95% of non indie PC games are multiplatform

>95% of non indie PC games are multiplatform

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>PC still has the largest collection of video games compared to every other console by 10 fucking miles.

>is that a bad thing?

Exclusives don't benefit the consumer

Gravity rush 2 is the best ps4 exclusive

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The nice thing qbout a PC is I can still play those games online for free a decade after consoles lose their servers and playerbase, and mod them to breathe new life into them. Not to mention that I can make music, edit videos, program, etc. with the same hardware.

>strategy games on console
>management games on console
>FPSes on console

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why are u console faggots so retarded

>management games on consoles to begin with
I can only think of void bastards off the top of my head

You forgot to mention that your PC can lick your anus when you need a pee pee inside your butt
>Absolutely not a shill

I love Kat
>100% waifu material

Go ahead and try to play kerbal space program or city skyline on a console

>largest collection because it has zero quality control

fps games are pc exclusive whether theyre multiplat or otherwise

Lol enjoy still paying extra just to play online

Forgot about city skyline, but I'm definitely not gonna do that

You can actually play PS3 games on PC

>Pretending PS4 has any either
Don't make me post the video.

My pc doesn't do that, and who exactly am I shilling for?


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Is there any genre that works better on console than PC?

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as you can use a controller on pc, no

Everything except rts and fps

Shill these nuts in your mouth

If you count exclusive as a genre then yes. Otherwise no.

Not an entire genre, but some games are ported like shit and play better on console for that reason

Anything with local co-op, that's why I keep a console

Shill this mouse in your buttocks

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>95% of PS4 library is detective vision, dumbed down gameplay, cinematic """experiences""

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>Largest collection
>Gets depricated over time and stops working properly
>Turns PC into troubleshooting tool
>Turns PC into working- instead of gaming station


Hey fuck off buddy I was supposed to post that.

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95% of PS4 library is multiplat too, what's your point?

Kratos and his wife's son

I'm pretty sure it's 100%. I can't think of any PC exclusive AAA games.

I know strategy games are now a niche genre, but some still do well

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>PC doesn't engage in common anti-consumer business practice
>this is somehow a bad thing

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can run them better with higher settings and also for free, like i just downloaded jump force on a whim yesterday. i would never spend 60 bucks on that fucking game.

Do PS4 players REALLY expect me to believe that they spend more time playing exclusives than multiplats?
Nigger bloodborne came out 4 years ago.

who is he shilling for? the single monolithic PC manufacturer that holds the whole market in a death grip and brokers deals with developers to make sure you can't play their game?

I bet you could only buy a PS4 and you're the type of person which buys multiplats on it too, waiting for discounts or spending 70$ and thinking "urgh I feel bad, by now I could have bought a PC and played all the multiplats for fucking free, sigh".
And that's right, I bought PS4 for exclusives and PC for free 100$ ultra uber gold deluxe multiplats.
Guess who's mad.

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99.9% of all ps4 games are multiplatform
Whats your point?

this + my roommate has a switch he basically just collects games for, so it's essentially mine. pretty sweet

>100% of all multiplatform games are best on PC

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>PC games are multiplatform
an oxymoron

and i'm glad
i hope all you dudes can enjoy some of my favorite games with me
too bad most of the indies are pc exclusive, honestly