Holy fuck this.
The only chairs anyone ever talks about are the several hundred dollar+ ones. I just want a chair that isnt going to fall apart in 3 months and also isnt going to leave my ass in pain for the rest of the day without dropping way too much money.

And we've got AC in mine.

I know this pain, find an office chair on amazon for like $50 it will save your back and your ass

did he died?

Take it from someone who has both, Aeron is a meme. It's comfortable, but not much more so than a run-of-the-mill office chair. My DXRacer is more comfortable in my opinion.

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Goodnight sweet spine

Hyken can be had for ~$90 on black friday and will last around 3 years, 2 if you're obese/large. $120 is the normal "sale" price, don't buy for more than that. Literally the best chair, best bang for buck until you can afford an Aeron. Everything else is a meme.

Ill look out for one, thanks man.

That's where we, pc gamers, have sex

That one is actually not comfy at all. If you need to buy a chair at Ikea, get a JÄRVFJÄLLET.

>vertical GPU
nice meme faggot

It depends. Do you work from home and spend 10 hours a day sitting at your desk working/playing games? If you do, get one Then write it off as a business expense on your taxes.

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Well, the kinda car driven by someone working minimum wage, maybe

Ah, a fellow comfy person. I like you.

thx for the tip fren

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been using one of these bad boys for years now
literally traded out my office chair for one of these since I find them super comfy

>mfw comfily sitting in a shitty metal folding chair and don't have to worry about that

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You're not paying for comfort, you absolute retard. Why not buy a fucking lay-z-boy or something if you want a couch to sit in?

I don't agree with the user you're quoting, but what exactly are you paying for, then?

Guys, please post chairs that those of us who don't make maximum wage can afford...

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I've been looking at this SONGMICS chair for £99.99
Anyone have any experience with it?

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>mfw I have a shitty chinese made chair and the spring sometimes makes weird 'ThUNG' noises
Im sitting on a timebomb.

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>no more butt sweat
praise gosh

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From what i see and my personal experience with that type of mesh on seat, i can say it's really impractical, it catches all the hair/crumbs and other little shit inside those holes, it looks terrible and is hard to clean out

Why would you pay more than necessary for a car? All it needs to do is drive, which a rust bucket does as well as a ferrari.

fucking piece of shit, it's impossible to sit straight in that shit if you're 6' or taller

Fucking retarded. Might as well go for water cooling

That lumbar pillow looks uncomfortable as fuck

>my stupid ass bought IKEA chair
>well it's an office fucking chair, how bad can it be
>150$, feels comfy, no problemo
>aside from many MANY fucking problems with the chair it's aight
>1,5 year later realize that I don't have any back support while playing no more
>not even the usual 90 degree, it goes past 120
>fuck it, still comfy to lay in it
>lay down to prove it
>plastic snaps on one side
>went ape shit, took it outside, removed the airpump shit or what is it and smashed it with an axe
why was I dumb enough to trust IKEA, fucking CUNTS

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Fans inside the seat? Seriously? What's next: leds, liquid cooling and hole technology?

not him but while I'd love to get an aeron, even used, they're damn near impossible to find second hand in australia at least in the state I live.

for many years my bed was my pc chair, so to speak. kinda wish I could make my next setup have my bed be my chair, but dont really have the room to do so.

I did that throughout my highschool years, I'm thinking about doing it again so I can have room for a weight bench.

Yeah, until a drunk driver plows into your 1 and a half star crash safety rating beater and your engine block becomes your lower torso. If a chair is "just to sit", why get more than a pile of cinderblocks?

>went ape shit

Lmao its got a 2 year return policy. You literally could of got your money back.

Daily reminder these people exist, and can vote

Soon they'll be gone



>lug a giant-ass garbage chair back to a literal fucking maze to get a refund 2 years later
Glad I don't buy Ikea trash to begin with LMAO


What's a good deal for an used one?

The return section is literally the entrance lmao. It's the same counter as the online pick up section, which is where you should of picked up your stuff instead of entering the maze in the first place

lmao holy shit you really are the lowest common denominator the store targets itself to.

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Behold! I am one of simple mind!

rip in piece user's ass

No thanks, Ikea nigger, I'll just buy quality goods from the get-go LMAO

I need a chair because the one I'm using is killing my back so badly I have to take rest ever 10-15 mins because of how unconfy it is.

Is the chair on OP's pic a meme or a solid buy?

Which, like every store, it does, amongst its variety of quality products. We call it "research", lmao. You can do it from your gamer chair right now

Beware buying -200 and always check the chair from top/bottom before committing.

How do you sit like a man on it? It looks like it presses your legs together like a fucking homo.

Absolute dogshit bro. This was the chair that finally got me to hunt for a refurbished Aeron. You'll go through one of these every year, but buying a $400 aeron will easily last 5+ years.

Ikea chairs are literally worse than gaymurr-tier chairs and they're overpriced to boot. Thanks for the pro maze navigation guide for scamming literal trash, Ikea Nigger, but cheap swedish garbage is not for me.

please lose weight

$200 is the average, but there are many factors; region, age, condition etc. If you're near lots of offices in a metropolitan area they can sometimes be had for sub-$100 if you buy them all from a liquidation. Expect an Aeron to be good for about 15 years with replacement parts.

It's horrible for comfort. The only good thing about it is that's it's well built for the price.
Don't buy this shit, seriously.

Where to buy used Aerons?

I want this but I can't justify getting it, even second hand

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This meme chair never fails to get posted on threads like these when anyone who has sat in one knows it's just god awful. You're better off buying a lawn chair like pic related.

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Craigslist, office liquidators, ebay

This. Don't get meme'd, retards.

>padded leather

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this is my current chair, its pretty damn comfy

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Yeah. Oddly enough I was talking about Ikea products as a whole. When I specifically talked about Ikea chairs, it was in reference to the return policy and how stupid it was not to get the money back.

Wew lad. You are just not very good at this.

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Anal Avenger, how have you been?

Copped this serta chair in goodwill for 30 bucks. Certainly an upgrade from a metal foldable chair.

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Been using this chair for 5 years now, still sits pretty well. Should i upgrade lads? Im not poor.

>American Small


secretlab titan or noblechairs omega?

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>office liquidators
I work from home, so this would be my "work" chair as well
Don't people feel weird buying a chair from failed businesses? I feel like it's got bad karma, failures in life sat in it and are probably homeless now and you're next

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why is there spaghetti sauce everywhere

typical low iq animeposter

This. Got one used for around 600 and it was definitely worth it. Dude threw in the lumbar support with it too.

Ikea products are terrible, I'm not sure why you're trying to shill on a video games board, please stay on topic.

I'd rather not risk it and stick with my brand new MARKUS that doesn't have the stench of failure of it
inb4 but you're sitting on it lmao

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i'm literally sitting on this right now.

Damn nigga that's pretty fly, what's it called?

Titan is softer and Omega is firmer, up to you really they're both great.

Also why do people shit on gaming chairs so much, when there's no office chair that can beat the Titan in comfort and support for the money?

Oof, the other user was right

Eames Lounge and Ottoman
But even chinese knockoffs run about 1k

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Jesus that is entirely too much for a rather simple swivel-chair + ottoman. Are unicorn giggles and pixie-dust upholstered into it?

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Well what's a good chair I can get new that's reasonably priced?
I'm too superstitious to buy used chairs from failed businesses to use in my own business
Things are going too good for me right now to fuck it up with bad voodoo chairs

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>falling for the condensated jew

>buying a lice chair from goodwill

plebs are gonna disagree but this cheap piece of shit is comfy as fuck

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>not buying a chair for dirt-cheap and running a lice comb over it

I had a good "gaming chair" I found on amazon for £35, cant find it now but it was big, comfortable and sturdy. Broke after 2 years of constant use and sadly they removed it from amazon. By far the best chair ive ever used.

wtf even is "lumbar support" and where does it need to go?

Most. Again, it's 2019. We have this thing called the Internet and you can look it up. Lad. Wew.


Sounds like a great post for reddit imo


are gaming chairs like this actually good or are they just a meme?

Sounds like passive aggressive surrender lmao

The burden of proof is on you, marketer

Why don't most sites list the back height of the chair? I'm 6'3 and a lot of the 'high' back chairs are still too short for me to rest my head while sat up straight.
Any anons got recommendations?

If you buy one that is ok for your weight, time you spend on it and iif the chair is not too cheap you will be alright for a while. Be advised, foam wears out after a while. Cheap chairs are done after 2 to 3 years.

It's a comfy chair for people without a fucked up back. Go to the gym and get better posture, idiot.

>tfw chairs are expensive if you want one that won't shit out after a year or two

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Sentinel, or Boss Chair from DXRacer. They have a height chart on their website. I own the Boss Chair and I am 6'' and there is still about 15cm room. Of course it depends if you have long legs or a longer torso etc.

some of the more expensive ones are good, just read on the internet first before buying. I wanted a secretlat omega but didnt want to wait for the long pre-order times so I just settled with the nitro

the thing is that these chairs have great upper back support which is good for playing on kbm, in office chairs you're always leaning back without question and for me that's not comfortable. the nitro is also ergonomic and customizable as fuck

Okay Lmao. The bottled water they sell is pure water. It's up to the quality standards of all water sold in America. We know this because it's just rebranded water like Evian. A quick Google search tells me that no, no one has died drinking bottled water from Ikeas snack bar at the entrance.

I chose a product. I googled it. It's fine. Took me about 15 seconds. Voila, proof that some products, this being 1 (one) of them, can be quality.


>Not gaming on your sofa

>IKEA products are not shitty, their bottled water is good

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Anything for under £300?

He's just a desperate marketer that got backed into a corner. Pay him no mind.

Yep. It's an Ikea product. We could talk about their glasses, plates, silverware, storage racks, kitchen slabs. Whatever one you want to start with. They are rebranded and bought in bulk from reputable companies... Like everything else Ikea has, a literally a moment's worth of googling the source will tell you if the source is good or bad.
Like any major chain that rebranded and resells. Now, you don't need to tell me on the doll where Ikea touched you, since it's clearly the ass because of it being a chair, but the point stands and your argument is more or less conceding

Again: Lmao rekted

Been meaning to try this
How do you deal with kB+m setup and the cable length etc

lol americans amirite

really I don't care about your dumb arguments, how many times your mom shook you when you were an infant or how many autistic paragraphs about IKEA products you write but I should let you know that you're talking to the wrong user.


lol just use a controller.

The worst chair ever made.

Not every game works with controller

Markus is pretty solidly built for its price, but its lack of adjustments kills it for people who aren’t exact fit for it. If it happens to have just the right seat depth and position for lumbar support for you, nice, then it is a great deal, but I seriously wouldn’t recommend for anyone to buy it without trying it properly first.

it does with the steam controller :3

Not soon enough.

Lmao so you just jumped into someone else's argument to defend an user who bought a shot chair, and than got blown the fuck out about some insistance that Ikea couldn't sell a single thing that's good despite just being a reseller

And this makes it less embarrassing to be you somehow. Okay later Lmao

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Refurbished RH Logic 400 is the best purchase I have made in a long time. It may not look special, but it has all the adjustments you could ever wish for.

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>Want a German Miller

>None of them have a headrest like my comfy recliner

Why? Why can't I lean back comfortably? Why do office chairs always lack that shit?

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Nothing can top this

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Listen i'm sure gaming chair are "good" for the price but who can justify to have such an ugly piece of fucking ricer shit in front of their desk ?

Pic related : my desk. Do you think i want to ruin it by putting some ricer shit in front ?

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user... Everything is absolutely ruined on that carpet, regardless of chair

buy a subtle one then

I got pic related if anyone gives a shit, very comfy, literally no problems there, 120 bucks, but doesn't tilt.

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Imagine getty this bootyblasted about a shitty company because you blew $200 on a shitty meme chair lmao cant relate

>mesh chair
when will this fucking meme die, they are mass produced cheaply and convince you they are high quality super comfortable chairs marked up at high prices

when in fact they're fucking garbage

it's ridiculous that decent chairs cost so much when they're all made of roughly the same shit

the chinese should clone the aeron and sell it for $99

better than foam

The most important thing in chairs is adjustability. Every human is unique in their proportions, so what are the chances that some schmuck designing a chair with a fixed form would hit the jackpot for you? You don’t want a gaymen chair that offers only bare minimals like reclining back, you want something that allows for you to adjust seating depth and the sitting angle of the bottom seat part, preferably even pumpable/otherwise adjustable lumbar support. Best of all, you can get an used chair with those for the price of a new gaymen chair.

Also, gaming chairs are usually made with weak-ass frames and mechanisms, so it’s likely that even an old and used office chair will outlast them in daily use.

I found that exact chair outside the dumpster of a bar near my place. I used it for quite some time. Good chair.

They break too easily

I'm 6' on the nose and my Markus suits me great.

I used one of these type chairs for years, honestly better any cheap office chair I've ever sat in. Plus they are pretty much indestructible. I don't know where the one I have came from but it has 'made in England' on the bottom so it must be ancient.

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Unironically just a padded dining chair. Ever since I made the switch to a chair without wheels or armrests and has a straight back, all my posture issues have disappeared. I'm going to try a standing desk soon too to see how that works out.

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This is making me want to stand up.

>supporting overpriced made in china junk

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shame about the silly markup on standing desks

But DUDE, it has to be good because all the streemerz and esports pros use it!

Can't beat the classic.

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Can anybody vouch for this chair? It's been at the top of the Amazon best sellers list for ages but the cynic in me refuses to believe there's a chair that good for £80.

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like a 400$ office chair isn't gonna end up the same when abused by a 140kg fat fuck?

Is standing in one place all day actually any better for you than sitting? I've done jobs where I had to stand in one spot for 8 hours and it was the absolute worst.

Who else stole an uncomfortable ass piece of shit generic office chair from work?

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It's amazing. Lasts about 2 years before falling apart but at that rate I can get 8 of those over a German Miller which is $1000+

Nice. How is it for lower back comfort and leaning? My current chair is fucking up my spine so I need something new immediately.

>original point about being better than office chair
>changes "argument" to 140kg worth of fat turd behaving like retard
lol ok, have fun moving goalposts

My chair broke, is amazon basics decent? I'm on a budget for a couple of months since I just moved.

I won't pretend to have looked into it at all, but I remember when there were still such things as factory jobs that standing on a production line all day was universally agreed to be bad for you. And now people want to recreate that in their office.

fake leather won't allow your back to sweat.
real leather gives swamp ass, and backsweat.
Mesh chairs are the best chairs and the most comfy. But they are the most expensive.

This but I took an armrest off, now its maximum comfy. Got an L shaped desk so that's my other armrest if I want it, but I can still sit cross legged or legs spread if needs be, beautiful. Probably the best you can get for under 200 bucks

I was starting to think I was the only one.
All these obese Yea Forumsirgins talking technical shit about fucking CHAIRS when all they need is to get the fuck up and walk some days of their life.

>that price
The fuck, I think I'll settle for Markus.

what's the coziest chair? something you snuggle in with a blanket and fall asleep in?

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prove that chair wasn't abused

you get NO PUSSY
wanna know why? because you aren't sitting in a 700 dollar chair

For me, its the lazy boy. This comfort beast with blankets or pillows tucked in back for better low back support and a pull out desk tray to stretch across my lap. Shits so cash. And i can lean back for a snooze after a long gaymin session. It also makes it harder for me to get up which helps me stay invested and keeps me from doing chores. Lucky me i git my bf to bring me drinks and snacks. This chair is what americas all about.

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hmm, might consider getting this one because of the free shipping

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Is it recline-able?

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kind of cheap though, it's IKEA
mine had the net go through after use and the shit holding the back support cushion just fell apart

Thats a cool screensaver, I need to cop it

I tested one at a local computer store. It was absolutely dreadful.

People meme about Ikea, but I've had this chair from there for 10 years and it's still as good as new.

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I honestly can’t believe how hard Secretlab is trying to viral market their shit. Every time you see a pic of streamer here in Yea Forums, it’s likely that they have one of those chairs, every time you watch esports streams, it’s likely that they have those chairs there too. Google up some threads about gaming chairs? Yeah, prepare to see weirdly positive and kinda jankily written posts praising those chairs.

It’s off-putting to say at least, stinks so hard to see any product getting so much one-sided praise.

Same, took one home.

they're pretty good for the money dude, stop being so butthurt. but noblechairs is similarly priced and better

aeron is shit if you aren't a manlet, the hard frame digs into your legs if you don't sit straight

>700 dollar chair
It's over 1500 dollars here on german amazon.

Fuck I can't have a chair without arm rests.
I like to post off my phone when I play games and I gotta lean on my arm rests and I type.

>no headrest
this is my chair, fucking pleb

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i'd imagine a yoga ball would be the best thing for posture and core strength, but they aren't really big enough to be used at a desk

>It's over 1500 dollars here on german amazon.
I see they have added the reparation taxes you owe to so many victims.

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I'd be hitting my fucking head on the part above you.
You gotta be a hunchback leaning gremlin to get the most out of this.

I think it might depend on which exact model it is, I'm seeing some for 700 to 800 on yuro ebay

>I see they have added the reparation taxes you owe to so many victims.
My grandfather fought on the wining side though.

not really, that backrest is 90 to 100cm long, unless you're 6'7 you wont be having issues

I wouldnt call these comfy but my lower back pain has drastically reduced since getting one

>shopping amazon
>same chair but cheaper on another store
>barely looks any different
Am I gonna get chinked?

Where's the joystick?

Attached: afterburner06.jpg (1280x960, 241K)

nice chair bro

are you out of your mind

foam collapses far quicker than mesh deforms

This is what you guys do.

Buy this:.
Alera ALEVT48FA10B
>sorry range banned from posting pics

Then about 3 months later when the cushion have all compressed you take it apart and add foam to it.

I'm rocking the same chair since 2012 and I've added foam twice. Now the thing is pretty wore out.

>also the arm rests are extra, so you can pay for them or not making the chair even cheaper.

What name or brand user?, for search purposes.

How do you put foam in the pillows? Sorry brainlet here
Is there a tutorial or something or do I just gotta figure it out?

>Now the thing is pretty wore out.
Forgot to mention I reupholstered the bottom once also.

whats the best of gaming chairs, theres so many variants of it now, and my ass hurts from my ikea wood

Youtube can help, but basically you take the chair apart and take the staples out the bottom (with pliers). Then you cut the foam to fit, placing on top of the existing stuff. Finally put the fabric back on and restaple. You need a good electric stapler and the right staples.

hope this chair is comfy guys

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You can't cut back on funding.
You will regret this!

Bit the bullet and got a quality refurbished Kinnarps chair, this thing is great

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You do not know pain

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it's a name you grow to like

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Just bough second hand Aeron. How do I clean it without steam cleaner?

your tongue and the blood of a first born

Not much choice if it's your name I guess.

Is your desk a fucking pallet? I'm not sure if that's impressive or you just need to apply yourself.

They gave me one of those for work. I fucking hated it because I had back pain all the time.
Three years later turned out I had a wheat allergy which was causing my back pain.

>dirtying the chair even further

It will never be clean, you're always going to be thinking about what the previous owner did while sitting in it.

Rate my throne

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do you fuck your chair?

>70,000 dollars


Can i have real non meme actually good for the back comfy chair suggestions?

this or an IKEA markus. I can vouch for both.

I love my LaZBoy Executive, but I want to switch to a Herman Miller because that adjustability was godly and made it way more comfy when I worked in a place that had Aerons.
Has anyone ever tried the other Herman Miller chairs like the Cosm or the Sayl?
I remember sitting in a Celle and in a Mirra 2 and both of those felt like cheaper Aerons. The Cosm looks like a better one though.

Christ was the dude a fat fuck who wore nothing?

>not using a orthopedic chair
sup plebs

Attached: Gravity-balans-4-positions.jpg (1200x971, 86K)

If you want a chair that actually lasts you need to get a professional chair. Chairs that are in constant use go for +1k.

Reminder that the term "genuine leather" isn't reassuring you that the item is made of real leather, it as an actual distinct grade of leather and is the second worst type of leather there is.

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What's the best chair I can get for 500 dollars?

i got some weird "gaming" chair from costco, pretty comfy

I pick up unwanted furniture from the street, I just want it clean, not devoid of microbes

9 times out of 10 you just need to replace the gas lift cylinder. Costs like $12 and an African could do it.


got a cheapo one, it's p comfy

Attached: zero gravity chair.png (731x183, 23K)

Based but I need to fix my posture every once in a while, I also get back pain from sitting in it for too long

>living in burgerland
I picked a second-hand one up for €180 including shipping

good for you user

You're literally fucking retarded and need to die

Should I get a refurbished or open box Aeron bros? The price is the same.

>No answer
>Irrationally angry
So I was right and your mad because you were wrong

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What the FUCK

video game mob boss tier

This but unironically

are there supposed to be compartments on the sides

How's this chair?

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>America is chair form
But it looks Chinese? Is this NTR?

I'm not even that same user, your stupid fucking fear of old chairs triggered the stupid waste of space alarm in my head and I had to let you know how retarded you were.
I don't even know what the previous replies to your dumbass shit were.

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>chinese """"""""""""""fashion sense""""""""""""""""

Nigga, unless you make at least 6 figures working from home you have nothing to say to me so shut up

sorry, i think looks more evil

The mesh chairs get deformed over time, god forbid you have an accident and the mesh gets severed, then the chair is useless.

Where do I buy one with a hidden gun compartment?

Mesh chairs are pretty much required when you live in Florida

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Looks like one of those roller coaster simulations you find in modern arcades

I live in Phoenix, I got a mesh chair for the same reason. I'm still disappointed. What happened to those tan colored foam chairs? Are the materials illegal to work with now? All the foam chairs you find now aren't as dense and comfortable as the older one.

I never understood why people shit on it here. I got one and its my favorite chair.


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>lets take a lazy boy and slap fucking wheels on it lmao

Any of these cheap chairs from the first page of Amazon worth getting? I have no fucking clue which to trust chair&ref=nb_sb_noss_2

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>why yes i play consoles, how can you tell?

Do these move well on high carpets? Only thing I hate about my Ikea chair.

That's where you're wrong. I had a PC set up by my bed for ages. Great in the winter. Now I have a separate work space for my PCs and I'm glad to have them out of the bedroom.

I for one would not go back.


If you can't imagine using this at a desk you need serious help

I would have if this one chick at work would stop breaking them. Arm rests are wobbly and one was snapped off and It's on a permanent slant now because she's so fat

Second one from top looks exactly like the one from my previous job (just without the hands). It was pretty good but if you're fat it wears out fast. For maximum comfy you'd want the one with high back as well as headrest, being able to recline is a major plus. Also, handrest that doesn't obstruct your legs is the best (like the 69.99 one, SONGMIC, and the rest mesh chairs in your pic).

Of course they are, but you can buy a shilling pas on 4channel so its not like you can do anything about it

I have this chair, love the mesh. I'm 150 but my ass sweats a ton on foam chairs

>all that sitting
>Not being ergonomic

Attached: wobble-stool-ergonomic-chair-1141.jpg (750x554, 28K)

i'm not overweight so it'll never happen

Wait, topsky and euco-likes handrests look like they will hit your legs if you're a bit obese (like me). Out of chairs in your pic, I'd choose the first one from the first row. It's got high back, a recliner, great handrest. It's a best seller for a reason.

That's a huge buttplug

>chinese brand
It will explode and kill you within a year.

Gonna need to call in the heavy weapons team, the Emperor has deployed to the battlefield.

Can anyone with an actual one Aeron tell me which size is best? What difference does it make? I'm seeing a lot of offers on eBay but they seem to be mostly B and C size chairs for around 400, and I'm wondering if that's a good price for a used Aeron. Thanks in advance anons

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For you.

what? do you think anyone that gets laid off is permanently homeless?

I'm a manlet and I have no issues with B. It doesn't really matter, if you're a massive fat cunt then maybe you want a C.

I'm a fatass and I can't fit in a chair with armrests.

save yourself bro, just get a cheap 50$ chair like what that other user said. seriously you'll thank yourself later

teenager who just built their first pc tier

keep an eye out for sellers that scoop up equipment from failed startups. Seen refurb'd aerons for half that.

Got myself one like this one. Really comfy but really hot during the summer.

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$400 is a bit much for an Aeron.
If you are a lardass (250+) go for size C.
If you are a regular dood go for size B.
If you are a woman or manlet, size A.

How big are you?

I'm 6'0 190lbs and I just bought a size C but i've never sat in one before. Here is the chart I used.

>a wireless chair

You put Ice at the bottom with your cans of Beer/Soda. Pretty convenient and keeps your butt nicely chilled during those warm summer nights.

>its a chair that doesnt allow you to sit gay in it.
fuck those chairs

Most normal people don't like to sit gay in chairs.

Fuck normal people I want to sit sideways in my chairs or legged

Imagine the smell filling up your room.

Alright thanks anons I have a better idea of what to get now, definitely getting the B then and I'll keep looking for better prices too.

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Yes. Yes it should

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I've looked into it a little bit, and the main thing is that holding any one particular position all day is bad for you.

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legit was thinking about getting one but realized it probably sucks

my embody is coming in a couple of weeks

that one in particular is built for pc use / gaming.
if you go to their website it will even tell you. It's a shit load of money but fuck getting a used chair

could any one recommend a great seat cushion? Thanks

we need ball room

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>doesn't tilt
What is it though?

my face

We actually have some pretty comfortable chairs at work, but I can't steal one because the office is so small that someone would notice right away.

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lmao OP is sitting on a literal bomb

Do you guys know anything about the Eurotech Vera? Seems pretty good for 400 dollaridoos but I can't find much info about it online.

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I wish I could find a decent guide on getting a power seat into my car.

I'm a 6'5" 275 fat man and I've had the same ikea chair now for 5+ years. Paying lots of money for chairs is a meme.

Fucking ace combat xenomorph chair

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t. noble chairs rep

actually kind of uncomfortable

The office I work at has these. They're not very comfy but they're not at all uncomfy either. Good for work, I suppose, but why do people want them for gaming?

People want something that won't leave them crippled from sitting on their asses all day.

Ali express?
Did it fall apart?

big lots

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I've bought the exact same thing from a store for the same price, they make good outside chairs, but I'd never want to use one in the house.

Huh. They're all out online, but there's some in stock in a store near buy. I'll give them a call and see if they actually have some in stock.
Thanks, user!

Attached: There! We're friends now. ♥.jpg (529x386, 57K)

Thanks, lads. Been looking for a new chair.

>the review photos on the page
fucking boomers, lol

This does look good for me. I need a chair that can bend back well.

I can't believe my chair is going to explode, now.

I have the Hbada office chair and I made a bad decision.

Looking at Serta office chairs, anyone have any experience with these? Either the AIR series or the iComfort series?

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> Tfw op is not a fag but is instead based and redpilled
we have reached peak clown world.

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For me it's the amazon basics executive chair

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all of these things are identical pieces of shit.
not just yours
why the hell are all chairs have the armwrests so far apart, like im a 240 pound fatass that needs to spread my arms across further than i set my elbows at placment at the wasd keys on the keyboard and on the mouse, using a 10keyless keyboard?

it kills my shoulders. i had a 30$ walmart chair i bougth years ago, that had every adjustment you could think on it. now this one simple thing, armwrest width, isnt available. TO MAKe EVERYBODY FAT. so they can fit their chair. if they are adjustable, like i said, its not at a good placement for my elbows with hand on wasd on keybaord- a 10keyless and hand on the mouse

This looks comfy, I'd get it despite not being a degenerate ham planet

how to fix back posture, i need this golem gone ASAP

Stand up straight you dumb cunt

If you've actually fucked your posture, speak to a doctor. It's not permanent.

>using a chair
>not using a stool
lmaoing at you all

Militaryfags and Military humor are the fucking worst shit ever. No one gives a fuck

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i got some gayming chair from staples after being fed up with my shitty walmart office chair that fucked up my back for life
i dont think this is gonna last long term but I like it so far

I'll keep this in mind next time I jump from a two story window to sit in my chair.

you don't water cool your chair?

Enough talk about gamer chairs even though they are necessary to be a pro player these days

Let's talk about Gaming Desks! Pic related!

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You would get a desk that has a giant dick.

I see this desk has an enema toolkit installed.

>Andy Warhol
>lava lamp
>Mario cube
>a framed dollar
Look at this fucking yuppie hipster

I went with a Leap V2 because I heard the edge of the seat on the Aeron is irritating to some people. I'm very happy with it, but you'd probably like both chairs

You have a meme mouse and a desk made from a pallet. Good job

Lets say you sleep in the bottom right quadrant position. You wake up and now what the fuck do you do to get the chair back into its upright position? Toss your weight around until the leg rest slams onto your floor ?

I haven't used one of those chairs but I'd imagine they work kind of like an inversion table. You just have to get used to manipulating your weight balance to move it where you want

I just got one of these for work. I have a computer on wheels with adjustable height and a keyboard tray that slides in and out, maximum comfy. I have to exercise to stop my extreme relaxation position from fucking up my back but I was doing that anyway

Are Maxnomics any good? They were recommended to me once.

I'm starting to think that the expensive chairs are worth it if you're a computer drone who likes to spend 4+ hours a day on it.

I just got one for £200 delivered. One of the armrest adjusting guys is a bit fucky but I don’t need it. Honestly I feel so vindicated coming into this thread it’s pathetic, I spent £350 total on herman miller chairs for home and work and I love them. Why do i care what you fags think though what is wrong with me

they probably are but i'm usually not sitting for more than 2hrs at a time on a weekday

mfw no mention of Steelcase Leap/Gesture/Amia

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I own the leap and I hate it. Armrests peeled and I rarely use them, and the lumbar / low back dial doesn't do shit

This. Military so yboys thrive on pretending to be manly men when they're part of the biggest welfare queen organization on the planet.
Like, get a real job.

are you sure you were practicing good posture? these kind of chairs demand it

Where did you get it from?

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I do the same but only because I play guitar and like the freedom of moving my arms around.

how do u game

I have one of these without the arms, got it at goodwill a few years ago. Pretty comfy. Some brand called HON.

Attached: IMG_0556_file_1497479759.jpg (640x480, 32K)

How do people sit on these shitty office chairs all day? They look uncomfortable as fuck. Small and a bunch of hard parts.
I basically use this, except the arms are retractable.

>burger music starts playing

>Small and a bunch of hard parts
Is that how you describe your sex life?

It does you can built one yourself for like 200 dollars

Must be French

more breathable and foam will just flatten out after a month and the "genuine" leather will start peeling off

any chair that has a flat back so i can strap on my velcro lumbar pillow. reminds me to sit up straight and avoid bad posture

Embody or Aeron? I can find a lot of used Aerons but if Embody is better I don't mind using some extra cash.

>Also why do people shit on gaming chairs so much
Because they're designed to look cool and separate gaymer idiots from their money rather than provide actual comfort and support. The "racing chair" ergonomics only make sense from a high Lateral-G-force perspective, but every fucking "gaming chair" uses it for the same reason companies staple RGB lights and polygonal edgy designs into other "gaming" products. Because gamers are fucking retarded.

Been doing the 2 legs on those bad boys for years and continue doing so.

When you say two legs you mean you balance yourself between one back leg and one front leg?

cars do it

Two back legs, basically recliner mode.

>I can't believe a gaming chair brand is targeting at gaming fans on gaming events and in streaming services related to gaming
Can't believe you took the time to write that shit. Also they are actually pretty good. Was kind of surprised because I expected your typical gamer shit chair and it's pretty much just a manager chair plastered with muh gaming shit on it.

Fun fact
If you ever find a seventh generation Celica you better get those seats. Fuckers are some of the most comfortable car seats I have had the pleasure to ride.

This is what I use. The fancy-ass mesh office chairs at my workplace are destroying my neck.

literally me

>the smell washes all over your body

Attached: sniff gosling.jpg (970x545, 156K)

Attached: Finestein.gif (341x376, 1.81M)

>buy 200 dollar office chair
>its terrible
>buy pic related for 150
>its great

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It just looks so fucking gay, I won't stand for it in my room.

I have the same chair as you and it's incredibly based
True wellness right?

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Attached: IMG_5635.jpg (720x876, 114K)

I've had this for like 5 years and it's still holding up great. Very comfy.

>tfw your chair always points to itself saying "Eh? You wanna piece o' me, do ya?"

would you sit?

>not sitting on the floor everybody walk the dinosaur

Attached: IMG_5636.jpg (863x1300, 68K)

you must be low on chair fuel. order a pint on amazon

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Can any one recommend me a great armless desk chair? I need it for recording guitar tracks.

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>despite not being a degenerate ham planet

Attached: shame.jpg (448x461, 27K)

You got tricked, should have gone with a Poang. Keyboard on lap, mousepad on armrest. Lasts for a good decade if you weigh

console lord here. pc workstation chairs will never beat a good recliner. office chairs are meant to keep you upright so you can answer emails and fill out spreadsheets

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I couldnt have spent more than $50 for my chair at officemax 20 years ago and it's pretty much in the exact condition as when I bought it. you got to be fucking mental to spend hundreds of dollars on a fucking chair

I bought mine from a used furniture warehouse

$300 for a premium aeron with no damaged parts, feels good

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I also heard the same but I honestly only slouch in my aeron so my legs don't even hit the hard lip in the front of the seat.

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"cushiony" chairs flatten out and give you butt ulcers after 2-3 months, trust me I have experience :)

>Old Spice
Fucking gross

Enjoy your sore ass

Enough time with sore ass and his spine and rump will be durable like steel.

>2 years of use
>horrible squeak
>horrible wobble
>go back to ikea and show them
>they refund me in full
>buy a new one

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rate my setup bros :)

Attached: IMG_1453.jpg (4032x3024, 1.73M)

Thanks for being such a loyal customer user :)

The ultra rich think this is normal.

I live in AZ and a leather chair like that would kill me and I the sweat is would be disgusting

>and I the sweat is would be disgusting
a-are you okay fren?

Hes suffering heatstroke, common AZ shit.

not bad, better than clutter but a sticker on the tower or poster on the wall wouldn't go amiss

probably going to put a painting or whatnot above the setup but I don't really have any interesting ideas

Basic bitch decorator detected. Clean, clear, white painted walls are patrician.

An exercise ball

Something that lets you stay in a good work position without destroying your back.
Gaming chairs recline too much and don't provide proper back support if you are actually working on your PC, focused and all. I guess that for gaming, where you can sit more relaxed, they're okay though. But they're still overpriced

Anyone have one of these secretlab chairs? I can't find any non-shill or biased reviews. They're pricey as fuck but I'm sick of mesh ass chairs and bucket seat gaymen chairs

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Thunder x3 bc7 is good for heavier anons (she supports up to 200kg).

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They're just regular chinese chairs with a higher price because of brand name.
Here's a tip. Don't look for quality when buying plastic shit off the internet. You won't find it, it doesn't exist anymore. Just look for cheap stuff and buy a new chair every couple of years.

its a meme chair, will probably fuck up your back over time.

Has anyone tried this chair? I'm desperately looking for a cheap chair to use for a couple years that has a headrest.

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Is the chair industry really fucked because of gamers?

No, it's not just chairs. It's all retail products in general. Manufacturing was all in China because of lower labor costs, now labor costs in China are actually rising and so there's another wave of cost cutting going on. Part of the cost cutting is quality reduction. Generally, you can't buy reasonably priced shit that is also quality, that has been the case for a long time. However, now even the expensive marked-up stuff is trash. Because they know people will buy it anyway due to marketing. And the ability to produce quality goods simply doesn't exist. It's not possible from a cost standpoint, if you're looking to sell on Amazon etc.

That's furniture in general. You are either buying Ikea, particle board bullshit for a couple hundred bucks or you're spending well over a thousand for something that will last a lifetime.

that was like some elderly 70 year old lady. she wasn't fat user

are we sure this isn't some cheap knockoff office chair?

aren't they all?

I want an Ejection Seat for a chair

It's for when Yea Forums plays Bloodborne.

Are you the evil emperor of some galactic corporation of something?

Have had one of these for 11 years, is good.

based AND redpilled

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How much should I be spending for a good quality chair to play vidya in? 200 bucks?

As someone whos made the gear box in these chairs, you've paid too much.
>tfw I sent out 6 whole racks with a missing washer in the gear box.
>tfw our welds arent always inspected.

>Tfw chair creaks incredibly loud if I move an inch

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>wired mouse
get with the times

enjoy your delays

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>he fell for the delays meme
heh keep it up i need all the elo i can get