>Highest skill ceiling
>Huge playerbase
>Constant updates
>Massive esport scene
Why aren't you playing Rainbow Six Siege?
Play R6 Siege
Other urls found in this thread:
I am, how do I stop getting tilted? Over 1400 hours and I still rage.
>skill ceiling
>literally can see people through walls
>of shit you have to pay for
>policed online where you can't say BAD WORD or have your money stolen
no thanks I am old enough to be over this chat monitoring shit
I do every now and then but it's just not a game you can play while tired after a day of working on shit
Game got stupid and keeps trying to appeal to autistic tourny/metafags. Operator gadets are getting ridiculous and unrealistic, and the skins like a lot of shooters now are fucking retarded looking and out of place. I'm hoping ready or not will be a sleeper hit from the normalfags because from the sounds of it the devs of RoN seem to want to keep a serious tone throughout the whole game.
Lmao how fucking hard is it not to type words in an FPS. Like just focus on shooting you troglodyte
No friend
I tried, the new player experience is horrendous. I only stayed for about 30 hours.
>ash on adderall
>getting spawn peeked
>not knowing any of the maps
>getting spawn peeked again
>don't know what all these clusterfuck gadgets do
>don't know about half the operator abilities
Sweaty game i dont see myself having fun
It died for me when they removed every season's operator outfit from the store.
I used to be diamond adderall ash but it gets boring
Generally speaking if you're going to quote someone with corrections added you either want to alternate between quoting them directly in greentext and then putting the correction normally or just putting corrections in greentext following the same general line up of their green text, instead of this cancerous amalgamation of the two.
Also just call your teammates faggots through voip.
I have been thinking of picking up that maudhau game since apparently it is very light on say word money stolen.
I thought ready or not was a single ayer game like swat4?
New operators are really dumb. The game started off with ops being fairly realistic but just slightly encroaching on the realm of sci-fi, now it's just pure sci-fi bordering on magic. Not to mention a lot of the new operators are literally just carbon copies of old operators but better, making the old operators obsolete (looking at you Nokk, Lion, and Hibana). Game would have been 10x better if they just stuck with the original operators and focused on balancing them.
>Pay $40-$60 for game
>Grind out the operators or pay more money
>New operators come out like every month
>And for a game that wants comp diversity
Yeah no thanks
>agree not to say word or you don't get to play game
>say word
>don't get to play game
wow dude that's really messed up how they stole your money like that bro.
>Constantly play monte
>Go ahead checking all corners for my team in the back with my shield down.
>Walk on point with enemy shooting me to try and stop me.
>Run at me to melee me while I make my way to a corner.
>Gets shot by my teammates
>they swap focus to them, walk in front and block shots so my team can take cover in the room
>Walk behind them, and now they're stuck between me and my team.
>They fight instead of running
>Drop shield
>He turns around to shoot me hits my shield while I crouch down and gets shot in the back of the head.
>Caviar shoots 2 people in the back and then gets gunned down by everyone else in the room.
>On defense
>Pick doc
>Overheal my team before they go in
>Heal downed teammates after dealing with the guy trying to kill him
>Heal injured teamamates
Playing the support character in this game is interesting.
this game is a fucking joke
She's a big girl.
The game always had potential, but it's just too much bullshit. Raven Shield was the peak of this series and has been completely downhill from there. This is like some COD arcade game in comparison. One thing that pissed me off is that people are basically exploiting the broken models and peak mechanics. Like, you can be behind cover and not see an enemy, yet they can still see part of your body and shoot at it. Plus they're abusing peak exploits in general by jumping out from cover and instagibbing you before you can react. You either do the same thing or get raped. Shit sucks.
haha le big catto xDDD
>see record kills
>people aiming 50cm above my head kill me
>or people shotting at a umbreakable part of a door manage to headshot me
no one cares of your shit esport scene
Because it's normie casualshit.
The game is too reliant on communication to play casually without a mic. That's why I don't want to play it.
'Cuz I don't like it.
Casual tactical is still casual. Call me back when that SWAT 4 remake is released.
>Ridiculous and unrealistic
They were kind of like that from the start. I'll agree with everything else though.
it sucks
What were unrealistic gadgets from the start?
Psst, hey kid, check this out:
Fuck off and stop sapmming this shit game zoomers.
I'm not making a Ubisoft account just to play a video game. I just want to play the game
Pulse's heartbeat sensor.
im plat 1 one win away from diamond and i feel absolutely nothing when i win and only rage when i lose. I've been playing since January 2016 and i would not recommend this game to anybody. playing it is just exhausting and i think I'm just going to uninstall it after trying next season
>ridiculous and unrealistic
Absolute unit
SWAT 4 had multiplayer.
just play casually so you won't rage
unless you are one of those that go 10/0 every casual match
The game would be 1000 times better without the gimmicky gadgets. Prove me wrong
but ofcourse Ubisoft needs something to sell those year passes.
I've been playing it like, 6 hours a day for the last month or so and I don't feel like I'm getting any better...
the game is awful
it's the worst parts of counter-strike
no really, the game is awful
r6 zoomerville
I played it a fuckton in 2016. put 1500 hour into it that year alone. Year 2 came along and i just lost interest and dropped it completely. adding lootpacks, charms, headgear and outfits later in the game already pissed me off.
Alibi is fun as fuck.
>Throw down Alibi in a normal angle a player would hold.
>They shoot the Alibi
>The Alibi tags their location.
>They hide to not get shot.
>Stand in the Alibi's place in the meantime.
>They peak and advance on you, the "Alibi" without shooting you so they don't get tagged by "you" again.
>Blast them.
The ALL Chat is always a joy after you do it.
Because it's shit.
>Silver is fun as fuck
Fixed that for you.
playing it now
it has the worst fucking playerbase of any game ive ever seen. it was far better in year 1
legitimately the stupidest fucking ADHD riddled little faggots Ive ever had to queue with. some people are cool
>Any map with windows
>Throw melee chunk out of window and throw a stand down to make it look like its spawn peeking
>2 seconds after round starts
>Tricked Enemy
>Tricked Enemy
>Tricked Enemy
>Tricked Enemy
Truly the best character in the game.
>notRainbow Six
It's Overwatch with tacticool gear.
Ubisoft's mistake was to add more operators with gimmicky Overwatch crap instead of making more maps.
you forgot to mention constant bugs and exploits and cheaters and horribly toxic playerbase.
like they remove gadgets form the game for months, because they can't fix the exploit with them.
What is even the point of this game if you can't hot breach?!
One of the big problems with siege, unfortunately being a new player is pretty much sink or swim and the only way to get gud is to keep dying and learn from it
It's too hard for me, and so I don't have fun.
it's dogshit streamer zoomer bait
with lootboxes and skins
on a literal kike drm platform; and this thread is probably a paid advertisement
Game is hot trash. Was fun at first but after 600 hours I couldn't take the playerbase anymore. Not to mention ranked is fucking awful. I quit after someone never came back after disconnecting at the start. 4v5 every game for 9 matches straight in ranked. Why fucking bother?
Hasn't been good since Red Crow and esports faggots dictated too much of the games updates
Also removal of maps and updating maps too make them more soulless and shit was the last straw
Haven't touched the game for years now
1600 Lvl 168+ here it never gets better so I just play casual
>constant team killing
>he wasted 600 hours on a game that he hates
why are cameras yellow? why are drones different color? why does the ui change every season? why do new ops have the same old weapons? why do maps keep getting reworked? why is ranked still in beta?
t. /pol/ addicted depressed boomer with shitty reaction times and spends atleast 2 hours on Yea Forums minimum a day
No. I quit after 600 hours and couldn't handle the shit playerbase anymore. Learn to read.
>I quit after 600 hours of chewing on a cactus
Because it's low skill ceiling garbo
Could you expand on what you mean by this? I feel Ubi have done a really good job so far in keeping operators relevant, especially the old ones, so I'm interested in your view on this.
I disagree given half the maps Ubi release get turned to shit in like a week or so once the community gets use to them. I imagine it's a hard game to design really good maps for compared to most other titles but they still make so many errors.
value yourself as a person you don't need to feel loyalty to a publisher that seriously doesn't respect you
counter strike is worse in every regard
i haven't touched the game in 3 weeks bud
take your pills man
I absolutely agree
Thatcher's portable nuclear reactor
>i got killed trash game
I use to be heavily against the removing of maps as well but honestly the more I play the game (Now sitting at 1k+ hours) I'm extremely happy to see weaker maps removed or reworked. The trashy maps like house, plane, flavela etc make casual absolutely infuriating to queue in when you want some downtime.
Because I'm an autist with no friends and playing siege by yourself isn't that fun.
>Higher skill ceiling
It's all about opening a small glory hole and camping there.
It's a game or patience, not skill.
hmmm that's hot
I think they're adding skins to that game as well, I hope they're not that bad at least
>I feel Ubi have done a really good job so far in keeping operators relevant, especially the old ones
Glaz has been nerfed to the Tachanka level for the entire season. The balance team's long-lasting struggle against the smoke meta is honestly hilarious.
Tachanka has been crap from day 1 for no particular reason.
Mute has been made obsolete twice: first by Kaid, then by Mozzie.
The community in this game is absolute fucking trash on PC. I swear it's filled with 12yo keks.
>people acting like retards in the chat
>Le funny maymays XD
>team killing for the most idiotic reasons
Thank god Ranked has people who actually want to play and don't act like retards.
I mean there's nothing exceptionally bad about tachanka, he has a head shield and a very good mounted lmg. It's just that defenders have drones and can attack him from other angles, plus prefire his position.
also I think the head shield was something they added later as a buff
Playing Siege with friends is only fun when you all are about the same level. I actually have four people to play with, but two of them are really bad, and playing in a full stack makes it unfun for all of us.
i'm not complaining of the times i get killed when they aim at my head
sorry shill , fix your shit game
It would be a fantastic game if it wasn't for the bugs and the community.
For you
>there's nothing exceptionally bad about tachanka
His device is outright bad, and his weapons are mediocre. Even Clash is better than him, at least she has a gimmick to her.
for anyone not 600lbs
Yeah Glaz has been nerfed to hell I'll give you that, but given he was ridiculously OP for the longest time with players so awful they rival Ash mains I don't mind him being garbage for a bit. I've never liked Glaz because l don't think he ever really suited the game.
Tachanka rework is incoming apparently. Like you said he was kind of useless from day 1, not from added characters. I don't think the devs really understand what makes the game click half the time even now, so I'm not surprised they added in an operator that just doesn't work well with how the game is played at all.
I'd disagree heavily on Mute being obsolete. While those two ops do take certain things away that only Mute could do, he's a different breed of both of them rolled into one op. Plus the way he cancels out attacker gadgets means he's pretty handy, especially now Dokkab will probably get ran more due to frags.
Still better than putting up with retards in solo queue who throw a tantrum if you ask them to do ANYTHING and die 30s into every round. Even worse if you get teamkillers or derankers.
Something wrong user?
You wanna get your dick sucked?
Only by cute girls and don't derail the thread fag!!!!!
So this is basically For Honor with guns. Fine, I'll give the free trial a shot. What's the best operator for a low-IQ player?
Sounds like you fit right in
Thatcher and Jager.
If you just want to click on heads and don't give a single fuck about your team then Doc and Ash.
This game became ass after Health. The moment they took house out of ranked I wish I could've got a refund.
Good fuck off retard.
>house in ranked
>I am a crybaby scrub therefore you must be a shill
lol k
cant stand this community, 2 round won, and 8 frags
then die on the third round and my teammates fail
then one person leaves
then another
its 2-2 now only 3 people on my team and 5 on the enemy team
one of my teamamtes takes a c4 and throws it on the other teammate killing himself and the teamamte (nice friendly fire ubisoft)
I am now 1v5, try my best and kill 4 people alone, but can't maanage to get the last one as they used all their cancer gadgets and I got candelad by one of the 3 charges
enemy team and my team shit talk me as the round is lost.
>Get teamkilled for "kill stealing"
>Teamkill him back and get everyone to kick him
good time.
inb4 shitty excuse why he should hit me while aiming 1 metter above my head
>RNG recoil
>b-b-but how
>spic speak
As if being brown wasn't enough, you also are retarded. Shitskin.
Don't play a team game with randoms, and if you do, don't complain.
>Don't play a team game
exactly this. Siege is a shit game that can never work.
It's fun with friends, no kidding, you can just laugh at each other, help each other out and suck each other's dick haha
I don't see any magic in Ember Rise.
Why do you play this garbage game?
>10k ping spikes
I wish I could...
Unfortunate truth, you need people you know to play this game.
When will they stop using this argument?
Literally anything can be fun with friends
except siege, is absolute hell if you dont have your 5 man premade stack, its not just 'more fun' its absolutely necessary.
No but siege even won an award for it!
Playing overcooked 2 in SP or with randoms is actually sad.
My friend just convinced me to download this game. What are the best characters to start with and what are some important things I should know?
You're fucking me dude. Pick the shittiest coop game out there and play it with your best bud and you'll have a good time regardless
Dude coop games are for brainless retards who can't beat AI. They're comfy for what they are, of course.
In siege you need to coordinate, you need to get callouts on where the enemies are, you need someone to protect your rear, you need someone watching that door to protect bandit from burning thermite charges so the attackers don't just breach and ram your ass through the garage door, you need someone to pick you up from despair after your team fails, you need someone to laugh at your bad shots, and congratulate you when you save the round, yada yada
peace be with you user
ela my queen, pls give me some coochie
lmao imagine playing this cuck simulator """game""" for aspies
U just suck is all
Siege is horrible for the first 50 u won't hit Ur stride for a while map knowledge is key
I wunna suck the farts out of her aushole
Doesn't really matter which character you pick, whatever you seem fit, since you're bound to play casuals for the time being.
Important things? Despite your lack of map knowledge pay close attention to sounds and whether it's coming from teammates or enemies. Lean while peeking corners, don't underestimate drones/cameras. Also, don't talk shit on chat, just call people niggers on VOIP instead.
I meant coop as in, a game that allows you to play with other people either in pve/pvp
Also, that goes for every shooter ever, coordinate to avoid the enemy team from getting power weapons or powerups, or defending the last objective in generic shooter 69...
daily reminder there is nothing wrong with using ACOG scopes in this game. At all.
whos your main faggots
well, if you don't like it then you just don't like it
this, playing any game with a report button in it automatically means you're autistic bottom feeder cattle
>maining glorified tools
>not just killing everyone to death
casual detected
New reporting system will let people report based on where they were toxic. So Ubisoft will now listen to voicechats too.
Yeah because that actually happened. Fucking idiot.
Oh damn that sucks then, online FPS and I can't call people niggers? Sad.
>>people acting like retards in the chat
>>Le funny maymays XD
>>team killing for the most idiotic reasons
literally me
im glad i make you thinskinned niggers so mad
>almost got excited for new ops
>"oh a grappling hook that helps him move through windows faster and go up hatches, that's a little more down to earth, maybe I'll reinstall"
>watch gameplay videos
>its literally Gotham city imposters tier of grappling hook
Fuck ubi
Also why do boomers and autists love Maki so much?
Not saying you're one though, I had this creepy autistic dude that wanted to fuck me but looked like a mix of Quentin Tarantino and Chris chan
dumb phoneposter
If you're a girl i'd want to fuck you as well, it's just human nature
>played over 30 hours
>none of the maps make any sense to me still
Thats why i stopped.
number one, what website,
number two, that garbage can K/D is cute
objective > k/d
I'd play if there were no peaking. Hate games that relies that much on it.
>playing glaz post-nerf
how does it feel knowing that dokkaebi is better at doing anything you can with glaz?
>shots connected higher than shots fired
bud your k/d and w/l are essentially the same shit, whatever rank you're in, if you're higher than gold you're being carried there by your team. No one should have a 1.0 k/d in plat or diamond
What's wrong with her legs?
feels bad man
ooga booga, me hit thing with hammer, get big rank
3 speed-ers with their autistic Q E spamming, a focus on esports instead of fun, operators with superhero costumes, playerbase of salty ESLs and children who migrated from CSGO and superpower gadgets
Lootboxes, paid currency boosters, premium currency, yearly season passes, and now a battle pass for a game which already costs money to buy
still 800 hours well spent, there just aren't any other good shooters right now, I really hope Halo and CoD rise to the challenge
Ever considered some games were actually designed to be played with friends and by not doing that you're actually playing improperly?
I wonder if those complaining about 3 speed operators complained about bunny hopping "tryhards" back in the Q3 days. That is, if they are old enough to play vidya back in those days.
Because the first time I bought it it was an unfinished piece of hot garbage.
Thankfully it was a physical copy so I could at least get a partial refund by selling it.
I will not ever buy the same game twice. Sorry, maybe if they released their game in a finished state instead of practicing disgusting business methods I'd be buying tons of their loot box equivalents right now.
>Have the perfect chess game (OG game and characters)
>Decide to add a lot of stupid gadgets and gimmicks
>Ruin your perfect chess game.
Game sucks now.
Source on this perfectly slightly chubby waif?
I only play CSGO and want to get into more fps games. Sell me on this game and will I have a hard time adjusting from csgo to this game?