Annoyed with Sister

Moved out 2 years ago and now rent apartment with two buddies who are also into same hobbies like PC gaming etc. Couldn't get along with my Lebanese parents and they were big on me getting a job and paying rent.

Have a facebook but haven't posted an update in like 4 years but sometimes I browse the news feed in offline status.

Logged in randomly and photo in my feed popped up from my sister. Usually just ignore but read the caption and it was from a cousins wedding.

1. I did not even know about this wedding
2. I wasn't invited at all by any of the family
3. Not even my sister mentioned it to me

Feeling kind of blue /adv/. Feel like sometimes my family wants nothing to do with me these days. I at the most thought my sister would have mentioned it to me but did not even get a text or a message about it.

Just wondering if I should make a comment on the photo my sister posted of her and my aunt, with something like "wish I could have been there" since a lot of family members are liking it and commenting on it and probably think I don't even check FB.

Attached: Untitled-4.png (692x814, 664K)

wrong board. but fuck em.

Sorry just noticed this after I posted it

Blood doesnt mean shit. Find your own path and succeed in spite of them.

Lebanese are black?!!?

it seems to be the only proper revenge is having sex with your sister

Who cares faggot just apply the sacred ointment and suck your sister's breasts already

Wrong board,
Don't even acknowledge it.
It's whatever, screw 'em.

Ya I know my parents are pricks but my sister let me down. Feell like I should comment something on her photo just so she knows that I know?? Or bad idea?

I dont feed trolls so dont bother wasting your time

Lebanese people are ugly as fuck

Attached: 1538429642001.jpg (617x696, 136K)

Uh... play a video game

>Ya I know my parents are pricks but my sister let me down. Feell like I should comment something on her photo just so she knows that I know?? Or bad idea?
Bad idea. If your own sister doesnt even think to invite you to something she isnt worth the time either. Find a wife, have kids, and enjoy your life without them.

You have to go back

Thanks bud

This user is speaking the truth. Your blood relation doesn't mean jack shit in the long run, they will only hold you back from reaching your goals in life.

You dont get to choose your family. So you either don’t have a connection or you do. Choose friends and make them your family. You’re allowing yourself to feel miserable because you somehow HAVE to be connected to your sister/cousin.

Who the fuck cares. If they don’t bother to tell you anything why bother feeling sad about it.

You have to go back to Lebanon. Poo faces aren't aloud in the west.

No problem. Just remember the best way to tell your parents to go fuck themselves is to have their grandkids not be in their life.

Thanks bud. Yeah I won't be talking to her after this for a while. Thinking of something to write onto the photo so she knows I know

Work on getting huge fucking muscles and then buy a tuxedo and sunglasses and post pictures of yourself on facebook.

I'd fuck your sister, there you got what you wanted now delete this thread so we can make way for Zoe Quinn thread #274

Don't bother even informing her
If she tries to contact you and just ignore it, read it but don't respond.

What a cope.

The reason you are here today is because that inherent connection and natural instinct you have to favour those with the same DNA as you.

They are literally a part of you biologically speaking

they're brown retard.
to op: who gives a shit.especially about some retard cousin not inviting you to their wedding.

My girlfriends family is more my family then my own. They are way more connected to me and call me over for dinner or they just wanna hang for fun.

I let go of my own relatives for that reason alone. They don’t care about me so I don’t care about them.

Your family is sending you a message. Send one of your own by posting a pic of you at your wedding.

Shia? Sunna? Maruni?

>Zoe Quinn thread
Getting a lot of love appreciate. messages like this!

i dont get it your sister is lesbanese??

Pic related definitely has some negroid.

Looks afro asiatic, common look in egypt

Thanks for this! Appreciate all the love

You did not answer the question, it's important

You know exactly the kind of comments you'll be getting with that picture.

Don't act stupid.

You posted on the wrong board and replied to the wrong post retard, no one gives a shit about your blog post

Your sister has nice tits. Post more.

those boobies though

I am tired. And I've already tried to delete the thread it tells me I can't delete it. Trust Me I tried to remove the picture also

Legitimately family is the worst. Fuck them. Live your own life. I've moved across the planet to get away from my fucked up family.

Looks like a Jew had sex with a black man

Not all blood relations are worth the time and effort. That's just the sad, but cruel truth of this world. However, that doesn't mean you need to wallow in misery because of it. There's shitloads of people to meet in the world, so it would be better to cut ties from anything holding you back, even if that includes your actual family.

This user basically has this understanding down. Meet people that you actually get along with and make those people your family.

Where is Sgt. Anita? Has she given the order?
OP seems to be they haven't told you shit but chances are its not out of spite. Your sister might've let you down but how many people are even sure they can contact you?
Otherwise just keep about your day.