Nintendo bonus isnt rea-

>Nintendo bonus isnt rea-

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hmm I wonder what inflated critics score...

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Have you played it yourself?

Uh, sir. This is a safe space for all Nintendominators. I can't allow this.

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everytime i see this i laugh, how can anyone take these scores seriously

So far the game is ok. But holy shit is the lip sync is way off

This is the first Astral Chain thread I see where the faggot OP cries about a Nintendo bonus. I'm almost impressed.

Mentallly ill and traumatised and seething.

Whata sad pathetic loser.

Stay OBSESSED with Nintendo kiddo. Its great watching you throw a tantrum every day.

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Who could be behind this hmmmm
Lets see
Speciman Nr. 1:
The So(n)ytard. Praising every game from Sony and shitting on the direct competition

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It isn't, ResetEra. Only an underage would believe it is

Speciman 2:
The DMC fan. Unable to comprehend and accept that more than one game in his genre is praised he resorts to shitting up the competition.
In his universe tehre is only ONE GAMEFRANCHISE for the entire genre

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You do know both Sony and Microsoft have fansites inflating their scores exactly the same as Nintendo does, right?

top fucking kek

Speciman 3:
The mentally ill mexican aka Sonyfan.
I mean look at this, he has nothing elese to do in his Third World shithole except sitting in front of a CRT and shitposting how bad Nintendo games are and how good Sony is in comparisson

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Dear God the absolute seething bile over this game is better than I could have ever hoped for.

Sonyfags are truly enraged. This is perfect.

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It's snoys coping.

Explain to me why the fuck there is so much butthurt over policejojo?

The absolute state of snoybois. Fuck sake ahahahahaha, what makes them act like this? Holy shit lol. Reminds me when they did the same with BotW.

dude its 6.3 now, you gotta update that shit

7.3 in spite of sonyfags giving hundreds of 0's

Sonyfags just can't COPE.

Attached: Kekomoko.png (367x512, 223K)

He even made duplicate accounts lol
>Both Dragonball reference
>Both in Spanish
>Both have the same"points"

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I like the part where he gives 0s to xbox and playstation games as well, oh wait that goes against the narrative forget i said that

>beaners refrying themselves every hours with the same thread
LMAO gonzales go rake my garden already you lazy shit.

Thats it, I'm selling my PS4 and buying a Switch. At least Switch has games.

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Speciman 3:
The mentally ill tripfag aka Nintendo's cum guzzler #48.
I mean look at this, he has nothing else to do in his Third World shithole except sit in front of his computer and defend a multi-millionaire dollar company on an anonymous board while being a tripfag. He's not even getting paid to sponsor his undying loyalty to Nintendo while submissively spreading his ass cheeks like the dog that he is. Utterly worthless

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Keep replying to yourself

yes, the possibility of two mexicans liking dragonball z is way less likely than someone making two accounts just to give a trash game a trash review

Why are you so obsessed with Nintendo. Why are you so jealous? Why can't you just go and play your own games? Why do you waste your life on here every day being upset about video game company? Why don't you get some professional help?

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>mental gymnastics: the post


What's the connection between tripfags and severe mental illness?

adds up.

Holy shit why are the tendies in this thread seething so hard? Does this game actually suck that much?

After the wii u debacle, they realized they need to defend the honor of every nintendo exclusive, even the mediocre ones, to keep the console afloat.

Cope snoyer

LOL keep going. I love taking breaks from Astral Chain to see you losing you shit. You've been at this 24/7 for almost a week now.

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahah! You're going to have your work cut out over the next few weeks with all the great games coming to Switch. But its not like you have any games to play anyway.

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Nintendo bros..... it's over

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>The Nintendo Tax is real
Add 10 points to get the game's real score.

It should be a 97.

what the fuck is happening




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There hasn't been this much seething ass-sting over a Nintendo exclusive since BotW.

Feels good being a Switchad.

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I wonder how much those scores count in metacritic's algorithm. From memory not all 10s are worth the same amount of points.

This, Rune Factory 4 has a higher user than any Sony, Western & Rockstar game except SOTC, ME2, TLOU & Uncharted 2. Yet it only has like a 78 on Metacritic, it should have a 96 in reality

yeah, they sure are dominating with waifu emblem, a 30 fps action game, and 2d mario #439

Fucking based

Sony had 1! exclusive this year and it was pretty shit ( Days Gone)
Switch is literally getting one great exclusive every month now and Sonyfans cannot somehow cope with the situation.
I mean the Playstation didnt have exclusives in the first 2 1/2 years and now they have another drought lol

Attached: Exclusives.jpg (680x961, 159K)

It's fun. Remember fun?

wrong, all pro entries are weighted the same, which is why the site is garbage. Nothing screams "impartiality" than having 8 different IGN scores for the same product.


You seem to be pretty obsessed with those games kiddo. Whys that? LOL

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Why are sonyfags COPING so hard when faced with reality?
Does the truth of being a cuck hurt too much?

because they're spammed nonstop on this board


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No but i've played with myself


Sony this year had:
One subpar open zombie world game

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Their about page says otherwise.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-02 How We Create the Metascore Magic - Metacritic.png (518x152, 11K)

wow i respect literally none of you

>implying every mainsteam publisher doesn't have some sort of inherent bias.
Yet oddly enough we only ever hear about "muh nintendo"

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Rent free in your head

and clearly the rest of this board since you can't shut up about them

>because they're spammed nonstop on this board

LOL how many threads have you made today already?

Because you can't cope with seeing good games on a different console. Holy shit you are PATHETIC.


Those are legitimate reviews though you dumb cunt. Nintendo's reviews generally boil down to "OH MY GOD NINTENDO GAME 10/10!"

Don’t pop a blood vessel sport

Zero, because I don't make threads on this shitty nintendo surrogate of a board.

>people discussing video games on a video games board
>this is bad

state of snoytards

Imagine getting this worked up over aggregate review scores

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That doesn't excuse Nintendo, they're all at fault and it's why Critic Scores are pointless, given that Astral Chain has also shown once again that the User Score is also useless you just gotta go with your gut on this shit.

Those are legitimate reviews though you dumb cunt. Sony's reviews generally boil down to "OH MY GOD SONY GAME 10/10!"

LOL, you sonyfags are fooling nobody

>Nintendo's reviews generally boil down to "OH MY GOD NINTENDO GAME 10/10!"
That's not what any of the reviews say in the first metacritic picture said you disingenuous shitposting faggot.

>something pretty normal
>it's all Nintendo's fault!

Imagine getting so mad you have to make 700 bot accounts because you think a game you can never play got too high a number.

How can sonyfags ever recover?

How furious are you?

Please read the post I was responding to

Clearly not seething enough to make a thread bitching about fucking metacritic scores.

>sonyfags actually think typos mean anything
LOL, anything to distract from how cucked you are.
That reeks of desperation

Yeah and these are harmless shit, so why make a big deal?


>snoyfag so SEETHING he can't type a sentence anymore
LOL, stop before you humiliate all snoyfags even more

Sony needs its containment board at this point.

why do tendies think we care about thier games? i wouldnt have known this game existed without constant spamming by these retards, i looked up the gameplay and it looks trash and 30fps to boot. its not about sony vs nintendo or anything like that. just leave and have some honor

Attached: 2019-09-02 09.38.15.jpg (1632x1222, 1.01M)

>sonyfags make constant SEETHING threads
>make 700 accounts to shut on Nintendo games
LOL, nobody believes you, you dumb cuck

Are you ok?

>Snoy using bots to reviewbomb isn't tru-

Attached: Astral Chain makes autistic Snoyboy go nuclear against Nintendo.png (1459x1380, 519K)

>Being so poor and or underage that you can only own one console
Feels good to be able to play everything and anything.

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Holy shit ur mad, did you just arrive from r/nintendo?

Top fucking kek!

Why are sonyfags so desperate to pretend they don't care and then do this shit?
Everybody knows what you are trying, you little cuck.

At the rate of how well recieved AC is and how well its selling ontop of it being in the top games pre ordered, Platinum may get bought by Nintendo.

Why are nintendo fanboys obsessed with conspiracy theories? This is frankly embarrassing.

>More games Snoyboys will never get to play
How mad are they right now?

LOL, snoyfags really are desperate right now

Wasn't GoW GotY though?

Extremely seething and having a spastic tantrum

They will probably become history revionists once again and claim that Platinum was never good and that they only made bing bing wahoo.

>If I keep denying reality people will eventually agree with me!
oh no no no he's lost it


That sums up this thread with one image lmao

Nintensoy finally got a game, I see.

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eh if it's anything it's people looking like that at the op image

>first review literally begins with "not flawless"

now lets look at where those user reviews came from...

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Why would you pick fucking Jiren of all people to represent sonyfags? What a terrible character and show.

It's a deep cover falseflag

>Mario Odyssey is so good even the troll reviewer had to give it an 8

he's the perfect representation then

Fucking use opencritic already


The Nintendo bonus is real but it is still a Platinum game and they make good stuff.

>Sonybros are Spanish speaking 3rd world subhumans
Imagine my shock.

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Oh boy cannot wait for the next Nintendo exclusives DeamonxMachina the only game i think wont come close to 85 but rather end up 78-83.


Snoyboys still seething they have none, I see.

Attached: this scares the snoyboys.jpg (800x450, 87K)

"Waifu emblem" is the best tactical RPG in 15 years

"30fps" is the same framerate as PS4 exclusives, this is the worst argument ever lmao

What does PS4 have this year? Piss Simulator?

How long until all these faker and botted reviews get deleted further making snoyfags go on suicide watch?

Your "tactical RPG" series wouldn't even exist right now if it weren't for it becoming a dating sim for extremely lonely nintendo fans. Stop fooling yourself. DMC5 runs at ~50 fps on base PS4 and 60 fps on PS4 pro. Why lie about things you can just look up? Are nintendo fanboys really this stupid?

>snoyfag can't read
LOL, they really are retarded.
Or does your delusion tell you DMC is a snoy exclusive?

the nintendo fans obsession with sony is out of control

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Since when was DMC5 a PS4 exclusive? The only PS4 exclusive thing was it's early censorship.

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the snoy fans obsession with nintendo is out of control

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Why are snoyfags trying to pretend it wasn't them?

DMC5 isn't an exclusive.

Bloodborne, Spider Man, God of War, Horizon: Zero Dawn. All 30fps games. Are they shit user?

>PS4 exclusive

LMFAO Snoyfags REKT.

>Your "tactical RPG" series wouldn't even exist right now if it weren't for it becoming a dating sim for extremely lonely nintendo fans.

Bruh, FE:TH uses the same marriage mechanics as FE4, an SNES RPG from 1996. That is to say, barely any.

All this review bomb shit seems fishy. This ain't a highly anticipated Zelda or Mario game. It's a dumb Platinum game that quite frankly doesn't seem popular enough to get this much attention. Like, I would have completely forgotten about it if it wasn't spammed on Yea Forums or if I didn't see an ad on the home screen when turning on my Switch for more Fire Emblem. I don't anybody would care enough about it to review bomb it. I mean, I would never claim false flag reviews, I would never do that, but I feel like the only people who would even remember this game's existence would be too busy playing the Iceborne beta.

Besides, why do you care? Just play the fucking game. What effect does an arbitrary number on a website have on your enjoyment of a game?

>Snoy game, 10/10
>Nintendo or Xbox game, 0/10
It's an actual mental illness.

every time

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why can't Bloodborne run at 30fps on the PS4 Pro sonyfag?

You have to know everybody hates Sonyfags on Yea Forums, it's tradition. From PCfags to Nintenfags to Xfags.

You underestimate just how pathetic snoyfags are.

>I don't anybody would care enough about it to review bomb it.
Well you're clearly wrong ESL-kun.
See They even reviewbombed FE3H in the process.

>Why lie about things you can just look up? Are nintendo fanboys really this stupid?

He says while claiming DMC5 is an exclusive and TH is a dating sim lul

People are autistic, don't forget about the review bomb of the SMT games.

Fuck now I'm worried for Pokemon S&S, not only will these pathetic fucks be review bombing it heavily, but we'll also have upset fans reviewing it negatively before they even play.

I don't want to hear a single Sonyfag use 30fps as an insult. Only PCfags should use it.

When did the bonus meme come from? Back in my day the narrative was that Nintendo games got harsher reviews because the directs took journalists' jobs away

Sorry I didn't bother to fully read your idiot comparison, I get tired of reading all the inane nintendo crap sometimes. I thought we were talking about action games, not exclusives. 30fps is fine for something that isn't as quick-paced, and PS4 pro is 60 fps for most games.
Fire emblem wouldn't exist right now without the garbage waifu pandering. Period. Anyone who disagrees is in denial.
Like I give a shit, I beat it 8 years ago. Why is an action game released this year on the switch still at 30 fps you fucking fanboy?


It's a coping mechanism.