Why do smash players get singled out for being smelly neckbeards and not the rest of FGC?

Why do smash players get singled out for being smelly neckbeards and not the rest of FGC?

Are they that bad? What makes them different?

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Because they unironically stink and have no social skills. I've been to three FGC events - not a lot by any means - and in all three of them, the Smash players:
>smell awful
>have cold, clammy hands when you introduce yourself with a handshake
>have no social skills
>wear oversized graphic tees
Of course, there are going to be people like this in all circles, but I feel as if 99% of the Smashers that I've met in person are like this. Most of the SF / Tekken players were just 20 to 40-year-old black dudes who smell like Axe Body Spray and get hype with you.
As for why this is the case, it's hard to say. It's possible that the inherent broad appeal of Nintendo characters attracts people who haven't matured fully - in the sense that they have no concept of cleanliness.
But who can say for certain? From my personal experience, Smashers and anime players stink. Tekken, MK, and SF players are just normal people.

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smash community is full of the lowest of low parasites

>>wear oversized graphic tees
What's wrong with that?

it's a meme propagated by seething black furries like

Because showering is for virgins.

but user, Smash players DON'T shower, so that'd be a contradiction!

I'm not black or a furry. Go take a shower.
Wearing oversized clothing makes you look like you don't give a damn about yourself.

smash players fuck a lot
only problem is occasionally they fuck 16 year olds

brother, we're here to play smash, am I supposed to wear a fucking suit and tie? I'm not here to be fa/

have sex
take a shower
cry about it
and most importantly
get a clue

smashchads always win

>16 is legal in canada
>it's legal places here in the states too
Smash community is just a bunch of women in mens clothing. They want drama.

I lost weight recently and went from a large to a medium, I'm not going to rebuy my entire wardrobe because I gotta look good at a fucking video game tournament.

thoughts Yea Forums?

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You don't gotta wear nice looking clothes for this shit but for the love of god, just shower before leaving for the event, using soap, shampoo and water, and wear some clean clothes. Is that so fucking much to ask for?

Goddamn. Based as fuck.

>Shower or Deodorant
he meant AND right?

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>crossovers attract autism

I do, but what the fuck does wearing a clean but oversized graphic tee have to do with any of that?

one step at a time.

It's melee fags in particular.



JDCR looks old as fuck, holy shit.

If you’re unironically defending the use of oversized graphic t-shirts just kys

>mfw I do all that and DON'T go to events.
>Uses baby powder too.

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>No one has posted that "stinky day" thing yet
C'mon Yea Forums I thought you were better than this.

>Imagine being this self-conscious.
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You genuinely sound like you're projecting your own social anxiety onto everyone else. What you just said is perhaps the most pathetic reasoning for placing yourself above others I have ever heard.

everyjavascript:; gaming event smells

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I have no experience at tourneys just some videos I’ve watched because the game is boring to watch, and honestly, to play. But what I do know is they bitch and whine about the game they love ever so dearly 24/7, bandwagon and boycott things they do and don’t like, and never shut the fuck up about said things, 60% of players are under the age of 15, and are generally just annoying and overly vocal about a game for kids.

Some people need both, some don't. I don't sweat unless I'm involved in rigorous physical activity so as long as I shower with soap and wash my hair with shampoo in the morning, I smell fine all day. Some people like my coworker will sweat like crazy just sitting there and yeah, he needs to do both or he starts to smell ripe after lunch.

One doesn't exist

No one knows, if you've ever been to any other FGC tournament it's like someone set off a stink bomb regardless of the game.
Chances are it's just because smash is more popular thus it has way more exposure.

Working in retail, I'm shocked at how smelly our customers can be.

Especially women. What the fuck.

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I'm with you, user.
Most of my wardrobe is jeans and band t-shirts; no one gives two shits as long as you don't offend their nostrils.

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There is literally nothing wrong with it if it isn't drastically oversized. I shouldn't have to /fa/ when I go outside, fuck you fags.

What I don’t understand is how it still happens. If the entire community is being insulted for smelling like shit then why aren’t more of them improving their hygiene?

>Wearing oversized clothing makes you look like you don't give a damn about yourself.
Its a fucking fighting game tournament not a job interview.

this fucking rat has better hygiene than most gamers

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Not a smash fag, but I feel personally insulted by the cold, clammy hands comment.
My hands are always freezing cold, what the fuck am I supposed to do about it?

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In a genre of fat, sweaty players, they're the fattest and sweatiest.

They all probably assume it's the other players. Just like how every driver assumes they're above-average.

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Sorry, I didn't mean to reply to you, I meant to reply to . I don't give a fuck about oversized graphic tees as long as they are clean and in good condition. Good for you for losing a bunch of weight BTW. I also lost 20 lbs a few months ago following a recent diabeetus diagnosis. Went from 170 lbs to 150lbs.

I don't want showerfags dirtying up my tournies.

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I don't know how you do it. I sweat all the fucking time and I'm not even "fat". I am stressed all the time though. That could be it.

card game events too

seriously niggers it ain't hard, I shower every day just to stay indoors and shitpost on Yea Forums (fuck shaving though)

Fuck man, that's just the video game community in a nutshell. Not exclusive to Smash.

maybe overactive glands?

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When you're wearing a graphic tee, chances are you're wearing shit. Because the graphic on it is usually from something childish, aimed at manchildren who aren't going to spend money on quality clothing. So you end up with some $15 t-shirts of the lowest quality because you're paying for a picture of your favorite cartoon rather than a quality piece of clothing.

Won the genetic lottery in that regard although lost in nearly every other regard. If only I wasn't a 5'6" manlet who looked like he's been smashed repeatedly in the face with a shovel, I could call it an overall win but such is life.

That rat's movements bother me on a level I've not yet thought I had. Please tell me this shit is CG. Shit's too uncanny to be real.

Who gives a shit?

Nope, rats are just BASTE

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don't be cold dumbass
lmfao, get a load of this dude

I know this feel
>Live in australia
>Brisbane no less
>Body shuts down when it goes above 20 degrees
There's collectively a week in the entire year where I feel genuinely comfortable.
Its even worse because I love wearing woolly and fluffy clothes.

there was a smash tournament hosted at my uni once and you could literally smell it as you were approaching the building

the smell stuck around for like a week too, that's how fucking disgusting they are

Fucking christ, he's big enough to be a fantasy Dwarf.
I could see that little shit walking upright in a mine with a fucking pickaxe.
Why don't these fucks have jobs?

because they single themselves out

that one clearly has a job though

Sonicfox doesn't play Smash though.

Panhandling isn't really employment.

seething nigger

The rest of the FGC do/did get called out for it. Singling out Smash players is a zoomer meme. The FGC was always known to be awful smelling throughout the 2000s, and tourneys everywhere are still filled with their odor.

Its probably just trying to scrape the soap off itself but doesnt know how

I’ll always remember going to my first technical melee tournament years back. I played a friendly with a overweight dude that reeked so bad moving my chair 6 feet away from him wasn’t enough to not smell him. Didn’t attend another tournament till Ultimate arrived.

How are we supposed to afford fresh bathwater when we spend all of our money on Delphine's bathwater?

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I've just never seen a rat do shit like that. Looks weirdly human.
I mean I've seen racoons and shit do stuff like that, but that little dude is just standing straight up. Not hunched over or unbalanced. Just chilling washing his pits and shit.

even if this was posted ironically, I cringed like fuck

Its a kobold.

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think about it. evo usually has all the same games every year for years. (new) smash comes up, and this meme suddenly exists.

Because that's the only community normies care about, not understanding that being surrounded by people all day will make anyone stink, no matter how many showers you take per day.

>Yes, I love playing super smash Bros melee. How did you know?

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If you play competitive games you are not normal. For the average person you all are ugly nerds.

So many mad smash niggers itt

Because the soap wavedashes out of their hands and bodies

Wearing oversized TSHIRTS/PANTS makes it look like you don't give a damn. A size larger hoodie or nice sweater is stylish right now with proper fitting pants and matching shoes. I'm not here to argue if that looks good or not; that is currently fashionable.

So, no, wearing an XXL black cheap t-shirt covered in cat hair that has a picture of Finn and Jake dressed up like Link and Epona is NOT fashionable.

>when you get done eating Zelda's ass

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Freezing cold hands actually indicate that you have poor circulation in your body.
It overall is a bad sign of health.

t. Nurse

My hands were always cold until I started working out properly