

Attached: jontron.jpg (300x300, 24K)

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nu-jontron is incredibly soulless

SJW snowflake. You don't like his new staff because you think his racist. He was trick into saying racist things by a debate mastermind.

>debate mastermind

What did he mean by this?

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This post is nonsense.

I liked his architecture one


Yeah that one was pretty funny.

He has been shit since Starcade but he’s only grown more popular since. Same with Dunkey. Once they start appealing to more normies they lose their soul beyond repair. Jon has deleted a ton of his old videos for fuck’s sake.

I watched one if them and it was just a thirty minute long advert
Fuck that guy

they should cancel this sandy ass fat fuck just for being an unfunny faggot
his """"humor""""" has always been reddit trash just like h3 and his horse wife

Jon became shit when he started those Star Wars reviews. that's when he sold out.

poe's law is getting too ridiculous , i can't fucking tell anymore

i miss when he played video games and didn't have a bunch of sets and a team

The last two years and, what, 5 whole videos the entire joke has been a meta-joke about how he's advertising making fun of advertising while advertising. Wo-ah-h-ha-ah--ohaohh-a-ah!

The last good video was fucking Goosebumps and that was ages ago already.

This, why does everything he does now have to have what looks like production value behind it - just sit infront of the camera and make a fucking video like you used to, no one cares about your props

I don't like his new stuff because it's not funny.

Jontron was always reddit garbage. Yea Forums supports him only because he said racist shit unironically.

Yes. The higher the production value of one of his vids, the less funny it is. That said, he could go back to his old style and it would probably still be shit. I think he just lost his mojo.

I wish they weren't nostalgia critic skits for 60% of the video

Then why the fuck are you still watching? Holy fuck guys, learn to move on

Its Yea Forums. We are contrarian faggots, we secretly LOVE Jon and Reddit but choose to put on the mask of rage to make people think we dislike it.

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>grows audience
>”original” audience feels less special
>despite his humour not changing “original” audience becomes bitter

Keep feeling sorry for yourself faggot

Well, grow up then. I unsubbed to Jon just to forge his whole existence and I've been just fine

>Then why the fuck are you still watching?
I'm not. I'll still voice my opinion about him whenever the fuck I want, especially when I see his disgusting face on my board. Is this thread even related to video games?
speak for yourself underage capeshit memer

>by your own admission you’ve always watched all of his stuff, but pretend to hate it.

What’s the ducking point of that?

>>by your own admission you’ve always watched all of his stuff
did you give the (You) to the wrong user? when did I say I've watched all of his stuff but pretend to hate it?

It feels somehow rushed and bad decisions now , probably the sponsors and new colleagues fault but whatever.

The last good video was the last flex tape one IMO

We don't love Reddit. Reddit is for faggots. Also, stop being a faggot.

Oh no jontron said we shouldn't import insane violent third word religious fanatics. now i wont watch his videos.


god i wish this was just a fucking meme but it's not. we've choose this act and now its our lives.

I fucking hate that fake midi guitar tone.

JonTron is now literally Nostalgia Critic with a budget.

>Reddit is for faggots
>this shithole needs malware ads to keep a server up
You think you got more sauce than Reddit aka the biggest website on the internet? Think again homie. You just a hatin-ass hoe with no clout

stay broke boi

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The amazon purchases was funny, the flextape was great. Everything else is meh

>muh cancel
Shut the fuck up, you worthless millennial scum.


Terrible terrible taste

go watch le funny fat man you brainlet zoomer

Go pretend you are saving the world by shitposting on social media, you wrinkled, 30 year old, blue haired freak.

Black people are our equals and no amount of statistical evidence can prove this wrong.

Does anybody else agree with the supposedly racist shit jontron said but also thinks his new videos have been shit?

>NOOOOO you can't use the word cancel not even ironically not even on Yea Forums it triggers my anti-SJW kneejerk asspain!!!!
go paint your nails you sensitive brainlet waste of space

somehow still way more bearable then anything arin produces.

Go away newfag.

You know that his prove was made as a pol shitpost right?

>humor hasn’t changed

Please compare Dunkeys newest video with anything he made in 2013 and explain to me how the fuck they’re the exact same

>defends capeshit endorsing plebbitors
>calls others newfag

prepare for a wave of assblasted /pol/ replies

Your obsession with irony and sarcasm has gotten really old, I know you are a generation of autistic, insecure manchildren, but could you please start interacting with other people without being enveloped in 5 layers of irony, in case someone dares disagree with you?
You might have thought that morphing your personality into that of your beloved Iron Man would be fun, but it just makes you even more samey and lacking in actual personality.

I haven’t seen many of his videos, does he still have the bird? I liked the bird.

>gets triggered by a SINGLE word
>Your obsession with irony and sarcasm has gotten really old
then fuck off and never come back here again
>I know you are a generation of autistic, insecure manchildren, but could you please start interacting with other people without being enveloped in 5 layers of irony, in case someone dares disagree with you?
ok, kid from the generation who "dabs ironically" and "has depression but ironically but yes but not really I'm confused now *shoots up a school*"
>your beloved Iron Man
just because you love capeshit doesn't mean everyone does

Hey son, ya shillin your shitty mobile games again?

> It's not a shitty mobile game dad. It's called Shadow Raid legends, and it's a mobile RPG experience from some of the most talented developers for a platform superior to consoles/PC. Here, watch

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I don't think so, I haven't watched since flextape but I haven't seen the bird in the last ones I remember.

I don't even know what generations you two are talking about anymore, irony and fake depression always struck me as a gen x thing from my experience.

>then fuck off and never come back here again
No, I rather mock you.

>*shoots up a school*"
Those happen in America, and Americans being killed is always good news.

>just because you love capeshit doesn't mean everyone does
I don't, I hate them, the veyr concept of a superhero is absolutely retarded.

>seethes and complains
>fuck off
>No! *cleans off tears* I am m-mocking you!
>I don't, I hate them, the veyr concept of a superhero is absolutely retarded.

I like him

>le reddit asterisks
Very ebin.

No you don't, watching capeshit is what a millennial's entire existence revolves around.
That, and pretending social media shitposting is radical activism.

Not him but

> You like capeshit
> No, we're agreed on that
> No we aren't you like it because you're a millennial, and from that I can also extrapolate this

Are you totally illiterate lmao

the gamejam one was fucking great and you know it

There's no such thing as a millennial that dislikes capeshit, it's part of their culture, they have nothing without their shitty superhero movies.

Do I live in a bubble where the 40 year old x'ers watch capeshit all day and speak in pure fluent irony or something? Is this a coast thing?

you seem to know a lot about reddit. Asteriks in verbs have existed since the dawn of textboards and imageboards, when you were in diapers
>nonono you don't understand, you HAVE to like capeshit or else my bullshit falls apart
I don't, sorry to dissappoint you. And you might want to check the stats on the age of capeshit watchers. In any case, it's a billion dollar industry so you could blame all living generations for it.
>no nono it's YOUR generation the one that's sensitive and SJW, don't ever say the word cancel again btw or I'll cry

How did JonTron get so popular? Don't get me wrong, I like the guy. I think he's a very good personality and entertainer, but he got huge just doing a dozen video game reviews, he was gigantic well before Game Grumps and way before these modern videos with sets and production value. There are other likeable video game reviewers who have a fraction of the fanbase that JonTron has. Is there something I'm missing? Has JonTron ever done more than youtube? He doesn't stream on Twitch.

He did the AVGN format in a unique enough way that he stood on his own and didn't rely on "THIS GAME IS A HORSE TAKING AN STD RIDDLED SHIT ALL OVER MY BALLSACK" humor like every other AVGN knockoff.

His early videos were earnest feeling and pretty funny, espescially when he had what's his dick writing for him. Just a perfect storm of quotable writing and excellent delivery that made him easily discussable amongst friends.

Something being very popular != something universally enjoyed. Every generation had some bull shit for the lowest common denominator. Look at what was on TV during the '60s and '70s. Sit through an episode of The Brady Bunch, you'll learn what I mean.

I'll ask you to not diss The Bunch on this board again.

>let me tell you your motives and how you think
worst kind of non-argument

Martha, martha, martha...

They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth, user. Remember that as you read your replies

This better be trollin, Marcia.

People hated Jesus for being a projecting cocksucker from reddit.

Nice lisp, dude.

wouldn't have to do this if Youtube didn't shit the bed with advertisers and had a spine.

then again, advertisement based internet is a shitty thing that was doomed to fail anyway.

The game stuff was always great.
The wacky video and internet stuff was pretty good.
The sketches and pranks and whatever the hell he does now is shit.

>nu-jontron is incredibly soulless

I've thought about this, but I can't be upset at Nu-Jontron.
Nu-Jontron took all the money he was getting and put it directly into production quality and has been expanding and experimenting with what sort of videos he produces while trying to still garner income and control his risks. He said it himself before, "You can spend all this money making a youtube video and youtube decides to demonitize it and you're just fucked".
I literally can't blame Jontron's new 'sponsored' stuff for not being funny because he's trying to retain high quality production, control risk of investment, while at the same time expand his audience and topics to include other funny media shit besides video games. Like, I can't be upset with that. That's him trying to stay relevant and I understand this is all really difficult.

He's actively trying to not to become the lazy, uninspired, hack, that is the Nostalgia Critic.

>I liked his architecture one

The Architecture short and his Gamejam vid were great.
I like the idea that Jon did this Gamjam thing just for him and Chris O'neil because they were invited to a 'youtuber' Gamejam and Zoey Quinn basically made it incredibly unfun.
They're lucky she didn't fucking kill them.

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>Black people commit crime
>This is somehow a controversial statement
The only mistake John made was going to that "debate" in the first place. He was just listing off common knowledge. I feel bad for him. He didn't do anything wrong besides say the same shit Yea Forums says daily.

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So you're saying his crucifixion was a three day ban?

The one time I agree with this.

Freudian slip? Because his new videos are certainly made with staff and not friends.

Wait, early Jontron had a writer? What was the guy's name?

>Jon has deleted a ton of his old videos for fuck’s sake.
Please be just a joke

His last two videos where the best he has ever done.
Meanwhile his original "video game reviews" where Nostalgia Critic tier crinch and only mentally challenged children could still find them funny

I could be concocting nonsense, but I'm pretty sure peanut butter gamer wrote some of his early eps.

Dont forget.
Rich blacks commit more crimes.
Race mixing is bad.

And he's learned his lesson. He'll keep his head down from now. He's still the same bloke though. He didn't grovel and repent on everything he's ever believed and the whole event barely dented his metrics. Honestly he's done the best he could in the situation.
When you really think about it he got to signal to all the lads what he thought, took a break and came back without his metrics tanking or having to change his content. Name one other person who's had views like John publicly 'exposed and been able to shrug it off without going partisan.
John wins AGAIN

The paradigm has shifted
and Heidi just won't shut the hell up, and people are starting to realize how cuckoo for coco-puffs she really is. Just as I predicted. Jared's still kind of an idiot, though.

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Jon is way funnier than nostalgia critic, and less obnoxious because he doesnt take a superiority stance and shit on things that people like for the sake of it(I realize that NC used to shit on actually bad things that were being fondly remembered, but now it's just garbage clip show reviews of current films)


>people still use snowflake

>and reddit
kys, faggot

It’s because most people, and most especially YouTube “creators”, have such fragile egos they cannot survive without constant validation of their actions and so will bend their own views just so they can be back in the middle of the herd. People just need to learn to not let other retards inform their own life and just let them be retarded in their own corners. Social media cannot kill you unless you let it.

cory = oney > zach > stamper > mick = jeff > niall
shadman trumps all

I miss when he actually played games desu. Now he just makes videos about dumb stuff to capture the Flex Tape spark.

>I miss when he actually played games desu.
not everyone's lives revolve around video games, user

So be it. At least I have some fun in my life.