Why does Yea Forums love the Japan so much?
Why does Yea Forums love the Japan so much?
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Because it makes people mad.
Why is love wrong if it's between two consenting people?
Because Japan is the only one who's able to make fun video games.
They make my peepee hard
Cute asian girls are the cutest!
Is that a boy or a girl? I hope it's a boy
Over use of anime. They think japan is a utopia where they will be able to go and fine a pure japanese waifu and friends, and live exciting, fufilling lives without having to change anything about who they are or what they do. But that's not real life, japan is not perfect, and has many problem.
t. I live in japan.
because i disagree with race mixing
Grass is greener syndrome.
because Yea Forums started as a weeb site, everybody go home now.
It's really annoying how much nonwhites complain about white people these days, and I'm literally an Amerimutt.
I live in Japan too, and it’s certainly been a utopia for me though. Maybe you’re just ugly.
the asian identity movement is the funniest thing incels have come up with so far. i mean there's a lot of funny nonsense coming from them but that movement is peak seeth.
I remember a screenshot of a guy who literally spend a whole weekend in london(?) counting mixed race couples.
Not to mention fun quotes like
>the asian community will be gone in two generations if we dont stop mixed dating! unlike the fake white genocide whitoids cry about this is actually a real issue!
my favorite topic of theirs in general:
>stop stealing our women!!
>haha we didn't want them anyway because they're ugly, and only ugly asians date white people! you can take those leftovers haha
>but seriously, stop stealing our women please
Who knows, but isn't it more fun when you are not sure and it's just a surprise?
Call it Schrodinger's dick.
It's only going to get worse.
everything they make is good
the fuck am I even reading
weebs who don't play video games but play indulgences
The people who have been shitting up Yea Forums with cuckshit and blacked shit.
It's always been hapas and asian incels.
They targeted Yea Forums because of how many yellow fever fags there are here.
I'm talking about the kissless neets of Yea Forums. Being white and tall, manlets need not apply gives you a boost but that's not all it takes unless you're paying them. The people who are inexperienced enough with the real world to think that anime is how japan is will never get into that situation in the first place.
Yikes indeed. Imagine moving to Japan and not being able to easily pull tail.
i don't love any country
i like their games, that's all
Imagine going to Japan just to pull tail
I'm not gay, but I'd fuck the shit out of a trap if he wore the whole emo girl makeover.
Incels that frequent here enjoy all the shitty anime tiddy games that they pump out, even though theyre actual shovelware garbage
How much will Tokyo 2020 fuck comikket and the like. I've always wanted to visit and loot as much shit as i can haul but I realistically won't be able to do it until much later.
its already bad, vendors hiding away weeb shit off the streets like loli junk and similar and tucking it in the backs of their stores
i hope nothing will change befor and after Tokyo 2020
i would be disappointed if one sport event would fuck whole japan for next decades
They make games with actual gameplay
Idk if I like Japan, because I've never been there. But I sure love Japanese stuff, like all the their good vidya, animes, and their waifus, both in 2d and 3d versions. Also, the history of Japan is most fascinating. Plus, we bombed the shit out of them, so its like a wild wolf thats been domesticated so I can pet it.
their games have soul when they're not trying to pander to western audiences
Yurumeru(kanji or possibly katakana)!
Someone who knows about moon runes explain this to me, I only know Hiragana and like no words.
So, I've seen a little bit of this sort of thing around.
Like, Reddit Incel, Reddit China, Reddit Atheist, Reddit SJW, etc.. etc.. Where Redditors form these sorts of insular community echoe chambers that ban, down vote, and groom a sort of community where only certain individuals speak to one another, confirm each other's biases, and so forth.
Why aren't they being criticized for fostering hate groups? They seem to literally be doing that. Like, they seem more effective at creating homogeneous dysfunctional 'people'.
You can say, "well don't we have /pol/tards?" But there's a surprising amount of division and open discussion between /pol/ that keeps the most extreme behavior in check.... Like, even in their own containment board their /pol/ ideas are confronted by other /pol/'s who differ slightly.
Like, think of how it is on Yea Forums where we have that Pokemon-style rock paper scissors where someone tells you to have sex, but that's beaten by DILATE, or someone can pull a fast one and tell you to go to church or something. I dunno.
I think our community might be ironically mentally healthier and more diverse?
Is that a guy or a girl? Pls be a guy
>just to pull tail
When did I say that you dumb transcel? Stop projecting, easy pussy is just a nice byproduct.
You’re so full of shit. I was just there last month, and the had naked loli’s on the main floor in full display, everywhere.
Some Asian fag being really mad about white people for some reason
"the pleasure of being cum inside"
I don't see any reason why this wouldn't be true.
You can trust me I'm a lawyer and my uncle works for Japan
why are you call me full of shit for this i didn't say something changed in Japan because 2020
tell me your secrets, how do you fish them
t. Osaka brainlet
>calling white people "ghosts
I fucking hate reddit.
Don't make me turn you back into an INDOeuropean, you ghost
Even white people used to call themselves ghosts, did these retards ever hear about a particular klan? Yeah... yikes
But ghosts are cool???
Whats MDE? Sorry I'm white and I don't really think about minorities too often.
Dress well, be tall, be good looking, and just walk up and talk to them. Same as any other girl, except you never get bitch shields like in the west.
Where did you get this pic of my gf?
Man that's a cute boy
I would fuck his anus raw
This. I'm cool with being called a ghost.
It's sam hyde's comedy group. Nothing to do with minorities.
>A virgin writes a fake chat bragging about his non existent sexual prowess to impress other virgins on the internet
>we need to start dating their women to trigger them
'cause hating whites is fine.
All those sites are owned by the jews.
Dude is stressed as fuck.
>Asians complaining about whites being racist
How to spot a fake asian / twinkie
Asians are super racist and don't give a fuck, white guilt is a white person thing
Happas are mentally ill. Some of them unironically want to murder their parents because one of them is white.
western asians are super liberal my guy
All the cuckposters? All the BLACKED posters?
It's always asian incels, ricecels.
How the fuck is this guy everywhere?
Seriously, I've never seen a redditor as famous as this mentally ill freak before on Yea Forums without even seeing him post on Yea Forums once
I wonder what this girl looks like without 4 hours makeup and hair
like shit
You actually think that belonging to one specific race defines your ideology?
Asian men are a bunch of asshurt faggots because their women are all flocking white men.
Plus, they are asians, they are extremely autistic.
this is some next level projection and insecurity
you can actually see the telepathic femoid hivemind communication here, disturbing
Yeah, women laughing, it's really fascinating, right?
Cuz I lived there and know it’s the most awesome country in the world. Weebs are trash tho.
Like you just peeled yourself off the pavement after a night of heavy drinking. The wizardry these slants do to look even slightly attractive is impressive
She use to have a bit fatter looking face and also not a skeleton body.
they needed group consensus to do that, look closely
Because they think they'll be accepted in there that way
Things turn out that the nips do not give a flying fuck about them
Still super cute
And that jumpsuit triggers things deep within my heart from years of playing SS13
Why is Yea Forums larping as societal experts, when this website has always prided itself on being utterly autistic?
Their devs were passionate and endearing. That's rapidly disappearing though. Also I like cute jrpg boys fucking deal with it faggot
Cuz why not you fucking autist?
On that particular matter?
Not really, not even asian women like asian "men".
Who is this cute shota?
Did you millennials forget that you shouldn't speak about what you don't know?
Where does this arrogance come from?
The security of the internet?
Just saying because millennials are a generation of pussies.
The fuck does that even mean coming from asians? Many races of asians have fairly similar skin tones to whites.
Why is there no derogatory term for white people that's actually offensive?
>calling white people ghosts
cool name desu
>I remember a screenshot of a guy who literally spend a whole weekend in london(?) counting mixed race couples.
shit I remember that too and i legimitately thought it was a joke at first.
like, how fucking cucked do you actually have to be to count couples in public?
there was also a reddit snap from some asian subreddit mod, who literally stalked people dating asian men/women on dating subs and posted that their kids will end up mentally retarded and a sociopath
thats sick as fuck
Her and her autistic personality is the reason why her group is somewhat big in the circle of jap girls who sing that aren't AKB
Women can't be autistic, they just act lolsoquirkyandrandumbXD for attention whoring purposes.
look no further than the front page of reddit - if you can scroll through that and think there is no bias, you're a retard
There are, but they're exclusive to third world countries where whites are a minority and oppressed in some fashion. So long as you remain the superior race, faction, group, whatever in your country, words mean nothing to you when coming from those you're conditioned to deem as inferior.
Should've specified between india/SEA and korea/Japan in the asian front.
Because those indian/PI males are 100% lusting for fair skinned asian girls
Whats up with those fingers
Probably a gimmick
I dorm mate is a redditor and I see him browsing the frontpage once in a while.
its literally the worst shit imagineable
>le funny cat video
>trump did somerhing
>dae poor and depressed?
>its all the boomers' fault that I have no job! communism when?
>hey listen to the totally real story when I, a strong female, confronted a sexist in the subway!
I miss the time when the internet was used to getting away from the masses, and not taken over by them.
Girls are great. Just the best really.
>its all the boomers' fault
only correct assertion there tbqhwyf
Which no longer holds weight when millennials have proven that, given the chance, they would behave just like boomers.
Give one country and one slur for which this is true
I grew up in Zimbabwe, some Shona had general terms for us that's used to marginalise whites, but when it came to Ndebele there seemed to be a lot more animosity.
Forgot you asked for a phrase, I don't know how to write the Ndebele terms, but one of the more common Shona ones you'd hear was imbwachena, loosely means white dog and was a go-to for any altercation with whites.
They sure are, I wonder what video games they like?
I don't like it so much but play only their games and some slav shits cause all other countries are just fucking creatively bankrupt.
It's literally the only country on the earth that still has stably made interesting stuff. The west is literally and unironically fucking collapsing and only makes stupid shallow sjw trash or garbage hipster stuff that's fucking recycling shit, not even anything new. Also to be fair chinks and gooks can't make anything interesting either and they pirate anything.
All in all, only the Japanese culture still works.
Sorry no idea!
I hope they like fun video games.
>being an unironic pedophile
Japan doesn't bash white people
Japan makes good games
Japan doesn't insert "politics"
Japan doesn't make ugly shit
Face it
you suck at making games westcuck
>japan doesnt bash white people
>japan doesnt insert politics
>japan makes good games
Blatantly false on all accounts weeb
You mad tranny?
>projecting this hard
>user threa...
Oh wait
why do japan chicks love white cocks so much?
that’s merely how you seem to interpret something you can barely understand, and it’s in fact true that the ugly gold digging asian women are the ones eager to date out
they hate whites :(
Why don't you play western AAA garbage and read woke comics and watch Steven Gayverse and gay-ra?
>if you hate jap shit you MUST be a fag that plays the latest AAA western shovelware
>>calling people "ghost" as if it's an insult and not just making them sound cool
>>"Ghenghis dick" literally nobody has ever thought that, you're just outing yourself as a whiny chink manlet
I hope you're not a bassist user.
Best taste desu.
Most Western Indies are the same fucking uninspired cookie cutter trash. Only some latinos and slavs make good indie shit. I won't count them as the west.
I mean what are you even talking about, you fuckin casual
>guy that plays japanese games calling anyone else casual
They make some dope video games and anime. I would love to travel to japan for delicious food and tourist attractions but I would never live there. Learning another language is way too much effort, also I think they hate foreigners.
They do hate foreigners who don't make an effort to assimilate and do them the courtesy of speaking their language so I suppose you're right.
because they make video games
I'm white and short (5'2) and I do just fine.
Lmao at u. Gaijin hunters are trash. I don't bother with women who speak English.
>Also I like cute jrpg boys fucking deal with it faggot
Man of culture, etc etc.
>thread STILL up
You haven't played many Japanese games if you think they don't do those things.
I always wonder why haven't people started to use word like weebphobic on Yea Forums yet.
It's perfect for describing outsiders and normalfags here complaining about weebs.
i wish i could call white people ghosts, that's fucking cool
>Be good looking
This is retarded advice because being good looking makes you do well anywhere.
cause the western culture is fucking collapsing and western games are fucking garbage.
every western game looks the fucking same despite too many countries making games and all the western countries pander to American SJWs for some fucking dumb reason.
>reddit's one giant, fractal circlejerk
no shit, retard
Tell me her name
Thats what upvote culture is about.
Seriously why do people think the Reddit icon is a robot?
>western: tag and treat your customers like enemies, makes games for people who don't play games
>japan: makes games
It's an honest advice. You were expecting be yourself, be funny or something?
Japanese women age like wine, they love white guys like me, they have a culture not poisoned by rampant new wave feminism which means their women actually wants to look pretty rather than fat slobs.
What's not to love.
Oh, and they make nice videogames as well.
How is that retarded advice when it works everywhere?
I hate how much I believe this.
Why does she (male) look so broken inside?
Why can't shitskins or gooks come up with actual harmful names for us? Niggers say "cracker" without realising that it refers to how their ancestors got literally whipped like bitches by ours, so it actually denotes power to us if anything. Riceniggers apparently say "ghosts" without realising that ghosts are cool as fuck.
God, it's great to be White.
No idea. I'll have to find out for myself one of these days. One of my MMO bros from Japan has offered to put me up in his place for the entire length allowed for tourists visiting (90 days?) as long as I keep the beer coming in.
I learned their language by accident so hopefully actually seeing what daily life (or at least a vague approximation of it) helps me form some decent opinions on the matter.
Maybe theyre into it?
I mean why call yourself nigger if you're upset about slavery? Maybe they want to be slaves again, like a girl with daddy issues.
You don't know how much raceplay i come across that's like that. But i'm also gay so maybe that has something to do with it too.
Are you scared of bare legs?
Pretty sure it's her.
No stupid agendas. Just fun.
Bloody hell she's adorable
How do asian incels even exist lmao like bro just BTSmaxx like just be some white weeb girl's quirky asian bf
girls have fully grown vaginas by 14, get fucked.
Why are Asian girls cuter than White girls?
>secret whitoid that wants to start a race war
That's the kid who accidentally enters the women-only train in doujins
Was it Eurasian Tiger
Good people, good food and good vidya. Hope they solve their pop problem
They also crowdfunded an AMWF porn scene and spammed it around as if it were some great triumph
this was unexpectedly hilarious
Cause japanese girls are cute
wtf i'm a hebephile now???
Why dont they find someone they like instead of focusing on id pol?
Asian women are the low hanging fruits for White men so you will naturally settle for them if you aren't attractive enough to date White women.
Just look at r/bourbon and r/ whisky for autismal, insular circlejerk
Wow, the same exact words i heard my lone white aunt saying.
I think your Aunt might be in this thread
Based roasties murdering 3/4 of the world
Still better than you tranny
Japan makes games with the mindset that they must be either cute, fun or hard.
Everyone else makes games trying to get the biggest amount possible of money from the player or to send a message.
>JRPGs not casual
>hack n slash not casual
>VNs not casual
>fanservice jizzbrain games not casual
>self insert action games for mid teens not casual
why would I want to listen to cucked tranny faggot peterson shit?
Marie Kondo is the one I would prefer to listen to
we need the current year version
you're strong independent woman who shoots things and shows them who's in charge
you're a cute / edgy / inspired character who punches god and saves the world.
All those eastern games are old series. What creative games have come out lately? Most of their new games are just rehashing shit, the only creative one has been Splatoon.
so this is why whiteys hate kpop so much..
asians have more neanderthal dna
Did you forget Pigskin? It's pretty accurate, as you fuckers get pretty pink in the summer. It's your skin trying to adapt to an environment it's not meant to be in. Absolutely pathetic lmao.
Absolutely BASED
Because they dont give a fuck what goes on in fiction.
Aren't you people familiar with Slice of life anime or weeby games? These are just gym uniforms
Those gym uniforms haven't been used since the 90s. They're wearing swimsuits.
Because this site started as an anime forum, most of the core audience of oldfags and degenerates flock here loving anime.
>White guys says he doesn't care what he calls him
>black guy praises him with a fist bump
>Black guy stands up and walks towards him
Makes you think don'it?
Because Japan isn't run by Jews unlike America
>without realising that it refers to how their ancestors got literally whipped like bitches by ours,
wow you’re totally right, it’s almost like if some white kid were to call a black guy motherfucker or something.
The Jew fear the Samurai
>without realising that ghosts are cool as fuck.
You're wrong. Japanese ghosts are the coolest ones
They're probably American Asians, those guys are fucking retarded.
white “men” are such a joke lmao
white pigs are the best word. made and used by japanese
Japan is much better than Hollywood, they're top tier for shows, music, and video games. Their movies aren't too good though because they're usually retarded. Korea's starting to get better, but they're still like a bootleg Japan. And hopefully China will start making good shows too. China needs to work on their movies though, do not use CG because you are fucking terrible at it.
Because they don't fit in with their native society and they'll never have enough money to go to Japan and discover no one likes smelly, unwashed, virgin, neet weeaboos over there either.
> It's pretty accurate, as you fuckers get pretty pink in the summer
Huh? White people get browner from the sun.
Some people get pink/red skin when its cold but it looks cute if anything.
>White people don't belong in the fields with the other assets and livestock
Okay :^)
Source pls.
That niggers are extremely insecure and calling them niggers triggers their inherent inferiority complex? Yes, it does.
Doesn't Astral Chain suck?
somehow it's selling like hotcakes , atleast in UK as physical.
what's not to admire about a homogenous, patriarchal, largely conservative society with the longest life expectancy and some of the highest quality of life in the world? the fact that they exist and produce so much creativity is proof that the forced liberal "diversity" and mass immigration of the west is complete bullshit.
Tokyo elected safest place in the world for 3rd consecutive year, damn those fucking elevens must be doing something really great with their country. Out of the top 10 cities 2 were japanese
jealousy is a bitch
I thought the asian "got rice, bitch" pride shit died years ago.
Man, being called a ghost is pretty cool, desu. Like they are saying white people are untouchable. On the other hand I can think of atleast 5 slurs for asians and a lot more for blacks or muslims. Other races really need to step up their game
Myself, I've been riced before so no big surprise.
arr rook same
>this thread
Just post cute Japanese boys