Why did you stop playing League of Legends?
Why did you stop playing League of Legends?
season 3
swapped to Dota and never looked back
I couldn't keep up with shit and the guy "training" me kept changing tactics every fucking time. One minute he told me to follow some guide and the next he asked what I was doing and told me to look at another guide. And a minute later the same thing repeated...
I had better things to do
'when the servers go down' is a piece of true visual literature
I haven't
It's trash.
>can't balance because they add a million champs
>ban people for not playing the meta in the casual playlist
>everyone is some wannabe esports fag whose one gear is a state of permanent asspain, in the casual playlist. Overall shit community
>devs are nobantzallowed faggots who don't have never had an IRL friend they could jokingly shittalk with in their fucking lives
I wish I could get into dota but the game is too complex for a Boomer like me
finally got too fed up with seasonal forced changes
s3 was the best season by far, the most diversity in what you could do, teamwork was essential but it was harder for one retard to drag your entire team down and still possible to solo carry
plus s3 gave us the best champion, quinn
i moved my computer set up to the floor and it's pretty bad trying to play league or an FPS when you're sitting on the floor
I never started playing it in the first place
I want to FUCK Ahri
getting good in this game isn't fun and riot is hellbent on removing any fun playstyle that's not part of their e-sports approved meta
I moved on to Smite and HOTS and Overwatch
I never played it
Upon finding out that, like most of this shit genre, its possible to not be able to play my waifu if someone picks her first, i realized they are cuck games for cucks who want to get their waifus stolen from them and have to watch someone else play her.
its been a few years but I tried playing it again yesterday and had a pretty good time and probably played way better than I used to. It's funny asking people what this or that champ does and seeing them get all depressed.
You can always play your waifu in blind pick mode, unless you're a slow clicker who deserves to get cucked
star guardian zoe armpits
got tired of the constant unneccesary changes and when some changes are necesary it takes them years to get to doing it at which point its to late,the meta keeps changing and i cant keep up unless a play it every day, also playing with randos is suffering especialy as jungle
The only thing worse than the game is its players.
Why is Ahri such a fucking sex icon in League? There are arguably hotter women in LoL but Ahri still gets so many fan art and skins.
>Why is Ahri such a fucking sex icon in League?
Because one of her moves is her blowing a kiss at her enemy and if it hits, they're charmed
It got very unfun to me after season 3, tried to comeback few times but never sticked around for more than a couple of games
One word:
She looks like she fucks white men
I play aram only and urf when's available.
I'll tell you right now lol have some serious lack of thicc, they need to stop making stics and lolis for fuck sakes, Illaoi is fuckugly and doesn't count.
Irelia and Kai'Sa are relatively recent thicc thots.
Because MOBAs are shit.
They're not sticcs compared to most fem lol characters, but still not thicc at all compared to thicc girls from other video games.
Because I got tired of playing 20+ minute games and not actually enjoying myself at all. I only have so much free time, I'm not going to spend it mad at 9 other fucking retards.
When I realised I am can't do that with my tits.
Actually it was when I figured out mobas are gay.
Really a terrible drawing. You'd have to be blind and dumb to find that shit 'sexy'.
I left when the new rune system and BE became a thing, the whole game felt P2W anymore because it force the player to buy RP for new champions instead of grinding them, making it hard for new accounts to acquire meta champions. (Yeah, i know you can use champion shards but that's some gacha tier shit and paying for IAP is not my thing)
They balanced the whole fucking game on flash. And also the fact that each season they made any playstyle not burst just more n more useless. My friend who still plays it was going on about how to cant build defensive anymore because assasins and adc just do too much damage so they just ignore defensive stats. Fuck apparently thorn mail doesnt even work on auto attack champs anymore. Can someone here who played lol recently confirm?
it's shit
games like this are ruining the industry
this desu
realized how boring and mindless league metagame is and went to play a game with better balance
i never started because the art direction is puerile and vomit colored and the gameplay is on an extremely boring hexagonal plane
Basically requires 5 man voice comms past a certain point.
And even then it's always been "get to 30 minutes and awkwardly dance around each other until some retard gets caught out of position and your team loses just through pure numbers alone"
Rework Evelynn is god-tier
They nerfed Zrya out of Mid and support
They killed Fiora, made ekko shit, made Jinx shit and kept adding worse & worse champs without ironing out & fixing the problems the game already had.
I remember having so much fun with every champ up till Tahlia got released. She wasn't a bad addiction but I dropped the game soon after.
I loved the game, going top ad tank orianna was a blast, I really did enjoy my time with league but it was always trying to change, and eventually most of the things I liked were removed or taken out of the game.
The tutorial was boring
Riot using teamfight tactics as an excuse to slack off on updates to the normal game
i saw it from when it was a small cool indie game degrade into a disgusting boring mess.
the chink bait doesnt help either
never started because MOBAs are complete trash. Fighting games are better AND have better girls
Who the fuck would want Ahri when Sona is right there?
I didn't like the changes they made to Skarner.
>start out as a dumbed down but more accessible DOTA
>dumb it down to the absolute max
Left when they pushed out even the least bit of creativity in builds and playstyles. They focused way too hard on cementing the top,mid, double bot and jungle meta. Also as soon as a gimmicky build got somewhat popular it got nerfed to shit.
How about both then
Mobas are fucking shit
Is this bait so we post both?
I never started.
Lmaoing @ LoLtards
Females over the age of 18 can't consent. They're too stupid to comprehend sex.
Because I noticed that me and my friends weren't having fun with it anymore. Comitting to 45 minute matches when it is clear after around ~25 minutes who's gonna win, it's just busy-work. Especially, when you are on the losing end and your team doesn't want to surrender. On top of that, it's just a katalyst of frustration. It just gets everyone in a bad mood to play it for a long amount of time.
Nowadays when we want to play a moba we just go with HotS, because it doesn't have such a fixed lane meta, matches are quicker, and you get to do more goofy shit. Is it less mechanically interesting than LoL or DotA? Fucking hell, yes. But I don't paly mobas for the mechanics or to keep up with a meta or whatever. I play mobas to kill some time with my friends.
I'm curious though, last time I played LoL (which was like 18 months ago) I had fun picking Sion on midlane and bullying squishy mages with the comet rune and my broken E minion-hitbox. Is that stuff fixed? is Sion-mid still a viable tactic?
I discovered dota
Because Dota 2 came out, same as every other person with a functioning fucking brain.
Hey fancy meeting you here user, but why leave the feet thread?
i remember back when her W gave 80% AS to her birdform and the birdform had crazy movement speed. That thing tore through towers like a madman
it's boring
Because it doesn't let me do this
They were always sexy.
came to bost this