I did not care for A Link To The Past

I did not care for A Link To The Past

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A Link to the Past did not care for you, Peter.

fuck off you worthless brain damaged retard

How can you even say that user?

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Didn't like it

why did you bump the thread you brain damaged retard?

simply because I can

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can we hijack this into a hurricane thread? thanks

why did you bump the thread you brain damaged retard?

I legitimately don't though. It always struck me as being weaker than the NES games at exploration and combat, and inferior to what came after in design, puzzles and worldbuilding. I found it to be the least memorable game in the early series despite it being such a major influence on how everything else was structured afterwards.

I'm going to die in like 20 hours, I don't really give a shit anymore.

Lol so true. Why do redditors get mad at this?

why did you bump the thread you brain damaged retard?

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Look, even in the name of fun, even for the sake of memes, there's some things that you just don't say.

is this an epic new meme

lol why are you mad redditboi?

stop try to force the meme dumbass. family guy is shit

why did you bump the thread you brain damaged retard?


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This, but that said I did not care for botw.

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Now this is seeding and feeding

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It insists upon itself

Same, Peter.

>I do not care for speedrunning trannies.
>Do not care about trannies.
>How can you even say that?
>I just follow good runners.
>Peter, they're so retarded, they're like the perfect lulcows!
>This is what everyone on Yea Forums always says, whenever a speedrun thread pops up...
>ProtoMagicalGirl, Benjamin Franklin, I mean you never heard... JOHN FUCKING NUMBERS!
>Fine, fine competitor. Did not care about the tranny.
>Why not?
>Did not.. Couldn't get into it.
>Explain yourself. What don't you like about trannies?
>It's not video games, Lois.
>It's not video games.
>What does that even mean?
>Because it has a valid point to make! It's nonvidya!
>They're all e-celeb gossip shit, you spend like six and a half hours posting about it, and then... You know, I can't even finish watching the Tomba run. I've never seen the peak of that run.
>You've never finished the Tomba run!?
>How can you say you don't like it if you haven't even given it a chance?
>I agree with Stewie, it's not really fair.
>I have tried on three separate occasions to get through it, and I get to the part where Chibi talks about how some pigs are evil...
>Yeah, it's great cringe, I love that moment.
>That's not even vid-
>It's been meme'd in every I LIKE THAT JUMP thread.
>I have no idea what the game's about, it's like he's wasn't supposed to be on the couch - That's where I lose interest and go away.
>It's called being autistic!
>He's is the most socially ackward person in the room who lives with his mother and created the most epic cringe moment in history, something you wouldn't understand.
>I'm a member of the The Elite.net. That is my answer to that statement.
>Well, there you go.
>I speedrun Goldeneye too.

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no fr*cking way...
lois, is that...?

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I feel like Yea Forums is getting raided by bots, all these bloody threads read like low tier attempts at trolling. It's surreal to look at all the threads which were created in the past months.

It's either that or just Summer.

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based newfag

I read video game news, and other popculture news so i could blend in pretend and hide my immense sexting with random girls addiction frok close friends, gf and family

They have this nigger named JM

They have this nigger named JM.

make threads about shit you like
stop being colossally retarded

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They have this nigger named JM..

These words... I know these words but never like this, in this order.. I've never seem them in this order before.
How the...
Someone Translate NOW!!!

As a running joke can you make the image blurrier each time you post these threads?