Imagine thinking that Niggeruru will get in over the face of SNK just because she makes your penis the big penis

Imagine thinking that Niggeruru will get in over the face of SNK just because she makes your penis the big penis.

Cümbrains never prosper.

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The more you spam this literal who without any argument other than rulefagging & buzzwords, the less likely he becomes. This is Sorafagging all over again, when those faggots said Erdrick couldn't be in. Also Joker, Banjo, Heieichi & Erdrick BTFO'd the "Mascot" rule.


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>calling Terry a literal who when you want Niggeruru
Cope cümbrain.

>the 300 pound lolifag says with tears drizzling down their bloated puss filled manboobs

Nobody fucking knows what SNK is in north America, everyone from their games will be considered a literal who by 90 % of the general public. Your literal who rules mean nothing.

Let them have their fun. We'll be the real winners in the end.

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Well, they’re in Smash, zoomer. And there’s nothing you can about except that the SNK rep will be a loli you can fap too. (They won’t)

You faggots did the same thing with Erdrick, and said he was too "Irrelevant" to be added in Smash, cannot wait for you faggots to be BTFO'd again

No you won’t, delusional cümbrain waifufag.

>Implying terry doesn't make my penis the big penis

One of the main arguments of you cümbrain Niggerurufags is that SamSho just got a revival and said revival is getting ported to the switch.
Niggeruru is the new Steve and Terry is the new Banjo.

It's gonna probably be Terry or Geese honestly. Hopefully Geese. He got a Tekken crossover too didn't he?

Any man with taste would want Terry to fuck their ass but cümbrain zoomers only want to rape underage anime girls.

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> Still doesn't have a single source other than NEVER EVER, BUZZWORD BUZZWORD

Its not Terry or Geese for that reason. Terry is in Fighting EX Layer and Geese is in Tekken.

Jokes on you, you buzzword spouting faggot I would much rather get a Metal Slug character instead because fighting game characters in smash are boring, and while I think Terry is really cool, he just wouldn't be all that interesting compared to Nakoruru

he's already crossed over

I don’t need a source to say that Niggeruru will never be playable. You only need common sense for that.

"GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING Yea Forums" Terry OP when?

>nintendo includes snk input just like sf.
how hard would doing snk motion (qcb, hcf) or pretzel motion be on thumbstick?

Reminder that a character Yea Forums shilled & spammed threads about has never got in. Where's Sylux, Porky, Adeleine, Reimu, Frisk, Doomguy, Hayabusa, Crash, Leon, Ashley, Sora, Steve. guys? You were so confident. You spent all of your time crying about how Cloud, Banjo, Erdrick, Incineror, Corrin, Nakoruru all had no chance of being in Smash, only for them to be added anyway. You faggots are always wrong about everything

>Purposely excluding the few that did get in
Banjo and K. Rool were Yea Forums incarnate

No they weren't, Yea Forums was spamming threads about how they will never get in

>implying we won't get fatal cutie version
spermiarz always win baby!

Ah so you are a zoomer who has only been around for Ultimate speculation

Wrong, nice revisionism

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You DID pick a side, right, Yea Forums?

Where's Nakoruru.

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No meme picks allowed. If there's a SNK rep, it's Terry. Sabi straight up deconfirmed your shit pick. Time to cope and wait for Reimu as the 5th DLC

No Sabi didn't fag

He did. I don't know about the rest, but the Tabbender screencap is real.

there's no such thing as leakers
they're all chomping at the bit now though, maybe this time they'll finally have a "proof" for the one time they get something right
Confirmed fake, retard.

>Hayabusa has always been one of my most wanteds
>Yesterday happens
>Through the fucking roof
>Go to bed happy
>Wake up today
SNK is certainly deserving of a spot but goddamn did I get bit in the butt fucking hard. Talk about counting chickens before they hatch
I voted Team Ryu but Hayabusa is not fucking happening, Terry is a 100% lock in my eyes right now which is kind of a bummer personally because I couldn't care less about KoF / FF but I absolutely understand SNK's worth as a developer

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She's fucking IN

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user I literally still have his DMs on my discord account. He's giving himself an out because of his C&D situation, as such I'm not gonna give any more proof that it's real, even though I could, because it is.
Again, feel free to not believe me. The fact that you can choose to not believe me is exactly what's preventing Sabi from getting in trouble, so do as you want. Just don't get your hopes up for a SNK character that isn't Terry, because you're gonna be disappointed.
I have no interest in faking this.

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If it's not Metal Slug then I don't give a fuck

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terry doesn't have that unless you perform super moves
if we do get terry, we'll probably have JUST DEFEND (unique parry mechanic which also recovers health, imagine that) and the POW meter

Terry is a literal who compared to Banjo, no way he will get in

>Final 2 are Terry and Reimu
>They're revealed together in a parody of the Kencineroar trailer
>They're released together as well because Reimu looks like Nakoruru who's often paired with Terry
It's happening


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why would they put in boring dude over unique Nakoruru? In all likelihood however it's probably Fio

She's in

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Because Boring dude is fun and way more recognizable and liked than boringass Nakoruru

Imagine thinking it will be KoF AT ALL

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But Niggeruru was a different character, user.

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