Name a more ambitious and expansive series of JRPGs than Trails. You can't, because there is none. Trails has accomplished what other JRPGs attempted and failed. There is no other series on the market that tells a story of such a grand scale that it is split up across 3 separate arcs and 9 total games with more to come. This is THE jrpg series we JRPG fans have been waiting for, so why haven't you dived in yet?
The Trails series
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But muh Rance has more games.
I honestly tried to get into Trails in the Sky 3 times but couldn't keep going because I was bored to death every time.
However I appreciate what they're doing. It just isn't for me though.
I don't see how it's supposed to be any more boring than any other JRPG.
Are the crossbell games translated? Are they getting an official release anytime soon?
Wait, the game series actually ended? I guess it's time to pick it up after all.
Yes and no. Both zero and Ao have fully fan-translated PC versions complete with full jp voice acting ripped from the evolution remakes, but there is no sign of any official localization coming.
No? The OP clearly says there are more games coming. With that said, Cold Steel 4 does represent a sort of climax and conclusion for much of the stuff that came before it, but it doesn't resolve the overarching conflict/mystery of the series and even introduces new plot threads.
don't be "that" guy
Legend of Heroes is a franchise, not a series. Trails is the series. Sky, Cold Steel are sub series
How is copy pasting the same game ambitious in any way?
Trails is literally the most generic JRPG on the market. When people talk about generic JRPG trash, they talk about trails.
>cookie cutter story
>cookie cutter characters
Not to mention how much they recycle their gameflow
>Trails 1:
>first new city you visit is the tradehub
>first quests includes getting basic store bought items to the priest
>fasts foward 4 games
>Cold steel 1:
>first new city is STILL the tradehub
>first quests STILL include getting basic store bought items to the priest
its a fucking joke. not to mention the terrible effects and production quality
If the fucking sidequests are the only thing you took away from your time with the games then I don't even know what to tell you my dude.
Who is the best waifu in cold steel and why is pic related?
Millium > Laura
trails is a great example of sunk cost fallacy
Because most of them are unavailable to console players. I can't get Trails 3rd, and no Crossbell. They need to all be rereleased on PSN or remastered.
If you have a pc to post this on, then you can play 3rd and crossbell. If you have a console, then you have a controller to play them with.
>We live in a world where Cold Steel is more popular than Sky
Let the series die.
>one is 15+ years old
>the other just got a ps4 release recently
Hmm i wonder why the new one is more popular
haha... no.
I had this same problem. At first I thought it was a problem of it being a female protagonist, but the kid is also a major character and basically the deuteragonist, and I liked him. As catchy as the music was, it wasn't exciting and felt "girly" in some sense, not really sure if anyone will know what I mean.
I can recognize it's a solid game, but just not for me.
if you like cold steel you'll feel compelled to dig up sky, so I don't see the problem.
Legend of Heroes is a series and part of the Dragon Slayer franchise.
I've only played CS 1 and 2. Looking forward to 3 but I honestly don't care enough to go back and play all that.
>No idea what Trails was
>Saw the CS2 trailer.
I came for the mechs
I stayed for the waifus and fanservice.
No regrets.
No. Dragon slayer is a long dead/defunct name with no connection to modern LoH
>suggesting anyone to play Sen before Zero/Ao
I just beat Cold Steel 1 and haven't gotten to 2 yet, so maybe this has less validity coming from me but I can't see that as a good recommendation at all. Even if the epilogue of Ao spoils some major overarching stuff like the outcome of the civil war, the real significant plot twists are the ones that happen between the characters and those remain completely intact. Plus, the Sen games were made from the getgo with the assumption that the players had that knowledge from Ao beforehand, so they could build off of it and still create good twists, whereas anything and everything from Zero/Ao is free game to be spoiled in Sen.
Mostly though, I just can't imagine playing Cold Steel without knowing anything that happened already. The entire ending sequence of 1 seems to me like it would feel completely out of nowhere for anyone who didn't see it coming, like Crossbell was barely mentioned outside of the Imperial Chronicle and the player doesn't seem to be given much context around it and why it matters in Cold Steel, so it would just seem like this random other country all of a sudden has some ultra super area erasing weapon and that just suddenly gets thrown to the wayside when the nobles' plan comes to fruition. There were also SO many enjoyable moments when you get to see the Erebonian perspective when things from Ao become major news, just to name a few: seeing Sara and Toval's reaction to hearing that Arios left the guild for the state guard, everyone's smug reactions to Crossbell's claim of independence when you know what's coming next, everything with Arianrhod's brief appearance. Plus there's a lot of contextual stuff like understanding why Laura would be so upset when she hears that Fie used to be a jaeger.
People like to recommend it, because they usually can't deal with the fact that the games got left out and need to be played with a fan translation.
There's absolutely no good reason not to play Crossbell before Cold Steel story-wise. The games build up on each previous game, so why would you play them out of release order and on top of that, taking a break from the current arc (Cold Steel) and go back playing an older one. Just playing the epilogue of Cold Steel 2 makes no sense whatsoever without having played the Crossbell games.
Yeah I do understand that, and it's definitely unfortunate. Especially since Cold Steel seems to be infinitely more popular than the previous games in the west just due to waifus. I shudder to think that there's a non-insignificant amount of people out there that played Cold Steel with literally no context of the previous games at all, and just have no clue what's going on the whole time.
Probably not even just the waifus, but just because it's a more recent game with 3D graphics.
If we would have gotten the series back in 2004 when it was first released most people would hate Cold Steel.
That's also true. I was mostly just thinking of my friend that I got into the series, he said that he'd heard of Cold Steel before but thought it was basically on the same level as a shitty Compile Heart game, and had no idea it had such a history behind it. I don't know if that's the general perception people have of it though.
Hey hey hey, compile heart games are masterpieces with writing akin to shakespeare
>copypastes its environments three times in a row with trails in the sky
and I hear cold steel is even worse
Agreed, considering how deep the lore can go and how thorough the science behind.
I got the feeling Trails starts to play safe as it goes longer. Harem starts to kill it for starters.
>the series was carefully setting up all these political intrigues, secret assasin and church orders working from the shadows
I hate Sen.
I just fap to upskirts of the girls on this site:
That's way too many games for me to play.
The only good game in the series is the original Shiroki Majou, easily Falcom's worst IP.
That's not Ys.
I marathoned Cold steel 1 and 2, and I shouldn't have. 2 felt like a real drag right after 1.
Trails lore is quite boring and bracers are a shit group, Suikoden and Front Mission universe was much more interesting.