Pathologic 2, 1, Void thread

I have a degree, now what?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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boyos, what on earth does this mean?

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I think i't Soul-and-a-Halves message about some pet run away - maybe lizard or snake or what else can fit in a jar.

oh right, my mind went straight for it being some steppe monster but that makes a lot more sense. maybe they should have put actual pet models into the game.

also holy shit tywrine is useful. at least if it makes a marker appear somewhere close to where you're going, can really save your ass. my first run through i sold all bottles of it straight away.

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I need a gun.

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yes twyrine's real thing! and i like the sound lag effect when you drink it in Stamatin's pub and the main theme plays. the sound distortion makes you feel real drunk

Visit Grief's lair, if you didn't get one from the guy at boat station at days 1-2.

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this guy comes up to you at the broken heart and slaps your gf's ass, what do?

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>throws knife at you

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Show up in my bird costume and infect all of his bound.

>fucking shiv lockpicks are more deadly than a revolver

What did they mean by this?

send him envelope contaminated with sand pest.

Seduce Lara.

I's said that Rubin's an ex-soldier, fought in war and was wounded in the head. But i can't see any scars on his shaved head...

Attached: NPC_Rubin_b.png (300x356, 100K)

>I need a gun.

wounded mentally

>day 2
>get a shmowder from the kids playing hide and seek
>get a shmowder from one of the caches
>get a shmowder from the dead item shop
>get the old shmowder from the invisible cat quest
This run is looking pretty good so far!

nice, congrats user

Attached: shmowder.jpg (1920x1080, 292K)

Bachelor is smart

redpill me on the invisible cat

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It's a cat and it's invisible

Did you refuse on day2 or accepted the thing?

wtb a cow

It's the greatest plot device IPL has ever written.
You hear about an invisible cat hiding somewhere in the warehouses, and everyone's first reaction is "WELL WHY CAN'T I FIND IT?!"
It's invisible, duh.

Attached: cat and bird.webm (640x360, 363K)


>tfw unironically came into a thread asking why I couldn't find it in classic
>"How do you plan to find a invisible cat?"

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Just bought 2. Any tips for someone who knows nothing but the fact that it looked cool?

Abandon all completionist instincts you might have

so uhhh does rubin always die?

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No, only if you suck

Do your duty as a doctor and find the panacea, emshen

I have cumload of tips but its better to play on your own.
I guess the one tip i can give is that if dialogue opton and a dot near it, the dialogue will end.

nope, you can save him. you need to protect him twice and make panacea til day 8.

oh and you need to test the panacea

>You need to protect him twice

No you don't. If you never find him, neither do the Kin

i killed 3 worms and led 3 kin on a wild goose chase across the steppe, the only thing that sucks is you on my dick

that distraction quest was hilarious btw

i see, paint chipia is a pain in the ass.

search through the garbage, don't underestimate the power of trading. avoid fights.

Congratulations on your wasted efforts


mmm no, it was fun

>wasted efforts
I don't know about that, I always get great loot from them.
And even the fight with three worms is trivial once you know about the magic of broken lockpicks.

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Oh, my bad then


>that time an actor decided to literally shill in the OP, so mods baleeted the thread

You mean the magic of stepping back, heavy attack, step forward, step back, repeat?

That too, but beating worms to death with your fists takes forever, and theres's still the risk of someone teleporting behind you and spinning you around.
A lockpick with low durability on the other hand instakills anything, so I always carry a few of them with me.

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You have a knife for a reason, you know.

Quit your bitchin ok? You're sarcasm's needless here


top 10 screenshots taken both before and after disaster

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Sometimes when i cut open people i get minor rep down in the district i am in, but other times i get massive down from all the districts, what gives?

Everything will cost more and more as time goes on. Don't try to stockpile money day 1, rather spend it on food and medicine. Take all the water you can.

Sounds like a bug.
To be clear: you aren't murdering the innocent for this, are you? I don't know for certain, but that might drop it everywhere.

How does this make you feel?

Attached: completion.png (1026x807, 177K)

Neutral. It's the same for most games.

>be me
>be stupid and stubborn
>refuse to ever reload
>"I'm gonna live with my mistakes on the first run"
>"I can do this"
>keep wasting resources
>take the deal to save Murky
>already in dire straits
>keep dying morning of the 7th
>spend like two hours doing this
>scrap the entire run
>haven't come back since
I'm not a doctor. I should know better.

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I think it depends on the person. Muggers, eh. Innocents, meh.

well, thats what the game was designed for so you did good. i'd encourage everyone to do 2 or 3 playthroughs regardless of what happens, trying different things. i was stuck in a death loop myself and got mad and stopped playing for a month.

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a-user, i.....

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Must I remind you that you need more sleep than usual?

It's September! the steppe cools, the tywre blooms. Have you forgotten? When did you last sleep?

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fuck your sleep, lemon, merdel+ and covfefe is where its at.

>current year
>hunger, thirst, health
Straight lemons bb, we goin ALL IN.

You can't get a lot of lemons but getting shitload of coffee is easy. nails+matches to those hipster fellas, they always have 2 of them

there are handprints on anna angels floor

could be big if true

Uh... hot?

Hey turns out robbing sick people out of their posessions is pretty good.

They were going to die, anyways.

The paradigm shift is in full swing

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>Oh shit, it turns out this WASN'T a game nobody cares about that we can shit on to show that our ratings don't start at 7
>Quick, backpedal in full force!

I detest every single one of these fuckers

I’m not sure how to feel about this

I think he's retarded.

So because some YouTuber said it’s good websites are going to take a second look at it for validity? Fucking why?! That doesn’t make any sense.

Because some youtubers have more pull than these entire sites with all the "journalists" combined

Maybe he hadn’t heard of it before

Reword that for the answer
>because SOME YOUTUBER embarrassed their coverage they’re scrambling to reevaluate it before they’re “on the wrong side of history”

Everyone say it with me
Retards like this are why fucking Dunkey is taken more seriously

Ok, lets disect this tweet.
>weird twist on the immersive sim
...There are a lot of immersive sims? What the fuck does he compare it to?
>Instead of being about stealth
So those sims he compares it to, all focused on stealth? What games are focused on stealth? hello?
>about balancing your standings in districts
Did he miss the entire game? Or i guess he just truned on easy mode? or what?
>while managing your needs
Well i guess even the broken clock is right once a day.


Tbh he said that he's only on day 3 in one of the tweets, so he hasn't seen the complete picture of the game yet

One look at game page at any of the stores tells you that the game is not even remotely about "balancing relationship with townsfolk" and in 3 days he should have realised it.

True. Still, the more coverage the better, even from retards

What are the odds IPL's new mobile game won't be complete garbage?


What are even the odds that it'll be functional?

Now that hurt human

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I don't know. How was Knock Knock on release? I was under the impression it saved the studio after Cargo flopped.

Based. Fuck the Kin. Literally?

There, there, Daniil. Take a deep breath, oynon

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Did she grow up and move into the Russian film scene?
Does Russian cinema have a cutesy name, like Bollywood? Cykawood?

>clara with hair
As it should be.

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You should be able to name everyone in this picture.

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I recognize Kinowsky.

Who's the qt on the left?

Think that's Alphyna,
Y'all niggas autistic if you can name all of them.

W-What the fuck, I always imagined her as a landwhale or at least an odongh.

Does this game run really hot for anyone else? I want to play but i'm concerned about overheating.

I'm not entirely certain. Other pics I've seen of her definitely make her look like less of a hottie.
Poor performance is one of the most common complaints.
But if you're worried about overheating, you should probably work on your own machine. Dust the inside, make sure airflow is good, replace thermal paste, consider replacing fan/heatsink.
t. not a /g/ nerd

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Well, the performance is ok in terms of fps, I don't have the stutters some people mention. My tin box just begins to boil like a motherfucker even with the game on an SSD. I'm assuming it's down to the game's CPU usage or something.

It's a shame because what i've played of it i've liked. Might just have to play in 30-60 minute sessions.

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You can't just post something like this without explanation.

Too lazy for that so - here, her page. There's no many photoes though

Someone here own this game?

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Wow. That's disappointing.
>she's in her 30s

It's fine. You'll be there too soon.

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>be me
>be 2nd September 2024
>suddenly remember this exchange
>weep copiously
It will happen.

fuck fujofags. They are the plague killing the internet

>imfuckingplying the plague killing the internet isn't unironic normies
We Eternal September, baby, ain't no going back, now.

Who hurt you?


From the left: Mushroomer (audio), Anna (concept art), Peter (3D), Meethos (Art Director), The Man Himself, Ayrat (manager), can't recognise - maybe Igor, Ivan (producer)

>Y'all niggas autistic if you can name all of them.
Left to right, top to bottom:
>Mushroomer i.e. Vasily Kashnikov
>peter potapov
>probably meethos
>nikolay dybowski
>Ayrat Zakirov
>no clue
>Ivan Slovtsov

Really depends on the picture, but she cute

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I don't necessarily disagree but are you that schizo from the last thread?

no. i just saw OPs pic and i felt the need to call fujos out for ruining pathologic 2.

Fujos were here since the beginning actor.I dunno what to tell you. Get used to it already.

As far as I remember that fanart was actually a joke on fujos.
>ruining pathologic 2

>Anna (concept art)
That's 100% alphyna.

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Yes, I was wrong there actor. Anna looks somewhat like her.

How much of this is Alphyna quotes/translations?

How do we get Japan to play Pathologic?
I remember a couple of years ago, around the time classic HD got released, some anons (including atleast one actual japanon) were trying to start a japanese fan translation of the original.
I doubt it ever took off though, atleast I haven't heard of it since.

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by making a japanese translation and releasing it on consoles.

What do you call such a woman? A cute. You call her a cute.


I used to be sad pathologic 2 didnt do well, but then i realized its judgement for how they torture lara. All she wanted was someone to read her line and part it with his scalpel.

Daily reminder that anons with twitter should shill this game to Avellone (he was the original backer) and later take credit for giving birth to collaboration of the century.

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That's definitely worse than most. Usually you get around 30-40% for the end of story achievement and 70-90% for the first one.

>Avellone (he was the original backer)
What the fuck are you babbling about?

Reminder to change some pathologic 2 settings so it runs better, here's a copy pasta i made when the game first took off, enjoy:

Here are some technical fixes I managed to find online that night help with the game’s poor optimalization: This fix manages npc’s AI range, meaning they will travel smaller distances and their walking animations will trigger from smaller distances (you will need to get closer to them)
I haven’t personally tested this, but some might find it useful. official tips for fighting some performance issues

Third tip is making the game use more of your RAM. Because, get this, pathologic 2 only uses 1 gb of your ram by default. THIS ALWAYS RESETS AFTER A NEW PATCH ISNTALLED, SO YOU NEED TO CHANG THE RAM SETTINGS EVERY TIME A NEW PATCH COMES. Here what you need to do: Go to C:\Users\\AppData\LocalLow\Ice-Pick Lodge\Pathologic 2\Settings

Right-click on the file called ExternalOptimizationSettings and click “edit”

Scroll down till you see settings called “SmartAllockMemoryStrategy”

You will see Max and Min Memory. We want to change the MaxMemory values, which should be set to 1000000000 by default (1gb of ram) and change it depending on your available ram. I have 16 gb of it, so I changed the settings to 13000000000 (13 gb of ram)

This is by far the most crucial settings to change, the game will run smoother, will smaller loading times. I haven’t tinkered with the other settings because I don’t want the game to do thing like, I dunno, messing up my memory allocation or anything. But the SmartAllockMemoryStrategy values seem to work fine and there doesn’t seem to be any RAM leakage after closing the game, so this solution works

actually you can ignore the quests where you have to fight off the kin altogether. They don't really matter, all you need to so is make and test the panacea before the inquisitor arrives. I also went to his house and spoke nice things where he was sleeping on his couch, but that might be optional. You don't have to kill the worms and the kin for him to live

my immunity dropped to zero on outbrake are am i now infected?

>kept a hold of that leash from Notkin
>trade it for Shmowder
>cure Notkin
Fuuuuuuuuuuck, finding Shmowder is gonna suck ass, isn't it?

I haven't played 2, do they still do that?

Toys will be toys!

>this actor doesn't know

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Easy, you let it out and then try and do literally anything inside the warehouse, I guarantee you the scratching you now hear is the invisible cat. Done.

>just saw OPs pic and i felt the need to call fujos out for ruining pathologic 2

Ok you're officially a retard and I'm offended for you couldn't appreciate the joke.

Attached: 930.jpg (383x589, 28K)

Good, I hope normalfags see them as the hypocrites they are

We don't know. Are you?
You'll know, if you are.
Same way as the original game.
>the original backer
Are you ESL? What the fuck does that mean?

However a donkey is lead to water, that the ass is drinking is all that matters. The Soom has passed and Bos Turokh moves to its second beat. It is alive my kin, that is all that matters under the sun.

Attached: Smol_Vlad.png (60x42, 5K)

Do they have their own "Haha you definitely can't learn English fucking idiots" girl?

Attached: DEEP_GNOSTIC_REFERENCE.jpg (225x225, 8K)

Not sure about every, but quote about wrapping in a bedsheet and drinking twyrine, is 100% Dybovsky's work. I remember it since playing the original in 2005 when Alphyna prolly was attending her middle school.

every quote*

Alphyna's a fujoshi. You're aware of that, right?

>an original backer
>Are you ESL?
Wasn't it obvious enough that you had to ask?

ESLs should be relentlessly bullied, until they fuck off or develop stronger English language proficiency.

Actors! Please stop bullying him!!

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t. monolingual subhuman

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>being of such irrelevant stock that you need to know multiple languages

He бyдь члeнoм, aмepикaнeц

>need to know
You're pretty dumb if you think people only learn foreign languages out of necessity, or if you take pride in the fact you only know one language because you don't *need* another.
You're right about the bullying though, it's the same principle as lurk moar.
t. ESL

Attached: 1487971615176.png (625x626, 115K)

I should have known. ハンバーガー人はころされるべきですね~。

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We can not deny fujo's influence on the whole industry, alright. But how they're ruining Pathologic for you, actor? Even Alphyna didn't spoil it with her little dirty fantasies.

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>three responses
>only one of them is intelligible
Does this mean Clara route best route?

He believes you are a bit of a spastic old chap. He has arrived at this conclusion by virtue of your apparent assumption that the pursuit of polyglotism is sheerly motivated by need. Alternatively, he suggests you are a fool for assuming a solitary language as refined as ours is a safe bulwark against the perils of globalism.
He concedes that verbal harassment is a vital part of our community for those who speak out of turn.
t. Nigerian blind-mute with calipers for hands. Six.


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>when she sees your polyhedron buttplug

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>he says on a samoan scrapbooking forum, in a thread specifically focused on the discussion of russian erotic flipbooks

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Your answer is so pathetic, I actually don't even feel a need to bully you. Go in peace.

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The world is truly beautiful, ondonghe.

>making the game use more of your RAM
Did that, gave it 4gb (ouf of 8gb total), and now the game constantly crashes.
Boddho bless these russkies and their spaghetticode.

Wish wroniecs drew new art.

Attached: 012.jpg (531x787, 116K)

>verbs written in hiragana so that burgers and monos won't be able to google translate and undestand
wait, you're really a jap, right? Do a lot of people know Pathologic in Moonland?

strange, did you change any other parameters?

sidelining bestgirl for tsundere lust from the bachelor

>sidelining bestgirl
Anna got plenty of attention though.

>tsundere lust
I didn't see any... lust there, user. Are you sure it's not you who has the gays?

>so that burgers and monos won't be able to google translate and undestand
Seems pretty clear to me.

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>Okinawans STILL this upset over their occupation

I just realised all these horned stones around town are supposed to be auroch skulls.

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Is it true?

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Attached: Pathologic 2.webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)

>try to explain that jap wrote it in a way that google will mistranslate it for monos
>""Seems pretty clear to me""
Yes, you clearly are a burger actor.

Are you saying actor didn't translate it right?

Attached: haruspex.jpg (634x641, 290K)

Buy him a drink, slap his ass and laugh about it.

Makes him embarrassed and shifts the power dynamic.

Like birds, fucking hate cats. Birdy should have pecked the cunt's eye out.

Why is the menkhu's finger so cool?

your bull looks fucked up, yargachin

menkhu's middle finger looks even cooler

Vassiliy Kashnikov, Alexandra Golubeva, Peter Potapov, Evgeniya Dashina, Nikolay Dybowski, Ayrat Zakirov, ???, Ivan Slovtsov

>Evgeniya Dashina
Wait what? Meethos and Clara's model girl are relatives??

Clara's model is the imouto to Meethos, yes

Then enlighten us with your superior knowledge of the moonrunes, رفيق.
I'm no burger, and I bitterly resent the accusation.

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You're insider right?


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>Are you saying actor didn't translate it right?
You're a little bit dense, aren't you? He actually wrote something pretty harmless and hilarious (there's a lot of ころ verbs and ころす - kill - is only one of them). But I won't tell you more because monos should be relentlessly bullied, until they fuck off or develop second language proficiency.

>You're a little bit dense, aren't you?
I'm a ruskie who can't speak nip and I have no idea who's playing who anymore. Moonrunes are complicated, man.

>implying he is me
Calm down, foreigner.

Attached: 1567240972236.gif (2322x2316, 2M)

It was a universal message to all actors present.

no matter the settings framerate is the same but it gets so hot I turn it off to avoid fucking my shit up

Lying won't soothe the seethe. You obviously meant it as a snide clapback.
Impertinence is a bad look.

>implying he is me
Calm down, actor

What is this nonsense and why is it a gif.

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my dear son Artemy... da hell's going on in here.

Attached: whoisit.jpg (1920x1080, 74K)

The names are on mobygames site.

Gays pouting for attention.

I fucked it up. The .gif was supposed to rotate. Have this as a compensation.

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Is the photo legit? What is the context? Why would someone do this? What is wrong with the gays?

It's not a gay guy. It's just some clown who writes stuff like that as a joke. He posts on craigslist and shit.

what a fugly face

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he did the same thing with killer 7. he's not really gay.

I don't know, mane. I remember this shit being posted here and I just grabbed it for fun.

what's his purpose? well nvm fuck this shit

>What is wrong with the gays?
...They're gay

There is literally nothing wrong with being gay.
BUT, have you ever noticed that they're all flamboyant and irritating? I think they might be autistic.

>There is literally nothing wrong with being gay.
Oh dear... They're not autistic, they're just fags.

>There is literally nothing wrong with being gay.

That's absurd. Explain pride parades without using vague, wishy-washy, abstract bullshit about "they're just fags" and "dude I don't know".

Wait a minute,

You niggers telling me those random cat noises I'm hearing isn't random ambience, and the damn thing is invisible?

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Of course it is. Why would you be hearing cat noises if there were no cats, stupid?

>he didn't go into any of the houses playing classical music

It's not about being a fujo. I think most of us are ok with people having their own opinions, characters interpretations and writing homo fics. Fujos only become annoying when they want everyone else to believe in their fantasies to the point that they start bulling people. I’m really ok with someone believing that two characters that have almost nothing in common are fucking, I just want to discuss other things about the game.

Then talk about the game rather than bitching about fujo boogeyman you faggot.

No need to get so defensive actor. Have Eva to calm down a little.

Attached: WopyrzAhzQ4.jpg (1280x876, 364K)

Attached: Odonghe seller im going into abattoir and i need your stronger tincture.png (1074x893, 260K)

>that butthurt mong from the last thread who calls people faggots when they discuss things he doesn't want them to discuss
You're worse than that schizo user. At least he’s entertaining.

Post comfy art

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Why does this Eva look like a zombie?

First, I'm not him. Second, suck my noukher. If you are crying about not being able to talk about some parts of the game then talk about them.

They're called aidsfests user. Get it right.

Go elsewhere, Marshall.

Attached: fuck off you gay furry.png (942x638, 216K)

First, I'm not him
Sure thing sweetie. Fuck off and stop killing these threads.

Any way to make Pathologic 2 not make my PC sound like a motorcycle engine? I can't get as immersed if it sounds like shit is about to explode

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Did you even play the game emshen

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Play with headphones.
I had honestly forgotten naming him. I haven't played Pathologic 2 since I finished it, I'm just in these threads for news and to bump them.

I do, don't have many chances to play it though.

I can make FRICKIN miracles happen, knucklehead!

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He reminds me a bit of peter capaldi

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>Pathologic 2 literally forces your PC to exist in a state of conflicting technology and ruralism.
>Grafix card becomes an origami swan with drivers that are only half installed everywhere.
>CPU smells of beef
>fans start to sound like a buzzsaw and emit a brown dust.

>at midnight PC flips a coin to decide whether or not to flop off your desk and stab you in the kidney
Truly, Slav technomancy is a terrifying wonder.

Guys I've had to crash and restart a few times and now there's some kind of cow skeleton growing out of the pci slots. That normal?

I wouldn't worry about it.
However, you should check with your loved ones to see if you can still hug them

oh god o fuk

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Just let the thread die, onion.


us gamers, huh?

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noo don't die

Onion, please, we have this thread every day. Just let it go.


redpill me on the bull

he's a cool animal you can interact in a few placed, plus you can get an achievement if you talk to him on day 11