Critics consistently dislike Mystery Dungeon games

>critics consistently dislike Mystery Dungeon games
>audiences consistently like them

Are there any other games where journos and players always disagree?

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Any AA game that is remotely difficult or features a white male protag

If you read the reviews, you realize most didn't get very far.

>Not one mention of the music
>Story is "tired and predictable"

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Apparently nintendo exclusives lol

Dynasty Warriors or any kind of autism simulator

Game journalists are neurotypicals who are rarely excited by repetition and completionism as main qualities of gameplay.

>Shiren rated that low
They got filtered in the first dungeon didn't they?

It's pretty light on content for a game released in 2008. Not sure how anyone could defend it.

>muh story

I fucking hate this take on the western critics, they think every sort of jrpg has to follow a final fantasy formula where story is the focus (despite snes FF games being very gameplay-oriented).

they fail to realize a lot of the appeal of the mistery games is the survival/gameplay element, and even worse some of them actually have some great stories like pokemon mistery dungeon.

Open world games that are 200+ hours long that aren't part of a franchise they know they can't piss off the fanbase of too. Players tend to love those types of games because there's a lot of shit to do and they get real value out of the game. Journalists hate them because there's a lot of shit to do in less than a week for the review and they get them for free anyway.

I remember that Mad Max game was a perfect example of this, Journos hated it but people who actually liked open world games absolutely loved it.

"Critics" don't finish any game longer than 6 hours

The older mystery dungeon games were based and fucking brutal.

Most didnt even played the game. They just paraphrased what they read on IGN's shitty test.

EoS is without a doubt one of the best game ive ever played, fuck critics.

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Maybe that's why they would provide a 6 second game with such glowing reviews.

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Isn't that Etrian one supposed to be trash?

Yeah it is.
t. likes both series

Alright bros, what's the best mystery dungeon game?

explain rdr2, tw3 etc.

The entire PMD spinoff franchise redeems all of Pokémon. Without it, Pokémon would have 0 credibility in terms of being good games.

Note that as soon as PMD stopped coming out, everyone turned on Pokémon as a whole.

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explorers of sky is the best pokemon one
haven't played the rest

Darkness or Super. Hard to tell with almost a decade between them. Probably Darkness.

>we may never get another mystery dungeon since the 3D games sold like ass
>spinoffs will likely all be mobile games from now on
Though the parting hurts, the rest is in your hands, Yea Forums!

I don't understand why people demand more mystery dungeon, there are plenty of good ones and super wrapped it up nicely

Can we please not pretend that the Mad Max game was anything other than mediocre? It wasn't bad, but it's a stretch to call it good. The game lacked solid design, it was a paint-by-numbers open world romp but with a car and bamham combat. If it they had gotten serious when designing it, maybe it could have been something special, but it was just a licensed gig and the final product reflects how much they cared.

That pic captures the feel just right. Mystery Dungeon is the perfect mix of maximum comfy, feels moments, and difficult encounters. Journos probably hate it because it isn’t a game you can quickly review and move on. There’s a ton of playtime in them.

Each one is an unmatched experience. I'll always want more.

Notably the director Seiichiro Nagahata has literally only ever made PMD games in his entire career. Guy's a genius.

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Was super mystery dungeon good? I’ve heard mixed things about it, worst being that the writing was nowhere as good as the first two games and could get annoying.

NGL the narrative formula was getting a bit stale by Super and the cracks in the writing were starting to show.

They have no idea what a roguelike is or what makes them appealing. Go read a bad shiren review by a journalist and its obvious they are going into this thinking its a normal JRPG. They hate the perma death, they hate the "simplistic" combat, they hate the item management.....everything frustrates the hell out of them lol.

>it's been 14 years since Red Rescue Team came out

Overall it's good but most people don't like how recruiting was handled. They upped the difficulty in this one.

I loved it. It starts slow but when things get going, it's the best shit ever.

One of my favorite things to do is to put on the OST for Super and take a long walk in the woods, just basking in the emotions that well up inside. What other game can do that?

Those things you heard were right.
Another problem is that the story takes way too long to get going. You spend about a third of the main game in a tutorial village and it's tedious. The game picks up when you leave the starting town.
Apart from that there are a ton of gameplay changes. I'm not sure if they're objective improvements but it's not a rehash and it's not a straight downgrade like Gates.
And even if the writing isn't so good it's still directed and presented in such an appealing way that it's hard not to get sucked in regardless.
So it's overall a good game but there are more gripes to deal with.

wait a minute, are there other games like pokemon mystery dungeon but for other franchises?

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I still feel like the concept of a society made out of pokemon has more potential for unique story telling that the mainline games can never match.

Thank god they never reviewed an actual roguelike then.


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Yes, Mystery Dungeon is a franchise of its own and Pokemon is just a themed spinoff. There are also Chocobo and Etrian Mystery Dungeon games. And of course the original series which is also known as Shiren the Wanderer.

Agreed, but PMD seems stuck in a rut of telling the same stories.

I'm sure they could, but they won't because they're too chicken-shit to do anything that clashes too bad with the Gen 1 formula.

PMD has no qualms about literally removing your entire hub world and all of its vital facilities for extended periods of the game because fuck you; you're on the run now.

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Reminds me of EDF5, everything i wanted in a sequel in both content and QoL updates and it still got mediocre reviews
Not him but what are the must-plays? I only know of the ones on Steam but never know where to look for the others.

The fugitive sequences are always the best part of a PMD game. Has the best character beats by far and really makes you feel like you're on the edge, scrounging by with whatever you're lucky enough to chance across. Just like a roguelike should.
Rescue Team's was the best.

They're all pretty similar. DCSS is the most robust and has a (relatively) simple interface while not sacrificing one bit of the hardcore nature of the genre and relying more on skill and experience than RNG.

Tell that to the two post-game dungeons in Super.

>Only one character
>Completely outmatched; forced to resort to every trick in the book to survive
>Die a lot

anything with gameplay

It was also far more challenging and unforgiving than mainline ever was. It took me probably about 10 hours to finally beat Darkrai since every time you died you were sent all the way back to his dungeon.

They did it dirty. I can never forgive them.

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Notwithstanding the fact that it was a port of a Super Famicom game (not to mention the second Mystery Dungeon game ever made), Shiren DS is my favorite Mystery Dungeon game because of what a tightly focused game it is.

The Wii Shiren game in comparison was an absolutely terrible game despite having much more content and a more indepth story because it was unfocused and was trying to cram the core Shiren gameplay in a framework that it wasn't meant for.

Game reviewers just can't understand kino like PMD

The consensus for most is that Explorers of Sky is the best

>Not him but what are the must-plays?
Go to /rlg/ and ask/look at the pasta
DCSS is a good starting point but you want to move onto others once you're capable of going through it to not learn its bad habits.

Would you recommend Shiren DS for someone who has only played PMD and wants to check out other MD games?


Critics don't like games that require patience who would've knew

I had just moved away from home when I played it on a GBA emulator. I thought it was, y'know, alright. Not great. The story was pretty cheesy.

2 years later I played Explorers and holy shit was that a ride.

>One Way Heroics
That one was pretty cool, but not cool enough to make me go full autism
Definitely checking out dcss and elona, thanks

Godzilla King of the Monsters

>Do you know what you just did? You've taken your first step into the AIR CONTINENT. Check your MAP and see.

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They're very different games, and Shiren is without a doubt a much harder and unforgiving game. You'll often have a feeling of desperation playing some of the harder floors and bonus dungeons, the DS version added the ability to backtrack on the earlier easy floors so you can use that to get used to the game and build up equipment.

Oh, and forgot to mention there really isn't much story at all, so keep that in mind as well.

Stupid frogposter.

Well the story IS tired & prdcictable
Only a child wouldn't have predicted the role of the Pokémon upon their first few line of dialogues, or hell, even just their type or the choice of Pokémon in itself, as well as what would become of them.
Music is the only good thing about PMD and the game critics are at least right that Shiren the Wanderer or Choco's Mystery Dungeon is miles better than PMD

>the sole measure of a stories quality is how many "le epic twists" it has

This has been known for ages now

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Main series Pokemon has higher highs but much lower lows. PMD's rather consistent outside of Gates.
Gameplay for both is pathetically easy 99% of the time, but the postgame challenge is worth it, whether it be Frontier or ZIS and Destiny Tower.
Main series (thinking in line with II and IV) excels in creating a world for you to go through and figure out at your own pace. Optional worldbuilding and information getting drip-fed to you in a region based on real life Japan helps make the world itself into a character of sorts, and the humans inhabiting them aren't really the focus outside of your rival, but you can find out a bit more about them and their lives through what other people say or do with them.
PMD's story works through character-driven narratives, the world around it is mostly a setpiece to get them to act as their personalities see fit, and their flaws (not as a negative) or traits get shown off through how they respond to these calamities or with each other.
Main series "died" in a few ways, Gen V was when the focus started to be narrative-driven and exposition-based, and content was starting to get smaller, though BW2 rebounded from that, and Gen VI's when all those changes became set in stone. PMD died quite literally, since TPCi doesn't seem to want any non-mobile spinoffs anymore.
They've both got their charm, so I can't for the life of me get why some people say "PMD is the only good thing about Pokemon" like some extremist.

Speaking of that, main series Pokemon definitely gets a disconnect review-wise. Critics love every game but as of late, the fans seem to be more than annoyed with the quality of them.

Personally thought the Special Episode side stories were much stronger than the main story, especially the early ones, The stakes are lower and it's somewhat predictable, but the cast gets to shine more there. Loudred in particular goes from being a one-note dope to actually having more to him.

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critics gave dark souls 2 the highest metacritic rating

hopefully most of them got laid off soon

Niche games often have scores like that. Genre fans love it, the rest don't care (thus no low scores) and the normie journos forced to play dont care much either.

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I really want a mystery dungeon game on mobile. I found one recently but it was disgusting the amount of monetisation the devs put in and how little effort was spent outside of that. I want to make one myself but will I get in trouble for ripping off gameplay from this series?

Are mystery dungeon and roguelike different?

Just use a GBA/DS emu and play PMD RT/Sky or Shiren on it

Mystery dungeons don't have permadeath, instead kicking you out of the dungeon with some large penalty. They're very similar outside of that, though.

I don't think PMD is underrated by critics I think the normal pokemon games are just overrated by critics.

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Not a single person plays the mystery dungeon games for the gameplay you moron, it's the worst kind of dungeon crawler, where inventory management is litteraly the only thing that matters because the game suffers from massive bloat as a result of all the pointless garbage mechanics.

Also every single other game on earth minus a few exceptions is as a matter of fact also overrated by critics.

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Nips seem pretty into PMD for the gameplay

they also think spending hundreds of dollars on gacha games is a good idea.

They only have a certain amount of time to play the game and review it, so the score depends entirely on how easy is it to pick up, understand, and beat in that time.
Any game that you can be guaranteed to beat given enough time, and not requiring much effort, is pretty much guaranteed to have a decent score even if it's not that good. Games that are hard to play or understand will almost always get a bad score.
This rule holds more true than rich publishers and poor publishers dictating the result.

I bet you think GodOfSoy has a good story.

Pokémon games generally get slammed by critics though? That's why PMD gets shit scores despite being good.

Digimon World.

I only ever played Chocobo Dungeon 2 so I think I'll check out PMD