Well? What do you choose?

Well? What do you choose?

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Red Pill no contest.
Imagine picking Blue unironically for any reason then being a subhuman snoyboy.

if going back in time to fix my mistakes mean going back in time and strangling my mother before she gives birth to me, then the red pill

Red pill
If I fix my mistakes I get the gamer gf too anyway.

Love shitposts they make me smile occasionally

If I go back and kill myself
Would that mean I would never exist or not?

If I fix all my mistakes I would never meet the only woman I have ever loved.

The past is past. I live with my mistakes and move on to the future. Can I dump the gamer girlfriend though after taking the blue pill and getting a free console? Gamer girl sounds terrible.

i'd pick red but it'll keep sending me back to 1985

Going back in time would change history forever anyway, whether you kill yourself or not.

no thanks im not taking that shit even for free
ill takae the redpill

>and gamer gf
is she a qt3.14?

One can acquire many gamer gfs with red pill


Grandfather paradox: if you went back and killed yourself, you never would have existed in the future to go back in time and kill yourself, ergo, you can't go back in time and kill yourself, it is physically impossible for you to do so.

Blue pill because I'll fuck up with red one anyway.

blue pill
I have never made a mistake and I'm not a console peasant either, I just want a gamer gf

I have questions
>How much control do I have over my past self in redpill scenario?
>how good is GTAVI?
anyways probably redpill

what would blue pill actually have to be to take it?


My mistakes make me the person who I am.

I don't care for GTA much since Vice City and going back in time to fix all my mistakes would just result in me becoming, although successful, someone possibly completely different than the person I am today. Which I personally prefer. Because if I did ever become rich and socially engaging ect, knowing me it likely would have altered my being in ways I wouldn't have been prepared for at the time.
Begone with your subjective bait.

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Red. Not to fix them, but relive them.

absolutely based and wait a minute

Go back in time so I can confirm to myself no matter what I would do it again.

Red pill 1000%. Really regret where I'm at right now.

the problem with gamer girls for me is that they are literally the "gamers are pathetic lonely people" stereotype. every one of them that i met, and went out with are pathological liers, horrible people, either have depression or fake depression for attention and i almost got fucked because one of them was 16 and never told me. Never fucked her but after that close call i vowed to never date any woman who considers themselves a gamer. Only reason im not in prison at this point was because me and her slampig friends were sharing drivers licenses just looking at each others pictures. One of them slipped and gave me hers. I wish i could go back to see her face once she realized that i put two and two together.

Anyways Yea Forums gamer girls are bad, grass is green, sky is blue, and so on and so forth

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Red. I don't have many personal mistakes, but by going to the past I can save my cat.

Red pill easily. I'd go back in time to fix the mistake of not winning in a lottery. Also, gamer girls are the worst kind of people so blue pill is an awful choice.

Red pill
I should have told her I loved her when I had the cance
I should have come back 2 days earlier to see my parents
I should never have betrayed one of my best friends only to get stabbed in the back later on

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I dont make mistakes

>fix all mistakes
>all mistakes
Well shit. that would leave me with a perfect life.

>take red pill
>it sends you back in time to just before you took the red pill
What do you do?

take the redpill again but don't swallow it right away, it's basically a savestate you can load whenever you want

life is fun because of the mistakes you make and the opportunites they bring.

i already have a gamer gf and gta bores me, so i guess i'd punch him in the mouth and take his wallet

based tyrone

Blue all the way except the gamer girlfriend because that's just dumb. And I have my girl already

Im asexual so redpill. However, id prefer if it just autofixes mistakes. I dont want to live my past again.

>go full tarrant
>take pill
> doesnt work anymore

And shit, it's PlayStation 5 and GTA 6. Hell no, Pc only, sorry. Still blue pill, the mistakes that I've made have made me what I am today

red pill is a trap to see how many failures reside on this board, regrets are just lessons you havent learned yet. move on and start improving, you're wasting time stewing over regrets you cant change the past it happened move on with your loves.

Red pill and win some lotteries then invest in stocks I know will succeed. From there buy the Suikoden IP from Konami and hire Yoshitaka Murayama to finish the series.

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Goddamit user, i want to confort you in a non-gay way.

But user, you can do it right now. :D

Red Pill.
I could be on the ground floor of the Bit-Coin craze and retire a multi-millionaire in my early 20's.

>red pill

Kinda wish i hadnt cheated on my three exes

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money can't buy happiness

Not for yourself, but you can make other people happy with it, and that's what matters most.

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Is the gamer girlfriend a virgin and guaranteed to stay loyal to me?

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Blue pill.
Even if I go back you can't fix a fucked up family.

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I pick the black and white pill

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Correct all gamergirls are fucked in the head to at least some degree. Also here it's legal to bang 16 year Olds feelsgoodman.

Blue pill.
Going back in time is a risk since I've managed to do so many things, meet good people and get stuff just by the pure sheer luck of being in the right place at the right time.

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>black and white pill
>image is in color

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mistakes happen, always. you'll just make new ones. and if taking the red pill is a mistake you get the blue anyway

You would create a parallel timeline where you don't exist that diverges from the main timeline where you do exist.

Red pill. Also fuck everyone here.

black and white as in the colour of the xeno you dumb anime poster

fuck you too

Seething subhuman

kek same

Ironic when you are on Yea Forums

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And brudda? I hurt people.

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It's a joke, H.R. Gieger.

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Red pill

I take both pills and die of an overdose

Is this a Nintendo Switch thread?

Red Pill

My life isnt as bad as most people whining here pretend to be but I do hate growing old & aging.

Red pill would literally be more lifetime. In fact, you don't even have to repeat things you liked (ie, going to x fest) because you have already done it anyway, so now might as well pick a different one!

Look at this cuck.

Both are shit. I'm not a normalfaggot and regret nothing. I could get rich off bitcoin but that's too much effort. Give me the green+purple pill.

No, the Switch does not have GTA 6 and you can't get a gamer gf with it.

Don't you user's think your past mistakes define who you are now? How do you learn not to get burnt without getting burnt in the first place?

Stop thinking of your past mistakes as a negative and more of a learning process, Except for those cringey as fuck letters you'd write to your crush, Those need to be removed ASAP.

I made no mistakes, that I would regret.
I already have a gamer girlfriend.
I have no interest to console gaming or GTA series.

As tempting it is to go back to the past and fix my mistakes it wouldn't be a cake walk in itself. I'd fix my first mistake and be left with a whole new set of problems to face. Plus there's also the very real chance that the friends I've made today I would never of met them if I changed my past in any way. Better to look forward to the future I suppose.

>start playing musical instruments at 5
>be young indie rock genius in the mid 2000s
>ascend to god tier legendary status by the late 2010s
god I was so fucking close but I was too afraid

But the phrasing implies you would remember your mistakes anyway. Otherwise how can you possibly "fix" them?

So all the "defining" is still there.

It wouldn't really fix anything anyway, the moment you change something in the past you'd end up in a new timeline with a whole new set of consequences to deal with which kinda defeats the purpose of the redpill in the first place.

Red.Don't even have any huge mistakes but time travel is always the way to go.I'll just buy facebook stock and bet the house on all sorts of sports events.

red pill. ive done so many embarrassing things in my youth that sometimes ill wake up in a cold sweat remembering them. i hate it.

Too bad you'll never go back in time you cunt.

Red of course.
>prevent 9/11
>get rich off Intel's victory
>get rich off bitcoin
>get rich off AMD's return

red so i can save my parents from cancer

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>prevent 9/11

>user was hung

I love this user

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>Don't you user's think your past mistakes define who you are now?
Why do you assume that's a good thing? I fucking hate the person who I am now and so does everyone else

Back in time. I could get rich as fuck, get /fit/, and then I'd have the gf anyway. Don't want GTA6.

>gamer girlfriend
Uh yeah... red pill for me thanks.


>jizzbrain girlfriend

no thanks, I'll take the red one

>Red pill
>go back in time
>make a website or blog telling only facts about everything past the year 2010
>tell people to investigate my disappearance as a coverup from the FBI for i was actually a experiment this entire time
>disappear forever from time paradox after finding past self and touching him

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If you haven't hurt anyone don't be so hard on yourself.

Red pill.

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Redpill is unironically OP

>Whoever said money can't solve your problems must not had enough money to solve them.

My mistakes have made me who I am. Only an insecure retard would erase what makes him human.

Although a PS5 is not really that interesting considering it's coming in like 14 months, so it's not like I have to wait long to just buy one.

Red pill obviously. I've made many mistakes including buying Sony consoles and Rockstar games.

Red pill. I’d try to stop 9/11 as a toddler.

What's that from

Making mistakes doesn't make anyone more human. Just more retarded.

No, it buys crazy ass happiness.

I didn't think the choice would be hard

Consoles are for retards.

Im pretty happy with my life's choices so would probs just pick happy fun times with big tiddy gamer gf

>console with paying online, sub 4K at sub 30fps, with a sequel that will eventually comes anyways, and the worst kind of woman you can find, the gamer gurl


>a second life chance

Sure this question i hard...

>Blue Pill: Trivial shit that will eventually come to you at some point or another.
>Red Pill: Once in a lifetime opportunity to make your life perfect.

but user... i was the mistake

Red Pill, only to buy stocks and save vidya for my vidya bros.

I often think about what the redpill scenario would be like. If I don't have the willpower to make things better now would I have any given a chance in the past? Will I lose everything I love about the now if I did fix it?
It's a hard pill to swallow

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Umareru Kachi no Nakatta Jibun ga Anna no Tame ni Dekiru Ikutsuka no Koto

Because God forbid Japs have a title that isn't an entire paragraph.

Depending on your age you could also try to stop 9/11

How would anons ITT try to stop 9/11?

Unless you hurt yourself badly.

But why?

Could still late bloom.

Different vidya that isn’t CoD dreck. 9/11 turned US media to shit.

Do you realize that if you change the past, you could make the future (the present) worse than it already is?

are you fucking retarded? what sort of unbalanced option is this?
red pill.

Dude... You're on Yea Forums. Things can't get any worse.

blue pill.... i am my scars

Basically, no 9/11, longer 90’s glow. More cool games than in our timeline.

Also a lot less dead people. Best case is where you manage a near miss situation where the government is forced to take action on Al-Queda without the war on terror and panic governing our actions and thousands of Americans get spared.

Changing the past sounds like hard work and lots of ways to fuck up. I'll just take the gf, can do without the GTA or PlayStation desu.

blue pill exists to weed out the retards, basically.

What if one of the people who died in 9/11 gave birth to someone worse than Hitler? What if one of them went on to do an even worse 9/11?

pretty sure not a single jew died in 9/11

That’s a stupid argument, 9/11 just as easily may have already spawned someone worse than hitler who plans something worse than 9/11

>worse than Hitler
pls don't slander great people you don't know nothing about

(They may even be lurking this very website...)

sorry pal, but that's technically her mistake

>Also a lot less dead people
you mean dead americans?


all american made games are shit im glad they died

>A PS5, the latest underwhelming upset from Rockstar, and an obnoxious, so randumb, kotaku-reading, lootcrate subscribing dipshit of a girlfriend


>Go back in time and stop my crippling sex addiction and make sure I don't leave the US to go back to the UK and take that job at the embassy

Wow real tough choice there

>My mistakes have made me who I am. Only an insecure retard would erase what makes him human.
did you hear this in a disney movie?

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Hitler fucked up to the point soviets took over a part of Germany and off’d himself. Even by the metric of supremacy he fucked up.

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The absolute STATE of this board

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Is that poop?

she didn't deserve this

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They will be 24 hours after eating them

kek at all the people wasting their time stopping 9/11. All you would do is delay the inevitable. We were already fucked anyway.

My redpill is
>Buy PS5 while continuing fucking my gf and hopefully marry her soon.

American made games went to shit because of 9/11 before that you had all matter of great games made in the US made in a more optimistic time.

Being fucked in 2008 instead of 2001 is a trade off I’m willing to accept.

Same colors?

Immediately kill yourself.
Preventing the Patriot Act from being a thing.

I'll take the epic Minecraft gamer girl any day

She had one job.

(Especially as we got fucked in 2008 either way)

I’ll never suicide, you’ll have to fight me yourself if you want me gone from this world!

>Preventing the Patriot Act from being a thing.
You signed the Patriot Act into law?

>your all

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blessed tendies are the best in this entire set
if you don't take B you're a retard

The government would have a hard time justifying its existence without some huge terrorist attack.

Preventing 9/11 effectively gives you a retool on what games exist in the new timeline, I think they’d be better games.

>unite a bunch of people of all races to fight the worldwide kikery for a better future for everyone
>almost win
>the kikes quadruple-troll the whole world to fight him
>still takes years and gazillions of debt to get to berlin
>instead of surrendering, takes responsibility for his failures and offs himself on beloved home soil
>be called an evil failure by the butthurt kikes for all eternity

But you would be back in time with your current knowledge, right? Otherwise it would be useless to take the red pill.

Hitler if he wanted to unite the world against the Jews shouldn’t have back stabbed Stalin. Stalin hated Jews too, they had mutual interest but hitler decided to fuck over Stalin instead.

So you caused 9/11? And by mistake?

Redpill so I can go back to the past and warn everyone about 9/11

Both are a catch 22.
Not only is the first one surface level trivial shit, but it also comes with a gamer girlfriend. You don't want those, only a special breed is the one every user imagines they want. You are more likely to get a stacy than the actual gamer girl you want. The second one is also loaded because you might be "successful", you might not be happy with your life. Assuming if you reach back to 2/09/2019 again you can take the pill again, if you go back you'll keep trying to fix your mistakes over and over again, chasing the perfect life that will never eventually come. You're entire existence now revolves around trying to do it perfectly with the safety net that on a particular date you can go back and try again.
I think I'll stick with my NEET life trying to work up motivation to come back to society

What would your septs post be after eating them?

No, but I think if you can prevent it with the knowledge you have now, it’d,,Dan different games to play, maybe better than in our timeline.

What happens when you make a mistake that fundamentaly brokens you as a person and functional human being

What happens when you've made them several times over

What happens when those mistakes have hurted the ones that you love the most way more than you?

Red Pill.

I would go back and tell my mom I love her more than anything before she died.

I would give up every possession I own and live my life as a homeless tramp for the opportunity to see her one last time.

He never wanted to -unite- the world. He wanted everyone to leave separately as friends and prosper on their own accord, with germany as an example of how to do it. Stalin and his bullshit couldn't be trusted.
Either way, mistakes were made, especially by the united retards of america.

What happens is that you kill yourself, pedophile


well, you asked for it
my first choice would be: to make the entire world a perfect utopia for everyone, forever. if that doesn't work because it targets me indirectly I would make MLP:FIM go on to 100 seasons

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No guarantee I won't fuck my past up all over again even by making the so-called "right decisions" versus the ones I actually made, so I'll take the blue pill peas and shank you

If hitler couldn’t work with Stalin to deal with the Jew problem he fucked up even by your own metrics. Stalin purged Jews, Trotsky got the pick for good reason. Hitler had common ground there. Also if NatSoc is leftist why not form a socialist internationally with Stalin to rid the world of global Jewry?

Going back to your youth with the knowledge you have now is the most overpowered thing ever. Buy microsoft stocks and bitcoin, and be a millionaire for the rest of your days. Pass every school and test you already went trough easy. No need to spend time on people you already know are going to be bad for you.

There is no blue pill strong enough to beat the red pill in the picture.

Multiple timelines dipshit

Redpilled tendies, I shall unleash the immortal, the one true shitpost on the realm

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You motherfucker wasting good tendies like that.

fuck off selfish retard

I'm not talking about the utopia, I'm talking about the horsefucker shit.

Sounds like you'd just use it to fuck your mom.

I mean even if it went in for 100 seasons at some point it becomes G5, G6 and so on anyways due to different characters.

Also the seasonal rot would lead you with MLP being bone dry after episode 5000.

I bet one of you or a group is trying to make an AI that could make procedural infinite MLP referencing the currently existing material.

I wanna say go back in time and fix my mistakes, but that might mean I'd never end up with my wife if I changed the past. Can I just take the PS5 and keep my wife?

literally nothing wrong with that