What games follow the expression

What games follow the expression
>easy to learn, difficult to master

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Dark Souls
Eve Online

>Dark Souls
more like hard to learn easy to master

town of salem


None. Most games you can speedrun in a matter of weeks and play competitive in less than a year.


Rocket League

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The Game



>just read text


Attached: haxball.jpg (1280x720, 83K)

Dead by Daylight
>super easy and simple horror cat and mouse game
>hard to master

NiGHTS into Dreams
Counter Strike

You can play chess competitively in less than a year too, doesn't mean you'll be good at it.

This. No game can't be mastered in months or even weeks of steady play.

>You can play chess competitively in less than a year too

Define "competitively"

You won't be able to play competitive chess in a year. You would have a hard time competing at even even a local level in a chess club. This is because competition to chess has a much higher entry barrier at a competitive level. The same can be said for sports. You can play at a national or international level for most games in a matter of months.

You can play at a national or international level for most *videogames in a matter of months.

Depression Quest

Who was the greatest of all time?

Attached: Capablanca v. Alexander Alekhine (1914 - color).jpg (975x1015, 544K)

devil may cry.

>lay out all your evidence proving your innocence
>bad guy: no u
>get lynched
I just can't.



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I don't think games almost entirely dependent on twitch skills really count as difficult to master as they're essentially brainless and very straightforward.

Starcraft 2

Action Games, Adventure Games, Puzzle Games as a general rule of thumb I feel
RPG Games, Strategy Games & Simulation Games I think unless explicitly dumbed down to the point where their status as those genre could be questioned tend to be shallower even though their base is higher.

What is there to master? Understanding how many times writers put twists and turns to prolong the game?

Black to move

Attached: defend-like-a-grandmaster (1).jpg (579x586, 63K)

Umihara Kawase

>easiest queen sacrifice on the planet


What kind of timeframe is being used as the standard here? How fast is easy to learn? A day? A week? How long is difficult to master? a year? 10 years?

You have no second move, white wins with a checkmate if you do that, you retard

No, you can't.

That's an idiotic belief, physical feats as a whole are mostly "brainless" yet that does nothing to diminish how impressive they are. The flipside is dismissing strategy games for not having a strong dexterity component, and it's equally retarded.

Knight to f6

Rocket League
I gave up trying to learn, I'm not a physics major (webm was just pure luck but even then it's theoretically possible to do on purpose)

Attached: save.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

This to an extent

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Not just that, but what does "mastery" even mean? Just competing with other top players? What if the overall level is very low and the upper limit is CLEARLY well beyond what anyone is capable of?


a lot of people have AAD here and cannot read more than 2 consecutive lines without losing attention. I am happy that Danganronpa is helping people to learn reading.

dota obviously

What games follow the expression

>They're lying bastards. Jews were always lying bastards throughout their history. They're a filthy, dirty, disgusting, vile, criminal people.

Attached: Bobby_Fischer_270x388.jpg (270x388, 29K)

>easy to learn

Dota needs atleast a day to get comfortable with. There's a couple of things to keep on mind so people wont fuck you over in pubs.

Fighting game and RTS

Deep Blue.

uh, user?

might be going retard here but wouldn't black want to take the pawn next to the queen, put the white king in check, white eats the queen to get out of check, from there black would want to do something to defend the king, maybe move it to the right, or get their knight to eat the white bishop or block the rook?



What's hard to learn of Dark Souls simplistic mechanics?

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its weird how you cant really explain to people how insanely sick rocket league is and the amount of stuff there is to learn. there are so many mechanics to master while just anticipating and hitting proper shots in itself is something you can keep getting better at. im high champ and i feel like there is still so extremely much i can learn, truly one of the best games


Oh no no no no

White is threatening checkmate with both Qh7 and Qg7.

You need to find a way that stops both of them.

horse to f6 seems like the right move, but I don't know what happens after.

You clearly know nothing about high level cs then


I think?

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This. I've been playing it since it was first given "free" from PS+ in 2015, and I still fucking suck at it compared to everyone else in ranked. There are so many techniques that I've yet to master, and probably plenty that I don't know exists.

Ambush locations

literally poise, and nothing else
you know, the one thing with no tutorial AT ALL

José Capablanca

Is there a way I can just play this for fun without e-sports fags REEEEEEEEE-ing at me?

>caring about poise

That's not hard to learn at all.
>literally poise
That's just stats and gears. Not complicated imo.

Thats always a no for literally any multiplayer game. Unless its 1v1.

Lethal League, Lethal League Blaze, most fighting games.

>horse to f6 seems like the right move, but I don't know what happens after.

Now I have unstoppable checkmate on h7.


Chess is easy to master, but learning it is way more difficult.

I hate arithmetics.

Play with friends or against CPU.

>Chess is easy to master, but learning it is way more difficult.

Battle for Wesnoth.
Serious Sam.

Easily this. 1400 hours and I'm still total garbage. Like everyone else with 1400 hours.

being good at that is basically being good at talking, lying and misdirection. which is hard when everyone's looking for the smallest fucking tells
actually getting out of a situation where you shoud've been fucked in that game is great. shit like long con exe plays make you feel like a megamind


Every game that isnt mafe for literal autists


dark sould is only difficult when you play it first time since you don't know boss mechanics, ambush location, routes, etc. Once you learn it, it gets pretty easy, thus it's hard to learn/easy to master

Chess isn't even that hard, it's 100% memorization. Once you've memorized the 2 or 3 real openings you've essentially mastered the entire game.

Not sure I agree there but sure, whatever. Even granting that, the games that aren't "most" games where people really tourneyfag and tryhard aren't like that. Most people who ever tried competitive in CS:S for instance never made it out of Open, let alone played at a "national or international level", which in that game would be Invite or international LANs.

who would win?

Attached: chess.jpg (1200x799, 189K)

This has to be the most low iq post I've ever seen on this board.

overwatch :3

So then why do most high-level players play the exact same openings every game?

Horse e5

Knight to e5 and claim the bishop

Because they have the best defensive/offensive options thanks to them.

This, the glorification of chess as some highly intellectual game is painful at times.
Whoever wins, we too will win.

t. hangs checkmate on move 5


Every videogame ever made

Queen takes on h7 checkmate.

Starcraft and advance wars

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Dmc or other combo games

He's probably quoting him.
Am I an idiot?
What wrong with qg1 - rxg1 - nf2(#)?
play chess960 then

>What wrong with qg1 - rxg1 - nf2(#)?

King can take on g1.

Melee takes at least 5 years to do well competitively, and that’s if you take it pretty seriously


Diablo 2

It's easy to beat normal with any shit character you make. But hard to know everything you have to know to beat hell and the ubers.

>the villain's party member turns on the villain.

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Most fighting games, while they can be complex at a high level it is the only videogame genre you can start out ranomly mashing buttons and do damage to your opponent.
Imagine randomly mashing your keyboard or randomly clicking while playing any other game.


Most video games.

Some are hard to learn, like rts games where people who haven't played them can't even use the controls properly.

In absolute terms, it was either Paul Morphy or Bobby Fischer. If you adjust for "elo inflation" these guys had the best elo in history (Fischer a little higher, but many believe Paul Morphy could have gone higher if he didn't give up on chess so quickly)

Why are chess players literal autists?

Attached: chess savants and high functioning autism.jpg (1145x815, 685K)

Why yes I have autism.
How could you tell?

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Based Bobby F.
Also to answer OP, motherfucking F-ZERO GX

Attached: bobby fisher.png (1860x276, 90K)


Sorry, f7


Starcraft 2



Fischer really was a legend.

Queen h7 checkmate.

It's kynda funny that he hated chess and jews so much he went living to iceland

Rocket League

>Who was the greatest of all time?
According to Fischer it was either himself or Paul Morphy, although he gave himself a slight edge. That's probably correct.

Fischer actually had a really interesting list of the 10 greatest players of all time, which he based on the quality and finesse of their games and not their achievements (e.g. being World Champion doesn't automatically put you in the top 10).

I'll post the article from Chessworld magazine (January 1964). Really good read.

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Last one

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My fucking god I'm only practicing two out of the three popular rule sets right now and it's fucking insane how much dedication is needed to get anywhere.
NES Rule is arguably the most simple. It's harder to get into but easier in the long run.
Arika Rule is by far the hardest rule overall. Takes fucking years to complete all three games that use the rule. TGM3's Grand Master Rank with Arika Rule is the greatest Tetris single player achievement, less than ten people in the entire world have done it. Haven't even started playing the rule, but I'm waiting until 2020 to start working at it.
Super Rotation Rule is built with multiplayer in mind, and it's the easiest rule to get into. Very little emphasis on single player, unlike the first two rules. To say I'm actually good at this rule, I have to be on par with others like Doremy, Blink, and Riviclia, and they are constantly getting better on the years they stacked while I'm playing catch-up with only six months under my belt. I don't count people like Amemiya, who would just fucking rape them all without even trying.

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baste fischer

one of those people like hitler who was a verifiable genius, but is now considered a retard merely because jewish media wills it so

ninja gaiden

Mount And Blade

You gotta remember Yea Forums is mostly 7th gen console babies. Dark Souls was their first "hard" game.

Sakurai said he designed the Kirby games with this expression in mind.

>be a Jew
>hate the Jews
Was he based?

He was just a hipster.

Fischer lived to game

Attached: FischerQuote4.jpg (850x400, 76K)

good shit, user

What a sexist. Imagine if he lived in the current year.

Literally no. Try to play against any competitive swf team. You will get fucking annihilated no matter how hard you TRIED.

Fischer didn't consider himself Jewish, and wasn't circumcised. He once wrote a very angry letter to the publishers of Encyclopedia Judaica demanding to be taken out of the list of great Jewish chess players because he wasn't a Jew.

Attached: fischer grave.jpg (683x1024, 229K)

Fischer asked for a Catholic burial at the end of his life. I thought that was interesting.

That’s an overestimate, Maybe if you don’t grind. Captain Faceroll became top 100 in only 3 years of playing

I imagine he'd still say it, wreck the best women like top tennis players have done to women tennis players, then women would all ignore it ever happened to protect their ego. Ever hear any women bring up the Williams sisters losing to the 200th best man while he was drunk and smoking cigarettes?


Women are just plain worse than men at competition. Even in things they're better at, like long distance running, they still barely compete simply because most women simply do not want to be challenged.

Cool read. Thanks, user.

all stuff is about memorization.

why do the names keep changing on the kill text?
also it's nice they captured the demo with proper textures
god dammit

A no-frills fighting game like Street Fighter 2 or Virtua Fighter


Too bad it's now Epic Jews trash and no one will buy it anymore

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Greatest and most original puzzle game coming through.

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It's literally the easiest game ever if you know the mechanics and are half decent at deduction. Half the players are children and panic when they get randomly called out as maf

most rhythm games