Why do Japanese game focus too much on fanservice?

Why do Japanese game focus too much on fanservice?

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>too much
No such thing.

Because they actually want to give customers something they want

Why are incels so insecure about love between men and little girls?

Are they mad because they will never get laid?

>too much
No such a thing

because c*mbrains only care about vidya as fap material

Because they know their costumer's let their peepees doing the thinking for them


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They're pandering to that incel crowd, those losers eatup the slightest amount of ''muh anime tiddies'' Kinda pathetic but thats just how it is. But pandering to these incels is starting to backfire, as a lot of anime shovelware doesnt sell well anymore.


Attached: Misaki Pole Dance.webm (640x360, 1.55M)

Apart from that one piece of promo art, Ace Combat only panders to aircraft fetishists.

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Majority of young adult men in Japan are virgins that jerk off to anime titties in their free time.
You do the math

is there a tengu version of this?

I love her.

Why do Nips never stop sexualizing White girls in games like that not settling for their yellow women?


based nips

Go back to retardera Troon

because girls are cute and everybody loves cute girls. females in western games are NOT cute and belong in the bin

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Because sex sells


And that's not even their usual artist. They got the artist for the more recent FE games.

Back to ResetEra with you, tranny.

How are they white when their jaws aren't square and they aren't appropriating other cultures?

huh, I never noticed it was the Awakening/Fates artist.

What a whore.

Shut up anime dosent have a race that's the best part

Why wouldn’t you want to service your fans?

this, take a look at games like senran that pretty much rely on the whole anime tiddy pandering. These softcore incel type games are dead, thats why people are just making porngames now. Shitty ecchi shit doesnt work anymore. Any game that relies on only fanservice are destined to flop

no u

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Attached: Misaki Labyrinth Pole Dance.webm (640x360, 2.15M)

You seem to be confused. Why would someone from Resetera say stronk modern Western women belong in the trash?

because its bad bait

Tony is great.

It's easy bait for consumers to make them buy the game

do you from where is that tony girl?

They don't. They focus on gameplay, with fanservice added as a bonus. Meanwhile, western games have neither (good) gameplay, nor do they have fanservice.

Because men and woman like looking at attractive people.
This isn't rocket science

blade arcus

Because you can't shitpost with the ones that don't.

Because Japan can't compete with the west so they gave up and just pander to that 5% of the market that are incels and nobody else cares about.

appreciate the laugh, japanese put more emphasis on fanservice then they do gameplay/story. Western devs are the opposite.

>Western devs are the opposite
They put more emphasis on cutscenes and cinematic styles than gameplay/story. How is that the opposite?

I just see cutscenes and cinematic styles as another way to deliver a mesh of both story and gameplay

>They put more emphasis on cutscenes and cinematic styles than gameplay/story
Except that's crap. The cutscene to gameplay ratio has been well documented and the Japs, by far, are much worse than the west. Not only do Japs make low tier otaku pandering trash, they are also mostly movie "games" too.

Pushing up on the stick to get talked at isn't gameplay. It's a glorified cutscene you can't skip.
Also cinematic gameplay is worse than any fanservice gameplay of the same genre.
>Western AAA TPS
>has sliding auto-tracking melee attacks
>Jap Fanservice TPS
>Doesn't have sliding auto-tracking melee attacks
Why is the fanservice game not treating the player like a braindead retard while the western game is?

>t. forever alone beta virgins who will call everyone who points out how cringy they are a tranny despite the fact that literally don't even shower

>cutscene to gameplay ratio
Now tell me, are the forced walking segments counted as gameplay or cutscenes?

Define too much

When can count those as cutscenes if you want. It won't help you much.

Then let me ask, what happens when the entirety of the story can be skipped over and promptly ignored so you can focus on the gameplay?
Because I can tell you with Jap games you can skip all story shit if you aren't interested in it and just get to the gameplay.
It makes replaying Jap games with ranking systems a breeze.

>blade arcus

Exercise in intelligence and double standards:
The same way you leave the gays and trans ppl alone to their own devices, you leave everybody else alone as well.

They don't focus too much it's just that japs just don't feel guilty expressing their appreciation of what they like. Fanservice games are for fanservice first, the game itself is secondary to the fanservice. It wouldn't exist otherwise, fanservice is mostly a genre of game in itself and rarely steps beyond to make a quality game to go with it. These games were never meant to be compared to something like a competitive FPS or movie game. Why do American games focus too much on being playable movies? Why do french games focus too much on being shit? It's just your perspective not being wide enough to see the bigger picture.

stop posting shit like this
can't you see it's offensive to aesthetically-challenged persons?

What other reason would someone have for buying a nip game

Sexual development isn't treated as the ultimate evil over there. It's a healthy and natural part of life that if it goes unexplored, or even worse as the west is doing now making people feel ashamed, results in many social issues or even extreme deviancy. Expressing sex be it as simply as throwing in a bit of fanservice adjusts the player, lets them know that it's not wrong and it's okay to enjoy these feelings while getting them comfortable with the sight of such things so they develop more healthy as a result, at the very least the person isn't going to freak out when presented with nudity or something similar.

Sexual suppression is social destruction.

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They're pretty fun and have some unique mechanics no western dev has the balls to try and implement because it couldn't be mass marketed to casuals.

yaay tits , sex sells goy

>Ace Combat

because they're anti degenercy durr

>Because I can tell you with Jap games you can skip all story shit if you aren't interested in it and just get to the gameplay.
Why would you say that when we both know it's not true? It just makes you look stupid.

cuz they understand their target audience?

Examples pls

It's not just being lewd it's that no modern AAA dev will make something that isn't casual friendly. Case in point Bullet Girls is centered on aiming for multiple body parts as you shoot to strip clothes off. The aiming alone would be horrible for any console AAA western game with it's overly generous hitboxes and aim-assist.
Then there's things like Seven Pirates stat juggling level up system where by adjusting how you massage the boobs you adjust where your stats go
>Size up = power up speed down
>Size down = reverse
>Softness = defence up Power Down
>Firmness = reverse
etc. so you have a juggling act of what kind of stat distribution you have. However you then need to execute the actions instead of leaving it as stat sheet to add numbers too meaning you can screw up adding a risk element to your stat distribution.

Let's compare Third Person Shooters and Third Person Action Games then. Using solely fanservice on the Japan side and AAA on the western side
Bullet Girls - entirely skippable story, stages with cutscenes are only forced to be watched once but you can skip them anyways. This makes getting better ranks less time consuming.
Uncharted - Some cutscenes can be skipped but the walking segments can't be thus slowing down the entire gameplay on replays
>Action games
Senran Kagura/Onechanbara - both have entirely skippable cutscenes and no bullshit in the middle of them. Any cut outs of gameplay can be skipped or set to skip
God of War - Some cutscenes can be skipped but the walking segments can't be thus slowing down the entire gameplay on replays

>>It's not just being lewd
>proceeds to only give examples involving lewdness
I'm pretty sure it just is about being lewd for you, user. If you think the Japs and shooting clothing off was the origins of locational damage and western games don't have that at all then all I can say to that is you're a complete fucking moron living in a fantasy world.

Naked coveralls is underrated.

To pacify men who will never reproduce. Why do you think Japan crime rate is so low?

>western games
MODERN Western games. Point to me a AAA Western game with the same thing to the same or equal degree as that. In other words, giant mechs or creatures with one or two differently placed weakpoints won't cut it. Human sized enemies that NEED to be taken down by hitting those weakpoints.
I know other western games did it in the past. But the topic of the argument is current AAA Western games.

>Why do you think Japan crime rate is so low?
That's easy. Because they falsify their crime statistics to make the country look good. There's been several whistle-blowers about this but nothing gets done because Japan prefers fantasy to reality when the reality is they aren't as good as they think they are.

>Because they falsify their crime statistics
Like every other country in the world?

This may be true, but I'm a firm believer in pornography being peddled to leftover men to keep them pacified.

All of them, you fucking moron. In pretty much every western game where you shoot people you don't do as much damage if you hit them in the leg as opposed to the head. This is like a standard feature. Japan isn't paving the way with brand new mechanics, they are just stealing ideas from the west and adding scantily clad anime girls for the incels.

Are you actually saying that men are such uncontrollable beasts that if they don't get their porn they'll start going around raping and murdering? That's just dumb as fuck.

Not true at all.

>Photos of the teenager’s corpse show a deep cut on his right arm, horrific bruising on his neck and chest. His face is swollen and covered with cuts. A silhouette of violence runs from the corner of his left eye over the cheekbone to his jaw, and his legs are pocked with small burns the size of a lighted cigarette.
>But police in Japan’s Aichi prefecture saw something else when they looked at the body of Takashi Saito, a 17-year-old sumo wrestler who arrived at a hospital in June. The cause of death was “heart disease,” police declared.
>But when the body was returned home in another prefecture, they were shocked by its battered state. The family asked medical professors at Niigata University to perform an autopsy, which revealed that Saito’s heart stopped from the shock of injuries inflicted upon him. He probably had been beaten to death.
>Police discourage autopsies that might reveal a higher homicide rate in their jurisdiction, and pressure doctors to attribute unnatural deaths to health reasons, usually heart failure, the group alleges. Odds are, it says, that people are getting away with murder in Japan, a country that officially claims one of the lowest per capita homicide rates in the world.
>“You can commit a perfect murder in Japan because the body is not likely to be examined,” says Hiromasa Saikawa, a former member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police security and intelligence division. He says senior police officers are “obsessed with statistics because that’s how you get promotions,” and strive to reduce the number of criminal cases as much as possible to keep their almost perfect solution rate.
>Japan has one of the world’s highest suicide rates, accounting for more than 30,000 deaths a year, but police request “almost no autopsies on suicides,” which could determine whether the cause of death is what it appears, Saikawa says.

Theres actively less crime comitted in japan compared to everywhere else, means nothing. The climate there is nothing like america where you actually have a fear of walking the streets alone at nighttime. Quit bullshitting.

>Theres actively less crime comitted in japan compared to everywhere else
But we just established that's not true. The police outright lie. Sorry, weeb, your beloved country is shit tier.

nothing to do with that and everything to do with how brutal the judicial system system is there

No, stop being a faggot

>how brutal the judicial system system is there
The only thing brutal about the Japanese judicial system is how many innocent people are suspected to be in prison. Prosecutors in Japan notoriously don't bother going to trial with cases they might lose so while they brag about their 90% conviction rate that's ignoring the reality that they let enormous amounts of criminals just walk away without much of a fight because they are paranoid about their conviction rate dropping.

The justice system in Japan is completely and utterly fucked. From the bottom all the way to top it's 100% about looking good first and justice a very distant second.

look, we all know why we came to this thread so please post some pictures

>says little girls lover who never get laid
like poettery

Because men wanna have sex.

That's why the incels don't like it, yeah. Everyone else is creeped out by pedophilia because of its lasting damaging effects on the psyche and sexual development of children as they grow into adults.

More importantly, why do they focus on cowtits?

They like money

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Well games full of oversexualised fanservicing pandering dont sell anymore, so that isnt the answer.

stupid question
because it is fun

real question is: Why does the west hate fanservice so much?

They make a lot of easy money (gacha's in particular) plus Japanese high budget games still use this trick (outside of SE tho) hell women have been taking advantage of men's tendency to think with their PP for a long time

because different cultural norms,japan has a lot of backwards thinking regarding these things compared to the west

You mean the US

Because they can’t create good gameplay or story.

It's a wonder some of them will then support the transgender mental illness at a young age.

Why not?

>tailoring content to your most ardent fans
Truly a mystery for the ages...

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Do you know the meaning of fanservice?

Do you know that SJW pandering is also fanservice?

Do you know that glorification of violence is also fanservice?

Fuck off if you don't know what are you talking about.

>t. Jizzbrain

It's quite obvious OP was refering to anime tiddy fanservice

because fuck you

>lasting damaging effects on the psyche and sexual development of children as they grow into adults
Only if it's an abuse/rape. But if it's true love like Rika Sasaki and her teacher relationship in CCS, it certainly won't damage them.

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Japan doesn't give a damn about twitter that the difference. Remember when twitter wanted the Bikinis on Tekken 7 removed form the western release ? japan did not give a damn

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>twitter wanted the Bikinis on Tekken 7 removed

Using CLAMP as an example of fucked up relationships is cheating user.

It's haram according to their belief.

Then he should stop the hypocrisy and ask why western games pander political bs or why west glorifies so much ultra-violence.

You can ask the question but you should atleast sound less biased, unless of course you are part of what's destroying this hobby.

Because they respect their consumers' wishes.

I seriously don’t get why people are so anal over anime fanservice. Games that have only fanservice as their main feature rarely sell well even when you take into account their low budgets, so you can’t take the "using it as means to sell a shit game" angle.

Maybe if you're a tasteless turbo virgin

For some reason western "consumers" do not like this type of costumes on female characters.


Amwrican games are also full of fanservice. Fanservice for LGBT and former CODfags.

If it's still a good game then who gives a shit about how much fanservice there is?

It’s an easy scapegoat for those that refuse to play or fully invest themselves in a game. Or maybe they really are somehow disgusted by anime tits

Even accounting for lies Japan is better than Burgerstan, especially in the big cities.
But accounting for their bullshit they're probably even with most western Euros where absolutely nobody is afraid of walking alone at night in a big city.
You're more likely to be spooked by a weird looking shadow that your monkey brain interprets as a ghost than someone trying to rob you.

but japan is pandering to westerners more then ever, have you not seen sony?

Thats on Sony's console only tho we still have Nintendo and PC plus the PS vita doesnt seem to receive the Ps4 treatment

>Well games full of oversexualised fanservicing pandering dont sell anymore, so that isnt the answer.
Fate the game it's the best selling game Sony have right now

>It’s an easy scapegoat for those that refuse to play or fully invest themselves in a game
That sounds about right.

Not too much, but they care about fan service because they care about fans.

>why do japanese devs cater to the majority of their fans

hmmm, hard question

There is nothing wrong with fanservice. As long as its an extra instead of a core element that the game throws at your face near non-stop, it's not a bad thing.

>Some of those products are designed as a pure fanservice game
>OP complains about fanservice in jap vidya as a whole
I know this can be crazy but why dont you play something else instead of bitching about this ?

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>Why do Japanese game focus too much on things that make the game appealing and satisfy the male customer?

I know right? It's almost like they WANT men to like and buy their games. They should like, get woke and go broke! Who cares about bankruptcy when you can make a bullshit statement on twatter?

They can just shut up and fuck off and go play something else. There's plenty shit games with ugly women that aren't selling because those hypocrites don't buy them. I am not wasting my money on games with ugly shitty sjw women.

> Implying it isn't a pinup of the airplane, with an anime thot just decorating the sides.

>American media bombards consumers with sexual imagery
>nips putting sexy drawings in games is over the line though

Sex sells

>She didn't lick the pole like a dick
Not a whore

>game with fanservice
>can be as anti-consumer and broken as possible, fandom will defend even the worst things as long as their waifu is in it

>game without fanservice
>can no longer get away with garbage like inconsistent FPS, or massive microtransactions and gacha and DLC
>game is now held to an extremely high bar because it doesn't have waifushit to distract people

A game with fanservice is no better than a game designed with politics in mind, for easy game journalist clicks. All you're really doing is making garbage with a pretty face.

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DOA girls lack pubes, some swimsuits should already reveal a bit of hair.

More like only if you're not some thin-skinned prude

It effectively killed DoA, at least spiritually, even it's creator agrees

Attached: Misaki.webm (1920x1080, 1.97M)

Its creator is salty i wouldn't take his word on anything related to DoA , the franchise was niche before and still niche today nothing more nothing less.

Because why not

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Itagaki hates DOA5/6 because it became an actual competitive fighting game when he wanted to keep the series as casual as possible and he dislikes the DLC practices, not the fanservice itself.

What's this one?

He's also an idiot hack and the DOA games got much better once he left, it should be mentioned

I don't need his word to think that, it's just the cherry on top. I mean, not only the main games are ridiculously minimalistic and basically only exist to sell bikini DLCs, even the fanservice side is fucked with the devs now focusing of boring-ass "idol" OCs instead of the actual DoA girls. Shit's dead and rotting

He specifically said he created the X series to avoid fucking with the mainline too much, the DLC is just another facet of that

Sex sells. No one wants to admit it, but people have bought porn at one time or another.

>not only the main games are ridiculously minimalistic and basically only exist to sell bikini DLCs
>t.didnt paly DoA6.
The game was toned down to hell in all aspects ffs at this point even Tekken have more lewd stuff going on then DoA6 and the game remains being niche so obviously that's not what's "holding" the game back

silly anons
stop being such cunnybrains

Well, I never saw a non porn game with explicit pubes maybe a GANTZ game

So ugly western landwhales can have something to aspire to

I used the whole scene, hope that's ok:

Attached: Nyotengu.webm (640x360, 2.9M)

You exaggerate it but it's sort of true, although that brings in the question of the ridiculous fanbase crying betrayal and heresy at the idea of a mainline game that exists for more than just porn. It got to the point that characters like Hitomi being revealed with her classic martial arts outfit got called "censorship"

coz it is a good civilization

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Is that official AH art? Hahhahaha. Nothing can save that game.

Niggas buy it so they make more until the market gets sick of it.


To spilt hairs they have been in a population decline for decades with the same 1 in 4 never had sexy or left their parents house like the west has showing more evidence that both extremes fuck up young men.

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>they have been in a population decline for decades
So has most of the west, you absolute fucking retard. America is propped up by niggers and beaners, EU is propped up by mudslimes.

>The models have reduced brests to look more "realistic"
>No small bikinis
>No lewd costumes (except Chrsties BDSM suit)
>There's options to disable breast jiggle and add black textures to the models (add censoship in case you need it).
Compared to DoA5 where im exagerating exactly ?

I don’t recall saying the west wasn’t. If you read the whole post you catch I was saying both countries have the same issues

Attached: Misaki Jiggle.webm (1220x580, 2.99M)

Because Japan understands what fans want unlike in America where SJW's just want to make every game about muh social issues and equality


>The models have reduced brests to look more "realistic"
That's relative as people got used to the X models that are also purposefully thiccer. Tell me with a straight face the pink-haired bitch has too small tits
>No small bikinis
Not true, again just think of that unzipped costume for Honoka
>No lewd costumes
Again relative
>There's options
Which indeed are just options, the jiggle one was introduced with 5 too

It's an exaggeration because there's no extreme departure here

>design a White girl
>call her Japanese

Why do they stay way with this?

You gotta remember the intentions as well. Back in DoA5U, there was a shadow change in a patch that made all of the character's asses plumper after popular demand. Now theyre adding in options to cover the girls up.



Well when you have 30% of your population living with parents at age 30 or more and failing to make a life for yourself you rather just have some anime titties

Bro, this's lewd

>That's relative as people got used to the X models that are also purposefully thiccer. Tell me with a straight face the pink-haired bitch has too small tits
Shillbori waifu.
>Not true, again just think of that unzipped costume for Honoka
Aright again shillbori waifu and wheres the small bikinis for the rest of the cast
>Again relative
Is not unless you see kasumi's classic outfit as skimpy in which case everything that is not MK11 style will be too haram for you.
>Which indeed are just options, the jiggle one was introduced with 5 too
It also point out that despite being able to make the game extra safe for work people do not play it .

Just face it the tits did nothing wrong.

>That doesn't count
And I'm pretty sure Kasumi has her classic costume, what are you referring to here?

Look we can argue all day about why DoA6 is not as big as T7 or SFV but at the end of the day one thing will always stand DoA6 is safe for work and is still niche therefore the "fanservice" was not harming the franchise in any shape or form . Lets not mention waifufags can now Play DoAX for free so they are all pretty much gone from DoA6.

I'm not sure how much the west's population decline has to do with societal views on sex compared to just how fucking expensive supporting a family is nowadays.

I get what you mean, but things don't change overnight, my argument is that in general the series comes off as unfocused partially because of the relatively big focus on fanservice, that's something that predates 6 and again it isn't going to magically be fixed because of a black textures option

this, close the thread

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Because they know what is good in a MEN's life in this world of FORCED political correctiveness.
And ignore the cries of fatso landwhale woman and edgy asshole bitches with backstabbing issues

they follow they laws of AL

What Happened to MEN?

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Mai nigga! It's a crime that it's so hard to find.

>too much
Good thing they don't huh.

I love fanservice, but loli fanservice is just creepy. It's why I dont play games like Azur Lane, it just bombards you with loli.

People like you forget DOA6 is exactly what DOA5 was until they added a million smut DLC costumes

It was literally promoted with the same "we're a serious game now not a smut fighter" deal

>azur lane
I thought it was just a meme.
Picked up.

Kill self, gachatards

>I'm a flaming faggot: the post


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To service actual fans.

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>loli fanservice is just creepy
fuck off moralfag

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DoA5 had slingshot bikinis and shit like that at launch DoA6 had no even 1 bikini is clear they want to stay away from DoA5 route.

Attached: Lisa DoA5.jpg (720x720, 90K)

Well, there's quite a bit of loli fansevice like one of the ships in the current event is a loli in a small white bikini.

But there's also stuff like this (she's from the same event pool).

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-23-11-06-50[1].png (2160x1080, 2.71M)

quit being so reactionary, I can endure most loli but nsfw loli is a different story

I'm only in it for the loli anyway, if it has loli, it has my money. I know for a fact that SJWs hate lolis with passion. So you know it's a good game.

Keep trying to push this narrative.

>good game
You can just jack off to the boatgirl lolis on danbooru

azur lane doesn't have any porn ingame quit being a retarded tranny shill and kill yourself

Exactly, it's a humid climate with most homes having built in air conditioning. Offering free fan cover with games in the event of breakdown is a good selling tactic.

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Westerners hate the female form in general. Why else would they support transsexuals so fervently?

Well, you came to the right place. Hell, they've even got my favorite type of loli, the loli baba (or granny loli for those not in the know).

I like my c***y with a bit of mileage on it.

Based fighting games keeping the dream alive

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Been there and done that. But I want more of a community of lolicons appreciating lolis more than just "jack off". Of course again, non-SJW game = I'm sold.

Anglos hate that.

If you want my joking answer then I would say no such thing since my dick will never get tired from seeing 2D titties and panties. If you want my serious answer,Fanservice is only shitty when the game constantly has to piggyback on that one factor alone(for example, the Neptunia and Senran Kagura series). If the Fanservice is done tastefully with a good enough game that's already fun then sure go for it.

any fanservice game really is automatically SJW repellant
if resetrannies can't talk about it, then it is indeed a good game

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>Gal Gun made the list

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Absolutely the truth. Everyone knows this is the truth but people still give in because "muh dick".

>Mary Skelter 2 banned
>The first one is okay though
Seems legit

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Because they know they can't come up with good game play, or good narrative, or good story so they have to compensate with something they're actually decent at.

Meme rose is cute! Cute!

Because as a true gamer, this is what I want

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Video games are intrinsically fanservice. Every product has to appeal to it's audience, or nobody will buy it. Basic shit OP.

seething western cuck

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>Why do Japanese game focus too much on fanservice?
Sex sells
which is pretty damn ironic for Japan


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If there were White Europid women, I would be fine with it instead of plastic faced Mongoloids.

LMAO. Based.

>too much
no such thing as "too much"

Because, unlike their western counterparts, who hellbend on pushing their agenda and ideology, japs actually know their core auditory and create game for them

Oh no thats terrible
Tell me more games with lolis for ne to avoid

>Ace Combat only panders to aircraft fetishists.
7 was clearly aimed at cloud fetishists user.

Are you this guy?


Supply and demand my dud