ITT: games women will never ever ever ever ever understand

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*That also have shit combat.


if by shit you meant revolutionary, addicting and satisfying, then yes

"This game is fiddly. why do you have to read so much? And it looks ugly." - My gf will not play any game made before 2007 and it better have good graphics, voice acting, multiplayer and no "fiddly" mechanincs.

She just plays Overwatch and Archeage and nothing else.

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>My gf will not play any game made before 2007 and it better have good graphics, voice acting, multiplayer and no "fiddly" mechanincs.
Why even get a gf at all? Does she even suck your dick good and cook good food?

Its definitely not revolutionary. It's literally like 3 radial attacks, a parry, and a cancel.
Addicting and satisfying are definitely subjective—I say, "They aren't." A claim that holds as much credence as yours.
I would say it's floaty, slow, lacks moves, and is pretty easy to master.

Why get a gf if they're just like you? That would be boring.

My GF found dragonage confusing, Witcher 3 which she is currently playing is "too hard". She loves skyrim.

She's hot though so she gets a pass

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If I didn't love her so much I would hate her. Her ignorance about gaming and refusal to broaden her horizons beyond a very narrow category makes me want to bang my head on the wall.

>It's literally like 3 radial attacks, a parry, and a cancel.
you forgot the momentum which adds huge depth since your damage is entirely dependent on it, parry having an actual directions requiring skill to execute and the fact that the game was made in 2007 and the combat formula still holds up to this day

Post webms of yourself horse-archering people in the face and I'll believe you're a master. That shit's hard.

>game made by a woman
>urr durr ghh le women never understand

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My gf plays Heroes 3 and nothing else. It's hilarious.

dont let her anywhere near your debit/credit cards. that shits pay2win as fuck

I didn't forget it, and the combat makes incidental use of it anyways. Parrying is also low skill. I'm not sure what you're on about there. Anyways, very easy to master.

try attacking anything without your weapon having any momentum at all

Impossible to do if you're swinging it.

>witcher 3.
Put it on easy.
Problem fucking solved.

>he doesnt play spears or polearms
literally outed yourself as a pleb. even the sword needs bit of space to perform swinging, meaning you have to position yourself right so your swing has more space to speed up. you can even add a movement in between to add even more speed. all that on feet, horseback is another subject

Spear sucks and is basically a self-handicap. There's a reason nobody plays it in competitive worth a fuck. It's a piss poor weapon.

literally written by women

Actually Archeage is releasing a new version with all the pay2win stuff removed with a buy to play model. It's going to push WoW's shit in.

you sound like someone who got rekt by sword/shield horseman in multiplayer.


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Make sure to turn off autoblock; also try playing multiplayer, specifically the cRPG mod if you still think the combat is very easy to master.

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With the new game having family dynastys what happens if a female player character gets pregnant.

Only the bad ones are written by Tori.

>He is a pub shitter.

It's one of the few games that have good melee combat.

I do play multiplayer lol

Written by a woman.

RQ to X weren't written by Tori.

Any historical strategy game like AoE or Total War

git gud

god it must be tiring to see everything as a partisan issue

It has mediocre melee combat. Chivalry was better and it was still shit (Though I still have good memories). It just shows how unexplored real time swing manipulation is just wholly unexplored in vidya.

literally any game

out of all the flaws it has you picked a fake one
the combat is fine, name a game with better melee

It has shit combat.

Horse archery is literally the ez-mode, though.

>if i just widdle it down i will seem smart

it's fun

This kills women

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This game any good? That's one hell of a alluring title and box art

>having a gf

Man this site went to shit hard in the past few years and it wasn't even good to begin with.

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That's like the opposite of whittling it down. Actual m&b is literally mash parry and stare at you toes while you vibrate towards your opponent. The these games devolve to whipping your mouse around like a spaz

I didn't play Chivalry, but it looked like it could've been better.
The vast majority of games don't have anything like it, and it's leagues better than those games, so I think calling it mediocre is disingenious when it's in the top 1%. Maybe much better melee combat should be the default, but it isn't.

It's an RPG with beautiful art. It's based on an old school Gygax DnD module that's been converted to 3.5 edition DnD. If you like DnD then ToEE is the most faithful conversion of the rules ever made. True turn based game where you make your entire party from scratch. It's not a plot focused game but it's very rewarding to play. You can get from GoG for cheap but be sure to install the Temple Plus mod for full compatibility with modern hardware.

>most faithful conversion of the rules
3.5 is also dogshit

why the fuck would anyone play mount and blade multiplayer?

for singleplayer yes
for multiplayer its a completely jank gamble autism fest

any fighting game

Most of the time, the few women playing turn out to be men.

i've stumbled upon many girls that have played warband. they seem to like sieges.

Why would you ever want a girlfriend that plays video games?

Why the fuck not, it was loads of fun defending a castle with 200 player battles.

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This. The best relationships I had were with girls who had no or very little interest in games.

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because if you avoid the diehard autists its fun
persistent world was great


i would beat you 100 duels in a row

>he wants to play video games about old ass wars
>he wants to to play old ass 2D TPS about spies and gunfights
>he wants to play RTSes about old wooden boats

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I would crush you my man. You literally mash feint.

Any game where you can't freely move while attacking. This is what gives M&B its floaty/weightless feel while also making it mandatory for attacks to be slow as fuck.

Imagine thinking this disqualifies criticism of Bannerlord's trash combat

gut her and upload kidney pics pls

napoleon total war looks like

I've noticed this amongst the games women play.
>They have to be superficially artistically pleasing
>Have an element of "care" ie: Looking after your team mates, or looking after plants or looking after something with some kind of validation at the end. Think Pokemon, Animal Crossing, LoL, FFXIV. etc.
>It has to be something already popular
>It has to have a social element. Pokemon had you sharing Pokemon, OW, LoL, and FFXiV are online and require social co-ordination.
>Despite needing to care for aspects of those games, those aspects can not be fiddly or tedious.

Basically, if your game has any kind of meaningful progression, crunch, grind, or requires any sort of skill to play then your average women is not going to be interested. I tried to get my GF into WoW but she kept moaning about shit the graphics were. How limited the cosmetics were Tried showing her Star Wars Galaxies and although she liked the sandbox housing she didn't like having to grind to get new stuff.

MMOs rank high among women due to the social factor.

I've seen this a million times and I've never understood why it feels the need to specify that the strap-on was stolen

>Games incels will never understand

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>or looking after plants
ngl girls who like gardening and taking care of plants is hot af

Honestly I can't comment on the combat since I've never played more than 10 minutes of that shittily designed retard russling walking simulator they call a campaign.

Dark Souls

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not enough scripted hallways interpersed with cinematics for you?

Nonsense. Rance is a female submission fantasy.

Dark Souls

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Thanks for confirming your status of vagina ownership.

>Yea Forums pretends to know anything about women, episode 654851368465132 part III

Dude you're dumb, women aren't dudes they don't like the same shit

Want her to play an old game? You gotta go for something like zelda, kingdom hearts or chrono trigger, shiy ain't a stereotype girls don't like blood and ugly characters.

They love monsters though, so silent hill and other character driven horrors are another typical chick genre


>it’s another episode of Yea Forums white knights for the female gender
I hate reruns

Same reason it specifically uses stunningly brave.

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because people of color stealing things is okay you fucking bigot racist

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because it needs to be more degrading, so she didn't spent money on it, because it is not a present

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stop being an incel