Did you buy the Momodora dev's new game yet? It just came out

Did you buy the Momodora dev's new game yet? It just came out.

Attached: minoria_logo.jpg (3130x5164, 854K)

Other urls found in this thread:


There's an obligatory hot spring scene, just like in my animes.

Attached: minoria_sex_content.jpg (1575x901, 212K)

wait, it has a cute furry girl?

This is the protagonist.

Attached: minoria.jpg (900x1165, 80K)

reply to me, coward

It's Full HD unlike Momodora and there are no male characters in the game whatsoever, so you don't have to feel threatened by their presence.

Attached: ss_bb25c4374e885d47545ff82368c50ca03061fcaf.1920x1080[1].jpg (1920x1080, 364K)

yeah but what about the cute furry

I don't even plan to pirate it.

peak contrarian

reply to me coward

Does it have a giantess boss with huge breasts like Lubella from the previous game?
This is very important.

There is a male with broken hand right after the fight in your picture.

Thanks for the heads up, OP, i’ll check it out

First two bosses are a gigantic doll and a normal sized girl.

Uhh you clearly don't know what that word means. He's by far the majority. I, too, will never even bother to steal it, easily.

Game won't start on my rig. Just gives a blank screen with sound. Can't be assed to find a fix. Shit was probably made with Unity Engine.

>only 5 hours long
>20 bucks
user, I..

The whole game is now about witches like Lubella, you can see a similar character with horns in the OP pic.

There's also a big tiddy demon later on.

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>tumblr games
remember when tumblr and tumblr filenames were being called out instantly on this site?

it seems that everyone has accepted it now that era and reddit exist.
still cancer and still no OP

You can stretch it to 10 hours-ish if you go for 100% and all boss drops. There's also NG+ difficulty scaling like in Dark Souls.

Here's your furry girl.

Attached: 78AE00F22DC3EEB67A52D9585A885B361E066497[1].jpg (1920x1080, 217K)

can you please elaborate on how exactly is it a tumblr game

I will now buy your game.

>there are no male characters in the game whatsoever, so you don't have to feel threatened by their presence.
Bait, right?

He'll probably say something like it's a Western made pseudo anime game.

the animation is also complete shit in this game.

Waiting for Switch/physical release.

100% the game yesterday in 10 hours without any difficulty. I recommend this game at 20 bucks if you really liked previous titles, otherwise wait for the discount.

Koji Igarashi plays Minoria


Attached: 10.5.17KojiIgarashiPortraitByLuigiNovi1[1].jpg (2322x2756, 684K)

the art style just isn't as good as momodora and the animation feels stiff somehow

I think the animation is like that on purpose to emulate the 2D look. If it were too smooth it would look weird.

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She's puny compared to Lubella.

Post mega or fuck off.

Fox giirl is the best

>Learn bosses give a drop if you beat them without losing any HP

So many restarts already.

Yeah it's a genuinely really shitty mechanic. Bosses are super easy to kill otherwise.

momodora had the same thing. not a big deal.

I had no idea it was a thing. I liked Momodora so hopefully this is good too.

You can get Pardoner Fennel's sword if you have Momodora installed.

Attached: Pardoner_Fennel_1.png (682x1024, 759K)

Is it as bad as reverie under the moonlight? That was one of the most generic exploration platformers ever made.

How was Momodora RUTM generic? Thought it was pretty original, walked that thin line between gloomy and quirky.

Every area was a corridor with a few enemies you could run past or kill, bosses were forgettable except for tit witch, the dark souls inspired dodging just makes the game too easy and forgoes any meaningful challenge in boss patterns in order to ape a successful game. May be one of the least interesting exploration platformers I've ever played.

Attached: monsterboy.webm (640x360, 2.89M)

>implying that Monster Boy is better than this

Attached: momo4_fennel.gif (320x240, 3.44M)

How's the fanservice

It absolutely is iframe dodge rolling is not good for combat. It's Banjo Kazooie tier.

I pirated I'll play latter.

Your typical weebshit. There are cloth physics and the protag is flashing her panties in every other frame. Also everyone is a girl and has either a big butt or an impressive cleavage.

Sounds good to me

Might pick it up later, but I'm playing Blasphemous first.

>church bad

It's true though.

Attached: dark_age.jpg (604x483, 44K)

Where is the GOG release already? I'm not using that fucking iso malwarepack if the game came out on gog.

>church saves most of the scientific knowledge from the fall of Rome
>most of the medicinal progress in the dark ages happened through the church

get your facts straight

Attached: 1474233509560.png (3630x1615, 783K)

watch atheists deny this

>what are Salem witch trials

>This shit again

Attached: 1563796291340.jpg (1075x773, 43K)

based as fuck

is there any yuri?

Heavily implied in scenes like this , but not explicit so that you can freely ship whoever

Don't you have some young boys to molest?


Well if you're offering, bend over little boy. I'll tickle your tonsils

>Not posting the mega or google drive link
Yeah ok shill

>Scientism fanatic explores his sexuality
go be gay elsewhere

>church is evil, fuck god xD
>muh cute witches
>muh anime fanservice
>muh yuri scenes
>souls like, muh dodge rolls and parries
It's trash.

Aren't they a western indie dev? Hard pass.

I bought it yesterday, going to be home in about 4 hours, if the thread is alive by then, I'll upload and share.

Protagonist is not wearing panties.

based! gog version I assume?

>buying it on GOG
The Steam version has already gotten 3 patches, some with pretty important bug fixes. Have fun waiting for your updates, GOG cuck lmao.

No, Steam, sorry. I don't even know if it works if I upload it for you. Might have to use one of steam dll cracks from other games.


was there a reason why you decided to word your post like that

My only issue with modern game piracy. you have to download the whole game again to get updates
Not so bad when the game is like 5gb, as that's a small file, but when it's something like a console port that's 50+gb that's when it gets annoying quick

Does this game require Windows 10 or not run with Windows 8.1?

It's even worse and the game feels clunkier to play than momo4. Anons made a whole list about the game's fault in previous threads and honestly there's too much to list.
If you didn't like momo4 then you'd like this one even less.
The game's made in Unity and It runs on Win7

I played it on win7 yesterday. Actually I never encountered a game that couldn't work on Win7 yet.

Oh the weird way Windows was acting must have been a red herring.
Then it must be an AMD thing. Unity always gives me problems.

lmao imagine still running Win 7, for fuck's sake just upgrade



Does it have some of those foxgirl spirits from RUtM?

The screenshot with the fox is posted above you god damn furry.

Current year hardware doesn't even work on W7 anymore. Why are you using a literally 10 years old OS?

But you're probably just some clueless third worlder and I'm being too harsh on you, sorry. I hope you manage to build a better PC in the future.

>that being the same as the spirits
That is higher on the dangerous chart. In RUtM it's like a kitsune, you faget

> Why are you using a literally 10 years old OS?
I will never understand you update fetishists. I use it because it works and because the new version has nothing that I want. Yes, modern hardware works just fine despite the FUD you're fed.

Momodora had fox spirits? How come I don't remember.

Attached: what.png (963x720, 602K)

This was a really cool watch, thanks for sharing.

>best boss of Momodora was part of the Church
>they made a full game about cute nuns doing cute things
Praise be.

Attached: fennel.jpg (500x684, 107K)

>finno-korean hyper war
Still makes me sad for what could have been.

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At least post some good fanart of her.

Attached: koyori-n-pardoner-fennel-2.jpg (973x1280, 180K)

Looks pretty shitty

I believe they were mostly in the underwater area if I remember right. They had a broom or something and did some neat spells with it.

Oh yeah, I think you were attacked by some witch like things right after getting the cat orb.

>Also everyone is a girl


Wow, such a super sekrit torrent that comes up several times when I search "minoria" in qbit.
Why the fuck do people post openly available magnets. Stop spoonfeeding.

Just fucking buy it. Support rdein.

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Why does every game want to be dark souls now?

Any lewd art of the cute nun

Remember how every game tried to be Diablo in the early 2000's? Same thing.

t. 32 yo boomer

I miss her.

Every game is still trying to be Diablo.
See: Grim Dawn, Bombshell, and the thousand weird indie diablolikes released daily on steam that no one plays or speaks of

I hate it that I can't enjoy those games. Every Diablo-like game just makes me want to play Diablo.

Honestly that just looks annoying to play.

Is this game short? I'm at 3hrs and getting bored of it

6-8 hours or so.

There you go boys. An upload of my game directory.


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

Also buy the game if you like it.

Don't be a pirating scumbag. People should buy their games.

Maybe an hour in at this point. How many different weapons do you get? I've only had my hands on default and Fennel's sword.

Attached: bless you.jpg (540x540, 61K)


The only other weapon I've found is a black version of Fennel's sword.

There's like 4 I think. The one you start with, the one you get for not getting hit on the 2nd boss, and also bonus weapons from Momo 3 and 4/RUTM if you have them installed (they will spawn in the library).

Attached: Cd7qxwfUIAEN1Ix.jpg (600x849, 55K)

I'm uploading a copy that I bought.

He's not an atheistic hollywood elite, user

Don't be an enabler.

>giving money to devs who support chopping kid's dicks off


If you're gonna be like this then might as well leave this place. The anons can at least try the game out.


I don't agree with your viewpoint that piracy hurts the game, so I will disregard your advice.

>muh hollywood
hollywood = money/power
you're a moron if you think there aren't pedophile rings in every hall of power, regardless of religion

This is not Ion Fury, Momodora and Minoria are made by a Brazilian weeb + a bunch of other indie literally who's.

I found this, right after the two knights fight (I got hit). This sword essentially gives you another jump - swinging it in-flight propels you upwards.

Attached: Minoria_2019-09-02_19-02-11.png (2560x1600, 609K)

You're putting words in my mouth, go put a dick in yours

Oh yeah, I think that's the sword that allows for potentially infinite vertical movement + sequence breaking in the unpatched version. rdein got really mad when this exploit was found.

I recognize Momodora because of PSN sales, but dont know shit about it.
Recommended? I like weeb metroidvanias but this one looked real cheap, dunno.
Also, opinions on Bloodstained and Monster Boy?

Post proof if you're going to be saying that sort of shit.

is momodora single

Thanks user

can't get it to open for some reason.

Bloodstained is great if you like Symphony of the Night.

Not that user, but he uploaded the clean, uncracked files, you gotta find a crack or steam emulator

It doesn’t want to start
There might be something missing

Welp. Just tested it, it won't start if I run the exe even if I have steam open - only works when I launch it from Steam. Looks like you're going to need a crack for this, sorry.

I see furshit right there. No thanks.

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Refunded this game because I got too frustrated with trying to beat the bosses without getting hit And now I sorta want to play it again lol. Guess I'll wait for a discount.

git gud, the game's pretty easy, especially after body damage has been nerfed

Where's the GOG version reeeeeee I wanna play this game

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The game is neat. I like the that there are no males and just cuties.

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But there is at least one male.

So you haven't played it

Haven’t seen any male so far.

Is that an NPC or just a common enemy?

Then you haven't beaten the 2nd boss, because there's a male right outside of the boss fight


Are you sure it's not just a tomboy?

Apparently there's a Switch version, any anons tried it? Does it run well?

Didn't the world go to shit because of some curse in RUTM? What's this game about?

The Switch version is not out yet.

Technically unrelated because they aren't directly the same world (the creator is being vague). In RutM, only one city was cursed and then uncursed if you got the good ending

No it looks like an indie dev and I don't want to support murderous cults.

3D was literally a mistake. Hopefully he'll never try it again.

I think I remember it now. Hope we get to see Kaho in this game

Kaho is dead, user.

I think the 3D models are pretty cute.

Momodora RutM is great. Pick that shit up.

I'm not sure how that was supposed to be impressive aside from nice sprite work.

The game's combat is more janky this time because they tried to add tons of combos but it's not fluid enough for it.

and now we have liberals holding back science


Rest in pieces

Combos, rolling, stagger, none of these things are in Castlevania/Bloodstained for example.

One of my buddies played through it and told me it had the exact same problem that every Momodora game has: the main quest can be cleared in approximately an hour or two while all the side content buffs it up to about six hours

Strangely enough that makes them a better game.

>from the maker of Slap Giantess Titty
>A game with no men and a bunch of sexy women
>Huge tits everywhere
>fun gameplay
>But somehow, it's a tumblr game
Stupid nigger

Nah, IGA's games have no difficulty, just an addictive power level/grinding loop.

It's not like momo games donn't have their share of issues and bad design.
But it's true iga games are easy grindfests, the fun is mainly in exploring

The devs are lazy fuckers! This game had almost everything, so much fucking kino potential to be a pure god-tier metroidvania, but they fucking did it again! Short as fuck, and NO FRAN! I REPEAT HOLY FUCK, THERE'S NO FRAN AT ALL! Besides of motherfucking cutscenes and poorly realized dialogues with her there is NO FRAN AT ALL! Swe was so cute, she had so much potential to become much more soulful goddess than Kat or Fennel but nooooo we'd better pay more attention and effort to shitty soulslike combat meme! Here's your NG+, here's your Hidden Boss, here's your bunch of secret notes that just tells you what big motherfucker you're, but if you want more Fran go suck a bunch of dicks fella momogamer!

I didn't want a motherfucking combat, dodgerolls and shit, all I wanted is just a heartful and elaborated tragic story about two lost girls that feel warm feelings to each other! Give me my Fran, rdein, you motherfucker!

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>Having to change between a bunch of different forms to perform simple tasks
>Having to do it multiple times in one segment
Same problem I have with Shantae games. I don't disagree with you in regards to Momodora though.

It still hurts.

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It was just another Dark Souls callback, same as in Hollow Knight but at least Hollow Knight had secret endings where you still survive to sort of subvert this trope.

you have a dedicated "talk to fran" button retard

The boss fights are still more fun in iga's games imo. Also CV OoE wasn't quite easy if you ask me, Momodora RutM was definitely less of a challenge.
There's a lot of overhead that comes with implementing combos(it's just a single combo though), rolling and stagger in a CV-like game in a way Momodora does. However the game doesn't really utilize these mechanics in a way that makes them look like a worthwhile addition.

For example combos make the enemies weaker because once you stunlock them they're pretty much done. That's probably why the dev made enemies do so much damage in an attempt to balance the stun-locking, but I don't think that's the best way of doing it and it feels cheap. Rolling just makes it easier to bypass enemies and throws away the importance of positioning that was so prevalent in CV games.

The developers is not the best when it comes to game design and it shows.

Lulubella>>>witch of lust
>fight her more than once
>is bigger but has a funny/hot gimmick of hitting her boobs to attack
>is more memorable and has a sexy laugh

Try to read my post you dumbass. How much of Fran actually in the game? One replic per area? She has been casting magic in the trailers at least, and WHERE IS IT NOW???

Why don't they fucking understand that people like their games not for the motherfucking combat, no damage fights or useless secrets! They like them for the CUTE SUFFERING GIRLS! That's what they have to pay attention to! That's the motherfucking core!

What kind of game is this? Light Metroidvania? Is the combat super combo focused? Are enemies going to be hard? I enjoyed the last Momodora and would like something that was like it but with more content.

But you get to hold hands and Hug Fran.

Literally the last Momodora but easier. Soundtrack and mood are pure godtier, shitty combat and cheesy-peesy bosses, all the same. I unironically liked it although it's short as hell.

I also wonder why it's only Brazil that can make anime games and art that actually feels like jap anime?

It's a soulsvania. Have you played Hollow Knight? It's very similar but smaller in scope and you can roll, combo and even parry. Oh and everyone is a cute girl, and the music is sad.

And even more...

Attached: If9slePrgLg.jpg (1279x799, 28K)

Where the fuck are the enticing webms for this game? I'll get it eventually but still.

Watch the trailer on Steam. Or here:

Brazilian here, absolutely everyone here watched DBZ

I never played Momodora. Should I buy it or this new game?

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Every game rdein has made plays the same, just get momo4

There's a fuckton of weebs in Brazil that's why. Also:

Attached: 3be8f985b147131eee36ebb5ba682f80[1].jpg (1080x1350, 196K)

This one has more lewd stuff and full HD graphics, but Momodora plays better. Pic related is the Momodora cast.

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Is it worth to emigrate to Brazil? I'm tired of fucking normies. I won't mind if somebody kills me or steal my pants but I want to die in the anime country...

>soulless new cover
>not the true one that actually fit the mood of the game

Attached: Momodora_ Reverie Under the Moonlight.jpg (600x800, 148K)

couldn't agree more

Hmm I do like cute and funny girls... I'll have to think on it.

I've also never played Hollow Knight. Is it worth buying ?

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Ha ha no

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So Brazil is shounen country?

Which jojo is this?

Don't listen to him.

First three momos are literally cave story homage. Then, 4 has strong bloodborne vibes, and Minoria is just like bloodstained+dark souls+momo 4.

>Minoria is just like bloodstained+dark souls+momo 4.
You forgot Nier

Cute gobbos.
Shame they all have to die.

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Are Cath and Fennel Related ? Or are similar hair and eyes just a coincidence ?

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that's heresy
and I like it

Cool, has Iga ever played momodora IV?

Coincidence I guess.

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can I play this game without playing the other?

What a good girl

But Cottilard survived!

Yes, the story is standalone even though there are references to older games.

Attached: b3d.png (1000x1215, 589K)

Just like they happen to be best girls I guess.

No, Minoria is pretty much stand-alone but has reference to Reverie, which is also kinda stand-alone but has some more ties to other momo games.

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What the fuck? She was looking better back then.

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>Her faith and optimism: Gone.

>giving money to devs who support chopping kid's dicks off
>rdein the brazilian faggot
Are you a idiot?

I don't like it, dunno why but it just feels kinda bad. Maybe I was spoiled by bloodstained or something it just feels like the combat is too simple in this.

Momo lore and setting had so much potential, why the fuck dev went away from this?

>chopping kid's dicks off

Is this something bad?

It's literally the same setting, just a different city/country whatever. Lots of the same enemies/tropes/lore etc.

Kaho became a saint actually, you can pray to her on the earlier momodoras that take place after IV. She died to became a probably minor god.

Attached: kaho.gif (320x274, 476K)

It is pretty easy but getting items by beating bosses without getting hit is retarded.

She's literally still alive in Momo 3, there's a semi-secret level where you get to fight alongside her. And the boss you get to fight together sorta looks like the true ending boss from Momo 4. Maybe it's a flashback scene?

Coincidence, Cath talks about a already dead sister and fennel's sister is a bonus boss.

It's a different timeline where Kaho realized that maiden sacrifices were actually feeding the curse.

Imagine the smell

It'd a downgrade, so no

rdein flat out said that it's different universes.

Where did you get this deepest lore from lmao.

Isnt that a fucked up pocket dimension or something? its probably time travel.

Yeah I'm sure Fennel's sword is travelling through dimensions lol. There's way too many references/shared tropes for them to be set in different universes.

I've read about that once somewhere in the depths of momo wikias or rdein twitter. Also, she says that when you meet her in momo3.

You can read a lot of momo autism here


Again, you're not showing proof of accusations. Are you a butthurt leftie who's mad that rdein wouldn't join your cult?

That's just fanservice

Guess that means that because moonlight greatsword is in most from games, literally all those games are in the same universe

> "She claims to be from KoHo (which is supposedly a common place in the Momodora lore),but then in her last mission (Momo 4) everyone her as a priestess from Lun?"
>This is my favorite question! Chronologically, the village was first called Lun. But after Kaho's story, it was renamed Koho to honor her. You can consider Kaho's mention of Koho in Momo 3 to be retconned :P
And nothing corroborates what said, its just a theory then.

This game is such a major downgrade in aesthetics from the previous game, I'm very disappointed. The characters and environments look like cardboard cutouts and the animations are stiff and amateurish. Why did they do this? Momodora 4 was beautiful.

Attached: 15881567615482003427660.png (500x396, 131K)

>casually click on the artwork tab on Steam
>this pops up

Attached: EFCECEE27BAF97B673CF2538772ADEE38BED8CE4[1].jpg (645x911, 500K)

The real disappointment is that this was going to be a true 3D momodora game, but the creator let one or two faggots get to him so he made this instead

Momodora V was a terrible concept.

Says you. That looks fun as hell for early level gameplay

>2D game where they have years of experience
>extremely janky full 3D game cause they're new to it
They made the right call, it would have been bad

It's just a shitty Dark Souls rip-off with terrible graphics.

I'll buy it, I'm just gonna wait and see if I can get a physical version like they did with Momodora

>I don't want more 3d action games with cute anime girl protags
Great, now you get a lesser Momodora 4 in "3dish" instead of something new and fun

They are still learning how to use 3d, so i give then a small pass, they can still fix shit with updates.

I wish they hire a proper storywriter.

I wish the game had even less cutscenes. Minoria had way too much talking compared to Momo 4. It's not the Dark Souls way.

Just look forward to this one.

>you could've had 2 3d games
>have one instead
It looks cute, but this feels more like Nier: Automata