And people said it would be another W101
Astral Chain is selling hotcakes
Other urls found in this thread:
Please no more console war baiting, we don't wanna attract the delusional snoy.
It's really fucking fun, do wish it was 60fps but thats about my only real complaint
>literally every company or game released on the Wii U has done multiple times better on the Switch
why did the Switch even exist
yea? well, we'll see about that
Yeah, W101 was a good game, unlike this.
Looks like the different between all four of them was just a few hundred copies. Good to see they all did well.
Neck yourself you seething Xcuck.
cope ningger
Wii U was basically a beta Switch.
1) Action games never sell well in Japan. Even Zelda and Metroid sell like shit there.
2) Japs probably download more than buy physical.
3) Cope harder.
I'd buy the fuck out of that if I could. Japan shit should work with aus shit right?
They didn't pre-order it because they all ended up going out and buying it on release
>literally begging peoples to buy their game
the WiiU was the pre-alpha
It was the first early-access console
>literally posts outdated information, thinking it still matters
LOL, is this your brain on snoy?
Nier Automata
Monster Hunter
Cope harder nincel
I'm happy it did not bomb, at least.
This game could certainly use a sequel.
>Astral chain collectors edition is still available so please preorder now.
Sounds normal to me.
Why are you so desperate?
Posting Infos from pre Release has no bearing on the real sales numbers we have now.
>7 days ago
Cope harder
DMC5 sold pretty meh.
Stay mad snoyboi, go an down vote the game so you can feel better LOL
Monster Hunter isn't really a great example because it's so unlike other action games
What is the sales number tendies?
Come back to me when it wins GOTY like GoW. No one cares about sales Nin-toddler. FIFA sells more and is FIFA good now?
>menacing people online because they "dare" to buy brands you religiously hate
LMAO beaner MAD as fuck
The game needs a trilogy.
Also allow us to dual wield X-batons.
Yuzudev better work on this fast
>ok game sells well on system with no games
pic unrelated.
*dabs on reviewer bombers*
Still action game
Yes, after release pre-release data is outdated by definition.
Are you actually retarded?
>on system with no games
It came out on the Switch, not on the PS4
I just can't help but feel like this explanation should stop working after the 20th fucking game to get it. How many games could possibly sell well because there are no games before a console has games.
>system with no games
This isn't accurate. That Playstation has a white face. It should be black.
Based nips no longer falling for meme "collectors" shit filled with cheap plastic garbage trinkets and stickers. Anyone who buys a collectors issue is a fool.
>No rainbow.
PS4 is gay as fuck and it should be accurately represented.
yaoi bait
>Nier Automata
waifu bait
>Monster Hunter
I don't see any "current" data disproving the " outdated" data tendies.
>tops sales charts
LOL, snoyfags are so retarded they can't even read the OP.
Maybe some day, you will learn how to read.
>Switch has 1877 games after just over two years, 51 exclusive
>PS4 has 2216 after almost six years, 79 exclusive
they did the same one month ago with fire emblem, they'll do it again with link's awakening, luigi's mansion 3, pokemon and the december game
snoyboys have a busy end of the year ahead of them, in terms of shiposting I mean it's not like they have games to play
>is selling hotcakes
Do they even have a license to serve food?
>Nier: Automata
>Monster Hunter
Have all of these on PC, as well as Astral Chain on Switch.. seethe harder Snoy, your platform is literally a port machine for poor technologically illiterate children.
It also has bloodborne, which is the only reason I own one.
>ranking = sales number
This is your brain on tendies
>Anyone who buys a collectors issue is a fool.
In the west it's mostly Snoy faggots who buy this shit...
>bloodborne was a phenomenon dude trust me, who cares if it didn't reach 3M sales, EVERY PS4 OWNER HAS IT IN THEIR HEART OK
>rankings don't matter!
>but this pre release outdated article is unquestionably the absolute truth!
Why are sonyfags COPING so much?
>one worthwhile game from 2015
not worth buying a ps4 for tbqh, especially with it being available on PS NOW
Who are you quoting user? are you okay?
Man. I wish I could justify buying a Bloodborne machine. I'd love the game but I really can't put money down for a PS4 when there's literally nothing else on it for me.
That's because it's yet another franchise that banks off of JoJo.
Just get rid of Bamco and give us a solid JoJo game already
What can Sony do to recover at this point?
>2d fighting game from Capcom or Arc Sys with characters from all the parts never ever
>unironically posting patricia hernandez
The absolute state of tendies
I did get some other games after that but all of them ended up on PC after. Judgement and yakuza 6 will too probably. It feels like a waste but I had fun so I don't mind.
>especially with it being available on PS NOW
Anyone who's ever tried PS NOW knows that this is bullshit, due to input lag and stream quality.
>I'd literally rather sign up for a shitty Sony subscription service than get a PS4
If you wanna shitpost then at least put some effort into it.
>ranking is all that matters without taking into account all the variables
I see you're the type of person that brag about being the smartest retard in class
Wow, it got # 1spot in the slaes chart during month where there's hardly any game was released outside of movie game like Control. Geee I wonder why.
>patricia "everything is rape" hernandez
are you for real?
you are right I would never sign up for ps now because I don't want to give sony money to help chop kids dicks off and censor games
>come into thread
>its just another thread shouting at Sony
Why is this happening lately? Its like you fags can't go through a single thread without being insecure about Sony anymore.
>my copy won't arrive in the mail for another week even though I preordered it
Fuck I wanna play the fucking game.
>snoyfag still desperate to COPE
you are the one pretending outdated info was still magically relevant.
Or are you pretending the top spot in the rankings is a flop?
Can anybody explain the appeal of Platinum games? I played Bayonetta and apparently didn't "get" it because every single mission was a stone trophy award.
Of course it does: Switch has no games.
Astral Chain is literally the only worthwile game releasing in months on that console.
Meanwhile on my PS4(for the players) console, I can enjoy not just exclusives but also multiplats that aren't downsampled to 240p.
Snoyfags are SEETHING hard in here, that's what happened.
Why deny that simple fact, a group that makes 700 bot accounts might start stirring shut here as well.
>it-its ok boys! We're still #1 in Bangladesh!
It should work since switch has no regional lock but I don't know if the jap version will have English language options
Also I think the jap collectors edition has less stuff than the European/Australian one
I haven't seen an aus one. Maybe I was just too late? I saw one in NZ.
Is still still how you COPE?
You NPCs really need to update your programming
>Astral Chain is literally the only worthwile game releasing in months on that console.
Daemon Ex Machina
Link's Awakening remake
Luigi's Mansion 2
the definitive version of DQXI
snoy has literally nothing and hasn't for a year, they can't even appear at trade shows because they have NOTHING to show or announce...
pic related
is it a success if it reach #1 spot with a measly 10,000 sales?
Don't worry Sonybros OUR next PS4 exclusive Death Stranding is going to make the Ninsoys seethe!
snoyboys only activity here is shitposting
can't blame them as they have no game to discuss, remember that pathetic sperg who tried so hard to make people discuss god of my wife's son but no one gives a fuck about this memegame kek
Its literally one guy.
One user is sperging out over "snoyfags" in literally all Switch related threads as of late.
Even without any provocation he's just making posts on his own.
I ignored it for the most part and just posted about the games, but its getting unbearable desu
Learn dodge offset and play it again. The goal is to get the best award you can, the first playthrough is just the beginning.
So your new COPE is to pretend the number 1 ranking game is somehow a flop.
That might be peak snoyfag COPE
>game that was panned even by fans after playing the demo
>outsourced weegee
>blurry eyes simulator
Bonus points for
You really need to get new material m8. You seeth literally all day just shouting snoy and cope in these threads.
Makes no sense, considering there isn't a single comment chain that starts with it.
do i pick man cop or lady cop
LOL, sonyfags really can't COPE
All this blatant Xfag seething because Based Phil fucked up Scalebound and nearly killed Platinum i really obvious btw
>P* makes amazing action games for decades, none but Bayo sell at all
>Taro lets them make Automata, it sells like crazy on the back of Taro's unique style/story despite weak, shallow combat
>they test that strategy again with Astral Chain, putting in braindead easy combat but a unique style and a story focus
>It sells
RIP P* action games. One more dev dropping gameplay as their priority. I'll replay W101 on max difficulty in honor of the once great studio.
>Astral Chain
>Braindead easy combat
Haha, y-yeah
Good. Hope they get that trilogy. Or at least a sequel.
If ranking matters, then Switch is fucking flop because Xbone is the second highest selling console this gen
But let's be real for a second, Scalebound would have been a much better game
>one angry switch fanboy sperging out in threads
>doesn't make sense because it didn't start reasonably
autism doesnt make sense user
Nier: A was garbage in every respect, I agree. But Astral Chain is kino. The best game Platinum ever made by a long shot.
literally nobody is even talking about xbox wtf
>snoyfag still doesn't have reading comprehension
LOL, nice try.
How retarded is your COPE becoming?
lady cop
>angry switch fanboy
Yeah I'm sure Switch owners are angry this year. How are you feeling?
jfc what a shitshow of a thread. this is really the worst place on the internet and all you autists should be ashamed of yourself
>claims there is one person complaining about snoyfags in unrelated threads
>can't find a single comment chain that actually starts the way described.
Learn how to read, retard
Why don't Sony fanboys just buy a Switch? None of your internet homies will know.
Yea Forums made over 700 accounts to review bomb on metacritic.
What did you expect?
>literally the word "snoy" in the first three posts of the thread
>ctrl+f snoy
>19 results
>snoyfags cope
You all deserve to be beaten to death. We cant even go five posts without this shit anymore.
I have no idea if the game's actually good, but I can say they did a fucking amazing commercial campaign. Literally everyone is talking about it and it's advertised everywhere, something you wouldn't expect from a Platinum's Switch exclusive.
I hope more developers will adopt this strategy: announcing a game just months before releasing and keeping the hype steady up until release. It surely works better than overhyping a game, waiting years and then releasing it when no one talks about it anymore.
>tw101fag has awful taste
One year ago yeah, and Spidey was pretty good, same with Astral Chain
Both good games.
Famous last words, might screencap all these tendies bragging about Astral Chain until the actual sales number start to popped up.
>Cope harder
>his post is literally coping with the fact that Japan doesn't care for the game
>last year
>literally nothing to do with the thread
>was outdone by smash anyway
COPE more
>I can say they did a fucking amazing commercial campaign
I think Nintendo realised after Splatoon that good marketing is usually the deciding factor as to whether a game is a huge success or a horrendous bomb.
So you are still pretending the highest ranked game flopped.
COPE more, snoyfag
Why are PS4fags so afraid of Astral Chain?
that image is really depresing
>mfw Wonderful 101 interrupts gameplay with story dialogue and qtes every 5 minutes
>mfw Bayonetta has more cutscenes than Last of Us
neck yourself switchlet
both are uk charts dumbshit. one week vs a whole year. your game sucks. cope.
Maybe if they stopped coping, people would stop calling them out.
That wasn't even me replying to you.
And I never even said that its a single comment chain. What I said is that its obvious that one idiot is spamming snoy in all switch threads lately.
Literally just look at the top of this thread.
Its embarassing, is what it is. And if you point it out you get
>AHAHAHAHA nice try snoyfag
Its literally just autists yelling at each other without any rhyme or reason
So you're saying Astral Chain is selling amazingly well, just like Spiderman?
Good job.
>grrrr you will see! My hate is everything! Being sold out DOESN'T COUNT
lmao the fucking fanaticism you little shits put yourself into these days.
DMC5 is still better.
This game has a bunch of blatant flaws
>almost every post that has cope in it also has snoy in it, despite some exceptions
>yea its totally not the same user
No, he's saying spiderman sold better than astral chain. Which I'd have to agree with him.
Still makes no sense, the first one was a reply do a now deleted post and the next mention came after an obvious snoyfag started coping.
>cutscenes and dialogue interrupt Bayo and W101
Play the game more than once, turbofaggot, they're built to be easily skipped.
This is what I'm talking about Auta and AC are built without a focus on gameplay and therefore have no replayability, unlike every good Plat game where your first playthrough is just the tutorial.
RIP good Plat games, you will be missed.
Enjoy your Japanese Uncharted, niggers.
His own evidence doesn't show that, though.
He used the same chart and the same ranking to claim Spiderman sold extremely well.
So AC would do the same, by his logic
>sold out
You tendies can't be this delusional
>tops chart in a single week on launch
>literally 99% of all other major AAA releases does this
meanwhile an actual good exclusive that wasn't made for literal manchildren and their shoddy tablet is the best seller for a whole year. it's time for bed toddler.
Serious question in a shit thread: Why are Uk charts posted or used in the industry?
US/Japan I get but why single out the UK and not Germany, France or even the EU in general?
Oh and the game is a let down desu. Returned it for GS credit. Still betting on LM3 to be the only game not shit this year.
woah taking that post too literal there bro its all good.
>after an obvious snoyfag started coping.
Oh so you're part of this shit.
No need for further replies then. Go fuck yourself you consolewarring shitposter. Literally the cancer of this board.
>mfw Platinum realizes solid/difficult action titles won't sell but bad/easy ones with an animu aesthetics will dominate Switch
>Well known IP vs. some weeb game
yes user, Astral Chain sold as much as Spiderman
>a fucking comic book superhero
>not made for the actual definition of manchildren
And it was still beaten by smash in the end.
COPE harder.
And your only argument is still pretending the number 1 spot somehow flopped
>skip cutscene in Bayonetta
>game over because sudden QTE
If this thread isn't evidence of how the Sony fanbase are the most cancerous in the whole industry based on how asshurt so many people are getting just because a game sold well, I don't know what is.
According to his own COPE, he believes that.
I'm not part of this argument you guys are having but SM is literally the fastest and best selling capeshit game ever.
And that worldwide.
Not sure why you started comparing these games in the first place but, yea thats how it is.
i hope astral chain and bayo 3 actually sell very well for once
I didn't start comparing them, he started COPING about it.
>literally just a bunch of Switch fanboys circlejerking and triggering themselves
pretty sure there isn't a single instance of this as all insta-death qte's are in the cutscenes
>Shitch gets its third game
>naturally, nincels will try to tell you it's the second coming of Christ
So why not complain about these?
And that's not even close to all of them
Action game at 30fps...
I don't know how you consolebabbies do it.
the one that replying to those posts is just as bad though
and DMC 5 has not?
Did you even play DMC 5 or are you just a drone?
Astral Chain? More like Anal Beads.
And yet you pretend they don't even exist.
it runs pretty well on (my) PC ::)
Astral Chain was actually in development way before the release of Nier tomato.
even better
I have a Switch, but I'm feeling very hesitant about buying an action game that only runs at 30 fps.
Bought Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, and I don't even play it anymore, dropped after 5 hours or so because it feels like shit after coming from 4U on 3DS and World on PC.
As Scalebound.
b-b-b-but what about all the GOOD FIGHT of the 10 year old console warriors doing the LORD'S WORK on m-m-metacritic? I thought we had w-w-won? I thought we could easily alter r-r-reality?
I'm that user by the way
Because UK have detailed rankings and some number leaks every week.
Media Create is kill and resetera mod sin a seething rage fit banned all NPD leakers due to butthurt when nintendo started dominating.
For germany we only get monthly numbers for sales milestone awards, which are only useful for big AAA games and in France and medium sized EU markets like Italy or Switzerland we only get the top 5 without any information about the sales numbers.
go look at the ac/dmc5/sekiro thread, these faggots qre crying because
>muh god of war was 30fps and you were mean to it but it's ok when nintendo does it!!
they're insufferable and still playing the victim, just like women
"in development" usually doesn't mean shit. it's usually just conceptualising the game. i bet if you asked most devs about these games a lot of them were "in development" aka in the conceptualising stage years and years before they actually started building the assets and creating the world.
days gone was "in development" for 7 years but actually only started building the game 4 or so years ago.
No I won't deny dmc5 has flaws but compared to astral chain, it's night and day.
Then this thread is.
I strongly disagree with your statement.
I will give you that the story and characters are miles better.
DMC5 shares Astral Chain's biggest flaw, the scoring system in both games is fucked up.
>Taro lets them make Automata, it sells like crazy on the back of Taro's unique style/story
Yeah. I'm sure it's the story that drew people in.
Why is that then? Dmc5 has a much deeper combat system with 3 characters who all feel very different with V being the only flawed character combat wise.
Also being 60fps and looking this good even on consoles is a big plus. God bless the RE engine. Sure levels could be better but it's only flawed in the look which was the tree levels. Bring in the co-op mod and literally have fun with you buddies in many levels.
>I didn't replay Bayo let me just make shit up
Cool story bro
This. The original Nier was a fucking failure and the only reason anybody liked Automata was sex appeal. I'm not saying sex appeal is bad, but I am saying that it wasn't because of the fucking story or gameplay that's for god damn sure.
That probably contributed too but you're out of your mind if you think ass is enough to get high critical ratings like Automata got, especially in today's political climate.
Yeah it is. Can't deny that but the flaw is In astral chain combat itself. Which is the main gameplay loop. You replying way to much on your stand is a big flaw and gives you less options.
The original Nier was a failure because it was a shitty game. Even though the story, the music, and the ideas were interesting, it couldn't save the game because the actual gameplay was an unpolished mess. Platinum fixed that part, while keeping the great story, music, and themes from Taro, that's why it was a success.
The games are so wildly different that a comparison doesn't work. AC is nowhere even close to the depth of even the simplest character action games. It's not a character action game. It's an ARPG.
>character action
>character action game
Don't people who post something like this realise how incredibly stupid it sounds and stop posting it before it's too late? Literally, what the fuck?
i wish it were another 101.
I don't, it sucked.
It's been what games like DMC/Bayo/MGR have been called for years. Calm your nips, nintendospergs
Okay now that's just not true, you have no idea what you're talking about.
No, they're just called "Action Games". They've always just been called "Action Games".
No they were not, only by morons. Nobody unironically calls them "character" action games. That's fucking stupid, and doesn't describe the genre at all.
It's an action game. A hack and slash action game. Like how you called astral chain ARPG which is just Action Role Playing Game. No need to put dumb buzzwords like character action into this.
Nigger you have google, taking five seconds to use it could spare you future embarassment
>nobody calls them that!
>except everyone who plays them
>and the gaming media
>and Steam tags
>and forum discussions over a decade old
So...morons? Just like I said.
Who cares. Smash still outsold that shitty game in a month.
>30 fps
>first 2 files are literal garbage
>easy as fuck
>forced revives (as if you need them with the billion potions it shits on you)
>finicky controls
>everything starts dying in 5 seconds when the combat starts getting acceptable
>hours of terrible side quests and forced investigation nonsense
>constantly taken away from decent looking city to garbage tier looking world that might as well be randomly generated
Goku is Nintendo and Freezer is MS
what the fuck is astral chain lol
more shovelware on switch? this time by platinum?
sure mein neger freund sure.
weebshit action game edition
90% of those games are bing bing wahoo games though.
is there a drought of games in PS4 that they have resorted to bomb reviews to pass time?
Why salesfags when even in the best case scenario, you're still a pebble?
What are duty points used toward?
I'm willing to forgive a lot of shit for Platinum but the bright neon world apart from the city is eye-searing
That's the thing, there really shouldn't be: Control just came out and Iceborne is right around the corner. But Snoyfaggots are miserable creatures that would rather get angry over other people's video games than play their own.
Because not every company needs to sell 17.89 million pcs to turn a profit?
>brings completely different game from LAST year into this topic for no reason
Yeah I'm thinking yall coping
This one didn't actually come with those things. Came with a 166 page artbook, the OST and a thing signed by the devs thanking you for buying the game.
that was the xbox 360
That page is using Nintendo soup as source, the same Nintendo soup that some days later posted this.
you realize 95% of people who bought ps4 (and switch too) are normalfags who dont give a fuck about your autistic Yea Forums antics? goddamn you autists go crazy
The link you posted is using Nintendo soup as source, by the way.
Because I noticed another fucker using the same outdate info to shitpost.
It's only samefagging if you're replying to the same person both times. Were both of those different posts you, buddy? Because that'd be pretty sad.
I am glad that platinum is finding success on the switch.
What does that even mean?
>finding success on switch
>when their biggest success was near a tomato
It's really telling when bayonetta 2 sold like shit on wiiu but especially when the re-release of both games on switch still sold like shit.
Did they release Nier on Switch?
But Bayonetta 2 on switch outsold the switch version in a few months.
>mario x rabbid
>mario oddessey
>mario tennis
>mario party
>mario maker 2
>super Mario bros
>super smash bros
>luigi mansion 2
>mario kart 8
>mario party
>switch version out sold the switch version
It's great that Astral Chain had a good first week and is Platinum's most successful game to date.
10k isn't an overly fantastic number though but the budget was probably very modest.
Nice to see. Sorry that Scalebound is a corpse, Xbros.
Bayonetta 1 sold poorly too, hence why nobody was really up to fund the sequel. everything on the WiiU sold like shit because nobody owned the console. Bayo2 on switch sold much better but still not like, amazing. Though i'm guessing it was all factored into the financial plans for it since they didnt really shit many copies and the ones they did ship sold out pretty fast.
I fucked up, i mean the switch version outsold the wiiu one in a few months.
Nintendo's mascot is in a lot of games
What is your point?
Nier Automata wasn't sold on good gameplay as it was standard platinum fare. Nier Automata wasn't sold on Yoko Taro's writing as Taro games don't usually sell. I'll let you think the rest, but most importantly kill yourself automatababby.
mario isn't a genre champ
>90% of the Switch library is Mario games
So you're not only wrong, but stupid?
>Taro games don't usually sell.
Because besides their writing they were without exception terrible games. Automata while not PG best is edible enough to let you enjoy the story
>3D Platforming
>Minigame collection
>Custom 2D Platforming
>2D Platforming
>Action adventure(?)
That would imply Taro's stories have mainstream appeal which they don't.
I'm just saying the switch has too many Mario related games. I wish there were more unique ip ones like astral chain.
I think they do. They are dark but not complex to follow or pedantic. He has a good grasp of storytelling mechanics even when the story itself is usually bonkers.
I'm just saying automata saved platinum from bankruptcy. That's a fact.
What are duty points used for?
We'll see how the Ninty fanbase measures up when Death Stranding comes out.
>cinematic walking simulator
But standard platinum fare pretty much means decent to good gameplay.
Taro games needed exactly that to be successful, the previous Nier game and Drakengard games lacked that.
Nier Automata pretty much proved that the recipe works. Taro + decent/good gameplay = success.
What the FUCK is that gold blob in the first level? I couldn't shoot it, chain it and my chimera couldn't attack it
Why is the guy completely covered while the girl is wearing booty spats?
>Astral Chain
>Fire Emblem
Rare slime chimera, beat it down for a reward
Why are you complaining?
Mario games only make up just over 0.5% of all games on the Switch.
I think he's asking why can't MAkira get booty shorts as well
Really? 4 ip's? Not to mention arms is fucking dead.
That's a lie and you fucking know it.
Because Automata taught Platinum a thing or two.
>the "Ooga booga 2B booty" brigade is back.
It got a lot of normie who didn't buy it to jack off, I'll give you that. Its success was much like FE Awakening: years of lavish praise for a series that doesn't sell compounded with a gameplay change that's accessible and easy plus marketing.
nips have been brainwashed to death by gacha shit, they will never recover
>That's a lie and you fucking know it.
The Switch has ~1900 games. About 11 of those are part of the Mario series.
Didn’t that faggot lose?
Yes, like all DB villains
Take a bath, dude.
I can smell your SEETHING from here!
Guys should I chose the guy or the girl?
I'm a major self-insertfag, but those S P A T S....
I thought we're talking about exclusives. Not Indies or multiplatform games.
>the literally most recent game you can find is nearly a year old
1 Astral Chain
2 Wreckfest
3 The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan
4 Control
"narrowly beats Wreckfest" Whatever that is.
Stop giving a shit about pr fluff
>In a month
Before release
The devs clearly put a lot of work and passion into Femkira's butt.
There’s more variety in Mario games than anything Sony exclusive
>That moment when the combat system finally clicks.
Holy shit this is Jojo tier.
Maybe you should have read the reply chain properly then
Why do you keep posting this faggot for in here? Fuck off
If you're a major self-insertfag, then only choose the girl if you are a degenerate.
Or stop being a self-insertfag, your choice.
Think of it as your reincarnation then. There i twist it for you.
Do I have to use the baton I guess? Nothing else was hitting it
>Whatever that is.
Wreckfest is the Destruction Derby sequel we've been waiting for for YEARS
>billion dollar popculture icon video game with marketing budget in the tens of millions outsells a Platinum game
>how the Ninty fanbase measures up when Death Stranding comes out.
Probably by having fun with some other Switch games, while you shit the entire board up with le gold face memes and some falseflagging of crying wojak wearing a nintendo hat?
who do i believe?
You played one, you played 'em all.
The one with official sources of course, everything else is just snoys having hispastic coping attacks
>snoyfag is actually that retarded
How do odyssey and Mario kart play similarly at all?
Nigger, you heard what I said.
But explain, how does a racing game play similar to a platformer?
So your entire argument is based on the incredible amount of COPE you feel?
You are not helping your case
Dilate m8
>Buying more than one system
After finishing file 2, i can give my opinon on the game so far!
ASTRAL CHAIN is without a doubt going to be the hardest game to get perfect scores on that platinum has ever made.
I got all platinums in bayonetta and got platinum trophy, 100% vanquish and got Platinum trophy,but this game well definitely be harder based on how the combat works.
Combat consist of maintaning your legion and your main chracter
Your legion does majority of your heavy damage so you have to pay attention to it and recall and de-summon you legion constantly to keep it safe.
Your MC is your life line and also needs to be protected at all times cause getting your MC hit or killed will lower your score.
You need your legions to dish out big damage and end battles quickly to get good times all while keep your MC damage free.
Fighintg multiple enemies in this game can be tough as shit.
Losing your legion leaves you vulnearble without good damage and focus to much on your legion leaves your MC open to attacks.
This is Platinums best combat by far next to Vanquish.
Im on file 3 playing on PT standard, and will continue to take my time with this awesome game play.
Its looking like astral chain and Vanquish will be my favorite 2 platinum games hands down.
So I take you have no answer, just another underaged snoyboy getting lost on his way to r/PS4 and Resetera.
Based Vanquish chad
>selling like hotcakes
>it is the 4th biggest Platinum launch ever in the UK, even behind Bayonetta 2
Do you motherfuckers actually READ the body text of the articles you link or you just read the hedline and call it a day?
you can generally tell when people haven't played the game or haven't played past the tutorial
This is some top tier bait
Delet this
You can generally tell when someone is a switch fanboy that's never played any platinum game more than once
>unlike every good Plat game where your first playthrough is just the tutorial.
thats exactly how astral chain is played lmao
just port all star battle. I have wanted to play that game for so long and havent been able to get a ps3 emulator working
yeah user
a racing game is literaly the same game as a tenis game because it has mario on it
funny enough almost all ps4 games have this liltte thing on then
that means all ps4 games are the same game too
lmao, fuck mexico
the auto sync ability is ridiculous
the Mickey Mouse of capeshit made a video game that sold a lot... a year ago? :OOOO
I'm sure if Sony or Microsoft had characters that were as iconic and beloved as Mr Videogames himself, they'd plaster him to spinoffs
But there are some slight analogous examples from the two
You have Halo Wars and Gears of War tactics that follow in the same pattern of cashing in on the love of the original franchise.
>ASTRAL CHAIN is without a doubt going to be the hardest game to get perfect scores on that platinum has ever made.
i love the game but i think it's because the ranking system is retarded
Sure, but that's mainly just because Mario is beloved and entities from his franchise are instantly recognizable and visually appealing
>one other difficulty
>nothing extra
Yeah, nah, this is meant for one playthrough. Even the scoring system is slapped on and half-assed.
is the game actually good
>Platinum is dumbing their combat down
>Yakuza is switching to a turn based RPG
>DMC is back in limbo because Capcom goals are unreasonable
Where did all the good action games go?
At this rate there won't be another good game until Itsuno finishes Dragon's Dogma 2 in 2026
just pirate it and see for yourself in my opinion it is but some other people who're not trolling will find it shit
no, worst game of the generation, do NOT play!
It's Automata-tier but with a more generic animu story
Don't expect Devil May Cry
>good action game
did you ever play it ?
>feel like trying my hand at doing more astral chain art
>can't find my drawing tablet's pen anywhere
I'm a fucking dumbass
6 and K2 were shit but 0 and K1 were great.
What tablet do you use?
I might do the same thing when I get around to buying 3 houses
A bamboo cth-670, I've had it for a while
Why are Nintendo Trannies so obsessed with being victims?
Lmao w101 theyy claim the game run 60 fps but it literally never go above 40 and all the boss are sub 30 fps , bugged unite mechanics with the restrooms and forced dual screen minigame are obnoxious and poor voice acting for green and pink MMAAAAAMMAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNN!! Shrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeekkk!! And much more make w101 the worst platinum game
It can’t be another W101 because Switches have actually sold. W101 would do just fine if it were ported to Switch (which they 101% should)
We have 2 different threads up right now using Twitter nobodies that say it bombed in the UK and it sold gangbusters in the UK. What's clear from them is this.
Twitter threads should be banned on sight and the UK should be nuked.
This might have a Twitter Screenshot as the OP image, but the article behind it is real and legitimate.
The other thread is carried completely by snoyfag COPE
>uk should be nuked
Why, when it’s much more entertaining watching them ruin themselves
Benji is literally saying it flopped in the US
Does anyone have screenshots of male Akira in the raven set?
>AC will be low top ten according to this retard
>is top spot
And snoyfag believe this retard?
Don’t nuke the UK, they have nice voices, a cool sense of humor, and made the best permutations Rock and Roll
It reached the top of the sales charts but overall it is only the 4th biggest launch of a Platinum game on the UK ever (this has been a pretty slow week in UK). It didn't bomb but it also didn't sold gangbusters, as always people have to take everythign to the extreme here if they want their (you)s.
Guy who had a melt down on ERA every time someone called him out for his weird predictions. Eventually left
Why Yea Forums so salty about this game?
Good, I'm glad. It was a damn shame what happened to W101. Game didn't deserve it.
I'm also legitimately wondering this. The game was announced and released within the same year, practically came out of nowhere, and garnered a sizeable fanbase. What about it is so inherently rage-inducing?
>Sold out in literally every market
Even if Nintendo did "undership", they still shipped more than needed for it to be a success for them.
It's just the usual suspects being angry that it's another Switch exclusive.
I've been enjoying the game, just cleared chapter 3, so still pretty early. But I went back to S+ rank chapter 1, got the toilet, took a picture of the invisible fuckers, and grabbed the cat, but when I clear it, it still has two icons on it that say 0/1, the diamond shaped icon and one that i thought was a cat paw, and i assumed that was for getting the cat.
Does anyone know what those two icons are?
No idea
The game itself is selling pancakes? Where did they set up at?
It's good, it's exclusive, it's Platinum.
Man, Bayo 3 going be one hell of electric boogaloo.
I can't really wait to see the asspain from space.
dilate weeb incel consolets
The only ones pissed are Snoy fanboys who have nothing to play.
What do you mean?
You don't really remember bayo 2 drama?
Nothing. We have moved into garbage time for the PS4.
Sony doesn't have shit because they have shifted focus to the PS5. Any killer exclusive the PS4 gets now would be a wasted exclusive that could have been used to launch the PS5.
Expect an exclusive barrage with the launch of the PS5.
Nintendo did the exact same thing with the Wii U and the Switch's launch.
The best the PS4 can hope for is good multi-plats to bridge the gap.
Snoys are seething so much they can't even rate the right Nintendo Switch™ exclusive.
This game is more cyberpunk than 2077 will ever be and it's amazing.
Maybe with this we might finally get a w101 port for switch or dare i say it... a w102
A W101 is highly likely based on what they last said about it
>hey guys we made a sequel and added 1 new character
>Delete SOny shitosts
>Leave pro-Nintendo ones in
The long standing inferiority complex Yea Forums has toward Sony in general ever since the PS4 launched is fucking hilarious. tendies are honestly like a cult here.
>anglo sales metrics
yet here you are
There was a reason she was known as the Queen of salt the amount of rage that deal made was priceless.
>100K sold in U.S.
Source? I thought we only had UK numbers.
>Its literally one guy.
>One user is sperging out over "snoyfags" in literally all Switch related threads as of late.
>one guy
How about the whole board?
>snoyfag SEETHING his shitposting was deleted
Eric getting BTFO hard this summer.
>anti anime tranny resetera producer finally leave Platinum
>the studio finally start to see some successes
Feel good
It's always Sony fanboys. Think about it, a brand new IP built by Platinum announced and launched within a single year.
Now go look at the last 3-4 Sony E3s lmao
Switch/PS4 pissbabbies can get in a fight over it because it's a platinum game
Platinum fans can get in a fight over it because it's much simpler and easier than most P* fare
Salesfags will fight over anything
The Bayonetta 2 shitstorm is STILL whirling around to this day
Not him but no there really is one mega autist who spams threads about any game that triggers him and will false flag as opposition if his thread doesn't get any attention. Was most obvious with Pillars of Eternity threads but he does it for other games also.
Since when did people here use "pissbaby" unironically? Also that reddit spacing
Really? Any specific indicators I can look out for?
>Since when did people here use "pissbaby" unironically?
Since long before you showed up, faggot
Pissing in peoples cornflakes is fun.
It's a great game, but it's still going to sell like shit. All platinum games do
I'll be glad when MHW releases and gets you Snygglets off of Yea Forums for a little bit
I remember doing that in Fallout 3/New Vegas threads 24/7 for a few weeks back when I was a NEET. Singlehandedly shifted the Overton window against Obsidian.
Good times.
You think its gonna be as bad again?
I wonder if W101 will be worth a lot some day, cult classic for a console that didn't sell well.
It's hard to explain but he has a certain way of typing where he tries to separate people into "teams" and makes up buzzwords based on each company (Obsidiot, Larianigger, don't know the other ones he's made up recently).
Why did NoA stop doing Collectors Editions? I mean if EU and JP get a collector's edition of AC and Bayonetta (lots more) then why wouldnt America/canada/mexico get one?
Hell, even fucking pokemon games dont get one, and theyd sell like fucking hotcakes
Is NoA incompetent and lazy or do they have a legit reason?
I nearly came when I saw they brought back blade mode
Snoyfags are already having a meltdown over this game, their tantrum over Bayonetta 3 will be incredible
>Can anybody explain the appeal of Platinum games?
People who like action games but want them to be more cinematic with flashyness and less substance.
Yea Forums is a lot more vocal and if Persona 5 is anything to go by the shitposting will be more rampant.
>it because every single mission was a stone trophy award
For starters git gud faget
Okay thanks. I’ve seen that image before but had no idea who it was about. I think I just assumed it was ACfag
I always take a moment to enjoy this image. I wonder if any of these people were pissed about AC too.
This. I hope at least some of them get to enjoy Bayo 2, 3, and AC since it’s on an actual successful console. I could see being mad if Bayo 2 and W101 were the only games that interested you on Wii U.
That’s kind of how I felt about Scalebound on Xbox
A good number of those tweets were pure FUCK NINTENDO KIDDY SHIT so I kinda doubt the Switch appealed to them any more than the Wii U.
No, Japan doesn't care about the collectors edition you illiterate fuck
Until this game my Switch was a smash machine. Now I'm actually playing the damn thing and it's great. Even after enjoying 120hz on PC all the time this 30fps actually goes a long way.
Mmm good point. Fuck ‘em then
>2) Japs probably download more than buy physical.
are nintendies really this dumb. bugland still pushes CD sales over digital and even vinyl
FUUUUUUUUUUCK I want to play it so much but Ys VIII is deceptively long and I wasn't able to finish on Saturday, gonna have to start it next weekend now.
Ys VIII is a 30-hour game, and that includes the postgame dungeon
I've been playing over 80 hours to 100% everything.
It’s fairly steady, so most of the time you just get used to the frame rate and don’t notice it
Obviously if you want the plat then yes it'll take that long, but personally I didn't care for autist-tier achievements like "collect every weapon".
Bayo 2 sold a million within a year
Cope harder
I think the difference comes from playing on a 65" TV sitting several feet away versus arm's reach from a 21" monitor. You notice framerate more when you're closer to the screen.
Does it have Japanese audio on the Switch? This is important.
I didn't exactly go hunting for the weapons, they just fell into my lap naturally because I've been playing the game to its fullest. Only now that I'm at like 98% on some things am I having to look up what I missed and even then it's not much, just a handful of items. At 30 hours you'd be seriously rushing the game, I didn't fast travel prior to warping so that also took more time.
How does it run in handheld mode?
Yes. You have to complete the first mission (in whatever language you have youe Switch set to) but after that you can change it in the title screen. If you really want to play the opening subbed just start a new game after changing the options.
automata didn't improve the gameplay much besides polish
Considering I played the game during my 9-day spring break yes I rushed. Toward the end I was pulling off 6+ hours a day.
In Ys VIII? They weren’t talking about Astral Chain
Ys VIII has dual audio on everything.
Reminds me of when I put nearly 70 hours into FFXII in a single week in college
>lumpy pancake tiddies
And yet I still would
Pretty good so far, haven't noticed any dips but I'm only at chapter 3. Game is sharp and easy to see everything on the small screen. Haven't noticed the adaptive resolution kick in yet (if it has).
Waking up the next day to do my 8 AM class was fun. Especially when you're in grad school and day one already drops a term project on you.
But that's a dinosaur
>yaoi bait
And even then you don't see that at all in the fanbase. Bayo's the one suffering from utter faggotry.
It's pretty good, yeah
It's one of those weird cases where it starts off too slow and gives you too little and escalates to giving you too much
And 90% of sony games are slow walking while characters talk.
A developer asking people to buy their game?!?!?!
Oh my! How absurd! They should just release it with attempt to market!!
Fucking retarded shitposter
not really though. Mario Odyssey, BoTW, Smash ultimate, Bayonetta 2 and Splatoon 2 are all completely different. Actually there aren't even very many Mario games on the switch yet
It doesn't really play like that once you unlock more stuff. You don't actually have to avoid damage to get S+ rank, weirdly.
>there's an exploding enemy in this game named Berthold
How many anime references did they put in this game? I'm seeing elements of Evangelion, Ghost in the Shell, Bleach and Attack on Titan
Fuck me at this point I have to buy the game just to see for myself what's causing all the butthurt.
This entire game is anime cop simulator, what did you expect?
Did they get any Psycho Pass references?
Excuse me but my wife Dana does not have "lumpy pancake tiddies". Take that back right now or else I won't send Ricotta to punish you sexually.
your wife is dead
It's literally just retarded normalfags whining, don't take them seriously.
I want Vanquish-san to shoot all over my tits in slow motion!
The mere fact that the game exists.
It's BotW all over again. In non-memespeak it's a decent Switch exclusive that clashes with haters' narrative of the Switch having shit for games.