2019, I am forgotten

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Is it out yet?

I sure do love that my favorite game's series has one just okay sequel, a shitty remake that changes too much and a probably passable but unnecessary remake that won't change anything but the art design.
My only hope is that they really are redoing the entire soundtrack with the Prague orchestra and choir so there will be a definitive version of the soundtrack.

Nope. Release is slated for October 25th.

Is it October yet? I like how i now have 3 MediEvil games to go through each Halloween.

>Every Medievil fan feelings

Fuck off, I'm excited for this game. It isn't even out yet.

they are using the original soundtrack, they arent re-doing it

this is the game im buying a ps4 for. none of their exclusives grab me this gen, but this one is my favorite ps1 so i have to

>4 entires in a series
>3 of them are the same game

These kinda things shouldn't happen to any character.

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Release it on pc faggots.

Bob and Barn are back so some things will probably be different no? If there's one area the game never disappointed (including the PSP shit) is the OST.


I glad they got it running to 60 fps. Take notes, Activision.

Unfortunately, It's probably not going to happen. Sony owns Medievil.

>tfw Pools of Ancient Dead

>tfw you can't fall into them and drown anymore
I hate this, what's the point?

PSP, the one in the OP, what's the third remake?

oh wait fuck I'm retarded

Is there a bigger butt-monkey than Sir fucking Daniel Fortesque?

still my most hated level in the series. zarok's time machine close second

Stop falseflagging, sónygger.

We know, don't worry.

Releasing on PC hurts no one, however, and the PS5 is right around the corner.

>zarok's time machine
I liked that one. The area with the big lake (or whatever it was, i think right after the Pools) can go fuck itself though.

I don't really like how this remake looks. I also don't really understand why they're even doing this. The game is like five hours long, and it never had that much of a following

nostalgia bait, same with ever other remake, much safer option to remake a classic game rather than make a sequel or something original

This. It works too

I know this is probably quite an autistic thing to even notice, but does anyone else think that this game not having the blackness beyond the draw distance really changes the atmosphere?
I can't exactly explain it but there are quite a lot of games that did this in the PS1 era and I think it contributes a lot to the vibe of those games.
Objectively, it is better to be able to see a skybox and models in the distance. But idk, I like the shadow beyond the spotlight look.

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I feel the exact same way. In this game's case it was a pretty clear design decision too, and getting rid of it changes the feel massively

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I haven't actually played the original Medievil but even I noticed the change in vibe.
I just like the negative space being black, that was something I really liked about Undertale's art style too.

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Yeah, like sure the fog of war was a technical limitation, but then they really incorporated it into the visual design by just cutting the levels off with a black void

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Not really, i'm looking forward to this game

>unnecessary remake that won't change anything but the art design.
I seriously hope they suprise us with new content that adds to the original game. Something like difficulty modes, skin changes for dan (besides the golden armor), maybe more weapons, etc i don't know but there's room for improvement.

I feel like if they do the skybox right it can work. Sure, the blackness was spooky but it would look like shit nowadays.

>the blackness would look like shit
I don't think it'd be hard to just make it an option like choosing the Original Soundtrack in Spyro or something.

lel, kys

>Ps4 only

Big time forgetto. Sony are retarded

Please don't pretend like it would sell well enough to be worth the effort. people on here would pirate, call it shit, and forget it exists.